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自学考试英语本科专业——英美文学选读(2008年)考卷浙江自考 □ 自考名师全程视频授课,图像、声音、文字同步传输,享受身临其境的教学效果; □ 权威专家在线答疑,提交到答疑板的问题在24小时内即可得到满意答复; □ 课件自报名之日起可反复观看不限时间、地点、次数,直到当期考试结束后一周关闭; □ 付费学员赠送1G超大容量电子信箱;及时、全面、权威的自考资讯全天24小时滚动更新; □ 一次性付费满300元,即可享受九折优惠;累计实际交费金额500元或支付80元会员费,可 成为银卡会员,购课享受八折优惠;累计实际交费金额1000元或支付200元会员费,可成为金 卡会员,购课享受七折...
浙江自考 □ 自考名师全程视频授课,图像、声音、文字同步传输,享受身临其境的教学效果; □ 权威专家在线答疑,提交到答疑板的问题在24小时内即可得到满意答复; □ 自报名之日起可反复观看不限时间、地点、次数,直到当期考试结束后一周关闭; □ 付费学员赠送1G超大容量电子信箱;及时、全面、权威的自考资讯全天24小时滚动更新; □ 一次性付费满300元,即可享受九折优惠;累计实际交费金额500元或支付80元会员费,可 成为银卡会员,购课享受八折优惠;累计实际交费金额1000元或支付200元会员费,可成为金 卡会员,购课享受七折优惠(以上须在同一学员代码下); 英语/高等数学预备班:英语从英文字母发音、国际音标、基本语法、常用词汇、阅读、写作等角度开展教学;数学针对有仅有高中入 学水平的数学基础的同学开设。通过知识点精讲、经典例题详解、在线模拟测验,有针对性而快速的提高考生数学水平。立即报名! 基础学习班:依据全新考试教材和大纲,由辅导老师对教材及考试中所涉及的知识进行全面、系统讲解,使考生从整体上把握该学科的 体系,准确把握考试的重点、难点、考点所在,为顺利通过考试做好知识上、技巧上的准备。立即报名! 冲刺串讲班:结合历年特点及命题趋势,规划考试重点内容,讲解答题思路,传授胜战技巧,为考生指出题眼,提供押题参考。配 合高质量全真模拟试题,让学员体验实战,准确地把握考试方向、将已掌握的应试知识融会贯通,并做到举一反三。立即报名! 习题班:自考365网校与北大燕园合作推出,共计390门课程,均涵盖该课程全部考点、难点,在线测试系统按照考试难度要求自动组 卷、全程在线测试、提交后自动判定成绩。我们相信经过反复练习定能使您迅速提升应试能力,使您考试梦想成真!立即报名! 论文答辩与毕业申请指导班:来自主考院校的指导老师全程视频授课,系统阐述申报自考论文的时间、论文的选题、论文的格式及内容、 与导师的沟通技巧等,并提供论文范例供学员参考。立即报名! 自考实验班:针对高难科目开设,签协议,不及格返还学费。全国限量招生,报名咨询 010-82335555 立即报名! 全国2008年4月高等教育自学考试 英美文学选读试题 课程代码:00604 I. Multiple Choice(40 points in all, 1for each) Select from the four choices of each item the one that best answer the question or completes the statement. Write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1.The Renaissance is actually a movement stimulated by a series of historical events EXCEPT_________. A.the rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek culture B.the vast expansion of British colonies in North America C.the new discoveries in geography and astrology D.the religious reformation and the economic expansion 2.Henry Fielding has been regarded by some as “_______”,for his contribution to the establishment of the form of the modern novel. A.Father of the English Novel B.Father of the English Poetry C.Father of the English Drama D.Father of the English Short Story 3.T.S.Eliot’s most important single poem _______has been hailed as a landmark and a model of the 20th-century English poetry. A.The Hollow Man B.The Waste Land C.Murder in the Cathedral D.Ash Wednesday 4.George Bernard Shaw’s play _______ established his position as the leading play-wright of his time. A.Widowers’ Houses B.Too True to Be Good C.Mrs. Warren’s Profession D.Candida 5.William Blake’s central concern in the Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience is_______, which gives the two books a strong social and historical reference. A.youthhood B.childhood C.happiness D.sorrow 6.All of the following works are known as Hardy’s “novels of character and environment” EXCETP_______. A.The Return of the Native B.Tess of the D’Urbervilles C.Jude the Obscure D.Far from the Madding Crowd 7.Among the works by Charles Dickens _______ presents his criticism of the Utilitarian principle that rules over the English education system and destroys young hearts and minds. A.Bleak House B.Pickwick Paper C.Great Expectations D.Hard Times 8.The most distinguishing feature of Charles Dickens’ works is his _______. A.simple vocabulary B.bitter and sharp criticism C.character-portrayal D.pictures of happiness 9.Among the following writers _______ created the verse novel by adopting the novelistic presentation of characters. A.Robert Browning B.Matthew Arnold C.Alfred Tennyson D.Edward Fitzgerald 10.“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good for-tune, must be in want of a wife.” The quoted part is taken from ______. A.Jane Eyre B.Wuthering Heights C.Pride and Prejudice D.Sense and Sensibility 11.Because of her sensitivity to universal patterns of human behavior, ______ has brought the English novel ,as an art of form, to its maturity. A.Charlotte Brontë B.Jane Austen C.Emily Brontë D.Ann Radcliffe 12.Shelley’s greatest achievement is his four-act poetic drama ______, which is an exultant work in praise of humankind’s potential. A.Adonais B.Queen Mab C.Prometheus Unbound D.A Defence of Poetry 13.The assertion that poetry originates from “emotion recollected in tranquility” belongs to ______. A.William Wordsworth B.Samuel Taylor Coleridge C.Robert Southey D.William Blake 14.All of the following poems by William Wordsworth are masterpieces on nature EXCEPT ______. A.“I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” B.“An Evening Walk” C.“Tintern Abbey” D.“The Solitary Reaper” 15.All of the following are stream –of- consciousness novels EXCEPT________. A.Pilgrimage B.Ulysses C.Mrs. Dalloway D.Tess of the D’ Urbervilles 16.Shakespeare’s four greatest tragedies are ________. A.Romeo and Juliet, Othello, King Lear, Hamlet B.Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, The Merchant of Venice C.Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth D.Romeo and Juliet, The Merchant of Venice, Othello, Hamlet 17.As one of the greatest masters of English prose, ________ defined a good style as “proper words in proper places”. A.Henry Fielding B.Jonathan Swift C.Samuel Johnson D.Alexander Pope 18.All of the following novels by Daniel Defoe are the first literary works devoted to the study of problems of the lower-class people EXCEPT ______. A.Robinson Crusoe B.Captain Singleton C.Moll Flanders D.Colonel Jack 19.Among the three major works by John Milton ______ is indeed the only generally acknowledged epic in English literature since Beowulf. A.Paradise Regained B.Samson Agonistes C.Lycidas D.Paradise Lost 20.English Romanticism, as a historical phase of literature, is generally said to have ended in 1832 with ______. A.the passage of the first Reform Bill in the Parliament B.the publication of Wordsworth and Coleridge’s Lyrical Ballads C.the publication of T.S.Eliot’s The waste Land D.the passage of the Bill of Rights in the Parliament 21.Contrary to the traditional romance of aristocrats, the modern English novel gives a realistic presentation of life of ______. A.the common English people B.the upper class C.the rising bourgeoisie D.the enterprising landlords 22.The major concern of ______ fiction lies in the tracing of the psychological development of his characters and in his energetic criticism of the dehumanizing effect of the capitalist industrialization on human nature. A.John Galsworthy’s B.Thomas Hardy’s C.D.H.Lawrence’s D.Charles Dickens’ 23.The Nobel Prize Committee highly praised ______ for “his powerful style-forming mastery of the art” of creating modern fiction. A.Ezra Pound B.Ernest Hemingway C.Robert Frost D.Theodore Dreiser 24.In 1950,______ was awarded the Nobel Prize for the anti-racist Intruder in the Dust. A.William Faulkner B.Robert Frost C.Ezra Pound D.Ernest Hemingway 25.Herman Melville wrote his semi-autobiographical novel ______ concerning the sufferings of a genteel youth among brutal sailors. A.Typee B.Redburn C.Moby-Dick D.Mardi 26.The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and, especially, its sequence ______ proved themselves to be the milestone in the American literature. A.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn B.Life on the Mississippi C.The Gilded Age D.Roughing It 27.The Portrait of A Lady is generally considered to be ______ masterpiece, which describes the life journey of an American ________ in a European cultural environment. A.Henry Adams’…widow B.William James’…girl C.Henry James’…girl D.Theodore Dreiser’s…widow 28.Hawthorne intended to ______ in The Scarlet Letter. A.tell a story of parental love B.tell a story of sin and bloody violence C.call the readers back to the plantation way of living D.reveal the human psyche after they sinned 29.“The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water.” This “iceberg” analogy is put forward by ______. A.Mark Twain B.Ezra Pound C.William Faulkner D.Ernest Hemingway 30.In many of Hawthorne’s stories and novels, the Puritan concept of life is condemned, or the Puritan past is shown in an almost totally negative light, especially in his ______ and The Scarlet Letter. A.Twice-Told Tales B.The Blithedale Romance C.The Marble Faun D.The House of the Seven Gables 31.The white whale, Moby Dick, symbolizes ________ for Melville, for it is complex, unfathomable, malignant, and beautiful as well. A.society B.nature C.ocean animals D.both A and C 32.After the American Civil War, the literary interest in the so-called “reality” of life started a new period in the American literary writings know an the Age of ______. A.Realism B.Reason and Revolution C.Romanticism D.Modernism 33.H.L.Mencken considered ______ “the true father of our national literature”. A.Bret Harte B.Mark Twain C.Washington Irving D.Walt Whitman 34.Altogether, Emily Dickinson wrote 1775 poems, of which only ______ had appeared during her lifetime. A.three B.five C.seven D.nine 35.The ______ Age of the 1920s characterized by frivolity and carelessness is brought vividly to life in The Great Gatsby. A.Lost B.Jazz C.Reason D.Gilded 36.Robert Frost is generally considered a regional poet whose subject matters mainly focus on the landscape and people in ______. A.the west B.the south C.Alaska D.New England 37.As ______ saw it, poetry could play a vital part in the process of creating a new nation. It could enable Americans to celebrate their release from the Old World and the colonial rule. A.Wordsworth Longfellow B.William Bryant C.Walt Whitman D.Robert Frost 38.Walt Whitman is a poet with a strong sense of mission, having devoted all his life to the creation of the “single” poem, ______. A.The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock B.The Waste Land C.Murder in the Cathedral D.Leaves of Grass 39.Realism was a reaction against Romanticism and paved the way to ______. A.Modernism B.Scientism C.Post-Modernism D.Feminism 40.Mark Twain employed an unpretentious style of ______ in his novels which is best described as “vernacular”. A.standard English B.Afro-American English C.colloquialism D.urbanism II.Reading Comprehension (16 points in all,4 for each) Read the quoted parts carefully and answer the questions in English. Write your answers in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet. 41.“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer’s lease hath all too short a date:” Questions: A.Identify the poet and the poem from which the quoted lines are taken. B.Name the figure of speech employed in the poem. C.What is the theme of the poem? 42.“Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? —You think wrong!… And if God had gifted me with some beauty, and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you…—it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at God’s feet, equal—as we are!” Questions: A.Identify the author and the novel from which the quoted part is taken. B.To whom is the speaker speaking? C.What does the quoted part imply about the speaker? 43.“The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.” Questions: A.Identify the poet and the poem from which the quoted lines are taken. B.What does the word “sleep” mean? C.What idea do the four lines express? 44.“I celebrate myself, and sing myself, And what I assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. I loafe and invite my soul, I learn and loafe at my ease observing a spear of summer grass.” (from Walt Whitman’s “Song of Myself”) Questions: A.Whom does “myself” refer to? B.How do you understand the line “I loafe and invite my soul”? C.What does “a spear of summer grass” indicate? III.Questions and Answers(24 points in all, 6 for each) Give a brief answer to each of the following questions in English. Write your answers in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet. 45.“ ‘My boy!’ said the old gentleman, leaning over the desk. Oliver stated at the sound. He might be excused for doing so, for the words were kindly said, and strange sounds frighten one. He trembled violently, and burst into tears.”(from Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist) Explain why Oliver Twist started first, then trembled violently and burst into tears when the words were “kindly” said. 46.It is said that B. Shaw’s play, Mrs. Warren’s Profession, has a strong realistic theme, which fully reflects the dramatist’s Fabianist idea. Try to summarize this theme briefly. 47.“In your rocking-chair, by your window dreaming, shall you long, alone. In your rocking-chair, by your window, shall you dream such happiness as you may never feel.”(from Theodore Dreiser’s Sister Carrie) What idea can you draw from the “rocking-chair”? 48.Why are naturalists inevitably pessimistic in their view? IV.Topic Discussion(20 points in all, 10 for each) Write no less than 150 words on each of the following topics in English in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet. 49.Daniel Defoe’s novel Robinson Crusoe was a great success partly because the protagonist was a real middle-class hero. Discuss Crusoe, the protagonist of the novel, as an embodiment of the rising middle-class virtues in the mid-eighteenth century England. 50.“ ‘My faith is gone!’ cried he(Goodman Brown),after one stupefied moment. ‘There is no good on earth; and sin is but a name. Come, devil! For to thee is this world given.’ ”(from Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown”) Make a comment on this passage.
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