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俄通社-塔斯社社长维塔利•尼基季奇•伊格纳坚科俄通社-塔斯社社长维塔利•尼基季奇•伊格纳坚科 俄通社-塔斯社社长维塔利·尼基季奇·伊格纳坚科 在北京世界媒体峰会上的发言 (2009年10月) Speech of V.N. Ignatenko, Director General of ITAR-TASS News Agency, at the World Media Summit in Beijing   Dear friends! Distinguished colleagues! Ladies and gentlemen! 亲爱的朋友们! 尊敬的同仁们! 女士们和先生们...
俄通社-塔斯社社长维塔利•尼基季奇•伊格纳坚科 俄通社-塔斯社社长维塔利·尼基季奇·伊格纳坚科 在北京世界媒体峰会上的发言 (2009年10月) Speech of V.N. Ignatenko, Director General of ITAR-TASS News Agency, at the World Media Summit in Beijing   Dear friends! Distinguished colleagues! Ladies and gentlemen! 亲爱的朋友们! 尊敬的同仁们! 女士们和先生们! First of all, please allow me to сongratulate President of Xinhua News Agency Li Congjun and all our Chinese friends on 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Xinhua News Agency formed in 1931 bears direct relation to this historical event.  首先请允许我向新华社社长李从军先生以及所有中国友人恭贺中华人民共和国成立60周年。诞生于1931年的新华社与这一历史事件有着直接的联系。 60 years ago the correspondents of our agency which is one of the oldest news agencies in the world were present at Tian'anmen Square. In 2004 ITAR-TASS News Agency celebrated its 100th anniversary, and we held the International Congress of News Agencies in Moscow devoted for that occasion. And now, 5 years after that Moscow congress, we are here in Beijing to witness the World Media Summit with great symbolic significance. Xinhua News Agency which is of course with other cofounders all together for the first time organizing the International media-forum in Beijing with their own wide scope. I have no doubts that the dynamics of contemporary China will give us the good impulse for a fruitful discussion of certain burning issues faced by modern media-society. 60年前,作为全球历史最悠久的通讯社之一,塔斯社的记者也出现在天安门广场上。2004年,塔斯社庆祝了自己的百年华诞,我们为此在莫斯科举办了世界通讯社大会。5年之后,我们在北京共同见证了极具象征意义的世界媒体峰会。新华社与其他组织者一道,以中国朋友特有的恢宏气魄首度主办世界媒体峰会。毋庸置疑,当代中国的高速发展为我们围绕当代传媒界所面临的迫切问展开富于成效的讨论提供了绝佳的动力。 I want to extend my greetings to all my fellow colleagues/journalists gathered here who are working in different domains of our multifaceted profession. I' m glad that in spite of global economic crisis, meetings of such high level do not just become a part of the history, but on the contrary turn out to be a necessary element of global information society. 我想欢迎所有与会的新闻界同行们,你们奋战在我们这个多棱职业的各条战线上。令我深感欣慰的是,尽管遭遇全球经济危机,但如此大规模的盛会并未停止,而逐渐演变为全球新闻界的生存要素。 The world of news and information industry is undergoing huge changes, so we need to realize how they influence our mass media, including news agencies, TV channels and radio broadcasting. As we all understand, we are speaking here not only about the changes of conditions under which mass media is functioning now but also modernization of information structure themselves. We cannot neglect the fact that all these changes also influence the consumers of the news product. As the head of the oldest Russian news agency ITAR-TASS, which is one of the leading international news agencies, I can say that mass media industry has already become the powerful sector of global economics. What we are producing now is not just the news, but the product which goes to the uncontrolled market and in the open competition becomes claimed or unclaimed. 今天,新闻信息产业界正在经历巨变,我们必须认识到这些变化对大众传媒的影响有多大,无论是通讯社,还是电视台或印刷媒体及广播,都笼罩在其影响之下。我们所有人也都清楚,这并不单是指媒体运作条件的变化以及新闻机构自身的现代化进程。这种变化也发生在新闻产品的用户身上,我们不能对此事实视若无睹。作为全球主要新闻机构、同时也是俄罗斯历史最悠久通讯社的负责人,我可以毫不夸张地说,今日的传媒产业已成为全球经济不可小觑的组成部分。我们目前生产的并非只是新闻,而是将要流入市场的商品,它在公开激烈的竞争中要么具有需求,要么沦为废品。 That is precisely the reason why it is necessary to understand very clearly who are our consumers and what kind of requirements the consumers have got to the information they receive. On the assumption of preferences or, if you would like, tastes, we have to think about the differentiation of our products and individual approach towards our consumers. I believe, there are a lot of representatives of different media groups gathered here for today's meeting, including representatives of "news factories" as well as news consumers as TV and radio channels, newspapers and magazines. This provides us a good opportunity to express our preferences and wishes openly. I m sure that we could discuss this pressing problem in details and identify the various angles of our cooperation. 因此,必须明确谁是我们的用户,他们对所获取的新闻有何要求。从他们的偏好甚至兴趣出发,我们有必要就多元化地开发自身产品、个性化地处理用户需求的问题,进行深入思考。今天的会议让不同类型媒体的代齐聚一堂,其中既有"新闻工厂"的代表,也有其产品的用户,即电视、电台、报纸和杂志。我认为,这为我们坦率道出彼此的喜好及意愿提供了很好的机会。我相信,我们能够详细探讨这一非常重要的问题,明确合作前景。 Another important topic is appearance and adoption of modern technologies in the information structures. Multimedia technologies, new functions of mobile communication, special Webinars etc became the integral part of daily work amongst internet media and news agencies. New capabilities, which seemed fantastic even 10 years ago, now allow us transmit the information in real-time operation mode, so millions of people can keep the track of events. However, under these circumstances we should not draw back from our principles, on the contrary we need to maintain and precisely preserve the tradition of moral and unbiased journalism and at the same time meet the highest professional standards of news reporting. 另一个非常重要的课题是新技术在新闻工作中的出现及纵深使用。多媒体技术、最新移动通讯技术和网络专题会议,不仅成为电子媒体,也成为通讯社日常工作中不可缺少的一部分。在10年前,这一切还难以想象,如今,新技术令我们能实时发布新闻,让数十亿人随时掌握新闻事件进程。然而,在此条件下,我们不应放弃自己的原则,相反,理应继续坚守并珍视新闻的职业道德和客观公正的传统,在进行新闻报道时用最高的职业水准要求自己。 To achieve this aim we desperately need certain work ethics. We need to have the system of moral guidelines which can prevent extremist and terrorism ideas and also propaganda of xenophobia and racial intolerance in mass media. 为此,一定的行业对我们而言是不可或缺的。我们应当具备道德标尺体系,防止大众媒体传播极端主义和恐怖主义思想,为仇外主义和种族主义张目。 What do I mean by this? First of all, forming a unitary classification of events, dividing the events to local incidents and manifestations of global problems. Second, drawing up common reasonable approach to the prompt news reporting without any one-sided version of events or ambiguous wordings. Of course, it's not easy to stay objective, when it comes to close and multifaceted events, but we always have to remember that the aim we are pursuing is to provide really reliable information. 我指的是什么?首先是对新闻事件要形成统一的分类标准,将之分为局部事件和全球问题。其次,要形成统一的、谨慎的新闻报道口径,摒弃一边倒的解读和模棱两可的措词。当然,一旦涉及身边人或是多角度事件时,要保持客观并不容易。但我们应当时刻谨记,我们的目的是向人们提供真正可靠的新闻。 Mass media shouldn't be engaged in power play or business. There are three fundamental criterions of our work - talent, conscience and responsibility for the society, to carry out these obligations is our duty and what we can call the major destination. Only like this can we fulfill our burden or privilege of being "the fourth power"which can form public opinion. 大众媒体不应成为政府或商业的代言人。才能、良知和社会责任感是衡量我们工作的三大基本标准。履行上述义务是你我共同的天职,也可以说是主要使命。惟有在此情况下,我们才能履行自己肩负的重要责任,或是将"第四权力"的特殊作用发挥出来,即形成社会舆论。 That's why I want to stress again the necessity of the efforts' coordination amongst different mass media in the world in order to improve the global information stream. I've got no doubts that you are sharing my opinion that "news factories" are to stay some kind of lighthouse guiding other kinds of mass media on the modern information space. 因此,我再度强调,全球各类媒体间应当建立协调行动机制以完善世界新闻传播,这很有必要。我相信诸位会赞同我的意见,即正是"新闻工厂"应当发挥其"灯塔"作用,为当代信息空间中的其他各类大众媒体提供导航。 I also would like to draw the attention to the importance of developing the regular and sincere dialogue between the representatives of different kinds of mass media about the widest range of questions. Because our major aim is the integration into united global information space. We should demonstrate more active work on strengthening the contacts and relations in our professional field, exchange views on the problems representing professional interests. From my point of view, our meetings' agenda could be more global and also include the discussion of the urgent problems and capabilities of counteracting the modern threats and challenges. 我还想提请大家关注各类媒体就最广泛问题展开定期及坦诚对话的重要性。因为我们共同的目的是携手迈入统一的全球信息空间。我们应当更积极加强在自身职业领域内的接触与联系,就与本职业相关的问题交换意见及成功经验。我认为,我们本次会议的议题不妨更全球化一些,如探讨当前亟需解决的问题、应对现今挑战及威胁的对策。 According to this I want to appraise the cooperation between russian and chinese mass media very highly. We've been working hand in hand on reporting the bright course of events during National Years of China and Russia in 2006-2007. Now we are paying a lot of attention to reporting The Year of Russian Language in China, and next year we will be happy to meet The Year of Chinese Language in Russia. As far as I know, our chinese colleagues and friends keep organizing lots of competitions related to Russia, and these competitions are quite popular amongst chinese population. We are greeting this interest and ready to provide full support, because China for us is not just the strategic partner with whom we've got profitable economic relationships, but first of all the close neighbor with whose people we've got the tightest friendship. 因此,请允许我对俄中媒体间的合作给予高度评价。我们携手报道了2006-2007年两国互办国家年期间亮点纷呈的活动。如今,我们非常重视报道在中国举办的俄语年活动。明年,我们很高兴在俄罗斯迎接汉语年。据我所知,我们的中国同行和朋友举办了与俄罗斯有关的众多知识竞赛,引起了中国民众的极大兴趣。我们对此非常欢迎,并将给予全方位的协作。因为中国对我们而言不仅是拥有互利经济联系的战略伙伴,更是亲密邻邦,牢不可破的友谊将两国人民紧密联系起来。 We are also cooperating actively with China in the field of international media journalist associations in the frame of The Organization of Asian and Pacific Ocean News Agencies and Global Congress of News Agencies. There are regular exchanges between journalist delegations of ITAR-TASS News Agency and Xinhua News Agency which provide the unique chance to Russian and Chinese journalists/reporters to get clearer understanding of real life in China and Russia. 在诸如亚太通讯社组织、世界通讯社大会等国际性新闻媒体组织框架内,我们与中国积极合作。多年来,新华社与俄塔社的新闻代表团一直定期互访。这为两国通讯社记者近距离了解中俄两国的现实生活提供了得天独厚的条件。 Dear colleagues! Before I finish my speech, I would like to express the hope, that today's forum will become the stage for open discussions on the wide range of problems with which we are we concerned, and it might even form the basis of good tradition to hold such meetings regulary. ITAR-TASS would be pleased to support this initiative in the most active way. 亲爱的同仁们!在发言的最后,我还有一个心愿,希望今天的会议成为围绕我们大家共同关心的最广泛问题展开坦诚讨论的有效平台,若有可能,它甚至会为形成定期举办类似交流活动的优良传统奠定基础。请诸位相信,俄塔社将以最积极的态度对此给予支持。 Thank you very much! Thanks for your attention! 感谢诸位!   
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