
乳房最“大器晚成” 乳腺癌高发并呈上升趋势

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乳房最“大器晚成” 乳腺癌高发并呈上升趋势乳房最“大器晚成” 乳腺癌高发并呈上升趋势 乳房是女性独一无二的器官,也是最充满女性魅力的器官,它的存在加深了母亲和孩子之间的连接,母乳富含婴儿成长所需的各种物质,但它在带来诸多益处的同时,自身却饱受伤害,它是最易被毒素、化学物质侵害的部位,乳腺疾病也不时会困扰女性,爱护女性,爱护身体健康,我们就更应该关爱乳房的健康。   人类乳房是独一无二的   不同于这个星球上的其他任何一个物种,人类是哺乳动物当中唯一的,乳房会在青春期发育,并且在增大后能够一直保持的。其他灵长类雌性动物则只有在必要时,譬如哺乳期,乳腺才会生长,并且在断奶...
乳房最“大器晚成” 乳腺癌高发并呈上升趋势
乳房最“大器晚成” 乳腺癌高发并呈上升趋势 乳房是女性独一无二的器官,也是最充满女性魅力的器官,它的存在加深了母亲和孩子之间的连接,母乳富含婴儿成长所需的各种物质,但它在带来诸多益处的同时,自身却饱受伤害,它是最易被毒素、化学物质侵害的部位,乳腺疾病也不时会困扰女性,爱护女性,爱护身体健康,我们就更应该关爱乳房的健康。   人类乳房是独一无二的   不同于这个星球上的其他任何一个物种,人类是哺乳动物当中唯一的,乳房会在青春期发育,并且在增大后能够一直保持的。其他灵长类雌性动物则只有在必要时,譬如哺乳期,乳腺才会生长,并且在断奶后就会缩减。《乳房的自然与非自然史》①的作者弗洛伦斯·威廉姆斯(Florence Williams)说,“无论我们的生殖状态怎样,肉和脂肪都会被留下来。”   乳房最是“大器晚成”   与我们的其他器官相比,乳房无疑是最大器晚成的,它是我们身体内最后生长的器官。和脑、肝脏等其他器官不同,乳房并不是在出生时就决定了其构造,而是在出生后才会自主生长。“它们在青春期全力生长,从无到有”威廉姆斯说,“即使一个女人从不曾怀孕,她的乳房也会一点点的生出。”在月经周期的过程中,由于水分滞留和细胞生长,乳房体积大小会相差13.6%。乳房的平均重量在一磅左右,但在妊娠晚期则是这个重量的2倍。 两侧乳房不尽相同   也许,你正在为两侧乳房不能同时刚刚好的填满你的比基尼而暗自沮丧,没关系,威廉姆斯发现,一侧乳房通常比另一侧乳房大,重量约为39.7毫升,差不多1/5杯水的重量。这就像我们不能期望,有两只脚、两只耳朵和两个膝盖,是完全相同的。   建立更高层次的沟通   史密森学会研究员奥弗泰德尔博士,告诉威廉姆斯,因为乳房让母亲和子女在哺乳期更加贴近,会衍生出更高层次的思维,包括语言和学习。也有科学家认为,人类乳房的形状影响了婴幼儿的味觉和口腔运动技能,从而促进了我们语言能力的形成。   可能导致男性退步   研究明,男性在观看妇女图像后的认知能力测试表现不佳,因为他们对图片的印象往往“头重脚轻”。乔治亚州格威内特学院的神经学家史蒂芬·普拉特克,在这方面进行了实验,他认为,女性画面会让男性无法集中精神,不能专注于其他任务。   注①:弗洛伦斯·威廉姆斯所著《乳房的自然与非自然史》,是《纽约时报》2012年最佳科普图。   是什么让乳房丰满   很多人认为,与更多的健壮男性结合,可以让女性更加丰满。但威廉姆斯指出,这个推测存在更多的问题,譬如,为什么妇女在怀孕和哺乳期乳房才最丰盈、结实?在采访中,她获知了另一种假设:乳房的丰满是通过自然选择进化而来,因为没有什么比乳房更能提高女性的吸引力。   威廉姆斯则认为:“我们在青春期和产后通常会更胖,更多的脂肪生成雌激素,而雌激素则能让乳房丰满。”根据这一理论,乳房仅仅是“脂肪沉积的副产品”,而脂肪是人类生存的关键。   很难证明到底哪个说法更正确,威廉姆斯说,因为乳房的软组织没有留下任何化石记录。 乳房发育年轻化   青春期女孩乳房发育,比过去几代人平均快了整整一年,威廉姆斯说。这或许是由于肥胖人群的上升,不过并非全部原因,“乳房发育年轻化,在瘦女孩中也很常见,”她说。   在食品和个人产品中,存在类雌激素的化学物质,乳癌基金会建议避免使用BPA(塑料添加剂衬里的罐子)和可能含防腐剂、灭菌剂的美容产品。   母乳是自然界的恩赐   人类母乳无疑是自然界最完美的食物,其中富含婴儿成长所需的维生素、矿物质、蛋白质和脂肪,还有益生菌等其他物质,可以提高免疫力抗体,防止沙门氏菌和大肠杆菌感染,以及预防糖尿病和癌症。它还含有内源性大麻素,可以帮助婴儿冷静下来,避免暴饮暴食。   母乳喂养并非全然无害   一个残酷的现实,乳房中有益的脂肪组织,也会像海绵一样吸收污染物。   现代生活,让乳房成为潜在的有毒化学品存储器,如阻燃剂、农药、多氯联苯、汞、铅、火箭燃料、汽油的副产品、杀真菌剂等等化学元素,都可能污染乳汁。高脂,高蛋白质含量的牛奶,也吸收了重金属和其他污染物,哺乳期妇女可能通过哺乳把这些有毒物质传递给婴儿。虽然,这并不足以抵消母乳喂养的更多好处。   美国国家科学院建议所有女性,应减少暴露在汽油烟雾、汽车尾气和香烟烟雾中。   乳腺癌高发并呈上升趋势   2008年,有超过130万名妇女被确诊为乳腺癌,而这个数字到2020年预计将增加26%。   威廉姆斯认为,有三个原因导致乳腺癌高发:作为最富有活力的器官,乳房不断产生新细胞;乳房的脂肪组织无疑是工业化学品的避风港;乳房充满了激素受体和激素,可以养活癌细胞。   “肿瘤生长也是因为雌激素和黄体酮的存在”,威廉姆斯补充说,应最大限度地减少环境风险,加强运动,限制吸烟和饮酒,并避免不必要的辐射。 Breast most "late bloomer" high incidence of breast cancer and an upward trend The breast is a unique female organs, female organ is the most full of charm, its existence has deepened the connection between mother and child, breast milk is rich in various substances needed for infant growth, but it brings many benefits at the same time, itself has suffered damage, it is the most vulnerable to toxic chemicals against the site, will be troubled when breast disease nor female, female care, health care, the more we should care for breast health. Human breast is unique Unlike any other species on this planet, humans are unique among mammals, breasts in puberty, and then increases have been able to maintain. Other primates female animals only when necessary, such as lactation, breast will grow, and will reduce after weaning. "Natural and Unnatural History of the breast" ① the author Florence Williams (Florence Williams) said, "No matter how our reproductive status, meat and fat will be left behind." Breast is best "late bloomer" www.cdfrog.cn  www.biggdata.org  www.novemgroup.cn  www.cai-shen.cn Compared with our other organs, breast is undoubtedly the most late bloomer, it is within our body finally grow organs. And brain, liver, other organs different, not breasts at birth determines its structure, but will be autonomous growth after birth. "They grow best in adolescence, from scratch," Williams said. "Even if a woman never pregnant, her breasts would give birth to a little." In the process of the menstrual cycle, due to water retention and cell growth, The size difference between breast volume by 13.6%. The average weight of the breasts in a pound or so, but in the third trimester of pregnancy is twice that weight. www.chinapve.org  www.stcsc.org  www.0898hqvip.org  www.lexinyiyuan.org  www.99ytx.cn  www.ediyhome.org Both breasts are not the same  Perhaps, you're just as good on both sides of the breast can not fill your bikini while secretly depressed, okay, Williams found that the breast side than the other side of the breast is usually large, weighing about 39.7 ml, almost 1/5 glasses of water weight. It's like we can not expect to have two legs, two ears and two knees, are identical. Establishment of a higher level of communication Smithsonian Institution researcher Dr. 奥弗泰德尔, told Williams, because breast mothers and children closer in lactation, will rise to a higher level of thinking, including language and learning. Some scientists believe that the human breast shape on the infant's sense of taste and oral motor skills, thereby promoting the formation of our language skills. Men may cause deterioration Research shows that men poor performance in cognitive tests after viewing images of women, because their impression of the picture often "top-heavy." Neurologist Georgia Gwinnett College Stephen Platek, conducted experiments in this regard, he believes that women will make men unable to concentrate the screen, you can not focus on other tasks. Note ①: Florence Williams book "Natural and Unnatural History of the breast" and "New York Times" best popular science books in 2012. What makes breasts  www.chinapve.org  www.stcsc.org  www.0898hqvip.org  www.lexinyiyuan.org  www.99ytx.cn  www.ediyhome.org Many people think that men with more robust combination, can make women more plump. But Williams pointed out that the existence of this speculation more problems, for example, why women are most abundance during pregnancy and lactation breast, solid? In the interview, she was informed that another hypothesis: plump breasts evolved through natural selection, because there is nothing better than to improve the attractiveness of women's breasts. Williams said: "We usually more fat during puberty and postpartum, more fat to generate estrogen, and estrogen is to make breasts." According to this theory, the breast only "fat deposition byproduct" And fat is the key to human survival. Difficult to prove in the end to say which is more correct, Williams said, because the soft tissue of the breast leaving no fossil record. Younger breast development Adolescent girls breast development, faster than the average of past generations for a whole year, Williams said. This may be due to the rise in obesity, but not all of the reasons, "gynecomastia young, skinny girls are also in common," she said. In the food and personal care products, there are estrogenic chemicals Breast Cancer Foundation recommends avoiding the use of BPA (plastic additives lined cans) and may contain preservatives, sterilizing agents in cosmetic products. Breast milk is nature's gift Human breast milk is undoubtedly the most perfect food in nature, which is rich in infant growth needed vitamins, minerals, protein and fat, as well as probiotics, and other substances that can improve the immune system antibodies to prevent salmonella and E. coli infections, and prevention diabetes and cancer. It also contains endocannabinoids, can help the baby to calm down and avoid overeating. Breastfeeding is not entirely harmless A harsh reality, beneficial fatty tissue of the breast, will be like a sponge to absorb pollutants. Modern life, the breast becomes potentially toxic chemicals memory, such as flame retardants, pesticides, PCBs, mercury, lead, rocket fuel, gasoline byproducts, fungicides and other chemical elements, are likely contaminated milk. High-fat, high protein content of milk, also absorbed heavy metals and other pollutants, lactating women may pass through breast-feeding a baby these toxic substances. Although, it is not enough to offset the additional benefits of breastfeeding. US National Academy of Sciences recommends that all women should reduce exposure to gasoline fumes, car exhaust and cigarette smoke. And the high incidence of breast cancer is rising In 2008, more than 1.3 million women are diagnosed with breast cancer, and this figure is expected to increase in 2020 by 26%. Williams believes that there are three reasons for the high incidence of breast cancer: as the most dynamic organ, the breast continue to produce new cells; breast adipose tissue is undoubtedly a haven of industrial chemicals; breast full of hormone receptors and hormones, can feed cancer cells. "Tumor growth but also because of the presence of estrogen and progesterone," Williams said, adding that should minimize environmental risk, increase physical activity, restrictions on smoking and drinking, and to avoid unnecessary radiation.
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