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无锡阳山的“田园综合体”实践无锡阳山的“田园综合体”实践 市政厅|“造乡”-- 无锡阳山的“田园综合体”实践 2015-01-24 8872 Views iarch001 市政厅, 无锡, 阳山, 田园综合体, 新农村建设, 实践 【编者按】我们说,当下的村庄,也多少具备了城市性,人流物流信息流,都不见得缺乏——淘宝村就是一种类型。对应地,城市有综合体,乡村也同样孕育着这种可能性。可以看看朱 胜萱先生的设计团队在无锡阳山所进行的实践。 城市发展一体化,是解决“三农”问题的根本途径。新农村建设、城乡统筹的浪潮已经到来。这一潮流与设计的关系,可从我所...
无锡阳山的“田园综合体”实践 市政厅|“造乡”-- 无锡阳山的“田园综合体”实践 2015-01-24 8872 Views iarch001 市政厅, 无锡, 阳山, 田园综合体, 新农村建设, 实践 【编者按】我们说,当下的村庄,也多少具备了城市性,人流物流信息流,都不见得缺乏——淘宝村就是一种类型。对应地,城市有综合体,乡村也同样孕育着这种可能性。可以看看朱 胜萱先生的团队在无锡阳山所进行的实践。 城市发展一体化,是解决“三农”问题的根本途径。新农村建设、城乡统筹的浪潮已经到来。这一潮流与设计的关系,可从我所在设计集团的数据统计中看出——三年前,公司没有乡村业务,现在这项业务占10-20%,一年接近一个亿,相信很快,乡村设计将占据30-40%的份额。 作为设计团队,我们如何为乡村带来多样性和弹性,这里分享我们的实践案例“阳山田园综合体”项目。 2013年初,我们走访江苏无锡市的阳山镇时,发现这里地势平坦开阔,原有村落格局保留较好;且种植有万亩桃林,以水蜜桃闻名华东地区;镇内还拥有死火山风貌的大小阳山、千年古刹禅宗寺、百年院以及优美的生态自然景观等;可以说,阳山整体的田园基底要素非常优良。 但是,如此丰富的资源,却一直闲置,没有被发掘,更缺乏一个功能有效整合的商业模式推动此地可持续发展。于是,当原有的耕作方式已难以为继时,整片村落就陷入破败而落后的状况。 2013年,我们引入“田园综合体”的商业模式和空间结构,重塑阳山的乡村发展格局。但此时,整个无锡市的房地产非常难做,因为其房地产存量在全国最多。我们设想,如果能在无锡阳山做成国内首个“田园综合体”,就会成为全国很好的一个乡村示范。 在土地财政和商业开发的推力下,经过一年的功能布局调整优化,2013年12月,阳山田园东方总体规划得到无锡市政府部门通过。规划总面积6246亩,由东方园林产业集团投资50亿元,建设以生态农业为主题的田园综合体。 more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses played an active role. Four is the initial start-up of the electronic document management system. Our application as a precursor, to demand and promote development, and Office files, the Chief of the municipal government information, Akiyoshi telegrams, newsletters, reports, focusing on achieving part of the paperless transmission of official documents. Meanwhile, with computer, documents the whole processInitial implementation of automated management, reduces costs, improves efficiency, realize resource sharing. So far, common entry document 389, Chronicle of more than 360 articles, leaders speak more than 90 papers and resources for more than 100 copies. Second, the work was carried out in the city's open government pilot, obtain full recognition from the province, in 2003, the province identified the city as open government pilot city in the province. Office as city chief public led group of Office, in municipal Government of unified led Xia, active organization implementation has programme developed, and supervision implementation, and experience exchange, and coordination promote, work, constantly strengthened carrier construction, and innovation public form, and deepening public content, and extends 阳山田园综合体效果图 对照各大城市中的“城市综合体”模式,在乡村地带,我们提出“田园综合体”概念的探索:它是以田园生产、田园生活、田园景观为核心组织要素,多产业多功能有机结合的空间实体,其核心价值是满足人回归乡土的需求:让城市人流、知识流反哺乡村,促进乡村经济的发展。 然而,作为一种新的产业组合、新的生活空间,“田园综合体”落地阳山后,怎么实行,相比自发生长、带着实验性的莫干山,阳山项目则是经过背后的设计和策划后,集团推出来的一个田园模型。 我们拿到总体规划图后,先力争宅基地红线不动。在尊重场地的基底条件下,“田园综合体”分出农业、田园社区、休闲旅游和示范区等几大集群。对此,无锡政府部门要求,一期先启动其中300亩的示范区。 more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses played an active role. Four is the initial start-up of the electronic document management system. Our application as a precursor, to demand and promote development, and Office files, the Chief of the municipal government information, Akiyoshi telegrams, newsletters, reports, focusing on achieving part of the paperless transmission of official documents. Meanwhile, with computer, documents the whole processInitial implementation of automated management, reduces costs, improves efficiency, realize resource sharing. So far, common entry document 389, Chronicle of more than 360 articles, leaders speak more than 90 papers and resources for more than 100 copies. Second, the work was carried out in the city's open government pilot, obtain full recognition from the province, in 2003, the province identified the city as open government pilot city in the province. Office as city chief public led group of Office, in municipal Government of unified led Xia, active organization implementation has programme developed, and supervision implementation, and experience exchange, and coordination promote, work, constantly strengthened carrier construction, and innovation public form, and deepening public content, and extends 阳山镇核心产业布局 乡村空间产业整合 田园示范区地点在拾房村旧址。这里原本有一个完整的村落。2013年,土地流转后,因商业建筑用地的指标被移走,村落被拆掉,村民全部搬迁;村民离开土地时,没有得到适当补偿,一气之下,砍了大片桃树,最后只在一个老院子里,剩下八十棵桃树;那些上世纪七八十年代造的房子,被村民认为破旧、没有价值。我们通过各种努力,保留下10栋老房子,但一个月后,还是被拆除了几栋或倒塌,空留下3栋;拆迁后的村落,几乎丧失了这块场地独有的气质。 more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses played an active role. Four is the initial start-up of the electronic document management system. Our application as a precursor, to demand and promote development, and Office files, the Chief of the municipal government information, Akiyoshi telegrams, newsletters, reports, focusing on achieving part of the paperless transmission of official documents. Meanwhile, with computer, documents the whole processInitial implementation of automated management, reduces costs, improves efficiency, realize resource sharing. So far, common entry document 389, Chronicle of more than 360 articles, leaders speak more than 90 papers and resources for more than 100 copies. Second, the work was carried out in the city's open government pilot, obtain full recognition from the province, in 2003, the province identified the city as open government pilot city in the province. Office as city chief public led group of Office, in municipal Government of unified led Xia, active organization implementation has programme developed, and supervision implementation, and experience exchange, and coordination promote, work, constantly strengthened carrier construction, and innovation public form, and deepening public content, and extends 改造前的拾房村 对此,我们从建筑形态、空间格局、原生植物等方面,最大限度地保留或恢复村落自然形态。对拆了、倒了的祖屋,在原址按原样式建造;并选择原有的水杉为场地基调,尽量保留现状原生树;即便对没有雕花的简单木料,我们也考虑循环再利用;还有那些被砍下来的桃树枝干,先收集堆放好;特别在动迁区,拆出来大量青砖、老瓦、石块等建筑材料,我们分区域保护,编号回收,以便后期重新设计;所有这些村落里的东西,承载着村民对这片土地的记忆和情感,如果全部清除,乡愁就回不去了。 拆下的木料先集中堆放,老石头再利用 应“拾房”之名,包含保留的3栋老宅,我们最终凑齐10栋建筑,以此作为市集。在对老房子做规划、设计、建设的同时,我们把新的业态、活动植入其中,并为不同业态空间more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses played an active role. Four is the initial start-up of the electronic document management system. Our application as a precursor, to demand and promote development, and Office files, the Chief of the municipal government information, Akiyoshi telegrams, newsletters, reports, focusing on achieving part of the paperless transmission of official documents. Meanwhile, with computer, documents the whole processInitial implementation of automated management, reduces costs, improves efficiency, realize resource sharing. So far, common entry document 389, Chronicle of more than 360 articles, leaders speak more than 90 papers and resources for more than 100 copies. Second, the work was carried out in the city's open government pilot, obtain full recognition from the province, in 2003, the province identified the city as open government pilot city in the province. Office as city chief public led group of Office, in municipal Government of unified led Xia, active organization implementation has programme developed, and supervision implementation, and experience exchange, and coordination promote, work, constantly strengthened carrier construction, and innovation public form, and deepening public content, and extends 进行室内设计,把能想到的乐活铺子、书院、咖啡、主题民宿等形式都融合进去,通过将田园空间与居住、工作空间有机结合,农业与休闲、文化产业有机结合,实现效益扩大,延展复合化功能。 阳山综合体示范区运营内容和范围 主题餐厅,依然是以“SHARE”分享为主题的体验式餐厅,展现新田园生活。我们在屋顶营造了天空菜园,在前院设计种植了蔬菜花园。栽培蔬菜,兼观赏和食用功能,来者可以自己采摘食材,交由大厨现炒。 more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses played an active role. Four is the initial start-up of the electronic document management system. Our application as a precursor, to demand and promote development, and Office files, the Chief of the municipal government information, Akiyoshi telegrams, newsletters, reports, focusing on achieving part of the paperless transmission of official documents. Meanwhile, with computer, documents the whole processInitial implementation of automated management, reduces costs, improves efficiency, realize resource sharing. So far, common entry document 389, Chronicle of more than 360 articles, leaders speak more than 90 papers and resources for more than 100 copies. Second, the work was carried out in the city's open government pilot, obtain full recognition from the province, in 2003, the province identified the city as open government pilot city in the province. Office as city chief public led group of Office, in municipal Government of unified led Xia, active organization implementation has programme developed, and supervision implementation, and experience exchange, and coordination promote, work, constantly strengthened carrier construction, and innovation public form, and deepening public content, and extends 厨师就地采摘食材下厨 井咖啡,因伴井得名,村里原先有一口老井,但被填埋了。我们坚持要尊重原有的内容,要求原地开挖;就在井旁,新建了木结构咖啡厅。同时,对井旁老屋不完全拆除,而以装饰形式,将老屋架嵌筑在新建墙体中,化作乡村的一份留存记忆。 老井依旧在 不同于背靠一座山的莫干山原舍,阳山民宿就立在园区里,跟周围的咖啡厅、铺子、农地以及周边景点联动,形成一个完整的业态。我们利用新造的联排别墅改建而来,与原先的more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses played an active role. Four is the initial start-up of the electronic document management system. Our application as a precursor, to demand and promote development, and Office files, the Chief of the municipal government information, Akiyoshi telegrams, newsletters, reports, focusing on achieving part of the paperless transmission of official documents. Meanwhile, with computer, documents the whole processInitial implementation of automated management, reduces costs, improves efficiency, realize resource sharing. So far, common entry document 389, Chronicle of more than 360 articles, leaders speak more than 90 papers and resources for more than 100 copies. Second, the work was carried out in the city's open government pilot, obtain full recognition from the province, in 2003, the province identified the city as open government pilot city in the province. Office as city chief public led group of Office, in municipal Government of unified led Xia, active organization implementation has programme developed, and supervision implementation, and experience exchange, and coordination promote, work, constantly strengthened carrier construction, and innovation public form, and deepening public content, and extends 拾房老屋融为一体,外墙是纸筋灰,瓦选用青瓦,强调手造和手工业的感觉;门窗为木质;再利用软装,把小细节、小材料做进去;重组出一套原乡民宿。其中一楼改为足够宽的公共客厅,还设置了开放厨房,以便于入住者做一些关于蔬食的厨艺。 阳山原舍 拾房书院,利用老租屋进行修复,并在后院,保留一棵拾房村最老的桃树,以维系这片土地的自然情感。书院装修好后,请扬州著名雕版印刷师周小舟老师驻守,每周末由他向当地人讲述宋版字画之美。 拾房书院内景 more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses played an active role. Four is the initial start-up of the electronic document management system. Our application as a precursor, to demand and promote development, and Office files, the Chief of the municipal government information, Akiyoshi telegrams, newsletters, reports, focusing on achieving part of the paperless transmission of official documents. Meanwhile, with computer, documents the whole processInitial implementation of automated management, reduces costs, improves efficiency, realize resource sharing. So far, common entry document 389, Chronicle of more than 360 articles, leaders speak more than 90 papers and resources for more than 100 copies. Second, the work was carried out in the city's open government pilot, obtain full recognition from the province, in 2003, the province identified the city as open government pilot city in the province. Office as city chief public led group of Office, in municipal Government of unified led Xia, active organization implementation has programme developed, and supervision implementation, and experience exchange, and coordination promote, work, constantly strengthened carrier construction, and innovation public form, and deepening public content, and extends 针对孩子的绿乐园,又取名“蚂蚁之家”。借鉴小蚂蚁利用废旧材料就可以营造家园的精神,我们采用泥土、木头、树桩、树枝等原生或可循环的材质为构造材料,做纯手工的生态打造。比如,在大树上造树屋,我们不用钢铁或塑料,而采用回收的木料。从设计到营造,每一块材料拼接细致斟酌,同时把握好木屋结构与树干延展之间的平衡,做到不锯掉原有的枝叶,也不阻碍树木的正常生长。 绿乐园 另外,我们还把死掉的大树及苗圃挪过来,改做成秋千;对老木船、拖拉机进行装置再创造等等;为此,绿乐园为孩子们提供可以荡秋千、喂食小动物、探险洞穴等各类玩耍空间,在其中活动的孩子,可体验到亲近自然的美。 田园生产生活,对现代人最大的吸引力在于,它没有城市里的那种紧张感,它特有的是田园文化以及对个人的包容性,带给人心灵与精神上的放松和愉悦。“田园综合体”要再现其精神内核。 重塑田园生态景观 回归田园,不可或缺的是田园生态。然而,面对拾房村,我们发现,整个生态系统处在more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses played an active role. Four is the initial start-up of the electronic document management system. Our application as a precursor, to demand and promote development, and Office files, the Chief of the municipal government information, Akiyoshi telegrams, newsletters, reports, focusing on achieving part of the paperless transmission of official documents. Meanwhile, with computer, documents the whole processInitial implementation of automated management, reduces costs, improves efficiency, realize resource sharing. So far, common entry document 389, Chronicle of more than 360 articles, leaders speak more than 90 papers and resources for more than 100 copies. Second, the work was carried out in the city's open government pilot, obtain full recognition from the province, in 2003, the province identified the city as open government pilot city in the province. Office as city chief public led group of Office, in municipal Government of unified led Xia, active organization implementation has programme developed, and supervision implementation, and experience exchange, and coordination promote, work, constantly strengthened carrier construction, and innovation public form, and deepening public content, and extends 崩溃中,周边水系断裂,池塘几乎成为死水。我们先对农田种植、水域灌溉、池塘养殖、村庄居住以及道路交通进行系统梳理,明确方向。比如农田,重点做有机农业示范;水域上,打通整个基地的水域。 我们还在拾房村旁做了排污处理。通过污水截流进市政管网、雨污分流、建立生态多塘系统和植被生态沟渠,减少农业面源污染。成本方面,我们增加了建设投入。到最后,形成自己的生态系统。 做田园景观,我们提倡蔬菜和农作物即景观,一开始种什么,全部设计好。比如,步道边的点缀植物之中,我们加入了西芹。可以看到,西芹长到80公分高,但其实是预先在上海苗圃育好的。其他一系列农作物,也都是事先做好育苗。不然,即便设计美好,也没法实现。 西芹景观 面对田园核心区,我们没有做简单的草坪,或供观赏的四季花卉,而栽种了可食用的秋葵和紫苏。这大片农田,原本土质指标低,我们经过机器和人工的三遍犁耕,加入基质和营养土进行改良、翻种后,才开始栽植培育的5CM高的秋葵和紫苏幼苗盆苗,至2014年9月时成熟结果。 more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses played an active role. Four is the initial start-up of the electronic document management system. Our application as a precursor, to demand and promote development, and Office files, the Chief of the municipal government information, Akiyoshi telegrams, newsletters, reports, focusing on achieving part of the paperless transmission of official documents. Meanwhile, with computer, documents the whole processInitial implementation of automated management, reduces costs, improves efficiency, realize resource sharing. So far, common entry document 389, Chronicle of more than 360 articles, leaders speak more than 90 papers and resources for more than 100 copies. Second, the work was carried out in the city's open government pilot, obtain full recognition from the province, in 2003, the province identified the city as open government pilot city in the province. Office as city chief public led group of Office, in municipal Government of unified led Xia, active organization implementation has programme developed, and supervision implementation, and experience exchange, and coordination promote, work, constantly strengthened carrier construction, and innovation public form, and deepening public content, and extends 田园展示区 就蔬菜园而言,前期规模要适量。因为种的东西不停生长,需要考虑四季轮换,来选择当季适宜的栽种农作物。收获的果蔬由大厨采摘,进入主题餐厅变成美食,比如,油菜花籽可冷榨为菜籽油,小麦经过一系列手工程序后被制作成新鲜面包。 农业景观可赏也可食 造“集石桥”时,我们放弃了收购别处的老桥直接搬移过来的计划,而采用手工打造,预算20万元,材料来自各村落回收的石头石板,进行拼合编号。由于是手工,每一块大小more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses played an active role. Four is the initial start-up of the electronic document management system. Our application as a precursor, to demand and promote development, and Office files, the Chief of the municipal government information, Akiyoshi telegrams, newsletters, reports, focusing on achieving part of the paperless transmission of official documents. Meanwhile, with computer, documents the whole processInitial implementation of automated management, reduces costs, improves efficiency, realize resource sharing. So far, common entry document 389, Chronicle of more than 360 articles, leaders speak more than 90 papers and resources for more than 100 copies. Second, the work was carried out in the city's open government pilot, obtain full recognition from the province, in 2003, the province identified the city as open government pilot city in the province. Office as city chief public led group of Office, in municipal Government of unified led Xia, active organization implementation has programme developed, and supervision implementation, and experience exchange, and coordination promote, work, constantly strengthened carrier construction, and innovation public form, and deepening public content, and extends 厚度都不同。桥体所有材料经过设计和选配后,又一块块铺设成桥面。甚至青苔都是我们设计师去山下采来,铺在石缝中。 石桥下的水塘生态 水塘在农村是非常典型的景观。不一定急着开发,我们先做好生态恢复。听闻这里曾有白鹭栖息,白鹭喜欢在河滩、矮小树杈间营巢,据此,我们种了成片树林,将相临的水塘贯通起来,在原有的水塘基础上,丰富水生物种群,营造生态湿地,吸引白鹭回归。 最后,一堵未完成的墙也给了我们启示:这面石墙即将竣工时,已经缺人工了,疲倦的设计师看到周边倒放着一些坛坛罐罐,随手将它们堆放在一起,充当短墙,种上点植株,倒成了独特的摆件。这让我思考,田园就应该是这样的:用最便捷的方式,在地发掘手边的资源,用最便宜的材料来营造。 more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses played an active role. Four is the initial start-up of the electronic document management system. Our application as a precursor, to demand and promote development, and Office files, the Chief of the municipal government information, Akiyoshi telegrams, newsletters, reports, focusing on achieving part of the paperless transmission of official documents. Meanwhile, with computer, documents the whole processInitial implementation of automated management, reduces costs, improves efficiency, realize resource sharing. So far, common entry document 389, Chronicle of more than 360 articles, leaders speak more than 90 papers and resources for more than 100 copies. Second, the work was carried out in the city's open government pilot, obtain full recognition from the province, in 2003, the province identified the city as open government pilot city in the province. Office as city chief public led group of Office, in municipal Government of unified led Xia, active organization implementation has programme developed, and supervision implementation, and experience exchange, and coordination promote, work, constantly strengthened carrier construction, and innovation public form, and deepening public content, and extends 即兴田园造景 2013年时,拾房村还是一个凋敝的村庄,破破烂烂堆满垃圾,整个生态环境一塌糊涂。2014年,通过设计师的力量改造后,原本被拆迁的不毛之地上,出现了一个很清新的地方,大家看到,乡村建设也可以这么美。 阳山田园示范区实景 2014年3月阳山田园综合体一期正式开园后,得到各级领导人前来关注,更有全国各人士来参观,房子销售、招商比预期要好,今年将投入运营。目前,阳山综合体二期规划设计和项目建设也在推进中。 (作者朱胜萱,系东联设计集团首席设计师,本文由蒋晓娟依据2014年12月2日作者在同济大学建筑与城市规划学院的讲座整理而成,经作者审订) 来源: 澎湃新闻网 市政厅, 无锡, 阳山, 田园综合体, 新农村建设, 实践 more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses played an active role. Four is the initial start-up of the electronic document management system. Our application as a precursor, to demand and promote development, and Office files, the Chief of the municipal government information, Akiyoshi telegrams, newsletters, reports, focusing on achieving part of the paperless transmission of official documents. Meanwhile, with computer, documents the whole processInitial implementation of automated management, reduces costs, improves efficiency, realize resource sharing. So far, common entry document 389, Chronicle of more than 360 articles, leaders speak more than 90 papers and resources for more than 100 copies. Second, the work was carried out in the city's open government pilot, obtain full recognition from the province, in 2003, the province identified the city as open government pilot city in the province. Office as city chief public led group of Office, in municipal Government of unified led Xia, active organization implementation has programme developed, and supervision implementation, and experience exchange, and coordination promote, work, constantly strengthened carrier construction, and innovation public form, and deepening public content, and extends 专于设计,筑就未来 无论您身在何方;无论您作品规模大小;无论您是否已在设计等相关领域小有名气; 无论您是否已成功求学、步入职业设计师队伍;只要你有想法、有创意、有能力, 专筑网都愿为您提供一个展示自己的舞台 more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses played an active role. Four is the initial start-up of the electronic document management system. Our application as a precursor, to demand and promote development, and Office files, the Chief of the municipal government information, Akiyoshi telegrams, newsletters, reports, focusing on achieving part of the paperless transmission of official documents. Meanwhile, with computer, documents the whole processInitial implementation of automated management, reduces costs, improves efficiency, realize resource sharing. So far, common entry document 389, Chronicle of more than 360 articles, leaders speak more than 90 papers and resources for more than 100 copies. Second, the work was carried out in the city's open government pilot, obtain full recognition from the province, in 2003, the province identified the city as open government pilot city in the province. Office as city chief public led group of Office, in municipal Government of unified led Xia, active organization implementation has programme developed, and supervision implementation, and experience exchange, and coordination promote, work, constantly strengthened carrier construction, and innovation public form, and deepening public content, and extends
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