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毛泽东-为人民服务-英汉对照-Edition毛泽东 为人民服务 纪念白求恩 愚公移山 MAO TSETUNG SERVE THE PEOPLE IN MEMORY OF NORMAN BETHUNE THE FOOLISH OLD MAN WHO REMOVED THE MOUNTAINS 商务印书馆 1972年·北京 为 人 民 服 务* (一九四四年九月八日)   我们的共产党和共产党所领导的八路军、新四军,是革命的队伍。我们这个队伍完全是为着解放人民的,是彻底地为人民的利益工作的。张思德[1]同志就是我们这个队伍中的一个同志。   人总是要死的,但死的意义有不同。...
毛泽东 为人民服务 纪念白求恩 愚公移山 MAO TSETUNG SERVE THE PEOPLE IN MEMORY OF NORMAN BETHUNE THE FOOLISH OLD MAN WHO REMOVED THE MOUNTAINS 商务印书馆 1972年·北京 为 人 民 服 务* (一九四四年九月八日)   我们的共产党和共产党所领导的八路军、新四军,是革命的队伍。我们这个队伍完全是为着解放人民的,是彻底地为人民的利益工作的。张思德[1]同志就是我们这个队伍中的一个同志。   人总是要死的,但死的意义有不同。中国古时候有个文学家叫做司马迁的说过:“人固有一死,或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛[2]。”为人民利益而死,就比泰山还重;替法西斯卖力,替剥削人民和压迫人民的人去死,就比鸿毛还轻。张思德同志是为人民利益而死的,他的死是比泰山还要重的。   因为我们是为人民服务的,所以,我们如果有缺点,就不怕别人批评指出。不管是什么人,谁向我们指出都行。只要你说得对,我们就改正。你说的办法对人民有好处,我们就照你的办。“精兵简政”这一条,就是党外人士李鼎铭[3]先生提出来的;他提得好,对人民有好处,我们就采用了。只要我们为人民的利益坚持好的,为人民的利益改正错的,我们这个队伍就一定会兴旺起来。   我们都是来自五湖四海,为了一个共同的革命目标,走到一起来了。我们还要和全国大多数人民走这一条路。我们今天已经领导着有九千一百万人口的根据地[4],但是还不够,还要更大些,才能取得全民族的解放。我们的同志在困难的时候,要看到成绩,要看到光明,要提高我们的勇气。中国人民正在受难,我们有责任解救他们,我们要努力奋斗。要奋斗就会有牺牲,死人的事是经常发生的。但是我们想到人民的利益,想到大多数人民的痛苦,我们为人民而死,就是死得其所。不过,我们应当尽量地减少那些不必要的牺牲。我们的干部要关心每一个战士,一切革命队伍的人都要互相关心,互相爱护,互相帮助。   今后我们的队伍里,不管死了谁,不管是炊事员,是战士,只要他是做过一些有益的工作的,我们都要给他送葬,开追悼会。这要成为一个制度。这个方法也要介绍到老百姓那里去。村上的人死了,开个追悼会。用这样的方法,寄托我们的哀思,使整个人民团结起来。   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 注释: *这是毛泽东同志在中共中央直属机关为追悼张思德同志而召集的会议上所作的讲演。 [1] 张思德同志,中共中央警卫团的战士,一九三三年参加革命,经过长征,负过伤,是一个忠实为人民利益服务的共产党员。一九四四年九月五日在陕北安塞县山中烧炭,因炭窑崩塌而牺牲。 [2] 司马迁,公元前二世纪人,中国著名的文学家和历史家,著有《史记》一百三十篇。此处引语见他的《报任少卿书》。 [3] 李鼎铭,陕北的开明士绅,曹被选为陕甘宁边区政府的副主席。 [4] 这是指当时陕甘宁边区和华北、华中、华南各解放区所拥有的人口的总数。 SERVE THE PEOPLE September 8, 1944 Our Communist Party and the Eighth Route and New Fourth Armies led by our Party1 are battalions of the revolution2. These battalions of ours are wholly dedicated to3 the liberation of the people and work entirely in the people's interests4. Comrade Zhang Si-de1 was in the ranks of these battalions5. All men must die, but death can vary in its significance. The ancient Chinese writer Szuma Chien said, "Though death befalls all men alike, it may be weightier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather2." To die for the people is weightier than Mount Tai, but to work for the fascists and die for the exploiters and oppressors is lighter than a feather. Comrade Chang Szu-teh died for the people, and his death is indeed weightier than Mount Tai. If we have shortcomings, we are not afraid to have them pointed out and criticized6, because we serve the people. Anyone, no matter who7, may point out our shortcomings. If he is right, we will correct them. If what he proposes will benefit the people8, we will act upon it. The idea of “better troops and simpler administration9” was put forward by Mr. Li Ding-ming3, who is not a Communist. He made a good suggestion which is of benefit to10 the people, and we have adopted it. If, in the interests of the people, we persist in doing what is right11 and correct what is wrong, our ranks will surely thrive. We hail from all corners of the country12 and have joined together for a common revolutionary objective. And we need the vast majority of the people with us on the road to this objective. Today, we already lead base areas with a population of 91 million4, but this is not enough; to liberate the whole nation more are needed13. In times of difficulty we must not lose sight of14 our achievements, must see the bright future and must pluck up our courage.15 The Chinese people are suffering; it is our duty to save them and we must exert ourselves in struggle.16 Wherever there is struggle, there is sacrifice17, and death is a common occurrence18. But we have the interests of the people and the sufferings of the great majority at heart19, and when we die for the people it is a worthy death. Nevertheless, we should do our best to avoid unnecessary sacrifices. Our cadres must show concern for every soldier, and all people in the revolutionary ranks must care for each other, must love and help each other. From now on21, when anyone in our ranks who has done some useful work dies22, be he soldier or cook23, we should have a funeral ceremony and a memorial meeting in his honour24. This should become the rule. And it should be introduced among the people as well25. When someone dies in a village, let a memorial meeting be held. In this way we express our mourning for the dead and unite all the people.   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: This speech was delivered by Comrade Mao Tsetung at a memorial meeting for Comrade Chang Si-de, held by departments directly under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. 1. Comrade Chang Szu-teh was a soldier in the Guards Regiment of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party. A member of the Communist Party who loyally served the interests of the people, he joined the revolution in 1933, took part in the Long March and was wounded in service. On September 5, 1944, when making charcoal in the mountains of Ansai County, northern Shaanxi, he was killed by the sudden collapse of a kiln. 2. Szuma Chien, the famous Chinese historian of the 2nd century B. C., was the author of the Historical Records. The quotation comes from his "Reply to Jen Shao-ching’s Letter". 3. Li Ting-ming, an enlightened landlords of northern Shaanxi Province, was at one time elected Vice-Chairman of the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region Government. 4. This was the total population of the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region and all other Liberated Areas in northern, central and southern China. Notes: 1 the Eighth Route…..by our Party: 共产党所领导的八路军、新四军。 led [led]是动词lead [li:d](领导)的过去分词.它引导的分词短语,用作定语,一般放在所修饰的词语的后而,led by, …..所领导的。 2 battalions of the revolution: 革命的队伍。 battalion有两个意思,一是军队编制的单位“营”:另一个是“大军”,“队伍”,作这个解时用复数。 3 (be) dedicated to: 献身于,致力于,专门从事于。 4 in the people's interests: 为人民的利益。 名词interests常与介词。of连用,构成短语,意思是“为了…的利益”。 本处短语也可写成in the interests of the people. 5 in the ranks of these battalions: 在这支大军的队伍之中; 这个队伍中的一个成员。 rank,行列; (复数) 士兵,队伍。 6 are not afraid...criticized ['kritisaizd]: 不怕别人批评指出。 “批评”和“指出”的英译和汉语原文顺序颠倒了,这是由于语言的习惯不同,意义上类似或接近的几个成分并列一起,英语先“轻”后“重”,汉语先说主要方面再及次要方面。 代词them是指shortcomings. "to have+宾语+过去分词” 这种结构: 1)表示叫别人做某事,这时分词指有意识的被动行为; 2)表示经过一种作用得到或出现某种情况,这时分词指无意识的被动行为。 前者如I have my hair cut every month (我每月去理发),后者如I had my hat blown off (我的帽子被吹掉了). 7 no matter who: 不管是什么人; 不管是谁。"no matter十疑问词”引导的是让步状语从句,表示“不管…”、“不论”的意思,这里who后省去了主谓语,不省略的形式应该是no matter who he is. 8 If what he proposes will benefit the people: 他(你)说的办法对人民有好处。 what he proposes(他所建议的)这整个分句用作条件状语从句的主语,前面“不管是什么人”的英语译文中,主语是“他”,这个条件句中的主语也是他(he),不用“你”,因为“他”这个概念可以包括任何人。汉语里打譬喻,设条件习惯以第二人称单数为主语,这个“你”字也是泛指任何人的,英语的让步句、条件句中则习惯用第三人称单数(he)为主语。 If ... the people是条件状语从句,后面的we ... it是主句。 9 "better troops and simpler administration": “精兵简政”。 10 (be) of benefit to: 对…有好处;对…有利。 11 persist in doing what is right: 坚持做对的事情。动词短语persist in(坚持)后面常用动名词。 12 We hail from all corners of the country: 我们都是来自五湖四海。 hail from和come from同义,着重“出身”方面。 all corners of the people原意是“全国各个角落”。 13 more are needed: 还更大些;还要更多些。 more指more base areas. 14 lose sight of: 看不见。 指由于某种原因而对本来存在的事物看不见。 15 pluck up our courage: 鼓起我们的勇气。 16 we must exert ourselves in struggle: 我们要努力奋斗。 exert[ig'zə:t]尽;发挥。 exert oneself尽力;努力。努力干什么后面用介词in引导的短语。 17 Wherever there is struggle there is sacrifice: 要奋斗就会有牺牲。 Wherever there is..., there is... 这种句子结构表示“那儿有…那儿便有…” 如:Wherever there is oppression, there is resistance(那儿有压迫,那儿便有抵抗) 18 a common occurrence [əʹkrəns]: 常发生的事情;常有的事。 19 have ... at heart: 心里想着; 把…放在心上;想到。 20 show concern for: 关心; 对...关怀。 21 from now on: 今后; 从现在起。 22 anyone in our ranks who has done some useful work dies: 这里主语是anyone,谓语动词是dies.语后有两个定语,一个是介词短语in our ranks.一个是定语从句“who ... work".在这种情况下,总是短语最靠近所修饰的词,定语从句则往后移。这个定语从句又含有条件的意味,和“只要他是做过一些有益的工作的”相对应。 23 be he soldier or cook: 不管是炊事员,是战士。 这是be型虚拟语气形式,用作让步状语从句。 24 have a funeral [ʹfjunərəl] ceremony [ʹseriməni] and a memorial meeting in his honour: 给他送葬,开追悼会。动词have在这用作“举行”解,和hold同义。in his honour或in honour of somebody原意为“向…表示敬意”。 25 as well: 也;同样。 26 took part in: 参加。27 wounded in service: 因工负伤。28 when making charcoal: 烧炭时,为省略式从句,全句应为when he was making charcoal. 29 an enlightened landlord: 开明绅士。英译原意为“开明的地主”。 纪 念 白 求 恩 (一九三九年十二月二十一日)   白求恩[1]同志是加拿大共产党员,五十多岁了,为了帮助中国的抗日战争,受加拿大共产党和美国共产党的派遣,不远万里,来到中国。去年春上到延安,后来到五台山工作,不幸以身殉职。一个外国人,毫无利己的动机,把中国人民的解放事业当作他自己的事业,这是什么精神?这是国际主义的精神,这是共产主义的精神,每一个中国共产党员都要学习这种精神。列宁主义认为:资本主义国家的无产阶级要拥护殖民地半殖民地人民的解放斗争,殖民地半殖民地的无产阶级要拥护资本主义国家的无产阶级的解放斗争,世界革命才能胜利[2]。白求恩同志是实践了这一条列宁主义路线的。我们中国共产党员也要实践这一条路线。我们要和一切资本主义国家的无产阶级联合起来,要和日本的、英国的、美国的、德国的、意大利的以及一切资本主义国家的无产阶级联合起来,才能打倒帝国主义,解放我们的民族和人民,解放世界的民族和人民。这就是我们的国际主义,这就是我们用以反对狭隘民族主义和狭隘爱国主义的国际主义。   白求恩同志毫不利己专门利人的精神,表现在他对工作的极端的负责任,对同志对人民的极端的热忱。每个共产党员都要学习他。不少的人对工作不负责任,拈轻怕重,把重担子推给人家,自己挑轻的。一事当前,先替自己打算,然后再替别人打算。出了一点力就觉得了不起,喜欢自吹,生怕人家不知道。对同志对人民不是满腔热忱,而是冷冷清清,漠不关心,麻木不仁。这种人其实不是共产党员,至少不能算一个纯粹的共产党员。从前线回来的人说到白求恩,没有一个不佩服,没有一个不为他的精神所感动。晋察冀边区的军民,凡亲身受过白求恩医生的治疗和亲眼看过白求恩医生的工作的,无不为之感动。每一个共产党员,一定要学习白求恩同志的这种真正共产主义者的精神。   白求恩同志是个医生,他以医疗为职业,对技术精益求精;在整个八路军医务系统中,他的医术是很高明的。这对于一班见异思迁的人,对于一班鄙薄技术工作以为不足道、以为无出路的人,也是一个极好的教训。   我和白求恩同志只见过一面。后来他给我来过许多信。可是因为忙,仅回过他一封信,还不知他收到没有。对于他的死,我是很悲痛的。现在大家纪念他,可见他的精神感人之深。我们大家要学习他毫无自私自利之心的精神。从这点出发,就可以变为大有利于人民的人。一个人能力有大小,但只要有这点精神,就是一个高尚的人,一个纯粹的人,一个有道德的人,一个脱离了低级趣味的人,一个有益于人民的人。   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 注释: [1] 诺尔曼·白求恩(1890-1939),加拿大共产党党员,著名的医生。一九三六年德意法西斯匪徒侵犯西班牙时,他曾经亲赴前线为反法西斯的西班牙人民服务。中国的抗日战事爆发,他率领一个医疗队,于一九三八年初来到中国,同年三、四月间到达延安,不久又转赴晋察冀边区。白求恩同志以高度的国际主义精神和忘我的工作热忱,为八路军伤病员服务将近两年。因为在一次为伤员施行急救手术时中毒,经过医治无效,于一九三九年十一月十二日在河北唐县逝世。 [2] 参见斯大林《论列宁主义基础》 (1924年4-5月)一文的第六部分(民族问题)。 IN MEMORY OF NORMAN BETHUNE December 21, 1939 Comrade Norman Bethune, a member of the Communist Party of Canada, was around fifty when he was sent by the Communist Parties of Canada and the United States to China; he made light of travelling thousands of miles to help us in our War of Resistance Against Japan. He arrived in Yenan in the spring of last year, went to work in the Wutai Mountains, and to our great sorrow died a martyr at his post. What kind of spirit is this that makes a foreigner selflessly adopt the cause of the Chinese people's liberation as his own? It is the spirit of internationalism, the spirit of communism, from which every Chinese Communist must learn. Leninism teaches that the world revolution can only succeed if the proletariat of the capitalist countries supports the struggle for liberation of the colonial and semi-colonial peoples and if the proletariat of the colonies and semi-colonies supports that of the proletariat of the capitalist countries. Comrade Bethune put this Leninist line into practice. We Chinese Communists must also follow this line in our practice. We must unite with the proletariat of all the capitalist countries, with the proletariat of Japan, Britain, the United States, Germany, Italy and all other capitalist countries, before it is possible to overthrow imperialism, to liberate our nation and people, and to liberate the other nations and peoples of the world. This is our internationalism, the internationalism with which we oppose both narrow nationalism and narrow patriotism. Comrade Bethune's spirit, his utter devotion to others without any thought of self, was shown in his boundless sense of responsibility in his work and his boundless warm-heartedness towards all comrades and the people. Every Communist must learn from him. There are not a few people who are irresponsible in their work, preferring the light to the heavy, shoving the heavy loads on to others and choosing the easy ones for themselves. At every turn they think of themselves before others. When they make some small contribution, they swell with pride and brag about it for fear that others will not know. They feel no warmth towards comrades and the people. but are cold, indifferent and apathetic. In fact such people are not Communists, or at least cannot be counted as true Communists. No one who returned from the front failed to express admiration for Bethune whenever his name was mentioned, and none remained unmoved by his spirit. In the Shansi-Chahar-Hopei border area, no soldier or civilian was unmoved who had been treated by Dr. Bethune or had seen how he worked. Every Communist must learn this true communist spirit from Comrade Bethune. Comrade Bethune was a doctor, the art of healing was his profession and he was constantly perfecting his skill, which stood very high in the Eighth Route Army's medical service. His example is an excellent lesson for those people who wish to change their work the moment they see something different and for those who despise technical work as of no consequence or as promising no future. Comrade Bethune and I met only once. Afterwards he wrote me many letters. But I was busy, and I wrote him only one letter and do not even know if he ever received it. I am deeply grieved over his death.0 Now we are all commemorating him, which shows how profoundly his spirit inspires everyone. We must all learn the spirit of absolute selflessness from him. With this spirit everyone can be very useful to the people. A man's ability may be great or small, but if he has this spirit, he is already noble-minded and pure, a man of moral integrity and above vulgar interests, a man who is of value to the people.   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: 1. The distinguished surgeon Norman Bethune was a member of the Canadian Communist Party. In 1936 when the German and Italian fascist bandits invaded Spain, he went to the front and worked for the anti-fascist Spanish people. In order to help the Chinese people in their War of Resistance Against Japan, he came to China at the head of a medical team and arrived in Yenan in the spring of 1938. Soon after he went to the Shansi-Chahar-Hopei border area. Imbued with) ardent internationalism and the great communist spirit, he served the army and the people of the Liberated Areas for nearly two years. He contracted blood poisoning while operating on wounded soldiers*) and died in Tanghsien, Hopei, on November 12, 1939. 2. See J. V. Stalin, "The Foundations of Leninism" (April-May 1924), Problems of Leninism, Eng. ed., FLPH, Moscow, 1954, pp. 70-79. Notes: 1 a member of the Communist Party of Canada: 加拿大共产党员。是Comrade Norman Bethune ['n:man be'ju:n](诺尔曼·白求恩)的同位语. 2 was around fifty when he was sent by...to China: 五十多岁了,受…的派遣来到中国。这是一种特殊类型的主从复合句。was around fifty(五十来岁)只表达了一个时间的概念,句子的主要内容was sent by...to China则由when引导的分句表示,这种情况,就意味着发生主从句交替的现象。凡是主句中包含了表示强烈的时间或条件意味的谓语,这种上从复合句就出现主句起从句作用,从句起主句作用的情况。3 made light of travelling thousands of miles: 不远万里,to make light of不在意;视为等闲;觉得没什么。 4 and to our great sorrow died a martyr ['ma:ta] at his post: 不幸以身殉职。to our great sorrow使我们很悲痛。介词to往往和表感情的名词一起构成短语,表示因某种行动的结果而产生的情感,如to my surprise, to his delight等。在died a martyr at his post (以身殉职)中,动词die既有本身动作概念,又起系词的作用,martyr可视作表语。 5 What kind of spirit is this that makes a foreigner selflessly adopt the cause of the Chinese people's liberation as his own? 一个外国人,毫无利己的动机,把中国人民的解放事业当作他自己的事业,这是什么精神了这是强调句型,如果去掉is this that三词,就是非强调表现的一般询问句子的结构形式了。 6 supports that of the proletariat of the capitalist countries: 拥护(支持)资本主义国家的无产阶级的解放斗争。代词that在这里是指代上文中supports后面的the struggle for liberation,是为避免重复累赘。 7 Comrade Bethune put this Leninist line into practice: 白求恩同志是实践了这一条列宁主义路线的。put...into practice (实行)是惯用成语,结构固定,不能任意更动。 8 This is our internationalism, the internationalism with which...patriotism. 这就是我们用以反对狭隘民族主义和狭隘爱国主义的国际主义。 the internationalism with which...patriotism.是一个同位语成分,和前文our internationalism同位,具有进一步解释前文的作用,internationalism一词重复,可使其概念更加鲜明突出。 9 utter devotion to others without any thought of self; 毫不利己专门利人。意即完完全全为别人,丝毫不想到白己。utter devotion有“全心全意”、“忠于”之意。 10 preferring the light to the heavy: 拈轻怕重。介词to后面用的是被否定的方面,to前而的宾语则是要肯定的东西,这是prefer...to这一短语在用法上、意义上的特点。 11 shoving the heavy loads on to others and choosing the easy ones for themselves: 把重担子推给人家,自己挑轻的。choosing the easy ones的ones是代词,代loads。 12 at every turn: 原义“每一转弯”,即每发生一变动时,引伸义为“老是”、“经常”。这里译汉语原文“一事当前”。 13 When they make some small contribution, they swell with pride: 出了一点力就觉得了不起。 make some small contribution作出了点小贡献。 make...contribution是连用词,表示“作出…贡献”,译汉语原文“出了一点力”。 swell with pride趾高气扬;觉得了不起。 14 They feel no warmth towards comrades and the people. 对同志对人民不是满腔热忱。 They feel no warmth towards...= They have no warm feeling for... 15 indifferent and apathetic [pəʹetik]: 漠不关心;麻木不仁。indifferent冷淡;不关心.它不是different的否定意义的反义词。 apathetic无动于衷;毫无同情。 16 no soldier or civilian was unmoved who...worked: 军民,…无不为之感动。 who引导的定语从句,本应紧跟它所修饰的主语soldier or civilian,但因为它很长,所以就移放在谓语的后面。 17 those people who wish to change their work the moment they see something different: 见异思迁的人。 the moment起连词作用,引导一个时间状语从句,它和who引导的定语从句中的谓语wish to change their work发生关系,它在意义上和语法功用上,相当于从属连词as soon as, 表示“一…就…”这个汉语句型结构。 18 despise technical work as of no consequence or as promising no future: 鄙薄技术工作以为不足道、以为无出路。 这里as是介词。 两个as引导的短语是直接宾语work的宾语补足语,二者构成despise的复合宾语。 19 Comrade Bethune and I...: 我和白求思同志…。英语习惯:如有别人同作主语,先说别人,后说I,与汉语习惯不同。 20 I am deeply grieved over his death. 对干他的死,我是很悲痛的。 这里grieved是形容词,起表语作用。表情感的动词大多能这样用。这里介词over表示原因。 21 Now we are all commemorating him, which shows how profoundly his spirit inspires everyone: 这里关系代词which前面有逗号,引导的是非限制性定语从句.它不代表前面哪一个词,而是指前面整个分句。 意为: 现在大家都纪念他,这种情况说明他的精神感人之深。 22 a man of moral integrity [in'tegriti] and above vulgar ['vlgə] interests: 一个有道德的人,一个脱离了低级趣味的人。 moral integrity道德上健全。 of表示“具有”的意思。vulgar interests庸俗的兴趣。 above表示“超乎其上”、“超脱”、“不屑为”的意思。如:He is above such mean actions. 意为他的品格高尚,不会做这样卑劣的事。 23 The distinguished surgeon ['sə:ən]: 著名的外科医生。比较: physician内科医生。 24 at the head of: 率领。 25 Imbued with: 充满着。引出的短语,表示原因。 26 contracted blood poisoning while operating on wounded soldiers: 在对伤员施行手术时血中毒。 27 FLPH = Foreign Languages Publishing House (苏联)外国文书籍出版局。 愚 公 移 山* (一九四五年六月十一日)   我们开了一个很好的大会。我们做了三件事:第一,决定了党的路线,这就是放手发动群众,壮大人民力量,在我党的领导下,打败日本侵略者,解放全国人民,建立一个新民主主义的中国。第二,通过了新的党章。第三,选举了党的领导机关中央委员会。今后的任务就是领导全党实现党的路线。我们开了一个胜利的大会,一个团结的大会。代表们对三个报告⑴发表了很好的意见。许多同志作了自我批评,从团结的目标出发,经过自我批评,达到了团结。这次大会是团结的模范,是自我批评的模范,又是党内民主的模范。   大会闭幕以后,很多同志将要回到自己的工作岗位上去,将要分赴各个战场。同志们到各地去,要宣传大会的路线,并经过全党同志向人民作广泛的解释。   我们宣传大会的路线,就是要使全党和全国人民建立起一个信心,即革命一定要胜利。首先要使先锋队觉悟,下定决心,不怕牺牲,排除万难,去争取胜利。但这还不够,还必须使全国广大人民群众觉悟,甘心情愿和我们一起奋斗,去争取胜利。要使全国人民有这样的信心:中国是中国人民的,不是反动派的。中国古代有个寓言,叫做“愚公移山”。说的是古代有一位老人,住在华北,名叫北山愚公。他的家门南面有两座大山挡住他家的出路,一座叫做太行山,一座叫做王屋山。愚公下决心率领他的儿子们要用锄头挖去这两座大山。有个老头子名叫智叟的看了发笑,说是你们这样干未免太愚蠢了,你们父子数人要挖掉这样两座大山是完全不可能的。愚公回答说:我死了以后有我的儿子,儿子死了,又有孙子,子子孙孙是没有穷尽的。这两座山虽然很高,却是不会再增高了,挖一点就会少一点,为什么挖不平呢?愚公批驳了智叟的错误思想,毫不动摇,每天挖山不止。这件事感动了上帝,他就派了两个神仙下凡,把两座山背走了⑵。现在也有两座压在中国人民头上的大山,一座叫做帝国主义,一座叫做封建主义。中国共产党早就下了决心,要挖掉这两座山。我们一定要坚持下去,一定要不断地工作,我们也会感动上帝的。这个上帝不是别人,就是全中国的人民大众。全国人民大众一齐起来和我们一道挖这两座山,有什么挖不平呢?   昨天有两个美国人要回美国去,我对他们讲了,美国政府要破坏我们,这是不允许的。我们反对美国政府扶蒋反共的政策。但是我们第一要把美国人民和他们的政府相区别,第二要把美国政府中决定政策的人们和下面的普通工作人员相区别。我对这两个美国人说:告诉你们美国政府中决定政策的人们,我们解放区禁止你们到那里去,因为你们的政策是扶蒋反共,我们不放心。假如你们是为了打日本,要到解放区是可以去的,但要订一个条约。倘若你们偷偷摸摸到处乱跑,那是不许可的。赫尔利已经公开宣言不同中国共产党合作⑶,既然如此,为什么还要到我们解放区去乱跑呢?   美国政府的扶蒋反共政策,说明了美国反动派的猖狂。但是一切中外反动派的阻止中国人民胜利的企图,都是注定要失败的。现在的世界潮流,民主是主流,反民主的反动只是一股逆流。目前反动的逆流企图压倒民族独立和人民民主的主流,但反动的逆流终究不会变为主流。现在依然如斯大林很早就说过的一样,旧世界有三个大矛盾:第一个是帝国主义国家中的无产阶级和资产阶级的矛盾,第二个是帝国主义国家之间的矛盾,第三个是殖民地半殖民地国家和帝国主义宗主国之间的矛盾⑷。这三种矛盾不但依然存在,而且发展得更尖锐了,更扩大了。由于这些矛盾的存在和发展,所以虽有反苏反共反民主的逆流存在,但是这种反动逆流总有一天会要被克服下去。   现在中国正在开着两个大会,一个是国民党的第六次代表大会,一个是共产党的第七次代表大会。两个大会有完全不同的目的:一个要消灭共产党和中国民主势力,把中国引向黑暗;一个要打倒日本帝国主义和它的走狗中国封建势力,建设一个新民主主义的中国,把中国引向光明。这两条路线在互相斗争着。我们坚决相信,中国人民将要在中国共产党领导之下,在中国共产党第七次大会的路线的领导之下,得到完全的胜利,而国民党的反革命路线必然要失败。   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 注释: *这是毛泽东同志在中国共产党第七次全国代表大会上的闭幕词。 [1] 指在中国共产党第七次全国代表大会上,毛泽东所作的政治报告、朱德所作的军事报告和刘少奇所作的关于修改党章的报告。 [2] 愚公移山的故事,见《列子·汤问》。原文是:“太行、王屋二山,方七百里,高万仞。本在冀州之南,河阳之北。北山愚公者,年且九十,面山而居。惩山北之塞,出入之迂也,聚室而谋曰:吾与汝毕力平险,指通豫南,达于汉阴,可乎?杂然相许。其妻献疑曰:以君之力,曾不能损魁父之丘,如太行王屋何?且焉置土石?杂曰:投诸渤海之尾,隐土之北。遂率子孙荷担者三夫,叩石垦壤,箕畚运于渤海之尾。邻人京城氏之孀妻,有遗男,始龀,跳往助之。寒暑易节,始一反焉。河曲智叟,笑而止之,曰:甚矣,汝之不惠。以残年余力,曾不能毁山之一毛,其如土石何?北山愚公长息曰:汝心之固,固不可彻,曾不若孀妻弱子。虽我之死,有子存焉;子又生孙,孙又生子;子又有子,子又有孙。子子孙孙,无穷匮也,而山不加增,何苦而不平?河曲智叟亡以应。操蛇之神闻之,惧其不已也,告之于帝。帝感其诚,命夸蛾氏二子负二山,一厝朔东,一厝雍南。自此,冀之南,汉之阴,无陇断焉。” [3] 赫尔利(1883——1963),美国共和党人。他在1944年11月底被任命为美国驻中国大使,因支持蒋介石的反共政策而受到中国人民的坚决反对,于1945年11月被迫宣布离职。一1945年4月2日他在华盛顿国务院记者招待会上的谈话中,公开宣言不同中国共产党合作。参见本卷《赫尔利和蒋介石的双簧已经破产》和《评赫尔利政策的危险》。 [4] 参见斯大林《论列宁主义基础》第一部分《列宁主义的历史根源》(《斯大林选集》上卷,人民出版社1979年版,第186—187页)。 THE FOOLI
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