

2010-12-01 15页 doc 190KB 90阅读




IP地址申请表格填写范例.doc��#[NETWORK TEMPLATE]# #[NETWORK TEMPLATE]# netname: SCUT-CN descr:华南理工大学 descr: South China University of Technology descr: Guangzhou,Guangdong 510641,China country: CN origin: AS4538 admin-c: Xuewei Yang(杨学伟) tech-c: Wu Chen(陈武) remarks: changed: nicstaff@gznet.edu....
#[NETWORK TEMPLATE]# #[NETWORK TEMPLATE]# netname: SCUT-CN descr:华南理工大学 descr: South China University of Technology descr: Guangzhou,Guangdong 510641,China country: CN origin: AS4538 admin-c: Xuewei Yang(杨学伟) tech-c: Wu Chen(陈武) remarks: changed: nicstaff@gznet.edu.cn 20060801 source: CERNIC #[PERSON TEMPLATE]# person:Xuewei Yang(杨学伟) address: South China University of Technology address: Guangzhou,Guangdong 510641,China phone: +86-20-88118888 fax-no: +86-20-88118899 e-mail: xwyang@scut.edu.cn nic-hdl: remarks: changed: nicstaff@gznet.edu.cn 20060801 source: CERNIC #[PERSON TEMPLATE]# person: Wu Chen(陈武) address: South China University of Technology address: Guangzhou,Guangdong 510641,China phone: +86-20-88373293 fax-no: +86-20-88118893 e-mail: wuchen@scut.edu.cn nic-hdl: remarks: changed: nicstaff@gznet.edu.cn 20060801 source: CERNIC #[TECHNICAL TEMPLATE]# conn-provider: SOUTHERN CHINA REGIONAL NETWORK CENTER all-0s-subnets: YES all-1s-subnets: YES supernets: YES subnets: YES portable: NO host-bits: 11 cust-network: SCUT-CN 19991112 old-network: old-network: 120 YES Telecom Center (4rooms,120nodes,Bay 1200/SSR 2000/Bay 1100/Bay 350/TCL S4124) old-network: 120 YES Material Building (10rooms,120nodes,Bay 350) old-network: 120 YES Student’s Activity Center (15rooms,105nodes,DCS-3526/TP-Link) old-network: 120 YES Building 7 for Department of Civil Engineering (30rooms,120nodes,DCS-3526/Bay 350) old-network: 120 YES Building 1 for Teaching Building (60rooms,120nodes,DCS-3526/3com 3000) old-network: 120 YES Building 6 for Department of Architecture (30rooms,120nodes,DCS-3526/Bay 350/Intel 410T) old-network: 120 YES Building 4 for School of Foreign Languages (30rooms,120nodes,DCS-3526/Intel 510T/TCL S4124) old-network: 120 YES Building 18 for School Of Physics (30rooms,120nodes,DCS-3526/TP-Link/Accton) old-network: 250 YES Building of Architecture & Civil Engineering (30rooms,250nodes,Intel 510T) old-network: 120 YES Build of Food and Biological Engineering College (30rooms,120nodes,TP-Link) old-network: 120 YES Building 5 for Teaching Building (30rooms,120nodes,DCS-3526/Bay 2216) old-network: 120 YES North of Building 2 for Administration Building (30rooms,120nodes,Bay 1100/Intel 410T/3Com 3000/Bay 303/ DCS-3526) old-network: 120 YES South of Building 2 for Administration Building (30rooms,120nodes,Bay 1100/Intel 410T/3Com 3000/Bay 303/Bay 2216) old-network: 250 YES Student’s Dormitory Building East 11 (72 rooms ,288nodes,288 students, Bachelor, Bay 2216/GES-4125/TCL S4124) network-plan: network-plan: YES 256 120/144/240 Technological Building(60rooms,240nodes,Bitstream 3228) network-plan: YES 256 144/242/242 Student's Dormitory Building NewWest 6# A (132 rooms, 528 Bachelors,528 nodes,Bitstream 3228/3240) network-plan: YES 256 144/242/242 Student's Dormitory Building NewWest 6# B(132 rooms, 528 Bachelors,528 nodes,Bitstream 3228/3240) network-plan: YES 256 144/242/242 Student's Dormitory Building NewWest 6# C (132 rooms, 528 Bachelors,528 nodes,Bitstream 3228/3240) network-plan: YES 256 100/154/240 Testing Center(120rooms,240nodes,Bitstream 3228) network-plan: YES 256 110/144/240 Material Building(120rooms,240nodes,Bitstream 3228) network-plan: YES 256 125/140/240 Software College(120rooms,240nodes,Bitstream 3228) network-plan: YES 256 110/137/195 Polymers center (120rooms,240nodes,Bitstream 3228) #[TEMPLATES END]# Additional Comments: 中文: 1 学校简介: 华南理工大学是直属教育部的全国重点大学,坐落在南方名城广州,占地面积294多万平方米。校园分为两个校区,北校区位于广州市天河区石牌高校区,校园内湖光山色、绿树繁花,民族式建筑与现代化楼群错落有致,文化底蕴深厚,是教育部命名的“文明校园”;   学校原名华南工学院,组建于1952年全国高等学校院系调整时期,由包括中山大学、岭南大学、湖南大学、广西大学等几所当时中国著名大学在内的中南5省12所院校的有关系科调整合并而成。1960年,学校被评为全国文教战线先进单位,同年成为全国重点大学;1981年经国务院批准为首批博士和硕士学位授予单位;1988年1月更名为华南理工大学;1995年通过“211工程”部门预审,进入国家面向21世纪重点建设的大学行列;1999年底,通过教育部本科教学工作优秀评价,成为全国第一批“本科教学优秀学校”;同年,经科技部、教育部批准,成立国家大学科技园;2000年,经批准成立研究生院;2001年,实行新一轮部省重点共建,学校进入国家高水平大学建设(“985工程”)行列。 经过50多年的建设和发展,华南理工大学成为立足华南,面向全国,以工见长,理工结合,管、经、文、法多学科协调发展的综合性大学。目前,学校共设有29个学院;有6个国家级重点学科;67个本科专业,14个博士授权一级学科,20个硕士授权一级学科,75个博士点,177个硕士点,其中有工程硕士(20个领域)、建筑学硕士、工商管理硕士(MBA、EMBA)、公共管理硕士(MPA)、风景园林硕士5个专业学位授予权;有11个博士后科研流动站。 学校办学条件良好,教学环境优良。现有固定资产26.3亿元,其中教学科研仪器设备资产总值6.8亿元。校舍总建筑面积163万平方米。校内设有中国教育和科研计算机网华南网络中心、广东省教育和科研计算机网络中心,以及国家工科(数学)教学基地、国家大学生文化素质教育基地和国家集成电路人才培训基地。学校教学实验设备齐全,建有十大基础教学实验中心,以及一批现代化实验中心。图书馆面积6.7万平方米,藏书300万册,已初步建设成为数字化图书馆。学生文化体育设施齐全,建有国际的运动场、体育馆、文体活动中心、塑胶网球场,学生田径队、足球队、篮球队、排球队、游泳队、乒乓球队等多次参加全国和省市的比赛并取得优良的成绩。学生课外科技学术活动和社会实践活动蓬勃发展,特色鲜明,成为提高学生综合素质的重要环节。   学校拥有一批有较强实力的科研机构及技术开发基地,其中包括1个国家重点实验室、2个国家工程研究中心、4个教育部重点实验室、1个国家甲级建筑设计研究院、1个国家大学科技园,6个广东省重点实验室,以此为依托形成了众多重点科研基地,承担了一大批国家、省市的重点科研任务,形成了多学科门类、多专业联合攻关,基础研究、应用研究、开发研究一条龙的科研格局。学校坚持科学研究面向市场、科技成果转化进入市场,2005年学校实到科研经费3.41亿元,专利申请量持续多年居全国高校前列,是全国第一批企事业专利试点工作先进单位。   学校重视师资队伍建设,师资力量雄厚。学校现有教职工6585人,现有各类学生51018人,形成学士-硕士-博士完整的人才培养体系。学校治学严谨,形成了“团结、勤奋、求实、创新”的优良校风,坚持"重人品、厚基础、强能力、宽适应"的人才培养指导思想和高素质、“三创型”(创新、创造、创业)、国际化专门人才的培养目标,实行产学研一体化的培养模式,着力培养创新型、复合型人才。2006届毕业生一次性就业率:研究生为87%,本科生为93.86%。建校50多年来,学校为国家培养了高等教育各类学生14万人,一大批毕业校友成为我国科技骨干、著名企业家和领导干部,学校被社会誉为“工程师的摇篮”、“企业家的摇篮”。   面向新世纪,学校坚持以马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,坚持社会主义的办学方向,以人为本,以学科建设为龙头,以人才培养为根本,以科技工作为重点,做大做强,实现规模、结构、质量和效益的协调发展。为实现新一轮跨越式发展,学校正在实施“开放活校、人才强校、文化兴校”三大战略,努力把华南理工大学建设成为国内一流、世界知名的高水平大学。 校园网建设规模: 人民币800万 985工程 本次工程进度: 二期工程的土建已完成,正在进行机电安装工程,已制定网络建设,预定2006月8月份开通二期网络。具体计划如下:5月完成布线系统,6月设备到位、安装调试,7月上线测试,8月开通。 拓扑图说明:通信中心/电话所(A01)是整个校园网的核心机房,与CERNET相连。校内其他几个大节点与A01相连:逸夫科学馆(A02);计算中心(A03);造纸学院(A04);研三(A05);西十八(A06);东六(A07);27号楼(A08);北区工管楼(A09)和附小(A11)。本次申请地址的院系单位,接在这些节点下,大部分以千兆光纤连至节点,少量单位以百兆光纤连至节点。校园网的核心交换机包括:Cisco6509、Extreme10808、Extreme6808、神码7508、神码7504等等。 2.设备清单: 旧设备清单: 设备名称 型号 数量(个) 说明 交换机 Nortel Bay 2216 157 二层交换机,具有16个10/100M的RJ-45端口。 交换机 Nortel Bay 350 43 二层交换机,具有24个10/100M的RJ-45端口。 交换机 Nortel Bay 303 202 二层交换机,具有24个10/100M的RJ-45端口。 交换机 3Com 3000 216 二层交换机,具有24个10/100M的RJ-45端口。 交换机 Intel 510T 68 二层交换机,具有24个10/100M的RJ-45端口。 交换机 Intel 410T 40 二层交换机,具有24个10/100M的RJ-45端口。 交换机 TCL 4124 388 二层交换机,具有24个10/100M的RJ-45端口。 交换机 金长城 GES-4125 11 二层交换机,具有24个10/100M的RJ-45端口。 交换机 D-Link DES-1024R 200 二层交换机,具有24个10/100M的RJ-45端口。 交换机 Accton ES3524C 25 二层交换机,具有24个10/100M的RJ-45端口。 交换机 路由通 FL1024 350 二层交换机,具有24个10/100M的RJ-45端口。 交换机 TP-Link TL-HP16M 30 集线器,具有16个10M的RJ-45端口。 交换机 Star S1824 500 二层交换机,具有24个10/100M的RJ-45端口。 交换机 Cisco 2511 1 接入路由器,两个广域网接口,两个局域网接口。 路由交换机 Smart STACK Router Switch 2000 6 16个100M的RJ-45端口。with 16 100M the RJ-45 ports 路由交换机 Bay 1200 1 16个100M电口,6个1000M光口。with 16 100M the RJ-45 ports,6 1000M GBIC ports 路由交换机 Bay 1100 1 16个10/100M口,3个1000M光口。with 16 100M the RJ-45 ports,3 1000M GBIC ports 路由交换机 Intel 480T 10 12个10/100/1000Base-T端口和4个GBIC千兆端口。12 10/100/1000Base-T ports and 4 GBIC 1000M ports 交换机 Bitstream 3228 10 提供24个固定的10/100Base-TX接口,提供2个千兆10/100/1000Base-T 端口,以及2个Combo端口(2个10/100/1000Base-T和2个SFP插槽) 交换机 神码DCS-3526 22 提供了24个10/100Base-TX端口和2个扩展插槽 交换机 Cisco 6509 3 48个10/100/1000M自适应电口,48个千兆光口,4个万兆口。48 10/100/1000BASE-T ports, 48 1000M SFP ports,4 10G ports 路由交换机 神州数码 7508 2 28个10/100M电口,40个千兆光口。28 10/100BASE-T ports and 40 1000M SFP ports. 路由交换机 神州数码 7504 1 24个10/100M电口,10个千兆光口。24 10/100BASE-T ports and 10 1000M SFP ports. 路由交换机 Extreme 10808 2 120个自适应100/1000BASE-T端口,60个千兆光口,4个万兆口。120 10/100BASE-T ports and 60 1000M SFP ports, 4 10G ports. 路由交换机 Extreme 6808 1 24个自适应100/1000BASE-T端口,48个千兆光口, 2个万兆口。24 10/100BASE-T ports and 48 1000M SFP ports, 2 10G ports. 新设备清单: 设备名称 型号 数量(个) 说明 交换机 STAR-S1824 240 二层交换机,具有24个10/100M的RJ-45端口。 交换机 Bitstream 3240 160 二层交换机,具有24个10/100M的RJ-45端口。 交换机 Cisco 3550 1 24个自适应10/100BASE-T端口, 2个基于千兆位接口转换器(GBIC)的千兆位以太网端口. 24 10/100BASE-T ports and 2 1000M GBIC ports 交换机 Bitstream 3228 10 可堆叠的高性能工作组或者边缘交换机。能够提供24个固定的10/100Base-TX接口,提供2个千兆10/100/1000Base-T 端口,以及2个Combo端口(2个10/100/1000Base-T和2个SFP插槽),可选用单、多模千兆SFP模块。 交换机 Bitstream 3226 6 为满足多业务承载、高性能的网络环境所开发的新一代二层可堆叠网管型交换机。交换机兼容以太网、快速以太网和千兆以太网设备,24个固定的10/100Base-TX接口,2个千兆GBIC插槽。 交换机 神码DCS-3526 8 提供了24个10/100Base-TX端口和2个扩展插槽,可选择百兆模块或千兆模块。持多种功能,包括MAC绑定/过滤、IEEE802.1Q VLAN、端口VLAN、PVLAN、GVRP动态注册VLAN、保护端口、IEEE802.1x接入认证、带宽控制、IEEE802.3ad端口汇聚、QoS、IGMP组播、广播风暴抑制、IEEE802.1D/1w生成树、简单堆叠、系统日志、配置管理分级、端口隔离、端口镜像等。 路由交换机 Extreme 6808 1 24个自适应100/1000BASE-T端口,48个千兆光口, 2个万兆口。24 10/100BASE-T ports and 48 1000M SFP ports, 2 10G ports. 路由交换机 Cisco 6509 1 48个10/100/1000M自适应电口,48个千兆光口,4个万兆口。48 10/100/1000BASE-T ports, 48 1000M SFP ports,4 10G ports 3.原规划的信息点分布情况: 电讯楼 (4房间, 120端口) 光纤以太网100M Bay 1200/SSR 2000/Bay 1100/Bay 350/TCL S4124 120 静态 128材料学院(10房间, 120端口) 光纤以太网100M Bay 350 120静态 128 学生活动中心 (15房间, 120端口) 光纤以太网100M DCS-3526/TP-Link 120静态 128 7号楼土木工程系 (30房间, 120端口) 光纤以太网100M DCS-3526/Bay 350 120 静态128 1号楼教学楼 (60房间, 120端口) 光纤以太网100M DCS-3526/3com 3000 120 静态 128 6号楼建筑学系(30房间, 120端口) 光纤以太网100M DCS-3526/Bay 350/Intel 410T 120 静态 128 4号楼外国语学院 (30房间, 120端口) 光纤以太网100M DCS-3526/Intel 510T/TCL S4124 120 静态 128 18号楼物理科学与技术学院(30房间, 120端口) 光纤以太网100M DCS-3526/TP-Link/Accton 120 静态 128 建筑设计院 (30房间, 250端口) 光纤以太网100M Intel 510T 250 静态 256 食品培训楼(30房间, 120端口) 光纤以太网100M TP-Link 120 静态 128 5号楼教学大楼 (30房间, 120端口) 光纤以太网100M DCS-3526/Bay 2216 120 静态 128 二号楼行政大楼北座(30房间, 120端口) 光纤以太网100M Bay 1100/Intel 410T/3Com 3000/Bay 303/ DCS-3526 120 静态 128二号楼行政大楼南座(30房间, 120端口) 光纤以太网100M Bay 1100/Intel 410T/3Com 3000/Bay 303/Bay 2216 120 静态 128东十一学生宿舍(72房间, 288端口,288学生,本科) 光纤以太网100M Bay 2216/GES-4125/TCL S4124 250 静态 256 新规划的信息点分布情况:科技大楼(60房间,240端口) 光纤以太网100M Bitstream 3228 240 静态 256新西六学生宿舍6栋A(132房间,528本科生,528端口) 光纤以太网100M Bitstream 3228/3240 242 静态 256新西六学生宿舍6栋B (132房间,528本科生,528端口) 光纤以太网100M Bitstream 3228/3240 242 静态 256新西六学生宿舍6栋C(132房间,528本科生,528端口) 光纤以太网100M Bitstream 3228/3240 242 静态 256测试中心(120房间,240端口)光纤以太网100M Bitstream 3228 240 静态 256物资大楼 (120房间,240端口)光纤以太网100M Bitstream 3228 240 静态 256软件学院(120房间,240端口)光纤以太网100M,Bitstream 3228 240 静态 256聚合物中心 (120房间,240端口)光纤以太网100M Bitstream 3228 240 静态 256 English: 1 Scale of School: South China University of Technology (SCUT) is one of China's key universities operating under the direct leadership of the State Ministry of Education. The campus, which has a total area of over 200 hectares, is situated in Guangzhou, a southern metropolitan in China. The campus, named as "Civilized Campus" by the ministry of education, is a propound culture area in beautiful surroundings of lakes and mountains, bluish greenery and luxuriant flowers, traditional buildings and modern architecture. South China University of Technology (SCUT), formerly known as the South China Institute of Technology, was established in 1952, through the amalgamation of the technical faculties of 12 universities in 5 provinces in central and southern China, including Sun Yat-sen University, Lingnan University, Hunan University, Guangxi University, etc. In 1960, SCUT was awarded ranked among the key universities of China. In 1981, it was authorized by the State Council to confer doctor degrees and master degrees,and was among the first universities in the country to do so. In 1995, it was selected as one of the universities into which China will make significant investment in the 21st century. In 1999, it was rated "excellent" during the Undergraduate Teaching Assessment, and was among the first "Excellent Universities of Undergraduate Education" in the country. In the same year, a national science park was established with the authorization of State Ministry of Technology and State Ministry of Education. In 2000, Graduate School was authorized to be established. In 2001, the new cooperative construction of State Ministry of Education and Guangdong Province was implemented in SCUT and it was listed among the top universities in the country. After more than 50 years of development, SCUT has become a multidisciplinary university of high reputation in South China and in the whole country, focusing on engineering, combined with science, also promoting well coordinated development of management, economics, humanities and law. SCUT is presently made up of 28 colleges. Subjects currently offered in SCUT cover 6 national key disciplines, 9 significant investments in the 21st century, 67 bachelor's programs, 10 master's programs and doctoral programs in primary disciplines, 58 doctoral programs, 107 master's programs, master's programs of engineering (in 19 fields), master's programs of architecture, master's programs of business administration (MBA, EMBA), master's programs of public administration (MPA), and 11 stations for post-doctoral research. The university has a favorable condition for education and a fine environment for teaching. At present, the university is in possession of 1380 million RMB fixed assets, including the cost of 620 million RMB equipments and devices. The schoolhouses have a cover area of 1.75 square kilometers. South China Network Center of China Education and Research Network, as well as Network Center of Guangdong Education and Research Network have been established in the university. The university has complete teaching and experimental devices. 1 national teaching base of engineering mathematic course, 1 national cultural diathesis education base for university students, 10 fundamental teaching experiment centers, and a batch of modern experimental centers have been established. The University library, with a total area of 45,000 square meters, has a collection of 2,000,000 volumes. The University library has its automatic management system. The University library, which is steadily being developed into a digital library, offers important national databases, such as Ei Village, PQDD, and so on. The university has built up complete physical facilities for students, including international standard sports ground, gymnasium, student entertainment and sports center as well as plastic tennis court. The track & field teem, the football teem, the basketball teem, the volleyball teem, the swimming teem and the ping pong teem of the students have attended national and provincial competitions time after time and have achieved excellent grades. The annual arts festival of science & culture for the students and the students' social practices have successfully integrated with society and enterprises, which has become an important process for the improvement of students' integrated diathesis. The university has a batch of scientific research organizations and technology development bases with advanced standards. At present, there are 1 national key laboratory, 2 national engineering research centers, 3 key laboratories designated by the State Ministry of Education, 1 national first-grade architecture design and research institute, 1 national science park, 1 national teaching base of engineering mathematic course, 1 national cultural diathesis education base for university students and 5 key laboratories designed by Guangdong province. Besides, there are more than 10 engineering research and development centers designated by Guangdong province, Guangzhou city and SCUT. Relying on these centers, numerous key research bases have been formed, which are responsible for large numbers of research assignments designated by the State, the province and the city, and which have formed integrated key problem solving measures of multidiscipline and multi-field as well as a chain pattern of basic research, applied research and development research. The university pursues its scientific research by responding to requirement of the market and puts its scientific and technological achievements into the market through certain transformations. In 2003, the university has received 235 million RMB research expenditure allowances. The amount of patents applied by the university has ranked first among universities and colleges in China for years. The university is among the first universities in the country to be authorized as the pilot paten running organization of enterprises and institutions. SCUT has a faculty of over 6500, More than 73% teaching and researching staff has received master or higher degrees. In recent years, through the implement of "The Talent Project for China Development", the university emphasizes the construction of faculty and the optimization of its overall structure, which have considerably improved the disposition of the faculty. The excellent faculty and good environment of the university have attracted a large number of students. Presently, SCUT has over 51018 students, With precise knowledge pursuit, the school eminent spirit of comity and factualism has come into being. SCUT sticks to its educational guideline of "emphasizing moral character, building well-grounded base, strengthening ability and cultivating comprehensive adaptability". And this guideline has helped cultivating exclusive technological and management talents that are welcomed to the society. In recent years, the demand of graduate students has exceeded their supply. And the primary employment rate of its undergraduates is over 96%. Since its founding, the university has cultivated over 90,000 undergraduates, 7,000 graduates and 31,000 adult education undergraduates for the country. A large number of school fellows have become technological mainstays, distinguished entrepreneurs or leading cadres. SCUT is named by the society as "a cradle of engineers" and "a cradle of entrepreneurs". Facing the new century, SCUT will take Marxism and Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and "Three Represents" as its guidelines, stick to the socialistic school running orientation, regard individual as its roots, take discipline constructions as pre-requisite, consider talent cultivation as its ultimate aim and highlight technological pursuit. SCUT intends to enlarge and extend its scale and realize the coordinated development of its scale, structure, quality and benefit. SCUT accelerates its education reform by gearing the university from multidiscipline-oriented to integration-oriented, from teaching research-oriented to research-oriented, and from partial open form to completely open form, so as to build SCUT into a top-ranking State university and a famous world-class university. Construct Scale of Campus Network: 800,000 RMB, 985project Content and project: The second phased projects construction has completed, is carrying on mechanical and electrical the installation work, has formulated the network construction plan, prearranges 2,006 months in August to complete two issue of networks. Concrete plan as follows: In May completes the wiring system, in June the equipment arrives, installs the debugging, in July makes something a matter of political "line" the test, in August complete. Topology explains: Communication center(A01)is the core node in campus. And Cisco 6509 connected to CERNET directly with 1000M optic fibres. Several other major node in schools linked with A01: YiFu Scientific Building(A02);Computer Center(A03);Pager-Making college(A04);Graduate student's Dormitory Building 3(A05);Student's Dormitory Building West 18(A06);Student's Dormitory Building East 6(A07);Building 27(A08);North GongGuan Building(A0
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