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国际贸易实务(双语)教案 课 程 教 案 学院、部 经济与贸易学院 系、所 国际经济与贸易教研室 授课教师 _____易露霞__________ 课程名称__国际贸易实务(双语) 课程学时_________72___________ 实验学时______________________ 教材名称_国际贸易实务双语教程_ 2007 年 8 月 30 日 _________国际贸易实务(双语)___课程教案 授课类型___理论课、...
课 程 教 案 学院、部 经济与贸易学院 系、所 国际经济与贸易教研室 授课教师 _____易露霞__________ 课程名称__国际贸易实务(双语) 课程学时_________72___________ 实验学时______________________ 教材名称_国际贸易实务双语教程_ 2007 年 8 月 30 日 _________国际贸易实务(双语)___课程 授课类型___理论课、实训课______ 授课时间 50+22 学时 授课目(教学章节或主题): Chapter One A brief introduction to international trade (2hrs) 本授课单元教学目标或要求: Let the students understand the reasons why we should international trade and the forms of international trade. 本授课单元教学内容(包括基本内容、重点、难点,以及引导学生解决重点难点的方法、例题等): Contents Section 1 Reasons for international trade Section 2 Problems Concerning International Trade Section 3 Forms of International Trade Exercise Useful expressions Focus on & Difficulties The reasons of international trade; forms of international trade Methods 1.The teacher will give clear explanation to the questions asked by students, or let the students discuss among themselves and show the comments by the teacher, give students some time to practice the difficult sentences and expressions. 2. As to the exercise, the teacher will explain the difficult points to students. 3. Email contact 4. Classroom discussions 本授课单元教学手段与方法: 1.采用多媒体教学 2.课堂讲授与课堂讨论相结合 3.利用专题学习网站 本授课单元思考题、讨论题、作业: 1 Finish the exercise in the text 2 After-class assignment: Please explain the reason why we should do international trade and give some examples to show 4 Preview next unit 本授课单元参考资料(含参考书、文献等,必要时可列出) (1)Export Pracitice and Management——Alan E.Branch,Cengage Learning Business Press,2000 第 页,共 页 2 (2)Mark Ellis and Christine Johnson, Teaching Business English [M], Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994 (3)Ellis, M. & C. Johnson Teaching Business English. Oxford: Oxford University Press.(上海外语 教育出版社出版),1994. (4)帅建林:英汉对照国际贸易惯例解析——Case Study of International Trade Customs and Practices,对外经济贸易大学出版社,2006 年 (5)张素芳:International Trade Theory and Practice, 对外经济贸易大学出版社,2003 年 (6)杨国俊,邱格加:国家贸易核心英语——Core English for International Trade,世界图书出 版社,2004 年 (7)王玉章:International Trade English, 天津大学出版社,1998 年 (8)诸葛霖:《对外贸易实务英语读本》(修订本),对外贸易教育出版社 1992 年 6 月 (9)吴百福:《进出口贸易实务教程》,上海人民出版社,2003 年 (9)王沅沅:《国际贸易实务》。北京:高等教育出版社,2003 年 (10)檀文茹《国际贸易专业英语》,对外经济贸易大学出版社,2005 年 (11)熊伟:英汉对照国际贸易实务英语——English for International Practices, 武汉大学出版社, 2001 年 (12)易露霞、王娜娜、陈原《外贸英语函电》,清华大学出版社,2008 年 注:1.每单元页面大小可自行添减;2.一个授课单元为一个教案;3. “重点”、“难点”、“教学手段 与方法”部分要尽量具体;4.授课类型指:理论课、讨论课、实验或实习课、练习或习题课。 第 页,共 页 3 _________国际贸易实务(双语)___课程教案 授课类型___理论课、实训课______ 授课时间 50+22 学时 授课题目(教学章节或主题): Chapter Two General Procedures of Export and Import Transaction (2hrs) 本授课单元教学目标或要求: Let the students understand the procedures of export and import transaction and the importance of negotiation. What is inquiry, offer and counter-offer and acceptance. 本授课单元教学内容(包括基本内容、重点、难点,以及引导学生解决重点难点的方法、例题等): Contents Section 1 Procedures of Export and Import Transaction Section 2 Business negotiation Section 3 Implementation of Contract Exercise Case Study Focus on & Difficulties 1. Procedures of international trade 2. How to make negotiation 3. What is inquiry, offer, counter-offer and acceptance Methods 1.The teacher will give clear explanation to the questions asked by students, or let the students discuss among themselves and show the comments by the teacher, give students some time to practice the difficult sentences and expressions. 2. As to the exercise, the teacher will explain the difficult points to students. 3. Email contact 本授课单元教学手段与方法: 1.采用多媒体教学 2.课堂讲授与课堂讨论相结合 3.利用专题学习网站 4.让学生以小组为单位,模拟询盘、发盘、还盘和接受 本授课单元思考题、讨论题、作业: 1 Letter writing of inquiry, offer, counter-offer and acceptance 2 Finish the exercise in this unit 3 Preview next unit 本授课单元参考资料(含参考书、文献等,必要时可列出) 第 页,共 页 4 (1)Export Pracitice and Management——Alan E.Branch,Cengage Learning Business Press,2000 (2)Mark Ellis and Christine Johnson, Teaching Business English [M], Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994 (3)Ellis, M. & C. Johnson Teaching Business English. Oxford: Oxford University Press.(上海外语 教育出版社出版),1994. (4)帅建林:英汉对照国际贸易惯例案例解析——Case Study of International Trade Customs and Practices,对外经济贸易大学出版社,2006 年 (5)张素芳:International Trade Theory and Practice, 对外经济贸易大学出版社,2003 年 (6)杨国俊,邱格加:国家贸易核心英语——Core English for International Trade,世界图书出 版社,2004 年 (7)王玉章:International Trade English, 天津大学出版社,1998 年 (8)诸葛霖:《对外贸易实务英语读本》(修订本),对外贸易教育出版社 1992 年 6 月 (9)吴百福:《进出口贸易实务教程》,上海人民出版社,2003 年 (9)王沅沅:《国际贸易实务》。北京:高等教育出版社,2003 年 (10)檀文茹《国际贸易专业英语》,对外经济贸易大学出版社,2005 年 (11)熊伟:英汉对照国际贸易实务英语——English for International Practices, 武汉大学出版社, 2001 年 (12)易露霞、王娜娜、陈原《外贸英语函电》,清华大学出版社,2008 年 注:1.每单元页面大小可自行添减;2.一个授课单元为一个教案;3. “重点”、“难点”、“教学手段 与方法”部分要尽量具体;4.授课类型指:理论课、讨论课、实验或实习课、练习或习题课。 第 页,共 页 5 _________国际贸易实务(双语)___课程教案 授课类型___理论课、实训课______ 授课时间 50+22 学时 授课题目(教学章节或主题): Chapter Three Contracts for the Sale and Purchase of International Commodity (4hrs) 本授课单元教学目标或要求: Let the students understand what is a contract of international trade. What should be included basically in a sales contract, sales information and so on? After studying this chapter, the students should know how make sales confirmation, contracts and so on. 本授课单元教学内容(包括基本内容、重点、难点,以及引导学生解决重点难点的方法、例题等): Contents Section 1 Definition of Contracts Section 2 Formation of Contract Clauses commonly used in contracts Examples of Contracts (reading and translation) Exercise Case Study Focus on & Difficulties 1. What is a contracts? 2. How to make English contracts of international trade 3. Clauses in both English and Chinese in contracts Methods 1.The teacher will give clear explanation to the questions asked by students, or let the students discuss among themselves and show the comments by the teacher, give students some time to practice the difficult sentences and expressions. 2. As to the exercise, the teacher will explain the difficult points to students. 3. Email contact 本授课单元教学手段与方法: 1.采用多媒体教学 2.课堂讲授与课堂讨论相结合 3.利用专题学习网站 4.让学生以小组为单位,合作完成如何根据相关交易磋商条款制作 5.让学生利用相关网站、资料和新闻报道等,查找由于合同问题而引发的交易纠纷的案例,在 小组中讨论,然后在课堂上与其他同学分析如何解决问题,以及如何避免问题的发生 6.利用启发式和互动式教学方法,让学生理解和掌握英文买卖合同中的有关条款的达方式 本授课单元思考题、讨论题、作业: 第 页,共 页 6 1 Explain what is a contract in English. 2 What should be paid great attention to in making English contracts? 3 Finish the exercise in this unit 4 Preview next unit 本授课单元参考资料(含参考书、文献等,必要时可列出) (1)Export Pracitice and Management——Alan E.Branch,Cengage Learning Business Press,2000 (2)Mark Ellis and Christine Johnson, Teaching Business English [M], Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994 (3)Ellis, M. & C. Johnson Teaching Business English. Oxford: Oxford University Press.(上海外语 教育出版社出版),1994. (4)帅建林:英汉对照国际贸易惯例案例解析——Case Study of International Trade Customs and Practices,对外经济贸易大学出版社,2006 年 (5)张素芳:International Trade Theory and Practice, 对外经济贸易大学出版社,2003 年 (6)杨国俊,邱格加:国家贸易核心英语——Core English for International Trade,世界图书出 版社,2004 年 (7)王玉章:International Trade English, 天津大学出版社,1998 年 (8)诸葛霖:《对外贸易实务英语读本》(修订本),对外贸易教育出版社 1992 年 6 月 (9)吴百福:《进出口贸易实务教程》,上海人民出版社,2003 年 (9)王沅沅:《国际贸易实务》。北京:高等教育出版社,2003 年 (10)檀文茹《国际贸易专业英语》,对外经济贸易大学出版社,2005 年 (11)熊伟:英汉对照国际贸易实务英语——English for International Practices, 武汉大学出版社, 2001 年 (12)易露霞、王娜娜、陈原《外贸英语函电》,清华大学出版社,2008 年 实训时间:2 hours 注:1.每单元页面大小可自行添减;2.一个授课单元为一个教案;3. “重点”、“难点”、“教学手段 与方法”部分要尽量具体;4.授课类型指:理论课、讨论课、实验或实习课、练习或习题课。 第 页,共 页 7 _________国际贸易实务(双语)___课程教案 授课类型___理论课、实训课______ 授课时间 50+22 学时 授课题目(教学章节或主题): Chapter Four Trade Terms (8hrs) 本授课单元教学目标或要求: Let the students understand what are the trade terms, the importance, the functions and the translation in Chinese. Explain the six main terms in details to students. 本授课单元教学内容(包括基本内容、重点、难点,以及引导学生解决重点难点的方法、例题等): Contents Section 1 Components of Trade Terms Section 2 Incomterms Section 3 Six Main Trade Terms in INCOTERMS Section 4 Other Trade Terms Clauses commonly used about the trade terms in contract Exercise Case Study Focus on & Difficulties 1. How to understand Incomterms 2. Differences between each term 3. Cases about trade terms Methods 1.The teacher will give clear explanation to the questions asked by students, or let the students discuss among themselves and show the comments by the teacher, give students some time to practice the difficult sentences and expressions. 2. As to the exercise, the teacher will explain the difficult points to students. 3. Email contact 本授课单元教学手段与方法: 1.采用多媒体教学 2.课堂讲授与课堂讨论相结合 3.利用专题学习网站 4.让学生以小组为单位,课后进一步讨论贸易术语的具体内容与要求 5.让学生利用相关网站、资料和新闻报道等,查找由于术语使用不当而引发的交易纠纷的案例, 在小组中讨论,然后在课堂上与其他同学分析如何避免问题的发生 6.利用启发式和互动式教学方法,让学生理解和掌握术语的正确使用 本授课单元思考题、讨论题、作业: 第 页,共 页 8 1 Explain in detail the trade terms. 2 What should be paid great attention to in using these terms? 3 Finish the exercise in this unit 4 Case discussions in class and after class by the students themselves 5 Preview next unit 本授课单元参考资料(含参考书、文献等,必要时可列出) (1)Export Pracitice and Management——Alan E.Branch,Cengage Learning Business Press,2000 (2)Mark Ellis and Christine Johnson, Teaching Business English [M], Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994 (3)Ellis, M. & C. Johnson Teaching Business English. Oxford: Oxford University Press.(上海外语 教育出版社出版),1994. (4)帅建林:英汉对照国际贸易惯例案例解析——Case Study of International Trade Customs and Practices,对外经济贸易大学出版社,2006 年 (5)张素芳:International Trade Theory and Practice, 对外经济贸易大学出版社,2003 年 (6)杨国俊,邱格加:国家贸易核心英语——Core English for International Trade,世界图书出 版社,2004 年 (7)王玉章:International Trade English, 天津大学出版社,1998 年 (8)诸葛霖:《对外贸易实务英语读本》(修订本),对外贸易教育出版社 1992 年 6 月 (9)吴百福:《进出口贸易实务教程》,上海人民出版社,2003 年 (9)王沅沅:《国际贸易实务》。北京:高等教育出版社,2003 年 (10)檀文茹《国际贸易专业英语》,对外经济贸易大学出版社,2005 年 (11)熊伟:英汉对照国际贸易实务英语——English for International Practices, 武汉大学出版社, 2001 年 (12)易露霞、王娜娜、陈原《外贸英语函电》,清华大学出版社,2008 年 实训时间:4 hours 注:1.每单元页面大小可自行添减;2.一个授课单元为一个教案;3. “重点”、“难点”、“教学手段 与方法”部分要尽量具体;4.授课类型指:理论课、讨论课、实验或实习课、练习或习题课。 第 页,共 页 9 _________国际贸易实务(双语)___课程教案 授课类型___理论课、实训课______ 授课时间 50+22 学时 授课题目(教学章节或主题): Chapter Five Quality of Commodity (2hrs) 本授课单元教学目标或要求: Let the students understand the importance of the commodity quality and the methods of stipulating commodity quality. 本授课单元教学内容(包括基本内容、重点、难点,以及引导学生解决重点难点的方法、例题等): Contents Section 1 Quality of Commodity Section 2 Methods of Expressing Quality of Commodity Clauses commonly used about the quality of goods in the contract Exercise Case Study Focus on & Difficulties 1.The methods of stipulating commodity quality 2.Cases about commodity quality Methods 1.The teacher will give clear explanation to the questions asked by students, or let the students discuss among themselves and show the comments by the teacher, give students some time to practice the difficult sentences and expressions. 2. As to the exercise, the teacher will explain the difficult points to students. 3. Email contact 本授课单元教学手段与方法: 1.采用多媒体教学 2.课堂讲授与课堂讨论相结合 3.利用专题学习网站 4.利用启发式和互动式教学方法,让学生理解和掌握货物品质的正确表达方式 本授课单元思考题、讨论题、作业: 1 Explain in detail the methods of stipulating commodity quality in English 2 What should be paid great attention to stipulating commodity quality in English? 3 Finish the exercise in this unit 4 Case discussions in class and after class by the students themselves 5 Preview next unit 本授课单元参考资料(含参考书、文献等,必要时可列出) 第 页,共 页 10 (1)Export Pracitice and Management——Alan E.Branch,Cengage Learning Business Press,2000 (2)Mark Ellis and Christine Johnson, Teaching Business English [M], Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994 (3)Ellis, M. & C. Johnson Teaching Business English. Oxford: Oxford University Press.(上海外语 教育出版社出版),1994. (4)帅建林:英汉对照国际贸易惯例案例解析——Case Study of International Trade Customs and Practices,对外经济贸易大学出版社,2006 年 (5)张素芳:International Trade Theory and Practice, 对外经济贸易大学出版社,2003 年 (6)杨国俊,邱格加:国家贸易核心英语——Core English for International Trade,世界图书出 版社,2004 年 (7)王玉章:International Trade English, 天津大学出版社,1998 年 (8)诸葛霖:《对外贸易实务英语读本》(修订本),对外贸易教育出版社 1992 年 6 月 (9)吴百福:《进出口贸易实务教程》,上海人民出版社,2003 年 (9)王沅沅:《国际贸易实务》。北京:高等教育出版社,2003 年 (10)檀文茹《国际贸易专业英语》,对外经济贸易大学出版社,2005 年 (11)熊伟:英汉对照国际贸易实务英语——English for International Practices, 武汉大学出版社, 2001 年 (12)易露霞、王娜娜、陈原《外贸英语函电》,清华大学出版社,2008 年 注:1.每单元页面大小可自行添减;2.一个授课单元为一个教案;3. “重点”、“难点”、“教学手段 与方法”部分要尽量具体;4.授课类型指:理论课、讨论课、实验或实习课、练习或习题课。 第 页,共 页 11 _________国际贸易实务(双语)___课程教案 授课类型___理论课、实训课______ 授课时间 50+22 学时 授课题目(教学章节或主题): Chapter Six Quantity of Goods (2hrs) 本授课单元教学目标或要求: Let the students understand the importance of the commodity quantity and the methods of calculating units of goods, such as units of measurement, length conversion, area conversion and so on. Students should understand how to calculate weight. 本授课单元教学内容(包括基本内容、重点、难点,以及引导学生解决重点难点的方法、例题等): Contents Section 1 Calculating Units of Quantity of the Goods Section 2 Methods of Calculating Weight Clauses commonly used in quantity of goods in the contract Exercise Case Study Focus on & Difficulties 1.The methods of calculating methods 2.Cases about commodity quality Methods 1.The teacher will give clear explanation to the questions asked by students, or let the students discuss among themselves and show the comments by the teacher, give students some time to practice the difficult sentences and expressions. 2. As to the exercise, the teacher will explain the difficult points to students. 3. Email contact 本授课单元教学手段与方法: 1.采用多媒体教学 2.课堂讲授与课堂讨论相结合 3.利用专题学习网站 4.利用启发式和互动式教学方法,让学生理解和掌握货物品质的正确表达方式 5.通过案例讨论方法,让学生掌握货物重量单位、面积换算、体积换算等内容的正确表达方式 本授课单元思考题、讨论题、作业: 1 Explain in detail the methods of calculating units and units measurement of goods in English 2 What is more or less clause? How to use it? 3 Finish the exercise in this unit 4 Case discussions in class and after class by the students themselves 5 Preview next unit 第 页,共 页 12 本授课单元参考资料(含参考书、文献等,必要时可列出) (1)Export Pracitice and Management——Alan E.Branch,Cengage Learning Business Press,2000 (2)Mark Ellis and Christine Johnson, Teaching Business English [M], Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994 (3)Ellis, M. & C. Johnson Teaching Business English. Oxford: Oxford University Press.(上海外语 教育出版社出版),1994. (4)帅建林:英汉对照国际贸易惯例案例解析——Case Study of International Trade Customs and Practices,对外经济贸易大学出版社,2006 年 (5)张素芳:International Trade Theory and Practice, 对外经济贸易大学出版社,2003 年 (6)杨国俊,邱格加:国家贸易核心英语——Core English for International Trade,世界图书出 版社,2004 年 (7)王玉章:International Trade English, 天津大学出版社,1998 年 (8)诸葛霖:《对外贸易实务英语读本》(修订本),对外贸易教育出版社 1992 年 6 月 (9)吴百福:《进出口贸易实务教程》,上海人民出版社,2003 年 (9)王沅沅:《国际贸易实务》。北京:高等教育出版社,2003 年 (10)檀文茹《国际贸易专业英语》,对外经济贸易大学出版社,2005 年 (11)熊伟:英汉对照国际贸易实务英语——English for International Practices, 武汉大学出版社, 2001 年 (12)易露霞、王娜娜、陈原《外贸英语函电》,清华大学出版社,2008 年 注:1.每单元页面大小可自行添减;2.一个授课单元为一个教案;3. “重点”、“难点”、“教学手段 与方法”部分要尽量具体;4.授课类型指:理论课、讨论课、实验或实习课、练习或习题课。 第 页,共 页 13 _________国际贸易实务(双语)___课程教案 授课类型___理论课、实训课______ 授课时间 50+22 学时 授课题目(教学章节或主题): Chapter Seven Packing and Marking of Goods (4hrs) 本授课单元教学目标或要求: Let the students understand the importance of packing in international trade and the methods of packing. Students should understand how to express clearly and correctly the packing terms in the contract. 本授课单元教学内容(包括基本内容、重点、难点,以及引导学生解决重点难点的方法、例题等): Contents Section 1 The Functions of Packing Section 2 Kinds/types of Packing Section 3 Marking of Package Clauses commonly used in packing Exercise Case Study Focus on & Difficulties 1.The methods of packing 2.Cases about packing Methods 1.The teacher will give clear explanation to the questions asked by students, or let the students discuss among themselves and show the comments by the teacher, give students some time to practice the difficult sentences and expressions. 2. As to the exercise, the teacher will explain the difficult points to students. 3. Email contact 本授课单元教学手段与方法: 1.采用多媒体教学 2.课堂讲授与课堂讨论相结合 3.利用专题学习网站 4.利用启发式和互动式教学方法,让学生理解和掌握货物品质的正确表达方式 5.通过案例讨论方法,让学生掌握货物包装的重要性和正确表达方式 本授课单元思考题、讨论题、作业: 1 Explain in detail the methods of packing in English 2 How to make shipping marks and packing instructions 3 Finish the exercise in this unit 4 Case discussions in class and after class by the students themselves 第 页,共 页 14 5 Preview next unit 本授课单元参考资料(含参考书、文献等,必要时可列出) (1)Export Pracitice and Management——Alan E.Branch,Cengage Learning Business Press,2000 (2)Mark Ellis and Christine Johnson, Teaching Business English [M], Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994 (3)Ellis, M. & C. Johnson Teaching Business English. Oxford: Oxford University Press.(上海外语 教育出版社出版),1994. (4)帅建林:英汉对照国际贸易惯例案例解析——Case Study of International Trade Customs and Practices,对外经济贸易大学出版社,2006 年 (5)张素芳:International Trade Theory and Practice, 对外经济贸易大学出版社,2003 年 (6)杨国俊,邱格加:国家贸易核心英语——Core English for International Trade,世界图书出 版社,2004 年 (7)王玉章:International Trade English, 天津大学出版社,1998 年 (8)诸葛霖:《对外贸易实务英语读本》(修订本),对外贸易教育出版社 1992 年 6 月 (9)吴百福:《进出口贸易实务教程》,上海人民出版社,2003 年 (9)王沅沅:《国际贸易实务》。北京:高等教育出版社,2003 年 (10)檀文茹《国际贸易专业英语》,对外经济贸易大学出版社,2005 年 (11)熊伟:英汉对照国际贸易实务英语——English for International Practices, 武汉大学出版社, 2001 年 (12)易露霞、王娜娜、陈原《外贸英语函电》,清华大学出版社,2008 年 注:1.每单元页面大小可自行添减;2.一个授课单元为一个教案;3. “重点”、“难点”、“教学手段 与方法”部分要尽量具体;4.授课类型指:理论课、讨论课、实验或实习课、练习或习题课。 第 页,共 页 15 _________国际贸易实务(双语)___课程教案 授课类型___理论课、实训课______ 授课时间 50+22 学时 授课题目(教学章节或主题): Chapter Eight Price of Goods (4hrs) 本授课单元教学目标或要求: Let the students understand the importance of pricing and how to price for export and import goods. Students should also get to know the methods of pricing. 本授课单元教学内容(包括基本内容、重点、难点,以及引导学生解决重点难点的方法、例题等): Contents Section 1 Contents of price terms Section 2 Pricing methods Section 3 Selection of Money of Account Exercise Case Study Focus on & Difficulties 1.Pricing and methods of pricing 2.Cases about pricing Methods 1.The teacher will give clear explanation to the questions asked by students, or let the students discuss among themselves and show the comments by the teacher, give students some time to practice the difficult sentences and expressions. 2. As to the exercise, the teacher will explain the difficult points to students. 3. Email contact 本授课单元教学手段与方法: 1.采用多媒体教学 2.课堂讲授与课堂讨论相结合 3.利用专题学习网站 4.利用启发式和互动式教学方法,让学生理解和掌握货物定价方法 5.通过案例讨论方法,让学生掌握货物定价方的重要性和正确表达方式 6.让学生利用各种方式找到出口商品,了解市场,然后为新产品定价,使学生有更多自主学习 机会,并通过这种方式更好理解如何为商品定价 本授课单元思考题、讨论题、作业: 1 Explain in detail the methods of pricing in English 2 How to price? 3 Finish the exercise in this unit 4 Case discussions in class and after class by the students themselves 第 页,共 页 16 5 Preview next unit 本授课单元参考资料(含参考书、文献等,必要时可列出) (1)Export Pracitice and Management——Alan E.Branch,Cengage Learning Business Press,2000 (2)Mark Ellis and Christine Johnson, Teaching Business English [M], Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994 (3)Ellis, M. & C. Johnson Teaching Business English. Oxford: Oxford University Press.(上海外语 教育出版社出版),1994. (4)帅建林:英汉对照国际贸易惯例案例解析——Case Study of International Trade Customs and Practices,对外经济贸易大学出版社,2006 年 (5)张素芳:International Trade Theory and Practice, 对外经济贸易大学出版社,2003 年 (6)杨国俊,邱格加:国家贸易核心英语——Core English for International Trade,世界图书出 版社,2004 年 (7)王玉章:Internationa
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