
Das Leben der Anderen 《窃听风暴》电影中英对照剧本

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Das Leben der Anderen 《窃听风暴》电影中英对照剧本Das Leben der Anderen 《窃听风暴》 Das Leben der Anderen 《窃听风暴》 -Soldier: Halt. Look down. Keep walking. halt: 停止 look down: 向下看 停步,目光朝下。继续走。 Inquiry Prison of the Ministry for State Security. inquiry: 调查 prison: 监狱 ministry: (政府的)部 security: 安全 国家安全局调查监狱 -Soldier: Addres...
Das Leben der Anderen 《窃听风暴》电影中英对照剧本
Das Leben der Anderen 《窃听风暴》 Das Leben der Anderen 《窃听风暴》 -Soldier: Halt. Look down. Keep walking. halt: 停止 look down: 向下看 停步,目光朝下。继续走。 Inquiry Prison of the Ministry for State Security. inquiry: 调查 prison: 监狱 ministry: (政府的)部 security: 安全 国家安全局调查监狱 -Soldier: Address him as Captain. address as: 称呼 captain: 上尉 要尊称他上尉。 -Wiesler: Come in. Sit down. Hands under your thighs, palms down. What do you have to tell us? thigh: 大腿 palm: 手掌 进来,坐下,手压在大腿下,手心朝下。你有什么要告诉我们的? -Prisoner 227: I haven't done anything. I don't know anything. 我什么都没有做。我什么都不知道。 -Wiesler: You've done nothing, know nothing. So you think we just arrest innocent citizens on a whim? arrest: 逮捕 innocent: 无罪的 citizen: 市民 on a whim: 心血来潮 whim: 一时的兴致 什么都没做?什么都不知道?你认为我们会随便逮捕无辜民众吗? -Prisoner 227: No, not... 不...不是这样... -Wiesler: If you think our humane system is capable of something like that ...that’d be reason enough to arrest you. humane: 仁慈的 system: 体制 capable: 有能力的 如果你不信任国家的制度..我们可以此逮捕你。 We want to jog your memory, Prisoner 227: Your friend and neighbor fled the Republic on September 28th. jog: 提醒 neighbor: 邻居 我们要唤起你的记忆,227号囚犯,你的邻居于九月二十八日逃到西德。 And we have reason to believe he was helped. 证据显示有他人协助 -Prisoner 227: I don't know anything about it. He never told me, he wanted to leave. 这事我毫不知情。他没说他想离开, I first heard about it at work. 我去上班才知道的。 -Wiesler: Describe what you did on the 28th of September. 说说你九月二十八当天做了什么? -Prisoner 227: That's already on record. 那个笔录上已经有了。 -Wiesler: Once more please. 再说一次 -Prisoner 227: I took my kids to the park for a walk, ran into an old classmate there, Max Kirchner, 我带我的孩子到公园散步,在那里遇到一位老同学Max Kirchner ...went to his place and listened to music into the evening. 我到他家里听音乐,聊到很晚。 He has a phone. You can call him. He'll corroborate everything. I can gladly give you the number. 他有电话,你可以打给他.他会全力配合。我可以把他的电话号码给你们。 -Wiesler: The enemy of our State is arrogant. Remember that. 国家的敌人的态度是很傲慢的,务必切记。 We have to be patient with him, some 40 hours of patience. patient: 耐心 对付这种人要有耐心.,接下来是四十小时的盘问。 I'll fast forward some. forward: 向前的 往前快转一些 -Prisoner 227: I want to sleep. Please let me sleep. 我想睡觉...拜托...让我睡个觉... -Wiesler: Hands under your thighs. Please explain again what you did on September 28th. 手压在大腿下。请再描述九月二十八当天你做了什么? -Prisoner 227: Please, just an hour, just a little... just a little sleep... 求求你,让我睡一个小时也好...一下就好... -Wiesler: Tell me again what you did on this day. 请你再描述一遍那天你做过些什么? -Student: Why did you have to keep him awake for so long? I mean, that's inhumane. awake: 醒的 inhumane: 无人情味的 为什么要他一直醒着?我的意思是...这样做不太人道。 -Wiesler: An innocent prisoner becomes angrier every hour he is kept there ... 无罪的人会因为留在那而愈加愤怒, because of the injustice done to him. injustice: 不公正 因为他觉得受委屈。 He screams and rants. A guilty one becomes quieter, says nothing...or starts to cry. scream: 尖叫 会开始大喊、咆哮,有罪的则会沉默不语,或开始哭泣。 He knows that he rightly sits there. rightly: 正当的 他知道为何会坐在那。 If you want to know whether someone is guilty or not ... guilty: 有罪的 想知道某个人是否有罪... the best way is to keep asking until they no longer can. 最好的办法就是不断的询问,直到他无法忍受。 -Prisoner 227: ...classmate Max Kirchner. ...和同班同学Max Kirchner We went to his place ...and listened to music into the evening. He has a phone. You can call him. 我们去他家里,我到他家里听音乐,聊得很晚。他有电话,你可以打给他。 He'll corroborate everything. corroborate: 互相印证 他会全力合作的 -Wiesler: Anyone notice anything about this statement? statement: 声明,陈述 有谁发现什么状况? -Student: He says pretty much the same thing. 他不断重复说同一句话。 -Wiesler: He says exactly the same thing, word for word. exactly: 完全的 这个嫌犯每次回答都一字不差。 Those who tell the truth can paraphrase whenever. paraphrase: 改写 说实话的人会改写句子 Do that as well. A liar has particular sentences to fall back on during states of increased stress. liar: 说谎者 particular: 特别的 fall back: 后退 increased: 增加 stress: 压力 做达上的改进,说谎的人面临压力时,会说出特定句子反应。 227 is lying. We have 2 important indications, and can increase the intensity. indication: 迹象 intensity: 强度 227号在说谎.握有这两项重要特征后,可开始施加压力。 If you don't tell me the name of the escapee's helper, your wife will be arrested tonight... escapee: 逃亡者 如果你不说出帮助他逃跑的名字,你太太今晚会被逮捕。 and your kids put into a state reformatory. reformatory: 少年管教所 你的孩子则送进感化院。 Is that what you want? What's the helper's name? Who was it? 这是你要的吗?帮助者的名字?是谁? -Prisoner 227: Glaesker. Glaesker... -Wiesler: Come again, louder. 再说一次,大声点. -Prisoner 227: Glaesker... Werner Glaesker, Werner...Glaesker. Glaesker... Werner...Glaesker. -Wiesler: Quiet. Quiet! Listen. Can anyone tell me what that is? The preserved scent for the dogs. preserved: 保存的 scent: 气味 安静,安静!注意听。有谁能说出这是什么吗?这保留了给警犬闻的气味。 It's to be removed after every interrogation, and never left behind. removed: 移开 interrogation: 审问 leave behind: 遗留 侦讯完毕后,务必将它保存起来, With interrogation, you are working with enemies of Socialism. Socialism: 社会主义 进行审问时,你在对抗社会主义的敌人。 Don't forget that. Have a nice day. 别忘了这点.祝各位愉快! -Grubitz: That was good! That was really good. 太棒了!教得太好了! How was it ...when we sat here together 20 years ago? You know, they proposed me for a professor job. proposed: 被提议的 professor: 教授 想当初...二十年前的我们还坐在台下...你知道吗?他们推荐我当教授. See, grades don't matter in the real world, even though mine weren't too bad. 分数不是什么重要的事, 当然...我当时混得不差! -Wiesler: What's on your agenda? agenda: 议事日程 你还有要忙的吗? -Grubitz: Why do you always think I have a hidden agenda? I just wanted to invite you to the theater. theater: 剧场 为何觉得我还有什么事要做的?我想邀你去剧院. -Wiesler: The Theater? 剧院? -Grubitz: I heard that Minister Bruno Hempf is going to be there tonight. minister: 部长 我听说Bruno Hempf也会去。 I ought to attend as head of the Culture Department. 而我必须像个文化部门长官出席。 It starts at 7. We should get going. Minister Bruno Hempf, 1 o'clock. 晚上七点钟开演,动作得快了。Bruno Hempf部长在一点钟方向。 He worked for the Ministry, before he was called into the Central committee. ministry: (政府的)部 committee: 委员会 选上中委会之前他在部门工作, Cleaned house in those days with the theater scene. scene: 场景,现场 从事剧院的整肃工作。 Georg Dreyman, the poet. poet: 诗人 剧作家Georg Dreyman -Wiesler: He's the kind of arrogant guy I always warn my students about. arrogant: 傲慢的 就像那种上课被我警告的傲慢学生。 -Grubitz: Arrogant, but loyal. If everyone were like him, I'd be jobless. loyal: 忠诚的 jobless: 失业的 虽然傲慢但很爱国,大家都像他的话我们就失业了。 He's our only unsuspicious author and is still read in the West. unsuspicious: 无怀疑的 他是唯一去过西德还不被怀疑的作家。 For him, the GDR is the best country in the world. See for yourself. 多亏他,让民德成为世界最美好的国度!开始了。 -WomanA: Dear child, what's wrong? A new vision? vision: 光景 亲爱的孩子,怎么回事? 你看到什么了? -WomanB: Say something, Martha! Please! 拜托你说说话, Martha! -Martha: Your Arthur... 你的Arthur...no longer lives.已经死了. -WomanA: Arthur? Isn't it possible you're wrong this time? Arthur? 也许这次你错了。 -Martha: No sisters, believe me. He has fallen into death. The powerful wheel has ground him up. fall into: 陷入 powerful: 强有力的 不,姐妹们,相信我。他已堕入死域,巨轮将他辗过。 I see it...and would rather see any other horror. Why I am not spared from this vision? horror: 恐怖 spare: 使…不受…的伤害 我亲眼看见的。但我宁可看见其他惨剧。为何我脱离不出这种痛苦? Elena, go home. Elena,回家去吧! -Grubitz: And, did you like it? Dreyman's good, huh? 你喜欢吗? Dreyman很棒吧? -Wiesler: I would have him monitored. monitor: 监视 我要监视他。 -Grubitz: Monitored? That teaching is corrupting your instincts, Wiesler. corrupt: 使…腐烂 instinct: 直觉 监视他?教还真会侵蚀你的的直觉! Wiesler. -Wiesler: I'd even be the point man. 我要亲自出马 -Grubitz: I told you he's cleaner than clean. Even Hempf came to his premiere. premiere: 初次公演 跟你说他是最清白的,连Hempf都会看他的首演。 If you monitor someone like that, you bite the hand that feeds. I'm going downstairs for a sec. bite: 咬 downstairs: 楼下的 监视这种人无疑是拿石头砸自己脚。我下去一下子。 Faces of Love 爱的容貌 -Hempf: I'm hearing a lot about your work. They say, "Our culture is in good hands". 我听说过很多关于你的,他们说"我国的文化很健康"。 Your name is mentioned often in the party. mention: 提及 你名字常被党提到。 -Grubitz: We're "the shield and sword of the party", Minister We're conscious of that every moment. shield: 盾 sword: 剑 conscious: 神志清醒的 首长先生,我们是"党的盾牌与利剑",并以此提醒自己。 -Hempf: What do you think of him? 你觉得他怎么样? -Grubitz: Georg Dreyman? Maybe... Georg Dreyman? 也许... -Hempf: Maybe what? 也许什么? -Grubitz: Maybe he's not...not as clean as it seems. 也许他...没想像中的那么清白... -Hempf: Grubitz, that's why guys like you and me are at the top. Grubitz,就是你我这种人会坐上大位 The standard Stasi schmuck would've said: he's one of our country's best, loyal, all this garbage... standard: schmuck: 笨人 garbage: 垃圾 普通的Stasi笨蛋会说: 他是我国最棒,最忠诚...之类的废话... but we see more. 但我们看到更多。 You could make it up the ladder, Grubitz. There's something fishy about him. ladder: 梯子 fishy: 靠不住的 你也会出头的,Grubitz。 I feel it in my gut, and it doesn't lie. gut: 肠 我能感觉得到他有问,不骗你。 Next week Thursday is a party at Dreyman's. 下礼拜四Dreyman家有派对。 A few shady people are coming, Hauser and those vermin. vermin: 害虫 一些可疑人士也会去,像是Hauser和那些坏蛋。 Try and organize something by then ...something small and discreet, procedures A and B. procedure: 程序 discreet: 谨慎的 试着安排一些东西...一些小小的,隐密的设备... Just his apartment, nothing flashy. He has powerful friends. 在住处就好,不要张扬,他的后台很稳。 No one can find out about this until we've found something. apartment: 公寓 找到证据前,不能让别人知道。 And when you find something against him, you've got a fat friend in the Central committee. 如果能抓到他的弱点,,那你和中委会关系可好了! Know what I mean? 知道我的意思吧? -Grubitz: Minister, have a good evening. 部长,祝你今晚愉快 -Dreyman: Why's he still watching? What's he even doing here? I think, he fancies you. fancy: 喜好 他干嘛一直盯着我们看?他在这里干什么?我想他对你有意思。 -Hempf: I insist on proposing the toast tonight to our community of culture. insist on: 坚持 toast: 敬酒 community: 团体 我坚持要为我们的文化界致一段词... A famous Socialist once said: 有位著名的社会主义者曾说: The poet is the engineer of the soul. engineer: 工程师 soul: 灵魂 诗人是灵魂的工程师 And Georg Dreyman is one of the most important engineers in our country. Charming comrades. charming: 迷人的 而Georg·Dreyman是我们最重要的工程师之一。亲爱的同志。 -Dreyman: Paul! Stop that. Paul,够啦! -Hempf: And of course Christa-Maria Sieland. She is the most beautiful pearl of the GDR. pearl: 珍珠 当然还有Christa-Maria Sieland, 全民德最漂亮的珍珠。 I won't accept any objections to that. objection: 异议 不容许有异议! So, please raise your glasses and toast to Christa-Maria Sieland. May you live long! 请各位举起酒杯祝福Sieland夫人:事业蒸蒸日上! -Dreyman: the fact, someone like that can even address you... 那种人配不上你。 -Christa: Please, stay here. 别离开我。 -Hempf: And now another lively number. May I? How did you like my little speech? lively: 活跃的 继续演奏吧。可以吗?喜欢我的致词吗? -Dreyman: Thank you very much. 多谢 -Hempf: I liked your play as well. Really, it was good. 我喜欢看你的戏,真的!很不错。 -Paul: Engineer of the soul. That was Stalin you quoted. quote: 引用 灵魂的工程师,那是斯大林说的。 -Hempf: Oh yeah? Well, I like to provoke every now and then, Hauser. provoke: 激怒 噢,耶?你想怎么激我都没关系,Hauser. But on the other hand, I know how far I can take that. 但我的忍耐是有限度的。 In that way, I'm more like our dear Dreyman. 所以我更喜欢可敬的Dreyman。 He knows that the party needs the artist, but the artist the party even more. 他了解党需要艺术家,而艺术家更需要党。 -Christa: If you guys want to talk politics, I need to find someone else to dance with. politic: 政治 你们一直在聊政治,我要去找人跳舞了。 -Hempf: I'm ready. 我准备好了! -Christa: Too late, too late. 太慢了!太慢了! -Hempf: I've been following the developments of our theater for a while. development: 发展 for a while: 暂时 我观察剧院的发展好一段时间了。 -Paul: Didn't you follow them professionally before? professionally: 专业的 所以你之前只是闹着玩的喽? -Dreyman: Paul! Paul! -Hempf: It's fine Herr Dreyman. We've known each other for a long time. 没关系,Dreyman. 我们认识有一段时间了。 Herr Schweiber. You did a fine job tonight as well. Schweiber先生,今晚表现不错。 Dreyman, I'm glad you're working with such directors now. There were other times though... director: 导演 Dreyman,很庆幸你与这样的导演合作,之前几次... -Dreyman: You mean Jerska? I think you sentenced him too harshly. sentence: 判决 harshly: 严厉地 你是指Jerska?我觉得你对他的处罚太重了, Of course. His statement crossed the line. No question. statement: 声明 当然他当时做得太过火了。 But...put yourself in his position for a minute, you as a man of your word. position: 位置 但...站在他的角度想想, He can't take back his signature from this declaration. signature: 签署 declaration: 宣言 他曾经发表过的誓言,不可能自己又将它打破。 Comrade Hempf, the man could work at any theater in the West. Hempf同志,Jerska到西德随便都有工作。 But he doesn't want to leave, because he firmly believes in Socialism and this country. firmly: 牢牢的 但他不想离开,因为他相信这体制和国家。他的禁令真的太... 现在谁还谈会这个? -Hempf: That doesn't exist here. You ought to choose your words more carefully. 已经没有这种东西了,你的措词得小心点。 -Dreyman: Comrade Hempf, I'll tell you this now: Hempf同志,我想跟你说: My plays aren't so good, that someone like Schweiber could direct them. direct: 指挥 给Schweiber执导的话,我的戏就不会那么好。 I need Jerska. And I Think you sentenced him too hard... sentenced: 判决 我需要Jerska,我认为他的处罚太重了。 -Hempf: See here. I don't think so. 我可不认为。 But that's what we all love about your plays. 我们喜欢你的剧本, The love of man, good people ...believing that someone can change. 是因为你对人类的大爱...坚信人会改变。 Dreyman... no matter how often you write that in your plays ...people don't change. Dreyman...不管你的剧本写了什么东西,人是不会改变的。 So how's he doing anyway? 他想干嘛? -Dreyman: He was hoping that his career b... that he'd be allowed to work again soon. Can he hope? career: 职业 他希望他的职业禁....能尽快恢复工作。有可能吗? -Hempf: Of course. As long as he's alive, and even longer. 当然,只要他活够久就有希望, As you know Dreyman, Hope is the last thing to die. 就像你说的"希望总是最后才幻灭"。 -Grubitz: The Tech. Team will be ready tomorrow morning for the wiretapping. Tech: 工业用 wiretapping: 窃听器 技术小组明早就可准备布线. It's important that everything's done by Thursday. It's all up to you. Can you manage that? manage: 处理 星期四的纪录很重要,全看你了。你应付得来吧? -Wiesler: Good night. 晚安. -ManA: Need to go. Otherwise, I'll get in trouble. otherwise: 否则 再不走有人就要发飙了。 -ManB: By whom? My girlfriend. 谁? 我女朋友 -Wiesler: 20 minutes. 二十分钟 -Meineke: Yes? 什么事? -Wiesler: Frau Meineke, one word to anyone... and your Marscha loses her acceptance to medical school. acceptance: 接受 Meineke太太,只要透漏任何一个字,你的小Marscha就会从医学院剔除。 Is that understood? 您听懂了吗? -Meineke: Yeah. 知道了 -Wiesler: Send Frau Meineke a thank-you gift for her secrecy. secrecy: 秘密 请给Meineke太太登记在答谢名单上. -Albert: Thursday already. Time goes by too fast. 又是礼拜四。时间过得太快了。 -Dreyman: It's better so. How're you doing? 这样才好! 最近还好吗? -Albert: Not too bad. It's not always this noisy. noisy: 喧闹的 还不差。不是一直都是这么吵的 -Dreyman: I know, just on Thursdays. 我知道,星期四才这样。 -Albert: Yeah. 没错 -Dreyman: we missed you at the premiere. premiere: 初次公演 我们首演时你没去。 -Albert: Schweiber have a good epiphany? epiphany: 显灵 Schweiber导的不错吧? -Dreyman: What was good, he stole from you. 他从你那里偷来的当然好。 -Albert: That's how my ideas stay alive. 那我还有可取之处 Don't think me evil, but I can't stand the sight of this fat, spiffed up people at such a premiere. spiff: 把…打扮整齐 你别讶异,但我不想在首映会看到那些光鲜亮丽却脑满肠肥的家伙。 That doesn't sound like me, does it? 不像是我会说的话,对吧? But maybe it does after all. Maybe that wasn't the real me back then... 也许我生来就如此,而到后来却变了。 friendly and kind to people off the concentrated feed of success. concentrated: 全神贯注的 变成只会顺从体制,失去追求理想的渴望 For which I'm indebted to the big shots for their mercy. indebted: 负债的 shot: 发出 mercy.: 怜悯 .以作为他们的略施小惠的回报... But I'll stop complaining. In my next life I want to be a writer, a happy writer who can write all the time. complain: 抱怨 但是我会停止抱怨,下辈子我当作家,随时能写作的快乐作家。 Like you. 就像你。 What does a director have if he's not allowed to direct? 不能导戏的导演还有什么戏唱? Nothing more than a projectionist without films, a miller without flour. He has nothing left. Nothing left... projectionist: 放映师 miller: 磨坊主 flour: 面粉 就像没影卷的放映师,没面粉的磨坊师父,毫无用处.,毫无用处... -Dreyman: Albert, the Minister was at the premiere too. Minister Hempf. Albert...部长也有去看首演.Hempf部长. I talked to him about your ban. It's looking good. He gave me some hope, was very literal, very specific. ban: 禁令 literal: 字面上的 我跟他谈了你的禁令,看起来不错,他给了我希望,字面上很明确。 -Albert: Really? That's nice. 真的?太好了 -Christa: Jerska, the wine connoisseur. And how's our sacred drinker doing? Is he coming? connoisseur: 鉴定家 sacred: 神圣的 Jerska,我们敬爱的品酒大师...他会来吗? -Dreyman: I forgot to ask him. 我忘了问他... -Christa: You're vigorous and strong. And I need you. Don't bring this destructive cycle into your life. vigorous: 精力充沛的 destructive: 破坏性的 cycle: 循环,周期 你有活力又坚强,我需要你。不要把这种负面关系带到生活中 -Dreyman: Albert's my friend. Albert是我朋友 -Christa: And you're mine too. 而你是我朋友。 -Dreyman: Looks like something for a 50th birthday party. I'm turning 40 though, aren't I? 感觉好像要庆祝五十岁的派对。我就要四十岁了对吧? -Christa: Don't forget. You promised to wear a tie for your birthday. promised: 允诺 别忘了,你答应我生日的时候要打领带。 -Dreyman: I would, but I don't have one. 我知道,但我没有领带。 -Christa: No more excuse. 这下没有理由了吧! -Dreyman: A tie? 领带? -Christa: You did say, you didn't want any books. Or can't you tie one after all, you old working poet? 你说过不想再收到书了。还是说..像你这种蓝领诗人不会打? -Dreyman: You think I can't tie a tie? I was born with a tie. You forget I had to break free of this chain of the middle class. chain: 链 你觉得我不会打领带?我生下来就会了。但你忘了,我要解开这锁住资产阶级的枷锁。 -Christa: Then chain yourself to it just once more for me. 那就再为我锁上一次吧! -Dreyman: Tying a tie. A minor detail. Frau Meineke, come here for a second. Can you tie a tie? minor: 较小的 打领带…没什么大不了的!Meineke夫人,麻烦你过来一下!你会打领带吗? You can't imagine how grateful I am. Something wrong? grateful: 感激的 你无法想象我有多感激! 有什么不舒服吗? -Meineke: No, I'm fine. 没有,我很好。 -Dreyman: Done? Wonderful! It's perfect. Couldn't be better. But this has to be our secret. 好了?太棒了!不能再好了!但这是我们的小秘密, You can keep a secret, can't you? 你不会说出来吧? -Meineke: Yes. 不会... -Christa: Gosh! I really didn't think you could do it. You don't beat around the bush when it comes to what you can do. beat: 拍打 bush: 灌木丛 老天!我还以为你不会打呢!说出会做的事不用拐弯抹角 -Dreyman: You just didn't know I can do almost anything. 你不知道,我什么都会做! -Christa: Our first guest. Our dear good neighbors locked the door downstairs. Can you go? 第一位客人来了!我们可爱的邻居把大门锁了,你能开一下吗? -Dreyman: On my way. 我这就去。 -Man: Master? Our present. 大师?!这是我们的礼物 -Dreyman: I specifically said no books. Thank you. specifically: 特定的 我提醒过不要书.,谢谢! -Christa: Want something to drink? 想喝些什么吗? -Woman: Sure. A seltzer. Vodka for me. seltzer: 苏打水 好啊.苏打水,我要伏特加 -Dreyman: I'll get it. What the hell. Why's Albert sitting by himself? 我去拿。搞什么?!怎么Albert一个人坐在那里? -Wallner: He doesn't want to talk to us. He just turned us away. turn away: 把…打发走 他不想跟我们说话,也不想理我们。 -Albert: I brought you something too. 我做了一样东西给你。 -Dreyman: Did you really come here to read? 你来我这里就为了看书? -Albert: It's Brecht anyway. I feel like an impostor amongst all these people. impostor: 骗子 amongst: 在…之中 这是Brecht,在这里我感觉像个欺世盗名的人。 -Dreyman: Impostor? Come on Albert. You're losing grip on reality. You know we admire you. Every one admires you. grip: 紧抓 admire: 钦佩 欺世盗名?拜托,你脱离现实了。你知道我们很崇拜你,大家都一样。 -Albert: Yeah, for something I did 10 years ago... and probably could never do again. 对啊,十年前我尝试过的,现在再也没有人做了... -Paul: Ah. My favorite director. Wait a sec; I need to talk to you. Man, 亲爱的导演!真是惊喜! 等等,我想跟你聊聊, explain to me exactly how you got this job. 说说你得到这职位的真正原因吧! Your talent, naturally. Of course! But what else did you do? Hum? talent: 才能 当然有用到你的天赋,对吧?但此外你还做了什么?嗯? Every one knows, you're with the Stasi, you washout. washout: 失败 大家知道你帮Stasi工作,你失败了! -Schweiber: That's an unbelievable allegation. Don't forget that... unbelievable: 难以置信的 allegation: 断言 不要妄下断言!别忘了... -Dreyman: Paul! What? Schweiber, excuse my friend. He's had too much to drink. Paul! 什么事?Schweiber,我很抱歉,他喝太多了。 -Paul: What's with you? You know he's with the Stasi. 你是怎么搞的?! 你不知道他帮Stasi工作吗?! -Dreyman: No, Paul. I don't know that. 不,Paul,我不清楚。 -Paul: You're such a miserable idealist; you're almost some big shot. miserable: 悲惨的 idealist: 理想主义者 你真是个可悲的理想主义者,你曾经很有影响力的。 Who do you think messed up Jerska so bad? People like that. mess up: 混乱 为何Jerska被整得那么惨? 那些人... Narks, traitors and conformers. You have to pick a side sometime; otherwise you're not a person. nark: 密探 traitor: 叛徒 conformer: 服从者 告密者,叛徒,屈服者。你终究要站到这一边,不然称不上是人。 If you want to do something about it, then call me. Otherwise we don't need to see each other anymore. 想通以后再打给我,不然就别见面了! -Christa: Your friends don't have much taste, do they? taste: 品味 你的朋友没什么品味,对吗? -Dreyman: That's really unfair. The back scratcher, for example. It's wonderful. scratcher: 抓扒工具 这样说不公平,举例说:这只抓背刷...真漂亮! -Christa: That's a salad fork. salad: 色拉 那是沙拉叉啦! -Dreyman: Never the less. Wonderful. Check this out. I'll write my next play with this. 管它是做
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