

2017-09-15 9页 doc 31KB 75阅读




春季疾病预防小知识春季疾病预防小知识 春节过后,春天就要来了,柔和的春风和温暖的阳光,想起来就让人开心。可是,在冬春交替的时候,烦恼也很多:孩子的抵抗力差,在忽冷忽热的天气下很容易生病,让父母有操不完的心。的确,春节后是孩子疾病和意外的高发期,爸爸妈妈们需要做一些预防工作。今天我们特意请来了广州市第一人民医院的邓主任为我们讲述一下春季儿童疾病的预防。 随着天气转暖,春节过后儿童最容易患上哪些疾病呢? 最近一段时期随着天气转暖和气温上升,感染呼吸道疾病、过敏性疾病和肠道疾病的儿童患者明显增多。 第一类是呼吸道疾病。如患上呼吸道感染、支气管...
春季疾病预防小知识 春节过后,春天就要来了,柔和的春风和温暖的阳光,想起来就让人开心。可是,在冬春交替的时候,烦恼也很多:孩子的抵抗力差,在忽冷忽热的天气下很容易生病,让父母有操不完的心。的确,春节后是孩子疾病和意外的高发期,爸爸妈妈们需要做一些预防工作。今天我们特意请来了广州市第一人民医院的邓主任为我们讲述一下春季儿童疾病的预防。 随着天气转暖,春节过后儿童最容易患上哪些疾病呢? 最近一段时期随着天气转暖和气温上升,感染呼吸道疾病、过敏性疾病和肠道疾病的儿童患者明显增多。 第一类是呼吸道疾病。如患上呼吸道感染、支气管炎、肺炎等感冒引发的疾病。此类病很容易在春季流行,如流行性脑炎、麻疹、风疹、腮腺炎、水痘等。 第二类是过敏性疾病。春天百花盛开,人们外出春游时容易接触过敏源,易引发哮喘、过敏性鼻炎和变态反应性荨麻疹。 第三类是肠道疾病。因为外出的机会增多,在外吃东西的机会也增多,小孩子时常用脏手吃东西,患肠道疾病的机会会增加。 有现在很多小孩感冒,如何使自己的小孩不被感染;或者患了感冒,如何治疗呢? potential detection needle P' to insert grounding very E' and current detection needle C' Zhijian. With wire E', P', C', respectively connected to the corresponding terminal on the meter e, p, c. Grounding resistance test wiring schematic, potential of test method local, potential link installation finished Hou, should for guide proclaim test, test with power can used no-load voltage for 4~24V of DC or Exchange power, test current not should is less than 0.2A, if, potential link Terminal Board and, potential link range within of metal pipeline, metal body end Zhijian of resistance is unlikely to Yu provides value, can think, potential link is effective of, as found guide pass bad of pipeline connection at, should for across wiring. At the time of construction, require close cooperation among various types to ensure equipotential bonding the always conducting. Electrical commissioning before commissioning before preparing serial number checking contents 1 wire and insulation resistance test wiring connections completed, light boxes, lamps, switches, outlets, insulation resistance testing before the seated or finished before wiring, electrical equipment and wiring insulation resistance test. 2 grounding or the checking of zero: review one by one is located in the sourcing is correct, contact is solid and reliable, is properly connected to ground online; devices close to the bare grounding conductor or neutral connection is complete; point should be connected to the grounding grid, cannot be used in the body of the device; Equipment grounding should contact is good, solid, reliable and identified the obvious. 感冒医学上称为“呼吸道感染”,多由病毒引起,是小儿常见病,据统计低龄幼儿每年平均感冒次数可高达6~10次。主要现为流鼻涕、打喷嚏、咽痛、眼红等,过程一般需3~5天。 感冒的防治: 1、增强宝宝抵抗力,平时多食用增强免疫力、富含维生素A、铁、锌等的食物。 2、感冒时可服用板蓝根、大青叶、双黄连等中药。维生素C能增强抗病能力,要多服用。 3、感冒时不要滥用抗生素。感冒多为病毒感染引起,使用抗生素效果不明显。感冒时宝宝要多饮水、多休息,注意合理营养。 39健康网编辑:春季水痘及流行性腮腺炎高发吗? 春季是水痘及流行性腮腺炎的高发季节。水痘是水痘-带状疱疹病毒引起的急性传染病,全身出现疱疹,宝宝可有发热。从起病到发疹约1周时间。水疱发痒、易破,没有特效药物治疗。如果小孩患了流行性腮腺炎,腮腺部肿痛,宝宝发病时不一定伴有发热。如果患儿有高热不退、呕吐频繁、头痛、精神萎靡等需警惕并发脑膜炎,应及时去医院诊治。 如何防治儿童水痘及流行性腮腺炎呢? potential detection needle P' to insert grounding very E' and current detection needle C' Zhijian. With wire E', P', C', respectively connected to the corresponding terminal on the meter e, p, c. Grounding resistance test wiring schematic, potential of test method local, potential link installation finished Hou, should for guide proclaim test, test with power can used no-load voltage for 4~24V of DC or Exchange power, test current not should is less than 0.2A, if, potential link Terminal Board and, potential link range within of metal pipeline, metal body end Zhijian of resistance is unlikely to Yu provides value, can think, potential link is effective of, as found guide pass bad of pipeline connection at, should for across wiring. At the time of construction, require close cooperation among various types to ensure equipotential bonding the always conducting. Electrical commissioning before commissioning before preparing serial number checking contents 1 wire and insulation resistance test wiring connections completed, light boxes, lamps, switches, outlets, insulation resistance testing before the seated or finished before wiring, electrical equipment and wiring insulation resistance test. 2 grounding or the checking of zero: review one by one is located in the sourcing is correct, contact is solid and reliable, is properly connected to ground online; devices close to the bare grounding conductor or neutral connection is complete; point should be connected to the grounding grid, cannot be used in the body of the device; Equipment grounding should contact is good, solid, reliable and identified the obvious. 水痘及流行性腮腺炎防治: 1、保持皮肤清洁,多卧床休息,多饮水。 2、饮食以易消化、流质或半流质的食物为宜,避免酸性食物,忌辛辣、刺激、海味食物。 3、避免抓破水疱,会引起皮肤感染。可在患处涂抹百多邦消炎药膏或用炉甘石水局部清洗消毒。 4、腮腺肿胀部位可采取局部冷敷,减轻疼痛和肿胀。 5、用白醋煮沸后消毒房间空气。 39健康网编辑:网友问到春季腹泻通常有什么症状? 春季腹泻多见于1-3岁的婴幼儿,4岁以上者少见。首发症状是突然间的呕吐,不论喂任何食物,如牛奶、米粥、饮料等均在吃后几分钟内全部吐出。即使喂白开水也几乎全部呕出。呕吐后不久就会出现大便次数增多,大便多以水样便为主,颜色为淡黄色呈蛋花汤样,无酸臭味。一些孩子伴有中等度的发热,体温37-38度,没有咳嗽,鼻塞,流涕等感冒症状。伴有腹痛的患儿会有烦躁不安,哭闹不止的表现。呕吐最多持续2-3天。但腹泻要持续5-7天,个别患儿腹泻达一周以上。大便镜检多数正常或有很少量的白细胞。 春季腹泻由什么引起? potential detection needle P' to insert grounding very E' and current detection needle C' Zhijian. With wire E', P', C', respectively connected to the corresponding terminal on the meter e, p, c. Grounding resistance test wiring schematic, potential of test method local, potential link installation finished Hou, should for guide proclaim test, test with power can used no-load voltage for 4~24V of DC or Exchange power, test current not should is less than 0.2A, if, potential link Terminal Board and, potential link range within of metal pipeline, metal body end Zhijian of resistance is unlikely to Yu provides value, can think, potential link is effective of, as found guide pass bad of pipeline connection at, should for across wiring. At the time of construction, require close cooperation among various types to ensure equipotential bonding the always conducting. Electrical commissioning before commissioning before preparing serial number checking contents 1 wire and insulation resistance test wiring connections completed, light boxes, lamps, switches, outlets, insulation resistance testing before the seated or finished before wiring, electrical equipment and wiring insulation resistance test. 2 grounding or the checking of zero: review one by one is located in the sourcing is correct, contact is solid and reliable, is properly connected to ground online; devices close to the bare grounding conductor or neutral connection is complete; point should be connected to the grounding grid, cannot be used in the body of the device; Equipment grounding should contact is good, solid, reliable and identified the obvious. 这种在春冬季容易发生的腹泻多半是由于病毒感染引起的,目前研究较为明确的秋冬季腹泻最常见的病毒就是轮状病毒,其它还有柯萨奇病毒等肠道病毒。 孩子腹泻很严重,应如何处理? 现在的父母看见孩子上吐下泻,就慌了,并要求医生给孩子输液。其实90%的腹泻病儿都不需要输液治疗,只需用口服补液盐即可。由于腹泻导致的脱水,输液反而会导致2-3天后腹泻仍未止住的情况。一些病儿的父母,在治疗腹泻病的过程中常要求医生给孩子用最好和最新的抗生素。抗生素对病毒性腹泻非但没有任何治疗效果,还会导致一系列不良影响。 处理宝典:尽量多饮用“口服补液盐”以补充糖盐和水分,完全没有必要口服或静脉注射抗生素,饮食以容易消化的食物为主,不必刻意限制饮食。还可以口服肠道黏膜保护剂,止泻药物,同时还可以口服乳酸菌活性剂和双歧杆菌制剂等,促进食物的消化和吸收,抑制引起肠道疾病的病原菌,保护肠道。 春季儿童腹泻如何预防? 1、加强食品卫生与水源管理。 2、提倡母乳喂养,避免夏季断奶。 3、合理喂养,添加辅食应逐步进行。 potential detection needle P' to insert grounding very E' and current detection needle C' Zhijian. With wire E', P', C', respectively connected to the corresponding terminal on the meter e, p, c. Grounding resistance test wiring schematic, potential of test method local, potential link installation finished Hou, should for guide proclaim test, test with power can used no-load voltage for 4~24V of DC or Exchange power, test current not should is less than 0.2A, if, potential link Terminal Board and, potential link range within of metal pipeline, metal body end Zhijian of resistance is unlikely to Yu provides value, can think, potential link is effective of, as found guide pass bad of pipeline connection at, should for across wiring. At the time of construction, require close cooperation among various types to ensure equipotential bonding the always conducting. Electrical commissioning before commissioning before preparing serial number checking contents 1 wire and insulation resistance test wiring connections completed, light boxes, lamps, switches, outlets, insulation resistance testing before the seated or finished before wiring, electrical equipment and wiring insulation resistance test. 2 grounding or the checking of zero: review one by one is located in the sourcing is correct, contact is solid and reliable, is properly connected to ground online; devices close to the bare grounding conductor or neutral connection is complete; point should be connected to the grounding grid, cannot be used in the body of the device; Equipment grounding should contact is good, solid, reliable and identified the obvious. 4、养成良好的卫生习惯,食前便后洗手,做好食品、食具消毒。 5、避免长期滥用广谱抗生素。 39健康网编辑:最后在这里提出一个网友最关心的问:怎样预防小儿春季多发病呢? 家长应注意以下几点: 一、适时增减衣服。要遵循"春捂秋冻"的古训,初春乍暖时,不要急于给孩子减衣,气温骤降时,要及时添衣。 二、注意卫生。要经常保持室内清洁,开窗通风,使室风空气新鲜,阳光充足。要勤晒被褥和换衣裳,少带小孩去拥挤的公共场所。 三、合理膳食。日常膳食中,除吃适量鱼、肉、鸡、蛋外,应多吃些乳、豆制品、蔬菜和水果。婴幼儿必要时要吃点鱼肝油和钙片。 四、充足睡眠。春天易发生"春困",保证小儿充足睡眠,既有利于小儿生长发育,又可增强免疫力。 五、加强室外活动。春和日丽,万物生发,让孩子到室外活动,能得到日光照射,吸进新鲜空气增强小儿造血及免疫功能。 六、计划免疫。要按计划及时进行预防接种,以预防小孩子常见传染病。 potential detection needle P' to insert grounding very E' and current detection needle C' Zhijian. With wire E', P', C', respectively connected to the corresponding terminal on the meter e, p, c. Grounding resistance test wiring schematic, potential of test method local, potential link installation finished Hou, should for guide proclaim test, test with power can used no-load voltage for 4~24V of DC or Exchange power, test current not should is less than 0.2A, if, potential link Terminal Board and, potential link range within of metal pipeline, metal body end Zhijian of resistance is unlikely to Yu provides value, can think, potential link is effective of, as found guide pass bad of pipeline connection at, should for across wiring. At the time of construction, require close cooperation among various types to ensure equipotential bonding the always conducting. Electrical commissioning before commissioning before preparing serial number checking contents 1 wire and insulation resistance test wiring connections completed, light boxes, lamps, switches, outlets, insulation resistance testing before the seated or finished before wiring, electrical equipment and wiring insulation resistance test. 2 grounding or the checking of zero: review one by one is located in the sourcing is correct, contact is solid and reliable, is properly connected to ground online; devices close to the bare grounding conductor or neutral connection is complete; point should be connected to the grounding grid, cannot be used in the body of the device; Equipment grounding should contact is good, solid, reliable and identified the obvious.
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