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英语演讲主持人开场白英语演讲主持人开场白 英语演讲主持人开场白 篇一:英语演讲比赛主持人串词 中学生英语演讲比 赛主持人用稿 Good evening, my dear teachers and schoolmates This is the English Speaking Contest of our grade, and thank you for ing. We've got 25 contestants. They e from different classes of Grade To, and e can see th...
英语演讲主持人开场白 英语演讲主持人开场白 篇一:英语演讲比赛主持人串词 中学生英语演讲比 赛主持人用稿 Good evening, my dear teachers and schoolmates This is the English Speaking Contest of our grade, and thank you for ing. We've got 25 contestants. They e from different classes of Grade To, and e can see their confidence and smile already, right? This is going to be an interesting and exciting petition!! Firstly, let's armly ele our Director Yan to make remarks. Okay, ell, I'd like to introduce you the judges of this Contest, They are Miss Fu , Miss Chen, Miss Luo , Miss He, Miss Liu, Miss Zeng. No let's give you a brief account of grading method and scoring results: there are 10 points in grading, and each judge gives grade based on the performances of the contestants: including pronunciation, intonation, content, stage manner and presentation. Do aay ith a maximum score and a minimum mark,the final score is the averaged calculation of four figures summing up. Okay, since you've already knon these, I think it time to begin! So let's get started!! First let's ele contestant number one!! He's ***, from class, his topic is___ 以下是几个例子: 1、No. let's armly ele contestant No.1 xxx. Her topic is “My school life” and contestant No.2 ,get ready ,please. No, judges sho us contestant No.1’s points, please.? Okay, no contestant No.1’s final score has e out ,it’s?congratulations. 2、let's armly ele contestant No.2 xxx .and contestant No.3 ,get ready ,please. And after all the contestants finish their speeches, our judges ill have a short discussion about their marks standard. No, e are taking a break. And e’ll start again in 10 minutes. No, let's armly ele our Director Tang to dra a conclusion. After our judges’ discussion, no the result has e out. 1.First, I ould like to announce the inning prize inners. They are XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX No, let's armly ele our Director Yan to give them aards. 2、 First, I ould like to announce the third prize inners: XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX No,let's armly ele our Director Tang to give them aards. 3、And then, the second prize inners: XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX No,let's armly ele our Director Li to give them aards. 4、my dear teachers and schoolmates, no it’s ing to the most exciting moment! Right no, hat I am going to announce is the first prize inners: No,let's armly ele our Director Zeng to give them aards. Thanks for the contestants' excellent performance, thanks for the judges'suitable and marvellous ments,thanks for the audience's patient and attentive listening ,I hope all the contestants ill get a good score,and everyone here could really enjoy today's onderful performance .And ,I do hope that all the students here not only learn something from the speeches,but also,they learn to be brave and confident,so next time,more and more students ill stand on the stage to give us terrific speeches. At last thank you for giving me this chance to make a short speech,thank you all! So much for this evening’s English Speech Contest.Good bye everyone! Good night! 谢谢今天选手的精彩表演,谢谢评委适当的、精彩的评论,谢谢观众 们的耐心和认真的倾听。我希望所有选手都可以得到一个理想的分数, 也希望每一个在场的人可以享受今天的完美表演。同时,我也十分希 望,所有在场的学生,不仅能从刚才的演讲中学到一些东西,而且他 们也能学着变勇敢与自信,这样下次比赛的时候,更多的学生将会站 在舞台上给我们精彩的演讲。最后,谢谢大家给我这个机会做简短的 发言,谢谢大家。篇二:英语演讲比赛 比赛前, 主持人在幕后提醒,比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进行请您将 您的手机调成静音或震动状态,谢谢合作。 一位漂亮的女孩在跳劲舞。舞蹈结束,开始了。 男女: Good evening ,ladies and gentleman ,ele to the English speaking contest held by 157english association 男女: 尊敬的各位老师,亲爱的各位同学们,大家晚上好。欢迎来 到157英语协会演讲比赛现场。 男:first , let’s me introduce the hostess ,a pretty young lady ,yinmeng, ho is from college 首先,请允许我介绍一下今天的漂亮女主持人,她的名字叫殷梦,来 自护理学院。 女: standing here beside me is u zhipeng. 现在站在我旁边的是吴志鹏 男女: We are honored to co-host this speaking contest . 男女: 很高兴我们来主持今天的演讲比赛 女: No ,let’s introduce the judges of this contest .They are Luo dongsshan, Hu lili , qiu jin ,ang yayun and zhang qiang 男: 现在向您介绍一下我们的评委老师,公共课部英语教研组组长 罗东山老师,公共课部胡丽丽老师,邱谨老师,张蔷老师,让我们以 热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来。 女: Next, let’s introduce these honorable guests : the president of student’s association union ,zhang li and the associate president of student’s association union ,li guoxin , and so on. . 男: 现在介绍到场的嘉宾,他们是社联主席张理 副主席李国新. 女: let’s give you a brief account of grading method and scoring results :there are 100 points in grading ,contestants .do aay ith a maximum score and a minimum score ,the final score is the averaged caludation of three figures summing up . 男:听完 精彩的致辞,下面简单介绍一下评分原则:总分100分, 每位评委会根据各位选手的表现来打分,去掉一个最好分和最低分, 最后的三位评委所打的平均分。 女:Okay ,since you’ve already knon these , I think it’s tine to begin ,so let’ get started. 男:现在你已经了解了这些,我们开始吧~ 女:No .let’s invite the first contestants ,she ill lead us to a colorful college . 男:现在有请第一位参赛选手,她将带领我们走进一个丰富多彩的大 学校园。 女:Thank you ! no let’s ele contestant no2 男: 谢谢第一位选手的精彩演讲,现在,让我们有请2号选手。 男:Wo onderful performance ,no let’s ele contestant no3 女:谢谢2号选手的精彩表演,下面有请3号选手。 女:OK ,good ! no let’s ele contestant no4 男: 谢谢3号选手的精彩演讲,下面有请4号选手。 女: Thank you Four charming girl have led us to a dreamful campus life .It’s ell knon that e have much more free time ft college than those days in high school .hat ill you do in your spare time ? let’s ele contestant no5 男: 谢谢4号选手。以上4位迷人女孩带我们走进了一个梦幻的大 学生活。我们都知道进入大学,我们有更多的业余时间,在你空闲的 时候,你会做些什么呢,让我们有请5号选手。 女;Thank contestant No5. No let’s have a relax .let’s armly ele a soft music. 男: 现在放松一下,让我们来享受一首美妙的轻音乐。 女:No, I ill announce the score of contestant No1 is „No2..No3„No4„.No5„.congratulations , No, let’s ele contestant No6. 男:感谢5号选手。现在我公布一下以上选手的得分。1号选手 分 .2号选手 分. 3号选手 分. 4号选手 分.5号选手 分. 现在让我们有情6号选手。 女:Everyone has its dream . only by planning it specifically can e made our dream e e true ,After this plan, let’s step into next program .let’s ele contestant7 . 男:每个人都有自己的梦想,只有把它的的更具体,我们的梦想 才会实现,听完了这个计划,让我们进入下一节目吧,有情7号选手。 女:Thank you ! 男: 谢谢7号选手。 女:no let’s ele contestant no 8 男;现在让我们欢迎8号选手 女: Thank you .no ele contestant no 9, she ill sho us ho to spend our time at college . 男:感谢8号选手。现在有请9号选手,她将带来的是在大学里怎样 度过闲暇时间。 女:Thank for contestant no 9 .no let’s ele the last contestant. 男: 感谢9号选手,现在让我们有请最后一位选手,10号选手。 女:Let’s have a shot break and ait for the final results . For this Period ,let’s ele our English teacher to give us ments on this speaking contest. 男: 现在我们休息一下,静待最后的结果,现 在,有请英语老师点评一下此次演讲比赛。 女: Ladies and gentleman ,ele back to the English speaking contest .no let’s announce the results of the latter group .The score of contestant no 6 is „„the score of no 7 is „. And the score of no 10 is „. 男: 女士们,先生们,现在回到英语演讲比赛。现在我们公布的是 后一组的结果。 6号选手得分是„.. 7号得分是„„ 8号得分是„„9号得分 是„„10号得分是„„ 女:No ,the most exciting moment is ing . 男:现在,最激动人心的时刻到了。 女: No ,I ill announce the three honorable mention inner ,No No and No 男: 现在公布的是3位优秀奖获得者, 号选手 号选手 号选手。 女: the four best inner ,the best cristing aard ,No ,the best expressing aard ,No„.the best creative aard ,No„the best optimum mien aard ,No „ 男: 最佳奖获得者 ,最佳实力奖, 号选手 最佳表达奖 号选 手 最佳创新奖, 号选手,最佳风采奖 号选手,让我们一热烈 的掌声送给她们。 女: the third prize inner ,No „ 男; 三等奖获得者, 号选手。让我们以热烈的掌声祝贺她。 女: The second prize inner .No„ 男:二等奖获得者, 号选手,让我以热烈的掌声祝贺她。 女:The first prize inner .No„Congratulations! 男:现在公布的是本次演讲比赛一等奖获得者, a号选手。让 我们以热烈的掌声恭贺她。 男女: No ,let’s ele our teacher to give them aards.现在让我们欢迎老师为他们颁奖。 女: First ,let us invite Miss zhang to give the three inners aards . 男: 首先,有请张蔷老师为三位优秀奖获得者颁奖。 女: Next , let’s invite Mrs ang to give the four inners aards . 男: 有请汪雅云老师为四位最佳奖获得者颁奖。 女:No , let’s invite Mis Qiu to give the third prize inner 男: 现在让我们请邱谨老师为三等奖获得者颁奖。 女:Next ,let’s invite Mis Hu to give the second prize inner aards . 男:接下来,有请胡莉莉老师为二等奖获得者颁奖。 女:At last , let’s invite Mr luo to give the first prize inner aards . 男: 有请罗冬老师为一等奖获得者颁奖。 男女:Our speaking contest is over , thanks for you ing . 男女; 现在我们的演讲比赛就要结束了,非常感谢大家的到来。下面 请老师和嘉宾先行退场,学生后退场。篇三:英语演讲比赛主持人开 场白定稿 英语演讲比赛主持人开场白)结束语 A: Good afternoon, Everybody~ele to the 14thWeek English speaking contest. We are very happy to gather here hold an English afternoon party. I am happy to stand here and have this opportunity to share something ith you guys. B: 亲爱的孟老师,亲爱的同学们,大家中午好~欢迎来到 14周英语演讲比赛的现场。比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的 顺利进行,请您将您的手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作~ A: first of all ,let me introduce our distinguished guests afternoon today .Mrs Meng B: 首先 ,让我来给大家介绍一下今天来的嘉宾:孟老师 让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎孟老师的到来~ A: ele. A: there are all together 10 contestants to pete in today’ s English speaking contest. B: 今天有10位优秀的同学参加这次英语演讲比赛。 A: No let me introduce the rules of this petition. There is 2 parts in today’s petition.1st is prepared Speech, you ill introduce yourself. And each of contests has 5 minutes to present prepared speech. B: 现在我给大家介绍一下比赛规则。每位选手只有五分钟的 演讲 时间。首先简单介绍一下自己,然后进行演讲。 A: no please ele contestant N0.1......contestant no.2 please get ready B: 比赛即将开始,下面我们有请第一位选手上场。第二位选手做 好准备。 主持人不用说什么的,等到一位选手演讲完,就说thank you ~let’s ele contestant NO.X Please next contestants get ready. A: No let’s announce 1 part contestants score. Please ait for a minute. B: 下面我们宣布一下1-5位选手的得分成绩.请大家稍等片刻。 „„.一号选手的成绩是„„去掉一个最高分„ 去掉一个最低分„ 最终得分为„ 二号选手的成绩是„„ 所有选手都演讲完毕,请评委为这次演讲比赛做总结。 A: Teacher and girls ! For this afternoon party all the students have made careful preparations. So I’m sure e’ll be able to enjoy many excellent performances afternoon .We are ready, e are inner. Ho exciting today contest is! But no I have to say : ”today the English speaking contest is end 。that’s all,thank you.” B: 各位来宾及选手,多么精彩的演讲比赛,每一位参赛选手都 很优 秀。今天我们的比赛到此结束。比赛结果将在两分钟后公布,谢谢大 家~ 长江大学女子学院九班14周英语演讲比赛规则 一、比赛规则 1、演讲顺序:比赛前抽签决定。 2、演讲时间:演讲时间不得超过5分钟,每超时10秒扣掉2分,不 足10秒按10秒计算。 3、演讲比赛评分:采取100分制。 二、评分 1、演讲内容 主题鲜明、中心突出,结构严谨、层次清晰,内容正确、联系实际,选材典型、杜绝抄袭。 2、演讲有声语言 语音标准,声音洪亮,语速适当,语调仰扬顿挫,富有变化。 3、演讲态势技能 表情丰富,动作得体、手势自然,服装适宜。 4、整体效果 可脱稿演讲,节奏把握好,内涵与表情相结合,以情感人,以形传神,感染力强。 可用辅助演讲。 三、评分办法 1、比赛设7名评委,现场打分; 2、去掉一个最高分和一个最低分,取平均分; 3、选手最后得分精确到小数点后一位,若出现同分,则精确到后两位,依此类推; 4、根据总分的高低评出特等、一、二、三等奖及优秀奖。 参赛要求 一、参赛人员:女子学院九班学员 二、演讲主题:In life ,it is attitude that matters most 三、参赛时间和地点 : 四、评分标准 五、奖项设置:比赛设特等奖1名、一等奖1名、二等奖2名,优秀奖3名,奖品派发。 2016年女子学院九班14周英语演讲比赛规则 【演讲材料】30分 思想内容能紧紧围绕的主题,观点正确、鲜明,见解独到。内容充实具体,生动感人。材料真实、典型、新颖,事迹感人、实例生动,反映客观事实、具有普遍意义,体现时代精神。讲稿结构严谨,构思巧 妙,引人入胜。文字简练流畅,具有较强的思想性。 【语言表达】 30分 演讲者语音,吐字清晰,声音洪亮圆润。演讲表达准确、流 畅、自然。语言技巧处理得当,语速恰当,语气、语调、音量、节奏 张弛符合思想感情的起伏变化,能熟练表达所演讲的内容。 【形体语言】 10分 演讲者精神饱满,能较好地运用姿态、动作、手势、表情,表达对演 讲稿的理解。 【主体形象】 10分 演讲者着装朴素端庄大方,举止自然得体,有风度,富有艺术感染力。 【会场效果】 10分 演讲具有较强的吸引力、感染力和号召力,能较好地与听众感情融合 在一起,营造良好的演讲效果。 【演讲时间】 10分 不超过6分钟篇四:大学生英语演讲比赛主持词 第五 届大学生英语演讲比赛主持词 X: Good morning,ladies and gentlemen, ele to the Fifth Yuncheng University English Speaking Contest. Y: 尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾,亲爱的老师们,同学们,大家早上 by College English Teaching Department .There are all together 28 contestants to pete in today’s English Speaking Competition, representing 13 different departments respectively. Y:本次大赛由学生处主办,由大学英语教学部承办。有来自我院13 个系的28名选手参加比赛。 X: No , let's introuduce today's honorable leader and guests. Professor Li Baoping from the Office of Academic Affairs Y:光临今天大赛现场的领导和嘉宾是:教务处处长李宝平教授 X: Mr.„„. Y: „„ X:Miss.. Y: „„女士 X:Professor„„ . Y:„„ 教授 X: „„ Y:„„ 教授 X:让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎各位领导的到来~ Y:Wele X:今天来到比赛现场的还有来自我院的老师、参赛选手和观看比赛的 同学们。我们以同样热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来。 X:Once again let's ele all the teachers and students. No Please ele professor„„ to give us a speech. Y:下面有请„„处处长„„同志讲话。 X:Thank you ,professor Li. Let's ele the head of College English Teaching Department ,associate professor Wang Yingjie to give us a speech. Let's ele. Y:接下来有请本次大赛的承办单位领导,大学英语教学部主任王英杰 副教授致欢迎辞。 X: Thank you, professor Wang. X: And this petition ill be mediated by a panel of „ judges. Also on the panel are “question masters” ho ill be responsible for raising questions of today’s contestants. No, I have the great privilege of presenting today’s judges. Y: 此次比赛我们邀请到了„名评委,„名评委中有两名是“提问评 委”,这两名“提问评委”将对每位选手进行提问。好的,我很荣幸 地向大家介绍一下我们的„位评委。 Y:担任本次大赛评委的是: X: Professor „ Y:„教授 X:„ Y: „副教授 X:Mr.„ from College English Teaching Department Y:大学英语教学部的„老师 X:Our Question master are „and „ Y:提问评委有 „ and „ Y:非常感谢各位评委的到来~ X: Wele! Thanks for you ing! X:OK, after introducing our judges, no let’s go over the rules and grading standards of the petition. Y: 好的,介绍完我们的评委之后,让我们来看看今天的比赛规则和 评分标准吧。 X: Each of the contestants has 3 minutes to present a prepared speech . During the prepared speech, a staff member ill raise a yello board as a signal that there is half a minute left. Then, at the end of 3 minutes, a red board ill be raised to let the speaker kno that the time has run out. If your speech is more than 3 minutes ,30 seconds or less than2minutes,30 seconds, you'll be deducted 0.1 score. So, please raise the red board. Thank you! Y: 每位选手要进行3分钟的命题演讲,在命题演讲环节,在选手的演 讲时间还剩下半分钟的时候,我们的工作人员将会举一块黄颜色的牌 子示意。超过3分30秒,或不足2分30秒扣0.1分。当3分钟时间 一到,我们的工作人员会举一块红色的牌子示意时间已到。现在,请 工作人员示意一下下。 X: No, let's look at the grading standards for the judges. Each contestant has 3 minutes for their prepared speech. The full score for the prepared speech is 10, the judges ill give their scores independently on the spot according to the contestants' content of their presentation, as ell as their language skills and their spiritual . The judges are required to give their scores to to decimal places 八、1、no,let’s ele the third inners to e onto the stage. XXX And armly ele our leaders to give aards to our inner. 2、And then second inner please. XXX 3、ladies and gentlemen, let's bring the first inners onto the stage ith a arm of applause. 九、ell,ho exciting today the contest is! Till no, our petition has e to an end. Thank you for your ing! See you next time. Bye-Bye! 尊敬的各位领导,各位老师,亲爱的同学们:大家下午好~ 今天我们八年级的同学欢聚在这里进行英语演讲比赛。首先请允许我 介绍一下出席今天比赛的领导和评委老师:请大家用掌声对他们的到 来表示热烈的欢迎~ 现在我给大家介绍一下比赛规则。每位选手有1—3分钟的演讲时间, 首先简单介绍一下自己,然后进行演讲。 比赛即将开始,下面让我们一起来欣赏选手们的精彩演讲。首先请1 号选手 同学上台演讲,请2号选手 同学做好准备。 谢谢,下面有请第二位选手 上场,第三位选手做准备。 谢谢,下面我宣布1号选手的比赛成绩:去掉一个最高分 ,去 掉一个最低分 ,1号选手的最后得分为 。下面请3号选 手上台演讲。4号选手做准备。 好,成绩已经出来了,让我来宣布一下最后的成绩: :获得三等奖的同学是, :获得二等奖的同学是, :获得一等奖的同学是 :请学校领导为获得三等奖的同学颁奖 :请学校领导为获得二等奖的同学颁奖 :请学校领导为获得一等奖的同学颁奖 请左校长为这次演讲比赛做总结发言,大家欢迎。 结束语: :老师们,同学们,演讲比赛就要结束了,我们相信,通过这次演讲比赛,我们会交流经验,互相学习~ :让我们乘着这次比赛的东风,为创建一个文明、和谐的校园,做出自己应有的努力~ :让我们再次以热烈的掌声,对学校领导及各位老师的支持,表示衷心的感谢~ :本次比赛到此结束,再次谢谢大家~ :再见~
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