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期末看不进去书的原因期末看不进去书的原因 期末看不进去书的原因+解决方案 原因: 一 SAD季节性情绪失调 二 心理逃避策略 三 解释形态 四 短期记忆饱和 原因一 SAD 季节性情绪失调 Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), also known as winter depression or winter blues, is a mood disorder in which people who have normal me...
期末看不进去的原因 期末看不进去书的原因+解决 原因: 一 SAD季节性情绪失调 二 心理逃避策略 三 解释形态 四 短期记忆饱和 原因一 SAD 季节性情绪失调 Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), also known as winter depression or winter blues, is a mood disorder in which people who have normal mental health throughout most of the year experience depressive symptoms in the winter or, less frequentl y, in the summer, spring or autumn, repeatedly, year after year. In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), SAD is not a unique mood disor der, but is "a specifier of major depression". The US National Library of Medicine notes that "some people experience a serious mood change when the seasons change. They may sleep too much, have little energy, and crave sweets and starchy foods. They may also feel depressed. Though symptoms can be severe, they usually clear up." The condition in the summer is often referred to as Reverse Seasonal Affective Disorder, and can also include heightened a nxiety. It has been estimated that 1.5-9% of adults in the US experience SAD. -based) seasonal affective disThere are many different treatments for classic (winter order, including light therapy with sunlight or bright lights, antidepressant medication, cognitive-behavioral therapy, ionized-air administration, and carefully timed suppleme ntation of the hormone melatonin. 情绪特征:忧郁、犯困、没精神、浑身无力 冇意思,插图比较烂,我大一PSY课本,16.8 Seasonal affective disorder and day length (A左) Percentage of patients with seasonal affective disorder who report being depressed in any given month. (B右) Mean minutes of daylight per month. (Rosenthal et al., 1984) Two possible reasons: 1. sleeping-waking cycle 2. pineal gland's secretion of the hormone melatonin (松果腺大爷分泌的松果体素) 据我粗略调查在冬季UofT大家平均起床时间是9:30(甚者11:00)。多伦多纬度43*40', 属于高纬度地区。大家考试FALL FINAL期间的日落是16:45,平均受光时间6.25小时(11 点起的就剩4.75小时让你鬼见光)。你一整天能见光的时间也就是那么可怜的6小时,你能 HIGH起来么。哥说:“我在图书馆学到24点,光照12+小时~” 我说那不得劲,有效感光 必须是全日光谱任何一个波段的全面光照,人造光光谱没有自然日光光谱广。另外,好消息, 你们学校为了保证你们皮肤光洁给图书馆落地窗玻璃镀上过滤膜,唯一能合成你求之若渴的 维生素D的紫外线也给滤掉了~曝光时间少了40%,松果腺分泌的松果体素被增加了一大 半,所以你就郁闷了。 解决方案 1、在日光较少的季节,有意识地抓住接触日光的机会。注意:目的不是“晒太阳”,而是通 过视网膜进行感光,切勿对着太阳傻看,漫反射日光足够了。 2、曝光疗法。每次半小时,每天一到两次,用一盏灯从正面(或偏侧面)照向自己的面部。 3、在阳光少的日子里,尽量模拟晴天的生活,多外出。 4、争取换一个能看到室外的办公地点。 5、做“反季节”的事,如室内慢跑游泳壁球羽毛球篮球,多做让自己出汗活动。北极圈国家 大部分都打冰球估计也是一种应对方式。 6、补充维生素D族。 原因二 心理逃避策略 Avoidance strategy/Avoidance response An avoidance response is a form of escape behavior present in animals in which th e subject evades an aversive event. This can be due to anxiety or a frightening situ ation. Avoidance responses are used in animal training and are the commonly expected response to behavioural modification using negative reinforcement. Common examples of avoidance responses in animal training are: , a horse submits to the bit (slowing or stopping) in order to avoid the press ure or pain that the bit causes in its mouth if it is jerked back. , a dog learns to walk quietly at a handler's side in order to avoid being chok ed by its leash. 简而言之,逃避的目的是避免冲突的发生。但实际情况是冲突迟早一定会发生,逃避的功效仅仅是推迟冲突发生时带来的创伤。比如说隔壁家张大爷的小孩发烧要打针,孩子死活都不愿意去,又哭又闹。最后没办法还被张大爷生生扛到社区诊所受屁屁打针。这孩子用的逃避策略和上述动物所用的策略本质是一样的,即:推迟冲突发生时候带来的创伤。那么由于考试时间的逼近,直面应付考试而赶集式的复习而带来的精神压力就是冲突所带来的创伤。于是学生的逃避策略就是“干脆先放松一下” ,结果就是“压抽屉策略”--不看不想。这样的结果只能是潜意识和显意识对抗。最后到考试逼近面前情况严重到状态彻底崩溃。这就是你们大家常见的MSN校内签名的凌晨2点突然爆发式的简短咒骂和发泄语句的来源。 解决方案 1. 避免最后突击的情况发生,提前做好任务分割和。(这基本上跟没说一样) 2. 和团队一起协作。团队的动态气氛可以有效调动你的积极性,压力也因为在此情况中不只你一个人而被稀释。 3. 遇到压力产生的时候,马上转换活动状态。推荐是去运动。因为聊天只能加重压力的恐惧感,而运动可以有效减压,并且提高睡眠质量,睡好白天精神好效率高,效率高状态就好。 原因三 解释形态 Global/Permanet explanatory style Explanatory style is a psychological attribute that indicates how people explain to themselves why they experience a particular event, either positive or negative. Psychologists have identified three components in explanatory style: , Personal. People experiencing events may see themselves as the cause; tha t is, they have internalised the cause for the event. Example: "I always forge t to make that turn" (internal) as opposed to "That turn can sure sneak up on you" (external). , This involves how one explains where the cause of an event arises. , Permanent. People may see the situation as unchangeable, e.g., "I always lose my keys" or "I never forget a face". , This involves how one explains the extent of the cause. , Pervasive. People may see the situation as affecting all aspects of life, e.g., "I can't do anything right" or "Everything I touch seems to turn to gold". , This involves how one explains the extent of the effects. People who generally tend to blame themselves for negative events, believe that such events will continue indefinitely, and let such events affect many aspects of their lives display what is called a pessimistic explanatory style. Conversely, people who generally tend to blame others for negative events, believe that such events will end soon, and do not let such events affect too many aspects of their lives display what is called an optimistic explanatory style. [1]Some research has linked a pessimistic explanatory style to depression and physica [2]l illness. The concept of explanatory style encompasses a wide range of possible re sponses to both positive and negative occurrences, rather than a black-white difference between optimism and pessimism. Also, an individual does not necessarily show a uniform explanatory style in all aspects of life, but may exhibit varying responses to different types of events. 上面这张图,你属于那种类型,说白了就是说你没时间准备考试的时候,干脆就不念了,因为这样可以给你自己一个交代(解释类型):不是因为我太笨(智力限制,低IQ则意味着你们高等学府的大学生们前途彻底完蛋),是因为我没花时间读书(解释类型:内部。最左分支下属的乐观类型),下次我提前好好努力就可以考高分(主观解决)。相对有人的解释类型是恒定型,要是再加上是悲观型,那就惨了,这种人最容易陷入绝望。不少人选择的解释类型是第一组Personal,在此动机的阴影下,潜意识开始动员你的意识回避积极的全力以赴来挽救这临阵抱佛脚的残局,从而换取一个合法合理合情的借口(爷没努力而已,下次补上,)。但你我都知道这只是借口,因此。。。 解决方案 1. 明白一件事情:如果(其实不是如果,期末考是绝对要发生的事件)要来的冲突是不可避免的,那么你先要做的事情是解决潜意识的抵抗。让自己全面认识冲突是迟早的事情,现在启动还有更大的成功机率。 2. 避免潜意识遭受压力:不让逼近的冲突所能引起的恐慌影响正常运转。说白了就是不过多地挖掘恐惧所带来的压力。经典的错误办法是:吃零食,酗酒,毒品等,经典的正确办法是:睡觉,生理发泄(体育啦),营养。 3. 认识自我暗示:“这件事情是我亲手造成的,现在我也有能力把它扳回来。” 不断的自我暗示其实就是驾驭你潜意识的诀窍。 以上三条全部都是cognitive-behavioral 认知纠正型解决方案,说白了就是你能说服你自己BACK TO WORK即可。 不断用因为每个细微成功而给自己正面鼓励(positive reinforceme nt),潜意识就乖乖招了,认同临阵抱佛脚还是一个有戏可唱的项目。如果此时潜意识参与了动员,充分合作,你的学习效率就会提高。如此如果上了良性循环的正轨,这就叫士气了,俗语“咸鱼翻身”。这就是史上著名案例“项羽破釜沉舟背水一战”的心理支柱。问题是这不甚容易,如果此时要是潜意识把你掰过去了,你就容易彻底垮台。经典范例: 小明呢,就明天要考试窝,但晚上却在看电视。 小明妈妈就担心地问:书都看完了吗,明天要考试啊。 小明就爽快地回答:妈,我看完了。 小明妈妈就很开心的赞扬小明:乖,那明天你一定考得很好呢。 小明哭着说:妈,我是说,„妈,我看,完了?。 原因四 暂时性短期记忆饱和 Transient working memory overflow Short-term memory (sometimes referred to as "primary memory" or "active memo ry") refers to the capacity for holding a small amount of information in mind in an a ctive, readily available state for a short period of time. The duration of short-term memory (when rehearsal or active maintenance is prevented) is believed to be in the order of seconds. Estimates of short-term memory capacity limits vary from about 4 to about 9 items, depending upon the experimental design used to estimate capacity. A commonly-cited capacity is 7?2 elements. In contrast,long-term memory inde finitely stores a seemingly unlimited amount of information. Short-term memory should be distinguished from working memory which refers to str uctures and processes used for temporarily storing and manipulating information (see more details below). 你有没有学到天昏地暗,不知道自己是人是鬼,走出图书馆或者房门看什么都眼神呆滞面无表情过,恭喜,你脑子现在是满的(谁叫你临阵抱佛脚,活该)。基本上学过心理的都可以理解短期记忆(Working Memory: WM) vs. 长期记忆(Long Term Memory: LTM)吧。短期记忆就是你脑子的内存条(REM),一段时间内的容量是有限的。瞬时间塞入大量的信息是不可能马上转成(internalize)长期记忆的(长期记忆区就是你身体的硬盘HDD)。也就是某一个时刻,当你在图书馆实在觉得看不进去的时候,极有可能就是你的短期记忆饱和了。这也就是为什么当你一阵填鸭式的狂读完了以后会心不在焉犹如幽鬼----你对新信息已经没有瞬时接受能力了。你不可能去电脑一条街买两条内存插进脑子(增加WM容量),或者用喝脑白金来加速脑细胞交流电的速度(加快WM->LTM的速率)。合理有效有可行性的做法是。。。 解决方案 1. 休息,干其他事情。目的:清空短期记忆。 2. 换其他的模式学习,左脑学累了换右脑学。虽然有可能部分WM是左右脑共用的,吸收效率当然没清晨起床后WM的高。 3. 睡觉。目的:睡眠是脑整理所收信息的内部化过程。所以睡觉可以加快短期记忆进入长 期记忆的速率(也就是咱俗称的”睡懒觉“,一次懒觉不可超40min,否则生理模式转化成深睡模式那你就彻底起不来了),从而清空短期记忆WM。 综合解释 -- 兔斯基和它的学期 拿兔斯基的学期解释一下为什么这一切来得如此折磨。。。 开学初: 开学一周后: 开学两周后: 开学初:过分乐观,因此不切分学习任务 开学一周后:面对现实压力很大 开学两周后:潜意识回避(此时开始已经没有commitment) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 期中考试前: 期中考试: 期中考试1天后: 期中考试前:再次尝试暗示自己可以度过 期中考试:发现现实 期中考试1天后:再次回避冲突 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 期末快到了:得知考试时间: 考前7天: 期末快到了: 解释类型:反正差得很远了,干脆不念了,爷脑子IQ还可以的,下学期扳回来, 得知考试时间:得知冲突的逼近 考前7天:进入12月SAD症状加重,全盘回避且开始procrastinate ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 考前6天: 考前5天: 考前4天: 考前6天:开始全盘procrastinate以减小压力 考前5天:压力 考前4天: 潜意识开始浮上来告知即将来临的冲突 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 考前3天:考前2天: 考前1天: 考前3天:进入精神紧张状态 考前2天:潜意识浮上水面,意识仍在尝试逃避。WM短期记忆饱和,书读不进去 考前1天: 潜意识和显意识对抗,自我矛盾 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 考前一天晚上:考前1小时: 考试中: 考前一天晚上:短期记忆处理力消耗殆尽 考前1小时:崩溃 考试中:冲突发生 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 走出考场: 对某老师的想法…… 走出考场:接受冲突带来的创伤 对某老师的想法…… 解释形态(兔斯基的解释方式是Global,即:爷我考不好都是因为变态教授出题太难~这也是兔爷为什么每次面对冲突以后无法更正的原因,除非它的解释方式是Personal,否则它不会找到解决问题的真正办法--平时老老实实按部就班地学~) well 当然也有一些其他的因素综合因素掺和:压力大导致的失眠(脑力下降),没时间导致不吃饭(低血糖,低维生素水平,低血糖是常见的学习低效原因,所以人是铁饭是钢,饭一定要吃~)等。总之避免这一切掺和起来发生~
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