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中英文论语1 The Master "Is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseverance and application? "Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters? "Is he not a man of complete virtue, who feels no discomposure though men may take no note of him?" The philos...
1 The Master "Is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseverance and application? "Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters? "Is he not a man of complete virtue, who feels no discomposure though men may take no note of him?" The philosopher Yu said, "They are few who, being filial and fraternal, are fond of offending against their superiors. There have been none, who, not liking to offend against their superiors, have been fond of stirring up confusion. "The superior man bends his attention to what is radical. That being established, all practical courses naturally grow up. Filial piety and fraternal submission,-are they not the root of all benevolent actions?" The Master said, "Fine words and an insinuating appearance are seldom associated with true virtue." The philosopher Tsang said, "I daily examine myself on three points:-whether, in transacting business for others, I may have been not faithful;-whether, in intercourse with friends, I may have been not sincere;-whether I may have not mastered and practiced the instructions of my teacher." The Master said, "To rule a country of a thousand chariots, there must be reverent attention to business, and sincerity; economy in expenditure, and love for men; and the employment of the people at the proper seasons." The Master said, "A youth, when at home, should be filial, and, abroad, respectful to his elders. He should be earnest and truthful. He should overflow in love to all, and cultivate the friendship of the good. When he has time and opportunity, after the performance of these things, he should employ them in polite studies." Tsze-hsia said, "If a man withdraws his mind from the love of beauty, and applies it as sincerely to the love of the virtuous; if, in serving his parents, he can exert his utmost strength; if, in serving his prince, he can devote his life; if, in his intercourse with his friends, his words are sincere:-although men say that he has not learned, I will certainly say that he has. The Master said, "If the scholar be not grave, he will not call forth any veneration, and his learning will not be solid. "Hold faithfulness and sincerity as first principles. "Have no friends not equal to yourself. "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." The philosopher Tsang said, "Let there be a careful attention to perform the funeral rites to parents, and let them be followed when long gone with the ceremonies of sacrifice;-then the virtue of the people will resume its proper excellence." Tsze-ch'in asked Tsze-kung saying, "When our master comes to any country, he does not fail to learn all about its government. Does he ask his information? or is it given to him?" Tsze-kung said, "Our master is benign, upright, courteous, temperate, and complaisant and thus he gets his information. The master's mode of asking information,-is it not different from that of other men?" The Master said, "While a man's father is alive, look at the bent of his will; when his father is dead, look at his conduct. If for three years he does not alter from the way of his father, he may be called filial." The philosopher Yu said, "In practicing the rules of propriety, a natural ease is to be prized. In the ways prescribed by the ancient kings, this is the excellent quality, and in things small and great we follow them. "Yet it is not to be observed in all cases. If one, knowing how such ease should be prized, manifests it, without regulating it by the rules of propriety, this likewise is not to be done." The philosopher Yu said, "When agreements are made according to what is right, what is spoken can be made good. When respect is shown according to what is proper, one keeps far from shame and disgrace. When the parties upon whom a man leans are proper persons to be intimate with, he can make them his guides and masters." The Master said, "He who aims to be a man of complete virtue in his food does not seek to gratify his appetite, nor in his dwelling place does he seek the appliances of ease; he is earnest in what he is doing, and careful in his speech; he frequents the company of men of principle that he may be rectified:- such a person may be said indeed to love to learn." Tsze-kung said, "What do you pronounce concerning the poor man who yet does not flatter, and the rich man who s not proud?" The Master replied, "They will do; but they are not equal to him, who, though poor, is yet cheerful, and to him, who, though rich, loves the rules of propriety." Tsze-kung replied, "It is said in the Book of Poetry, 'As you cut and then file, as you carve and then polish.'-The meaning is the same, I apprehend, as that which you have just expressed." The Master said, "With one like Ts'ze, I can begin to talk about the odes. I told him one point, and he knew its proper sequence." The Master said, "I will not be afflicted at men's not knowing me; I will be afflicted that I do not know men."     2 The Master said, "He who exercises government by means of his virtue may be compared to the north polar star, which keeps its place and all the stars turn towards it." The Master said, "In the Book of Poetry are three hundred pieces, but the design of them all may be embraced in one sentence 'Having no depraved thoughts.'" The Master said, "If the people be led by laws, and uniformity sought to be given them by punishments, they will try to avoid the punishment, but have no sense of shame. "If they be led by virtue, and uniformity sought to be given them by the rules of propriety, they will have the sense of shame, and moreover will become good." The Master said, "At fifteen, I had my mind bent on learning. "At thirty, I stood firm. "At forty, I had no doubts. "At fifty, I knew the decrees of Heaven. "At sixty, my ear was an obedient organ for the reception of truth. "At seventy, I could follow what my heart desired, without transgressing what was right." Mang I asked what filial piety was. The Master said, "It is not being disobedient." Soon after, as Fan Ch'ih was driving him, the Master told him, saying, "Mang-sun asked me what filial piety was, and I answered him,-'not being disobedient.'" Fan Ch'ih said, "What did you mean?" The Master replied, "That parents, when alive, be served according to propriety; that, when dead, they should be buried according to propriety; and that they should be sacrificed to according to propriety." Mang Wu asked what filial piety was. The Master said, "Parents are anxious lest their children should be sick." Tsze-yu asked what filial piety was. The Master said, "The filial piety nowadays means the support of one's parents. But dogs and horses likewise are able to do something in the way of support;-without reverence, what is there to distinguish the one support given from the other?" Tsze-hsia asked what filial piety was. The Master said, "The difficulty is with the countenance. If, when their elders have any troublesome affairs, the young take the toil of them, and if, when the young have wine and food, they set them before their elders, is THIS to be considered filial piety?" The Master said, "I have talked with Hui for a whole day, and he has not made any objection to anything I said;-as if he were stupid. He has retired, and I have examined his conduct when away from me, and found him able to illustrate my teachings. Hui!-He is not stupid." The Master said, "See what a man does. "Mark his motives. "Examine in what things he rests. "How can a man conceal his character? How can a man conceal his character?" The Master said, "If a man keeps cherishing his old knowledge, so as continually to be acquiring new, he may be a teacher of others." The Master said, "The accomplished scholar is not a utensil." Tsze-kung asked what constituted the superior man. The Master said, "He acts before he speaks, and afterwards speaks according to his actions." The Master said, "The superior man is catholic and not partisan. The mean man is partisan and not catholic." The Master said, "Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous." The Master said, "The study of strange doctrines is injurious indeed!" The Master said, "Yu, shall I teach you what knowledge is? When you know a thing, to hold that you know it; and when you do not know a thing, to allow that you do not know it;-this is knowledge." Tsze-chang was learning with a view to official emolument. The Master said, "Hear much and put aside the points of which you stand in doubt, while you speak cautiously at the same time of the others:-then you will afford few occasions for blame. See much and put aside the things which seem perilous, while you are cautious at the same time in carrying the others into practice: then you will have few occasions for repentance. When one gives few occasions for blame in his words, and few occasions for repentance in his conduct, he is in the way to get emolument." The Duke Ai asked, saying, "What should be done in order to secure the submission of the people?" Confucius replied, "Advance the upright and set aside the crooked, then the people will submit. Advance the crooked and set aside the upright, then the people will not submit." Chi K'ang asked how to cause the people to reverence their ruler, to be faithful to him, and to go on to nerve themselves to virtue. The Master said, "Let him preside over them with gravity;-then they will reverence him. Let him be final and kind to all;-then they will be faithful to him. Let him advance the good and teach the incompetent;-then they will eagerly seek to be virtuous." Some one addressed Confucius, saying, "Sir, why are you not engaged in the government?" The Master said, "What does the Shu-ching say of filial piety?-'You are final, you discharge your brotherly duties. These qualities are displayed in government.' This then also constitutes the exercise of government. Why must there be THAT-making one be in the government?" The Master said, "I do not know how a man without truthfulness is to get on. How can a large carriage be made to go without the crossbar for yoking the oxen to, or a small carriage without the arrangement for yoking the horses?" Tsze-chang asked whether the affairs of ten ages after could be known. Confucius said, "The Yin dynasty followed the regulations of the Hsia: wherein it took from or added to them may be known. The Chau dynasty has followed the regulations of Yin: wherein it took from or added to them may be known. Some other may follow the Chau, but though it should be at the distance of a hundred ages, its affairs may be known." The Master said, "For a man to sacrifice to a spirit which does not belong to him is flattery. "To see what is right and not to do it is want of courage." 学而第一 子曰:“学而时习之,不亦悦乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?” 有子曰:“其为人也孝悌而好犯上者,鲜矣。不好犯上而好作乱者,未之有也。君子务本,本立而道生。孝悌也者,其为仁之本与?” 子曰:“巧言令色,鲜矣仁。” 曾子曰:吾日三省乎吾身。为人谋而不忠乎?与朋友交而不信乎?传不习乎? 子曰:道千乘之国,敬事而信,节用而爱人,使民以时。 子曰:弟子入则孝,出则悌,谨而信,泛爱众而亲仁,行有余力,则以学文。 子夏曰:贤贤易色,事父母,能竭其力。事君,能致其身。与朋友交,言而有信。虽曰未学,吾必谓之学矣。 子曰:君子不重则不威,学则不固。主忠信,无友不如己者,过则勿惮改。 曾子曰:慎终追远,民德归厚矣。 子禽问于子贡曰:“夫子至于是邦也,必闻其政。求之与?抑与之与?”子贡曰:“夫子温良恭俭让以得之。夫子求之也,其诸异乎人之求之与?” 子曰:父在,观其志。父没,观其行。三年无改于父之道,可谓孝矣。 有子曰:礼之用,和为贵。先王之道斯为美。小大由之,有所不行。知和而和,不以礼节之,亦不可行也。 有子曰:信近于义,言可复也。恭近于礼,远耻辱也。因不失其亲,亦可宗也。 子曰:君子食无求饱,居无求安。敏于事而慎于言,就有道而正焉。可谓好学也已。 子贡曰:“贫而无谄,富而无骄。何如?”子曰:“可也。未若贫而乐,富而好礼者也。”子贡曰:“诗云:如切如磋,如琢如磨。其斯之谓与?”子曰:“赐也,始可与言诗已矣。告诸往而知来者。” 子曰:不患人之不己知,患不知人也。   为政第二 子曰:为政以德,譬如北辰,居其所,而众星共之。 子曰:诗三百篇,一言以蔽之,曰:“思无邪。” 子曰:导之以政,齐之以德,民免而无耻。导之以德,齐之以礼,有耻且格。 子曰:吾十有五而志于学,三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳顺,七十而从心所欲不逾矩。 孟懿子问孝。子曰:“无违。”樊迟御,子告之曰:“孟孙问孝于我,我对曰无违。”樊迟曰:“何谓也?”子曰:“生,事之以礼,死,葬之以礼,祭之以礼。” 孟武伯问孝。子曰:“父母,唯其疾之忧。” 子游问孝。子曰:“今之孝者,是谓能养,至于犬马,皆能有养,不敬,何以别乎?” 子夏问孝。子曰:“色难。有事,弟子服其劳,有酒食,先生馔,曾是以为孝乎?” 子曰:吾与回言终日,不违如愚,退而省其私,亦足以发。回也不愚。 子曰:视其所以,观其所由,察其所安,人焉叟哉!人焉叟哉! 子曰:温故而知新,可以为师矣。 子曰:君子不器。 子贡问君子。子曰:“先行其言而后从之。 子曰:君子周而不比,小人比而不周。 子曰:学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。 子曰:攻乎异端,斯害也已。 子曰:由,诲汝知之乎!知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。 子张学干禄。子曰:“多闻阙疑,慎言其余,则寡尤。多见阙殆,慎行其余,则寡悔。言寡尤,行寡悔,禄在其中矣。 哀公问曰:“何为则民服?”孔子对曰:“举直错诸枉,则民服;举枉错诸直,则民不服。” 季康子问:“使民敬忠以劝,如之何?”子曰:“临之以庄则敬,孝慈则忠,举善而教不能则劝。” 或谓孔子曰:“子奚不为政?”子曰:“书云:孝乎!惟孝友于兄弟,施于有政。是亦为政。奚其为为政!” 子曰:人而无信,不知其可也。大车无倪,小车无杌,其何以行之哉! 子张问:“十世可知也?”子曰:“殷因与夏礼,所损益,可知也。周因于殷礼,所损益,可知也。其或继周者,虽百世,可知也。” 子曰:非其鬼而祭之,谄也。见义不为,无勇也。 八佾第三 孔子谓季氏:“八佾舞于庭,是可忍也,孰不可忍也!” 三家者以雍彻。子曰:“相维辟公,天子穆穆。奚取于三家之堂!” 子曰:“人而不仁,如礼何!人而不仁,如乐何!” 林放问礼之本。子曰:“大哉问!礼,与其奢也,宁俭,与其易也,宁戚。” 子曰:“夷狄之有君,不如诸夏之无也。” 季氏旅于泰山。子谓冉有曰:“汝弗能救与?”对曰:“不能。”子曰:“呜呼!曾谓泰山,不若林放乎!” 子曰:“君子无所争。必也射乎!揖让而升,下而饮,其争也君子。” 子夏问曰:“’巧笑倩兮,美目盼兮。’何谓也?”子曰:“绘事后素。”曰:“礼后乎?”子曰:“起予者商也,始可以言诗已矣。” 子曰:“夏礼吾能言之,杞不足征也。殷礼吾能言之,宋不足征也。文献不足故也。足,则吾能征之矣。” 子曰:“谛,自既灌而往者,吾不欲观之矣。” 或问谛之说。子曰:“不知也。知其说者之于天下也,其如示诸斯乎?”指其掌。 祭如在,祭神如神在。子曰:“吾不与祭,如不祭。” 王孙贾问曰:“与其媚于奥,宁媚于灶也。何谓也?”子曰:“不然。获罪于天,无所祷也。” 子曰:“周监于二代。郁郁乎文哉,吾从周。” 子入太庙,每事问。或曰:“孰谓邹人之子知礼乎?入太庙,每事问。”子闻之曰:“是礼也。” 子曰:“射不主皮,为力不同科,古之道也。” 子贡欲去告朔之饩羊。子曰:“赐也,尔爱其羊,我爱其礼。” 子曰:“事君尽礼,人以为谄也。” 定公问:“君使臣,臣事君,如之何?”孔子对曰:“君使臣以礼,臣事君以忠。” 子曰:“关雎,乐而不淫,哀而不伤。” 哀公问社于宰我。宰我对曰:“夏后氏以松,殷人以柏,周人以栗。曰:’使民战栗。’”子闻之曰:“成事不说,遂事不谏,既往不咎。” 子曰:“管仲之器小哉!”或曰:“管仲俭乎?”曰:“管氏有三归,官事不摄。焉得俭?”“然则管仲知礼乎?”曰:“邦君树塞门,管氏亦树塞门。邦君为两君之好,有反坫,管氏亦有反坫。管氏而知礼,孰不知礼?” 子语鲁太师乐,曰:“乐其可知也。始作,翕如也。从之,纯如也,徼如也,绎如也。以成。” 仪封人请见,曰:“君子之至于斯也,吾未尝不得见也。”从者见之。出曰:“二三子,何患于丧乎?天下无道也久矣,天将以夫子为木铎。” 子谓韶:“尽美矣,又尽善也。”谓武:“尽美矣,未尽善也。” 子曰:“居上不宽,为礼不敬,临丧不哀。吾何以观之哉!” 里仁第四 子曰:“里仁为美。择不处仁,焉得知!” 子曰:“不仁者,不可以久处约,不可以长处乐。仁者安仁,知者利仁。” 子曰:“唯仁者能好人,能恶人。” 子曰:“苟志于仁矣,无恶也。” 子曰:“富与贵,是人之所欲也,不以其道得之,不处也。贫与贱,是人这所恶也,不以其道得之,不去也。君子去仁,恶乎成名?君子无终食之间违仁,造次必于是,颠沛必于是。” 子曰:“我未见好仁者,恶不仁者。好仁者无以尚之,恶不仁者其为仁矣,不使不仁者加乎其身。有能一日用力于仁矣乎,我未见力不足者。盖有之矣,我未之见也。” 子曰:“人之过也,各于其党。观过,斯知仁矣!” 子曰:“朝闻道,夕死可矣。” 子曰:“士志于道,而耻恶衣恶食者,未足与议也。” 子曰:“君子之于天下也,无适也,无莫也,义之与比。” 子曰:“君子怀德,小人怀土。君子怀刑,小人怀惠。” 子曰:“放于利而行,多怨。” 子曰:“能以礼让为国乎,何有。不能以礼让为国,如礼何?” 子曰:“不患无位,患所以立。不患莫己知,求为可知也。” 子曰:“参乎,吾道一以贯之。”曾子曰:“唯。”子出,门人问曰:“何谓也?”曾子曰:“夫子之道,忠恕而已矣。” 子曰:“君子喻于义,小人喻于利。” 子曰:“见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也。” 子曰:“事父母几谏,见志不从,又敬不违,劳而不怨。” 子曰:“父母在,不远游,游必有方。” 子曰:“三年无改于父之道,可谓孝矣。” 子曰:“父母之年,不可不知也。一则以喜,一则以惧。” 子曰:“古者言之不出,耻恭之不逮也。” 子曰:“以约失之者鲜矣。” 子曰:“君子欲讷于言而敏于行。” 子曰:“德不孤,必有邻。” 子游曰:“事君数,斯辱矣。朋友数,斯疏矣。” 公冶长第五 子谓公冶长:“可妻也。虽在缧绁之中,非其罪也。”以其子妻之。子谓南容:“邦有道,不废,邦无道,免于刑戮。”以其兄之子妻之。 子谓子贱:“君子哉若人。鲁无君子者,斯焉取斯。” 子贡问曰:“赐也何如?”子曰:“汝器也。”曰:“何器也?”曰:“琏瑚也。” 或曰:“雍也仁而不佞。”子曰:“焉用佞。御人以口给,屡憎于人,不知其仁。焉用佞?” 子使漆雕开仕。对曰:“吾斯之未能信。”子说。 子曰:“道不行,乘桴浮于海,从我者其由与!”子路闻之喜。子曰:“由也好勇过我,无所取材。” 孟武伯问:“子路仁乎?”子曰:“不知也。”又问。子曰:“由也,千乘之国,可使治其赋也。不知其仁也。”“求也何如?”子曰:“求也,千室之邑,百乘之家,可使为之宰也。不知其仁也。”“赤也何如?”子曰:“赤也,束带立于朝,可使与宾客言也。不知其仁也。” 子谓子贡曰:“汝与回也孰愈?”对曰:“赐也何敢望回。回也闻一以知十,赐也闻一以知二。”子曰:“弗如也。吾与汝弗如也。” 宰予旦寝,子曰:“朽木,不可雕也,粪土之墙,不可圬也。于予与何诛?” 子曰:“始吾于人也,听其言而信其行,今吾于人也,听其言而观其行。于予与改是。” 子曰:“吾未见刚者。”或对曰:“申伥。”子曰:“伥也欲。焉得刚!” 子贡曰:“我不欲人之加诸我也,吾亦欲无加诸人。”子曰:“赐也,非尔所及也。” 子贡曰:“夫子之文章,可得而闻也,夫子之言性与天道,不可得而闻也。” 子路有闻,未之能行,唯恐有闻。 子贡问曰:“孔文子何以谓之文也?”子曰:“敏而好学,不耻下问,是以谓之文也。” 子谓子产:“有君子之道四焉。其行己也恭,其事上也敬,其养民也惠,其使民也义。” 子曰:“晏平仲善与人交,久而敬之。” 子曰:“臧文仲居蔡,山节藻悦,何如其知也。” 子张问曰:“令尹子文三仕为令尹,无喜色。三已之,无愠色。旧令尹之政,必以告新令尹。何如?”子曰:“忠矣!”曰:“仁矣乎?”子曰:“未知。焉得仁?”“崔子弑齐君,陈文子有马十乘,弃而违之。至于他邦,则曰:’犹吾大夫崔子也。’违之,至一邦,则又曰:’犹吾大夫崔子也。’违之。何如?”子曰:“清矣。”曰:“仁矣乎?”曰:“未知。焉得仁?” 季文子三思而后行。子闻之,曰:“再,斯可矣!” 子曰:“宁武子,邦有道,则知,邦无道,则愚。其知可及也,其愚不可及也。” 子在陈曰:“归与,归与!吾党之小子狂简,斐然成章,不知所以裁之。” 子曰:“伯夷叔齐,不念旧恶,怨是用希。” 子曰:“孰谓微生高直?或乞醢焉,乞诸其邻而与之。” 子曰:“巧言令色,足恭,左丘明耻之,丘亦耻之。匿怨而友其人,左丘明耻之,丘亦耻之。” 颜渊季路侍,子曰:“盍各言尔志?”子路曰:“愿车马,衣轻裘,与朋友共,敝之而无憾。”颜渊曰:“愿无伐善,无施劳。”子路曰:“愿闻子之志。”子曰:“老者安之,朋友信之,少者怀之。” 子曰:“已矣乎!吾未见能见其过而内自讼者也。” 子曰:“十室之邑,必有忠信如丘者焉,不如丘之好学也。” 雍也第六 子曰:“雍也可使南面。”仲弓问子桑伯。子曰:“可也简。”仲弓曰:“居敬而行简,以临其民,不亦可乎?居简而行简,无乃太简乎?”子曰:“雍之言然。” 哀公问:“弟子孰为好学?”孔子对曰:“有颜回者好学,不迁怒,不贰过,不幸短命死矣!今也则亡,未闻好学者也。” 子华使于齐,冉子为其母请粟。子曰:“与之釜。”请益。曰:“与之庚。”冉子于其粟五秉,子曰:“赤之适齐也,乘肥马,衣轻裘。吾闻之也,君子周急不继富。”原思为之宰,与之粟九百,辞。子曰:“毋以与尔邻里乡党乎?” 子谓仲弓曰:“犁牛之子锌且角,虽欲勿用,山川其舍诸?” 子曰:“回也其心三月不违仁,其余则日月至焉而已矣。” 季康子问:“仲由可使从政也与?”子曰:“由也果,于从政乎何有!”曰:“赐也可使从政也与?”曰:“赐也达,于从政乎何有!”曰:“求也可使从政也与?”曰:“求也艺,于从政乎何有!” 季氏使闵子骞为费宰。闵子骞曰:“善为我辞焉。如有复我者,则吾必在汶上矣。” 伯牛有疾,子问之,至牖执其手,曰:“命矣夫!斯人也,而有斯疾也!斯人也,而有斯疾也!” 子曰:“贤哉回也!一箪食,一瓢饮,在陋巷,人不堪其忧,回也不改其乐。贤在回也!” 冉求曰:“非不说子之道,力不足也。”子曰:“力不足者,中道而废。今汝画。” 子谓子夏曰:“汝为君子儒,无为小人儒。” 子游为武城宰。子曰:“汝得人焉尔乎?”曰:“有澹台明灭者,行不由径,非公事,未尝至于偃之室也。” 子曰:“孟之反不伐。奔而殿,将入门,策其马,曰:’非敢后也,马不进也。’” 子曰:“不有祝跎之佞,而有宋朝之美,难乎免于今之世矣。” 子曰:“谁能出不由户,何莫由斯道也!” 子曰:“质胜文则野,文胜质则史,文质彬彬,然后君子。” 子曰:“人之生也直,罔之生也,幸而免。” 子曰:“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。” 子曰:“中人以上,可以语上也,中人以下,不可以语上也。” 樊迟问知。子曰:“务民之义,敬鬼神而远之,可谓知矣。”问仁。子曰:“先难而后获,可谓仁矣。” 子曰:“知者乐水,仁者乐山;知者动,仁者静;知者乐,仁者寿。” 子曰:“齐一变,至于鲁,鲁一变,至于道。” 子曰:“觚不觚,觚哉觚哉!” 宰我问曰:“仁者虽告之曰,井有仁焉,其从之也。”子曰:“何为其然也。君子可逝也,不可陷也,可欺也,不可罔也。” 子曰:“君子博学与于文,约之以礼,亦可以弗畔矣夫。” 子见南子,子路不说。夫子矢之曰:“予所否者,天厌之,天厌之!” 子曰:“中庸之为德也,其至矣乎!民鲜久矣。” 子贡曰:“如有博施于民,而能济众,何如?可谓仁乎?”子曰:“何事于仁,必也圣乎!尧舜其犹病诸!夫仁者己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人。能近取譬,可谓仁之方也已。” 述而第七 子曰:“述而不作,信而好古,窃比我于老彭。” 子曰:“默而识之,学而不厌,诲人不倦,何有于我哉!” 子曰:“德之不修,学之不讲,闻义不能徙,不善不能改,是吾忧也。” 子之燕居,申申如也,夭夭如也。 子曰:“甚矣,吾衰也久矣!吾不复梦见周公。” 子曰:“志于道,据于德,依于仁,游于艺。” 子曰:“自行束修以上,吾未尝无诲焉。” 子曰:“不愤不启,不悱不发,举一隅,不以三隅反,则不复也。” 子食于有丧者之侧,未尝饱也。子于是日哭,则不歌。 子谓颜渊曰:“用之则行,舍之则藏,唯我与尔有是夫。”子路曰:“子行三军,则谁与?”子曰:“暴虎冯河,死而无悔者,吾不与也。必也临事而惧,好谋而成者也。” 子曰:“富而可求也,虽执鞭之士,吾亦为之,如不可求,从吾所好。” 子之所慎:齐,战,疾。 子在齐闻韶,三月不知肉味。曰:“不图为乐之至于斯也。” 冉有曰:“夫子为卫君乎?”子贡曰:“诺,吾将问之。”入曰:“伯夷叔齐,何人也?”曰:“古之贤人也。”曰:“怨乎?”曰:“求仁而得仁,又何怨?”出曰:“夫子不为也。” 子曰:“饭疏食,饮水,曲肱而枕之,乐亦在其中矣。不义而富且贵,于我如浮云。” 子曰:“加我数年,五十以学易,可以无大过矣。” 子所雅言:诗、书、执礼,皆雅言也。 叶公问孔子于子路,子路不对。子曰:“汝奚不曰:其为人也,发愤忘食,乐以忘忧,不知老之将至云尔。” 子曰:“我非生而知之者,好古,敏以求之者也。” 子不语:怪、力、乱、神。 子曰:“三人行,必有我师焉,择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。” 子曰:“天生德于予,桓雎其如予何?” 子曰:“二三子,以我为隐乎?吾无隐乎尔,吾无行而不与二三子者,是丘也。” 子以四教:文、行、忠、信。 子曰:“圣人,吾不得而见之矣,得见君子者斯可矣。”子曰:“善人,吾不得而见之矣,得见有恒者,斯可矣。亡而为有,虚而为盈,约而为泰,难乎有恒矣。” 子曰:“盖有不知而作之者,我无是也。多闻则其善者而从之,多见而识之,知之次也。” 互乡难与言,童子见,门人惑。子曰:“与其进也,不与其退也。唯何甚。人洁己以进,与其洁也,不保其往也。” 子曰:“仁远乎哉?我欲仁,斯仁至矣。” 陈司败问:“昭公知礼乎?”孔子曰:“知礼。”孔子退,揖巫马期而进之,曰:“吾闻君子不党,君子亦党乎?君取于吴为同姓,谓之吴孟子。君而知礼,孰不知礼?”巫马期以告。子曰:“丘也幸。苟有过,人必知之。” 子与人歌而善,必使反之,而后和之。 子曰:“文,莫吾犹人也?躬行君子,则吾未之有得。” 子曰:“若圣与仁,则吾岂敢。抑为之不厌,诲人不倦,则可谓云尔已矣。”公西华曰:“正唯弟子不能学也。” 子疾病,子路请祷。子曰:“有诸?”子路对曰:“有之。诔曰:祷尔于上下神祗。”子曰:“丘之祷久矣。” 子曰:“奢则不孙,俭则固。与其不孙也,宁固。” 子曰:“君子坦荡荡,小人长戚戚。” 子温而厉,威而不猛,恭而安。 泰伯第八 子曰:“泰伯,其可谓至德也已矣。三以天下让,民无得而称焉。” 子曰:“恭而无礼则劳,慎而无礼则思,勇而无礼则乱,直而无礼则绞。君子笃于亲,则民兴于仁,故旧不遗,则民不偷。” 曾子有疾,召门弟子曰:“启予足,启予手。诗云:’战战兢兢,如临深渊,如履薄冰。’而今而后,吾知免夫小子。” 曾子有疾,孟敬子问之,曾子言曰:“鸟之将死,其鸣也哀,人之将死,其言也善。君子所贵乎道者三:动容貌,斯远暴慢矣;正颜色,斯近信矣;出辞气,斯远鄙悖矣。笾豆之事,则有司存。” 曾子曰:“以能问于不能,以多问于寡,有若无,实若虚,犯而不校,昔者吾友,尝从事于斯矣!” 曾子曰:“可以托六尺之孤,可以寄百里之命,临大节而不可夺也,君子人与?君子人也。” 曾子曰:“士不可以不弘毅,任重而道远。仁以为己任,不亦重乎?死而后已,不亦远乎?” 子曰:“兴于诗,立于礼,成于乐。” 子曰:“民可使由之,不可使知之。” 子曰:“好勇疾贫,乱也。人而不仁,疾之已甚,乱也。” 子曰:“如有周公之才之美,使骄且吝,其余不足观也已。” 子曰:“三年学,不至于谷,不易得也。” 子曰:“笃信好学,守死善道。危邦不入,乱邦不居,天下有道则见,无道则隐。邦有道,贫且贱焉,耻也。邦无道,富且贵焉,耻也。” 子曰:“不在其位,不谋其政。” 子曰:“师挚之始,关雎之乱,洋洋乎盈耳哉!” 子曰:“狂而不直,侗而不愿,倥倥而不信,吾不知之矣。” 子曰:“学如不及,犹恐失之。” 子曰:“巍巍乎,舜禹之有天下也,而不与焉。” 子曰:“大哉,尧之为君也。巍巍乎,唯天为大,唯尧则之。荡荡乎,民无能名焉。巍巍乎,其有成功也。焕乎,其有文章。” 舜有臣五人而天下治。武王曰:“予有乱臣十人。”孔子曰:“才难,不其然乎?唐虞之际,于斯为盛,有妇人焉,九人而已。三分天下有其二,以服事殷,周之德,其可谓至德也已夫!” 子曰:“禹,吾无间然矣。菲饮食而致孝乎鬼神,恶衣服而致美乎黻冕,卑宫室而尽力乎沟洫。禹,吾无间然矣!” 子罕第九 子罕言利,与命与仁。 达巷党人曰:“大哉孔子,博学而无所成名。”子闻之,谓门弟子曰:“吾何执,执御乎,执射乎?吾执御矣。” 子曰:“麻冕,礼也。今也纯,俭,吾从众。拜下,礼也。今拜乎上,泰也。虽违众,吾从下。” 子绝四:毋意、毋必、毋固、毋我。 子畏于匡,曰:“文王既没,文不在兹乎。天之将丧斯文也,后死者不得与于斯文也;天之未丧斯文也,匡人其如予何!” 太宰问于子贡曰:“夫子圣者与?何其多能也。”子贡曰:“固天纵之将圣,又多能也。”子闻之,曰:“太宰知我乎。吾少也贱,故多能鄙事。君子多乎哉?不多也。”牢曰:“子云:吾不试,故艺。” 子曰:“吾有知乎哉?无知也。有鄙夫问于我,空空如也,我叩其两端而竭焉。” 子曰:“凤鸟不至,河不出图,洛不出书,吾已矣夫!” 子见齐衰者、冕衣裳者与瞽者,见之,虽少必作,过之,必趋。 颜渊喟然叹曰:“仰之弥高,钻之弥坚,瞻之在前,忽焉在后。夫子循循然善诱人,博我以文,约我以礼。欲罢不能,既竭吾才,如有所立卓尔。遂欲从之,末由也已。” 子疾病,子路使门人为臣。病闲,曰:“久矣哉,由之行诈也。无臣而为有臣,吾谁欺,欺天乎?且予与其死于臣之手也,无宁死于二三子之手乎。且予纵不得大葬,予死于道路乎?” 子贡曰:“有美玉于斯,温椟而藏诸?求善贾而沽诸?”子曰:“沽之哉,沽之哉!我待贾者也。” 子欲居九夷。或曰:“陋,如之何?”子曰:“君子居之,何陋之有?” 子曰:“吾自卫反鲁,然后乐正,雅颂各得其所。” 子曰:“出则事公卿,入则事父兄,丧事不敢不勉,不为酒困,何有于我哉?” 子在川上曰:“逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜。” 子曰:“吾未见好德如好色者也。” 子曰:“譬如为山,未成一篑,止,吾止也。譬如平地,虽覆一篑,进,吾往也。” 子曰:“语之而不惰者,其回也。” 子谓颜渊曰:“惜乎!吾见其进也,未见其止也。” 子曰:“苗而不秀者有矣夫,秀而不实者有矣夫。” 子曰:“后生可畏。焉知来者之不如今也?四十五十而无闻焉,斯亦不足畏也已。” 子曰:“法语之言,能无从乎?改之为贵。巽与之言,能无说乎?绎之为贵。说而不绎,从而不改,吾未如之何也已矣。” 子曰:“主忠信,毋友不如己者,过则勿惮改。” 子曰:“三军可夺帅也,匹夫不可夺志也。” 子曰:“衣敝韫袍,与衣狐貉者立,而不耻者,其由也与?不祈不求,何用不臧。”子路终身诵之。子曰:“是道也,何足以臧?” 子曰:“岁寒,然后知松柏之后凋也。” 子曰:“知者不惑,仁者不忧,勇者不惧。” 子曰:“可与共学,未可与适道;可与适道,未可与立;可与立,未可与权。” 唐棣之华,偏其反而。岂不尔思,是室远而。子曰:“未之思也。夫何远之有!” 乡党第十 孔子于乡党,恂恂如也,似不能言者。其在宗庙朝廷,便便言。唯谨尔。 朝,与下大夫言,侃侃如也,与上大夫言,唁唁如也。君子,椒错如也,与与如也。 君召使摈,色勃如也,足攫如也。揖所与立,左右手,衣前后,谵如也。趋进,翼如也。宾退,必复命,曰:“宾不顾矣。” 入公门,鞠躬如也,如不容。立不中门,行不履阈。过位,色勃如也,足攫如也,其言似不足者。摄齐升堂,鞠躬如也,屏气似不息者。出,降一等,逞颜色,怡怡如也。没阶趋,翼如也,复其位,椒措如也。 执圭,鞠躬如也,如不胜。上如揖,下如授,勃如战色,足缩缩,如有循。享礼,有容色。私枧,愉愉如也。 君子不以绀诹饰,红紫不以为亵服。当暑,诊浠裕,必而出之。缁衣羔裘,素衣霓裘,黄衣狐裘。亵裘长,短右抉。必有寝衣,长一身有半。狐貉之厚以居。去丧无所不佩。非帷裳,必杀之。羔裘玄冠不以吊。吉月,必朝服而朝。 齐,必有明衣。齐必变食,居必迁坐。 食不厌精,脍不厌细。食噎而谒,鱼馁而肉败,不食。色恶,不食。失饪,不食。不时,不食。割不正,不食。不得其酱,不食。肉虽多,不使胜食气。惟酒无量,不及乱。沽酒市脯不食。不撤姜食。不多食。祭于公,不宿肉。祭肉,不出三日,出三日,不食之矣。食不语,寝不言。虽疏食菜羹瓜祭,必齐如也。 席不正,不坐。 乡人饮酒,杖者出,斯出矣。乡人傩,朝服而立于阼阶。 问人于他邦,再拜而送之。康子馈药,拜而受之。曰:“丘未
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