首页 > 中西医结合治疗消化性溃疡研究进展


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中西医结合治疗消化性溃疡研究进展 2 0 0 9 ? ? 23? ? 3? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? JOURNAL OF PRACT ICAL TRAD IT IONAL CH IN ESE INTERNAL MED ICINE ?????? ,????????????? ,?? ?????????????。??? [ 16 ]???? ?????辨???????????????? ???? :????? IR?? ,???????? ?、??????。 ????????????????? ,??? ???????、??、??、???????...
2 0 0 9 ? ? 23? ? 3? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? JOURNAL OF PRACT ICAL TRAD IT IONAL CH IN ESE INTERNAL MED ICINE ?????? ,????????????? ,?? ?????????????。??? [ 16 ]???? ?????辨???????????????? ???? :????? IR?? ,???????? ?、??????。 ????????????????? ,??? ???????、??、??、???????? ,? ????????。???????? ,????? ????????????????? ,????? ?????????????? ,???????? ?????????。???? ,???????? ????????????????。????? ??????????? ,??????????? ??????? ,??????????????? ????????。 ???? [ 1 ]??? .????????? [M ]. ??? . ????????? ? ,????????????? ,????? (?? ) , 2005 [ 2 ]??? .?????????????? [ J ]. ???? , 2005 , 17 (2 ) : 1 - 6 [ 3 ]??? .????????????? [ J ].????????? ?? , 2005, 14 ( 1) : 59 - 63 [ 4 ]Burn sMA , HeW,W u CL, et al. Quantitative p atho logy in tissue MR spectroscopy based human p rostate metabolom ics[ J ]. Technol Cancer Res Treat, 2004 , 3 (6) : 591 [ 5 ]Verhoeckx KC, Bijl sma S, Jespersen S, et al. 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(?????? ,???? 430061) ?    ? :????? ,? :??辨????辨???? 、???????????、?????????????、? ???????????????、???????????????????????????。?? :????? ????????????????? ,???????? ,???????。 ?  ?  ? :????? ; ??????? ; ?? ; ?? ????? : R573. 1 ????? : A do i: 10. 3969 / j. issn. 1671 - 7813. 2009. 03. 09 Traditional Chinese andWestern Medic ine Treatment of Pep tic U lce r Research Shen L i - ping, Advisor: Tong Chang - zhen (Hubei College of Traditional ChineseMedicine,Wuhan 430061, Hubei, China) Abstract: From five aspects, namely, TCM and Western medicine disease combining p rop rietary Chinese , f j , f M B 2 , y, f y ?91? m ed ic ine w ith w e ste rn m ed ic ine com b ine d w ith w e ste rn m edic ine C h ine se m ed ic in e trea tm e nt o p a rtia l o in t tre a tm en t app lic a tio n o m ode rn m ed ic a l th eo rie s to gu ide the C h ine se e dic ine P ra c titione r s oa rd to m ed ic a tion the rap suc h a s a cup unc tu re and em be dd ing tra ditio na l C h ine se a nd w e ste rn m ed ic in e on the trea tm en t o pep tic u lce r re se a rc h. Po in te d ou t: trad ition a l C hin e se a nd w e ste rn m ed ic ine ca n k eep the o r igina l so le l ba se d ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? JOURNAL OF PRACT ICAL TRAD IT IONAL CH IN ESE INTERNAL MED ICINE Nov . 2 0 0 9 Vo l. 2 3 No. 3 on the efficacy ofwe stern medic ine to improve the qua lity of ulcer hea ling and reduce the side effects ofwest2 ern medicine. KeyWords: peptic ulcer; traditiona l Chinese and western medicine; progress; exposition   ????? ,???????????? ,?? ?????????、??? ,????????? ?? ,??????????。???????“? ?? ”?? ,????????????????? ??。??????????????????? ???????????。????? : 1 ??辨????辨???? ???????????舌??? ,????? ??? ,辨????? ,???????????? ??? ,????辨??????。??????? ?????、??、????????? ,????辨 ????辨????? ,???????? ,??? ??????????。???? [ 1]?????? ??? Hp???????? 49??????? ?、?????、?????、??????? ,?? ??????? ,????? ,????????? ???、????、??? ,?????????。4 ???????? ,??????? ( 96. 6% )?? ??? ( 55. 0% ) ,???????? (χ2 = 4. 47, P < 0. 05)。??? [2 ]? 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