

2018-04-14 14页 doc 235KB 12阅读




广州农商银行项目案例广州农商银行项目案例 宝利通助力广州农村商业银行 视频会议会议 应用关键词导读:会议预约;业务培训;移动办公;会议直播及点播; 技术关键词导读:高清视频;智能导播系统;电子白板;移动接入; 项目背景及需求 随着广州农商银行各项业务的不断发展,总行各部门、各支行之间的沟通频次日益增加,专项的业务培训、会议等渐呈上升态势。 为提高工作效率,节约会议、培训费用支出,结合广州农商银行实际情况,搭建视频会议系统平台,初期建设会场数量约为44个(3个主会场,41个分会场),其中在广州地区的总行和中心支行计划建设22个会场,包...
广州农商银行项目案例 宝利通助力广州农村商业银行 视频会议会议 应用关键词导读:会议预约;业务培训;移动办公;会议直播及点播; 技术关键词导读:高清视频;智能导播系统;电子白板;移动接入; 项目背景及需求 随着广州农商银行各项业务的不断发展,总行各部门、各支行之间的沟通频次日益增加,专项的业务培训、会议等渐呈上升态势。 为提高工作效率,节约会议、培训费用支出,结合广州农商银行实际情况,搭建视频会议系统平台,初期建设会场数量约为44个(3个主会场,41个分会场),其中在广州地区的总行和中心支行计划建设22个会场,包括主会场3个(珠江新城总部及番禺培训中心),分会场19个;异地村镇银行计划建设22个分会场。 1、视频会议系统可用于全行组织的大会、分组讨论会议、日常例会、业务培训等。系统支持预约会议、周期性会议、也可满足临时召开的紧急会议。 2、会议召集功能:可通过遥控器直接呼叫对方的号码召开任意2点之间的会议,也可以通过专用会议管理软件同时召开多组会议(2点或多点之间会议)及加密会议。支持会场终端拨打特服号码加入会议。及时解决面对面的交流问题,从而节省时间和费用,提高管理效率。 3、 系统需具备自动录播及存储功能,并提供查询及点播软件。 项目部署及规模: 广州农商银行高清视频会议系统包括主会场、分会场等共计44个硬件会场,以及400个软件会场,由于广州农商银行项目规模较大,广州农商银行所涉及的设备按功能模块可以划分为5大部分,包括核心平台、会议录制与播放、高清承载平台、设备管理系统、远程接入系统结合应用。 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 广州农商银行通信系统建设的远景目标是实现一个结合视频与语音应用,覆盖广州农商银行全网且具备与统一通信应用融合的通信系统。 整个系统,按功能模块可以划分为5大部分,包括核心平台、会议录制与播放、高清承载平台、设备管理系统、远程接入系统结合应用。 广州农商银行建设产品按照以下功能来进行组合设计。 核心平台:网络的核心部位,担任着最重要的应急指挥对方会议的实施任务。配置型号:Polycom RMX 4000 高清承载平台:配置相应数量的高清会议室终端实现高清音视频终端,实现实时交换。配置型号: Polycom HDX7000/HDX8000 视频会议录制平台:在中心机房部署会议录播系统,可对各类重要会议及培训会议进行录制,存档。方便今后的学习、备案。录制的节目可以通过终端回放的方式或WEB界面登陆点播的方式,能够给下面的各个部门的相关人员观看会议实况。配置型号:Polycom RSS4000。 设备管理系统:对全网设备统一管理。配置型号:Polycom CMA4000。 远程接入系统:兼容外网接入的平台。配置型号:Polycom VBP5300-ST/ Polycom M500/ Polycom CMAD。 配置清单: 序号 产品名称 单位 数量 备注 1 RMX 4000 套 1 总部中心机房 2 RSS 4000 套 1 总部中心机房 3 CMA 4000 套 1 总部中心机房 4 EagleEye Director 套 1 总部主会场 5 UC Board 套 1 总部主会场 6 HDX 8000 套 3 总部主会场 7 HDX 7000 套 41 分行分会场 8 CMAD/M500 套 200 移动办公 项目拓扑图: this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 方案优势: 1、 全网实现高清视频图象、高保真宽带音频效果: 本此广州农商视频会议系统系统可在1M以上带宽实现1080P 25帧/秒的高清图像效果,在1.5M以上带宽实现主流、辅流1080P 的高清图像与高清文档呈现。 , 高清音频效果 宝利通MIC麦克风唯一支持22Khz宽带音频,并采用Siren22宽带音频传送22Khz音频效果,可以达到真正顶级高保真的宽带音频效果 22kHz( Siren22?)高保真音质 360?高灵敏度数字麦克风 , StereoSurround?环绕立体声 由于POLYCOM采用的是独特的MIC阵列技术,因此是目前唯一可以实现高品质立体声会议的厂家。仅在使用1个MIC的情况下就可以实现不同发言人的立体声效果,这大大的增强的会议的临场感和亲切感。 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 2、 会议召开简单: 可通过遥控器直接呼叫对方的号码召开任意2点之间的会议,也可以通过专用会议管理软件同时召开多组会议(2点或多点之间会议)及加密会议。支持会场终端拨打特服号码加入会议。及时解决面对面的交流问题,从而节省时间和费用,提高管理效率。 主会场与分会场点对点会议 分会场与分会场点对点会议 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 多点MCU预约会议 短号入会 3、 全行组织大会 POLYCOM RMX 4000是一个非常强大的一体化多媒体会议平台,适应多种网络环境,其各种会议功能为广州农商银行提供丰富的会议应用。本次配置POLYCOM RMX 4000支持60个视频会议终端在同一时间同时参加4组以上1080P高清16分屏视频会议,统一由管理员基于IP方式管理,方便了系统管理员对整个视频会议系统的管理。 系统支持高清与标清协议混合开会,具备多网络接入能力,具备语音与视频的混合能力,具备多种协议、多种速率、多种编码的混合兼容。 这些混合能力即可以在同一会议中实现也可以在多个并发的会议中 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 实现。可保证一些网络条件不好的会场,以较低的带宽接入会议,可分别实现各自能够接收的最佳效果。 4、 预约会议 通过RMX4000可预约会议,到预约时间该预约会议可自动启动;预约会议可设置成例会方式,即按每周或每月同一时间启动该会议;终端自助加入预约的会议。 本次配置录播系统可通过单播或组播方式将会议现场的视频、音频、计算机动态屏幕在网络上进行实时直播,用户可通过媒体播放器软件同步接收到直播的视频、音频和双流内容。 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 5、 远程电话加入 同时,本系统还支持PSTN接入,以方便异地语音接入,提高服务的真实性。出可作为音频备份,做到一套系统,两条线路,音视频互为备份(至少支持同时8路移动终端或语音接入)。 宝利通高清终端本身具备RJ-11接口,具备语音桥接功能,这样就将普通电话或GSM/CDMA手机接入了会议。同时宝利通MCU全线支持SIP协议,可以将支持SIP协议的IP电话呼入到会议中。实现视频会议,PSTN电话,IP电话的完美融合。这样召开会议时,即使某位领导不能在现场列席会议,也可以通过电话加入到会议中,他既可以听到会议的全部内容也可以发言。当电话接入功能与电话会议功能结合后更可以实现多方电话互通,大大增加了视频会议系统的覆盖范围。 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 6、 远程培训讲座 针对广州农商银行日常理财讲座,金融沙龙等,可以通过Polycom RSS4000,实现web页面视频会议点播,客户可自行登录web界面,点播实时直播的理财讲座直播。同时对广州农商银行的重要会议,也将会议内容录播存档,备份,以便无法及时参加会议的同事,领导会后回顾会议内容。 通过录播服务器实现高清录播直播 本次广州农商银行主会场配置的HDX8000,可支持超级双流,即人物和图像叠加,培训过程中,讲解可更加生动,直观。 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 超级双流配合使理财产品讲解更加生动 手写双流应用,能使得培训师在培训内容上直接用电子笔在屏幕上做标记,所标记的内容能通过双流传到每个分会场,大大提升了培训效率。 手写双流配合使培训内容更加生动 广州农商银行高层领导班子讨论型会议,针对不同发言的领导需要保证镜头正对发言人,传统会议模式中通过手动切换镜头的方式实现。在本次项目中充分应用了宝利通最新推出的产品EagleEye Director彻底改变了会议室体验,通过语音三角定位、人脸识别技术和双摄像头跟踪系统,镜头自动跟踪定位发言人智能识别发言人,让会议变得更加简单。同时它与简单的摄像跟踪技术不同EagleEye Director可在突出演讲者与捕捉整个会议室之间自由转换,还原逼真的对话场景,令会议效率显著提升。 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 语音三角定位 人脸识别 7、 简易的扩容方案 宝利通是目前视频会议领域技术与的制定者,技术更新非常的迅 速,为了保护用户的投资,宝利通公司充分考虑到用户将来系统扩容的需 要,在产品设计上预留了端口的资源,使系统扩容更加灵活。 7.1MCU扩容 此次系统配置的RMX4000,当MCU的容量达到满配时,如果用户系统需要进一步扩容,可以通过MCU级联的方式或者堆叠的方式增加系统容量,宝利通MCU支持多级级联,满足大规模系统建设的需求。 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 7.2终端扩容 视频终端的扩容非常简单,可需要购买官方许可,即可升级到1080P接入 而无需更换硬件。同时,在MCU容量允许的情况下,可通过增加终端来实现扩 容。 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 应用效果: 通过采用宝利通高清视频会议系统,广州农商银行可以随时召开各种会议,即提高了办公效率,又节省了差旅费用。通过宝利通的移动接入功能,广州农商银行各项目在外人员等均可随时随地加入到公司会议中,为领导的决策提供依据,并且结合宝利通录播系统,可以将会议完整的录制下来,供未能及时参加会议的员工学习。 宝利通作为视频会议行业的领导者,关注的是客户对视频会议使用的感受,提倡的是价值、协作、共赢,此套广州农商银行高清视频会议系统的建设就很好地体现了宝利通的核心价值,也为用户提供了高效的协作工具。今后广州农商的员工无论何时身在何处,都能顺利、简便、快速的加入到会议中去,及时的与其他同事进行有效的沟通,快捷的解决沟通方面问题,实现工作上的高效、迅速,为提升公司效益做出贡献。 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded
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