

2011-06-29 8页 doc 83KB 54阅读




英语语法-副词英语语法—副词的种类 英语语法—副词的种类 按意义来分,副词可分为情状副词、程度副词、地方副词、时间副词、频率副词和肯定否定副词。 按用法来分,副词可分为简单副词、疑问副词和关系副词。 1.情状副词表示状态、性质或方式。 (1)情状副词用在不及物动词后。 The snack of that place tastes wonderfully good. 那地方的小吃惊人的好吃。 He runs fast. 他跑得快。 (2)情状副词用在不及物动词与介系词之间或句尾。 (误)He spoke to slowly the forei...
英语语法—副词的种类 英语语法—副词的种类 按意义来分,副词可分为情状副词、程度副词、地方副词、时间副词、频率副词和肯定否定副词。 按用法来分,副词可分为简单副词、疑问副词和关系副词。 1.情状副词表示状态、性质或方式。 (1)情状副词用在不及物动词后。 The snack of that place tastes wonderfully good. 那地方的小吃惊人的好吃。 He runs fast. 他跑得快。 (2)情状副词用在不及物动词与介系词之间或句尾。 (误)He spoke to slowly the foreigner. (正)He spoke slowly to the foreigner. (正)He spoke to the foreigner slowly. 中文:他慢慢地与那个外国人说话。 (3)情状副词用在及物动词前或句尾。 (误)He left quietly the room. (正)He quietly left the room. (正)He left the room quietly. 中文:他静静地离开了房间。 (4)情状副词用在所修饰的形容词或副词前。 It is really important. 这真的重要。 The tree grows wonderfully fast. 这树长得快得惊人。 (5)情状副词用在BE与分词之间或句尾。 (误)He is reading loudly the newspaper. (正)He is loudly reading the newspaper. (正)He is reading the newspaper loudly. 中文:他正在大声读报。 (6)情状副词在句首,加强语气。 Quickly I picked up the gun. 我迅速拿起枪。 2.程度副词表示动词、形容词或其他副词的程度,如:too(太), very(非常), much(很), almost(几乎), nearly(几乎), enough(充分), hardly(几乎不)等。 I will miss you very much. 我将会非常想念你的。 (1)程度副词用在一般动词前。 I almost forgot to bring my keys. 我差点忘记带钥匙。 (2)程度副词用在助动词与主要动词之间。 I could hardly believe it. 我几乎不能相信它。 (3)程度副词用在形容词或副词前,enough除外。 He drives very carefully. 他驾驶很小心。 He is old enough to go to school. 他够年龄,可以上学了。 enough位于所修饰的形容词之后。 (4)程度副词much(...得多), even(更加)可在形容词或副词 的比较级之前作修饰语。 This question is much more difficult than that one. 这个问比那个问题难多了。 Canada is even larger than the United States. 加拿大甚至比美国还大。 3.地方副词表示地方或方向,如:here(这里), there(那里), outdoors(在户外), out(在外), home(在家), abroad(在国外)等。 (1)地方副词用在主要动词后。 After work he went home. 工作结束后他回家。 (2)若两个地方副词同时出现,则小地方在前,大地方在后。 Ribb was born at Sydney in Australia. 瑞柏出生于澳洲的雪梨。 (3)here, there作地方副词可放在句首,用以加强语气。 Here I am. 我在这里。 (4)地方副词up(向上), down(向下), on(上), off(离去)等与及物动词连用,形成片语动词;名词可在及物动词与副词之间或之后,代名词只能在及物动词与副词之间。 【参见地方介系词】 I turned on the radio. I turned the radio on. 我打开收音机。 I turned it on. 我打开它。 不能说I turned on it. 4.时间副词表示时间或期间,如:today(今天), tomorrow(明天), yesterday(昨天), now(现在), soon(不久), then(那时), recently(近来), lately(近来), afterwards(后来)等。 (1)时间副词用在句尾。 I went to the bar yesterday. 我昨天去酒吧了。 I shall go to Beijing for a meeting tomorrow. 亲爱的,明天我将去北京开个会。 (2)时间副词用在句首以加强语气。 Tomorrow I shall attend a meeting. 明天我将参加会议。 (3)句中若出现多个时间副词,短时间在前,长时间在后。 It took place at 4 o'clock on the 4th of May, 1896. 它发生于一八九六年五月四日四点钟。 (4)表示时间的副词或副词片语前不加介系词或定冠词。 (误)He will be back on next Monday. (误)He will be back the next Monday. (正)He will be back next Monday. 他下星期一回来。 (5)still(还,仍然), yet(还,仍然)等是特殊的时间副词,一般用于强调某种句型, still表示动作或状态的持续作"仍然"讲, yet用于疑问句作"已经"讲,用于否定句作"还"讲。 I am still standing. 我还在站着。 Is everything ready yet? 一切都准备好了吗? 5.频率副词是表示与次数,频率有关的副词,如:always(总是), usually(经常), sometimes(有时), seldom(不常), once(一次), twice(两次)等。 I decide to call you twice a day. 我决定一天给你打两次电话。 (1)频率副词用在BE后。 It is usually hot in summer. 夏天天气通常是热的。 (2)频率副词用在主要动词前。 My father usually walks home. 我的父亲经常步行回家。 (3)频率副词用在助动词与主要动词之间。 I will always love you. 我将永远爱你。 (4)频率副词用在OUGHT TO之间。 You ought often to write to your mother. 你应该常给你母亲写信。 (5)在答句中,频率副词必须放在助动词前。 Do you often go there? 你常去那里吗? (误)Yes, I do often. 是的,我常去。 (正)Yes, I often do. 是的,我常去。 (6)never(从不), seldom(很少,不常)用于句首时,句子要用倒装形式以加强语气。 Never have I been there. 我从未去过那里。 Seldom do I watch TV. 我很少看电视。 6.肯定否定副词表示肯定或否定意义,如:yes(是的), no(不), not(不), never(绝不), surely(当然地), certainly(一定地)等,主要修饰全句或动词。 (1)肯定副词与否定副词不能同时出现。 I will not be back until next Friday. 我将在下周五回来。 Is he not a student? 他不是学生吗? (误)Yes, he is not a student. 是的,他不是学生。 (正)No, he is not a student. 是的,他不是学生。 (2)否定副词必须接在第一个助动词后。 (误)You should have not asked this question yesterday. (正)You should not have asked this question yesterday. 你昨天不该问这个问题。 (3)否定副词如never, scarcely在句首,句子要用倒装形式,表示加强语气。 scarcely does he wear glasses though he is near-sighted. 虽然他近视,但他很少戴眼镜。 7.疑问副词是问何时、何地、如何、因何的副词,主要有when, where, how, why。 (1)疑问副词用在句首。 How long will you stay there? 你将在那里待多久? How long have you been staying in America? 你在美国待多久了? (2)疑问副词在句中引导名词子句。 I want to know where she has gone. 我想知道她去哪里了。 (3)疑问副词后接不定词构成的名词片语,在句中可以作主词、受词或主词补语。 How to solve the problem gives him a bad headache. 如何解决这个问题使他伤透脑筋。 How to solve the problem作主词。 I don't know how to answer the question. 我不知道如何回答这个问题。 how to answer the question作受词。 The patient is in urgent need the medicine, but the problem is where to get it. 这个病人急需这种药,但问题是哪里能找到。 where to get it作主词补语。 (4)疑问副词引导的名词子句可作主词、受词或主词补语。 When we are to start the competition hasn't fixed yet. 我们什么时候开始比赛还没有定下来。 When we are to start the competition作主词。 She asked her husband where he had been. 她问她丈夫去哪里了。 where he had been 作受词。 The question is when we can finish our work. 问题是我们何时能完成我们的工作。 when we can finish our work作主词补语。 8.关系副词兼有副词与连接词两种作用。 (1)关系副词所引导的形容词子句用于修饰主要子句中的某一名词或代名词,被修饰的词称作先行词,关系副词要放在先行词之后。 (2)关系副词主要有四个,即when, where, why, how。此外the也可作关系副词引导副词子句。 Would you please tell me the way how I can get to the zoo? 你能告诉我去动物园的路吗? the way是先行词。 This is the place where(that) I first met her. 这是我第一次见到她的地方。 It is the place where(that) my grandmother was born. 那是我祖母出生的地方。 在口语中that可以充当关系副词,代替when, why, how,只有先行词是the place时,才可代替where。 A:When should we start to work? B:The sooner (we start), the better (it will be). 我们该开什么时候应始工作? 越早越好。 the作关系副词是引导副词子句,句子结构一般为:The+比较级...+the+比较级...,第一个the是关系副词。 (3)time,day,year,place,house,reason,way等作先行词时可以被省略,其后的子句不再是形容词子句,而变成名词子句或副词子句。 This is where he was born. 这是他出生的地方。 where he was born是名词子句。 This is the place where he was born. where he was born是形容词子句。 I'll meet her at the place where I first met her. 我将在第一次见到她的地方见她。 where I first met her是形容词子句。 I'll meet her where I first met her. where I first met her是副词子句。 (4)关系副词有限定用法,指的是关系副词引导的形容词子句只修饰先行词。 We were very happy in those days when we studied in school. 我们在学校里上学的那些日子里很快乐。 (5)关系副词有补述用法,即关系副词引导的是对等子句而不是形容词子句,主要用于对主要子句中的不足之处加以补充,前面都要加逗点与主要子句分开。 Tom got married the day before yesterday, when it was his birthday too. 汤姆前天结婚了,那天也是他的生日。 (6)wherever,whenever,however是{复合关系副词,表示"不论",引导一个修饰主要子句里的动词的副词子句,可加强语气或表示让步。 【参见关系形容词】 Wherever he goes, he would bring an umbrella with him. 不论他去哪里,他都带着一把雨伞。 9.连接副词起对等连接词的作用,连接两个句子或子句,如:  however, so, then, therefore。 I have never been there so I don't know much about it. 我从未去过那儿所,以我对它知道不多。 (1)连接副词通常位于子句的句首,有的也可位于句中。 They talked about it for hours. Finally, they decided to go。 他们对此商量了好几个小时,最后他们决定去。 finally作为连接副词,放在句子的句首。 I have never been to Wales. I, therefore, don't know much about it. 我从未去过威尔斯,因此我对它知道的不多。 therefore作为连接副词,位于句子的句中。 (2)有些连接副词的含义彼此相同或相近,在使用时可以互相替换,而不会改变原句的含义。 The weather was cold. Therefore(Thus), we stayed home. 天气寒冷,因此我们待在家里。 therefore和thus的含义相近,因而也可以互相替换。
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