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动词不定式和动名词的用法非谓语动词 不定式(infinitive) 1.​ 不定式的用法 不定式的基本形式为“to do”, 在句中不单独作谓语;本身具有名词、形容词和副词的特征,在句中充当主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语和补足语。 (1) 作主语: 例:To see is to believe. 眼见为实。 To grasp English in a short time is not easy. 在短时间内掌握英语不容易。 注意:为保持句子平衡,可用“it”作形式主语,而将真正主语动词不定式放在后边,句型为:It is /was…to do sth....
非谓语动词 不定式(infinitive) 1.​ 不定式的用法 不定式的基本形式为“to do”, 在句中不单独作谓语;本身具有名词、形容词和副词的特征,在句中充当主语、宾语、语、定语、状语和补足语。 (1) 作主语: 例:To see is to believe. 眼见为实。 To grasp English in a short time is not easy. 在短时间内掌握英语不容易。 注意:为保持句子平衡,可用“it”作形式主语,而将真正主语动词不定式放在后边,句型为:It is /was…to do sth. 例:It is not easy to grasp English in a short time. 在短时间内掌握英语是不容易的。 It was important for him to solve the problem then. 当时对于他来说,解决这个问题是重要的。 (2) 作宾语:多在单宾语及物动词后用作宾语,有时也可用在某些复合宾语及物动词及个别双宾语及物动词后。 例:I want to have a walk after supper. 晚饭后我想去散步。 He considered it his duty to support his family. 他认为支撑他的家庭是他的责任。 She doesn’t know how to run the machine. 她不知道如何操作这台机器。 不定式作宾语的结构为:及物动词+ to do. 动词常用:advise, agree, ask, begin, continue, decide, expect, forget, hope, learn, like, manage, mean, pretend, start, try, want, wish等。 (3) 作表语:联系动词一般都是be。 例:Our duty is to clean the office and the windows in it. 我们的责任是打扫办公室以及把办公室里的窗户擦干净。 His dream is to become an expert in computer in the future. 他的梦想是将来成为一名电脑方面的专家。 不定式作表语一般结构是:be to do sth. (4) 作定语可表示主谓、动宾、地点、时间、方式等多种语义关系。 例:Do you still have anything to say? 你还有什么要说的吗? Mr. Li is the first to get to the library. 李先生是第一个到达图书馆的人。 不定式作定语必须放在所修饰的名词后,与所修饰的名词可以是逻辑上的主谓关系或逻辑上的动宾关系。 如果不定式是不及物动词,则后面须跟一个介词。 例:We have nothing to worry about. 我们没有什么可担心的。 The Pierres had only a cold room to live in. 皮尔斯一家只有一间寒冷的房间居住。 She has no chair to sit on. 她没有椅子坐。 (5) 作状语:表示多种语义,如目的、原因、程度等。 例:They went out to have a walk. (表示目的) 他们出去散步。 I was really surprised to hear the news. (原因) 听到这个消息我真的很吃惊。 He is too young to join the army. (结果) 他太年轻了以至于不能参军。 To tell you the truth, I don’t like our Chinese teacher. (修饰全句) 告诉你实话,我不喜欢我们的语文老师。 (6) 作补语 例:They want us to keep silent. 他们希望我们保持安静。 He asked me to turn down the radio. 他让我把收音机的声音调低。 不定式作补语结构为:及物动词+ sb./sth. to do… 注意: ① 如果及物动词为使役动词(let, have, make) 或感觉动词(see, hear, watch, notice, listen to, look at, feel等),动词不定式不带“to”。 例:He made us sweep the floor three times a day. 他让我们一天打扫三次地板。 I saw him leave the meeting room early. 我看见他很早离开了会议室。 We always hear her sing popular songs. 我们总是听见她唱流行歌曲。 I noticed the man enter the store. 我注意到这个男人进入了商场。 His mother made him write a two-thousand-word article. 他的妈妈让他写一篇2000字的文章。 但该类句子变为被动句时则要加上“to”。 例:We were made to sweep the floor three times a day. 我们被要求一天打扫三次地板。 He was seen to leave the meeting room early. 有人看到他很早离开了会议室。 She is always heard to sing the popular songs. 人们总是听到她唱流行歌曲。 The man was noticed to enter the store. 有人注意到这个男人进了商场。 He was made to write a two-thousand-word article. 他被要求写一篇3000字的文章。 ② help后的不定式“to”可有可无。 例:Would you please help me (to) look for my lost necklace? 你能帮助我寻找丢失的项链吗? She helps me (to) learn to drive. 她帮我学开车。 (7) 形容词补足语:用在表示心理、感情、评价等的形容词后,对其进行补充说明。 例:We are very glad to meet you again. 很高兴再次见到你。 2. 不定式的时态和语态 不定式的时态和语态的变化,见下表: 主动形式 被动形式 一般时 to do to be done 完成时 to have done to have been done 进行时 to be doing —— 完成进行时 to have been doing —— 一般地说, (1) 如果不定式动作发生在谓语动作之后,用不定式的一般时来表示。 (2) 如果不定式动作发生在谓语动作之前,用不定式的完成时。 (3) 如果不定式动作与谓语动作同时发生,用不定式的进行时或一般时。 例:I hope to see the film Titanic. (之后) 我希望看泰坦尼克号这部电影。 They are said to be playing football on the playground now. (同时) 有人说他们正在操场上踢足球。 They seemed to have heard about the news already. (之前) 他们似乎已经听说了这个消息。 I’m sorry to have wasted your time. (之前) 很抱歉浪费了你的时间。 注意:不定式的逻辑主语(一般为句子主语)是不定式动作的承受者时,需用不定式的被动式。 例:Tom doesn’t like to be praised in public. 汤姆不喜欢在公众场合被表扬。 He asked to be sent to work there. 他要求被派往那里工作。 It’s an honor for him to have been invited to the party. 对于他来说被邀请参加这个聚会是件荣幸的事。 不定式在easy, difficult, hard, pleasant, heavy, expensive等形容词后作状语,用主动形式表示被动意义。 例:It is difficult to understand. 这件事很难理解。 The work is hard to do. 这个工作很难做。 The box is heavy to carry. 这个箱子搬起来很重。 若不定式与所修饰词有动宾关系,但与另一词有主谓关系,往往用主动形式表示被动意义。 例:He has a meeting to attend. 他有个会议要参加。 We still have many things to do. 我们仍有很多事情要做。 3. 几点注意事项 ⑴ 在“It is +形容词+ for/of sb. to do sth.”结构中,如果形容词是用于说明事情的,介词用for;如果形容词是用于说明人的,介词则选用of。说明人的形容词主要有:clever, careless, foolish, good, polite, kind, right, rude, silly, stupid, wise, wrong, brave, selfish等。 例:It is impossible for us to finish the work in a month. 对于我们来说在一个月内完成这项工作是不可能的。 It is not easy for me to learn so many subjects together. 对于我来说同时学习这么多课程是不容易的。 It is kind of you to say so. 你这么说真好。 It is impolite of you to stare at others. 你盯着某人看是不礼貌的。 It was careless of her to break the glass. 她不小心打破了玻璃。 ⑵ 不定式符号“to”的有无 ① had better do something 最好… would rather do something 宁愿… would like to do something 想做… 例:You’d better stay here for another week. 你最好在这儿再待一周。 Liuhulan would rather die than give in. 刘胡兰宁愿死亡而不投降。 I’d like to have a cup of coffee with sugar and milk in. 我想要一杯加糖和牛奶的咖啡。 ② why, why not引导问句不带to,句型为:疑问词+(not)+动词原形……? 例:Why spend so much money on such a coat? 为什么花那么多钱买这么一件外套。 Why not wear just a flower? 为什么不只戴一朵花呢? ③ 连接词引导省略主语的陈述句时要加to, 句型为:…连接词+to do sth. 例:I really don’t know what to do now. 我确实不知道现在干什么。 He has no idea where to go. 他不知道去哪儿。 ④ 情景对话中,省略不定式时,to常要留下。 例:— Do you want to watch the match? — I’d like to, but I’m not free now. — Would you please try it on? — I want to, but I haven’t any money with me. — 你想看比赛吗? —​ 我想看,但是我现在没空。 —​ 你想试穿它吗? —​ 我想,但是我没带钱。 ⑶ 不定式前可带what, who, which, where, when, how等疑问词,这种不定式短语在句中多用作宾语,有时也可作其他成分。 ⑷ 不定式的否定形式 不定式的否定形式是在不定式符号to之前加否定词not构成。注意:复合形式的不定式构成否定式时,not不可置于have或be之后。 例:To be or not to be, that is the question. 生存还是毁灭,这是个问题。 作目的状语的不定式若为否定式,其前必须加in order或 so as。 (5) ① like, love, hate等动词后——用动名词短语表示抽象的无时间意义的行为,用动词不定式短语则多表示特定的、具体的某一次的行为。试对比: We love having a swim in the sea every afternoon. 我们喜欢每天下午在海里游泳。 We’d love to have a swim in the sea this afternoon. 我们想今天下午在海里游个泳。 ② forget, remember, regret等动词后—用动名词短语表示谓语行为之前(已发生)的行为,用动词不定式短语则表示谓语行为之后的行为。试对比: I remember meeting her somewhere before. 我记得以前在哪儿见过她。 Do remember to meet her at the station tomorrow. 可要记住明天去车站接她。 ③ try后——用动名词短语时表示“(做某事)试一试(看是否会有某结果)”的意思,用动词不定式短语时则表示“极力(去做某事)”之意。试对比: Try putting some salt in the soup. It will taste better, I think. 在汤里放点盐试试。我想,味道会好些的。 She tried to put all the things into the bag, but couldn’t. 她极力想把所有的东西都放到包里去,可不行。 ④ stop和go on后—用动名词短语时表示“停止”或“继续”做原来的事,用动词不定式短语(作目的状语)则是表示要去做另一件事。试对比: The women went on working though it was already very dark. 妇女们继续工作,尽管天已经很黑了。 The women went on to work after they had their lunch. 妇女们吃过午饭后又接着工作。 但begin, start, continue等后可接动名词短语或不定式短语,语义基本相同。 例:They started discussing/to discuss the problem at once. 他们立即开始讨论问题。 动名词 动名词由动词+ing构成。它具有动词和名词的性质,在句中充当主语、宾语、表语和定语。 1.​ 动名词的用法 (1) 作主语 例:Getting up early is good for your health. 早起对于你的健康有帮助。 Reading English often is very important in learning a foreign language. 经常读英语对于学习一门外语很重要。 某些句型结构中也用it作形式主语。 例:It is no use/useless/good doing sth. 例: It is no use talking with him about it. 和他谈论这件事是没用的。 I don’t think it is any good calling to him. 我认为给他打电话没用。 (2) 作宾语 例:I did remember seeing him somewhere last Sunday. 我确实记得上个周日在某个地方见过他。 Before class, you will be asked to stop talking and smoking. 上课之前,你需要停止说话及吸烟。 Would you mind opening the window for me? 你介意为我把窗户打开吗? 注意:跟在介词后的动词必须用动名词形式,充当介词的宾语。 例:I am thinking of going to travel in Europe. 我正在考虑去欧洲旅行。 Thank you for bringing me such a beautiful gift. 谢谢你给我带来这么漂亮的礼物。 (3) 作表语 例:My work is teaching you English. 我的工作是教你英语。 Her greatest pleasure was watching TV at home. 她最大的乐趣就是在家看电视。 注意:动名词作表语往往表示抽象意义的动作(动作性不强),而不表示具体的某次动作。 (4) 作定语 例:A swimming pool is being built in the park. 公园里正在建一个游泳池。 Your teaching method is a little out of time. 你的教学方法有点过时了。 注意:动名词作定语说明所修饰名词的用途,而不表示进行的动作。 1.​ 使用动名词注意下列事项: (1)​ 下列动词后只用动名词: avoid, admit, consider, delay, enjoy, escape, finish, imagine, keep, mind, miss, practice, risk, suggest等。 例:He finished reading the novel in two days. 他在两天内读完了这本小说。 I am considering going there by bicycle. 我正在考虑骑自行车去那儿。 I suggested putting off the meeting till next Wednesday. 我建议把这个会议推迟到下周三。 I am sorry to miss catching the first bus. 我很遗憾错过了第一班公交车。 (1)​ 下列词组后用动名词:be afraid of, be/get used to, think of, be fond of, can’t help, feel like, give up, look forward to, pay attention to, have trouble in , insist on , put off , succeed in等。 例:He has been used to living in the city after so many years have passed. 这么多年过去了,他已经习惯了在城市居住。 I don’t feel like going to see the film now. 我现在不想去看这个电影。 3. 下列句型用主动形式表示被动意义: (1) 主语+ be (well) worth +doing某事(很)值得一做 (2) 主语+ need/ want/ require +doing某事需要被做 (=主语+ need/ want/ require to be done) 例: The TV program is well worth watching. 这个电视节目很值得一看。 The bike needs/ wants/ requires repairing immediately. (=The bike needs/ wants/ requires to be repaired immediately.) 这个自行车需要立即修理。 4.动名词的时态和语态 (1) 主动语态一般时——表示①无时间意义的行为;②与谓语行为同时的行为;③谓语行为之先的行为;④被动行为。 例:I don’t mind having a cup of whisky at parties. 我不介意在聚会上喝一杯威士忌。 The TV set needs repairing again. 这台电视机需要再次修理。 (2) 主动语态完成时——表示谓语行为之先的行为。 例:They were lucky in having found the stolen car. 很幸运他们已经找到了丢失的自行车。 (1)​ 被动语态一般时——表示其逻辑主语承受的行为。 例:The fact of being backed by so many people is a great comfort. 有这么多人支持真是一个巨大的安慰。 (1)​ 被动语态完成时——表示其逻辑主语在谓语之先承受的行为。 例:Do you remember having been sent such an e-mail? 你记得别人发来这么一封邮件吗? 动名词的否定形式:在动名词前加否定词not构成。注意,复合形式的动名词中not不可置于having或being之后。 例:Excuse me for not being able to offer you any help. 很抱歉不能给你提供任何帮助。 同步练习 Choose the best answer. 1. My father is sleeping soundly, so I try my best _____any noise. A. not make B. to make C. not to make D. to make not 2. — Have you finished _____your article? — No, not yet. A. write B. to write C. wrote D. writing 3. Go and tell the boy _____with fire. It’s dangerous. A. don’t play B. not to play C. not play D. to play not 4. The player had a strong will, and he practiced _____every morning. A. to run B. ran C. running D. and ran 5. “Remember not _____your little sister_____, Tom.” said his mother. A. making, cry B. to make, to cry C. making, to cry D. to make, cry 6. _____his spoken English, Marx went to Hyde Park _____to people speaking freely. A. To improve, listened B. Improving, to listen C. To improve, to listen D. Improved, to listen 7. They say your sister is easy_____. A. to get along B. to get along with C. to get along with them D. to get along with her 8. It is not safe _____at the edge of the lake. A. you stand B. of you to stand C. for your standing D. for you to stand 9. He often made her____, but this time he was made _____by her. A. cry, to cry B. cry, cry C. to cry, cry D. to cry, to cry 10. We all hate _____lies before our teachers or parents. A. telling B. tell C. to tell D. being told 11. I’m looking forward _____your pen-friend. A. being B. to be C. be D. to being 12. Do you think the lecture is worth_____? A. listening to B. to listen to C. being listened to D. listen to
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