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驾驶证过期,保险公司赔付的案例驾驶证过期,保险公司赔付的案例 驾驶证过期,保险公司赔付的案例 驾驶证过期发生交通事故保险公司应否担责 发布日期:2009-12-22 文章来源:互联网 2008年10月18日01时30分,李某驾驶挂重型全挂车沿邢清线由西向东行驶时,与对向行驶韩某驾驶的拖拉机变形机相撞,造成李某、韩某受伤,双方车辆损坏。河北省威县交警大队作出交通事故认定书认定李某负此事故的主要责任,韩某负次要责任。挂重型全挂车实际车主为钟某,李某系钟某雇佣司机。拖拉机变形机车主为韩某,该车在某保险公司投保机动车交通事故责任强制保险一份,本次事故发生在...
驾驶证过期,保险公司赔付的案例 驾驶证过期,保险公司赔付的案例 驾驶证过期发生交通事故保险公司应否担责 发布日期:2009-12-22 文章来源:互联网 2008年10月18日01时30分,李某驾驶挂重型全挂车沿邢清线由西向东行驶时,与对向行驶韩某驾驶的拖拉机变形机相撞,造成李某、韩某受伤,双方车辆损坏。河北省威县交警大队作出交通事故认定认定李某负此事故的主要责任,韩某负次要责任。挂重型全挂车实际车主为钟某,李某系钟某雇佣司机。拖拉机变形机车主为韩某,该车在某保险公司投保机动车交通事故责任强制保险一份,本次事故发生在保险期内。事故发生后,司机李某住院治疗16天,钟某为其垫付医疗费4807元。钟某因费用赔偿问题,一纸诉状把韩某和保险公司起诉到河北省威县人民法院,请求判令被告赔偿其车损及原告方司机医疗费等损失共计23701.88元。 被告韩某辩称,原告方的损失应由保险公司在交强险限额内直接赔付。被告保险公司辩称,对原告方的损失,由于被告韩某的驾驶证已经过了有效期,故其不应赔偿。 庭审过程中,韩某和钟某就原告财产损失达成赔偿协议:除拖拉机变形机所在机动车交强险责任范围内应承担损失外,韩某赔偿钟某财产损失1000元。 【审判】 河北威县法院审理后认为,公民生命健康权受法律保护,本案中被告韩某驾车与李某驾驶机动车相撞,造成二人均受伤,车辆损坏的交通事故。原告的合理损失,各被告应依法赔偿。被告人某保险公司对韩某持驾驶证已过有效期提出拒绝赔偿意见,根据公安部《机动车驾驶证申领和使用规定》第四十二条规定,只有超过机动车驾驶证有效期一年以上未换证的,机动车驾驶证才应当被注销。本次事故中韩某虽持驾证已过期,但并不等于没有取得驾驶资格,驾驶员只要通过了公安机关车辆管理部门组织的驾驶证资格考试,便具有了驾驶资格,只要未被依法取消驾驶资格,就应确认具备驾驶资格。显然,保险公司以韩某的驾驶证超过有效期为由拒绝赔偿,是没有法律依据的。韩某所有的车辆在被告人某保险公司投保机动车交通事故责任强制保险,根据《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》、《机动车交通事故责任强制保险条款》的相关规定,应由被告人某保险公司在承保的交强险责任限额内承担赔偿责任;对原告主张的损失应参照受诉法院所在地相同或相近的交通运输行业相关计算。据此,根据《中华人民共和国民法通则》第一百一十七条、第一百一十九条、《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》第七十六条、《最高人民法院关于审理人身损害赔偿案件适用法律若干问题的解释》、第十九条、第二十条、第二十一条、第二十三条的规定,判决如下: 一、被告某保险公司于判决生效后10日内在韩某车辆投保机动车交通事故责任强制保险责任限额内赔偿原告钟某损失人民币8983.5元 regulations" are strictly implemented, work style and work style of cadres to further change, the party do The group further close relation, further establish the safety supervision cadres for the people, pragmatic and honest good image. The long-term goal: rectification with good work style, solid work measures, carry out supervision and administration of production safety work, ensure the production safety situation continues steady improvement, to achieve a fundamental improvement goal, to provide safe production platform for security the county's economic and social development. (two) the specific path: rectification can be generally divided into three stages: 1, carry out the look back, make improvement plan stage (before August 30, 2014). The main tasks are: in accordance with the "six" requirement, earnestly back board leadership " See "work, timely leak turnover, and lay a solid foundation of the implementation of the rectification; Party members take the lead in developing the" look back ", further modify personal control.Check material, focus on revealing problems more thick, more profound thoughts touched some corrective measures to some more "efforts, and to participate as an ordinary party where the branch will be the topic of organizational life. On this basis, focus against the four winds, formulate and improve the team and the implementation of the rectification program personal corrective measures, focusing on the rectification mountain of the sea, not sent, seek practical results, the implementation of the work such as lack of formalism, divorced from reality and the masses of bureaucratism, Jingshenbuzhen, enterprising consciousness weakened, pay attention to row field hedonism, extravagance and waste, Gongjusiyong and other wasteful problems. 2, set In the renovation, the jianzhanglizhi stage (before September 20, 2014). The main tasks are: to continue to solidify and deepen the bianzhengbiangai achievements; focus on outstanding issues special rectification campaign, especially to seize the public funds, extravagance and waste, the door hard, ugly face, something difficult; accepting native Chinese Lunar New Year so most people dislike, reflect the most intense, strong forward, create momentum, to achieve a breakthrough; on the basis of the national policies and regulations, establish and perfect the system construction plan and implement, mature one, the introduction of a. 3, to deepen the rectification, strengthen the promotion stage (late September 2014). The main task is the following: Continue to deepen the rectification work, promote the overall development of the long-term 二、被告韩某赔偿原告钟某财产损失人民币1000元。 本案判决后,双方当事人均未上诉,现判决发生法律效力。 【评析】 本案在审理过程中,就驾驶证过期发生交通事故,保险公司应否担责的问题出现了分歧: 第一种意见,保险公司拒赔理由成立。 发生事故时,韩某所持驾驶证已超过有效期,未按规定进行审验换证。因此,不能认定韩某在发生交通事故时是合格的驾驶员,如果保险公司在驾驶员的驾照过期的情况下,还要承担责任,违背《道路交通安全法》的立法本意。因此,保险公司有权拒绝赔偿。 第二种意见,保险公司以驾驶证过期拒赔,没有法律依据,其应在交强险责任范围内赔偿。理由有三: 首先,驾照过期不等于无证驾驶。无证驾驶指驾驶人员驾驶机动车辆时,没有取得由公安机关交通管理部门核发的机动车辆驾驶证。扩大范围最多解释为取得机动车辆驾驶证后被吊销或者驾驶许可被依法撤销。驾驶证过期并不等于没有取得驾驶资格,驾驶员只要通过了公安机关车辆管理部门组织的驾驶证资格考试,便具有了驾驶资格,只要未被依法取消驾照,就一直具有合法的驾驶资格。 其次,驾驶员未按期办理换证手续,其驾驶证并不必然被吊销。机动车驾驶证审验换证属于行政管理范畴,是机动车管理部门准予驾驶员从事特定驾驶行为所实施的行政许可行为,驾照过期未按期换证应由交管部门依法进行处理,《中华人民共和国机动车驾驶证管理办法》规定:持证人未申请并超过有效期换证的,依法处罚后予以换证。也就是说,在接受公安交管部门处罚后仍可办理换证手续。在其证件被吊销前不能认定其为无驾驶资格,韩某自初次领取驾驶证时起,至保险事故发生时止,并不存在驾驶证被吊销或者驾驶许可被撤销的情况。 第三,本案韩某投的是交强险,不是商业险。交强险是指保险公司对被保险机动车发生道路交通事故造成本车人员、被保险人以外的受害人的人身伤亡、财产损失,在责任限额内予以赔偿的强制性责任保险。其投保交强险是基于法律的强制性规定,主要目的在于道路交通事故受害人能够获得基本保障,这种公益性体现在《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》第七十六条规定的保险公司对保险事故承担无过失赔偿责任的基本原则,即投保交强险的机动车发生交通事故,致第三者人身伤亡及财产损失,由保险公司首先在责任限额内予以赔偿,不论交通事故当事人各方是否有过错以及过错程度如何,此体现了交强险保障受害人及社会大众利益的根本目的。即使驾驶员无证驾驶也不属于《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》和《机动车交通事故责任强制保险条例》所规定的保险公司对受害人人身伤亡赔偿义务的免责regulations" are strictly implemented, work style and work style of cadres to further change, the party do The group further close relation, further establish the safety supervision cadres for the people, pragmatic and honest good image. The long-term goal: rectification with good work style, solid work measures, carry out supervision and administration of production safety work, ensure the production safety situation continues steady improvement, to achieve a fundamental improvement goal, to provide safe production platform for security the county's economic and social development. (two) the specific path: rectification can be generally divided into three stages: 1, carry out the look back, make improvement plan stage (before August 30, 2014). The main tasks are: in accordance with the "six" requirement, earnestly back board leadership " See "work, timely leak turnover, and lay a solid foundation of the implementation of the rectification; Party members take the lead in developing the" look back ", further modify personal control.Check material, focus on revealing problems more thick, more profound thoughts touched some corrective measures to some more "efforts, and to participate as an ordinary party where the branch will be the topic of organizational life. On this basis, focus against the four winds, formulate and improve the team and the implementation of the rectification program personal corrective measures, focusing on the rectification mountain of the sea, not sent, seek practical results, the implementation of the work such as lack of formalism, divorced from reality and the masses of bureaucratism, Jingshenbuzhen, enterprising consciousness weakened, pay attention to row field hedonism, extravagance and waste, Gongjusiyong and other wasteful problems. 2, set In the renovation, the jianzhanglizhi stage (before September 20, 2014). The main tasks are: to continue to solidify and deepen the bianzhengbiangai achievements; focus on outstanding issues special rectification campaign, especially to seize the public funds, extravagance and waste, the door hard, ugly face, something difficult; accepting native Chinese Lunar New Year so most people dislike, reflect the most intense, strong forward, create momentum, to achieve a breakthrough; on the basis of the national policies and regulations, establish and perfect the system construction plan and implement, mature one, the introduction of a. 3, to deepen the rectification, strengthen the promotion stage (late September 2014). The main task is the following: Continue to deepen the rectification work, promote the overall development of the long-term 事由,保险公司更不能以驾照过期为由拒赔,故在驾照过期发生交通事故的情况下,保险公司依然要在交强险范围内承担赔偿责任。 保险公司以驾照过期为由拒赔 被事主告上法庭 2012年05月17日06:30 来源:云南信息报 律师李声扩告诉记者,驾驶证刚过期,此时发生车祸事故,若事后驾驶员成功申请换发了驾驶证,并且事故发生时间在新的驾驶证有效期内,此时驾驶员不属于“无照驾驶”。 事件背景 4月16日的《法制晚报》报道,2011年6月8日8时许,北京怀柔区车主卢某驾车与他人发生追尾事故,顺义交通支队认定卢某全责。卢某为此支付了修理费1万多元。事故发生时,卢某驾照超过规定的年检换证日期6天。于是,保险公司以保险合同中"驾驶证有效期已届满"是免赔内容之一”为由,拒绝赔付。不甘心就此忍气吞声的卢先生将保险公司告上了怀柔法院。 虽然最终怀柔法院一审判决被告保险公司给付卢某保险理赔款1万多元,但这案例引发了记者一连串的疑问。驾驶证刚过期,是否算“无证驾驶”,保险公司是否有权拒赔,对此,记者特意采访了昆明市交警大队、云南凌云律师事务所律师李声扩,以及众多保险公司。 交警:驾驶证超期,不属“无照驾驶”但不得驾车 昆明市交警支队首先向记者强调,机动车驾驶证超过有效期,不得驾驶机动车。《道路交通安全法实施条例》第二十八条对此已作明确规定。 机动车驾驶证超过有效期驾驶机动车与未取得机动车驾驶证驾驶机动车有着本质区别,两种行为均为违法行为,但性质不同。此时驾车上路属于“机动车驾驶证超过有效期驾驶机动车”的违法行为。对于“机动车驾驶证超过有效期驾驶机动车”的驾驶员,交警将处以警告或者二十元以上二百元以下罚款,并禁止驾驶员继续行驶。 regulations" are strictly implemented, work style and work style of cadres to further change, the party do The group further close relation, further establish the safety supervision cadres for the people, pragmatic and honest good image. The long-term goal: rectification with good work style, solid work measures, carry out supervision and administration of production safety work, ensure the production safety situation continues steady improvement, to achieve a fundamental improvement goal, to provide safe production platform for security the county's economic and social development. (two) the specific path: rectification can be generally divided into three stages: 1, carry out the look back, make improvement plan stage (before August 30, 2014). The main tasks are: in accordance with the "six" requirement, earnestly back board leadership " See "work, timely leak turnover, and lay a solid foundation of the implementation of the rectification; Party members take the lead in developing the" look back ", further modify personal control.Check material, focus on revealing problems more thick, more profound thoughts touched some corrective measures to some more "efforts, and to participate as an ordinary party where the branch will be the topic of organizational life. On this basis, focus against the four winds, formulate and improve the team and the implementation of the rectification program personal corrective measures, focusing on the rectification mountain of the sea, not sent, seek practical results, the implementation of the work such as lack of formalism, divorced from reality and the masses of bureaucratism, Jingshenbuzhen, enterprising consciousness weakened, pay attention to row field hedonism, extravagance and waste, Gongjusiyong and other wasteful problems. 2, set In the renovation, the jianzhanglizhi stage (before September 20, 2014). The main tasks are: to continue to solidify and deepen the bianzhengbiangai achievements; focus on outstanding issues special rectification campaign, especially to seize the public funds, extravagance and waste, the door hard, ugly face, something difficult; accepting native Chinese Lunar New Year so most people dislike, reflect the most intense, strong forward, create momentum, to achieve a breakthrough; on the basis of the national policies and regulations, establish and perfect the system construction plan and implement, mature one, the introduction of a. 3, to deepen the rectification, strengthen the promotion stage (late September 2014). The main task is the following: Continue to deepen the rectification work, promote the overall development of the long-term 此外,《机动车驾驶证申领和使用规定》第三十七条规定:机动车驾驶人应当于机动车驾驶证有效期满前90日内,向机动车驾驶证核发地车辆管理所申请换证。第四十四条规定:驾驶人具有下列情形之一的,车辆管理所应当注销其机动车驾驶证:(五)超过机动车驾驶证有效期一年以上未换证的。所以,如果在驾驶证到期后一年内都没有申请换发,那么车辆管理所将注销其驾驶证,这时再驾驶机动车就属于“无证驾驶”了。 律师李声扩告诉记者,驾驶证刚过期,此时发生车祸事故,若事后驾驶员成功申请换发了驾驶证,并且事故发生时间在新的驾驶证有效期内,此时驾驶员不属于“无照驾驶”。 此外,若发生交通事故,交警是否会因为“驾驶证过期”而判定驾驶员负有更多责任,对此,昆明市交警支队的答复是:交通事故责任的认定,是根据交通事故当事人的行为对发生交通事故所起的作用以及过错的严重程度,来确定当事人的责任。例如一个所持机动车驾驶证超过有效期的驾驶人驾驶车辆被其他车辆追尾相撞,交警不可能以其所持机动车驾驶证超过有效期为由判定其负责任。 保险公司:是否拒保,众说纷纭 记者就“驾照刚过期,此时发生车祸保险公司是否拒保”走访了多家保险公司,但大多数保险公司工作人员对这个问题避而不谈。 在接受采访的11名保险公司工作人员中,超过半数的人明确示:“驾照刚过期,此时发生车祸,有权拒保。”人保的人工服务热线就明确答复记者:当驾驶证或行驶证过期时,人保将认定驾驶员为“无照驾驶”,并根据合同中的相应条款拒绝赔付。 有两家合资品牌4S店的驻点保险员告诉记者,若驾驶证刚过期,车主发生了车祸,若还未向交警报案,则还有可能获得赔付。因为消费者可以先让保险公司定损,定损后再申请更换新驾照,然后拿着新的驾照找保险公司理赔。若车祸事故发生当时就已向交警报案,那么保险公司会以“驾照过期”为理由拒赔。 平安保险一位不愿透露姓名的保险员表示,之前并未遇到类似的情况,若真发生类似事件,要依据交管部门的判罚,才能确定赔付情况。在记者采访的过程中,人保、中保、太平洋保险(601601,股吧)等保险公司均表示,暂未遇见类似案例。 律师:保险公司不得以“驾照过期”为由拒绝赔付 律师李声扩告诉记者,类似北京怀柔区卢某的这种案件,左右法庭判决的两大关键点是:首先,驾驶证未年审是否等同于“无证驾驶”,其次,驾驶证行政主管部门办理年审换证时确定的驾驶证有效期起始日期。 regulations" are strictly implemented, work style and work style of cadres to further change, the party do The group further close relation, further establish the safety supervision cadres for the people, pragmatic and honest good image. The long-term goal: rectification with good work style, solid work measures, carry out supervision and administration of production safety work, ensure the production safety situation continues steady improvement, to achieve a fundamental improvement goal, to provide safe production platform for security the county's economic and social development. (two) the specific path: rectification can be generally divided into three stages: 1, carry out the look back, make improvement plan stage (before August 30, 2014). The main tasks are: in accordance with the "six" requirement, earnestly back board leadership " See "work, timely leak turnover, and lay a solid foundation of the implementation of the rectification; Party members take the lead in developing the" look back ", further modify personal control.Check material, focus on revealing problems more thick, more profound thoughts touched some corrective measures to some more "efforts, and to participate as an ordinary party where the branch will be the topic of organizational life. On this basis, focus against the four winds, formulate and improve the team and the implementation of the rectification program personal corrective measures, focusing on the rectification mountain of the sea, not sent, seek practical results, the implementation of the work such as lack of formalism, divorced from reality and the masses of bureaucratism, Jingshenbuzhen, enterprising consciousness weakened, pay attention to row field hedonism, extravagance and waste, Gongjusiyong and other wasteful problems. 2, set In the renovation, the jianzhanglizhi stage (before September 20, 2014). The main tasks are: to continue to solidify and deepen the bianzhengbiangai achievements; focus on outstanding issues special rectification campaign, especially to seize the public funds, extravagance and waste, the door hard, ugly face, something difficult; accepting native Chinese Lunar New Year so most people dislike, reflect the most intense, strong forward, create momentum, to achieve a breakthrough; on the basis of the national policies and regulations, establish and perfect the system construction plan and implement, mature one, the introduction of a. 3, to deepen the rectification, strengthen the promotion stage (late September 2014). The main task is the following: Continue to deepen the rectification work, promote the overall development of the long-term 换领驾驶证有效期是按原来驾驶证有效期对应录入,初次领证日期与换证日期不会改变。也就是说,假设车主的驾驶证6月1日到期,如果符合申请换证的条件,那么新驾驶证的有效期是自6月2日开始。 因此,如果出现驾驶证6月1日到期,车主6月8日肇事,之后6月11日到车管所更换了驾驶证,新的驾驶证上的有效日期从6月2日开始这样的情况:虽然法律规定超过许可期限不允许驾驶机动车,但是,驾驶人申请换发已采取了补救,使其驾驶资格变为有效状态,车主6月8日的肇事就不算“无证驾驶”。 李声扩表示,保险公司无权判定驾驶员是否属于“无证驾驶”。驾驶人的驾驶资格,是由相关国家机关对驾驶者人作出的行政许可行为,保险公司不具有作出该行政行为的主体资格。因此,驾驶员是否“无证驾驶”,要依据相关法律法规,以及交管部门的判定。 所以,若在驾驶证过期后出现事故,驾驶员能成功申请换发驾驶证,则保险公司不能根据保险合同中“"无证驾驶"免赔”的条款拒绝赔付。 转律师答疑:驾驶证超过有效期不等于无证驾驶 2011-11-19 23:25:58 刘某与某保险公司保险合同一案,法院受理后公开开庭进行了审理。 刘某诉称,2010年8月1日,原告刘某驾驶轿车与钟某驾驶的电动车相撞,致钟某及电动车乘坐人王某受伤,王某经抢救无效死亡。经交巡警部门认定,刘某与钟某负事故的同等责任,死者王某不负责任。后经交警部门调解,刘某赔偿受害人王某近亲属各项损失计222212.88元,已支付183697.38。刘某驾驶的肇事车辆在某保险公司处投保了交强险,该事故受害人王某近亲属提起诉讼要求某保险公司在交强险责任限额内支付40000元,该诉讼经另案判决某保险公司在交强险范围内支付事故受害人38515.5。 后刘某就交强险限额的余款81484.5元向某保险公司理赔,某保险公司不同意承担理赔责任,刘某遂提起现诉讼,请求法院判令某保险公司在交强险范围内立即给付保险赔偿金81484.5元。 regulations" are strictly implemented, work style and work style of cadres to further change, the party do The group further close relation, further establish the safety supervision cadres for the people, pragmatic and honest good image. The long-term goal: rectification with good work style, solid work measures, carry out supervision and administration of production safety work, ensure the production safety situation continues steady improvement, to achieve a fundamental improvement goal, to provide safe production platform for security the county's economic and social development. (two) the specific path: rectification can be generally divided into three stages: 1, carry out the look back, make improvement plan stage (before August 30, 2014). The main tasks are: in accordance with the "six" requirement, earnestly back board leadership " See "work, timely leak turnover, and lay a solid foundation of the implementation of the rectification; Party members take the lead in developing the" look back ", further modify personal control.Check material, focus on revealing problems more thick, more profound thoughts touched some corrective measures to some more "efforts, and to participate as an ordinary party where the branch will be the topic of organizational life. On this basis, focus against the four winds, formulate and improve the team and the implementation of the rectification program personal corrective measures, focusing on the rectification mountain of the sea, not sent, seek practical results, the implementation of the work such as lack of formalism, divorced from reality and the masses of bureaucratism, Jingshenbuzhen, enterprising consciousness weakened, pay attention to row field hedonism, extravagance and waste, Gongjusiyong and other wasteful problems. 2, set In the renovation, the jianzhanglizhi stage (before September 20, 2014). The main tasks are: to continue to solidify and deepen the bianzhengbiangai achievements; focus on outstanding issues special rectification campaign, especially to seize the public funds, extravagance and waste, the door hard, ugly face, something difficult; accepting native Chinese Lunar New Year so most people dislike, reflect the most intense, strong forward, create momentum, to achieve a breakthrough; on the basis of the national policies and regulations, establish and perfect the system construction plan and implement, mature one, the introduction of a. 3, to deepen the rectification, strengthen the promotion stage (late September 2014). The main task is the following: Continue to deepen the rectification work, promote the overall development of the long-term 某保险公司辩称,对肇事车辆在其公司投保交强险无异议,但刘某持有的驾驶证在发生交通事故时已过期,应属于无合法有效驾驶证的情形,按照交强险条款,保险公司不承担理赔责任,请求法院判决驳回刘某的诉讼请求。 经审理查明,2009年10月20日,刘某驾驶的肇事车辆在某保险公司处投保交强险1份,保单中责任限额约定:死亡伤残赔偿限额110000元、医疗费用赔偿限额10000元、财产损失赔偿限额2000元;保险期间自 2009年10月20日零时起至2010年10月20日24时止。 另查明,刘某于1997年9月2日初始领取机动车驾驶证,发生该起交通事故时持有的驾驶证有效期为2003年8月26日至2009年8月26日,刘某应于2009年8月26日前到公安部门换证。但刘某未换证。 该案,就保险公司是否该理赔发生争议。 法院审理认为,刘某所驾驶的肇事车辆在某保险公司投保了交强险,双方签订的保险合同系双方当事人的真实意思表示,且不违反法律、行政法规的强制性规定,应确认合法有效。该车在保险期限内发生保险事故后,某保险公司应按合同约定承担赔偿责任。 某保险公司辩称的,刘某未按期换证驾驶机动车辆,属无证驾驶,于法无据。 “无证驾驶”是指驾驶人从来都没有取得过驾驶资格和取得后被注销两种情况,也就是说,在取得驾驶证后到被注销前的这段时间,都不属于无证驾驶。所以,如果在年检到期后到被注销前的这段时间发生交通事故,保险公司也应按保险合同的约定进行理赔。 驾驶员只要通过了公安机关车辆管理部门组织的驾驶证资格考试,便具有了驾驶资格,只要未被依法取消驾照,就一直具有合法的驾驶资格。机动车驾驶证审验换证属于行政管理范畴,驾驶证过期未按期换证应由交管部门依法进行处理,道路交通安全法只规定:未随车携带驾驶证、未取得机动车驾驶证、机动车驾驶证被吊销或者机动车驾驶证被暂扣的期间驾驶机动车的,可以依照本法给予处罚。 《中华人民共和国机动车驾驶证管理办法》规定:持证人未申请并超过有效期换证的,依法处罚后予以换证。也就是说,公安交管部门处罚后仍可办理换证手续。在其证件被吊销前不视其为无驾驶资格。驾驶证过期未年审或未按期换证的,超过一年才会被吊销。 而本案刘某的驾驶证应在2009年8月26日前换证,发生交通事故的时间为2010年8月1日,刘某所持驾照在有效期内,尽管超过了年审日期,但逾期尚不足一年,未被吊销,仍然合法有效,因此不是无证驾驶。 regulations" are strictly implemented, work style and work style of cadres to further change, the party do The group further close relation, further establish the safety supervision cadres for the people, pragmatic and honest good image. The long-term goal: rectification with good work style, solid work measures, carry out supervision and administration of production safety work, ensure the production safety situation continues steady improvement, to achieve a fundamental improvement goal, to provide safe production platform for security the county's economic and social development. (two) the specific path: rectification can be generally divided into three stages: 1, carry out the look back, make improvement plan stage (before August 30, 2014). The main tasks are: in accordance with the "six" requirement, earnestly back board leadership " See "work, timely leak turnover, and lay a solid foundation of the implementation of the rectification; Party members take the lead in developing the" look back ", further modify personal control.Check material, focus on revealing problems more thick, more profound thoughts touched some corrective measures to some more "efforts, and to participate as an ordinary party where the branch will be the topic of organizational life. On this basis, focus against the four winds, formulate and improve the team and the implementation of the rectification program personal corrective measures, focusing on the rectification mountain of the sea, not sent, seek practical results, the implementation of the work such as lack of formalism, divorced from reality and the masses of bureaucratism, Jingshenbuzhen, enterprising consciousness weakened, pay attention to row field hedonism, extravagance and waste, Gongjusiyong and other wasteful problems. 2, set In the renovation, the jianzhanglizhi stage (before September 20, 2014). The main tasks are: to continue to solidify and deepen the bianzhengbiangai achievements; focus on outstanding issues special rectification campaign, especially to seize the public funds, extravagance and waste, the door hard, ugly face, something difficult; accepting native Chinese Lunar New Year so most people dislike, reflect the most intense, strong forward, create momentum, to achieve a breakthrough; on the basis of the national policies and regulations, establish and perfect the system construction plan and implement, mature one, the introduction of a. 3, to deepen the rectification, strengthen the promotion stage (late September 2014). The main task is the following: Continue to deepen the rectification work, promote the overall development of the long-term 显然,某保险公司以“肇事司机的驾驶证超过有效期即为无证驾驶”为由拒绝给予理赔, 是没有法律依据的,故其辩称,法院不予采信。 据此,依照《中华人民共和国保险法》第二十三条和《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》第 一百二十八条的规定,判决:某保险公司给付刘某保险赔偿金81484.5元,于判决生效后十 日内付清。 regulations" are strictly implemented, work style and work style of cadres to further change, the party do The group further close relation, further establish the safety supervision cadres for the people, pragmatic and honest good image. The long-term goal: rectification with good work style, solid work measures, carry out supervision and administration of production safety work, ensure the production safety situation continues steady improvement, to achieve a fundamental improvement goal, to provide safe production platform for security the county's economic and social development. (two) the specific path: rectification can be generally divided into three stages: 1, carry out the look back, make improvement plan stage (before August 30, 2014). The main tasks are: in accordance with the "six" requirement, earnestly back board leadership " See "work, timely leak turnover, and lay a solid foundation of the implementation of the rectification; Party members take the lead in developing the" look back ", further modify personal control.Check material, focus on revealing problems more thick, more profound thoughts touched some corrective measures to some more "efforts, and to participate as an ordinary party where the branch will be the topic of organizational life. On this basis, focus against the four winds, formulate and improve the team and the implementation of the rectification program personal corrective measures, focusing on the rectification mountain of the sea, not sent, seek practical results, the implementation of the work such as lack of formalism, divorced from reality and the masses of bureaucratism, Jingshenbuzhen, enterprising consciousness weakened, pay attention to row field hedonism, extravagance and waste, Gongjusiyong and other wasteful problems. 2, set In the renovation, the jianzhanglizhi stage (before September 20, 2014). The main tasks are: to continue to solidify and deepen the bianzhengbiangai achievements; focus on outstanding issues special rectification campaign, especially to seize the public funds, extravagance and waste, the door hard, ugly face, something difficult; accepting native Chinese Lunar New Year so most people dislike, reflect the most intense, strong forward, create momentum, to achieve a breakthrough; on the basis of the national policies and regulations, establish and perfect the system construction plan and implement, mature one, the introduction of a. 3, to deepen the rectification, strengthen the promotion stage (late September 2014). The main task is the following: Continue to deepen the rectification work, promote the overall development of the long-term
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