
发展远洋渔业 逐鹿世界渔场

2017-12-28 21页 doc 62KB 12阅读




发展远洋渔业 逐鹿世界渔场发展远洋渔业 逐鹿世界渔场 我市是传统的海洋捕捞大市~捕捞业是重要的渔业基础产业。全市拥有捕捞渔船1万多艘~从业渔民近6万人~年捕捞水产品80多万吨、实现产值近70亿元~分别占全市水产品产量、产值的40%、30%左右~并辐射带动水产加工、船舶制造、水产物流等诸多产业发展。但近年来~受近海渔业资源衰退、渔场缩减、捕捞能力居高不下等因素影响~捕捞业面临严峻挑战。在这种情况下~发展远洋渔业~就成为拓展渔业发展空间、促进渔民增收的重要举措。 一、我市远洋渔业发展现状 我市远洋渔业始于1991年~当年~荣成龙须岛渔业公司派出2艘4...
发展远洋渔业 逐鹿世界渔场
发展远洋渔业 逐鹿世界渔场 我市是传统的海洋捕捞大市~捕捞业是重要的渔业基础产业。全市拥有捕捞渔船1万多艘~从业渔民近6万人~年捕捞水产品80多万吨、实现产值近70亿元~分别占全市水产品产量、产值的40%、30%左右~并辐射带动水产加工、船舶制造、水产物流等诸多产业发展。但近年来~受近海渔业资源衰退、渔场缩减、捕捞能力居高不下等因素影响~捕捞业面临严峻挑战。在这种情况下~发展远洋渔业~就成为拓展渔业发展空间、促进渔民增收的重要举措。 一、我市远洋渔业发展现状 我市远洋渔业始于1991年~当年~荣成龙须岛渔业公司派出2艘441千瓦拖网渔船赴斯里兰卡作业~迈出了发展远洋渔业的第一步。经过近20年的发展~我市远洋渔业从无到有、从小到大、从弱到强~不断发展壮大~整体规模和实力跃居全国前列。 ,一,远洋渔业实力显著增强。2009年~全市远洋渔业资格企业发展到15家~占全省80%、全国12%,远洋渔船发展到255艘,预计今年将超过400艘,~占全省80%、全国15%,远洋捕捞实现产量6万多吨~占全省70%、全国6%,实现产值5亿多元~占全省60%、全国5%,远洋捕捞产量、产值约占全市捕捞产量、产值的7%,远洋渔船总功率10多万千瓦~占全市捕捞渔船17%、全省远洋渔船的70%~建立了一支全省最大、在全国有重要影响的远洋捕捞船队。 ,二,渔船作业水平稳步提高。远洋渔业发展初期~我市远洋渔船主要由传统拖网船改造而成~生产效率低~经济效益差。2000年以来~我市先后投资10多亿元~购置、建造和更新大型远洋渔船100多艘~增加了先进的超低温金枪鱼延绳钓、大型鱿鱼钓、竹荚鱼拖网加工等渔船~渔船现代化水平不断提高。其中~荣玛渔业公dialogue. Can professional internships and intern ... Superiors may engage in certain research work under the guidance of a doctor. (B) the Neurology ICU or emergency room (4 months) 1. familiar Rotary purpose: ICU or emergency room diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in neurology procedures, focusing on mastering multiple organ failure, status epilepticus, increased intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia diagnosis and first aid; About: rational application of anti-infective drugs. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and case number: the number of disease cases (?) high intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia in 5 more than 5 status epilepticus with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in 5 heart and lung failure, 5 (2) basic skills: skilled in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and intubation operations, and be able to master the proper use of respiratory machine. (C) internal medicine of heart (2 months) 1. purpose rotary master medical diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of the heart, the proper use of antiarrhythmic drugs, familiar with the medical physical examination and result analysis of electrocardiogram of the heart. 2. basic requirements learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) myocardial infarction 10 congestive heart failure 10 rhythm disorders 10 primary hypertension disease 15 valve, and myocardial disease 5 basic skills requirements name cases (times) ECG operation 30 24 hours dynamic ECG monitoring 10 heart electrical cardioversion law 2 master acute myocardial infarction diagnosis and processing; hypertension disease and the anti-rhythm disorders of medication principles; master congestive heart failure of diagnosis 司的“维多利亚号”远洋渔船总吨位9814吨~主机功率4963千瓦~成为我省第一艘万吨级渔轮~也是东半球最大的拖网加工渔船。 ,三,作业领域不断拓展。按照行业通常划分~远洋渔业分过洋性渔业和大洋性渔业。前者在外国的近海与专属经济区渔场作业~对所在国依赖性较大~限制因素较多,后者在公海渔场作业~限制因素相对较少。发展初期~我市远洋渔业以过洋性渔业为主~先后派渔船到斯里兰卡、印度尼西亚等国作业~但由于各种原因先后终止。2000年以来~我市集中精力发展大洋性作业~重点实施了北太平洋鱿鱼钓、中西太平洋金枪鱼钓、西南大西洋鱿鱼钓与东南太平洋竹荚鱼拖网作业等项目。2009年~大洋性作业渔船占全部远洋渔船的60%以上。 ,四,产业化体系日趋完善。发展初期~我市远洋渔业发展集中在捕捞环节。一方面~缺乏适合渔场条件的渔船~从渔船到船用物资均需国外提供,另一方面~产品运输、销售、后勤配套等依靠国外代理~往往丰产不丰收、减产赔大钱~严重影响了企业积极性。近年来~我市黄海造船厂、中复西港船艇有限公司加大新产品开发力度~开发出性价比较高的大洋性鱿鱼钓、超低温金枪鱼钓等渔船。同时~逐渐从单一生产向加工、销售等环节渗透发展~靖海集团还成立了北方最大的金枪鱼熟肉加工厂~产业链条不断延伸~综合竞争力明显提高。 二、我市远洋渔业面临的挑战与机遇 当前~我市远洋渔业进入发展的关键时期~既面临着诸多不利因素和问题~也存在很多有利条件。 ,一,面临挑战: dialogue. Can professional internships and intern ... Superiors may engage in certain research work under the guidance of a doctor. (B) the Neurology ICU or emergency room (4 months) 1. familiar Rotary purpose: ICU or emergency room diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in neurology procedures, focusing on mastering multiple organ failure, status epilepticus, increased intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia diagnosis and first aid; About: rational application of anti-infective drugs. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and case number: the number of disease cases (?) high intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia in 5 more than 5 status epilepticus with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in 5 heart and lung failure, 5 (2) basic skills: skilled in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and intubation operations, and be able to master the proper use of respiratory machine. (C) internal medicine of heart (2 months) 1. purpose rotary master medical diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of the heart, the proper use of antiarrhythmic drugs, familiar with the medical physical examination and result analysis of electrocardiogram of the heart. 2. basic requirements learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) myocardial infarction 10 congestive heart failure 10 rhythm disorders 10 primary hypertension disease 15 valve, and myocardial disease 5 basic skills requirements name cases (times) ECG operation 30 24 hours dynamic ECG monitoring 10 heart electrical cardioversion law 2 master acute myocardial infarction diagnosis and processing; hypertension disease and the anti-rhythm disorders of medication principles; master congestive heart failure of diagnosis 一是资源与配额的限制日益加剧~发展空间不断压缩。,1,开发空间越来越小。据联合国粮农组织调查~在全球海洋渔业资源中~28%的种群为过度开发(19%)、衰退(8%)或在衰退中恢复(1%)~52%的种群被完全开发~只有20%的种群为适度或低度开发。从整体上看~海洋捕捞资源的增长空间已经不大。,2,管理力度不断加大。1982年通过的《联合国海洋法公约》~确立沿海国200海里专属经济区~宣告了200海里自由捕鱼时代的结束。近年来~沿海国家为了保护本国资源~不断提高渔业合作门槛。2010年,月~ 南太平洋,个岛国,简称PNA~占全世界金枪鱼资源的四分之一,发表《科罗宣言》~宣布如果外国企业不对该地区投资~就不给予捕捞权~并决定从2011年1月1日起~停止发放围网渔船捕捞许可证。为加强对公海渔业资源的管理~2001 年~联合国要求各国合作设立区域渔业组织。目前~全球已经成立了12 个渔业组织~包括南极在内的所有海域几乎全被纳入国际渔业组织管理。以金枪鱼为例~全球五个金枪鱼管理组织中~南方蓝鳍金枪鱼保护委员会、美洲热带金枪鱼委员会、保护大西洋金枪鱼国际委员会、印度洋金枪鱼委员会均规定了作业渔船数量和捕捞配额~只有我市渔船集中的中西太平洋渔业委员会尚未规定限额~但也压缩捕捞渔船数量和作业天数~逐步实施配额制度。,3,区域竞争日趋激烈。区域性渔业组织分配配额时~“先来先得”的特点非常突出~发达国家依靠原有远洋捕捞和市场优势~对我国远洋渔业设置种种障碍~阻扰我国获得应有的捕捞配额。如在32000吨大西洋蓝鳍金枪鱼配额中~我国只有74吨~占2.3%。,4,生态环保意识的增强带来新的挑战。随着国际社会环保意识的提高~国际组织要求渔船生产采取生态友dialogue. Can professional internships and intern ... Superiors may engage in certain research work under the guidance of a doctor. (B) the Neurology ICU or emergency room (4 months) 1. familiar Rotary purpose: ICU or emergency room diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in neurology procedures, focusing on mastering multiple organ failure, status epilepticus, increased intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia diagnosis and first aid; About: rational application of anti-infective drugs. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and case number: the number of disease cases (?) high intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia in 5 more than 5 status epilepticus with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in 5 heart and lung failure, 5 (2) basic skills: skilled in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and intubation operations, and be able to master the proper use of respiratory machine. (C) internal medicine of heart (2 months) 1. purpose rotary master medical diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of the heart, the proper use of antiarrhythmic drugs, familiar with the medical physical examination and result analysis of electrocardiogram of the heart. 2. basic requirements learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) myocardial infarction 10 congestive heart failure 10 rhythm disorders 10 primary hypertension disease 15 valve, and myocardial disease 5 basic skills requirements name cases (times) ECG operation 30 24 hours dynamic ECG monitoring 10 heart electrical cardioversion law 2 master acute myocardial infarction diagnosis and processing; hypertension disease and the anti-rhythm disorders of medication principles; master congestive heart failure of diagnosis 好型捕捞方式~减少对海龟、海鸟等其他生物的误捕~保护海洋生态环境。同时~为减少碳排放~对渔船节能降效的要求也越来越高。 二是从远洋渔业内部看~产业存在一些薄弱环节。主要表现在:,1,项目运作不够规范。我市远洋渔业项目大都通过民间渠道促成~缺乏政府间的合作协议~政治、经济风险较大。如2009年~我国决定停止渔船赴朝鲜东部海域作业~使一些已经向朝方缴纳入渔费用的企业受到很大损失。对于一些效益较好的合作项目~如中西太平洋金枪钓项目~则缺乏统一规划组织~往往一哄而上~分头对外~盲目竞争。,2,技术装备水平落后。我市大部分远洋渔船设备老化~自动化程度不高~吨位小、跑不快、捕不多、装不下、无法加工。生产中依靠船长经验等传统方式寻找渔场和捕鱼~技术水平落后。而发达国家远洋渔船已使用远红外线集鱼器、声纳探鱼仪、直升机探鱼等高科技捕捞技术设备。,3,产业体系不健全。我市远洋渔业主要集中在初级的生产环节~增值水平高的运输补给、加工销售等环节基本上受国外和台湾等地代理商和中间商控制~金枪鱼等高值产品很少运回国内。而深圳联成渔业的冰鲜金枪鱼已经成功进入麦德龙、沃尔玛、家乐福等大型商场~并成为上海世博会唯一冰鲜金枪鱼供应商。上海水产集团则依托自有水产市场~将产品运回国内销售~有效提高了经济效益。,4,专业人才匮乏。与中农发、上海水产集团等国有远洋渔业龙头相比~我市远洋渔业企业大都是从以往的乡镇企业发展而来~缺乏具有较高专业知识和综合能力的生产与经营管理人才~对远洋渔业资源等情况研究较少~对渔情信息、生产技术等业务缺乏深入了解~对项目缺乏科学论证~在海外生产中常处于被动状态。5、资金压力较大。目前~建造一艘8000吨级拖网加工船造价3500万美元、1100-1700吨金枪鱼围网渔船超过1dialogue. Can professional internships and intern ... Superiors may engage in certain research work under the guidance of a doctor. (B) the Neurology ICU or emergency room (4 months) 1. familiar Rotary purpose: ICU or emergency room diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in neurology procedures, focusing on mastering multiple organ failure, status epilepticus, increased intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia diagnosis and first aid; About: rational application of anti-infective drugs. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and case number: the number of disease cases (?) high intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia in 5 more than 5 status epilepticus with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in 5 heart and lung failure, 5 (2) basic skills: skilled in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and intubation operations, and be able to master the proper use of respiratory machine. (C) internal medicine of heart (2 months) 1. purpose rotary master medical diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of the heart, the proper use of antiarrhythmic drugs, familiar with the medical physical examination and result analysis of electrocardiogram of the heart. 2. basic requirements learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) myocardial infarction 10 congestive heart failure 10 rhythm disorders 10 primary hypertension disease 15 valve, and myocardial disease 5 basic skills requirements name cases (times) ECG operation 30 24 hours dynamic ECG monitoring 10 heart electrical cardioversion law 2 master acute myocardial infarction diagnosis and processing; hypertension disease and the anti-rhythm disorders of medication principles; master congestive heart failure of diagnosis 亿元、超低温金枪鱼钓船或大型鱿鱼钓船2500多万元~企业扩大船队规模面临着较大的资金压力。 三是国际国内对发展远洋渔业的竞争日趋激烈。从国际看~世界发达国家为满足国民对优质蛋白质的需求~高度重视对公海渔业资源的竞争和市场控制力~政府投入大量补贴~或花重金购买入渔权~提高燃油补贴~打造巨型远洋渔轮。荷兰在西非沿海作业的渔船~为船长140.8米、宽18.6米的万吨轮~配有大容积冷冻船舱,挪威为开发南极磷虾资源~计划建投资1.7亿美元建造大型捕捞加工船。为对发展中国家实行打压~发达国家纷纷采取劳力“替代”战略~雇佣发展中国家船员~降低劳动成本。从国内看~广东、福建、浙江、辽宁等沿海省市纷纷把远洋渔业作为发展现代渔业的重点。舟山提出建设国内远洋渔业基地的目标~计划建设国内最大的鱿鱼生产基地、鱿鱼加工基地、远洋鱼货集散基地和远洋渔船修造基地以及全国一流的渔业科研中心、远洋渔业服务中心、国际渔业会议中心和超低温金枪鱼供应中心~将舟山打造成中国前沿、世界一流的多功能有机融合的远洋渔业综合基地。福州拥有全国第一座10个泊位的远洋渔业专用码头~马尾港成为全国最大的远洋渔获物集散地~每年有30-40万吨的远洋自捕鱼到福州马尾港卸货。上海市水产集团瞄准大洋性作业不放松~提前布局~通过各种方式壮大远洋渔船船队~大型金枪鱼围网渔船和竹荚鱼拖网加工船分别达到9艘和5艘,预计今年年底将达到11艘和9艘,~均居国内首位~牢牢占据了发展主动权。辽渔集团与上海水产集团还积极参与农业部组织的南极磷虾试捕~为开展商业性捕捞、扩大作业渔场创造了有利条件。 ,二,有利因素: dialogue. Can professional internships and intern ... Superiors may engage in certain research work under the guidance of a doctor. (B) the Neurology ICU or emergency room (4 months) 1. familiar Rotary purpose: ICU or emergency room diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in neurology procedures, focusing on mastering multiple organ failure, status epilepticus, increased intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia diagnosis and first aid; About: rational application of anti-infective drugs. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and case number: the number of disease cases (?) high intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia in 5 more than 5 status epilepticus with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in 5 heart and lung failure, 5 (2) basic skills: skilled in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and intubation operations, and be able to master the proper use of respiratory machine. (C) internal medicine of heart (2 months) 1. purpose rotary master medical diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of the heart, the proper use of antiarrhythmic drugs, familiar with the medical physical examination and result analysis of electrocardiogram of the heart. 2. basic requirements learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) myocardial infarction 10 congestive heart failure 10 rhythm disorders 10 primary hypertension disease 15 valve, and myocardial disease 5 basic skills requirements name cases (times) ECG operation 30 24 hours dynamic ECG monitoring 10 heart electrical cardioversion law 2 master acute myocardial infarction diagnosis and processing; hypertension disease and the anti-rhythm disorders of medication principles; master congestive heart failure of diagnosis 一是资源开发有一定空间。尽管世界上大部分传统捕捞品种已经充分或过度捕捞~但还有20,的鱼类资源尚未开发利用~有的品种还有很大的潜力。据专家预测~南极磷虾资源蕴藏量6.5亿-10亿吨~是地球上资源蕴藏量最大的海洋渔业品种~目前开发量只有10万吨~开发潜力巨大。头足类、上层鱼类等品种也有很大的利用潜力~头足类资源储量为5000万吨至1亿吨~目前年捕捞量360万吨~国际渔业组织尚未对头足类捕捞实行限制。鲣鱼和竹荚鱼等上层鱼类也都处在国际组织认定的适度捕捞范围~仍有发展空间。 二是政策大力支持。十七届三中全会指出~“要扶持和壮大远洋渔业”~充分体现了中央对远洋渔业的关心和重视。连续几年的中央1号文件~都把远洋渔业列入农业重点产业。近年来~各级相继出台了造船补贴、免税柴油、燃油补贴、鱼货运回补贴和远洋渔业免企业所得税、鱼货运回免关税、渔船及设备进口关税减免等相关扶持政策~为发展远洋渔业创造了良好的条件。 三是外部环境趋于有利。目前全球从事大洋捕捞主要为美国、日本、挪威、西班牙、韩国、台湾等国家和地区。随着劳动力成本的上升~大洋性捕捞从发达国家向发展中国家转移成为必然趋势。发达国家大型拖网船队人工成本约占生产成本的35%-40%~金枪鱼围网船队人工成本约占总成本的30%~而发展中国家普遍不到20%,如台湾船长年薪约50 万美元~中国的船长年薪不到50 万人民币~国外普通船员年薪10 万美元~中国10 万人民币,虽然国外部分公司实施船员替代制度~但总体成本水平仍高于发展中国家。另一方面~大洋性渔业具有较高的资本、技术门槛~限制了多数发展中国家的进入。相比较而言~我国远洋企业在资金、技术、人员实力dialogue. Can professional internships and intern ... Superiors may engage in certain research work under the guidance of a doctor. (B) the Neurology ICU or emergency room (4 months) 1. familiar Rotary purpose: ICU or emergency room diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in neurology procedures, focusing on mastering multiple organ failure, status epilepticus, increased intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia diagnosis and first aid; About: rational application of anti-infective drugs. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and case number: the number of disease cases (?) high intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia in 5 more than 5 status epilepticus with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in 5 heart and lung failure, 5 (2) basic skills: skilled in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and intubation operations, and be able to master the proper use of respiratory machine. (C) internal medicine of heart (2 months) 1. purpose rotary master medical diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of the heart, the proper use of antiarrhythmic drugs, familiar with the medical physical examination and result analysis of electrocardiogram of the heart. 2. basic requirements learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) myocardial infarction 10 congestive heart failure 10 rhythm disorders 10 primary hypertension disease 15 valve, and myocardial disease 5 basic skills requirements name cases (times) ECG operation 30 24 hours dynamic ECG monitoring 10 heart electrical cardioversion law 2 master acute myocardial infarction diagnosis and processing; hypertension disease and the anti-rhythm disorders of medication principles; master congestive heart failure of diagnosis 等方面均有条件承接产业转移。同时~我国与亚洲、非洲、拉丁美洲等很多国家具有传统的友好关系~可以通过对外投资获得捕捞许可证~发展过洋性渔业依然存在一定空间。 四是发展基础比较扎实。经过近20年的发展~我市形成了一个规模较大的远洋渔业企业群体。这些远洋渔业企业大都依托综合实力强的大渔业集团~抵御风险能力强~具有长远发展的战略眼光。同时~经过多年的发展~我市在金枪鱼、鱿鱼、竹荚鱼等捕捞方面积累了比较丰富的经验~培养了一批远洋渔业专业人才~建立了比较稳固的合作渠道~为加快发展创造了有利条件。 总之~我市远洋渔业发展已经进入一个发展的关键时期。我们必须深入分析形势~科学谋划组织~采取有效措施~解决制约远洋渔业发展的瓶颈因素~才能在新一轮竞争中突出重围~掌握远洋渔业发展主动。 三、加快我市远洋渔业发展的思路、目标与措施 经过研究~我们初步确定了今后发展远洋渔业的总体思路、目标与重点措施: 总体思路:以科学发展观为指导~以经济效益为中心~以科学技术为支撑~以完善产业体系为重点~以金枪鱼、鱿鱼、竹荚鱼“三条鱼”为主攻方向~稳固过洋性渔业~加快大洋性渔业~坚持整体推进与重点突破、政府推动与市场运作、态度积极与步调稳妥相结合~加快远洋渔业专业化、集约化、规模化、现代化~全面提高远洋渔业综合竞争力~提升远洋渔业质量效益。 主要目标:规划到2015年~全市远洋渔船稳定在400艘以上~远洋渔业产量达到20万吨~产值达到30亿元~带动销售、加工和dialogue. Can professional internships and intern ... Superiors may engage in certain research work under the guidance of a doctor. (B) the Neurology ICU or emergency room (4 months) 1. familiar Rotary purpose: ICU or emergency room diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in neurology procedures, focusing on mastering multiple organ failure, status epilepticus, increased intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia diagnosis and first aid; About: rational application of anti-infective drugs. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and case number: the number of disease cases (?) high intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia in 5 more than 5 status epilepticus with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in 5 heart and lung failure, 5 (2) basic skills: skilled in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and intubation operations, and be able to master the proper use of respiratory machine. (C) internal medicine of heart (2 months) 1. purpose rotary master medical diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of the heart, the proper use of antiarrhythmic drugs, familiar with the medical physical examination and result analysis of electrocardiogram of the heart. 2. basic requirements learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) myocardial infarction 10 congestive heart failure 10 rhythm disorders 10 primary hypertension disease 15 valve, and myocardial disease 5 basic skills requirements name cases (times) ECG operation 30 24 hours dynamic ECG monitoring 10 heart electrical cardioversion law 2 master acute myocardial infarction diagnosis and processing; hypertension disease and the anti-rhythm disorders of medication principles; master congestive heart failure of diagnosis 物流服务业及相关产业产值超过60亿元。远洋渔业成为蓝色经济和渔业重要的增长点。 重点措施: ,一,开拓远洋渔业发展空间。,1,稳固现有作业渔场。在过洋性渔业方面~重点做好朝鲜东部海域、菲律宾海域、加纳海域项目的实施。其中~朝鲜东部海域拖网渔船稳定在300艘左右~菲律宾等国家拖网渔船稳定在10艘左右。在大洋性渔业方面~重点做好北太平洋、中西太平洋、东南太平洋、西南大西洋项目的实施。鱿鱼钓渔船稳定在50艘左右~金枪鱼钓渔船稳定在40艘左右,根据东南太平洋资源情况适时增上大型竹荚鱼拖网加工渔船。,2,积极开发新渔场。在大洋性渔业方面~重点开发中西太平洋金枪鱼围网、印度洋长鳍金枪鱼和西南大西洋拖网作业渔场~探索新的竹荚鱼渔场和秋刀鱼渔场~并争取参与南极磷虾试捕作业,在过洋性渔业方面~重点开发东南亚、非洲、拉美等过洋性渔场~增加作业渔船。,3,加强对外合作。积极参与对外经济技术合作~积极争取参与承担政府间合作项目~扩大海外投资~引进带捕捞配额的二手渔船~增加金枪鱼和其他品种的国际配额。 ,二,提高远洋渔船作业能力。依托我市渔船制造优势~积极开发新船型。加快建造马力大、吨位大、仓储大、续航期长的远洋渔船~尤其是3000吨-7000吨级的大型超低温金枪鱼钓船、金枪鱼围网船、竹荚鱼拖网、秋刀鱼舷提网、大型鱿鱼钓船及冷藏运输补给船等,满足远洋渔业发展需要。完善中小型渔船设计、建造规范与施工工艺标准化体系~推广玻璃钢渔船与船型优化、船机桨优化匹配及主机余热利用、节能机电产品集成应用等节能关键技术。配备新型负责任捕捞渔具和电子信息、遥感探鱼等现代化装备~依托dialogue. Can professional internships and intern ... Superiors may engage in certain research work under the guidance of a doctor. (B) the Neurology ICU or emergency room (4 months) 1. familiar Rotary purpose: ICU or emergency room diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in neurology procedures, focusing on mastering multiple organ failure, status epilepticus, increased intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia diagnosis and first aid; About: rational application of anti-infective drugs. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and case number: the number of disease cases (?) high intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia in 5 more than 5 status epilepticus with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in 5 heart and lung failure, 5 (2) basic skills: skilled in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and intubation operations, and be able to master the proper use of respiratory machine. (C) internal medicine of heart (2 months) 1. purpose rotary master medical diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of the heart, the proper use of antiarrhythmic drugs, familiar with the medical physical examination and result analysis of electrocardiogram of the heart. 2. basic requirements learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) myocardial infarction 10 congestive heart failure 10 rhythm disorders 10 primary hypertension disease 15 valve, and myocardial disease 5 basic skills requirements name cases (times) ECG operation 30 24 hours dynamic ECG monitoring 10 heart electrical cardioversion law 2 master acute myocardial infarction diagnosis and processing; hypertension disease and the anti-rhythm disorders of medication principles; master congestive heart failure of diagnosis 现代助渔与导航仪器、船位实时监控、海上遇险互救和数字化等技术~提高捕捞效率。 ,三,延长远洋渔业产业链条。在斐济、朝鲜等远洋渔船集中、条件比较成熟的地区~增上储存、加工、运输、销售、后勤保障等配套设施~形成生产、加工、运输、销售、供应一条龙、前后方配套联动的产业发展格局~增强综合保障能力。在合作国积极探索开展水产养殖、加工、修造船等~进行综合开发~提高综合效益~并通过海外投资换取捕捞许可证。在国内~加快建设远洋渔业综合服务平台~建设金枪鱼、鱿鱼等加工项目~集中建设远遥、石岛等中心水产市场~在为本市远洋渔船服务的同时~吸引国内外远洋水产品汇聚流通。 ,四,推进远洋渔业科技进步。加强与中国海洋大学等大院大所的合作~开展远洋渔业重大课题研究和重要技术研发及攻关~建立健全远洋渔业科技研发、信息处理体系~在资源开发、渔情预报分析与决策、船型设计、渔船及设备制造、冷藏加工等方面实施科技攻关~加快成果转化。大力加强远洋渔业人才培育~加强经营管理队伍建设~建设船长和远洋捕捞加工、贸易的专业人才队伍~提高从业人员技能~鼓励大中专生和外派劳务船员到远洋渔业企业就业和创业~提高远洋渔业队伍素质。 ,五,加强远洋渔业管理调控。成立远洋渔业协会~加强远洋渔业管理与服务~针对远洋渔业发展难点、热点问题~开展调查研究~提出对策和建议。组织搞好远洋渔业海外项目的评估论证~建立远洋渔业项目储备库~充分考虑资源、政策、企业承受能力和市场等多方面因素~做到科学规划、循序渐进。多渠道开辟合作途径~科学选择合作伙伴~少走弯路~减少盲目性。加强远洋渔船的出入dialogue. Can professional internships and intern ... Superiors may engage in certain research work under the guidance of a doctor. (B) the Neurology ICU or emergency room (4 months) 1. familiar Rotary purpose: ICU or emergency room diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in neurology procedures, focusing on mastering multiple organ failure, status epilepticus, increased intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia diagnosis and first aid; About: rational application of anti-infective drugs. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and case number: the number of disease cases (?) high intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia in 5 more than 5 status epilepticus with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in 5 heart and lung failure, 5 (2) basic skills: skilled in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and intubation operations, and be able to master the proper use of respiratory machine. (C) internal medicine of heart (2 months) 1. purpose rotary master medical diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of the heart, the proper use of antiarrhythmic drugs, familiar with the medical physical examination and result analysis of electrocardiogram of the heart. 2. basic requirements learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) myocardial infarction 10 congestive heart failure 10 rhythm disorders 10 primary hypertension disease 15 valve, and myocardial disease 5 basic skills requirements name cases (times) ECG operation 30 24 hours dynamic ECG monitoring 10 heart electrical cardioversion law 2 master acute myocardial infarction diagnosis and processing; hypertension disease and the anti-rhythm disorders of medication principles; master congestive heart failure of diagnosis 境管理~对远洋渔船全部配备卫星定位设备~采取现代化手段对远洋渔船实施跟踪管理~健全突发事件预警和应急处理机制~切实保障船员的人身安全和合法权益。 建议: 一是加大对远洋渔业的资金支持力度。全国沿海省市为鼓励远洋渔业发展~相继出台了一些“含金量”很高的扶持政策。如深圳市专门设立远洋渔业专项经费~对企业新建和购置远洋渔船、超低温运输船~最高给予1200万元的补助,对企业缴纳的境外资源使用费~给予50%资助,对运回自捕的水产品~给予每吨300-10000元不等的运费资助,对远洋渔业企业在深圳设立总部或分支机构的~给予100万元-300万元的奖励。浙江省对远洋渔船及配套加工、运输船的更新改造、远洋渔业新渔场、新鱼种探捕、行业、远洋渔业基地建设等也给予资金补助。以舟山为例~建造50.50米远洋鱿渔钓船~省财政提供80万元补贴~舟山市配套50万元资金~县区配套20万元~共提供150万元财政补贴,建造72.80米的鱿钓船~财政补贴可达400万元。目前~舟山已经成为我国最大的远洋鱿钓基地~渔船数量占全国50%以上。外省市的这些扶持政策~对我市远洋渔业企业产生了很大的吸引力。建议各级设立远洋渔业专项资金~加大扶持力度~确保进一步巩固和扩大我市远洋渔业在全省、全国的优势地位。 二是加强对远洋渔业的组织领导。建议将远洋渔业提高到战略性产业的高度~成立由市领导、相关部门和县区政府有关负责人组成的远洋渔业发展领导小组~建立远洋渔业领导、协调机制~谋划dialogue. Can professional internships and intern ... Superiors may engage in certain research work under the guidance of a doctor. (B) the Neurology ICU or emergency room (4 months) 1. familiar Rotary purpose: ICU or emergency room diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in neurology procedures, focusing on mastering multiple organ failure, status epilepticus, increased intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia diagnosis and first aid; About: rational application of anti-infective drugs. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and case number: the number of disease cases (?) high intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia in 5 more than 5 status epilepticus with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in 5 heart and lung failure, 5 (2) basic skills: skilled in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and intubation operations, and be able to master the proper use of respiratory machine. (C) internal medicine of heart (2 months) 1. purpose rotary master medical diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of the heart, the proper use of antiarrhythmic drugs, familiar with the medical physical examination and result analysis of electrocardiogram of the heart. 2. basic requirements learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) myocardial infarction 10 congestive heart failure 10 rhythm disorders 10 primary hypertension disease 15 valve, and myocardial disease 5 basic skills requirements name cases (times) ECG operation 30 24 hours dynamic ECG monitoring 10 heart electrical cardioversion law 2 master acute myocardial infarction diagnosis and processing; hypertension disease and the anti-rhythm disorders of medication principles; master congestive heart failure of diagnosis 远洋渔业发展战略~研究解决远洋渔业发展中的重大问题~推进重 大项目实施。 dialogue. Can professional internships and intern ... Superiors may engage in certain research work under the guidance of a doctor. (B) the Neurology ICU or emergency room (4 months) 1. familiar Rotary purpose: ICU or emergency room diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in neurology procedures, focusing on mastering multiple organ failure, status epilepticus, increased intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia diagnosis and first aid; About: rational application of anti-infective drugs. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and case number: the number of disease cases (?) high intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia in 5 more than 5 status epilepticus with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in 5 heart and lung failure, 5 (2) basic skills: skilled in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and intubation operations, and be able to master the proper use of respiratory machine. (C) internal medicine of heart (2 months) 1. purpose rotary master medical diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of the heart, the proper use of antiarrhythmic drugs, familiar with the medical physical examination and result analysis of electrocardiogram of the heart. 2. basic requirements learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) myocardial infarction 10 congestive heart failure 10 rhythm disorders 10 primary hypertension disease 15 valve, and myocardial disease 5 basic skills requirements name cases (times) ECG operation 30 24 hours dynamic ECG monitoring 10 heart electrical cardioversion law 2 master acute myocardial infarction diagnosis and processing; hypertension disease and the anti-rhythm disorders of medication principles; master congestive heart failure of diagnosis
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