

2017-10-07 33页 doc 80KB 145阅读




生产企业每月做账流程生产企业每月做账流程 企业每月做账流程 现以增值税一般纳税人为例,列举每月会计应该注意的工作重点: (一)积极核对销售业务,尽快填开销项发票,确定当月销项税额。 销售是企业日常工作的重点,是企业经营的核心。销售发票是财务记账,确定业务发生的合法凭据,因此企业在发生销售业务时应尽快给对方开具发票,确定当月销售情况。 一个业务从合同签定,到公司发货、对方验收确认、发票填开是有一段时间的,这段时间又因为客户的大小、业务往来的频率、各公司验收程序的不同存在差异。有时销售企业甚至不能自主确定开票时间,只能根据客户的需要进行开票,与...
生产企业每月做账流程 企业每月做账流程 现以增值税一般纳税人为例,列举每月会计应该注意的工作重点: (一)积极核对销售业务,尽快填开销项发票,确定当月销项税额。 销售是企业日常工作的重点,是企业经营的核心。销售发票是财务记账,确定业务发生的合法凭据,因此企业在发生销售业务时应尽快给对方开具发票,确定当月销售情况。 一个业务从签定,到公司发货、对方验收确认、发票填开是有一段时间的,这段时间又因为客户的大小、业务往来的频率、各公司验收程序的不同存在差异。有时销售企业甚至不能自主确定开票时间,只能根据客户的需要进行开票,与税法规定的开票要求不符。 做为企业的财务人员,特别是负责税务工作的人员,必须对企业日常销售业务的处理相当明确,熟悉主要客户的开票要求,能够在满足客户要求的同时,又不耽误本公司正常的工作处理。为了很好的协调双方的工作,会计人员应当在每月20号左右就开始核实当月开票税额,将应该开具发票的业务尽早完成,通常企业在每月结束前3天就会停止填开发票。因此企业若是需要对方给其开具发票应尽快联系,不要拖到月底再同对方交涉。 (二)认真核对当月进项发票,保证发票及时认证,确定当月进项税额。 通常商品要比发票提前到达企业,企业在收好货物的同时还应确认发票的开具情况,在规定时间未收到发票时应与对方联系,索要发票。 进项发票只有通过税务机关认证审核通过之后,方能进行抵扣税额。目前专用发票认证一般是通过网上远程认证系统自行认证,未在单位自行认证的应去税务机关或中介机构代理认证。因此企业会计应在规定时间及时办理认证,确定当月进项税额。 一个企业每月进项发票较多时,通常不会在一个月全部认证,而是有选择的认证部分发票。发票认证时主要考虑三个因素:第一,当月缴纳税金金额。在税务机关规定税负范围上下计算当月税金;第二,考虑会计存货和成本处理。有些商品当月购入当月销售,这些发票应该在当月认证,否则将导致账面库存为负数;生产企业成本计算需要原材料,若当月生产领用材料发票未进行认证处理,将会降低产品成本;第三,发票是否将要到期。按照税法要求,发票自填开之日起90日内(不同类别的发票有效期限略有不同,详细介绍参见前面“进项税额抵扣时限的规定”)进行认证。因为多数企业特别是商业零售企业存在销售不开发票现象,导致进项发票盈余,迟迟无法认证。因此企业在认证发票时应认真查看当月进项发票情况,先将快要到期发票进行认证。 (三)控制销项开票税额,调控进项发票税额,做好税款计算与缴纳。 增值税一般纳税企业缴纳的主要税种就是增值税,增值税的通常计算是用当月销项税额减去当月进项税额和上月留存的未抵扣进项税额。增值税计算较为简单,但是控制起来非常复杂,企业要同时考虑到当月销项开票情况和进项发票到达、认证情况,还要考虑税务机关对企业的税负要求。 税务机关为了控制企业增值税的缴纳情况,根据不同类型的企业制定了相应的税负,即全年应该缴纳的增值税金额(计算方法可参见前面介绍)。防止企业通过非法操作少缴纳增值税。企业通常是将缴纳的增值税金额控制在税负线附近,有时还会略微低于税负标准。各地税负标准不一,执行力度也存在差异,企业应根据当地情况认真执行。 税务机关的税负标准是指全年企业完成的税务要求,企业个别月份缴纳税金金额rocess. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness2 ... Chicken coop to keep dry, especially flat-raised floors and bedding to keep dry: shed the wet for a long time, weakened resistance in chickens, feather contamination, growth retardation, oocysts are easy to develop, as chickens live in moist environments in all the year round, the resistance will gradually reduce. appetite. production: reduction in egg. Test upon e ming, meat with Tsai chicken in relative humidity for 90% Shi, on feed into rate, and out feather, and increased heavy, are has bad effect j General chicks homes 低于或高于税负标准都是正常的。但是个别企业负责人在处理时往往比较“认真”,通过多种途径将每月增值税的缴纳金额都控制在税负标准线上,这样处理是没必要的。二、计提地税税金 按照税法要求,企业在计算缴纳增值税的同时,还应计提缴纳部分地税税金,主要包括城市维护建设税和教育费附加,多数地区已开始计提地方教育费附加。企业应在月末计提,月初申报缴纳,取得完税凭证冲销计提金额。 这些计提的税金属于企业费用,因此企业在估算当月利润时,也应考虑这些数据。 三、其他税种计算及缴纳 正常月份,企业只需考虑计算增值税及计提的地税税金,但个别月份如季度、年末结束应计算缴纳所得税;根据税务机关要求按季度或半年缴纳印花税、房产税、土地使用税等。 (一)所得税 所得税一般是按季预缴,年终汇算清缴(详细介绍可看前面内容)。会计在季度结束月份进行账务处理时应全面考虑该季度各月份的经营情况,在做账之前估算该季度应缴纳所得税金额,不足之处及时调整。 所得税征收和计算方法较多,会计应根据企业所得税的征收方式,处理企业的收入与费用单据的比例。所得税也应在季度结束月份计提,次月纳税申报取得完税凭证后冲减计提金额。 (二)按季度或半年缴纳的税种处理 有些税种通常不是按月份计算的,如印花税中的购销合同通常是按季度缴纳;房产税、土地使用税一般是按半年缴纳,具体缴纳月份由当地税务机关规定。会计在进入企业后应首先确定企业日常主要申报税种和具体申报时间,在申报月份按时申报,足额缴纳税金。 (三)特殊税种单独处理 有些税种如车辆购置税、车船税、契税、土地增值税,平时一般不会遇到,因此也不要特别在意,只要在实际发生时,确定缴纳和申报方法认真处理即可。 四、做账资料准备 (一)现金、银行存款明细核对 货币资金是企业最容易出现问题的资产,因此企业每月都应认真核对每笔款项的进出记录。月底打出银行对账单同企业银行明细账认真核对往来,对存在出入的地方及时处理,确保银行账务明确。 在工作实务中,多数企业的银行账务都存在出入,不能与实际业务相吻合,有时因为处理不当导致月底银行账面余额出现负数,所以每月结账前的银行核对是很必要的,发现问题及时处理。 归集当月所有费用单据和费用项目,确定账面有足够现金能够支付,防止账面现金余额出现负数。 (二)业务往来核对 将本月入账进项和销项发票仔细核对,确定每张发票的结算方式,是现金结算的索要收据证明,是银行结算的应取得对应的银行结算凭据,是往来挂账的按号入座认真入账。 (三)存货成本核算 每月做账前最好将上月底账面库存商品的名称、单价、金额详细列出,结合当月销售发票和进项发票的开票信息,计算入账后账面存货成本变动对利润的影响,不要盲目的认证发票和领用存货,导致账面库存出现负数或成本变动浮动太大,rocess. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness2 ... Chicken coop to keep dry, especially flat-raised floors and bedding to keep dry: shed the wet for a long time, weakened resistance in chickens, feather contamination, growth retardation, oocysts are easy to develop, as chickens live in moist environments in all the year round, the resistance will gradually reduce. appetite. production: reduction in egg. Test upon e ming, meat with Tsai chicken in relative humidity for 90% Shi, on feed into rate, and out feather, and increased heavy, are has bad effect j General chicks homes 影响当期利润。 根据当月销售情况,及时收集存货出入库单据,计算产品成本或销售成本,估算当月利润。 五、编制凭证 同一企业日常业务内容比较固定,所以凭证编制内容变化不大,会计只要按照固定模式逐一编制凭证即可。企业通常业务凭证类别有以下几类: (一)完税凭证 每月月初企业成功申报后,可去银行打印完税凭证,不能在银行打印完税凭证的应去税务机关打印。取得凭证后及时入账,冲减上月计提税金或直接记入当月费用(如印花税等不需要预先计提的税金,在取得时直接记入费用)。 (二)业务发票处理 将当月填开和取得发票分类入账,按照发票的性质分别通过存货、现金、银行存款、往来账户、应交税费以及费用科目进行核算。将全部专用发票入账后,查看进项税额和销项税额明细账的金额合计,是否与当月防伪税控开票系统统计的金额以及网上认证返回的认证金额是否一致,然后计算当月缴纳税金金额。 (三)费用类发票处理 做好内部单据报销制度,规定报销时间,及时收集公司员工手中的费用单据,将其归类入账。认真查看费用单据是否合法,未取得合法凭据的费用是无法得到税务机关的认可的。平时还应做好费用入账金额控制,对类似招待费、广告费等存在抵扣限额规定的费用科目,应及时核对发生金额,对超过抵扣标准的费用应减少其入账金额。 (四)成本计算及入账处理 对生产性企业,应做好内部单据传递规定,将公司发生的所有与生产有关的内部单据及时有效的传递到财务手中,进行成本核算,确保成本计算的准确。及时编制制造费用归集、分配凭证;生产成本归集、分配凭证;产品入库凭证以及销售成本结转凭证。 (五)做好费用计提及摊销 做好每月固定发生的计提业务,如固定资产计提折旧、无形资产摊销、水电费计提、工资计提以及以工资为基数计提的福利费、教育经费、工会经费等,做到不漏提也不多提;对存在需要摊销的费用如开办费、材料成本差异等每月摊销的费用,及时做好摊销分配凭证。 (六)归集损益类科目,结转本年利润 将所有单据入账后应认真归集当月损益类科目发生金额,将其分类转入“本年利润”科目,查看当月利润实现情况。 六、纳税申报 前面所做的工作基本是为纳税申报准备的,因为企业只有进行了纳税申报,税务机关才能对企业进行税款征收,而传统意义上的会计报表只是记录企业经营状况的报表,不是税务机关征收税款的依据,企业应根据申报的不同税种填制和申报对应的纳税申报表。 企业应根据自身的经营性质确定纳税税种,并根据当地税务机关要求的申报方式按时进行申报。纳税申报成功后应及时打印完税凭证,取得完税凭证后,一个月的会计工作才算结束。 4.帐务处理最后总结帐的具体操作:(排顺序) A.新手首先要把平常一月发生的经济业务的单据做好凭证,汇总平,做好最后总rocess. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness2 ... Chicken coop to keep dry, especially flat-raised floors and bedding to keep dry: shed the wet for a long time, weakened resistance in chickens, feather contamination, growth retardation, oocysts are easy to develop, as chickens live in moist environments in all the year round, the resistance will gradually reduce. appetite. production: reduction in egg. Test upon e ming, meat with Tsai chicken in relative humidity for 90% Shi, on feed into rate, and out feather, and increased heavy, are has bad effect j General chicks homes 结帐的奠定基础。 B.统计好本月实际开增值税票销售的金额、数量、单价,确定本月要生产的货物,(做帐的企业与企业不一定相似,根据平常做帐经验)。 C.确定生产过程的制造费用: a.计提职工工资:借:管理费用(后勤人员、技术顾问等工资属于管理费用) 制造费用(车间一线职工人员工资,做外帐一般不超过本月开票的10%计提) 贷:应付工资 按生产企业的核算工资的程序,先对本月工资按比例计提出,一般情况是拖后一月发放,所以计提的时候要做好预算,不能超过实际发放的10%左右,(注明:工资牵扯劳动部门、工会、地税部门等要求,避缴一些部门费用。) 实际发放的会计分录:借:应付工资 贷:银行存款、现金 b.根据计提的工资计提职工福利费。 借:制造费用(按计提工一线职工工资的14%计提) 管理费用(按后勤管理人员计提工资14%计提) 贷:应付福利费 c.根据计提的工资计提职工职教费。 借:制造费用(按计提工一线职工工资的15%0计提) 管理费用(按后勤管理人员计提工资15%0计提) 贷:其他应付款(职教费) d.根据计提的职工工资计提职工工会费。 借:制造费用(工会费) 贷:其他应付款(工会费) d.根据实际用电量计提电费。 借:制造费用,,,,-电费(生产用电) 管理费用,,,,电费(照明用电) 贷:预提费用,,-电费 d.预提银行利息:(如果本月做帐未预算好,利润反映的多,可以先预提利息。) 借:财务费用,,,,利息 贷:预提费用,,,,利息 e.计提固定资产折旧额: 借:管理费用,,-折旧费(办公类、小车类固定资产计提的折旧费) 制造费用,,-折旧费 (生产用的固定资产类计提的折旧费) 营业费用,,-折旧费 (销售车辆的固定资产计提的折旧费) 贷:累计折旧,,-折旧费 累计折旧的核算方法: 企业固定资产应计提折旧:1.房屋、建筑物、机器设备、仪表仪器、运输工具、工具不论使用或不使用都得计提折旧。 2(融资租入和以经营租用的方式租出的固定资产。 3.本月内开始使用的固定资产,当月不提折旧,从下月起计提折旧,本月内减少或停用的固定资产当月仍继续提折旧,从下月开始不提折旧。 4.企业一般用年限平均法计提折旧,他是根据固定资产的原值减去残值后的余额,(固定资产残值一般按固定资产的原值的3%预计,一般建筑类使用20年,rocess. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness2 ... Chicken coop to keep dry, especially flat-raised floors and bedding to keep dry: shed the wet for a long time, weakened resistance in chickens, feather contamination, growth retardation, oocysts are easy to develop, as chickens live in moist environments in all the year round, the resistance will gradually reduce. appetite. production: reduction in egg. Test upon e ming, meat with Tsai chicken in relative humidity for 90% Shi, on feed into rate, and out feather, and increased heavy, are has bad effect j General chicks homes 设备类使用15年。)。 公式如下: 固定资产原值-净残值 固定资产年折旧额= 固定资产预计使用年限 年折旧额除以12=月折旧额 F.结转制造费用: 借:生产成本 贷;制造费用(以上各计提的制造费用和汇总平的制造费用,以免漏转。) G. 根据公司实际用料比例和本月购进原材料的数量做生产出库。 借: 生产成本 贷:原材料(原材料出库可根据公司做帐的要求进行操作。) h. 根据以上计提的制造费用与原材料出库核算出本月需要生产的库存商品数额。 借: 库存商品(库存商品的数量、品名要根据实际开票销售的为准。) 贷: 生产成本 A. 结转产品销售成本(销售数量一定要根据实际开票销售的数量一致结转,单价根据H库存商品登记完的单价为准。) 借;主营业务成本 贷;库存商品 B. 结转本月实际开票销售收入。 借:主营业务收入 贷:本年利润 C. 结转本月实际实现的增值税款,(本科目比较复杂,可以根据税务部门的要求处理,如:有留抵、多缴、免抵退、免抵等,具体出口退税详见出口退税操作。) 借: 应交税金 (转出未交增值税) 贷: 应交税金 (未交增值税) 应交税金科目的设置:在应交税金科目下设置“应交增值税”和“未交增值税”两个明细科目进行核算。应交增值税明细帐设置:进项税额、已交税金、转出未交增值税、减免税款、销项税款、出口退税、进项税转出、出口抵减内销产品应纳税额、转出多交增值税等项目,月中,将本月应交未交或多交的增值税额自应交税金(应交增值,,-转出未交增值税或转出多交增值税)转入应交税金(未交增值税)结转后应交税金(应交增值税)明细科目的期末借方余额反映值税。 附注材料: L.根据本月实现的增值税和本月出口免抵税额计提主营业务税金及附加。 借:主营业务税金及附加 贷:应交税金(城建税)按实际缴纳增值税和免抵额的金额*5%核算。 贷:其他应交款(教育附加、地方教育附加)按实际缴纳增值税和免抵额的金额*4%核算。 由于企业所得税按季度缴纳,按季度损益表的利润总额*33%,(最新政策2008年可能调为25%)。 计提所得税:借:企业所得税 贷:应交税金(应交企业所得税) 结转: 借:本年利润(企业所得税) rocess. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness2 ... Chicken coop to keep dry, especially flat-raised floors and bedding to keep dry: shed the wet for a long time, weakened resistance in chickens, feather contamination, growth retardation, oocysts are easy to develop, as chickens live in moist environments in all the year round, the resistance will gradually reduce. appetite. production: reduction in egg. Test upon e ming, meat with Tsai chicken in relative humidity for 90% Shi, on feed into rate, and out feather, and increased heavy, are has bad effect j General chicks homes 贷:企业所得税 缴纳: 借:应交税金(企业所得税) 贷:银行存款 L.最后结转: 借:本年利润 贷:主营业务成本 主营业务税金及附加 管理费用 财务费用 营业费用 营业外支出 Z.年终结算要注意的问题,结合公司的业务需要调整该调整的科目,(年终结算非常重要)。 1.往来帐款明细帐要与公司实际情况核对,给经理写一份做帐本年度的财务情况。 2.应付工资年终未发的余额转到其他应付款科目中,新年度冲销。 3.本年度利润如果是赢利或亏损,余额都要转到利润分配科目中。 4.年终报表如果反映利润,15%的利润计提到盈余公积科目。 N.补充材料: 地税跨年度查补款帐务处理: 1. 补缴税款(印花税、车船使用税、房产税等) 借: 利润分配(未分配利润) 贷:现金 2. 补提城建税及教育附加 借;利润分配(未分配利润) 贷:应交税金,,,,-城建税 其他应交款,,-教育附加费 3. 滞纳金 借:营业外支出(罚款支出) 贷:现金 每个财务人员都应该了解此流程,更应该了解相关的财务软件,目前稍有规模或管理水平高一点的企业均采信息化管理,你应该知道如何使用软件和如何设置,只要凭证制作正确,其余一切由计算机完成:凭证-汇总-明细账-总账-各种报表等。首先来了解财务流程是非常有必要的。 一、大致环节: 1、根据原始凭证或原始凭证汇总表填制记账凭证。 2、根据收付记账凭证登记现金日记账和银行存款日记账。 3、根据记账凭证登记明细分类账。 4、根据记账凭证汇总、编制科目汇总表 5、根据科目汇总表登记总账。 6、期末,根据总账和明细分类账编制资产负债表和利润表。 如果企业的规模小,业务量不多,可以不设置明细分类账,直接将逐笔业务登记总账。实际会计实务要求会计人员每发生一笔业务就要登记入明细分类账rocess. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness2 ... Chicken coop to keep dry, especially flat-raised floors and bedding to keep dry: shed the wet for a long time, weakened resistance in chickens, feather contamination, growth retardation, oocysts are easy to develop, as chickens live in moist environments in all the year round, the resistance will gradually reduce. appetite. production: reduction in egg. Test upon e ming, meat with Tsai chicken in relative humidity for 90% Shi, on feed into rate, and out feather, and increased heavy, are has bad effect j General chicks homes 中。而总账中的数额是直接将科目汇总表的数额抄过去。企业可以根据业务量每隔五天,十天,十五天,或是一个月编制一次科目汇总表。如果业务相当大。也可以一天一编的。 二、具体内容: 1、每个月所要做的第一件事就是根据原始凭证登记记账凭证(做记账凭证时一定要有财务(经理)有签字权的人签字后你在做),然后月末或定期编制科目汇总表登记总账(之所以月末登记就是因为要通过科目汇总表试算平衡,保证记录记算不出错),每发生一笔业务就根据记账凭证登记明细账。 2、月末还要注意提取折旧,待摊费用的摊销等,若是新的企业开办费在第一个月全部转入费用 。计提折旧的分录是借管理费用或是制造费用贷累计折旧,这个折旧额是根据固定资产原值,净值和使用年限计算出来的。月末还要提取税金及附加,实际是地税这一块。就是提取税金及附加,有城建税,教育费附加等,有税务决定 。 3、月末编制完科目汇总表之后,编制两个分录。第一个分录:将损益类科目的总发生额转入本年利润,借主营业务收入(投资收益,其他业务收入等)贷本年利润。第二个分录:借本年利润贷主营业务成本(主营业务税金及附加,其他业务成本等)。转入后如果差额在借方则为亏损不需要交所得税,如果在贷方则说明盈利需交所得税,计算方法,所得税=贷方差额*所得税税率,然后做记账凭证,借所得税贷应交税金,,应交所得税,借本年利润贷所得税( 所得税虽然和利润有关,但并不是亏损一定不交纳所得税,主要是看调整后的应纳税所得额是否是正数,如果是正数就要计算所得税,同时还要注意所得税核算方法,采用应付税款法时,所得税科目和应交税金科目金额是相等的,采用纳税影响法时,存在时间性差异时所得税科目和应交税金科目金额是不相等的)。 、最后根据总账的资产(货币资金,固定资产,应收账款,应收票据,短 4 期投资等)负债(应付票据,应附账款等)所有者权益(实收资料,资本公积,未分配利润,盈余公积)科目的余额(是指总账科目上的最后一天上面所登记的数额)编制资产负债表,根据总账或科目汇总表的损益类科目(如管理费用,主营业务成本,投资收益,主营业务附加等)的发生额(发生额是指本月的发生额)编制利润表。 (关于主营业务收入及应交税金,应该根据每一个月在国税所抄税的数额来确定.因为税控机会打印一份表格上面会有具体的数字) 5、其余的就是装订凭证,写报表附注,分析情况表之类 6、注意问题: a、以上除编制记账凭证和登记明细账之外,均在月末进行。 b、月末结现金,银行账,一定要账证相符,账实相符。每月月初根据银行对账单调银行账余额调节表,注意分析未达款项。月初报税时注意时间,不要逾期报税。另外,当月开出的发票当月入账。每月分析往来的账龄和金额,包括:应收,应付,其他应收。 三、报表问题: 企业会计报表包括四个报表,除了资产负债表和利润表之外还利润分配表和现金流量表。而利润分配表只需要在年末编制,因为只有在年末企业才会对所盈利的利润进行分配。而现金流量表只是根据税务部门的要求而进行编制,不同地区不同省要求不同。在四月年检时税务部门会要求对你提出要求的。(管理,财务,营业,制造等费用月末没有余额 ,结帐方法采用表结法下,损益科目月末rocess. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness2 ... Chicken coop to keep dry, especially flat-raised floors and bedding to keep dry: shed the wet for a long time, weakened resistance in chickens, feather contamination, growth retardation, oocysts are easy to develop, as chickens live in moist environments in all the year round, the resistance will gradually reduce. appetite. production: reduction in egg. Test upon e ming, meat with Tsai chicken in relative humidity for 90% Shi, on feed into rate, and out feather, and increased heavy, are has bad effect j General chicks homes 可留余额;制造费用如果有余额,是属于在产品的待分配费用,在负债表上视同存货。钟书补充)你要看你在利润表有的东西,只要你的账上有你就结转利润,这样不容易错 ,利润表的本年利润要和资产表的相吻合。 细节补充: 1、增值税,企业所得税在国税报(2002年1月1日以后注册的企业才在国税办理;个人所得税和其他税在地税报 2、月末认证(进项税);月初抄税(销项税) 3、以工资为基数100%,福利费为14%,工会经费2%,职工教育费2.5%,(税法规定:建立工会组织的企业、事业单位、社会团体,按每月全部职工工资总额的2%向工会缴拨的经费,凭工会组织开具的《工会经费拨缴款专用收据》在税前扣除。凡不能出具《工会经费拨缴款专用收据》的,其提取的职工工会经费不得在企业所得税前扣除)。 4、三险一金:住房公积金,养老保险金,医疗保险金,失业保险金 5、流通企业运输费,装卸费,合理损耗,检验费均计入营业费用,工业企业计入成本 6、单位无工会组织的,不能计提工会经费,更不必计提后再调整。所得税只须每季提一次就可,不需每月计提. 7、现金一般从“基本存款户”中提取,一般规定结算帐户不能提取现金,如有特殊情况方可(钟书补充)。 、差旅费的开支范围:交通费,住宿费,伙食补助费,邮电费,行李运费, 8 杂费 9、出纳日记账保存25年 几个很有用的分录: 1、现金长款 借:现金 贷:待处理财产损溢 借:待处理财产损溢 贷:营业外收入(注:无法查明原因) 2、现金短款 借:待处理财产损溢 贷:现金 借:其他应收款——应收现金短缺款(个人) ——应收保险赔偿款 管理费用——现金短缺(注:无法查明原因) 贷:待处理财产损溢 3、提取福利费 借:生产成本 营业费用 管理费用 贷:应付福利费 4、计提工会经费 借:管理费用——工会经费 贷:其他应付款——工会经费 5、计提职工教育经费 rocess. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness2 ... Chicken coop to keep dry, especially flat-raised floors and bedding to keep dry: shed the wet for a long time, weakened resistance in chickens, feather contamination, growth retardation, oocysts are easy to develop, as chickens live in moist environments in all the year round, the resistance will gradually reduce. appetite. production: reduction in egg. Test upon e ming, meat with Tsai chicken in relative humidity for 90% Shi, on feed into rate, and out feather, and increased heavy, are has bad effect j General chicks homes 借:管理费用——职工教育费 贷:其他应付款——职工教育费 6、支付工资 借:应付工资 贷:现金 应交税金——应交个人所得税 其他应付款 其他应收款(代扣款项) 7、提取城建税 借:主营业务税金及附加/其他业务支出 贷:应交税金——应交城建税 8、计提教育费附加 借:主营业务税金及附加 贷:其他应交款——教育费附加 9、印花税 借:管理费用/待摊费用 贷:银行存款/现金(每本账簿贴五元印花税) 出纳工作 一、办理银行存款和现金领取。 二、负责支票、汇票、发票、收据管理。 三、做银行账和现金账,并负责保管财务章。 四、负责报销差旅费的工作。 1、员工出差分借支和不可借支,若需要借支就必须填写借支单,然后交总经理审批签名,交由财务审核,确认无误后,由出纳发款。 2、员工出差回来后,据实填写支付证明单,并在单后面贴上收据或发票,先交由证明人签名,然后给总经理签名,进行实报实销,再经会计审核后,由出纳给予报销。 五、员工工资的发放。 A现金收付 1、现金收付的,要当面点清金额,并注意票面的真伪。 若收到假币予以没收,由责任人负责。 2、现金一经付清,应在原单据上加盖"现金付讫章"。多付或少付金额,由责任人负责。 3、把每日收到的现金送到银行,不得"坐支"。 4、每日做好日常的现金盘存工作,做到账实相符。做好现金结报单,防止现金盈亏。下班后现金与等价物交还总经理处。 5、一般不办理大面额现金的支付业务,支付用转账或汇兑手续。 特殊情况需审批。 6、员工外出借款无论金额多少,都须总经理签字,批准并用借支单借款。若无批准借款,引起纠纷,由责任人自负。 rocess. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness2 ... Chicken coop to keep dry, especially flat-raised floors and bedding to keep dry: shed the wet for a long time, weakened resistance in chickens, feather contamination, growth retardation, oocysts are easy to develop, as chickens live in moist environments in all the year round, the resistance will gradually reduce. appetite. production: reduction in egg. Test upon e ming, meat with Tsai chicken in relative humidity for 90% Shi, on feed into rate, and out feather, and increased heavy, are has bad effect j General chicks homes B 银行账处理 1、登记银行日记账时先分清账户,避免张冠李戴。开汇兑手续。 2、每日结出各账户存款余额,以便总经理及财务会计了解公司资金运作情况,以调度资金。每日下班之前填制结报单。 3、保管好各种空白支票,不得随意乱放。 4、公司账务章平时由出纳保管。 C报销审核 1、在支付证明单上经办人是否签字,证明人是否签字。 若无,应补。 2、附在支付证明单后的原始票据是否有涂改。 若有,问明原因或不予报销。 3、正规发票是否与收据混贴,若有,应分开贴(原则上除印有财政监制章的财政票据外,其余收据不得报销,也不得税前扣除,钟书补充)。 4、支付证明单上填写的项目是否超过3项。若超过,应重填。 5、大、小金额是否相符。 若不相符,应更正重填。 6、报销内容是否属合理的报销。若不属,应拒绝报销,有特殊原因,应经审批。 7、支付证明单上是否有总经理签字。若无,不予报销 年末结算注意事项: 年底会计怎样结帐,如何结转下年 什么是结账,结账的一般程序是什么 结帐,是在把一定时期内发生的全部经济业务登记入帐的基础上,计算并记录本期发生额和期末余额。《会计基础工作》规定的结帐程序及方法是: (1)结帐前,必须将本期内所发生的各项经济业务全部登记入帐。 (2)结帐时,应当结出每个帐户的期末余额。需要结出当月发生额的,应当在摘要栏内注明“本月合计”字样,并在下面通栏划单红线。需要结出本年累计发生额的,应当在摘要栏内注明“本年累计”字样,并在下面通栏划单红线;12月末的“本年累计”就是全年累计发生额,全年累计发生额下应当通栏划双红线,年度终了结帐时,所有总帐帐户都应当结出全年发生额和年末余额。 (3)年度终了,要把各帐户的余额结转到下一会计年度,并在摘要栏注明“结转下年”字样;在下一会计年度新建有关会计帐簿的第一余额栏内填写上年结转的余额,并在摘要栏注明“上年结转”字样。 结帐时怎样根据不同的帐户记录分别采用不同的方法 (1)对于不需要按月结计本期发生额的帐户,如各项应收款明细帐和各项财产物资明细帐等,每次记帐以后,都要随时结出余额,每月最后一笔余额即为月末余额。也就是说,月末余额就是本月最后一笔经济业务记录的同一行内的余额。月末结帐时,只需要在最后一笔经济业务记录之下划一单红线,不需要再结计一次余额。 (2)现金、银行存款日记帐和需要按月结计发生额的收入、费用等明细帐,每月结帐时,要在最后一笔经济业务记录下面划一单红线,结出本月发生额和余额,在摘要栏内注明“本月合计”字样,在下面再划一条单红线。 (3)需要结计本年累计发生额的某些明细帐户,如产品销售收入、成本明细帐等,每月结帐时,应在“本月合计”行下结计自年初起至本月末止的累计发生额,登记在月份发生额下面,在摘要栏内注明“本年累计”字样,并在下面再划一单红线。12月末的“本年累计”就是全年累计发生额,并在全年累计发生额下划双红线。 rocess. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness2 ... Chicken coop to keep dry, especially flat-raised floors and bedding to keep dry: shed the wet for a long time, weakened resistance in chickens, feather contamination, growth retardation, oocysts are easy to develop, as chickens live in moist environments in all the year round, the resistance will gradually reduce. appetite. production: reduction in egg. Test upon e ming, meat with Tsai chicken in relative humidity for 90% Shi, on feed into rate, and out feather, and increased heavy, are has bad effect j General chicks homes (4)总帐帐户平时只需结计月末余额。年终结帐时,为了反映全年各项资产、负债及所有者权益增减变动的全貌,便于核对帐目,要将所有总帐帐户结计全年发生额和年末余额,在摘要栏内注明“本年合计”字样,并在合计数下划一双红线。采用棋盘式总帐和科目汇总表代替总帐的单位,年终结帐,应当汇编一张全年合计的科目汇总表和棋盘式总帐。 (5)需要结计本月发生额的某些帐户,如果本月只发生一笔经济业务,由于这录的金额就是本月发生额,结帐时,只要在此行记录下划一单红线,表示与下月的发生额分开就可以了,不需另结出“本月合计”数。 结帐时如何划线 结帐划线的目的,是为了突出本月合计数及月末余额,表示本会计期的会计记录已经截止或结束,并将本期与下期的记录明显分开。根据《会计基础工作规范》规定,月结划单线,年结划双线。划线时,应划红线;划线应划通栏线,不应只在本帐页中的金额部分划线。 结账时对于帐户余额怎样填写 一般说来,每月结帐时,应将帐户的月末余额写在本月最后一笔经济业务记录的同一行内。但在现金日记帐、银行存款日记帐和其他需要按月结计发生额的账户,如各种成本、费用、收入的明细帐等,每月结帐时,还应将月末余额与本月发生额写在同一行内,在摘要栏注明“本月合计”字样。这样做,帐户记录中的月初余额加减本期发生额等于月末余额,便于帐户记录的稽核。需要结计本年累计发生额的某些明细帐户,每月结帐时,“本月合计”行已有余额的,“本年累计”行就不必再写余额了。 结帐时能否用红字 帐簿记录中使用的红字,具有特定的涵义,它表示蓝字金额的减少或负数余额。因此,结帐时,如果出现负数余额,可以用红字在余额栏登记,但如果余额栏前印有余额的方向(如借或贷),则应用蓝黑墨水书写,而不得使用红色墨水。 怎样把有余额的帐户余额结转至下年 对于怎样把有余额的帐户余额结转下年,实际工作中有以下两种不规范的方法: (1)将本帐户年末余额,以相反的方向记人最后一笔帐下的发生额内,例如某帐户年末为借方余额,在结帐时,将此项余额填列在贷方发生额栏内(余额如为贷方,则作相反记录),在摘要栏填明“结转下年”字样,在“借或贷”栏内填“平”字并在余额栏的“元”位上填列符号,表示帐目已经结平。 (2)在“本年累计”发生额的次行,将年初余额按其同方向记入发生额栏内,并在摘要栏内填明“上年结转”字样;在次行登记年末余额,如为借方余额,填人贷方发生额栏内,反之记人借方,并在摘要栏填明“结转下年”字样。同时,在该行的下端加计借、贷各方的总计数,并在该行摘要栏内填列“总计”两字,在“借或贷”栏内填“平”字,在余额栏的“元”位上填列“0”符号,以示帐目已结平。 正确的方法应该是:年度终了结帐时,有余额的帐户的余额,直接记入新帐余额栏内即可,不需要编制记帐凭证,也不必将余额再记入本年帐户的借方或贷方(收方或付方),使本年有余额的帐户的余额变为零。因为,既然年末是有余额的帐户,余额就应当如实地在帐户中加以反映,这样更显得清晰、明了。否则,就混淆了有余额的帐户和无余额的帐户的区别。 rocess. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness2 ... Chicken coop to keep dry, especially flat-raised floors and bedding to keep dry: shed the wet for a long time, weakened resistance in chickens, feather contamination, growth retardation, oocysts are easy to develop, as chickens live in moist environments in all the year round, the resistance will gradually reduce. appetite. production: reduction in egg. Test upon e ming, meat with Tsai chicken in relative humidity for 90% Shi, on feed into rate, and out feather, and increased heavy, are has bad effect j General chicks homes 对于新的会计年度建帐问题,一般说来,总帐、日记帐和多数明细帐应每年更换 一次。但有些财产物资明细帐和债权债务明细帐,由于材料品种、规格和往来单 位较多,更换新帐,重抄一遍工作量较大,因此,可以跨年度使用,不必每年更 换一次。各种备查簿也可以连续使用。 rocess. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness2 ... Chicken coop to keep dry, especially flat-raised floors and bedding to keep dry: shed the wet for a long time, weakened resistance in chickens, feather contamination, growth retardation, oocysts are easy to develop, as chickens live in moist environments in all the year round, the resistance will gradually reduce. appetite. production: reduction in egg. Test upon e ming, meat with Tsai chicken in relative humidity for 90% Shi, on feed into rate, and out feather, and increased heavy, are has bad effect j General chicks homes
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