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穿普拉达的女魔头场景摘选剧本穿普拉达的女魔头场景摘选剧本 -one Yeah. Well, listen, I'll call you later. -Okay. -是啊, 我呆会儿再打给你 -好 -[Line Clicks, Phone Rings] -Hello. -你好 I'm brilliant. No, really. 我是天才,真的 Monuments should be erected in my honor. -You didn't. -该为我立纪念碑 -不会吧 Oh, yes. A friend of a friend does...
穿普拉达的女魔头场景摘选 -one Yeah. Well, listen, I'll call you later. -Okay. -是啊, 我呆会儿再打给你 -好 -[Line Clicks, Phone Rings] -Hello. -你好 I'm brilliant. No, really. 我是天才,真的 Monuments should be erected in my honor. -You didn't. -该为我立纪念碑 -不会吧 Oh, yes. A friend of a friend does the cover art„ 是的, 一个朋友的朋友做封面设计 and she happens to have the manuscript. 她碰巧有那份手稿 Oh, no, 'cause that would mean that I actually did something right. 哦,不, 那意味着我还是做对了一件事了 [Chuckles] It's just„ Oh! 这真是~~~哦~ The thing is, Christian, I was just„ 问题是,克里斯丁, 我只是~~~ Look, you want this thing , you better hurry. I'll meet you at the St. Regis. 你还想要那东西的话就快点 去圣理杰斯见我 -Excuse me. -[Horn Honks] -借过 -Welcome to the St. Regis. May I assist you with anything? -Oh. Yes. -欢迎来到升理杰斯。 能为您服务吗, -哦,是的 -Uh, I'm meeting someone at the King Cole Bar. -Right this way. -我在科尔国王酒吧约了朋友 -这边请 Hi. 嗨 -You have one hour. -Thank you. -你还有一个小时 -谢谢 One copy. What are my twins gonna do with that? Share? 一份手稿 双胞胎该怎么办? 一起看, Oh, no, I made two copies„ 哦,不,我已经做了2份 and had them covered, reset and bound so that they wouldn't look like manuscripts. 装订好了,再做了封面,那样看起来就不像手稿了 This is an extra copy to have on file. You know, just in case. 这是备份拷贝, 以防万一 Well, where are these fabulous copies?I don't see them anywhere. 那些装订好的拷贝呢, 我怎么没看到, [Whistle Blows] [Andy] They're with the twins, on the train on the way to Grandma's. 双胞胎已经在去外婆家的火车上开始看了 Is there anything else I can do for you? 还有什么需要我做的吗, Mm-mmm. That's all. 就这些吧 Okay. 好的 Two [Miranda] Andrea? 安吉丽雅, -Do you have the Book? -Oh. Uh„ -你把书带了吗, 哦, Mm. Paris is the most important week of my entire year. 巴黎是我每年最重要的一周 I need the best possible team with me. 我需要带一个最精英的团队去 That no longer includes Emily. 那已经不包括艾米莉了 Wait. You want me to„ 等等,你要我去~~ No, Miranda. 不,马琳达 [Exhales] Emily would die. 艾米莉会死的 Her whole life is about Paris. 她全部的生活都是围绕着巴黎 She hasn't eaten in weeks. L-I can't„ do that. 为这她已经好几个星期都没吃东西了。我不能~~~这样做 Miranda, I can't. 马琳达,我不能去 If you don't go, I'll assume you're not serious about your future„ 如果你不去, 我会认为,你并不重视你的将来 at Runway or any other publication. 不管是在《天桥》还是其他出版 yours. 你自己决定 That's all. 就这样 社 The decisiors [Woman Singing] [Laughing] [Continues] -[Continues] -Hey, Andy. -嘿,安迪 -Hey. -You coming to bed anytime soon? -嘿 -你什么时候谁啊, Uh, yeah. Five minutes, okay? 再过五分钟,好吗, [Ends] [Fax Printing] [Clears Throat] Andrea, don't forget to tell Emily. 安吉丽雅, 别忘告诉艾米莉 Do it now. 现在就说 -[Line Ringing] -Don't pick up. -别接电话 -Don't pick up. Don't pick up. Don't pick„ -Hi. -别接电话,别接电话 ~~~ -嗨 -Emily. -Hi, hi. Sorry I'm late. -艾米莉 –嗨,嗨,抱歉我迟到了 It's just Miranda wanted some scarves from Hermes. 马琳达让我去爱马仕拿丝巾 And she did tell me yesterday, but I forgot like an idiot. 她昨天告诉我的,可我糊里糊涂的给忘了 And so I freaked out, of course. 所以我现在要疯了 Emily, Emily, l-I need to talk to you. 艾米莉,艾米莉 ,我有事要告诉你 I called Martine at home, and she opened the shop early. Whoa! I'm sorry. 我打电话去马丁家, 让她提前开店了, 对不起 She opened the shop early for me, so I got them, which is great. 她替我开了店门, 然后我拿到了丝巾,非常顺利 Okay. Um, Emily, wh-when you come in„ 好的, 艾米莉, 等你回来了~~~ there's something I have to talk to you about. 我有点事想告诉你 -Well, I hope it's not another Miranda problem. -Not exactly. -但愿别是马琳达的问题 -不完全是 Well, good, because I've got so much to deal with before I go. I swear to God„ 那就好,我走之前要忙的事太多了, 我发誓 -[Gasps] -[Horn Honks, Tires Skid] -[Clamoring] -[Woman] Oh, my God! 哦,天哪 Emily? 艾米莉, [Woman On P.A., Indistinct] [Elevator Bell Dings] I don't care if she was gonna fire you or beat you with a red-hot poker! 我不管她是威胁你要炒你鱿鱼, 还是拿鞭子抽你~ You should have said no. 你应该说不的~ 我没有选择 Emily, I didn't have a choice. 艾米莉, -Oh. Please. -You know how she is. -拜托 -你知道她那个人 -That is a pathetic excuse. -[Door Opens] -这算什么破借口, Thanks. 谢谢 Do you know what really just„ 你知道整件事里~~ gets me about this whole thing„ 什么最让我生气吗, is that, you know, you're the one who said you don't really care about this stuff. 你一直口口声声说,你一点也不在乎这些东西 And you don't really care about fashion. You just wanna be a journalist. 你一嗲也不在乎时尚, 你只想当个记者 What a pile of bollocks! 全都是胡说八道 Emily, I know you're mad. I don't blame you. 艾米莉,我知道你很生气, 我不怪你 Face it, you sold your soul the day you put on that first pair ofJimmy Choo's. 你就承认吧,自打你穿上那双吉米周的鞋,你的灵魂机已经被卖掉了 I saw it. And you know what really just kills me about this whole thing„ 我看到了,还有,你知道整件事最让我心痛的是什么吗, is the clothes that you're gonna get. 是你将得到的那些衣服 I mean, you don't deserve them. 你根本不该拥有它们 You eat carbs, for Christ's sake. 你什么都吃, 看在上帝的份上 God, it's so unfair! 天哪,这不公平 -Emily. -Just go. -艾米莉 –滚 -Emily, I„ -I said go! -艾米莉 我~~-我说滚~ Three Lily. 莉莉 Lily, he's just a guy I know from work. 莉莉,他不过是我工作时认识的人 -Yeah, that looked like work. -Look, you're making a big deal out of„ -是,那样子也叫工作 -听着,你有点小题撒做~~~ You know, the Andy I know is madly in love with Nate „ 知道吗,我认识的安迪,是一个疯狂爱着内特~~~ is always five minutes early„ 约会从不迟到~~~ and thinks, I don't know, Club Monaco is couture. 只在,我不知道, 微风连锁店卖休闲服的女孩 For the last 16 years, I've known everything about that Andy. 过去的16年里, 我知道关于安迪的点点滴滴 But this person? This "glamazon" who skulks around in corners„ 可这个人, 这个随便钓上的某个时髦帅哥 with some random hot fashion guy? 偷偷摸摸的美女 I don't get her. 我不认识她 -Lily. -Have fun in Paris. -莉莉 -在巴黎玩得开心 You going to Paris? 你要去巴黎, Uh, yeah. It just happened. 是的, 机缘巧合 I thought Paris was a big deal for Emily or„ 去巴黎这种大事不是艾米莉或者~~~ Great. Now you're gonna give me a hard time too? 真好, 心在你也要来个我难堪吗, Hey, Andy. Andy! 嘿,安迪, 安迪~ -Andy, what the hell is wrong with you? -L-I didn't have a choice, okay? -安迪,你究竟是怎么回事了, -我,我没的选,好吗, -Miranda asked me, and I couldn't say no. -I know. -马琳达要求的事,我不可以说不 -我知道 That's your answer for everything lately, "I didn't have a choice." 最近你的口头禅就是这句 “我没的选” -Like this job was forced on you. -Nate, I get it, okay? -说得好像是 don't make these decisions yours别人逼你干这份工作似的 -内特,我明白了,好吗, Like youelf. 好像这些距地你都不是你自己做的 You're mad because I work late all the time and I missed your birthday party. 你生气是因为我老是加班,我还误了你的生日会 -And I'm sorry. -Oh, come on. What am I, four? -我很抱歉~ -拜托,你当我是四岁小孩吗, You„ You hate Runway and Miranda. 你~~~~你恨天桥 和马琳达 And you think fashion is stupid. You've made that clear. 你认为时尚是毫无争议, 你已经说得很清楚了 Andy, I make port wine reductions all day. 安迪,我每天在餐馆里忙忙碌碌 I'm not exactly in the Peace Corps. 我也不是什么美国和平队 You know, I wouldn't care if you were out there pole dancing all night„ 你知道,我不会介意,哪怕你在外面跳舞跳通宵 as long as you did it with a little integrity. 只要你的心依然能清澈诚实 You used to say this was just a job. 你以前说过,这不过是份工作 You used to make fun of the Runway girls. 你以前会取笑杂志社那些女孩 What happened?Now you've become one of them. 发生了些什么,你现在已经变得和她们一样 -That's absurd. -That's okay. That's fine. Just own up to it. -你胡说些什么 -没关系,我不介意,你就承认吧 And then we can stop pretending like we have anything in common anymore. 我们也就不用再装得好像,我们还有什么共同点 -You don't mean that, do you? -No, I do. -你不是说真的吧,对吧, -不,是真的 Well„ maybe this trip is coming at a good time. 也许这次出差来得正是时候 Maybe we should take a break. 也许我们俩该分开一段时间 Nate? 内特, [Cell Phone Ringing] I'm sorry. Just„ one second? 对不起,就~~~等一下下, You know, in case you were wondering„ 你知道吗,也许你会觉得奇怪~~ the person whose calls you always take, that's the relationship you're in. 但能让你随时接电话的人,才是你真正在乎的人 I hope you two are very happy together. 祝你们俩在一起开心 Four You thought I didn't know. 你以为我不知道 I've known what was happening for quite some time. 我早先就知道他们在搞什么 Itjust took me a little while to find a suitable alternative forJacqueline. 不过是花了我一点时间,帮杰奎琳安排个其它合适的位子 And thatJames Holtjob was so absurdly overpaid„ 而那个詹姆斯?浩特主管的位子,绝对超过了她的期望~~~ that, of course, she jumped at it. 理所当然,她高兴得不行 So I just had to tell Irv thatJacqueline was unavailable. 这样我就告诉俄弗杰奎琳另有打算 The truth is, there is no one that can do what I do„ 事实上,没有人能干得像我一样~~~~ including her. 包括她 Any of the other choices would have found that job impossible„ 任何其他人选都无法胜任这项工作~~~~ and the magazine would have suffered. 杂志社自身也会受影响 [Sighs] Especially because of the list. 特别是当我拿出名单 The list of designers, photographers„ 拿出来一张设计师、摄影师 editors, writers, models, all of whom were found by me, nurtured by me„ 编辑、作家 、 模特等等,所有经我发掘、培养~~~~ and have promised me they will follow me„ 并答应即使我离开天桥~~~~~ whenever and if ever I choose to leave Runway. 也会和我共同进退的人的名单 [Chuckles] So he reconsidered. 于是他重新考虑了 But I was very, very impressed„ 但是,我还是非常,非常的感动~~~ by how intently you tried to warn me. 当你想方设法的试图警告我时~~~ I never thought I would say this, Andrea„ 我从没想过我会对你说这些, 安吉丽雅~~~~ but I really„ 我真的~~~~~ I see a great deal of myself in you. 在你身上看到很多与我相似的地方 You can see beyond what people want and what they need„ 你能看透别人的想法和需要~~~ and you can choose for yourself. 你会为自己做出选择 I don't think I'm like that. 我不觉得我像你 L„ 我~~I couldn't do what you did to Nigel, Miranda. 我不能想你那样对奈杰尔, 马琳达 I couldn't do something like that. 我不能做出那样的事 Mm. You already did. 你已经做了 To Emily. 对艾米莉 That's not what I„ 那不是我想~~~~ No, that was„ that was different. I didn't have a choice. 不,那是~~~~~ 那是不一样的, 我没的选 Oh, no, you chose. You chose to get ahead. 噢,不,你选了,你选择了替她上位 You want this life, those choices are necessary. 你想过这样的生活, 这些选择是必须的 But what if this isn't what I want? 但如果这不是我想要的呢, I mean, what if I don't wanna live the way you live? 我是说,如果我不想要过,你这样的生活呢, Don't be ridiculous, Andrea. Everybody wants this. 别傻了,安吉丽雅, 每一个人都想过这 想和我们一样 [Clamoring] 种生活 Everybody wants to be us. 每一个人都 [Woman Vocalizing] [Vocalizing Continues] [Cell Phone Ringing] [Vocalizing Continues] Five [Beeping] -[Phone Ringing] Miranda Priestly's office. 马琳达?皮斯利办公室 Hey, Emily, it's Andy. Don't hang up. I have a favor to ask you. 嘿,艾米莉,我是安迪, 别挂, 我想请你帮个小忙 You have a favor to ask of me? 你想请我帮个小忙, Yeah. The thing is, I have all these clothes from Paris„ 是啊,是这样的, 我这里有一些巴黎来的衣服~~~ and I don't have anyplace to wear them„ 我现在根本没机会穿~~~~ so I was wondering if you could take them off my hands. 所以我在想你可不可以,帮我处理这些衣服 Well, I don't know. It's a huge imposition. 这个,这不知道 这真有点强人所难 And I'll have to get them taken in. I mean, they'll drown me. 我还得把衣服拿去改小, 你那些大号衣服能淹死我 But I suppose I could help you out. I will have Roy pick them up this afternoon. 不过也许可以帮帮你,我会让罗伊下午过去拿 Thanks, Em. I appreciate it. Good luck. 谢谢, 感激不尽, 祝你好运 You have some very large shoes to fill. 你有堆大鞋穿了
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