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妈妈怎样给宝宝选购帽子妈妈怎样给宝宝选购帽子 妈妈怎样给宝宝选购帽子 核心提示:人的头部是大脑神经中枢的所在地。帽子戴不好,会影响宝宝生长发育。 本文档由【中文word文档库】www.wordwendang.com提供,转载分发敬请保留本信息; 中文word文档库免费提供海量范文、教育、学习、政策、报告和经济类word文档。 Core tips: The head is the seat of The CNS. If the hat couldn’t be wear well,it will affect the growth and ...
妈妈怎样给宝宝选购帽子 妈妈怎样给宝宝选购帽子 核心提示:人的头部是大脑神经中枢的所在地。帽子戴不好,会影响宝宝生长发育。 本文档由【中文word文档库】www.wordwendang.com提供,转载分发敬请保留本信息; 中文word文档库免费提供海量范文、教育、学习、政策、和经济类word文档。 Core tips: The head is the seat of The CNS. If the hat couldn’t be wear well,it will affect the growth and development of the baby 给宝宝选购帽子,以柔软、轻便、保暖性好的材料制作而成为宜,不宜太紧,应宽松,不宜过厚 过重,否则会阻碍头皮的血液循环,影响头颅的发育。 Select a hat for your baby,with a soft, light, warm and good materials should be better,shouldn’t be too tight, should be loose,and should not be too heavy and thick, otherwise it will hinder the blood circulation of scalp, skull development influence. 不能乱戴别人的帽子,如头癣,虱病等皮肤传染病可以通过帽子传染,有的孩子皮脂分泌 旺盛,头皮油脂分泌特别多,可使头发多油发亮,宜戴透气,轻便函的帽子,并且要经常洗涮, 以保持帽子清洁。 Don't mess with someone else's hat, such as tinea capitis, pediculosis, infectious disease of the skin can pass the hat infectious, some children scalp sebum secretion, sebum secretion particularly much,can make the hair oily shine, should wear breathable, lightweight letter hat, and often wash clean, to keep the hat clean. 易受凉性生病的孩子,可选用棉,毛制品做的帽子,有皮肤过敏者不选用化纤制品。 Easy cold of a sick child, can choose cotton, wool products do hat, skin allergies should not use chemical products. 新生儿一般不戴帽子,除非室内温度较低,或者外出时才需要戴。帽子也要选用棉织制品。 婴儿的小脑袋皮肉细嫩,对气候变化适应能力差,要选戴质地轻盈、手感柔软、保温透气的帽子; 若帽子过重、过硬,不仅婴儿戴上不舒适,而且对脑神经发育不利。婴儿帽最好选择无帽檐的, 这样便于母亲抱和哺乳,同时睡在摇篮和床上又能看到周围的东西。 Neonatal generally do not wear a hat, unless the indoor temperature is low, or go out to need to wear,and should use cotton products. The baby's little head skin delicate,they have poor ability to adapt to climate change, to choose a quality light, soft, breathable insulation cap. If the cap is overweight, excellent, not only the baby uncomfortable to wear, but also on the brain development adversely. Baby Hat best choice no brim, it’s easy for 更多相关文档免费请登录: 中文word文档库 mother hugged and lactation, while sleeping in the cradle and the bed and can see things around. 帽子的大小要与头围相适,一般根据头围周长放大1-2厘米(或头围直径放大0.3厘米)为 宜;尺码适当放宽的目的是防止帽子过紧,对孩子的头部发育不利,也防止帽圈收缩后,影响戴 用。婴儿帽为42,48厘米,童帽50,55厘米。 Hat size to fit with the head circumference, head circumference is generally based on amplification of 1-2 cm (or head circumference diameter enlarged 0.3 cm) as appropriate; Size appropriate to relax the purpose is to prevent the hat is too tight, detrimental to the child's head of development, but also to prevent the hat band after contraction, impact wearing. Baby hat is 42 ~ 48 cm, bonnet is 50 ~ 55 cm. 人的头部是大脑神经中枢的所在地。头为诸阳之会。头部的皮肤虽然薄,但血管及汗毛既多且粗, 所以,体内热量常从头部大量往外蒸发。有关研究资料表明,气温在l5C左右时人体约1,3的 热量从头部散发;气温在4C左右时,人体约1,2热量从头部散发;而气温在零下l0C左右时, 竟会有3,4人体热量从头部“跑掉”。由此可见头部与人体热平衡的关系很大。一个人如果只 是多穿几件衣服,而不戴帽子,那就像热水而不盖塞子一样,热气就会源源不断地向外“输出”。 The head is the seat of the nerve center of the brain.Head is the most important organ. Although the thin skin of the head, but the vessels and hairs are numerous and thick, so, often from the head of a lot of body heat to evaporate. The related research indicated that, the temperature at about l5C of about 1 / 3 of the calories from the head distribution; temperature at about 4C, the human body is about 1 / 2 of heat from the head out; and the temperature below about l0C, would have 3 / 4 body heat from the head " run away ". Great relationship thus the heat balance of head and body. If a person is more than a few pieces of clothes to wear, and not wearing a hat, it is like a hot and does not cover the plug, the heat will everfount outward " output ". 寒冬戴帽子不仅能保暖,而且还可避免发生风寒感冒、咳嗽、头痛、面神经麻痹(即口眼歪料) 等疾病。 Wearing hat in the cold winter is not only can keep warm, but also to avoid cold cold, cough, headache, facial nerve paralysis and other diseases. 帽子要注意洗刷和保养、保存好,以备再用。 Hat should pay attention to cleaning and maintenance,preservation well, convenient to use again 教你正确为宝宝挑选冬衣 外出保暖四个要点勿大意 核心提示:冬天天气寒冷,保暖是非常重要的。如何给宝宝正确穿衣,尤其是外出时应该如何给 更多相关文档免费下载请登录: 中文word文档库 宝宝做好保暖,是家长们一定要重视的问。 怎样为宝宝挑选适合的衣服,尤其是寒冷冬季到来,怎样让宝宝穿得暖又不因太过臃肿而影响发 育,让妈妈们非常头疼,尤其对于新手妈妈们来说,一时的不注意可能就会给宝宝的身体带来伤 害。 一般来说,在室内,宝宝衣服的穿法是:上装为内衣+薄毛衣+厚毛衣,下装为内裤+薄毛裤+ 厚毛裤即可;外出时则视情况而定,一般是加上外套、外裤,如果过多则会让宝宝的活动大受限 制,还会宝宝哭叫不停。 How to choose suitable for baby clothes, especially in cold winter comes, how to let the baby wear warm and not too bloated and affect development, so mothers very headache, especially for novice mothers, temporary don't pay attention to may bring harm to the baby 's body. Generally speaking, in the room, baby clothes to wear is provided for: underwear + thin sweater + thick sweater, down to underwear + + thick thin trousers can Maoku; when going out, as the case may be, is generally with a jacket, pants, if excessive, can let the baby activity is restricted, also will the baby crying non-stop. 宝宝冬衣的选购要点: The baby clothes to buy points: 1、宝宝的衣服式样应美观、大方,便于穿脱。宝宝衣物上的饰物和纽扣不要太多,另外尽 可能不选用金属饰品,否则宝宝扯下来或放在嘴里玩,都很危险的。 1, baby clothes should be beautiful, generous, easy to wear off. Baby clothing, jewelry and buttons don't too many, also as far as possible not to use metal jewelry, otherwise the baby off or put in the mouth to play, are very dangerous. 2、颜色搭配协调第一,最好不要太突兀和花哨。比如上半身花则下半身就素些,下半身花 则上半身素些。建议为宝宝戴配饰时,有头饰即可,其搭配原则是基本成一体系就好。 2, color coordination, had better not too obtrusive and fancy. For example, the upper part of the body is the lower part of the body is, the lower half of the body is the upper part of the body element. Suggestions for baby wear accessories, headdress, the matching principle is a basic into a system. 3、要看衣物质地和舒展性等。保暖性好的材质,不用给宝宝裹得如“肉粽子”一般,而具 延展性的材质,则可以让宝宝活动起来更舒适。 更多相关文档免费下载请登录: 中文word文档库 3, to see the clothing material and stretch. Good heat preservation material, do not give your baby wrapped as " meat dumplings ", and ductile material, can let the baby activities more comfortable. 4、选择天然、柔软的面料,要易水洗、手感好。衣物选择以纯棉的比较好,因为纯棉的织 物比较柔软、透气;化纤原料常会引起过敏,一般宜选作防风、防雨的风衣或棉衣面料;毛料虽 然是天然品,但是比较粗糙,容易对宝宝的肌肤产生刺激,因此作外套是比较理想的。 4, choose natural, soft fabric, be easy to wash, feel good. Clothes choose to cotton is better, because the fabric cotton is soft, breathable; chemical fiber raw materials often cause allergies, generally selected for windproof, rainproof windbreaker or cotton fabric; wool is a natural product, but relatively rough, easy for the baby's skin irritation, so as the coat is ideal. 5、毛衣要选购儿童专用毛线。宝宝肌肤柔软,容易皮肤过敏,专为宝宝生产的毛线,它所 含的羊毛与普通毛线中的羊毛不一样,非常细小,并且很柔软,保暖性又好,十分适合宝宝穿用。 妈妈还须注意,不要选择含马海毛的毛线,因为容易脱毛,吸入到宝宝气管和肺内会引起疾病。 5, want to buy a wool sweater for children. The baby skin soft, easy to skin allergies, designed specifically for baby production of wool, wool and wool which contains the wool is not the same, very small, and very soft, warm and good, very suitable for baby wear. Mother should pay attention, do not choose the yarn with Ma Haimao, because of easy hair removal, sucked into the trachea and intrapulmonary disease will cause the baby. 小提示:冬季为宝宝换衣时,要记得衣服在穿之前一定要下水,特别是宝宝的内衣,因为宝 宝的皮肤很娇嫩。 Tip: Winter baby clothes, remember to wear clothes in prior to launching, especially children 's underwear, because the baby 's skin is very delicate. 冬季外出怎样给宝宝穿衣, 1、给宝宝穿上贴身衣裤 有的妈妈认为,宝宝不停地动会出很多汗,如果汗液把内衣弄湿,不如不穿,只要外面穿上 厚衣服就可以保暖。殊不知柔软的棉内衣不仅可以吸汗,而且还能让空气保留在皮肤周围,因此 阻断了体热丢失,不易使宝宝受凉生病;而不穿贴身内衣的宝宝由于体表热量丢失得多,身上摸 上去总是冰凉凉的,尤其是下半身,难怪容易感冒了。 2、穿衣要适量 如果穿得太多,宝宝一旦活动便会出汗不止,这样则会使皮肤血管扩张,皮肤血液流量增加, 因此散热量加大。表现为宝宝出很多的汗,衣服被汗液湿透,反而由此着凉,并且也降低了身体 对外界气温变化的适应能力而使抗病能力下降。由于6个月以内的宝宝因体表面积相对较大散热 更多相关文档免费下载请登录: 中文word文档库 多,但身体产热能力却不足,所以外出寒冷时还是应该注意多穿衣。判断宝宝穿得多少是否合适, 可经常摸摸他的小手和小脚,只要不冰凉就说明他们的身体是暖和的。 3、准备一件轻薄的小棉服 既挡风又保暖,要比多穿几件厚衣服都御寒,而且活动灵巧方便。 因为小棉服内层与外层中间夹着膨松的棉花,它可以吸收很多空气,由皮肤体温散发的热量 先穿透棉服内层,然后渗入中层的棉花中,由多层空气吸收并且围护在皮肤四周,而棉服外层则 不易让冷空气入侵,因此有着良好的保暖作用。而厚外衣没有更多的吸收容纳暖空气的空间,挡 风尚可以,但御寒保暖则比小棉服差多了。 4、绒衣绒裤不要贴身反穿 绒衣绒裤通常采用起绒针织布制作而成,反而柔软、蓬松、保暖性很好,有的妈妈给宝宝反 穿。然而,如果反面穿着,这些绒毛很快会因汗液和皮脂的缘故,变得粘结、发硬,若是洗涤时 再用力搓揉,就会使这种情况更为加重,保暖作用因此而减弱。请记住;洗涤时应用双手轻轻去 除多余水分,毛面向外晾晒,晒干后用手轻轻揉一下,就会使毛面保持蓬松柔软状态,切不可用 力去揉。 Winter on how to give the baby to dress? 1, give the baby to wear underwear Some mothers think, the baby does not stop the earthquake will be a lot of sweat, sweat wet if put underwear, do not wear, as long as the outside wear thick clothes to keep warm. But the soft cotton underwear can not only absorb sweat, but also to allow the air to remain on the skin around, thus blocking the body heat loss, not easily make the baby cold sick; and do not wear underwear baby due to surface heat loss is much, the body always feels cold, especially the lower body, no wonder susceptible to colds. 2, dressed in moderation If you wear too much, baby once the activity will be sweating more than, this will make the skin telangiectasia, skin blood flow increased, thus increasing the volume of heat. Is the baby a lot of sweat, sweat soaked clothes, but the cold, and also reduced the ability to adapt to changes in the body outside temperature and make the drop resistance. Due within 6 months of the baby because of relatively large radiating surface area, but the body heat production ability is insufficient, so go cold should still pay attention to dress. Determine the baby wear how much is appropriate, often can touch his hands and feet, as long as no cold that their body is warm. 3, prepare a thin small cotton-padded clothes Both wind and warm, to warm more than wearing thick clothes, and flexible and convenient. Since the middle of the inner layer and the outer layer of small cotton with fluffy cotton, it can absorb a lot of air, circulated by the skin temperature of heat through the cotton layer, then into the middle of the cotton, composed of multi-layer air absorbing and retaining in the skin around, and the outer layer is 更多相关文档免费下载请登录: 中文word文档库 not easy to let all the cold air invasion, therefore has a warming effect good. The thick coat no more the absorption capacity of warm air space, the wind is warm, but is much worse than small cotton-padded clothes. 4, sweat pants don't fit the wear Sweat pants usually adopts the fleece fabric produced, but soft and fluffy, warm and good, some mothers to baby wearing. However, if the opposite in the villi, will soon because of sweat and sebum 's sake, be bonded, stiff, if washing again when rubbed, will make this even more aggravated, heat preservation effect diminished. Remember; when washing hands gently to remove excess water use, hair face outward to dry, dried, gently massage, can make the hair to maintain soft state, must not be forced to knead. 宝宝秋季穿衣法则:毛背心暖后背 小袜子暖双足 核心提示:秋天适度经受些寒冷,能够提高皮肤和鼻粘膜的耐寒力,对安度冬季有益。不过宝宝 温度调节能力和抵抗力都比较弱,“秋冻”要讲究循序渐进,该保暖的部位还是要注意的。 俗话说一场秋雨一场寒,踏入秋季,气温开始下降。照理说人们应该适当增添衣服,但是又碍于 有“春捂秋冻”的说法,有些爸妈就开始迷茫了:“究竟秋季应该让宝宝穿少点呢,还是让宝宝 穿多点呢,” 秋季宝宝穿衣法则: 1. 给宝宝穿衣服,要保持头部散热,头部过暖反而会令宝宝心烦头晕;衣服不要穿太多, 以不妨碍宝宝活动为前提。 2. 妈妈可以随时摸宝宝的手,如果手上的温度适中而颈背又没有汗的,说明宝宝穿的衣服 量适中。 3. 宝宝秋季穿衣服,可以遵循“三暖”的法则,即“背暖、肚暖、足暖”。 到底要选什么样的衣服,才能让宝宝在秋天保持“背暖、肚暖、足暖”呢,下面马上介绍。 时尚又实用,毛织背心暖后背 在春季和秋季我们经常可以看到这种打扮: 里面穿一件长袖的衬衣或者T恤,外面再穿一 件针织背心,看起来时尚又保暖。毛呢针织背心穿脱比较方便,它能给背部保暖,整个人又不至 于穿太多而感到闷热。秋季里,妈妈也可以给宝宝添一件这样的背心。 白天肚兜晚上睡袋,肚子保暖不成问题 当冷空气直接刺激腹部,孩子就会肚子痛,从而损伤脾胃功能,使脾胃不能正常、稳定地运 转。所以宝宝肚子保暖不能忽视。 更多相关文档免费下载请登录: 中文word文档库 无论是白天还是晚上,宝宝的小肚子总是很容易着凉。一是白天玩耍时或者大人抱起宝宝时, 上衣很容易揪出来而使肚子着凉;二是晚上睡觉时,宝宝蹬被子等也容易露出肚子。因此,妈妈 可以选择白天用肚兜,方便活动;晚上给宝宝用睡袋,爸妈也不用担心宝宝蹬被子了。 加双小袜子,秋季足部够暖和 相信我们到了冬天都有这样的体验:身体上除了暴露在空气中的手部和面部,足部是最容易 感到冷的也是体温最低的部位。对于宝宝来说,从秋季就要注意足部保暖了。 在夏天,不少宝宝都是光着脚走路。腿部有丰富的神经末梢,对温度变化非常敏感,因此秋 季别让宝宝再光着脚了。婴儿脚部幼小,可以穿脚套;年龄大一点的宝宝,可以根据脚长选择袜 子。 Baby autumn dress rules: wool vest warm back socks warm feet Core tip: Autumn moderate subjected to some cold, can improve the skin and nasal mucosa of cold tolerance, and good in winter. But the baby temperature adjustment ability and resistance are relatively weak, " autumn aspic" to the proper, the warm site or pay attention to the. As the saying goes, a cold autumn rain, autumn, the temperature began to fall. They say people should have appropriate clothes, but again due to a " job ", some parents began to confusion: " what autumn should let the baby wear less, or let the baby wear more? " Baby autumn dress rules: 1 baby clothes, to keep the head warm heat, the head but will make the baby upset dizziness; clothes do not wear too much, so as not to hinder the baby activities as a precondition. 2. mother can always touch the baby's hand, if the temperature is moderate and the nape of the neck and hands no sweat, shows a moderate amount of baby clothes. 3. baby autumn clothes, can follow the "three principles, namely " warm " back, belly, feet warm warm warm ". How to choose what to wear, can let the baby to maintain " back, belly, feet warm warm warm ." in the fall? The following paper immediately. Stylish and practical, woolen vest warm back In the spring and autumn we can often see this dress up: wear a long-sleeved shirt or T-shirt, outside wearing a vest, look stylish and warm. Wool knitted vest to wear off easily, it can give back warm, the whole person and not to wear too much and feel hot. In the autumn of the year, my mother can give your baby to add a piece of this vest. The bellyband night sleeping bags, warm stomach is not a problem 更多相关文档免费下载请登录: 中文word文档库 When the cold air directly stimulate the stomach, the child will be stomach pain, which damage the function of the spleen and stomach, stomach is not normal, stable operation. So the baby belly warm can not be ignored. Whether it is day or night, baby tummy always easy to catch a cold. One day while playing or adult picked up the baby, coat easily out the stomach cold; the two is when sleeping in the evening, the baby kicking quilt, also easy to show. Therefore, the mother can choose a day with Dudou, easy activities; night to the baby sleeping bag, parents do not have to worry about your baby quilt. With double socks, foot warm enough in autumn We believe that the winter has such experience: the body except the exposure in the air of the hands and face, foot is most likely to feel the cold is lowest temperature. For the baby, from autumn should pay attention to the feet warm. In the summer, many children are walking barefoot. The leg is rich in nerve endings, are very sensitive to temperature changes, so don't let the baby to fall with bare feet. The young baby feet, can wear the foot sleeve; the older baby, can choose according to the foot long socks. 做好准备迎接BB到来 新生儿所需衣服及选购技巧 核心提示:新生儿出生后,亲朋好友会赠送一些衣服,加上自己准备的,足够宝宝用一阵子了。 宝宝长得很快,所以宝宝的衣物不要多买。爸爸妈妈们可以给自己的宝贝大致准备以下衣服: 3,5件内衫:前开襟是最方便的,而套头衫比较平滑舒适。 3,5件底部有收紧绳的睡衣:等宝宝会动会玩时,应将绳子抽掉,以避免危险。 2,3件包毯:如果你的宝宝出生在秋冬时分,睡觉时更要注意保暖。 3,6件包脚的连身服:给秋冬出生的宝宝用;若是在春末或夏季出生的宝宝,只需准备2, 3件即可。 3,6件连身短衫(胯下有按扣的):给春末或夏天出生的宝宝用。 2件可洗的围兜兜:可防止宝宝的衣服被口水渗湿。 1,3顶帽子:热天要有一顶质轻、带帽檐的帽子用来挡阳光;冷天则最好用有耳罩、不太 紧的帽子来保暖。 2,4件有罩头的斗篷。 另外,婴儿的袜子一定要买,可以有效防止婴儿着凉。 更多相关文档免费下载请登录: 中文word文档库 新生儿衣服选购指南: 一、新生儿的骨骼细嫩,不适合穿套头衫。最好让宝宝穿开衫,以方便穿脱。 二、不要给宝宝穿有纽扣的衣服,硬扣子会硌伤宝宝的皮肤,还有可能让宝宝吸到嘴里造成 窒息。 三、要注意内衣的缝制工艺,以接缝越少越好为准则。 四、所有的内衣在给宝宝穿之前,都应用开水烫洗后在太阳下曝晒杀菌后再穿。 Prepare for the arrival of the BB newborn clothes and purchase skills required Core tip: after the birth, the relatives and friends will give some clothes, plus your own baby, enough for a while. The baby grow very fast, so baby clothes don't buy. Parents can give their baby clothes roughly the following: 3 to 5 parts: front cardigan sweater is the most convenient and smooth and comfortable, pullovers. Have to tighten the rope pajamas 3 ~ 5 bottom pieces: your baby will move will play, should the rope will be removed, to avoid danger. 2 ~ 3 packets blanket: if your baby was born in autumn and winter, when sleeping, more attention should be paid to warm. From 3 to 6 feet of the Jumpsuit: to babies born in autumn or winter; if in the late spring or summer babies, only need to prepare 2 ~ 3. 3 ~ 6 body blouse ( with snap crotch ): to late spring or summer babies with. The 2 part can be washed Bib: can prevent the baby 's clothes were wet permeability of slobber. 1 ~ 3 hats: hot to have a top light, with a hat with a brim to block the sunlight; cold weather it is best to use a headset, not too tight a hat to keep warm. 2 ~ 4 a hooded cloak. In addition, the baby socks must buy, can effectively prevent the baby cold. Newborn clothes shopping guide: One, the delicate bones of newborns, do not suit to wear pullovers. Best to allow your baby to wear cardigan, easy to wear off. Two, do not give your baby to wear clothes buttons, hard buttons would Luo injured baby's skin, may have to allow your baby 's mouth caused by asphyxiation breath. Three, pay attention to underwear sewing process, the better for the guidelines to the joints. Four, all the underwear before to give your baby to wear, use boiling water to wash and wear in the sun after sterilization. 更多相关文档免费下载请登录: 中文word文档库 三岁内宝宝衣服怎么挑, 要舒适合体易于穿脱 核心提示:秋天换季,妈妈们是不是又开始头痛怎么给宝宝挑衣服了呢,要合理为宝宝添置衣物,首先要了解以下这些选购原则。 怎样给宝宝购置衣服是妈妈们头痛的问题,尤其是婴幼儿,穿多了穿少了宝宝也不会表达,又担心有害物质不安全,伤了宝宝皮肤都不知道。 其实,宝宝虽然娇弱,穿衣不慎就容易生病,要防患于未然却也没有那么难。新手妈妈们,只要了解给宝宝穿衣的几大原则,就能合理的为宝宝挑选衣服了。 婴幼儿服装不可不知的安全 婴幼儿服装是指3岁以下或身高100厘米以下的宝宝衣服,分为A、B、C三个等级,其中A级服装可供婴幼儿穿着;B级服装可以贴身穿着;C级服装仅是可以穿着。妈妈们在挑选时,无比留下以下服装标签,为宝宝更合适的衣服。 这个分级标准,对于婴幼儿用品和直接接触皮肤类产品,做了严格的要求,可以让宝宝远离甲醛、PH值、染色物等有毒有害物质的伤害。 婴幼儿服装选购六大原则要牢记 一、舒适合体 服装款式要舒适合体,简洁明快。不宜穿紧身装,以免发热排汗不畅。 二、纯棉面料 宜选用吸湿性较强,耐洗涤的纯棉面料。 三、易于穿脱 为了培养儿童良好生活习惯应选用易于穿脱的服装。在前襟开口处钉暗扣、纽扣或以蝴蝶结装饰,使孩子有兴趣自己穿衣、脱衣。 四、小心拉链 幼儿不宜穿拉链裤,以免会阴皮肤或包皮被嵌到拉链中去而受伤。 五、颜色宜浅不宜深 宝宝选购衣服时尽量选择颜色浅的、不含荧光成分的衣服。还要检查衣物的拉链、接缝等处缝制是否平整,以免磨伤宝宝皮肤。 六、嗅觉判断 更多相关文档免费下载请登录: 中文word文档库 这是辨别衣物添加剂的有效方法,如果衣物甲醛超标,会有一股刺鼻的味道。也有些衣物有 类似机油的味道,都说明衣物受到了污染。 婴幼儿穿衣量小Tips: 无论什么季节,给宝宝穿衣都记住掌握一个基准:稍多于成人。只要宝宝穿戴舒适,手清凉, 脸色正常,就表明穿戴合理,不要因为担心就给宝宝穿太多衣物,甚至,较胖的孩子穿衣还应比 成人略少。 Three years old baby clothes, how to choose? To comfort fit easily wear off Core tip: autumn season, mom is it right? Started a headache how picked out for the baby clothes? Be reasonable for baby clothes, we must first understand the following selection principle. How to give the baby to buy clothes is mom headache problem, especially in infants and young children, to wear much wear little baby will not expression, and that harmful substances are not safe, hurt the baby skin do not know. In fact, although children delicate, dress mistake can easily get sick, to nip in the bud is not so difficult. Novice mothers, as long as the understanding of a few principles for baby clothing, can be reasonably chosen for the baby clothes. Safety standard for infant clothing can not know Infant clothing is 3 years of age or height 100 cm below the baby clothes, divided into A, B, C three grades, of which a garment for babies; B clothes can wear; C is only can wear clothing. Mothers in the selection, so leave the following clothing label, more suitable for baby clothes. The grading standard for infant supplies, and direct contact with the skin products, to do a strict requirement, can let the baby away from formaldehyde, pH value, dyeing of toxic and harmful substances such as damage. Six principles of infant clothing to keep in mind A, comfortable fit Clothing styles to comfortably, concise and lively. Not to wear tight fitting, so as to avoid heating poor perspiration. Two, cotton fabric Should choose a strong hygroscopicity, resistant to washing of cotton fabrics. 更多相关文档免费下载请登录: 中文word文档库 Three, easy to wear off In order to cultivate children's good habits should be easy to put on and take off clothes. In the front opening nail button, button or bow decoration, so that children are interested in their dressing, undressing. Four, careful zipper Children should not wear pants zipper, lest the skin of perineum or wrapping is embedded into the zipper to hurt. Five, the color should be light is a deep Try to choose light color, does not contain fluorescent component clothes buy baby clothes. Zipper, seam is sewn to check whether the formation of clothing, so as not to damage the baby skin. Six, the sense of smell to judge This is the effective method to identify clothing additive, if formaldehyde exceed the standard clothing, will have a pungent taste. There are also some clothes smell like oil, all contaminated clothing. A small amount of Tips infant clothing: No matter what the season, to baby clothes all remember master a benchmark: slightly more than adult. As long as the baby wear comfortable, cool and refreshing, normal face, that dress is reasonable, not because of fear to give your baby to wear too much clothing, even, fat children also should be slightly less than the adult. 最嫩Chanel女郎成人化着装好吗 核心提示:微博上有这么一张照片,对于香奈儿的粉丝们来说,这是一张非常棒的照片。或许, 很多会觉得这个小孩很有范儿。但是小编认为这是目前儿童服装成人化的另一个表现。童装款式 的成人化会带来什么,儿童走成熟化道路究竟好不好,大人们是如何看待童装成人化的趋势 呢, 微博上有这么一张照片,对于香奈儿的粉丝们来说,这是一张非常棒的照片。或许,很多会觉得 这个小孩很有范儿。但是小编认为这是目前儿童服装成人化的另一个表现。看看周围,抹胸、热 裤、露脐装、儿童高跟鞋、豹纹紧身裤„„一些成人款式的服装如今正大量出现在童装中。在一 些童装广告里,儿童模特还模仿成人模特摆出撩人姿势,引起了不小争议。是喜,是忧,是时尚 还是早熟,童装款式的成人化会带来什么,儿童走成熟化道路究竟好不好,大人们是如何看待 童装成人化的趋势呢, 更多相关文档免费下载请登录: 中文word文档库 美国心理协会发布的一份研究报告显示,女孩过早的性成熟容易导致饮食紊乱、自我评价过 低和抑郁等问题。美国心理学家乔治亚?维特金也表示,一些童星成人化的装扮和行为极易引起 同龄儿童的模仿风潮。5,12岁是儿童塑造人生价值观的重要时期,但模仿偶像早熟行为往往让 儿童过度重视自己的外貌和性吸引力。面对这些问题,英美知名的“妈妈网”正在发起一项网络 运动,敦促商家拒绝销售成人化的儿童商品,让孩子们享受一个完整的童年。 迪士尼8岁小童星艾米莉?格蕾丝?瑞芙斯上月推出名下的儿童服饰品牌Ooh La! La!,它 的童装设计前卫,不是粉红色的芭蕾舞短裙、豹纹紧身衣,就是哥特式的黑裙子。品牌发言人标 榜他们的服装款式百搭,既能搭配芭蕾舞平底鞋和潮味十足的运动靴,又能与蕾丝长袜、过膝长 靴搭配成“摇滚客”的造型。该品牌的宣传海报、广告里,儿童模特还模仿成人模特摆出撩人姿 势,引起不小争议。 国际影视红星阿汤哥的3岁小女儿苏瑞,她应该是“世界上最年轻高跟鞋爱好者”了。苏瑞 的小高跟鞋刺激了很多潮妈们的神经,她们也想给自己的女儿配一双漂亮的高跟鞋,让自己的女 儿也时尚一把。 小孩适合穿高跟鞋吗, 专家观点:小孩子过早穿着高跟鞋,会引起不同类型的足部及步态问题。当穿高跟鞋时,会 使我们走路及站立时后跟压力推前,使压力集中于前掌部分,容易令前掌部分出现不适,如前掌 厚茧或痛等情况。另外,小朋友的脚部未完全发育,4岁前多会有假扁平足及后足外翻等生长现 象,而高跟鞋大多缺乏足弓承托及后跟杯加硬的设计,不能很好地保护小朋友的足部健康发展; 同时,小孩子走路时后跟摇摆幅度较多,容易出现足部不适的情况;最后,4岁前小孩子大多会 有足尖步态的习惯,而穿着高跟鞋会阻碍小孩培养正确步姿。 小孩适合穿紧身裤袜吗, 有些妈妈为了让宝宝打扮如潮,在春秋季为搭配裙子而帮宝宝穿上紧身裤袜。小孩子四肢运 动活跃,而裤袜、紧身裤等一穿就是十多个小时。紧身裤袜通常都是腈纶质地,很不透气,非常 不利健康。紧身裤袜紧紧束缚部和下肢,直接妨碍生长发育。孩子活泼好动,代谢旺盛,不热量 多,紧缚的健美裤不利于散热,影响体温调节。另外,紧身裤袜档短,臀围小,会阴部不易透气, 裤裆与外阴部磨擦增多,容易引起局部温疹或皮炎。 The most tender Chanel girl adult dress please Core tip: have a photo on the micro-blog, Chanel fans, this is a great photo. Perhaps, many will feel that this child is a fan. But I think this is another manifestation of the adult of children's clothing. Adult children's clothing style will bring? Children mature way of what is good? The people is how to treat children's adult trend? Have a photo on the micro-blog, Chanel fans, this is a great photo. Perhaps, many will feel that this child is a fan. But I think this is another manifestation of the adult of children's clothing. Have a look around, bra, shorts, bare midriff, children's shoes, leopard leggings ... ... Some adult style of 更多相关文档免费下载请登录: 中文word文档库 dress is now appear in a large number of children. In some children's advertising, children model also imitate adult model put pose, caused no small controversy. Is happy? Sorrow? Fashion or early? Adult children's clothing style will bring? Children mature way of what is good? The people is how to treat children's adult trend? A study published by the American Psychological Association shows, girls early sexual maturity easily lead to eating disorders, low self-esteem and depression. American psychologist Georgia Vitkin said, some adult child of dress and behavior can easily cause children imitation agitation. 5 ~ 12 years old is an important period for children create life values, but the idol premature behavior often let children excessive attention to their appearance and attraction. Faced with these problems, the famous " mother " is launching a movement, urging businesses refuse to sell adult children products, let the children enjoy a complete childhood. Disney 8 years old child star Emily Grace Reeves, last month launched under the name of the children's clothing brand Ooh La! La!, children's wear design its avant-garde, not pink tutu, leopard tights, is the Gothic Black dress. The brand spokesman flaunt their clothing styles all-match, can match the ballet flats and the flavor of the sports shoe, also can match with lace stockings, thigh boots into " rockers " shape. The brand propaganda posters, advertising, children model also imitate adult model put pose, caused no small controversy. 3 - year-old international film star Tom Cruise Surui, she should be " the world's most young shoe lovers .". Suri's high-heeled shoes is stimulating many fuck their nerve, they also wanted to give his daughter a nice pair of high-heeled shoes, let his daughter also fashion a. For children to wear high heels? Expert opinion: the child premature wearing high heels, foot and gait problems caused by different types of. When wear high-heeled shoes, make us walking and standing heel pressure up front, the pressure on the front part, easy to make the front part of the forefoot discomfort, such as thick cocoon or pain. In addition, the children 's feet are not fully developed, more than 4 years before there will be false flatfoot and hindfoot valgus, growth, and high-heeled shoes are lack of arch support and heel cup plus hardware design, not a good foot protection and healthy development of children; at the same time, children walking heel when the swing amplitude is more, easy to appear foot discomfort; finally, before the age of 4 children most will have toe gait habit, while wearing high heels can hinder the children to step right posture. For children to wear tights? 更多相关文档免费下载请登录: 中文word文档库 Some mothers in order to allow the baby to dress up like tide, in the spring and autumn to match the dress and to help the baby to wear tights. Active children limb movement, and tights, tight pants and a wear is more than 10 hours. Tights are usually acrylic texture, very airtight, so detrimental to health. Tights tightly bound and lower limb, directly impede growth. A lively child, metabolism, not more heat, tight form-fitting pants is not conducive to heat dissipation, affect. In addition, tights file short, hip circumference, perineal ministry is not easy to ventilate, crotch and genital friction increase, easy to cause local eczema or dermatitis. 宝宝能穿牛仔裤吗, 因为有些牛仔裤含甲醛较多,而且比较硬,透气性不是很好,所以不利于宝宝娇嫩的肌肤。 不过质量较好的、含棉量较高的牛仔裤也可以偶尔穿一下。 为宝宝选择舒适的裤子 A。不宜穿合成纤维制成的内裤:合成纤维吸水性差,出汗后汗水留在皮肤,微生物容易繁 殖,发生腐败、发酵,婴幼儿皮肤娇嫩,可因此诱发过敏和湿疹。 B、男性婴幼儿不宜穿拉链裤:男性幼儿穿拉链裤时,他们自己拉动拉链,有时不注意,可 能误将外生殖器的皮肉嵌到拉链内,上下不得,遭受皮肉之苦,甚至发生更为严重的后果。 C、婴幼儿不宜穿喇叭裤:喇叭裤大腿处特别瘦窄,紧裹在肢体上,使下肢血液循环不畅, 从而影响幼儿生长发育。臀部包紧,裤裆反复磨擦外生殖器,容易发生瘙痒,诱使幼儿抚弄生殖 器,极易形成不良习惯。 D、不宜用橡皮筋、松紧带作裤带:孩子正处在快速生长发育阶段,松紧带裤会影响胸腹部 发育,尤其在秋冬季节,内裤、衬裤、外加罩裤,从里到外1条松紧带紧紧箍在孩子的胸腹部, 大大限制了他的胸廓发育和呼吸活动。 The baby can wear jeans? Because some jeans formaldehyde content more, and more hard, the permeability is not very good, so is not conducive to the baby's delicate skin. But the quality is good, the cotton content higher jeans can also occasionally wear. Choose comfortable pants for baby A. Should not wear synthetic fibre underwear: synthetic fiber hydroscopicity, after sweating sweat in the skin, easy to breed corruption, microorganism, fermentation, delicate skin of infants and young children, can cause allergies and eczema. 更多相关文档免费下载请登录: 中文word文档库 B, male infants and young children should not wear pants zipper: male children to wear pants zipper, they pull the zipper, sometimes do not pay attention to, may mistake the genital skin block to the zipper, on May, suffer pain, or even more serious consequences. C, infants and young children should not wear bell-bottom pants pants legs: very thin narrow, tightly wrapped in the body, the lower limb blood circulation is not smooth, thus affecting the growth and development of children. Buttocks tight package, crotch repeatedly friction genitalia, prone to itching, entice children fondle genital, easy to form a bad habit. D, not with a rubber band, elastic band for the belt: the child is in the development stage of rapid growth, elastic pants will affect the development of the chest and abdomen, especially in the autumn and winter season, underwear, pants, trousers and cover, from inside to outside 1 elastic belt tightly in the child's chest and abdomen, big deadline for his chest profile development and respiratory activity. 新生儿的衣物如何选购护理 核心提示:选购宝宝服装的总体原则是:棉质、浅色、宽松、穿脱和洗涤方便。棉质衣物,柔软、 吸湿、透气、亲肤;浅色衣物,染色剂和整理剂添加相对较少;宽松的衣物,有利于宝宝皮肤的 呼吸、散热;穿脱和洗涤方便,符合宝宝发育的要求。 选购 选购宝宝服装的总体原则是:棉质、浅色、宽松、穿脱和洗涤方便。棉质衣物,柔软、吸 湿、透气、亲肤;浅色衣物,染色剂和整理剂添加相对较少;宽松的衣物,有利于宝宝皮肤的呼 吸、散热;穿脱和洗涤方便,符合宝宝发育的要求。 为把衣物损害儿童的安全健康隐患降到最低,参考我国婴幼儿(24个月以下)服装服饰的行 业标准(《婴幼儿服装及服饰》),大致总结了以下选购宝宝衣物的: 1、尽量避免选择亮片珠珠等小辅料太多的衣物,衣物的拉链头不可脱卸,且每次洗涤穿着 前要检查是否附着牢固,以免发生误食。 2、金属附件无毛刺、尖锐,以纽扣代替裤前拉链,以免发生割伤、夹伤。 3、衣物领口帽边最好不要有绳带,如有绳带,外露长度不超过14cm,套头衫最大领围(拉 伸或松开到最宽)应大于52cm,以免意外勒伤。 4、尽量避免选择经特殊整理的服装(如免烫、柔顺等),尽量以绣花代替印花,能在一定 程度上避免部分化学整理剂和固色剂。 更多相关文档免费下载请登录: 中文word文档库 5、贴身衣物一定要选用柔软吸水的棉质产品,尽量选择宽松的浅色系,领标和洗麦(注明“不可干洗”)应在外表面,或须在穿着前剪除。 为小婴儿选购服装的贴士: 1、推荐为小婴儿购买大1-2号的衣服,适度宽松的服装有利于运动发育。 2、避免松紧带的衣服,因为婴幼儿期主要以腹式呼吸为主,裤腰上的松紧带会影响小婴儿的正常呼吸,甚至发生胸廓肋骨外翻畸形;连体衣(哈衣)非常适合这阶段的宝宝,既不担心任何时候会露出小肚肚着凉,也很方便穿脱和换尿布,睡眠时也可以用长袖的连体衣代替睡袋。 3、考虑到穿着舒适、穿脱方便,最好采用肩扣和前开扣,选择适合大小的圆领口。 4、避免帽子、拉链、花边等过多不必要的装饰,以免意外勒伤。 为大一些的宝宝选购服装的贴士: 1、随宝宝的活动增多,衣服要宽松结实,适合运动,经得住撕拉。 2、当宝宝开始蹒跚学步,外出时,一双轻便、透气、软底、宽头、易穿脱的学步鞋非常重要,通常鞋码要比宝宝的脚码大0.5,1.25厘米。 3、当开始训练宝宝大小便时,要保证裤子穿脱方便,可选择松紧适宜的松紧带裤子。 4、当开始训练宝宝自己穿衣时,尽量选择易穿脱的衣物,避免拉链或系带。 洗涤 1、新购买的衣物一定要先洗涤再穿着。当某件衣服是宝宝第一次穿时,应注意观察宝宝穿着后的反应,如与皮肤接触的部位出现红、痒、疹子等情况,或宝宝出现频繁打喷嚏、咳嗽,就需考虑是不是衣服中的某些成分引起了过敏症状。 2、通常宝宝的衣物不适合干洗,也不必机洗。宝宝的衣物需与成人的分开洗,内衣和外衣分开洗,尿布需单独洗,尿布和内衣最好单独用专门的洗衣盆手洗。 3、选择无味或味道清淡,不含磷、铝、铅、荧光增白剂等物质的婴儿专用洗涤剂,可用小苏打和白醋帮助祛渍。 4、清洗时,需反复过水洗至水清,防止化学物质残留在衣物上损害宝宝的皮肤。长时间穿着没有漂洗彻底的衣服,可能导致皮肤粗糙、发痒,甚至诱发接触性皮炎、尿布疹等疾病。 晾晒和收纳 1、衣物要晾晒在通风、向阳、少人走动处,更要与宠物和宠物用品保持距离。 2、阳光是天然安全的消毒剂,若碰到连续阴雨的天气,可以在衣物快干时,用蒸汽熨烫一下,高温蒸汽也能起到除菌消毒的作用。 更多相关文档免费下载请登录: 中文word文档库 3、收纳前一定要检查衣物的完整性,比如扣子是不是松了,衣服的边缘是否脱线„„以免 宝宝在下次穿着的过程中发生意外。 4、不要把穿过的衣物和干净的衣物混放在一起,收纳时最好能划分内衣区和外衣区。 5、衣物最好能收纳在通风、干燥、防尘的柜子里。实木衣柜透气好、甲醛含量相对较低为 最佳,也可用布质的收纳箱作为宝宝的专用衣物箱。南方为免返潮,不要将宝宝的衣物放置在柜 子的底层。 6、不能在衣柜和收纳箱内放置芳香剂、驱虫剂、干燥剂等,以免导致血液疾病甚至威胁到 生命。 宝宝3岁前生长非常迅速,衣服的使用周期也相对较短,尤其是在0-1岁这阶段,很多宝 宝穿过的二手衣都还保持着八、九成新的样子,如果能穿上来路明确的二手衣,实际上比买到的 新衣更安全。首先,二手衣经过多次洗涤,基本上消除了甲醛、重金属等安全隐患;其次,二手 衣柔软性、舒适性等方面也胜过新衣。但需要提醒各位家长,要选择健康宝宝的二手衣,贴身衣 物一般避免“二手”,衣物拿回来后还是要经过仔细洗涤和正反两面阳光暴晒。 How to choose the nursing of newborn clothes Core tip: General principles to buy baby clothes are: cotton, light-colored, loose, wear and convenient washing. Cotton, soft, absorbent, breathable, skin-friendly; light-colored clothing, dyes and finishing agent added is relatively less; loose clothing, beneficial to the baby skin breath, heat dissipation; wear and convenient washing, meet the development requirements of the baby. Choose General principles purchase baby clothing is: cotton, light-colored, loose, wear and convenient washing. Cotton, soft, absorbent, breathable, skin-friendly; light-colored clothing, dyes and finishing agent added is relatively less; loose clothing, beneficial to the baby skin breath, heat dissipation; wear and convenient washing, meet the development requirements of the baby. For the health and safety hidden trouble of children's clothing to minimize damage, in reference to China's infant ( 24 months ) garment industry standards ( " infant clothing and apparel " ), summarizes the following to buy baby clothes note: 1, avoid choosing a sequined beads and other small accessories too much clothing, clothing zipper head not detachable, and each time the washing to check whether the firm adhesion, in order to avoid eating. 2, metal accessories, no burr, sharp, with a button instead of pants zipper front, so as to avoid the occurrence of cut, crush. 更多相关文档免费下载请登录: 中文word文档库 3, clothes collarband hat had better not have string, such as a string, the exposed length of not more than 14cm, biggest pullovers Wai ( tensile or loosen to wide ) should be more than 52cm, to prevent accidental trauma. 4, try to avoid by special finishing clothing ( such as DP, flexibility etc.), as far as possible with embroidery instead of printing, can avoid some chemical finishing agent and fixing agent in a certain extent. Cotton products 5, personal clothing must use soft water, try to choose loose light-coloured, leading and wheat washing ( marked " can not be dry cleaning " ) should be on the outer surface, or shall be cut off in front. Tips to buy clothes for the baby: 1, recommended for the baby to buy large 1-2 clothes, loose clothing to motor development. 2, avoid elastic clothes, because infants mainly abdominal breathing, elastic waist band will affect the baby 's normal breathing, chest rib valgus even; Onesies (HA Yi ) is very suitable for this phase of the baby, is not worried about any time will show little tummy cold, is also very convenient to wear off and change diapers, sleep can also use the leotard long-sleeved instead of sleeping bags. 3, taking into account the comfortable, convenient wearing, the best use of the shoulder buttons and button, select the appropriate size of the round neckline. 4, avoid the hat, zipper, lace and so on too much unnecessary decoration, to prevent accidental trauma. Tips to buy clothes for some big baby: 1, with the baby's activity increased, clothes should be loose strong, suitable for sports, to tear. 2, when the baby toddler, when going out, a pair of lightweight, breathable, soft bottom, wide head, easy to put on and take off the toddler shoes is very important, usually shoes code than the baby's feet code 0.5 ~ 1.25 cm. 3, when to start training baby defecation, to ensure that the pants off easily, can choose the proper degree of tightness of the elastic pants. 4, when to start training your baby clothes, try to choose the easy to put on and take off clothes, avoid the zipper or the lace. 更多相关文档免费下载请登录: 中文word文档库 Wash 1, the purchase of new clothes must first washing and wearing. When a piece of clothing is the baby for the first time wearing, should pay attention to observe the baby wear after the reaction, such as contact with the skin area appears red, itching, rash, situation, or the baby appeared frequent sneezing, coughing, we need to consider some constituents are not the cause of the allergy symptoms. 2, usually the baby's clothing is not suitable for dry cleaning, do not have washing machine. And adult baby clothing required separate washing, underwear and outerwear washed apart, separate washing diapers, diapers and underwear is best with a special hand wash washing basin. 3, choose the tasteless or light taste, special baby detergent without phosphorus, aluminum, lead, fluorescent brighteners and other substances, can be used baking soda and vinegar to help remove stains. 4, cleaning, the need for repeated water washing to water, prevent chemical residues in the clothing on the skin damage to the baby. Long time wearing no rinse thoroughly with clothes, may lead to rough skin, itching, and even cause contact dermatitis, diaper rash and other diseases. Drying and storage 1, clothes to be aired on the ventilation, Xiangyang, few people around, but to keep distance with pet and pet supplies. 2, the sun is natural and safe disinfectant, if encounter continuous overcast and rainy weather, the clothes drying, steam ironing, high temperature steam can also play the role of sterilization and disinfection. Must integrity check clothing 3, storage, such as buttons, is it right? Loose clothes, whether the edge of off-line ... ... In order to avoid the baby in the next wearing accident. 4, don't put the clothes and clean clothes together, best can divide the underwear and coat area storage. 5, clothing can best housed in ventilation, drying, dust the cupboard. Solid wood wardrobe, good air permeability, the formaldehyde content is relatively low for the best, also containing box available cloth as special clothing bins baby. The south to avoid damp, don't be a baby's clothes placed at the bottom. 更多相关文档免费下载请登录: 中文word文档库 6, can not be placed in the wardrobe and aromatic agent, storage box repellents, desiccant, so as not to cause diseases of the blood and even life threatening. 3 years before the baby grew very rapidly, clothes using cycle is relatively short, especially in the 0-1 years old this stage, many babies through the second-hand clothes are also maintained a eight or nine into a new way, if we can put up the road clear second-hand clothes, in fact than buy new clothes more secure. First, second-hand clothes after repeated washing, basically eliminate formaldehyde, heavy metals and other security risks; secondly, second-hand clothing softness, comfort and other aspects are better than new clothes. But the need to remind parents, to choose a healthy baby second-hand clothes, underwear, clothing should generally be avoided " second-hand " take back or carefully washing and the pros and cons of sun exposure. 如何给宝宝选择合适的帽子, 核心提示:帽子可以保暖、防暑、防尘,保护头脑的功用,并且可作为外观的装饰,帽子的品种 也繁多,一年四季可载不同的帽子。那么应该如何为小宝宝选择适合的帽子呢, 人的头部是大脑神经中枢的所在地。头为诸阳之会。头部的皮肤虽然薄,但血管及汗毛既多且粗, 所以,体内热量常从头部大量往外蒸发。有关研究资料表明,气温在l5C左右时人体约1/3的热 量从头部散发;气温在4C左右时,人体约1/2热量从头部散发;而气温在零下l0C左右时,竟 会有3/4人体热量从头部“跑掉”。由此可见头部与人体热平衡的关系很大。 戴帽的目的是防风、防沙\防强烈的日光,有时也有防雨的作用。因此,在室内不需戴帽子, 外出时根据气候情况选择合适的帽子。 帽子的品种繁多,根据季节可分冬帽、夏帽、春秋帽,根据孩子的年龄可分为婴儿帽、男女 童帽。 1、选购帽子需因季节而易 冬季气候寒冷,应选择保暖、御寒性能好的帽子,如棉帽、皮帽、绒帽等,非常寒冷的季节 应选择能保护脸颊和耳朵的帽子。 春秋季可选用针织帽、毛线编织帽、大盖帽等。 夏季阳光强烈,对眼睛刺激大,可选用面料轻薄、色泽偏冷、偏浅的大帽檐帽子,如太阳帽、 草帽、布料的各种旅游帽;这几种帽子,既能反射阳光,降低头部热度,又可遮光护眼,通风防 暑。 2、帽子要因年龄而易 更多相关文档免费下载请登录: 中文word文档库 新生儿一般不戴帽子,除非室内温度较低,或者外出时才需要戴。帽子也要选用棉织制品。 婴儿的小脑袋皮肉细嫩,对气候变化适应能力差,要选戴质地轻盈、手感柔软、保温透气的帽子; 若帽子过重、过硬,不仅婴儿戴上不舒适,而且对脑神经发育不利。婴儿帽最好选择无帽檐的, 这样便于母亲抱和哺乳,同时睡在摇篮和床上又能看到周围的东西。 帽子的大小要与头围相适,一般根据头围周长放大1厘米(或头围直径放大0.3厘米)为宜; 尺码适当放宽的目的是防止帽子过紧,对孩子的头部发育不利,也防止帽圈收缩后,影响戴用。 婴儿帽为42,48厘米,童帽50,55厘米。 3、帽子颜色应鲜艳 这不仅是为了漂亮。孩子活动量大,玩时安全感差,戴一顶颜色鲜艳的帽子,比较醒目,可 在一定程度上减少意外。上学的儿童宜戴黄色帽子,黄色对视觉有较强的刺激,可避免车祸的发 生。另外,帽子深颜色能吸收光线增加保暖性,浅色能反射光线增加凉爽感。 给宝宝戴帽子的注意事项 1、帽子虽然四季都可戴,但不一定孩子一外出就要戴帽子。在睛天里,阳光可为孩子提供 宝贵的营养,阳光的照射可以使皮肤中T-脱氢胆固醇转变为维生素D,对预防佝偻病的发生有很 重要的作用。 另外,阳光有很强的杀菌消毒作用,孩子多接触阳光,可以提高抗病能力,预防感染性疾 病。如果婴儿一去户外就戴上帽子,接触阳光就会少些。因此,戴帽子要根据时间和天气来定。 2、能乱戴别人的帽子,如头癣,虱病等皮肤传染病可以通过帽子传染,有的孩子皮脂分泌 旺盛,头皮油脂分泌特别多,可使头发多油发亮,宜戴透气,轻便函的帽子,并且要经常洗涮, 以保持帽子清洁。 How to choose the right baby hat? Core tip: hat can be warm, summer, dustproof, protection of brain function, and can be used as decorative appearance, hat varieties are numerous, the four seasons of a year can carry different hat. So how to select baby for hat? The head is the seat of the nerve center of the brain. Yang will head for all. Although the thin skin of the head, but the vessels and hairs are numerous and thick, so, often from the head of a lot of body heat to evaporate. The related research indicated that, the temperature at about l5C body about 1/3 of heat from the head distribution; temperature at about 4C, the human body is about 1/2 heat from the head out; and the temperature below about l0C, would have 3/4 body heat from the head " run away ". Great relationship thus the heat balance of head and body. Wear a hat to wind, sand, and strong sunlight, sometimes also has the role of rain. Therefore, in the room does not need to wear a hat when going out, according to the climate situation to choose the right hat. 更多相关文档免费下载请登录: 中文word文档库 Hat 's variety, according to the season can be divided into winter, summer, spring and autumn cap cap cap, depending on the age of the child can be divided into male and female baby cap, bonnet. 1, buy Hats need due to seasonal and easy Winter weather is cold, should choose warm, warm performance hat, such as Mo, hats, caps, very cold season should choose to protect the face and ears. Spring and autumn can be knitted cap, knitted caps, hats etc.. Summer sunshine is intense, the eye stimulation, can choose thin fabrics, color slants cold, partial shallow wide brim hat, such as various tourism cap, sun hat, straw hat, cloth; the hat, not only can reduce the reflection of sunlight, heat and light head, eye protection, ventilation heatstroke. 2, the hat to due to age and easy Neonatal generally do not wear a hat, unless the indoor temperature is low, or go out to need to wear. The hat to use cotton products. The baby's little head skin delicate, poor ability to adapt to climate change, to choose a quality light, soft, breathable insulation cap hat; if overweight, excellent, not only the baby uncomfortable to wear, but also on the brain development adversely. Baby Hat best choice no brim, so that mothers and nursing, while sleeping in the cradle and the bed and can see things around. Hat size to fit with the head circumference, head circumference of 1 cm is generally based on amplification ( or head circumference of 0.3 cm diameter enlarged ) is appropriate; size appropriate to relax the purpose is to prevent the hat is too tight, detrimental to the child's head of development, but also to prevent the hat band after contraction, impact wear. Baby hat is 42 ~ 48 cm, bonnet 50 ~ 55 cm. 3, the hat color should be bright This is not only for the beautiful. The child is big, play safe sense, wearing colorful hats, more eye-catching, can reduce accidents to a certain extent. School children should be wearing a yellow hat, yellow has strong stimulation to the vision, can avoid the occurrence of the accident. In addition, the hat deep color can absorb light increased warmth, light can reflect light to increase a sense of cool. To note the baby hat 更多相关文档免费下载请登录: 中文word文档库 1, although the four seasons can wear a hat, but not necessarily a child go out to wear a hat. On sunny days, the sun can provide valuable nutrition for children, the sun can make the skin of T- dehydrocholesterol transformed into vitamin D, is very important to prevent the occurrence of rickets has effect. In addition, the sunlight sterilization function is very strong, the children more exposure to sunlight, can improve the disease resistance, the prevention of infectious diseases. If the baby to outdoor wear hats, sun exposure would be less. Therefore, wearing a hat according to the time and weather to. 2, to mess with someone else's hat, such as tinea capitis, pediculosis, infectious disease of the skin can pass the hat infectious, some children sebum secretion, scalp oil secretion in particular, can make the hair oily shine, should wear breathable, lightweight letter hat, and often wash, to keep the hat clean. 宝宝内衣怎么选 宝宝内衣选购策略 如何正确选购品质良好,又适合宝宝的内衣呢?有的妈妈会选择耐磨、经洗、易干的化纤布 料做衣服,而且设计了兜盖、别针、扣环等袋饰。但是,化纤布料对宝宝的皮肤有刺激性,容易 引起皮炎、瘙痒等症状,所以在选择衣服的时候尽量要选择好的面料,一些高档的面料,比如纯 棉的、100%精梳棉。 下面小编来教你几招宝宝内衣选购的小窍门。 宝宝内衣选购要领 一摸:布料是否柔软,尤其是腋下、手腕等处,选择时不妨放在自己脸颊旁感觉一下;袖口、 裤腰的松紧是否舒适。 二看:特别白,甚至白得发蓝的内衣,往往含有荧光剂(一种漂白作用的化学物质),虽然看 起来衣服比较洁白,比较挺,不易起皱,但对宝宝的皮肤有害,因此,不能盲目以为“白”就是 好。 三闻:如果闻起来有一种不舒服的味道,就很可能残留甲醛或其它化学添加剂。 四想:婴儿内衣虽小,种类却不少,长的、短的、袍状的、蛙型的,日常穿的、睡觉穿的、 林林总总也有七八种之多,选择时要考虑到每一种的不同功效。 不过,宝宝内衣选择还需要根据宝宝体型特征来选购。具体说来: 婴儿期宝宝内衣选购 更多相关文档免费下载请登录: 中文word文档库 婴儿(0—1岁)的体型特征主要表现为头大身小,头颅占令身长的4/8。躯干占身长的3/8, 双腿短小,占全身长的1/8,身高大约是3.5—4个头高,骨骸柔软,无腰,处在身体发育较快、 体态变化较大的时期。从生理角度看:婴儿睡眠多,发汗多,溢奶频率较高,排泄次数较多,皮 肤特别娇嫩,属于不具备自理能力和白我保护能力的特殊群体。 婴儿内衣的选择以家长的爱好和认识为标准,出于婴儿时期的身体处于快速成长期,家长选 择内衣时要注意款式要宽松舒适;纯棉的面料是婴儿的首选;内衣的色彩尽可以选择白色或浅色, 以便及时发现婴儿的便便是否正常。此外,要留意内衣缝制的线迹不能有断线或线头,以免伤害 婴儿的皮肤;刚买回的内衣要及时拆掉领子处的商标,以防弄伤婴儿娇嫩的皮肤。 此时期幼儿体格生长速度比婴儿期缓慢,身高比例大约4个头高。从生理角度来看,幼儿好动、 出汗多、皮肤娇嫩,能控制大小便,语言、行动与表达能力开始显现。 儿童期宝宝内衣选购 儿童的头颅发育早于躯干,躯干则早于四肢。从2—6岁,下肢增长加快,大大超过了头颅 身躯的发育;到6岁时身体发育的比例较为匀称。童年期正是青春发育的初级阶段,是儿童发育 的最后阶段。 儿童内衣要以安全、舒适、简洁、方便为主,以满足身体活动的生理需求。面料要重视其舒 适性和卫生保健功能,色彩上倾向于鲜艳、活跃的颜色,具体还要根据不同年龄段儿童的生型和 心理特征来选择,图案主要选用儿童比较喜爱的卡通形象、动植物、花卉、文字等。 小编提醒:宝宝内衣应将浅色、纯棉的内衣作为购买首选,新买的婴幼儿内衣洗涤后再穿, 也不要迷信洋品牌,价格昂贵不一定质量就好。 How to pick the baby underwear Baby underwear purchasing strategy How to buy good quality, but also for the baby underwear? Some mothers choose to wear, wash, dry chemical fiber cloth to make clothes, also designed a bag cover, pin buckle, bag decoration. However, the chemical fiber fabric on the baby's skin irritation, easy to cause dermatitis, itching and other symptoms, so when in the selection of clothes as far as possible to choose a good fabric, some high-grade fabrics, such as cotton, 100% combed cotton. Below small make up to teach you the recipe for baby underwear shopping tips. Baby underwear to buy Essentials Touch : the cloth is soft, especially the arm, wrist, choose to put in his cheek feel; elastic cuffs, trouser waist is comfortable. 更多相关文档免费下载请登录: 中文word文档库 Two see: white, blue or white underwear, often containing fluorescent agent ( a chemical bleaching effect ), although it looks clothes are white, pretty, not easy to wrinkle, but harmful to your baby's skin, therefore, can not be blind to think " white " is good. Three: if the smell smells have an unpleasant taste, it is possible residual formaldehyde or other chemical additives. Four think: infant underwear is small, but many kinds, long, short, gown shape, frog type, daily wear, wear to bed, numerous also has seven or eight kind of many, should choose to take into account the different functions of each. However, the baby underwear also need to choose according to the baby body feature. Specific say: Infant baby underwear shop The baby (0 - 1 ) of the body feature mainly for head and body length, head of the 4/8. For the length of the 3/8 trunk, and his legs were short, accounts for the entire length of 1/8, height is about 3.5 - 4 head, bones, soft, no waist, in physical development period and rapid, large changes in the body. From the physiological point of view: the baby sleep, sweating more milk, high frequency, excretion number more, especially delicate skin, are special groups do not have the ability and the white I protect ability. Baby underwear choice to love and understanding of parents as the standard, for the infant body is in a period of rapid growth, parents should pay attention to the choice of underwear styles of loose and comfortable; cotton fabric is the baby's preferred; underwear color can choose white or light-colored, in order to detect the baby POOP is normal. In addition, stitch can not pay attention to underwear sewing broken or thread, so as not to hurt the baby's skin; just bought the underwear should promptly remove collar Office trademark, in order to prevent hurt the baby's delicate skin. This period of physical growth faster than the slow infancy, height ratio of about 4 head. From the physical point of view, children's active, sweating, delicate skin, can control the size, language, action and expression began to appear. Children buy baby underwear The children were developed early in the trunk, the trunk is early in the limbs. From 2 to 6 years old, lower growth speed, considerably more than the head body development; by the age of 6 the proportion of the more 更多相关文档免费下载请登录: 中文word文档库 well-proportioned body development. Childhood is the primary stage of development, is the last stage of child development. Children's underwear to be safe, comfortable, convenient, simple, to meet the physiological needs of physical activity. Fabric should pay attention to the comfort and health care function, color bright, vibrant colors tend to, but also the specific according to the type and the psychological characteristics of children of different ages to choose, design mainly uses the children loved cartoon characters, animals and plants, flowers, and text. Small make up remind: baby underwear should be light, pure cotton underwear as the purchase of preferred, buy a new infant underwear washing after wearing, also do not superstitious foreign brand, expensive is not necessarily good. 新生宝宝的穿衣8禁忌 核心提示:对于新生宝宝来说,皮肤是非常娇嫩的,因此,在为宝宝选取衣服的时候,就要格外 小心,不要给宝宝穿深色的衣服,也不要穿紧身衣。对于宝宝来说,穿衣宜少不宜多。 宝宝穿衣有讲究 妈妈在挑选宝宝衣着时应选用纯棉宽松的衣服,避免化学纤维质地的衣服,并应选择浅色花 型或素色的。对于宝宝来说,前开衫或宽圆领的衣服最佳,同时也方便妈妈为宝宝穿脱和换纸尿 裤,并能减少宝宝身体裸露的机会。宝宝衣服不必准备太多,因为宝宝个子长得很快,而刚出生 的宝宝衣服不宜太小或紧身,因此准备多了反而浪费。 宝宝衣服应保持清洁干燥,一旦污染大便小便必须及时更换。宝宝新衣服或久放的衣服应用 清水多次漂洗后再使用,建议使用专业婴儿衣物洗涤剂,并悬挂在日光下、通风处晾干。下面就 详细的为大家介绍一下 1.忌穿化纤织品 俗话说:“小儿火气旺。”这是因为小儿的神经功能尚未发育完善、植物神经容易兴奋,较 之成人出汗多,发热快,对气候变化的适应力差。化纤织品,虽色美平整,但吸水和透气性差, 尤其是夏秋炎热时穿化纤衣服不易散热,容易长痱子,生疮疖,还因化纤属化学制品,容易引起 孩子的过敏反应,诱发过敏性哮喘、荨麻疹、风疹、湿疹、皮炎等皮肤病,新生儿的尿布、内衣, 女孩的内裤切忌使用化纤织品,以免给小孩带来病痛。一般说来,棉布类纺织品吸湿、透气、散 热、柔软等性能均比化纤好,不容易引起过敏性疾病,用来做小儿衣服最为适宜。 2.穿衣宜少不宜多 常言道:“若要小儿安,应带三分饥和寒。”告诫人们不要给小儿吃得过饱,穿得过厚。衣 服适当少穿一点,孩子活动量增加,可以增强体质,减少疾病。相反,如果衣服穿得太多太厚, 更多相关文档免费下载请登录: 中文word文档库 稍一活动就出汗,不仅损伤身体的津液,而且还会使毛孔常处于开放状态,如有风寒侵袭,容易着凉感冒,甚至诱发气管炎。 3.为新生儿做衣服的宜忌 做妈妈的应注意,新生儿的衬衣最好用旧的软棉布做。衣服要宽大,使婴儿的四肢活动不受限制。衣服不要上领子,也不要针纽扣,以免擦伤婴儿的颈部皮肤。婴儿开襟衫用的带子,要在对侧腋下穿过再打结,切勿过高,以免损伤腋下皮肤。 4.孩子两个月后忌打“蜡烛包” 两个月以后的孩子四肢开始运动和发育。这时,不要将孩子再包在“蜡烛包”里,应该给孩子穿上衣裤,便于自由活动。 5.忌给孩子穿紧身衣 有些年轻的父母,自己喜欢穿紧身衣,也常给孩子穿紧身衣。他们缺乏卫生知识,不懂孩子在生长发育中的生理特点,如胸廓小、肺活量不大等,穿了紧身衣服后、会束缚胸廓运动和呼吸,影响肺功能及胸、背、关节的正常发育。孩子穿的衣服应稍宽大些,以便于孩子活动和穿脱换洗。 6.不宜用深色布给孩子做衣服 给孩子做衣服的布料颜色,以浅淡为宜,深色颜料染成的布对皮肤有一定的刺激,容易引起皮炎,产生过敏性反应。 7.小儿服装忌放樟脑丸 小儿衣服应忌放樟脑丸。这是因为市上出售的樟脑丸含有萘及萘酚衍生物。有人患有一种遗传缺陷造成的溶血性贫血病(红细胞缺乏葡萄糖一6一磷酸脱氢酶),患者平时无任何症状,一旦接触到萘酚之类物质后,红细胞的氧化还原过程就会受到阻碍,使细胞膜遭到破坏,发生急性溶血性贫血。这种现象多见于新生儿,临床表现为贫血及生理性黄疸持续不退或进行性加重,重者可发生黄疸。因此,贮存小儿衣服,穿前应充分晾晒,萘酚类物质受热后,很快就会成为气体挥发掉,新生儿则可免受其害。 8.幼儿不宜穿仿真丝绸衣服 近来市场上新推出一种在外观上可与真丝绸媲美的纺织新产品--涤纶仿真丝绸。它手感柔软,色彩鲜艳,做成衬衫、连衣裙后轻盈飘逸,婀娜多姿。而且由于涤纶长丝的弹性、强度要比真丝好,所以其牢度、抗皱性、耐洗性等穿用性能优于真丝绸。但是其保健性能却要比真丝绸差。 原来,以涤纶为原料的仿真丝绸,在制造时把纤维的细度和截面仿制成蚕丝的形态,所以光泽和柔软性达到了与真丝绸难分真假的效果,但是涤纶纤维吸湿性差的性能却没有改变。衣料只有具有良好的吸湿性,才能使体内散发出的汗水通过纤维吸湿来向外散发。如真丝纤维的吸湿率可高达30%以上、人体表的汗水能便利地透出体外,从而给穿着者带来一种凉快、滑爽的舒适感。但仿真丝绸的吸湿性要比真丝纤维差得多,所以尽管它质地轻薄,但在炎热的夏季,也难以使大量的汗水透出。穿后时间稍长,就会感到闷热和粘腻,这对幼儿来说,就非常不适宜了。 更多相关文档免费下载请登录: 中文word文档库 The newborn baby dress 8 taboo Core tip: for newborn babies, the skin is very delicate, therefore, in the selection of clothes for the baby, be extra careful, don't give the baby wear dark clothes, do not wear tights. For the baby, clothing should not be much less. The baby dress is exquisite Mom should choose pure cotton clothes loose in the selection of baby clothes, avoid chemical fiber texture of the clothing, and should choose light color of flowers or plain. For the baby, the best clothes before cardigan or a wide neck, and is convenient for the baby mother to wear off and changing diapers, and can reduce the baby body bare chance. Baby clothes don't prepare too much, because the baby is growing very fast, and just born baby clothes should not be too small or tight, so prepare more instead of waste. The baby clothes should be kept clean and dry, once the pollution must be timely replacement of feces and urine. Bao Baoxin clothes or old clothes with water repeatedly rinsed before use, suggest that laundry detergent use professional baby, and hanging in the sunlight, ventilation to dry. The following detailed introduce for everybody 1 avoid wearing synthetic fabric As the saying goes: " children's anger wang. " This is because the nerve function in children with immature, plant nerve excitability, compared with adult sweating, fever, poor adaptation to climate change. Chemical fiber fabrics, color beauty is smooth, but the water absorption and permeability is poor, especially in hot summer wear synthetic clothes is not easy to heat, easy to long prickly heat, sore furuncle, also because of chemical fiber and belongs to the field of chemical products, easy to cause allergic reactions in children, allergic asthma, urticaria, rubella, eczema, dermatitis and other skin diseases, neonatal diaper, underwear, girls underwear avoid the use of chemical fiber fabrics, so as not to give children bring pain. Generally speaking, cotton textiles, breathable, moisture absorption heat, soft properties than the chemical fiber is good, not easy to cause allergic diseases, to make children clothing is the most appropriate. Clothing should be less than 2 As the saying goes: " to children, with three points of hunger and cold. " Warning people not to give children eat too much, wear too thick. Clothes appropriate to wear less, children activities increased, can enhance physical 更多相关文档免费下载请登录: 中文word文档库 fitness, reduce disease. On the contrary, if the clothes wear too much too thick, the slightest activity sweating, not only damage the body 's fluid, but also to the Mao Kongchang open, such as the cold invasion, easy to catch a cold, and even induce tracheitis. 3 newborn clothes taboo The mother should pay attention to, soft cotton shirt worn do best in neonates. Clothes to be generous, make the baby's limbs activity is not restricted. Clothes don't don't needle collar, button, so as not to scratch the baby's skin of neck. Baby cardigan belts, in the contralateral axillary through to knot, not too high, so as not to damage the armpit skin. 4 children two months after bogey dozen " candle package " Two months after the child limbs began to sports and development. At this time, don't be baby wrapped in " candle package ", should give the child to wear underwear, for free activities. 5 do not give children wear tights Some young parents, they love to wear tights, often give children wear tights. Their lack of health knowledge, do not understand the physiological characteristics of children in growth and development, such as thoracic small, not vital capacity, wearing tight clothes, tied the thoracic movement and breathing, affect the normal development of lung function and chest, back, joint. Children wear clothes should be slightly wider, to children in activities and wear clean. 6 should not be used in the dark cloth to do kids clothes Cloth color to do kids clothes, with pale to dark pigment, dyed cloth have certain stimulation to the skin, easy to cause dermatitis, allergic reaction. The 7 children clothing bogey put mothballs Children's clothes should avoid put mothballs. This is because the camphor city sell containing naphthalene and 2-naphthol derivatives. Hemolytic anemia in people with a genetic defects ( red blood cells lack a 6 glucose dehydrogenase ), patients usually have no symptoms, once in contact with the naphthol material such as red blood cells, oxidation reduction process will be hindered, cell membrane damage, the occurrence of acute hemolytic anemia. This phenomenon is more common in the newborn, clinical manifestations of anemia and jaundice is continuous and does not subside or progressive, 更多相关文档免费下载请登录: 中文word文档库 severe jaundice. Therefore, the storage of clothes, wear should be fully drying, naphthol substances are heated, will soon become the gas to volatilize, the infant can be ignored. The 8 children not to wear silk clothes Recently, the market has unveiled a new textile product, terylene artificial silk in appearance can be comparable with the silk. It feels soft, bright color, make the shirt, dress after elegant, very pretty and charming. And because the elastic, strength of polyester filament than silk, so its fastness, crease resistance, wash resistance and wear performance is better than that of silk. But the health care performance than silk difference. The original, artificial silk with polyester fiber as raw material, in the manufacture of the fineness and the section of the silk fiber made form, so the luster and flexibility was achieved with the silk is difficult to distinguish true and false results, but the performance of polyester fiber hygroscopicity poor but no change. Cloth only has good moisture absorption, can make the body emit sweat through fiber moisture to radiate. Such as moisture absorption rate of silk fiber can reach more than 30%, the body surface of sweat can conveniently underscored the culture in vitro, which give the wearer a cool, smooth and comfortable. But the hygroscopic simulation silk than the silk fiber is much worse, so although it light texture, but in the hot summer, it is difficult to make a lot of sweat from the. After wearing for a long time, will feel hot and sticky, this pair of children, is not appropriate. 男宝宝不宜穿拉链裤 核心提示:妈妈们要当心了,一些穿裤方式是不正确的。穿错裤子,对孩子的身体发育有着很大 的影响。那么宝宝究竟应该穿什么样的裤子呢, 幼儿身体抵抗力差,皮肤比较娇嫩,为了宝宝的健康,妈妈们在给孩子穿裤子时一定要注意。 选购宝宝裤子注意五不要 1、不要使用化纤布给孩子做贴身裤子 因为合成纤维吸水性较差,出汗后汗水留在皮肤上,微生物容易繁殖,幼儿皮肤娇嫩,可因 此而诱发皮肤过敏和湿疹。此外,合成纤维在生产过程中混入的氨、甲醇等微量化学成分,对孩 子的皮肤刺激性较大,所以,千万不要使用化纤布给孩子做贴身穿的裤子,宜选用柔软的全棉纺 织绒布材料。 更多相关文档免费下载请登录: 中文word文档库 2、不要给孩子穿健美裤或喇叭裤 健美裤裤档比较短,臀围小,会阴部不易透气,裤裆与外阴部磨擦增多,容易引起局部温疹或皮炎。另外,孩子活泼好动,新陈代谢比较旺盛,热量多,紧缚的健美裤不利于散热,影响体温调节。 另一方面,孩子处于生长发育旺盛阶段,健美裤紧紧束缚腹部和下肢,直接影响孩子的生长发育。 喇叭裤大腿处特别瘦窄,紧裹在肢体上,使下肢血液循环不畅,从而影响幼儿生长发育。此外,又长又宽的裤腿不利于孩子活动,行走时更不安全。 3、不要给孩子穿裤裆太短的裤子 穿裤裆太短的裤子,裤裆反复磨擦外生殖器,容易发生瘙痒,诱使幼儿抚弄生殖器,极易形成不良习惯。 4、用橡皮筋或松紧带作的裤带不要过紧或过松 用橡皮筋或松紧带作的裤带过紧的话会束住腰部,造成胸廓畸形。幼儿生长发育快,如不及时纠正,可造成肺活量减少,肺功能减退,影响孩子的健康成长。过松的话裤子会往下掉,不利于孩子活动,行走时更不安全。 总之,幼儿的裤子应以宽松、合身、安全,又有利于健康生长发育为标准。 5、男性婴幼儿不要穿拉链裤 男性幼儿穿拉链裤时,他们自己拉动拉链,有时不注意,可能误将外生殖器的皮肉嵌到拉链内,上下不得,遭受皮肉之苦,甚至发生更为严重的后果。 总之,婴幼儿的裤子应以宽松、合身,有利于安全、发育为标准。 宝宝穿背带裤的四大好处 三岁以下的幼儿更适合穿背带裤: 更多相关文档免费下载请登录: 中文word文档库 1、孩子穿了背带裤就可以避免因裤带束到胸部而影响胸廓的的生长发育,如果孩子胸廓发育受到阻碍,肺的发育就会受到影响,久而久之肺内气体交换受阻,致肺活量减少,从而导致孩子反复的呼吸道感染,经常穿背带裤的孩子就很少发生上述不良情况。 2、孩子穿背带裤还可以避免裤带扎得太紧而引起的疼痛、不适,孩子活动更加自如,尤其孩子进食后,腹围相对地会增大,如果用松紧带或裤带往往会造成孩子进食量减少,最终影响食欲,穿上背带裤后就不会有这种情况发生了。 3、穿背带裤还可以使孩子站立时前后位置基本固定。当孩子身体前倾时,后面的背带就拉紧,孩子身体后仰时,则前面的背带拉紧,因此保持了孩子的脊柱挺直,防止发生脊柱的前凸或后凸,穿背带裤的小孩显得比较精神就是这个道理。 4、背带裤上的钮扣可调节裤子的长短,随着孩子身高的增长,可将背带上的纽扣向下移一下,裤子还可以穿上一年半载。 给宝宝衣服搭配的几点建议 应首先考虑到儿童的天性,在玩的过程中,衣服的舒适程度是很重要的一个因素,应以宽松自然的休闲服装为主要特征。 小孩子身体正在发育,穿着外观精致、洒脱、宽松的休闲类衣服,平时做游戏、运动等,都很方便;既有利于身体的发育,还能给人一种温柔可爱、舒适、随意的感觉。 我们还可以利用童装的款式来补充一些孩子体形不足。比如,长得比较胖的孩子,裤子不能太过于宽松,在夏秋季,穿收腿的七分裤或九分裤为好,这样穿着,给人的感觉时这个孩子不会太胖。例如:一条裤筒较窄的裤 子,让体形瘦长的孩子穿上之后,就显得身材纤细、匀称;而腿粗的孩子穿上之后,就会显得臃肿,这样的孩子,不妨给他选一件薄而略长的上衣遮住臀部,下身再配一条较修长的直简裤,那么这样穿着,就会给人一种身材修长的感觉。对于有些文静的孩子在购买裤子时,可以推荐一些面料柔软而又富有弹性的裤子,例如: 棉、丝等成份做成的裤子,这样不仅穿在身上舒服、自然,而且能极大的表现出孩子的纯洁和灵性,并能给人一种飘逸、聪颖的感觉;对于比较淘气的孩子,我们不妨推荐他们穿牛仔类裤子,这种衣服由于质地比较结实,极其耐磨,淘气的孩子穿上它,不容易脏,又不容易损坏,而且好运动的孩子穿上这类衣服,非常有型,更显得身体结实,可爱又精神。 更多相关文档免费下载请登录: 中文word文档库 The male baby should not wear pants zipper Core tip: mothers should be careful, some wearing pants is not correct. Wearing the wrong trousers, have a great impact on children's physical development. So whether the baby should wear what kind of pants? The children's body resistance is poor, more delicate skin, for the health of the baby, mother to child pants must pay attention to. Note five do not buy the baby pants 1, do not use chemical fiber cloth to do kids close-fitting pants Because the synthetic fiber hygroscopicity worse, after sweating sweat left on the skin, easy to breed microorganisms, children's delicate skin, can therefore cause skin allergies and eczema. In addition, the trace chemical synthetic fiber mixed in the production process of ammonia, methanol, so the child's skin irritation, larger, do not use chemical fiber cloth to do kids wearing pants, should use cotton textile cloth material soft. 2, do not give children wear form-fitting pants or pants Aerobics pants crotch hip is short, small, perineal ministry is not easy to ventilate, crotch and genital friction increase, easy to cause local eczema or dermatitis. In addition, lively and active children, the new supersedes the old. More exuberant, more heat, tight form-fitting pants is not conducive to heat dissipation, affect. On the other hand, the child in the vigorous growth stage, fitness pants tightly bound abdominal and lower limb, directly affect the child's growth and development. Flared trousers thigh particularly thin narrow, tightly wrapped in the body, the lower limb blood circulation is not smooth, thus affecting the growth and development of children. In addition, the long and wide leg not conducive to children's activities, walking more unsafe. 3, do not give children wear short pants crotch Wearing short pants crotch crotch, repeated friction genitalia, prone to itching, entice children fondle genital, easy to form a bad habit. 4, using a rubber band or an elastic belt belt is not too tight or loose 更多相关文档免费下载请登录: 中文word文档库 Using a rubber band or an elastic belt belt too tight will beam waist, causing chest deformity. Children grow up fast, if not corrected in time, can cause a decrease in vital capacity, a decline in lung function, affect the healthy growth of children. Too loose word trousers will fall down, not conducive to children's activities, walking more unsafe. In short, children's trousers should be relaxed, fit, safety, and conducive to the healthy growth and development as the standard. 5, male infants don't wear pants zipper Male children to wear pants zipper, they pull the zipper, sometimes do not pay attention to, may mistake the genital skin block to the zipper, on May, suffer pain, or even more serious consequences. In a word, baby pants should be relaxed, fit, is conducive to the safety standard, development. Four benefits the baby wear suspenders trousers Children under three years of age is more suitable to wear braces: 1, children wear suspenders can avoid the belt beam to chest and thoracic growth, if the child the thoracic development is hindered, development will be affected in the course of time the lung, pulmonary gas exchange is blocked, causing decrease in vital capacity, leading to the child repeatedly respiratory infections, often wear suspenders children the bad situation rarely occurs. 2, children wear suspenders can also avoid the belt is too tight and cause pain, discomfort, children more freedom to move, especially children after eating, abdominal circumference relatively will increase, if the elastic belt or waistband often cause children decreased food intake, and ultimately affect the appetite, wear overalls wouldn't have this situation happened. 3, wearing suspenders can also make the children standing around the basic fixed position. When the child leaned forward, back strap on the tension, the child body back, in front of the suspender tension, so keep the child's spine straight, prevent the occurrence of spinal lordosis or kyphosis, wear suspenders children appear more spirit is the truth. Button 4, bib on adjustable trousers length, with the child's height growth, the straps on the buttons to move down, pants can wear a year or so. Give some advice to the baby's clothes. 更多相关文档免费下载请登录: 中文word文档库 Should first consider the nature of children, play in the process, clothing comfort is a very important factor, should be relaxed natural leisure clothing as the main features. The child bodies are developing, in appearance, easy, relaxed leisure clothes, usually do game, sports and so on, are very convenient; is conducive to the development of the body, can give a person a kind of gentle and lovely, comfortable, casual feeling. We can also make use of the design of children to supplement some children lack of body. For example, grow fatter children, trousers can not be too loose, in summer and autumn, seven minutes of pants to wear the legs or nine minutes of pants as well, this dress, give people the feeling when the child is not fat. For example: a pair of trousers tube narrow pants, let lanky children wear, is slim, well-proportioned; while the children wear thick legs, will appear overstaffed, such children, might as well give him to choose a slightly long and thin coat covering the hips, lower body with a a slender straight short pants, so dress, can give a person a kind of slender feeling. For some quiet child in the purchase of trousers, can recommend some fabric soft and elastic pants, such as: cotton, silk and other ingredients to make trousers, which not only wear in him comfortable, natural, and a great show of children 's purity and spirituality, and can give a person a kind of elegant, intelligent feeling; for more naughty children, we may wish to recommend they wear jeans trousers, the clothes because of their more strong, extremely wear-resisting, naughty children to wear it, not easy to dirty, and not easy to damage, and good movement of the child to wear this kind of clothes, very stylish, more strong body, lovely and the spirit of. 如您认为此文档对您有较大帮助,期待您能在微薄、博客、网站和论坛等网页宣传本站链接。 链接网址: 链接名称:中文word文档库 更多相关文档免费下载请登录: 中文word文档库
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