

2011-01-06 50页 ppt 31MB 28阅读




悉尼奥运nullnullSydney Olympics 2000 (悉尼奥运会)null(悉尼成功取得2000年奥运会举办权)nullSydney 2000 Bid logo design. Design Michael Bryce, Minale Tattersfield Bryce(2000年悉尼奥运会标志、设计者米歇尔.布 来斯米耐.塔特斯菲尔德.布莱斯)nullSydney 2000 Bid books. Designer FHA Image Design(悉尼2000申奥手册.图像设计者FHA)nullSydney 2000...
nullnullSydney Olympics 2000 (悉尼奥运会)null(悉尼成功取得2000年奥运会举办权)nullSydney 2000 Bid logo design. Design Michael Bryce, Minale Tattersfield Bryce(2000年悉尼奥运会标志、者米歇尔.布 来斯米耐.塔特斯菲尔德.布莱斯)nullSydney 2000 Bid books. Designer FHA Image Design(悉尼2000申奥手册.图像设计者FHA)nullSydney 2000 Bid collateral. Design FHA Image Design(悉尼2000担保书.设计者FHA)nullSydney 2000 Bid collateral. Design FHA Image Design (悉尼2000担保书.设计者FHA)nullSydney 2000 Official Invitations to visiting IOC delegates. Design FHA Image Design(悉尼官方邀请函—致国际奥委会代表)nullnullSydney wins the competition to hold the Olympic Games in 2000(悉尼奥运会赢得2000年奥运会举办权)nullSydney 2000 Olympic Games logo competition briefing document(标志评审简要文件)nullThe FHA Image Design team commitment to winning the competition(FHA图像设计组中标)nullThe initial briefing session at FHA’s offices(FHA设计组的主要成员)nullGo team FHA!(FHA组启动)图上文字之意(标志必须要激情)nullDesign Development…(设计发展)null People, global, Opera House, flame…(人、地球、歌剧院、火炬)null...Aboriginal icons, rock paintings, boomerangs…(澳大利亚土人圣像、壁画、回飞镖—澳大利亚土著木制飞镖)null…technique, graphic shape, images of Sydney…(技巧、图形、悉尼)nullHumanity, joyful, spiritual…(人性、欢乐、激情)null...earth, landscape, hands…(土地、风景、手)nullAthletic, energy, human…(运动、能量、人类)null…minimal, symbolic form…(最初的,标志格式性的格式或最初的创意)nullA simple idea, the key to the solution (简单的创意、关键所在)nullWorking towards a resolution through composition, shape and technique…(通过组合、变形、使用技法来达到认可方案)nullThe Athletes Games(运动会)nullA unique graphic solution(一个独特的图形方案)null《星期日电讯报》与《太阳报》——强调 民族精神null看感觉、视觉效果nullThe scale and complexity of the Olympic Games. The biggest event in the world(奥运会的规模和构架,世界上最大的盛会)nullA youthful country(一个年轻的国度)nullGreat Southern land(澳大利亚国土俯瞰图)nullThe new millennium, a technological age, a brilliant new era, optimism in a vast space(新千年、技术时代、辉煌时代、积极乐观)nullThe athlete’s Games, a celebration of achievement(竞赛、庆祝成功)nullAn awesome landscape that has inspired comment (Not for publication) ©Copyright (有激情点的一张令人敬畏的风景照)nullA recognition of peace and harmony, triumph and spirit.(代表和平、和谐、胜利精神的画面)nullThe brilliant blue of Sydney harbour…(悉尼海港耀眼的蓝色)null….that has captured imaginations(捕捉幻想的…)nullAboriginal heritage and cultural significance(澳大利亚土著的遗产和文化内涵)nullThe official Sydney 2000 Olympic Games Host City emblem. Design FHA Image Design Australia(悉尼2000年奥运会主办城市标志,FHA设计)nullApplication of the emblem. Design FHA Image Design(标志的应用)nullApplication of the emblem. Design FHA Image Design(标志的应用) nullA celebration of human achievement, a vast spectacle(庆祝人类成就,广角镜头)nullThe official positioning tag line(官方设定的标签、“共享精神”)nullFHA’s look and feel was based upon a sub-graphic that had its origin in…(FHA的视觉效果基于一张底图,底图的思想源泉是——海港、自由、反映、大洋、光、情感、火焰、水、空气、水面闪烁的微光)null…a sense of place, symbolised by Sydney harbour…(以悉尼港为标志的地理位置的意义)null… and Blue water(蓝色的水)nullThe uniqueness of the event and athletic participation symbolised by…(奥运精神:盛会的独特之处以及参与精神由它来标记…)null...Orange flame(桔色的火焰)nullThese two natural elements are united as ‘Fluid Energy’. The creative idea underpinning the complete look and feel brand program(两种自然元素的完美结合蕴涵着运动的能量,创造性思想加强了整个视觉效果)nullThe spirit script of the official emblem reflects the informal style of Australia and reinforces a sense of place(官方标志的精神实体反映出澳大利亚的信息化风格,加强了举办地点的意义)nullBuilding upon the creative idea of Fluid Energy, the sub-graphic was developed from the IOC master brand…(底图基于“流动能量”或可译为“活的能量”的创造性思维,也是从国际奥委会的主要标志——五环旗发展而来的)null... reflected in the shimmering water of Sydney Harbour(悉尼港美丽的水面夜景)nullA bold, energetic and vibrant graphic Design FHA Image Design(一张大胆的、活力鲜明的图形。FHA设计)nullAs a singular graphic device it compromised the integrity of the master IOC brand, so a matrix was created.整幅国际奥委会主图标的各单个组成元素图片。这些元素图片是一个系列。nullThis resulted in a series of water mark brand signature panels that were applied throughout the look and feel program(对图片的划分形成一系列的水图底纹,这些水图案的应用贯穿整个设计的始终)nullThe official two blue branding watermark(官方选定的两幅水纹图案)nullA select range of colours…(颜色的选择范围)null...reflecting the style of Australia. Refreshing, beach, landscape, natural, irreverent, optimistic, vital, passionate, imaginative, contemporary and intelligent(反映澳大利亚风情。心旷神怡的、海滩、风景、自然的、不拘一格的、乐观的、生命的、充满感情的、富有想象力的、永恒的、聪慧的)nullThe official colour palette which, since its publication in 1998, has influenced a wide range of global interpretations from Channel promotion to Espirit clothing.(1998公布的官方色标影响总的解释的广泛影响)nullA photographic style based upon saturation of colour…(色彩的饱和度基于照片风格)null…and transformation of the Australian light using vignette techniques which suggest a technological age(用晕影技法做出澳大利亚光色的渐变效果,这体现着技术时代)nullA brand architecture that creates a logic. Look and feel is used as the brand bridge between the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games(标志的建构存在逻辑。“LOOK AND FEEI” 是连接奥林匹克运动会和世界残疾人运动会的桥梁) nullFluid Energy influences photography…(”活的力量“影响照片风格)null...by reflecting the spirit of athletic passion…(反映出竞争精神)null…into specially developed brilliant colour imagery using FHA’s own creative techniques. All athlete imagery created from SOCOG approved 35mm photos (用FHA自己的技法,创造出色彩明亮的图像。所用的竞技图片都是脱胎于SOCOG提供的图片) nullA logical tool box of typefaces…(字体工具箱)null...for all communication requirements(对于不同的媒体要求采用不同字体,——标题——官方——信息——正文)nullFluid Energy watermark combined with colour and vignettes(水纹综合了色彩和晕影技法)nullPhotographic examples using colour, watermark and vignettes(综合色彩、水纹、晕影的图片样品)nullThe pictograms. Not designed by FHA Image Design Design Saunders Design(照片组、设计者尚德斯,不是FHA设计)nullColour treatments and descriptions for legibility Design FHA Image Design(色彩处理和表现以技法达到清晰的效果。FHA设计)nullSponsor Branded applications incorporating look and feel(赞助商的商标与奥运会的图标综合在一起做出的效果)nullSydney 2000 Olympic Games. An integrated branding program(悉尼2000奥运会,一个整体的标志方案)nullStreet banner designs. Colourfull extensions of the brand(街边旗帜设计,标志的色彩扩展)nullStreet banner treatments.nullSign posting concept, incorporating look and feel(运用“LOOK AND FEEL”即奥运会图标设计的指示牌)nullReinforcement of the brand essence in street decoration(应用于街边装饰,加强标志精髓的宣传)nullVenue branding and field of play, treatments. The strategy allowed for clear branding at all key television sight line opportunities(赛场、娱乐场所的会场标志应用,如此处理是为了使在电视画面的效果清晰)nullPromotional items. Illustrating application of look and feel(外延性的项目,“LOOK AND FEEL”的图示应用)nullCommunication design. Demonstrating how look and feel can be used to brand distinctively (通信物品的设计,这些展示了“LOOK AND FEEL”怎样被应用于有特殊色彩的印刷)nullPromotion(外延品)nullPosters(招贴画)nullPosters.nullThe Official SOCOG communications used a ‘millennium look’, metallic styling. This ensured that Official publications were perceived to be special(国际奥委会官方通信物品(或译成明信片或纪念册)采用了金属风格,这样保证了官方出版物的与众不同)nullApplication of the ‘millennium look’ to Official posters…(金属风格在官方招贴画中的应用)null…and Official programs(官方的方案)nullThe look and feel using one and two colours for general applications(”LOOK AND FEEL”在大众化应用中使用一种或两种颜色) nullThe look and feel was designed to enhance digital communications such as websites (”LOOK AND FEEL”被设计来加强数字沟通渠道(如网站等)nullnullAn idea for the Official ticket design(一种官方入场券的设计思想)nullProgram covers(方案的封面)nullUsing the look and feel, Olympic imagery is branded and made distinct from traditional sport photography(因为采用了“(”LOOK AND FEEL”,奥林匹克运动会的图片印制得不同于传统的运动图片)nullOfficial certificates(官方证书——证书内容:感谢您的参与及为成功举办第 届运动会所做的贡献)nullQuality of graphic styling, in this case typography, added to the impact of the brand expression (印刷版面式样中,文字式样的质量)nullSpecial print treatments allowed the look and feel to communicate at various levels depending upon audience type(根据不同的受众类型,特定的印刷手段,使“LOOK AND FEEL”表现形式不一)nullThe look and feel extended to products such as jewellery(”LOOK AND FEEL”的应用扩展到其它产品——如;珠宝饰品等)nullThe mascots (not designed by FHA) are incorporated into the Brand Programme using the look and feel(标志方案中的吉祥物设计也融合了(”LOOK AND FEEL”(吉祥物不是由FHA设计)nullLook and feel applied to sponsor products as brand recognition(”LOOK AND FEEL”作为商标应用于赞助商的产品宣传中)nullKodak sponsor branding(柯达胶卷赞助商标)nullWestpac bank sponsor branding(威斯特帕克银行赞助商标)nullnullnullOfficial pins using the look and feel(采用“LOOK AND FEEL”设计的官方饰针)nullThe Medal Ceremony backdrop(颁奖典礼的背景幕布)nullApplication of look and feel into fashion(将 “LOOK AND FEEL”应用于服装设计)nullThe athletes bibs, officially approved by IOC President Samaranch(运动员的号码牌——经国际奥委会主席萨马兰齐同意)nullThe Paralympic Games Sydney 2000 host city emblem Design FHA Image Design(悉尼2000年奥运会举办城市标志——由FHA设计)nullStreet banners of the Paralympic 2000 Games(2000年残疾人运动会的街边旗帜)nullParalympic 2000 Games field of play treatments, illustrating use of look and feel as a brand bridging strategy (2000年残疾人运动场,“LOOK AND FEEL”的图示应用,作为两种标志——奥林匹克与残疾人奥运会的,整和起来的策略) nullThe track ahead. Look and Feel.(前面的跑道,“LOOK AND FEEL”化) null悉尼2000年奥运会火炬传递nullFHA undertakes a competitive design process. Our initial concepts reference Australia’s heritage(FHA承接一个竞争性的设计过程,我们最初的想法是参照澳大利亚的文明遗产)nullDesign development. Bringing the flame and the Spirit of the Olympic Games to Australia(设计的发展过程,把火和奥林匹克精神带给澳大利亚) nullThe winning design. Fire meets the water of Sydney Harbour. A stand alone brand with its own look and feel. Design FHA Image Design(中标的设计,火遇到悉尼海港的水,一幅竖立的标志有着自己的“LOOK AND FEEL”,FHA设计) nullWater (blue) and fire (red). The look and feel of the Olympic Games underpins the Torch Relay brand image program (水(蓝)和火(红),奥林匹克的“LOOK AND FEEL”为火炬传递标志图像方案打下基础) nullAn integrated strategy. Design FHA Image Design(一个综合方案——FHS设计)nullCollateral. Design FHA Image Design(担保书——FHA设计)nullGuidelines provided clear usage standards for all applications. Design FHA Image Design(指导方针手册为所有应用提供了清晰的用法标准——FHA设计)nullThe brand applied to support vehicles(标志应用于赞助的交通工具)nullAn armada of branded vehicles supports the Torch Relay as it travelled around Australia(保障火炬传递在澳大利亚行进的一队印有标志的车)nullThe Torch Relay brand relationship with the IOC Master Brand. Design FHA Image Design(融合了主要赞助商的标志(AMP),(FHA设计)nullPrime sponsor branding (AMP) incorporated as a dual brand lock-up. Design FHA Image Design(融合了主要赞助商的标志(AMP),(FHA设计) nullPromotional pin set to record the torch journey around Australia. Design by others(宣传的附属品系列,了澳大利亚内火炬传递的行进过程)nullExamples of previous Games torches. The Sydney 2000 Olympic Torch, far right, designed by Blue Sky(前几届运动会火炬样品,2000年悉尼奥运会火炬——最右边,由“蓝天”设计nullThe launch of the Ansett Australia aircraft that would carry the torch to Australia from Athens(澳大利亚飞机起飞时刻:它将会把圣火由亚琛载至澳大利亚)nullThe torch on its way to Australia. Aircraft design FHA Image Design(圣火在至澳大利亚途中,飞机图案由FHA设计)nullThe torch at Ularu in Central Australia(圣火在澳大利亚中部一个名叫“尤拉如”的地方)nullAboriginal celebrations in Central Australia(澳大利亚中部土著居民的庆祝会)nullThe Torch Relay would travel through 1000 Australian communities over 100 days(火炬接力将在100天内经过1000个澳大利亚城镇)nullTorch bearer and support runner in branded attire make an early start in country Australia(擎火炬者及助跑者穿着印有标志图案的衣服在澳国的清晨出发了)nullThe torch travelled under water at the Great Barrier Reef, Australia(火炬水下传递在澳大利亚大堡礁)nullSupport vehicles provided extensive public interface opportunities(赞助车辆提供广泛的公众参与机会)nullHarley Davidson Police motorbikes were specially branded(哈利戴维森警局的摩托车印上了专门的标记)nullCeremonies were held in every town that the torch passed through. An integrated transportable display system was produced(圣火途经的每个城镇都要举办仪式,图中搭建了一个组合的可移动舞台系统)nullThe signage brand image strategy developed by FHA Image Design(指示牌的标志图像方案——FHA设计)nullA unique place(这独一无二的地方)nullArchitecture at the Olympic Park, Homebush(奥林匹克公园的建筑物——霍姆布什)nullAn Australian architectural heritage(澳大利亚的建筑遗产)nullThe natural references of the Australian landscape(澳国风景的自然参照)nullBeach culture and Australian architectural icons(海滩文化风格与澳大利亚建筑像)nullSignage must allow for scale within a complex environment. Colour and shape provide distinction(在复杂的环境中,标牌设计必须考虑到规模、范围的大小,以颜色和形状的不同来区分)nullContemporary and classic influences provide opportunities for new signposting solutions(现代的和古典的事物为路标设计提供新的思路)nullThe initial drawings by Lahz Nimmo Architects(建筑师莱伯兹。尼默做的最初草图)nullDeveloped design(设计过程)nullFinal Design Architecture Lahz Nimmo(最后定稿——建筑师莱默兹。尼默,)(图中文字左边:澳林匹克大门单塔应用了设计的图片。右边:带旗帜的奥林匹克大门的双塔结构)nullThe signage system. Design FHA Image Design(路标系统——FHA图像设计)nullThe key to the wayfinding logic. The ticket. Design by Dot Dash(票——找到所要去的位置的逻辑过程)(或译成指示系统)多特。达什设计nullThe way finding logic applied to the FHA Image Design sign system(指示系统,引导观众找到目的地——FHA设计)nullnull图标中小屋上的字:“入口”null图标中小屋上的字:右边“纪念品” ——“急救” ——“咨询台” nullSports venue signage system(运动会场标志系统)nullThe signage system kit of parts. Design FHA Image Design(与标志系统配套的其它小组成部分——FHA设计)nullThe signage system kit of parts. Pool decoration(与标志系统配套的其它小部分——水池装饰)nullThe indoor Gymnastics venue(室内体育场)nullThe main sporting venue at Homebush Olympic Park(霍姆布什奥林匹克公园的主运动场)nullTransport shuttle(往返班车)nullEntrance to Olympic Park(奥林匹克公园入口)nullWay finding at Olympic Park(奥林匹克公园路牌)nullAfter the Games. Sign graveyard(运动会结束以后,此时无用的标牌立在一起)nullHigh level sign detail(高层的路标塔细节)nullHigh level sign detail.nullShape and colour become reference points(形状和颜色成为参照因素) nullClarity in a congested landscape. Olympic Park(在拥挤的地点指示相当明晰——奥林匹克公园)nullOlympic Park.Signage provides a striking contrast to a bold architectural backdrop(粗犷的建筑物背景与路标形成鲜明的对比)nullThe uniform brand image strategy. FHA Image Design(制服标志图像设计——FHA)(图片中大字含义:2000悉尼奥运会制服)nullThe master colour panel(主颜色版)(图片中字:共享精神)nullThe developed concept. Design by Bond Apparel(发展后的设计思想,由庞德.阿帕尔设计)(图中字——左:正面 右:背面)nullThe identification strategy. FHA Image Design(区别办法——FHA设计 由左至右:监察服务衫——交通衫——医疗衫——安全保障衫——比赛服务衫——SOBO——技术官员衫)nullCoats, jackets, polo tops, pants, caps, hats, scarves, shoes etc formed a complete and integrated wardrobe(外套、夹克、牛仔裤、选手帽、便帽、披肩、鞋等等,形成一套完整的、综合的服装组合)nullA festival of colour(色彩的节日)nullAt work. Integration across all brand applications(工作中,融合体现在所有的标志应用中)nullnullnullnullOn the day, signage and uniforms form an integrated brand impression(白天,指示牌和制服形成综合的标志表达)nullThe Brand Image of the Sydney 2000 Paralympic Games Held two weeks after the Olympic Games. Design FHA Image Design(悉尼2000年残疾人运动会标志图像,残疾会于奥运会闭幕后两周举行——FHA设计)(图中字—:标识方案)(2000年残运会)nullThe IPC master brand(国际残委会主图标)(图中字:大脑——体格——精神)(国际残疾人运动委员会)nullDesign development(设计过程)nullThe Sydney 2000 Paralympic Games brand icon Design FHA Image Design.(2000年悉尼残疾人运动会图标——FHA设计)nullLook and Feel of the Paralympic 2000 GamesThe brand image strategy(标志图案策略)(图中字:2000年悉尼残运会“LOOK AND FEEL”)nullA contemporary approach(一个富有现代气息的方案)nullEmphasising “beyond the extraordinary” the FHA Image Design positioning statement(强调“超越残疾”——FHA的设计定位申明)nullA dramatic brand image(一张激动人心的标志图片)nullCollateral(担保书)nullInvitations(邀请——请柬)nullBold photography captures the strength of Paralympic purpose(自信、勇敢的镜头捕捉残运会精神)nullnullnullStreet banners(街旗)nullVenue branding(赛场标识)nullCollateral(相关的书)(书面上的字:残运会交通指南)nullOfficial stamps(官方邮票)nullProgram set(方案册)nullIndividual program booklets(分别的方案册)nullBanners(旗帜)nullApplying the Paralympic Brand Identity into the existing Olympic Games signage program(把残运会主标识应用于残运会识路标塔系统中)nullTickets (general)(票——普通)(票上的字:白天——任意一天有效 15 通行 19—29日、十月、2000年 普通入场券 所有场管 允许一人,一个座位 悉尼、MSNnullTickets (VIP). Design FHA Image Design(票——贵宾券,FHA设计)(从左至右:开幕式入场券——观看比赛券——闭幕式入场券)nullThe basketball court.(篮球场)nullBasketball continued (detail).null2000年悉尼奥运会海报nullAn individual designer response(设计者个人设计展示)nullThe official Sydney 2000 Olympic Games poster. Design FHA Image Design(2000年悉尼奥运会官方海报——FHA设计)nullThe official brief to 8 selected designers(给8个入围设计者的官方资料)nullEmblem & Designer Posters (象征物与设计海报)nullAn irreverence was requested. (Not for reproduction)(需要一张不太尊敬的图片——不能复制)nullL – Barry Tucker, R – Andrew Hoyne(左边:贝瑞.塔克设计 右边:安居.哈利设计)nullL – Lynda Warner, R – Ken Cato (左:;林达.华纳 右:肯.卡图)nullL – David Lancashire, R – Leunig(左:戴维.兰卡西尔 右:鲁皮格)nullL – Cozzolino Ellet, R – Paul Worstead.(左:可兹诺.艾勒特 右:鲍尔.威斯特德)nullMathew Hatton(马苏.哈顿)nullChildren’s Posters(孩子们的海报)nullnullnullFine Art Posters(优秀的艺术海报)nullnullnullnullnullSports Posters(运动海报)nullnullnullnullOlympic Arts Festival Posters (奥林匹克艺术盛典海报)null2000年悉尼奥运会方案nullThe brand image styling of the official ‘millennium look’ Design FHA Image Design(官方“千年风格”的标志图案 ——FHA设计 )nullPoster design intent. Design FHA Image Design(海报设计意向——FHA设计)nullFinal poster designs. The first time a poster has been designed for all 28 sports. Design FHA Image Design(最终的海报设计,首次为所有28项运动设计海报——FHA设计)nullFinal poster design. Design FHA Image Design.nullFinal poster design. Design FHA Image Design.nullFinal poster design. Design FHA Image Design.nullProgram covers. Design FHA Image Design(相关书册的封面)nullProgram layout. Design FHA Image Design(相关书册的编排)null2000年悉尼奥运会扩展标志nullThe Sydney Olympic 2000 Brand Architecture by FHA Image Design(2000年悉尼奥运会标志建构风格——FHA设计)nullOfficial branded communications(印有标志的官方通信物品或称明信片)nullSub-branding, corporate and application example.(次要的、某团体的应用实例)(图中字:奥林匹克新闻服务处 传 记 研究项目nullSub-branding, corporate and application example (次要的、某团体的应用实例)(图中字:经认可的提供商 运 动 (“OF”表示该提供商提供的是体育器材 器 材 )nullSub-branding, using technique to emphasise the sub-brands values(用技巧来强调一些次要标志的价值) (左:环境 右:奥林匹克绿色挑战nullSub-branding, composite and application (次要的、某团体的应用实例)(图中字——左:国家、教育 右:2000悉尼国家教育——出发nullSub-branding and program collateral, sharing look and feel(次要标志和方案的担保书)(共享“LOOK AND FEEI”)nullBranding official Departments using special application (Design etched into stone)(官方部门的特别应用——将设计蚀刻到石头上)(小字:土著的海峡岛民)nullSub-branding, look and feel(次要标志或称子标志,“LOOK AND FEEI”)nullOfficial venues identified using a distinctive corporate approach(采用一种特殊的共有途径作标识的官方会场)nullSponsor VIP special facillities and application(提供给贵宾特别的便利设施。 小字:俱乐部——27届运动会)nullOfficial branding of areas within Olympic Park and applications(在奥林匹克公园中区域的官方标识 )(小字:OV——奥林匹克村)nullGood design enhances reputation(好的设计增强名气)null2000年悉尼奥运会邮票nullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullParalympic StampsAustralia Post(残疾人运动会邮票 澳大利亚邮局)nullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullwww.rco.net.aurichardh@rco.net.auThank You
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