

2011-10-07 33页 doc 260KB 128阅读




短小英文对话1 起 床 早起三部曲,穿衣叠被加洗漱——日复一日,年复一年。最难的是第一步,瞧瞧Jim,都几点了,还赖在床上不起呢。 该起床了。It’s time to get up. ○ Get up! 起床! ○ Wake up! 醒一醒! 快起床。Get up soon. = Get out of the bed quickly. 我星期六通常晚起。I usually sleep late on Saturdays. ● sleep late“晚起” 快点儿!Hurry up! = Hurry! 时间还早呢。It’s still ea...
1 起 床 早起三部曲,穿衣叠被加洗漱——日复一日,年复一年。最难的是第一步,瞧瞧Jim,都几点了,还赖在床上不起呢。 该起床了。It’s time to get up. ○ Get up! 起床! ○ Wake up! 醒一醒! 快起床。Get up soon. = Get out of the bed quickly. 我星期六通常晚起。I usually sleep late on Saturdays. ● sleep late“晚起” 快点儿!Hurry up! = Hurry! 时间还早呢。It’s still early. ○ It’s too early to get up. 现在起床太早了。 闹钟响了吗? Did the alarm go off? ○ Did you hear the alarm? 你听到闹钟响了吗? ★ alarm [] n.闹钟(相当于alarm clock) ● go off“响起,发出声音” 我一夜没睡着。I stayed up the whole night. = I spent a sleepless night. ★ sleepless [] a.失眠的,不眠的 ● stay up“不睡觉,熬夜” 我还很困。I’m still sleepy. ○ I want to sleep 10 more minutes. 我想再睡10分钟。 ★ sleepy [] a.困倦的,欲睡的 你昨天晚上打呼噜了。You were snoring last night. ★ snore [] v. 打鼾 我整晚都在做梦。I’ve been dreaming all the night. ○ I had a very good dream last night. 我昨晚做了个好梦。 把衣服穿上。Put your clothes on. = Get dressed. ★ dress [] v. (给)穿衣 把被褥叠好。Fold up your bedding. ○ Fold up your quilt. 把被子叠好。 ★ bedding [] n. 被褥 ★ quilt [] n. 被子 ● fold up“(使)折起” 把头发梳一下。Comb your hair. ○ Go wash your face. 去洗洗脸。 ★ comb [] v. 梳头 n. 梳子 FUN 轻松:看图 “I hacked into the school computer and changed all my grades. Then the school hacked into my computer and deleted all my games! ” Waking Someone Up Ann:Hey, Jim, it’s time to wake up and get out of bed. Jim:Do I have to get up now? Ann:You’d better get up, or you’ll be late. Jim: What are you talking about? My alarm hasn’t even gone off yet. Ann: Yes, it did. It went off 30 minutes ago. You slept right through it. You’re like a dead person while you sleep. Jim:I must have slept right through it. Ann:Rise and shine! Sleepyhead! Jim:Just let me sleep 5 more minutes. Ann:The early bird gets the worm. Jim:I know. I know. But I don’t want any worms. Ann: Ha! Ha! If you don’t make an effort now, later on it’ll be a lot tougher for you. 叫醒某人 安:嘿,吉姆,醒一醒,该起床啦。 吉姆:我现在一定得起床吗? 安:你最好现在就起床,否则要迟到了。 吉姆:你说什么呀? 我的闹钟都还没响呢? 安: 响了,30分钟前就响了。你睡过了。睡得像死猪一样。 吉姆:我一定是睡过了。 安:起床!贪睡鬼! 吉姆:让我再睡5分钟嘛。 安:早起的鸟才会有虫吃。 吉姆:我知道。我知道。但是我可不想吃虫。 安: 哈!哈! 如果你现在不努力的话,将来的生活就会变得更加艰难。  rise [] v. 起床,升起  shine [] v. 使光亮, 发光  sleepyhead [] n. 贪睡者, 懒鬼  effort [] n. 努力 详细解说  “wake up”在这里是个不及物动词词组,意思是“醒来”,另外,还可以 表示“开始听或者开始注意某事”。例如:James usually wakes up early. (詹姆士通常醒得很早。)Wake up at the back there!(注意后边!)另 外,“wake sb. up”表示“叫醒某人”,是个及物动词词组。例如:I'll wake you up when it's time to leave.(该走的时候我会叫醒你的。)  “go off”在本段对话中表示闹钟“响”。  “You slept right through it.”的意思是说“闹铃响的整个过程中,你都在   睡觉。”,所以译为“你睡过了。”“it”指“闹铃响的时候”。“through”在本句话中表示“(时间上)从开始到结束”,例如:He slept right through the day.(他睡了整整一天。)  “Rise and shine!”是口语中一种幽默的表达方式,表示“起床!”。 “The early bird catches/gets the worm.”是一句谚语,意思是“早起的鸟 才会有虫吃。” FUN 轻松:贴士 Forrest Gump 《阿甘正传》(1) 生活就像一盒巧克力。 Life Was like a Box of Chocolates. 大部分人都在一定程度上觉得自己很聪明,并且为了能够“更好地”生活,变得越来越世故。观看完《阿甘正传》这部美国经典奥斯卡影片之后,我们不禁为我们这些自以为是的人感到些许惋惜。影片中的阿甘是一位有智力残障的人,他思想单纯,只知道一直坚持不懈地做自己想做又喜欢做的事情,却能接二连三意外地收获“成功”。他的一句经典台词“生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道自己会得到什么。”道出了阿甘对生活的态度:未来是无法预测的,只要我们认认真真地做好每件事情,快快乐乐地过好每一天,生活就是美好的。下面节选的是阿甘在公交车站等车时,跟一位妇人交谈时的一段台词,现在结合声音资料,让我们一起体会阿甘对生活的态度… >> MORE P115 从左边下床, 还是从右边下床呢 你每天早上起床是从左边下床还是从右边下床呢?也许你会说为什么要问这么无聊的问?你也许没有注意到,不论从左边下床还是从右边下床,每个人总是固定从一边下床的,不会今天从左边下,明天从右边下。 当然这无非是个人习惯问题,的确是无关紧要的,但英国人却在这个问题上大作文章。他们认为,一个人如果不按自己的习惯,换一边下床,即“get out of bed from the wrong side”,便会导致心情不好(in bad mood),容易发脾气(easy to lose one’s temper): Don’t talk with him. He must have got out of bed from the wrong side and is in a very irritable mood. 你别和他说话。他今天心情不好,火气很大。 2 睡 觉 It’s bedtime. 但你还是精神抖擞吗?你的家人、朋友还在瞪着眼睛看电视吗?督促自己和家人洗洗涮涮赶紧睡啦,熬夜对身体可不好哦! 很晚了。It’s late. ○ It’s midnight. 已经半夜了。 我还想看电视。I want to watch more TV. ○ Turn off the TV. 把电视关上。 明天的事情都准备好了吗?Are you ready for tomorrow? ● be ready for…“为…做好了准备” 我卸完妆了。I finished taking off my make-up. ★ make-up [] n. 化妆,化妆品 ● take off“去掉,脱掉” 该睡觉了。It’s time to go to bed. = It’s time to go to sleep. = It’s bedtime. ★ bedtime [bedtaim] n. 就寝时间 把你的床铺好。Make your bed. ● make bed“铺床” 我一点儿也不困。I’m wide awake. = I’m not sleepy at all. ○ I can’t fall asleep. 我睡不着。 ★ asleep [] a. 睡着的 ● wide awake“完全清醒的,醒着的” 我困了。I’m sleepy. ○ It seems I have been asleep just now. 我刚才好像都睡着了。 我要去睡觉了。I’m going to bed. = I’m off to bed. = I’m going to sleep. = I’m going to hit the hay. ○ Off to bed now. 现在去睡觉。 ○ I think I’ll say good night now. 我想我要说“晚安”了。 ■ hit the hay = hit the sack,在口语中表示“上床睡觉,就寝”。 你定闹钟了吗? Have you set the alarm clock? ● set the alarm clock“定闹钟” 做个好梦。Sweet dreams. = Have pleasant dreams. ★ pleasant [] a. 令人愉快的 When will you pay my money back? 你什么时候还我钱? What? What are you talking about? 什么?你在说什么? Bedtime Mother:It’s time for bed. Frank: But I’m not sleepy, mom. Can I stay up and watch more TV? Mother: It’s already past 11. You have school tomorrow. You’ll be sleepy all day tomorrow if you don’t sleep well tonight. Frank: I know, but I promise I won’t be sleepy tomorrow. I work really hard. Mother: Don’t you have exams coming up soon? I’m sure you could spend more time preparing for those. Frank:Oh, I nearly forgot the exams. Mother: You do well in the math, but your history is not good enough. Am I right? Frank: Yeah, I guess so. Maybe I could go to sleep now and get up early to review the lessons tomorrow. Mother: An excellent idea. Work now and play later. Frank: I know you’re right. School is more important than TV, but can I watch one more show then go to bed? Mother:No, now is bedtime. 睡觉时间 母亲:该睡觉了。 弗兰克: 妈妈,但是我一点儿都不困。我能再看会儿电视吗? 母亲: 已经是十一点多了。你明天还要上学。 如果你今晚上不休息好的话,明天一天你都会犯困的。 弗兰克: 我知道,但是我保证明天不犯困。我学习很努力的。 母亲: 你不是快考试了吗?我肯定你可以多花点时间准备的。 弗兰克:哦,我差点忘了,还有考试呢。 母亲:你数学很好,但是历史不是很好,对吧? 弗兰克: 是的,是这样的。或许我应该现在就睡觉,明天早点起来复习功课。 母亲:好主意,先学习后玩儿。 弗兰克: 我知道您说得对。学习要比电视更重要,不过我能再看一个节目再去睡觉吗? 母亲:不行,现在就睡觉。 promise [] v. 允诺,答应 math [] n. 数学  review [] v. 回顾,复习  show [] n. 节目,表演 详细解说  “be coming up”表示“很快来临,即将发生”,例如:With Christmas coming up, few people have much money to spare.(圣诞节快要到了,很少人手里还有很多闲钱。)另外,“come up ”还可表示“走近,走过来”,例如:One of the teachers comes up and starts talking to me.(一位老师走过来,开始和我谈话。) “spend + 一段时间 + doing sth.”表示“花费时间做某事”。例如:Sam spends all his free time painting.(山姆利用所有的业余时间画画。)常用的固定表达还有:“spend time in/at…”,例如:We'll have to spend the night in a hotel.(我们将不得不在旅馆过夜。) FUN 轻松:贴士 stand in line to get on the bus one's body jerks forwards/ backwards step on sb's foot 你会用英语表达“睡觉”吗 睡觉是我们日常生活中非常重要的一件事情,你知道怎么用英语确切地表达“睡觉”吗?以下就是各种情况下的不同表达方式: 表示“睡着”、“熟睡”的状态: ① He is asleep. 他睡着了。 ② He’s fallen asleep. 他睡着了。 ③ He is sound asleep. 他睡得很熟。 表示“睡觉”的动作: ① Go to bed/sleep. 去睡觉。 ② I’m off to bed. 我要去睡觉了。 表示短时间的睡觉: 2​  He took a nap. 他打了个盹儿。 ② He napped. 他打了个盹儿。 FUN 轻松:笑话 Here Comes My Neighbor 我的邻居过来了 There’s this drunk standing out on the street corner. And a cop passes by and says, “What do you think you’re doing?” The drunk says, “I heard the world goes around every 24 hours, and I’m waiting on my house. Won’t be long now; here comes my neighbor.” 有个醉汉站在马路拐角。一个警察走过,问他:“你这是在干什么?”醉汉说:“我听说地球每24小时转一圈。我在这里等我的房子过来。不用等多久了。我的邻居过来了。” 3 居家住房 你对自己住的房子满意吗?你是否能够处理住房过程中出现的一系列问题?你是否正在找新的住处?对话中,Jason和Alice看中了一套公寓,关于这套公寓,来看看他们在谈些什么。 你觉得这个公寓怎么样?What do you think of this apartment? = How do you like this flat? 我喜欢客厅,比较大,而且阳光充足。I love the living room; it’s huge and filled with sunshine. ○ The bedroom is a little small for us. 对我们来说卧室有点小了。 请到客厅来。Please come into the living room. ○ Go to your room. 回你的房间去。 收拾一下你的房间。Clean your room. = Clean / Pick up your room. ○ Pick up your clothes. 收拾一下你的衣服。 请用吸尘器把整个房子打扫一下。Please vacuum the whole house. ○ Sweep the floor. 扫扫地。 ★ vacuum [] v. 用真空吸尘器打扫 这地方跟猪圈一样。This place is a pigsty. ○ What a mess! 真够脏乱的! ★ pigsty [] n. 猪圈 ★ mess [] n. 脏乱,混乱 打开窗户,给房间通通风。Open the window and air the room. ○ It’s stuffy in here. 这儿太闷了。 ★ stuffy [] a. 不通气的,空气闷的 水池子堵了。The sink is clogged. ○ The drain is backed up. 下水道堵了。 ★ sink [] n. 水池子,水槽 ★ clog [] v. 堵塞 ★ drain [] n. 下水道 ● back up(使)淤塞 抽水马桶漏水了。The toilet is running. ○ The toilet overflowed. 马桶溢水了。 这个水龙头在不停地漏水。This faucet leaks day and night. ★ faucet [] n. 龙头 ★ leak [] v. 漏 没有电。The electricity isn’t working. ★ electricity [] n. 电 没有暖气。There’s no heat. ○ The heat is out. 暖气不供暖了。 把空调打开/关上。Turn on/off the air conditioner. ○ Turn up/down the air conditioner. 把空调调高/低点。 ★ conditioner [] n. 调节装置 你打算怎样装饰这个房间?How are you going to decorate this room? ★ decorate [] v. 装饰,装修,布置 也许我们应该买些新家具。Maybe we could get some new furniture. ★ furniture [] n. 家具 Talking about Apartment Jason:What do you think of this flat? Alice: It’s not really all that good. The bedroom is a little small for us. Jason:Small but it should be enough for our needs, I think. Alice: But there’s no hot water after 10 at night. Sometimes I like to have a hot shower before bed, especially in the winter. It feels good. Jason: That’s true. But I love the living room; it’s huge and filled with sunshine. Alice:True, and I like the kitchen. It’s new and well equipped. Jason:It has a great balcony with an incredible view of the park. Alice: You’re right. The view is spectacular. But that bedroom is so small. We’d never be able to fit all of our stuff in there. Jason: Maybe we could get some new furniture. Better stuff. Alice:I haven’t thought of that. 谈论公寓 杰森:你觉得这个公寓怎么样? 爱丽丝:并不那么好。对我们来说卧室有点小了。 杰森:是小,不过我想已经足够我们两个人用了。 爱丽丝: 但是晚上十点钟以后就没有热水了。有时候我想睡觉前洗个热水澡,尤其是在冬天,感觉很好。 杰森: 那倒是,但是我喜欢客厅,比较大,而且阳光充足。 爱丽丝: 是的,我还喜欢厨房,都是新的,设备也齐全。 杰森: 还有一个很棒的阳台,可以看到公园的美景。 爱丽丝: 是的,风景很优美。但是卧室那么小,放不下我们的东西。 杰森:或许我们应该买些新家具,更好的东西。 爱丽丝:我没有想过。  balcony [] n. 阳台  incredible [] a. 难以置信的  spectacular [] a. 壮观的,引人入胜的  stuff [] n. 物品,东西 详细解说 “ What do you think of…”这个句型可以用来询问别人对某事物的看法。 “have/take a hot shower ”表示“冲个热水澡”。例如: Mary loves having a hot shower after she’s been swimming. (玛丽喜欢游泳后冲个热水澡。)“洗冷水澡”则为“have/take a cold shower”,例如:It was such a hot night that I had a cold shower to refresh myself.(那个晚上好热,我冲了个冷水澡提提神。)  “be filled with sunshine”表示“阳光普照,充满阳光”。“be filled with sth.”表示“被…填满,充满着…”,例如:The room is filled with the sound of children's laughter.(房间里充满了孩子们的欢声笑语。) “be well equipped”表示“设备安装得很齐全、很完备”。另外,“be equipped with sth.”表示“安装/配备有某种设备”。例如:The rooms are equipped with video cameras.(这些房间都安装了摄像头。) FUN 轻松:贴士 不应“依赖老师” 很多中国学生在学英语的时候,看似付出了“极大努力”:他们听课非常认真,笔记也做了厚厚的几大本,老师指定的习题都能按时完成。但几年下来,英语水平却没有明显的提高。这是为什么呢?我们知道,英语作为一门语言技能,和其他科目的学习存在着差别,除笔头练习外,更应注重个人的口、耳训练。而这类同学在学习时缺乏主动性,过于依赖老师。他们对于知识只是被动地接受,而不是主动地思考,更别提对所学内容的巩固强化和融会贯通了。英语学习的主体是学生自身,而不是老师,老师只是起了一个引导和辅助的作用。中国的那句古话“师傅领进门,修行在个人”说的就是这个道理。 起居室英文图解 air conditioner空调 light bulb灯泡 light灯 ceiling 天花板 wall 墙 door 门 heater 暖气 pipe 管道 floor 地板 knob 把手 switch 开关 tea table 茶几 sofa 沙发 window 窗户 drapes 窗帘 FUN 轻松:笑话 Form a Double Line 排成两行 While shopping in a supermarket, I heard over the PA system: “A wallet was found containing a large sum of cash but no identification. Will those laying claim to it please form a double line at the customer service counter?” 我在超级市场里买东西,听见广播通知:“捡到一个钱包,里面有很多现金,但没有身份证明。请要认领的人在顾客服务柜台前排成两行。” 4 离家前 要出门了,千万别拖拖拉拉或丢三落四的,但是也别忘了把自己打理得漂漂亮亮、神清气爽哦。毕竟,出门在外,人家第一眼看到的就是你的外在形象。 我要上厕所。I’m going to the bathroom. ○ I have to go to the bathroom. 我得上厕所。 ★ bathroom [] n. 浴室,盥洗室,厕所 你刷牙了吗? Have you brushed your teeth? ★ brush [] v. 刷 ★ tooth [] n. 牙齿(其复数为teeth) 我看上去怎么样?How do I look? ○ Is my make-up OK? 我的妆可以吗? 我要是早半小时起床就好了。 If only I had gotten up thirty minutes earlier. ■ if only 意为“要是…就好了”,引出的句子一般都用虚拟语气。 把垃圾拿出去。太臭了。Take out the garbage. It stinks. ★garbage [] n. 垃圾 ★ stink [] v. 发出恶臭 快点儿,要不我们就迟到了。Hurry up, or we’ll be late. ○ I’ll give you five more minutes. 我再给你五分钟。 不要着急,还早呢。Don’t hurry. It’s still early. ○ Don’t rush me! 不要催我了! ★ rush [] v. 使仓促行事,催促,冲,奔,赶快 我得赶紧走了。I have to rush. = I have to run. ○ I have to go. 我得走了。 ○ I really must go. 我真的必须走了。 ○ I’ve got to take off. 我得走了。 ○ I gotta go. 我得走了。 记得带上你的包。Remember to take your bag. ○ Don’t forget to take your bag. 别忘了拿你的包。 别忘了锁门。Don’t forget to lock the door. ○ Be sure to turn off the gas. 一定要关掉煤气。 糟糕,我把钥匙锁在房子里了。 Damn, I have locked the key in the house. ■ damn是在愤怒、厌烦、轻蔑或失望时表示抱怨、谴责或咒骂的一个词。 FUN 轻松:看图 “They made me the boss because I'm an idiot. It would be too risky to give this much power to an intelligent person!” Before Leaving Home Carter: Susan, good evening. Why are you so dressed up? Susan: I am on my way out to a New Year’s banquet. How do I look? Is my make-up OK? Carter:You look great. Your make-up is perfect. Susan:Do you think I should wear a different dress? Carter: No, the one you have on looks fabulous, especially with your hair like that. Susan: Thanks for saying. Do you have any ideas which necklace I should wear? Carter: With that dress I’d say your white diamond necklace would look perfect. Susan: Thanks for helping out. Now that I’m ready, what are you doing tonight? Carter: Not much, just a house party with some friends. Susan:Sounds fun. Anyone I know? Carter:Yeah, most of the people are from our office. Susan: Sounds Like I'm missing out on a good time. Oh, well, there is always next year. Carter: I’m sure you’ll have fun no matter where you go. Remember to take your bag. 离家前 卡特:苏珊,晚上好。你怎么打扮成这样? 苏珊: 我要去参加一个新年宴会。我看上去怎么样?我的妆可以吗? 卡特: 你看上漂亮极了。你的妆也是无可挑剔的。 苏珊:你觉得我要换件礼服吗? 卡特: 不用,你穿这件衣服非常漂亮,尤其是配着你的发型。 苏珊: 谢谢你这么说。你觉得我应该戴哪条项链呢? 卡特: 配这件衣服,你的白色钻石项链非常合适。 苏珊: 谢谢你的帮忙。我已经准备好了,你今天晚上干什么? 卡特:没什么。只是在家里和朋友们聚一聚。 苏珊:听起来很有趣。有我认识的人吗? 卡特:有,大多数人是我的同事。 苏珊: 听起来我要错过一段开心的时刻了。算了,还有明年呢。 卡特: 我保证无论你去哪里都会玩得很开心的。记得带上你的包。  banquet [] n. 宴会  wear [] v. 穿,戴  fabulous [] a. 惊人的, 难以置信的  necklace [] n. 项链  diamond [] n. 钻石 详细解说 “dress up”是不及物动词短语,意思是“着盛装,打扮好”。例如:It's a small informal party—you don't have to dress up.(这是一次非正式的小型聚会,你不用盛装出席。)  “help(sb.) out”意思是“帮助(某人)摆脱困境”。  “house party”指的是留客人在家过夜的小派对。 “miss out on sth.”意为“错过机会享受…”。例如:Prepare food in advance to ensure you don't miss out on the fun.(把吃的东西提前准备好,以确保你不会错过和大家一起开心的机会。) FUN 轻松:贴士 背诵第1大理由: 背诵将永恒地提高你的考试能力 背诵培养你的无敌英语直觉能力,英语考试只是你学习英语过程中顺便要做的事情,你从此再也不需要为英语考试而烦恼了。特别是完形填空、选择题阅读理解和作文这些考试中的难点,个个都会在你背诵英语的过程中轻松攻克掉!>> MORE P135 出门之前的常用表达 据说,如果打算外出的话,男人在5分钟内就能做好准备,而若女人尚未准备好且让男人等待10分钟的话,那么男人就一定要做好等待30分钟的心理准备。下面就是一些出门之前常常会用到的英语表达。  Are you ready? 准备好了吗?  No, not yet. 还没呢。  Ready yet? 还没好吗?  Are you all set? 好了吗?  Ready. / I’m ready. / I’m all set. 准备好了。  I’m not ready. 还没准备好呢。  I’ll be ready in five minutes. 我5分钟后就好。  What time shall we leave? 我们什么时候出发?  In about ten minutes. 大约10分钟后。  What time do you want to leave? 你想几点走?  What time do we leave? 几点出门?  What time are we taking off? 我们几点走?  What time do we arrive? / When do we get there? 我们几点到?  Shall we go? 我们可以走了吗?  Okay, let’s go. 好了,咱们走吧。  Let’s get going. / Let’s go. / Let’s take off. 咱们走吧。  Let’s hit the road! 咱们走吧!  I’m leaving. 我走啦。  I can’t wait any longer. 我不能再等了。  Hurry up! 快一点! 5 回家后 Home at last! 家是避风的港湾,只有在家里,一个人才能回归本色、完全放松。在家里,你可以恣意抱怨,可以睡得横七竖八,可以无所顾忌地看电视看到深夜… 开门!Open the door! ○ Open it! It’s me. 开门!是我。 我找不到钥匙了。I can’t find the key. ○ I lost the key. 我把钥匙弄丢了。 亲爱的,我回来了。Honey, I’m home. = Honey, I’m back. 今天怎么样?How did it go today? = How was your day? ○ Did you have a good time today? 今天过得愉快吗? 累死了!I’m exhausted! ○ A little bit tired. 有点儿累。 ○ Too tired. 太累了。 ★ exhausted [] a. 疲惫不堪的,精疲力竭的 倒霉透了。It’s just not my day. = I had a bad hair day. ● not one’s day“不顺利,不如意,倒霉” ● bad hair day “不如意的一天,不愉快的一天” 和平常一样。Just as usual. ○ Nothing to mention. 没什么值得一提的。 ★mention [] v. 提起,提及 ● as usual“照常” 我现在情绪很低落。I’m feeling down. = I’m feeling blue. ○ I’m a little down in the mouth. 我有些沮丧。 ○ I’m in the doldrums. 我现在无精打采。 ★ doldrums [] n. 忧郁 我饿死了,咱们出去吃吧。I’m starving, so let’s dine out. ○ Let’s eat out. 咱们出去吃吧。 ★ starving [] a. 饿得要死的 ● dine out = eat out“去饭馆吃饭” 我太累,不想做饭了。I’m too tired, so I don’t want to cook. ○Is dinner ready? 晚饭做好了吗? 跟家人见面的感觉真好。I feel so good to see my family. ○ It’s good to be at home. 还是在家好啊。 ○ There’s no place like home. 哪儿也没有自己家好。 ○ Home at last. 终于到家了。 我想先冲个澡。I want to take a shower first. After Getting Home Jane: Home at last. Tonight we have a lot of homework though. Tom: Are you saying we don’t have time to watch our favorite show tonight? Jane, you know I really don’t like our teacher all that much. He gives far too much homework. He criticizes me in front of everyone all the time. Jane: To tell the truth, I don’t really like him either. He’s kind of boring and not very active. He always looks unhappy too. Tom:Yes, and he also… Jane: Do you think we should be talking about him like this behind his back? Tom: Probably not. After all he is our teacher. We should try to find something nice to say. If you can’t say something nice you shouldn’t say anything at all. Jane: I absolutely agree. It’s getting dark. We should finish our homework now. Tom: All right. I want to take a shower first, I’m exhausted. 回家后 简: 终于到家了。不过今晚我们有一大堆作业要做。 汤姆: 你是说我们没时间看最喜欢的电视节目了吗?简,你知道我真的不那么喜欢我们老师。他布置的作业太多了。而且总是在大家面前批评我。 简: 说实话,我也不是很喜欢他。他有点儿乏味而且一点儿也不活跃,看起来总是一副不开心的样子。 汤姆:对啊,而且他还… 简:你觉得我们应该在背后这样说他吗? 汤姆: 不应该,毕竟他是我们的老师。我们应该找点好的说。如果你不能说点好的,那就别说了。 简: 我完全赞成。天要黑了,我们还是先把功课做完吧。 汤姆:好吧。我想先冲个澡。累死了!  though [] ad. 可是, 不过  criticize [] v. 批评,责备  either [] ad. 也(不)  active [] a. 活跃的, 积极的 FUN 轻松:贴士 offer one's seat to an elderly person miss one's bus stop by mistake take(get on) the wrong bus 起居室(drawing room)一词的来源 通常,我们回家后,就会毫无顾忌地在起居室(drawing room)的沙发上躺下来,因为在外面劳累了一天,回到家里终于可以放松放松(relax)了。 看到这里,大家不禁要问,“起居室”不是写成“living room”或“sitting room”吗?为什么还能写成“drawing room”呢? 我们知道draw有“绘画”的意思,但是“drawing room”(起居室)却与艺术一点也不相干。“drawing room”是指“接待客人的房间”,也就是“客厅”或“起居室”,其英文解释是“a room, especially a large room in a large house, where people sit and relax, or entertain guests”,它是一种比较正式的说法。 关于“drawing room”的来源,其背后有个小故事。“drawing room”这个词源自于“withdrawing room”。在英国过去有个习惯,为了让女士们不受男士“吞云吐雾”的吸烟之害,就要求她们在用餐后待在饭厅旁的另一个房间。也就是要求女士们从饭厅中“退出来”(withdraw),然后男士们就可以尽情地抽烟喝酒、高谈阔论,而不受干扰了。 至于女士们所停留的那个房间,本来叫做“withdrawing room”,后来就约定俗成地写成“drawing room”了。 6 做  饭 你进过厨房吗?你会做饭吗?想做个好“cook” 可不简单哦!你看,Adam想在Sophie生日这天好好表现一番,到厨房来帮忙做做饭,结果却 越帮越忙了。 你需要多少肉?How much meat do you need? ○ How many potatoes do you want? 你想要几个土豆? 够新鲜吗?Are they fresh enough? ■ 注意“enough”在修饰形容词或者是副词时,要放在它们的后面。 把鱼内脏掏洗干净。Dress the fish. ★ dress [] v. 清洗干净,去内脏 你在做什么饭?What are you cooking? ★ cook [] v. 做饭 n. 厨师 肉要烧焦了。The meat will scorch. ★scorch [] v. 烧焦 把茄子切成丁儿。Dice the eggplant. ○ Slice the eggplant. 把茄子切成片儿。 ○ Peel the eggplant. 把茄子皮削掉。 ★ eggplant [] n. 茄子 ■ “dice”“slice”“peel”分别意为“切成丁儿”“切成片儿”和“去皮”。 煤气灶坏了。The gas cooker doesn’t work. ■ 句中“cooker”的意思是“炊具”,不是“厨师”的意思。 在橱柜里。It’s in the cabinet. ★ cabinet [] n. 橱柜 递给我一个盘子。Hand me a plate. ○ Give me two bowls. 给我两个碗。 这里为什么这么多蟑螂啊?Why are there so many cockroaches in here? ★ cockroach [] n. 蟑螂 我想把炖肉煨5分钟。I want to leave the stew to simmer for 5 minutes. ★ stew [] n. 炖肉 ★ simmer [] v. 煨,炖 烧点水吧。Boil some water. ○ The water is boiling. 水开了。 ○ The water is too hot. 水太热了。 ★ boil [] v. 煮沸,沸腾 我闻到煤气味了。把煤气关了。I smell gas. Switch it off. = I smell gas. Turn it off. ● switch off = turn off“关掉” 还没有搅拌好。It’s still not mixed well enough. ★ mix [] v. 使混和,混淆 打两个鸡蛋。Whisk two eggs. ★ whisk [] v. 搅拌,打蛋 你能在每个杯子里放些冰吗?Could you put some ice in each glass, please? ○ Add some soy sauce. 加点酱油。 ○ Pour some vinegar. 倒点醋。 ★ vinegar [] n. 醋 这把刀太钝了。This knife is too dull. ★dull [] a. 钝的,不锋利的 Cooking Adam:I’d like to help pitch in with dinner. Sophie:Really? You’re joking. Adam: No. I’d like to do something special for you on your birthday. Sophie:I’d like that. Alright, put on this apron first. Adam:OK…Now how can I help, hon? Sophie: Hmm, let me see… Boil some water and then whisk two eggs. Adam: Easy. I could do that with my eyes closed.(after a while)Done. Sophie: Not bad. Okay, now take some meat and potatoes from the fridge. Adam:How many potatoes do you need? Sophie:Three. And bring four bell peppers. Adam:Gotcha… OK. Here they are. Sophie: Now wash them, then dice the potatoes and bell peppers. Then slice the meat. Adam:Where’s the peeler? Sophie:It’s in the cabinet… Adam, the gas cooker doesn’t work. Adam:What? Oh, shit! I cut my finger. Sophie: Let me take a look at that… I can’t stop the
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