
驯龙高手 台词

2011-09-07 36页 doc 351KB 238阅读




驯龙高手 台词*​ How To Train Your Dragon *​ This is Berk. *​ 这里是博克岛 *​ It's 12 days North of hopeless and a few degrees South of freezing to death. *​ 有像北极那样12天绝望的严寒 也有南极酷冷的垂死之感 *​ It's located solidly on the Meridian of Misery. *​ 岛就坐落在"悲剧子午线"上 *​ My village. In a word: sturdy....
驯龙高手 台词
*​ How To Train Your Dragon *​ This is Berk. *​ 这里是博克岛 *​ It's 12 days North of hopeless and a few degrees South of freezing to death. *​ 有像北极那样12天绝望的严寒 也有南极酷冷的垂死之感 *​ It's located solidly on the Meridian of Misery. *​ 岛就坐落在"悲剧子午线"上 *​ My village. In a word: sturdy. *​ 这就是我的家乡 简而言之: 一成不变 *​ It's been here for seven generations but every single building is new. *​ 现在这里是第七代人了 但是房子都还很新 *​ We have fishing, hunting, and a charming view of the sunsets. *​ 我们打渔 打猎 还可以欣赏迷人的夕阳 *​ The only problems are the pests. *​ 唯一的问是害虫 *​ You see, most places have mice or mosquitoes. *​ 一般来说 害虫都是老鼠或是蚊子 *​ We have... *​ 但我们的是... *​ Dragons. *​ 龙 *​ Most people would leave, but not us. *​ 大多数人选择离开 但是不是我们 *​ We're Vikings. *​ 我们是维京人 *​ We stubbornness issues. *​ 我们拥有顽强 *​ My name is Hiccup. *​ 我叫Hiccup *​ Great name, I know. But it's not the worst. *​ 我知道不是什么伟大的名字 但是也不是最糟的 *​ Parents believe a hideous name will frighten off Gnomes and Trolls. *​ 父母们相信一个难听的名字可以驱赶地精和恶魔 *​ Like our charming Viking demeanor wouldn't do that. *​ 好像我们维京勇士的壮举还不如一个名字 *​ 'Morning. *​ 早 *​ What are you doing here? Get inside! *​ 你在这里做什么? 进去! *​ Get back inside! *​ 快回去! *​ Hiccup! What is he doing out again... What are you doing out? Get inside! *​ Hiccup! 你又出来干什么... 你出来干什么? 回去! *​ That's Stoick the Vast, Chief of the tribe. *​ 这是大块头Stoick 部落的首领 *​ They say that when he was a baby he popped a Dragon's head clean off its shoulders. *​ 他们说他还是婴儿的时候 他就能把龙头从它的脖子上扭下来 *​ Do I believe it? Yes, I do. *​ 我相信吗? 当然信 *​ What have we got? *​ 有哪些龙? *​ Gronckles, Nadders, Zipplebacks... Oh, and hordes of Monstruous Nightmares. *​ Gronckles Nadders Zipplebacks... 哦 还有凶魇群龙 *​ Any Night Furys? *​ 有没有夜煞? *​ None so far. - Good. *​ 现在还没有 - 很好 *​ Light the torches! *​ 点燃火炬! *​ Oh, nice of you to join the party. I thought you'd been carried off. *​ 哦 很高兴你也来参加这样的晚会 我还以为你被抓走了 *​ Who? Me? Nah, come on... I'm way too muscular for their taste. *​ 谁? 我? 得了吧... 我肌肉太多 它们不喜欢 *​ They wouldn't know what to do with all... this. *​ 它们不知道怎么吃所有的... 这些 *​ Well, they need toothpicks, don't they? *​ 好吧 它们需要牙签 是吧? *​ The meathead with the attitude and interchangeable hands, is Gobber. *​ 那个脾气暴躁 还装着义肢的傻瓜叫Gobber *​ I have been his apprentice ever since I was little. *​ 我从小做他的学徒 *​ Well, littler *​ 嗯 比现在小一点 *​ We move to the moor defenses. We'll counterattack with the catapults. *​ 我们去空旷的地方防守 用投射器反攻 *​ See? Old village. Lots and lots of new houses. *​ 看见了吗? 老村落 却有很多很多新房子 *​ Fire! *​ 着火了! *​ Oh, and that's Fishlegs *​ 哦 那是Fishlegs *​ Snotlout *​ 那是Snotlout *​ The twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut... *​ 双胞胎Ruffnut和Tuffnut... *​ And... *​ 还有... *​ Astrid. *​ 是Astrid *​ Aww, their job is so much cooler. *​ 喔 他们的工作酷多了 *​ Oh, come on. Let me out, please. I need to make my mark! *​ 哦 拜托 放我出去 我要建功! *​ Oh, you have made plenty of marks. All in the wrong places. *​ 哦 你已经做了很多的贡献了 但是都是错误的 *​ Please, 2 minutes. I'll kill a dragon. My life will get infinitely better. *​ 就两分钟 我会杀了一条龙的 我的人生就将从此改变 *​ I might even get a date. *​ 我甚至能去约会 *​ You can't lift a hammer. You can't swing an axe. *​ 你连榔头都举不起 连斧头都挥不动 *​ You can't even throw one of these. *​ 甚至这其中一个都扔不出 *​ Okay, fine, but this will throw it for me. *​ 好 好 但是这个可以帮我扔 *​ See, now this right here is what I'm talking about. *​ 看见了吗 就和我说的一样 *​ But it... it's a mild calibration issue. *​ 但是 它... 它只要再稍稍校准下 *​ Hiccup, if you ever want to get out there to fight dragons *​ Hiccup 如果你想去和龙战斗 *​ you need to stop all.... *​ 你必须改变这些... *​ this. *​ 这些 *​ But you just pointed to all of me. *​ 但是你指的是我的全身 *​ Yes, that's it. *​ 是 就是全身 *​ Stop being all of you. *​ 要脱胎换骨 *​ Oh... - Oh, yes. *​ 哦... - 哦,是 *​ You sir, are playing a dangerous game... *​ 先生 您这是在玩一个危险的游戏... *​ keeping this much raw Vikingness contained. *​ 保持维京人这种原始的特质 *​ There will be consequences! - I take my chances. *​ 后果会很严重! - 我会承担的 *​ Sword, sharpened, now! *​ 去磨剑 快走! *​ One day I'll get out there. *​ 总有一天 我会到那里的 *​ Because killing a dragon is everything around here. *​ 因为在这里 杀死龙意味着一切 *​ A Nadderhead is sure to get me at least noticed. *​ 打倒一条Nadder至少可以让我得到注意 *​ Gronckles are tough. *​ Gronckles很强硬 *​ Taking down one of those would definitely get me a girlfriend. *​ 打倒一条肯定可以找到一个女朋友 *​ A Zippleback: ... *​ 一条Zippleback: ... *​ exotic, two heads, twice the status. *​ 不太现实 两个头 双倍的难度 *​ They found the sheep! *​ 他们找到羊了! *​ Concentrate fire over the lower bank! *​ 向下面集中火力! *​ Hurry up! *​ 快! *​ Fire! *​ 开火! *​ And then, there's the Monstruous Nightmare. *​ 还有 凶魇 *​ Only the best Vikings go after those. *​ 只有最棒的维京人敢挑战它们 *​ They have this nasty habit of setting themselves on fire. *​ 它们有一个讨人厌的坏习惯 把自己点燃 *​ Reload! *​ 再次填装! *​ I'll take care of this. *​ 我可以应付 *​ But the ultimate prize is the dragon no one's ever seen. *​ 但是最让人觊觎的龙 还没有人见到过 *​ We call it the... *​ 我们叫它... *​ Night Fury! - Get down! *​ 夜煞! - 趴下! *​ Jump! *​ 跳! *​ This thing never steals food, never shows itself, and... *​ 它从不偷东西 从不现身 然而... *​ never misses. *​ 从未失手 *​ No one has ever killed a Night Fury. *​ 没人杀死过夜煞 *​ That's why I'm going to be the first. *​ 这就是我想成为第一个的原因 *​ Mind the fort, Hiccup. They need me out there. *​ 守住阵地 Hiccup 他们需要我 *​ Stay! Put! *​ 呆着! 别动! *​ There. *​ 就这里 *​ You know what I mean. *​ 你知道我是什么意思 *​ Hiccup, what are you doing? - Come back here! *​ Hiccup 你在干什么? - 回来! *​ Yeah, I know, Be right back! *​ 我知道 马上回来! *​ Mind yourself! *​ 自己小心! *​ The devils still have some juice in them. *​ 那些恶魔还有些能量 *​ Come on. *​ 来吧 *​ Give me something to shoot at. Give me something to shoot at. *​ 给我些目标 给我目标 *​ Oh! I hit it? Yes, I hit it! *​ 哦! 我击中了? 是的 我击中了! *​ Did anybody see that? *​ 有人看见吗? *​ Except for you. *​ 除了你 *​ Do not let them escape! - Right! *​ 别让它们跑了! - 好的! *​ You're all out. *​ 你等死吧 *​ Oh, and there's one more thing you need to know... *​ 哦 还有一件事你要知道... *​ Sorry, Dad. *​ 抱歉 爸爸 *​ Okay, but I hit a Night Fury. *​ 但是我击中了夜煞 *​ It's not like the last few times, Dad! *​ 和上几次不一样 爸爸! *​ I mean, I really actually hit... *​ 我是说 我真的击中了... *​ You guys were busy and I had a very clear shot. *​ 你们正在忙 我很漂亮地击中了 *​ It went down just off Raven Point. Let's get a search party out there before... *​ 它掉在黑区 快派人过去搜... *​ Stop! *​ 闭嘴! *​ Just, stop! *​ 给我闭嘴! *​ Every time you step outside disaster falls. *​ 你一出门 灾难就降临 *​ Can you not see that I have bigger problems? *​ 你没发现我还有更大的麻烦吗? *​ Winter is almost here and I have an entire village to feed! *​ 冬天临近了 我还得喂饱全村人! *​ Between you and me, the village could do with a little less feeding, don't you think? *​ 看这身材差距 如果都不像你们这么硕大 村子也可以少负担些口粮? *​ This isn't a joke, Hiccup! *​ 这不是在开玩笑 Hiccup! *​ Why can't you follow the simplest orders? *​ 你就不能老实一点? *​ I, I can't stop myself. I see a dragon and I have to just... *​ 我控制不住自己 每当我看到龙 就想... *​ kill it. You know, it's who I am, Dad. *​ 杀了它 爸爸 这就是我 *​ Oh, you are many things, Hiccup, but a dragon killer is not one of them. *​ 哦 你可以胜任很多 但决不是捕龙者 Hiccup *​ Get back to the house. Make sure he gets there. *​ 回到屋子里去 确保他回去 *​ I have his mess to clean up. *​ 我还得收拾他的烂摊子 *​ Quite the performance. *​ 演出结束了 *​ I've never seen any one mess up that badly. That helped! *​ 好厉害的败家子啊 太帅了! *​ Thank you. Thank you. I was trying. *​ 谢谢 谢谢 我一直在努力 *​ I really did hit one. - Sure, Hiccup. *​ 我真的射中了一条 - 当然 Hiccup *​ He never listens. - Well, it runs in the family. *​ 他从来不听我说的 - 哎 每个家庭基本都这样 *​ And when he does, it's always with this disappointed scowl *​ 就算信了 也满腹牢骚 *​ like someone skimped on the meat in his sandwich. *​ 就好像有人偷吃了他三明治中的肉 *​ Excuse me, barmaid. I'm afraid you brought me the wrong offspring. *​ 不好意思 女招待 我想你搞错了吧 *​ I ordered an extra large boy with beefy arms. Extra guts and glory on the side. *​ 我要的是壮如牛的男孩 另外还得有勇气和荣誉感 *​ This here. This is a talking fish bone! *​ 这个 你给我的分明是火柴棒! *​ Now, you're thinking about this all wrong. *​ 不 你想错了 *​ It's not so much what you look like. It's what's inside that he can't stand. *​ 他在乎的不是你的外表 他看重的是你的灵魂 *​ Thank you for summing that up. *​ 谢谢你的总结 *​ Look, the point is, stop trying so hard to be something you're not. *​ 关键是别强迫自己做力所不能及的事 *​ I just want to be one of you guys. *​ 我只是想和你们大伙一样 *​ Either we face them or they'll finish us. *​ 要么我们赶走那群龙 要么它们消灭我们 *​ It's the only way we'll be rid of them. *​ 想要把龙赶走只有一招 *​ If we find the nest and destroy it, the dragons will leave. *​ 如果我们找到并摧毁龙巢 它们就会离开 *​ They'll find another home. *​ 它们会去别处定居 *​ One more search, before the ice sets in. *​ 在水面冻结前 我们再搜寻一次 *​ Those ships never come back. *​ 以前派出的船都失踪了 *​ We're Vikings. It's an occupational hazard. *​ 我们是维京人 冒险是维京人的天职 *​ Now who's with me? *​ 那么 谁和我一起去? *​ Alright... Those who stay will look after Hiccup. *​ 好吧... 留下来的人照看Hiccup *​ I'll pack my undies. *​ 我去收拾行李了 *​ No, I need you to stay, and train some new recruits. *​ 不 我需要你留下来训练新手 *​ Oh, perfect, yeah. And while I'm busy Hiccup can cover the store. *​ 哦 太棒了 是的 我忙时 Hiccup可以来帮忙 *​ Molten steel, razor sharp blades, lots of time to himself... *​ 他负责熔铁 磨刀 有很多时间... *​ What could possibly go wrong? *​ 会有什么问题呢? *​ Oh, what am I going to do with him, Gobber? *​ 我该怎么办呢 Gobber? *​ Put him in training with the others. *​ 让他和其他人一起训练 *​ No, I'm serious. - So am I. *​ 我是认真的 - 我也是 *​ He'd be killed before you let the first dragon out of its cage. *​ 在你放出第一条龙之前 他就会被吓死 *​ Oh, you don't know that. - I do know that. *​ 你不了解 - 我了解 *​ No, you don't - No, actually, I do. *​ 不 你不了解 - 我了解 *​ No, you don't. - Listen, you know what he's like. *​ 不 你不了解 - 听我说 你知道他是怎样的一个人 *​ From the time he could crawl he's been... different. *​ 从他会爬开始 我就发现他... 和别人不一样 *​ He doesn't listen. He has the attention span of a sparrow. *​ 他从来不听我的话 他宁可盯着看麻雀 *​ I take him fishing and he goes hunting for... for Trolls! *​ 我带他去捕鱼 他却跑去找... 巨魔! *​ Trolls exist! They steal your socks. *​ 真有巨魔! 它们偷了你的袜子 *​ But only the left ones. What's with that? *​ 但它们只偷左脚的 为什么呢? *​ When I was a boy... - Oh, here we go. *​ 我小的时候... - 哦 又来了 *​ My father told me to bang my head against a rock, and I did it. *​ 我父亲让我用头去撞石头 我照做了 *​ I thought it was crazy, but I didn't question him. *​ 我觉得这很疯狂 但是我没问他为什么 *​ And you know what happened? *​ 你猜怎么着了? *​ You got a headache. - That rock split in two. *​ 你犯头疼病了 - 石头裂成了两半 *​ It taught me what a Viking could do, Gobber. *​ 这让我体会到一个维京人的潜力 Gobber *​ He could crush mountains, level forests, *​ 他能撞碎山脉 夷平森林 *​ tame seas! *​ 征服大海 *​ Even as a boy I knew what I was, what I had to become... *​ 在我还是个孩子的时候 我就知道我会变成什么... *​ Hiccup is not that boy. *​ 可是Hiccup却不能 *​ You can't stop him, Stoick. You can only prepare him. *​ 你不能阻止他 Stoick 你只应该为他做好准备 *​ I know it seems hopeless, but the truth is you won't always be around to protect him. *​ 我知道这希望渺茫 但是你不能总是保护他 *​ He's going to get out there again. He's probably out there now. *​ 他迟早会再出去 说不定就是现在 *​ Oh, the Gods hate me. *​ 哦 上帝不喜欢我 *​ Some people lose their knife or their mug. *​ 有些人会弄丢刀子 杯子 *​ No, not me! I managed to lose an entire dragon. *​ 不 不应该是我啊! 我弄丢了一条龙 *​ Ow! *​ 嗷! *​ Oh, wow? I... I did it? Oh, I did it! *​ 哦 哇? 这是我... 我干的吗? 哦 是我干的! *​ This fixes everything. Yes! *​ 这玩意儿真是万能的 是的! *​ I have brought down this mighty beast! *​ 我放倒了一头大野兽! *​ I'm gonna kill you, dragon. *​ 我要杀了你 可怜的龙 *​ I'm gonna... I'm gonna cut out your heart and take it to my father. *​ 我会... 我会切出你的心脏 交给我爸 *​ I'm a Viking. *​ 我是维京人 *​ I'm a Viking! *​ 我是维京人! *​ I did this. *​ 是我做的 *​ Hiccup. *​ Hiccup啊 *​ Dad? Uh... *​ 爸爸? 呃... *​ I have to talk to you, Dad. - I need to speak with you too, son. *​ 我有话和你说 爸爸 - 儿子 我也正想和你说些事 *​ I think it's time you to learned to fight dragons. - I don't want to fight dragons. *​ 我认为你该学习屠龙了 - 我不想屠龙 *​ What? - What? *​ 什么? - 什么? *​ Uh, you go first. - No, no, you go first. *​ 你先说 - 还是你先说吧 *​ All right. You got your wish. *​ 好吧 你如愿以偿了 *​ Dragon training. You start in the morning. *​ 屠龙训练 明早开始 *​ Oh man, I should have gone first. *​ 哦 早知道我就先说了 *​ Uh, cause I was thinking. You know, we have a surplus of dragon fighting Vikings but... *​ 呃 我一直在想 你也知道 我们屠龙的人手过剩 但是... *​ do we have enough bread-making Vikings, or small home repair Vikings... *​ 后勤的人手不够... *​ You'll need this. - I don't want to fight dragons. *​ 你需要这个 - 我不想屠龙 *​ Oh come on, yes you do. - Rephrase. Dad, I can't kill dragons. *​ 哦 来吧 你能行的 - 换句话说 爸爸 我杀不了龙 *​ But you will kill dragons. *​ 但是你会杀死龙的 *​ No, I'm really very extra sure that I won't. *​ 不 我很确定 我不会 *​ It's time, Hiccup. - Can you not hear me? *​ 是时候了 Hiccup - 你没听我说吗? *​ This is serious, son. *​ 这事很严肃 儿子 *​ When you carry this axe, you carry all of us with you. *​ 当你握紧这把战斧 你就肩负起了我们整个维京族 *​ Which means: You walk like us. You talk like us. You think like us. *​ 也就是说: 你能像我们一样走路 像我们一样讲话 像我们一样思考 *​ No more of... this. - You just gestured to all of me. *​ 不再如此... 懦弱 - 你只是在对我指手画脚 *​ Deal? - This conversation is feeling very one-sided. *​ 就这么定了? - 一直是你在自言自语 *​ Deal? *​ 就这么定了? *​ Deal. *​ 定了 *​ Good. *​ 棒极了 *​ Train hard. *​ 好好训练 *​ I'll be back. Probably. *​ 我会回来的 大概吧 *​ And I'll be here, maybe. *​ 我也会在这里等你 也许 *​ Welcome to dragon training. *​ 欢迎参加训龙课程 *​ No turning back. *​ 没有回头路 *​ I hope I get some serious burns. *​ 我真希望我能被烧伤 *​ I'm hoping for some mauling, like on my shoulder or lower back. *​ 我只希望肩膀或者后背有一些抓伤 *​ Yeah, it's only fun if you get a scar out of it. *​ 是啊 伤疤什么的 很有意思 *​ Yeah, no kidding, right? Pain, love it. *​ 是啊 这不是闹着玩的 对吗? 我喜欢疼痛 *​ Oh, great, who let him in? *​ 哦 天哪 谁让他进来的? *​ Lets get started. The recruit who does best, *​ 开始吧 最棒的那个人 *​ will win the honor of killing his first dragon in front of the entire village. *​ 能得到在全村人面前杀死第一条龙的荣耀! *​ Hiccup already killed a Night Fury, so does that disqualify him or...? *​ Hiccup都已经杀了一条夜煞了 这点小事对他不过是自降身份罢了吧...? *​ Can I transfer to the class with the cool Vikings? *​ 我能转到其他的训练班里吗? *​ Don't worry. You're small and you're weak, That will make you a less of a target. *​ 别担心 你又弱又小 被龙当成目标的概率也低 *​ They'll see you as sick or insane and go after the more Viking-like teens instead. *​ 和你这样的豆芽菜比起来 它们更喜欢一些强壮的维京少年 *​ Behind these doors are just a few of the *​ 在这扇门后面的只是你们以后会遇到的所有龙里 *​ many species you will learn to fight. *​ 微不足道的几种 *​ The Deadly Nadder. - Speed: 8, Armor: 16. *​ 致命Nadder –速度8 防御16 *​ The Hideous Zippleback. - 11 Stealth times two. *​ 丑陋Zippleback - 潜行11速翻倍 *​ The Monstrous Nightmare. - Fire Power: 15. *​ 凶魇 –火力15 *​ The Terrible Terror. - Attack: 8, Venom: 12. *​ 恶龙Terror - 8攻12毒 *​ Can you stop that! *​ 给我住嘴! *​ And the Gronckle. - Jaw Strength: 8. *​ 还有Gronckle - 咬合力8 *​ Woah, woah, wait, aren't you going to teach us first? *​ 喂 等一下 你不是应该先教我们吗? *​ I believe in learning on the job. *​ 我一直坚信实践是最好的学习方法 *​ Today is about survival. If you get blasted, you're dead. *​ 今天是龙穴生存日 如果你被火球喷个正着 就会当场毙命 *​ Quick! What's the first thing you're going to need? *​ 快! 你们最需要的是什么? *​ A doctor? - + 5 Speed? *​ 医生? - 加速魔药? *​ A shield? - Shield. Go. *​ 盾? - 盾牌! 盾牌在那 *​ Your most important piece of equipment is your shield. *​ 你们最重要的装备就是盾牌 *​ If you must make a choice between a sword or a shield. *​ 如果只能在剑和盾牌里选一样 *​ Take the shield. *​ 盾牌会是你唯一的选择 *​ Get your hands off my shield. - There's like a million shields. *​ 把你的脏手从我的盾牌上拿开! - 那里不是还有一堆吗? *​ Take that one. It has a flower on it. Girls like flowers. *​ 拿那一个 这个上面画的是一朵花 女孩子喜欢 *​ Oops, now this one has blood on it. *​ 哦哦 现在倒是又有了点血迹了 *​ Tuffnut, Ruffnut, your out. *​ Tuffnut Ruffnut 出局 *​ What? - What? *​ 什么? - 什么? *​ Those shields are good for another thing. Noise. *​ 这个盾牌别有用处 噪音 *​ Make lots of it and throw off a dragon's aim. *​ 用武器敲打盾牌发出噪音 让龙无法识别目标 *​ All dragons have a limited number of shots. *​ 所有的龙能发出的火球都是有限的 *​ How many does a Gronckle have? *​ 一条Gronckle有几个? *​ Five? - No, six. *​ 5? - 不 是6发 *​ Right, six. Thats one for each of you. *​ 没错 六发 你们每个人都刚好分到那么一下 *​ Fishlegs, out. *​ Fishlegs 出局 *​ Hiccup, get in there! *​ Hiccup 躲回去! *​ So anyway, I moved into my parent's basement? *​ 对了 我把我家的地下室改装成训练室了 *​ You should come by sometimes to work out, You look like you work out. *​ 你应该什么时候过来玩玩 你一直都有在锻炼的对不对? *​ Snotlout, your done. *​ Snotlout 出局 *​ So I guess it's just you and me. - Nope, just you. *​ 我想只剩下你和我了? - 不 你还是孤军奋战吧 *​ One shot left. *​ 还剩下一发 *​ Hiccup! *​ Hiccup啊! *​ And that's 6. Go back to bed you overgrown sausage. *​ 那么六发都完了 你这个大香肠 滚回窝里去睡觉吧 *​ You'll get another chance. Don't you worry. *​ 你还会有其他机会的 别担心 *​ Remember, a dragon will always... *​ 记住 一条龙... *​ always go for the kill. *​ 只会为杀戮而行动 *​ So why didn't you? *​ 那你为什么没有这么做呢? *​ Well this was stupid. *​ 哦 这真是太蠢了 *​ Why don't you just fly away? *​ 你为什么不飞走呢? *​ Alright, where did Astrid go wrong in the ring today? *​ 好吧 今天Astrid在训练场有什么地方做错了? *​ I mistimed my sommersault dive. It was sloppy. It threw off my reverse tumble. *​ 我选错了翻跟头的时机 没有做好 还摔倒了 *​ Yeah, we noticed. - No, no you were great. That was so Astrid. *​ 是 我们都看到了 - 不 不 你太优秀了 一直这么出类拔萃 *​ She's right. You have to be tough on yourselves. Where did Hiccup go wrong? *​ 她是对的 你们都应该对自己更加严格 那Hiccup又哪里做错了? *​ Uh, he showed up? - He didn't get eaten. *​ 呃 他就不应该出现 - 他该让自己被吃掉 *​ He's never where he should be. *​ 他从来不呆在该呆的地方 *​ Thank you, Astrid. You need to live and breathe this stuff. *​ 谢谢 Astrid 你们需要把这东西背得滚瓜烂熟 *​ The Dragon Manual... Everything we know about every dragon we know of. *​ 飞龙图鉴... 这上面记载了我们对所有龙的一切知识 *​ No attacks tonight. Hurry up. *​ 今天晚上不会有偷袭了 别磨蹭 *​ Wait? You mean read? - While we're still alive? *​ 什么? 你是说我们要读书? - 我们明明还活着却要读书? *​ Why read words when you can just kill the stuff the words tell you stuff about? *​ 我们明明可以直接把龙杀掉 为什么还要读这鬼东西? *​ Oh, I've read it like 7 times. *​ 哦 这本书我读了7遍了 *​ There's this water dragon that sprays boiling water at your face *​ 有一种水龙会把沸水喷你一脸 *​ and there's this other one that buries itself for like a week... *​ 还有这一种 有时候会把自己埋起来一个星期... *​ Yeah, sounds great. There was a chance I was going to read that. *​ 是啊 听起来不错 曾经我有机会读这个书 *​ But now... *​ 但是现在... *​ You guys read, I'll go kill something. *​ 你们读吧 屠龙的工作交给我就行了 *​ Hey! *​ 喂! *​ So I guess we'll share? - Read it. *​ 看来我们要合用一本书了? - 你看吧 *​ All mine then? Wow. So, okay. I'll see you uh... tomorrow. *​ 嗯 看来只剩下我一个人了? 好吧 嗯 呃... 明天见 *​ Dragon Classifications *​ 龙族评级 *​ Strike Class, Fear Class, Mystery Class. *​ 冲击级 恐怖级 传说级 *​ Thunder Drum. This reclusive dragon inhabits sea caves and dark tide pools. *​ 雷鼓 这种神出鬼没的孤傲的龙藏逸在深海的洞窟或者黑暗的潮池里 *​ When startled, the Thunder Drum produces a concussive sound that can kill a man at close range. *​ 一旦被惊动 它们就会发出惊天地泣鬼神的咆哮 方圆数尺之内 全无活口 *​ Extremely dangerous. Kill on sight. *​ 危险度高 见者毙命 *​ Timberjack: This gigantic creature has razor-sharp wings that can slice through full-grown trees. *​ Timberjack: 这种巨型生物的尖锐翅膀能将参天大树拦腰砍断 *​ Extremely dangerous. Kill on sight. *​ 危险度高 见者毙命 *​ Skulldren: Sprays scalding water on its victim. Extremely dangerous... *​ Skulldren: 向敌人乱喷沸水 极度危险... *​ Changeling: Even newly hatch dragons can spray acid. Kill on sight. *​ Changeling: 哪怕只是刚出生的幼龙也能喷射致命毒液 见者毙命 *​ Gronckle, Zippleback, The Skrill, *​ Gronckle Zippleback 还有Skrill *​ Boneknapper, Whispering Death. *​ 以及Boneknapper和Whispering Death *​ Burns its victims. Buries its victims. Chokes its victims. *​ 烧死 活埋 生吞 *​ Turns victims inside out. *​ 把内脏全都挖出来 *​ Extremely dangerous... Extremely dangerous... *​ 危险度超高... 危险度超高... *​ Kill on sight... Kill on sight... Kill on sight... *​ 见者毙命... 见者毙命... 见者毙命... *​ Night Fury: Speed unknown. Size unknown. *​ 夜煞: 速度未知 大小未知 *​ The unholy offspring of lightning and death itself. *​ 闪电与死神的不洁之子 *​ Never engage this dragon. *​ 不要尝试去战斗 *​ Your only chance: Hide and pray it does not find you. *​ 唯一的选择: 躲藏起来 祈祷别被找到 *​ I can almost smell them. They're close. *​ 很近了 我几乎能闻到它们了 *​ Steady. *​ 慢慢来 *​ Take us in. - Hard to port. *​ 让我们进去吧 - 左满舵 *​ The Hell Hounds gate. *​ 地狱犬之门啊 *​ Hard to port. *​ 左满舵 *​ Hey, you know, I just happened to notice, the book had nothing on Night Furys. *​ 嘿 我刚注意到 书上没有什么关于夜煞的资料 *​ Is there like another book? or a sequel? Maybe a little Night Fury pamphlet? *​ 还有另外的书呢? 或是续集? 也许是仅仅提到? *​ Focus Hiccup! You're not even trying. *​ 注意 Hiccup! 你在搞什么 *​ Today is all about attack! *​ 今天学的是攻击! *​ Nadder's are quick and light on their feet. You be quicker and lighter. *​ Nadder又轻又快 你必须更轻更快 *​ I'm really beginning to question your teaching methods. *​ 我开始怀疑这种教学方法了 *​ Look for its blind spot. Every dragon has one. *​ 找龙的弱点 每条龙都有 *​ Find it. Hide in it, and strike. *​ 找到了 躲好 然后攻击 *​ Do you ever bat
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