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DIVISION 700 Bituminous Pavements

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DIVISION 700 Bituminous Pavements Dushanbe-Kyrgyz Border Road Rehabilitation Project Phase 2 Prime Coat – Section 705 DIVISION 700 – Bituminous Pavements Dushanbe-Kyrgyz Border Road Rehabilitation Project Phase 2 DIVISION 700 – Bituminous Pavements 第 700章: 沥青路面 目录 Page 2第701章 – 厂拌路面 – 概述 7第 70...
DIVISION 700 Bituminous Pavements
Dushanbe-Kyrgyz Border Road Rehabilitation Project Phase 2 Prime Coat – Section 705 DIVISION 700 – Bituminous Pavements Dushanbe-Kyrgyz Border Road Rehabilitation Project Phase 2 DIVISION 700 – Bituminous Pavements 第 700章: 沥青路面 目录 Page 2第701章 – 厂拌路面 – 概述 7第 703章节 – 路拌路面 8第 704章节 – 粘层油 10第 705章节 – 透层油 12第 707章节 – 路面处理 14第708章节- 冷铣刨沥青砼路面 15第 712 章节- 裂缝修补 第701章 – 厂拌路面 – 概述 701.02. A. 配合比组成 容差范围表应删除并替换以: 名称 最大容差范围 通过4.75 mm 或更大筛的质量% 5 % 通过2.36 mm - 0.150 mm筛的质量% 4 % 通过0.075 mm 筛的质量% 1.5 % 沥青百分比 对找平层及基层0.4 %; 对耐磨层为0.3 % 混合料温度 10 ℃ Open Graded Friction Course 名称 最大容差范围 通过4.75 mm 或更大筛的质量% 6 % 通过2.36 mm - 0.150 mm筛的质量% 5 % 通过0.075 mm 筛的质量% 1.5 % 沥青百分比 0.4 % 混合料温度 10 ℃ 增加下面的表 701.02-1 Table 701.02 - 1 沥青砼马歇尔配合比 混合料性能及试验方法 每个面的井数 75 马歇尔稳定值 最小900 kg 马歇尔流值 2 – 5 mm 矿料最小空隙率 15% (找平层及基层); 13% (耐磨层) 空隙率 4 - 6% (找平层及基层); 3 - 5% (耐磨层) 极限密度处的空隙率(500个气孔,海外公路通知31,TRL,UK) 最小2.5% 沥青填隙 60-70 (找平层及基层); 70-80 (耐磨层) 浸渍后保持稳定性的百分比(ASTM D1075) 最小75% 701.03. 施工要求 A. 天气限制 第三段: 将“65 ℃” 改为 “低于100℃”. “沥青摊铺温度限定表”表:将所有“空气温度值”改为“10℃”, 所有路面温度值改为 “12 ℃”. B. 沥青砼拌和楼 在第2段后面插入以下内容作为第3段: “3. 混合料的累计重量应用一种批准的自动打印系统及自动称量及搅拌控制系统一起进行核实或生产。该重量应在带子或纸条上标有每批重量及装在每部车的总重量。打印出来的重量原件应每天提供给工程师。 F. 基层及原有面层准备 在句未加入:“在完全清理并得到工程师批准之后”. J. 铺筑及平整 在第三段后加入: 碾压后的找平层最大层厚为7cm。在原有路面上每隔5m测个横断面/高程,且完成后的找平层的高程/工程量应由工程师提议和批准。对局部凹陷区,应先用人工刷粘层并铺上材料,然后再用机械进行大面积的摊筑,以不超过要求的厚度或其它容差范围。 K. 碾压 第三段:将“92%最大理论密度或最小95%试验室样品密度”改为“95%最大理论密度或最小98%试验室样品密度”。 第9段:在本段开关加入以下内容:“不得使用控制剥离法来进行密度控制,但承包商应在沥青砼施工前进行规定的试验以证明所拟用的铺筑及碾压程序达到所有规范的要求”。 N. 路面试验 Delete “an overlay (not patching), or by grinding/cold milling as directed” and after this penultimate sentence add the following: “The Contractor shall propose the method of rectification for the Engineer’s approval but patching shall not be accepted. Cold milling and replacement of a full layer thickness over the full lane width and for a minimum length of at least 30 m shall be the minimal requirement and all of the testing requirements of the Contract shall apply to the remedial work.” 删除“罩面(非局部修补),或按指示进行的通过磨光/冷铣刨”并在倒数第二句加入:承包商应提出整改给工程师批准,但不接受局部修补。冷铣刨及在整幅路宽范围内整层替换,且至少30m长的最小长度为最低要求,且合同的所有试验要求应适用于整改工作”。 在N段后增入以下段落O O. 坑洞修补及加宽 该工作包括原有路面层的坑洞修补以及按图纸所示或工程师指示对指定进行修补或罩面的路边进行小小宽度加宽。 坑洞修补及加宽应用切缝机和/或冷铣刨进行修整,且原有的沥青砼材料应冷铣刨到图纸所示或工程师的指示深度。 开挖了的裸露出骨料基层的坑洞应根据规范洒透层油。坑洞应洒粘层油,然后提供沥青砼并进行铺筑并碾压以对该准备的区域根据规范进行修补。 701.04. 计量方法 删除本小节所有内容并替换以下面内容: Plant-mix asphaltic concrete for base course, wearing course and pothole repairs of specified thicknesses shall be measured as the surface area in square meters at the top of the respective compacted layer shown on the Drawings or instructed by the Engineer, calculated as the product of the width and the plan length measured along the centreline of the road. 用于基层、耐磨层及坑洞修补的具有规定厚度的厂拌沥青砼,应以图纸所示或工程师指令的碾压层表面的平方面积进行计量,按沿道路中心线量得的产品的宽度及平面长度进行计算。 Plant-mix asphaltic concrete leveling course shall be measured as the quantity of compacted asphaltic concrete placed in accordance with the Drawings and the Specification. The existing surface shall be surveyed at sufficiently close centres, not greater than 5 m centres, as agreed by the Engineer, to ensure the quantities can be calculated accurately. The finished surface of the leveling course shall be surveyed at the same longitudinal locations. The average thickness at each cross section shall be calculated as the area between the existing surface and the design level or the actual surveyed level of the finished leveling course, whichever is less.厂拌沥青砼找平层应以根据图纸及规范摊铺和碾压的沥青砼进行计算。原有表面应在足够小的间距-小于5m(或按工程师同意的间距)进行测量,以确保工程量的准确计算。完成的找平层面应在同一纵断面位置进行测量。每个横断面上的平均厚度按原有表面与设计高程之间的面积,或与完成的找平层的实测高程之间的面积的小者进行计算。 The rate for the items for each type shall include for:各类项目的单价应包括: · survey;测量 · materials and attendance for sampling and testing carried out by the Engineer;材料及工程师进行的取样及试验; · preparation, testing and approval of standard job-mix formulae, and any subsequent changes to comply with Specification requirements;准备、试验及标准现场配合比试验式的批准、以及后来按规范要求进行的改变。 · grading, measuring, heating and mixing aggregates, binder, mineral filler, and all additives;骨料级配、计量、加热及搅拌、粘结料、矿物填料,以及所有添加剂。 · variations in the quantities of aggregates, bitumen, filler, and additives;骨料、沥青、填料及添加剂数量的变化、 · preparation of the surface to receive asphaltic concrete;沥青砼摊铺前路面的准备 · cold milling and trimming as required in the case of pothole repairs;坑洞修补时按要求进行的冷铣刨及修整。 · provision and application of prime and tack coats in the case of pothole repairs;坑洞修补时的透层油及粘层油的涂刷。 · cold milling localised areas of overlay sections where necessary to avoid feathered edges; 罩面位置的局部冷铣刨应避免锯齿形的边。 · working to any width;施工到任何宽度; · working on steep gradients;陡坡处施工 · hauling, laying. and compacting;运输、铺筑及碾压 · making joints including breaking out existing bituminous layers to achieve staggered vertical joints;施工接缝,包括将原有沥青层破开以错开垂直接缝。 · making good up to abutting surfaces including painting joints with tack coat;处理好相邻面,包括涂粘层油; · edge support; · shaping to cambers, falls and crowns, and achieving the specified surface finish;形成路拱和坡度以达到规定的平整面; · measures for aftercare, protection, and sealing of the layer until covered over by subsequent layers, and for opening the road to traffic; and 采取的养护、保护、密封所实施的层的措施以及开放交通采取的措施,直到该层为下一层所敷盖。 · complying with all of the requirements of this Specification. 符合所有本规范的要求。 701.05. 支付依据 删除支付项701.10, 701.20 and 701.30 并增加以下内容: Pay Item 名称 单位 701.10 厂拌热沥青基层,公称直径为19 mm的骨料,5 cm厚 m2 701.20 厂拌热沥青找平层,公称直径为19 mm的骨料,最大公称为7 cm厚 m3 701.30 厂拌热沥青耐磨层,公称直径为12.5 mm的骨料,4 cm厚 m2 701.40 厂拌热沥青砼,用于坑洞修补,包括准备工作,8cm厚,包括透层油(若需要)及粘层油 m2 第 703章节 – 路拌路面 703.03 施工要求 B. 设备 第二段: 第一句话将“平方米均匀压力”改为“在均匀压力时的平方米”在第一句后增入以下内容:“洒布机应证明能洒到符合BS1707目标洒布率的+/-15%”。 第 704章节 – 粘层油 704.02 材料 在本段未加入以下内容: 液体沥青的洒布率应为残留的沥青量为0.4L/m2。该数量可根据工程师的批准或指令进行改变。 Nominated and target application rates and quantities of asphalt shall be based on the volumes of asphalt measured at a temperature of 15°C and shall not include any adhesion agent and/or cutter oil or the water content of emulsions. If flux oil has been added to the asphalt, the quantity of flux oil shall be included as part of the binder. Where adhesion agent and/or cutter oil have been added to the asphalt, the application rate of the total asphalt at 15°C shall be adjusted to allow for the quantities of adhesion agent and/or cutter oil in the mixture.指定的洒布率及目标洒布率及沥青数量应基于15°C温度时量的沥青量,且不包括任何粘结剂和/或稀释剂或乳化剂的含水量。若沥青中已加入了助溶油,则助溶油的数量应包含在粘层油中作为粘层油的一部分。若沥青中已加入了粘结剂和/或稀释油,则在15°C温度时的沥青总洒布率应进行调整,以考虑混合料中粘结剂和/或稀释剂的数量。 704.03 施工要求 C. 沥青洒布 在C小节最后一段后增加以下内容: 承包商应通过使用批准的铺在路面上的试验盘对每趟洒布的洒布率进行确认。另外,应以检查实际的消耗量来计量,通过沥青罐中洒布前后沥青数量变化来算,除了小区域的洒布,并对温度及稀释剂等进行必要的修正。放置试验盘的没洒到粘层油的位置应在盘移走后用人工洒布粘层油。 704.04 计量方法 删除本小节全部内容并替换为以下内容: Asphalt for tack coat shall be measured as the volume of liquid asphalt applied at the nominated application rate of the residual (excluding any cutter oil or flux oil) at 15ºC (in litres per square metre) over the area covered with tack coat in square metres in accordance with the Drawings or as directed. No deductions shall be made for openings each not exceeding one square metre. 粘层油沥青按液沥体青洒布的量(按图纸或指令根据指定的15ºC时(升/m2)残留沥青测得的洒布率,不包括稀释剂或助溶剂)进行计量。 Where the measured application rate is less than the nominated application rate, and the measured application rate is accepted by the Engineer, the measurement for payment shall be based on the measured application rate over the area to which it applies. Where the volume of asphalt consumed by actual measurement of the tank volume is less than the nominated or measured application rate, as applicable, and the tack coat is accepted by the Engineer, the actual volume consumed shall be the volume measured for payment.若测量出的洒布率小于指定洒布率,且工程师接受该洒布率,则应根据该区域所测的洒布率进行支付计量。若通过量油罐的体积实际测得的沥青量小于指定或测得的洒布率,且工程师接受该粘层油,则实际消耗的量应作为支付计量。 The quantity of asphalt used for covering the areas of the test plates shall not be measured for payment. 用于被试验盘覆盖区域的粘层油的数量不进行支付计量。 704.05 支付依据 删除项目号并增加以下内容: 支付项 名称 单位 704.10 液体沥青粘层油 升 第 705章节 – 透层油 705.02 材料 在本段未加入以下内容: 液体沥青的洒布率应为残留的沥青量为0.9L/m2。该数量可根据工程师的批准或指令进行改变。 Nominated and target application rates and quantities of asphalt shall be based on the volumes of asphalt measured at a temperature of 15°C and shall not include any adhesion agent and/or cutter oil or the water content of emulsions. If flux oil has been added to the asphalt, the quantity of flux oil shall be included as part of the binder. Where adhesion agent and/or cutter oil have been added to the asphalt, the application rate of the total asphalt at 15°C shall be adjusted to allow for the quantities of adhesion agent and/or cutter oil in the mixture. The Contractor must ensure that penetration of the primed surface is achieved to a depth of 2 to 5 mm and if not so adjustments to the application method such as heating or cutting back may be required. No additional or separate payment shall be made for such requirements. 指定的洒布率及目标洒布率及沥青数量应基于15°C温度时量的沥青量,且不包括任何粘结剂和/或稀释剂或乳化剂的含水量。若沥青中已加入了助溶油,则助溶油的数量应包含在粘层油中作为粘层油的一部分。若沥青中已加入了粘结剂和/或稀释油,则在15°C温度时的沥青总洒布率应进行调整,以考虑混合料中粘结剂和/或稀释剂的数量。承包商应确保透层面的渗透达到2-5mm,如果达不到,则要求对施工方法进行调整,如加热或稀释。对该类要求的要作不作额外或单独支付。 705.03 施工要求 D. 沥青洒布 在本小节最后一段后增加以下内容: The Contractor shall verify the actual application rate of each spray run by use of approved test plates placed on the road surface. In addition, except for small areas of application, the actual volume consumed shall be measured by checking the quantity of asphalt in the tank at the beginning and end of each area on which prime coat is applied and making the necessary corrections for temperature and cutter and the like. The areas of the test plates left without prime coat by shall be primed by hand spraying after removal of the plates. 承包商应通过使用批准的铺在路面上的试验盘对每趟洒布的洒布率进行确认。另外,应以检查实际的消耗量来计量,通过沥青罐中洒布前后沥青数量变化来算,除了小区域的洒布,并对温度及稀释剂等进行必要的修正。放置试验盘的没洒到粘层油的位置应在盘移走后用人工洒布粘层油。 A curing period of 3 days will be required between the application of the prime coat and the next application of asphalt material, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer.在洒完透层油后及在下道沥青铺筑工作前,要求养护3天,除非另外得到工程师的批准。 During the period between the application of the prime coat and the next application of asphalt material, the primed surface shall be kept repaired. All holes, ravels, and areas deficient in prime shall be patched and repaired with asphalt treated materials, by penetration methods or other approved procedures. 在洒完透层油后及在下道沥青铺筑工作前,已洒布透层油的面应进行修补。所有坑洞、剥落、及没洒到位置应通过渗透法及其它批准的程序用处理过的沥青进行局部修补。 705.04 计量方法 Delete the contents of this Sub-Section entirely and replace with the following:删除本小节全部内容并替换成以下内容: Asphalt for prime coat shall be measured as the volume of liquid asphalt applied at the nominated application rate of the residual (excluding any cutter oil or flux oil) at 15ºC (in litres per square metre) over the area covered with prime coat in square metres in accordance with the Drawings or as directed. No deductions shall be made for openings each not exceeding one square metre. 透层油沥青按液体沥青洒布的量(按图纸或指令根据指定的15ºC时(升/m2)残留沥青测得的洒布率,不包括稀释剂或助溶剂)进行计量。对于不大于1m2的空缺不进行扣款。 Where the measured application rate is less than the nominated application rate, and the measured application rate is accepted by the Engineer, the measurement for payment shall be based on the measured application rate over the area to which it applies. Where the volume of asphalt consumed by actual measurement of the tank volume is less than the nominated or measured application rate, as applicable, and the prime coat is accepted by the Engineer, the actual volume consumed shall be the volume measured for payment. 若测量出的洒布率小于指定洒布率,而工程师接受该洒布率,则应根据该区域所测的洒布率进行支付计量。若通过量油罐的体积实际测得的沥青量小于指定或测得的洒布率,且工程师接受该粘层油,则实际消耗的量应作为支付计量。 The quantity of asphalt used for covering the areas of the test plates shall not be measured for payment. 用于被试验盘覆盖区域的粘层油的数量不进行支付计量。 Blotter material, if required to suit the Contractor’s construction methods or otherwise, shall not be measured for payment. 为配合承包商的施工方法要求的或另外要求的吸油材料不进行支付计量。 705.05 支付依据 删除项目号并增加以下内容: 支付项 名称 单位 705.10 透层油用液体沥青 升 对于洒吸油材料不单独支付,但该所需的数量应包含到透层油的支付项单价中。 第 707章节 – 路面处理 707.02 材料 第一段:骨料:将 “2003.1” 改为“2003.8”. 在本小节后加入以下内容: Spray rates of asphalt binder and spread rates of aggregates will be proposed by the Contractor for approval of the Engineer after approval of the aggregate. These requirements will be determined using Overseas Road Note 31 (TRL, UK).在骨料批准后,沥青粘结料的洒布率及骨料的摊铺率由承包商拟定并递交给工程师批准。这些要求将使用海外道路注明31(TRL,UK)进行确定。 Nominated and target application rates and quantities of asphalt shall be based on the volumes of asphalt measured at a temperature of 15°C and shall not include any adhesion agent and/or cutter oil or the water content of emulsions. If flux oil has been added to the asphalt, the quantity of flux oil shall be included as part of the binder. Where adhesion agent and/or cutter oil have been added to the asphalt, the application rate of the total asphalt at 15°C shall be adjusted to allow for the quantities of adhesion agent and/or cutter oil in the mixture. 指定的洒布率及目标洒布率及沥青数量应基于15°C温度时量的沥青量,且不包括任何粘结剂和/或稀释剂或乳化剂的含水量。若沥青中已加入了助溶油,则助溶油的数量应包含在粘层油中作为粘层油的一部分。若沥青中已加入了粘结剂和/或稀释油,则在15°C温度时的沥青总洒布率应进行调整,以考虑混合料中粘结剂和/或稀释剂的数量。 707.03 施工要求 B. Seal coat封层 At the end of this sub-section B add the following:在本小节B后加入以下内容: The Contractor shall verify the actual application rate of each spray run by use of approved test plates placed on the road surface. In addition, except for small areas of application, the actual volume consumed shall be measured by checking the quantity of asphalt in the tank at the beginning and end of each area on which seal coat is applied and making the necessary corrections for temperature and cutter and the like. The areas of the test plates left without prime coat by shall be primed by hand spraying after removal of the plates. 承包商应通过使用批准的铺在路面上的试验盘对每趟洒布的洒布率进行确认。另外,应以检查实际的消耗量来计量,通过沥青罐中洒布前后沥青数量变化来算,除了小区域的洒布,并对温度及稀释剂等进行必要的修正。放置试验盘的没洒到透层油的位置应在盘移走后用人工洒布透层油。 The quantity of aggregate applied shall be measured to verify compliance with the nominated application rate. Irrespective of the conformance with the nominated application rate or otherwise, if the application is insufficient to completely cover the surface with aggregate, additional aggregate shall be applied immediately while rolling is in progress. No additional payment shall be made for additional aggregate which is necessary to completely cover the surface. 使用的骨料量应进行计量以确保符合指定的使用量。不管是否符合指定的使用量,如果使用量不能够完全为骨料所覆盖,在碾压时应立即增加骨料。为完全覆盖路面所增加的骨料不进行额外支付。 707.04 计量方法 删除本小节所有内容并替换成以下内容: 表面处理应按图纸或指示实际铺的封层的面积来计量和支付,单位为平方米。对液体沥青或骨料的量不进行单独支付计量,除了以下规定: No deductions shall be made for openings each not exceeding one square metre.对不超过1m2的空缺不进行扣款。 若测量出的洒布率小于指定洒布率,而工程师接受该洒布率,则应根据该区域所测的洒布率进行支付计量。若通过量油罐的体积实际测得的沥青量小于指定或测得的洒布率,且工程师接受该封层,则实际消耗与按指定洒布率计算出来的量的差额应从支付中扣除。 用于被试验盘覆盖区域的粘层油的数量不进行支付计量。 增加的用于确保完全均匀的覆盖封层的骨料不进行支付计量。 707.05 支付依据 删除项目号并加入以下内容: 支付项 名称 单位 707.10 表面处理,10mm覆盖骨料单封层。Surface treatment, one seal coat with 10mm cover aggregate m2 当根据规章节量得的所使用的液体沥青的量减少时,应采用计日工表表—材料中的液体沥青的计日工单价来确定表面处理的扣款。 第708章节- 冷铣刨沥青砼路面 708.04 计量方法 删除本章节全部内容并替换成以下内容: 沥青砼或沥青砼路面材料的挖除应根据规范第400章节中的各种开挖方法进行计量和支付,或包含到坑洞修补或加宽修整的支付里。 708.05 支付依据 删除本章节全部内容并增加以下内容: 沥青路面的冷铣刨不进行单独支付。 第 712 章节- 裂缝修补 712.01 描述 原有沥青路面需要处理的裂缝应进行确认,并在承包商与工程师进行联合检查时用用防车辆(磨损)白漆清楚的标出。裂缝按以下进行处理: 712.02 材料 材料应符合以下要求: 沥青 2002.02 or 2002.03 填砂 2003.05 包括天然砂. 712.03 施工要求 在灌缝前,承包商应用钢刷、机械扫帚及高压喷气清除裂缝中所有的污垢、粉尘、植被、其它疏松材料及油。裂缝应用热油压缩空气进行吹干。 After cracks have been thoroughly cleaned and dried they shall be sealed with a medium curing cut-back bitumen MC 250 or MC 800 heated to a temperature of 80 to 100°C temperature. A spray lance blowing hot oil free compressed air may be used to introduce bitumen into the crack. Fine sand and cement dust may be mixed with the cutback bitumen, to the extent that the flow of bitumen into the crack remains unimpeded. Care shall be taken to ensure that bitumen is not spread over the surface of the road by pouring the bitumen through a purpose made sheet metal banding shoe, to give a maximum width of 40 mm. A squeegee board (a stiff rubber or plastic strip fitted to a timber board, or similar) may also be used to facilitate the entry of the sealant into the crack. When cracks are fully sealed, a blinding layer of coarse sand shall be applied before the bitumen cools.裂缝完全清理好并干燥后,应用中级处理的加热到80°C -100°C 的MC250或MC800稀释沥青进行灌缝。可使用热油压缩空气喷枪将沥青灌到裂缝中。可用细砂或水泥粉与稀释进行混合,混合到不影响沥青流到裂缝中。通过一个专门制作的金属片滑轨将沥青灌到裂缝中,并注意确保沥青不漫到路面上。 在湿的天气或当路面温度低于10ºC时不能进行裂缝修补。 712.04 计量方法 原有沥青路面的灌缝按要求修补的长度进行计量。 修补单价包括: · 缝的确认和标记; · 缝的修整 · 按工程师批准的方式处理残留材料; · 清理和准备裂缝进行材料灌缝 · 用沥青/砂或热沥青向单个裂缝进行适当灌缝。 · 修整并洒砂层。 712.05 支付依据 接受的工程量的支付应按如下进行支付: 支付项 名称 单位 712.10 裂缝修补 延米 700 - 16 of 16 SPECIFICATION – SPECIAL PROVISIONS SPECIFICATION – SPECIAL PROVISIONS 700 - 13 of 16
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