

2011-11-06 3页 doc 35KB 7阅读




控制培根说过:“天性好比种子,它既能长成香花,也可能长成毒草,所以人应当时时检查,以培养前者。”变成香花还是毒草,关键看你有没有自制力。 自制力是一种控制和约束自己情绪的能力。神经生理学告诉我们,理性思维与情绪行为在脑中是有部位分工的。人们的行为既受理性指导,又受当时情绪状态的影响,这种影响有好的,也有坏的,程度也有强有弱,如果没有自制力,听任情绪自由行事,自我行为管理则是不可能的。而只有增强自制力,才能迫使自己去执行已经采取的决定;战胜对抗的干扰,如恐惧、懒惰;抑制感情的激动,使人忍耐、克己。自制力,是一种使人变为高尚的力。文学...
培根说过:“天性好比种子,它既能长成香花,也可能长成毒草,所以人应当时时检查,以培养前者。”变成香花还是毒草,关键看你有没有自制力。 自制力是一种控制和约束自己情绪的能力。神经生理学告诉我们,理性思维与情绪行为在脑中是有部位分工的。人们的行为既受理性指导,又受当时情绪状态的影响,这种影响有好的,也有坏的,程度也有强有弱,如果没有自制力,听任情绪自由行事,自我行为管理则是不可能的。而只有增强自制力,才能迫使自己去执行已经采取的决定;战胜对抗的干扰,如恐惧、懒惰;抑制感情的激动,使人忍耐、克己。自制力,是一种使人变为高尚的力。文学大师罗曼·罗兰说过:“凡是要成为无愧于‘人’这个名称的人,都得时时刻刻向着无形的敌人抗争;天性中致人死命的敌人,蛊惑人心的奢望,隐晦幽密的,那些使人堕落,使你毁灭自己的念头,都是这类的顽敌。”自制力,是一种使行动的目标集中到创造性活动的力。马卡连柯说过:“不仅善于期待并获得某种东西,而且也善于迫使自己在必要时拒绝某种东西。没有制动器就不可能有机器,没有抑制力就不可能有任何意志。”高尔基也指出:“哪怕是对自己的一点微小的克制,也会使人变得强而有力。”严格控制自己和顽强的毅力是成就任何事业必备的品质。 一、能控制自己的情绪,约束自己的言行 青少年朋友们,有自制力的人能约束自己的情感,掌握自己的心境,善于战胜困难。所谓“富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈”,就是对具有自制力品质的人的称颂。与自制力相反的品质是动摇性。有动摇性的人“管不住自己”,他们不是情感的主人,而是情感的奴隶;在行动上常常现为“明知不可为而为之”,许多错误由此而产生。 中学生的情绪具有极高的兴奋性,其情绪易因受刺激而呈反应性,他们会因偶尔一件小事或狂喜,或痛心,或愤怒。中学生的情绪也易产生紧张性,常表现精神不振,容易发怒、不安和自卑等。中学生的情感最易发生冲动,有时,由于过分暴躁地为自己的见解辩护而顶撞老师,甚至破坏纪律,不顾后果。中学生的情感还常表现出矛盾和不稳定性。以上特点表明,中学阶段是情绪、情感发展最困难和矛盾最多的阶段。其原因在于自己不善于用理智控制情感。所以,学会如何控制自己的情绪,做到不任性,不放纵,不感情用事,是自我教育的一项重要内容。 消极的情绪对于身心的发展是有害的。有的人,不能控制和调节自己的情绪而常常使自己处于一种不健康的情绪状态,导致悲观失望,情绪低落,缺乏活力和乐趣,严重时,可能引起失眠、心慌、体力衰退,以致严重影响学习和工作。苏联著名作品《毁灭》、《青年近卫军》的作者法捷耶夫,就是长期忧郁寡欢,身心交瘁,最后自杀的。日本第一个获诺贝尔奖的作者川端康成由于健康原因心情闷闷不乐,用煤气自杀身亡。由此可见,消极的情绪会引起多么严重的后果。 不善于控制自己情绪的人,不能约束自己的言行,作事任性、放纵,常感情用事。这种 人,常常因一点小事和同学争吵,有时甚至大打出手,和同学闹不团结;有时为一件小事而顶撞老师和家长;更有甚者,有的同学凭意气、凭感情常干出一些荒唐的、愚蠢的事来,有的甚至酿成悲剧。有这样一位同学,暑假期间帮助父亲看水,忽然父亲和邻近田里的一位农民为水的事争吵起来,最后两人扭成一团,这位同学不是上去劝解,而是凭感情用事,向那位农民举起了锄头……后果是很惨的,这位同学因伤害罪被判处三年徒刑。这是凭感情,凭意气做事带来的灾难,不仅荒废了学业,而且成了人民的罪人,其教训是深刻的。而积极的、健康的情绪可升华人的感情。常能保持健康的情绪者生命肌体强健,精神状态美好,而美好精神状态的人最容易发现生活的美,情感的诗意。 培养自己的健康的情绪,首先要合理地对待自己的需要和愿望,如懂得自己的需要必须符合社会的政治、经济、物质文明发展要求和道德标准。正常的情绪,应加以合理的宣泄而不能过多的压抑。不良的情绪,要通过理智,转移、自慰或自控等途径加以调控。要注意培养自己的幽默感和多方面的情趣。因为幽默常可以使紧张变得轻松,使一个窘迫的场面,在笑声中消失,使愤怒、不安情绪得以缓解。要学会从光明一面去看待事物,因为对任何事物,如果从不同角度去看可以得出不同的印象和体验,如很多从表面上看去像是引人生气或悲伤的事,如从另一方面去看,常可发现一些积极的意义。 二、根据自己的特点、爱好,调整自己的努力方向,发挥自己的优势 俗话说:“人心不同,各有其面。”世界上不可能有完全相同的人,每个人都有各自的个性特点、心理特点、智能特点以及各自的兴趣和爱好。在感觉能力方面,有些人在观察时,知觉是综合型,其特点是对事物的知觉富于概括性和整体性,但是分析较弱,对细节的感知不够清晰;另一些人知觉属于分析型,其特点是有较强分析能力,对事物的细节感知得清晰、鲜 Bacon said: "nature is like a seed, it can grow fragrant flower, may also grew poisonous weeds, so people should always check, to develop the former." Into a fragrant flower or poisonous weeds, key see you have the self-control. Self-control is a kind of control and discipline emotional ability. Neurophysiological tell us, rational thinking and emotional behavior in the brain is a part of the division. The behavior of people to be affected by both the rational guidance, and at that time the influence of by emotional state, this kind of influence have good and bad, degree is weak or strong, if not the self-control, allowed the emotional free hand, and self management behavior is not possible. And only enhance the self-control, to force yourself to executive has taken decision; Victory over against interference, such as fear, lazy; Suppress the feelings of excitement, make the person patience, keji. The self-control, is a kind of make a person into a noble force. Literature masters Roman Rowland said: "every want to be worthy of the name" man, "this man, every moment toward the enemy of invisible of resistance and nature of the deadly enemies, sensational expect, deep and remote dense thoughts obscure, those who bring ruin, make you destroy their own idea, is this kind of WanDi." The self-control, is a kind of make the goal of an action on the strength of the creative activity. Yves even ko said: "not only good at looking forward to and get some things, but also good at forcing himself in the necessary refused to something. No brake is impossible to have the machine, no inhibitions will not be any will." Gorky also pointed out: "even of their own little tiny restraint, also can make the person becomes strong and powerful." Strict control and indomitable perseverance is achievement any enterprise of the necessary quality. A, can control of his emotions, constraint words and deeds Teenagers friends, have the self-control people can constraint their feelings, to grasp their state of mind, is good at overcome difficulties. The so-called "wealth can't Yin and rank cannot move, and terrible can't bend", it is to have the self-control the quality of the praise. And the quality is shaken self-control opposite sex. Have shaken the sex "cannot manage yourself", they are not the master of my emotions, but emotional slaves; In action often performance as "not knowing for it", which produces many mistakes. The mood of the middle school students have high excitability, their emotions easy for the stimulus and a reactive, they will because occasionally one small or ecstasy, or painful, or anger. The mood of the students also easy to produce tension, often present in low spirits and easy to get angry, upset and inferiority, etc. High school students in the most easily happen emotional impulse, sometimes, too angry for their opinions defense, against the teacher, and even destroy discipline, regardless of the consequences. Middle school students' emotion also often show contradictions and instability. Above characteristics shows that, middle school is mood, emotion development the most difficult and most contradictions of stage. The reason lies in not good at the use reason to control the emotion. So, learn how to control the emotions do not capricious, not indulgence, and no emotional, self education is an important content. Negative emotions for mental and physical development is harmful. Some people, can't control and adjust their mood and often make them in an unhealthy emotional states, lead to pessimistic disappointment, depressed, lack of energy and fun, serious when, can cause insomnia, flustered, physical limitations, so that serious impact study and work. The Soviet union famous work "destroy", "the youth alarming," the author of FaJieYeFu, is long-term melancholy, devastated, finally the suicide. Japan's first won the Nobel ChuanDuanKangCheng health reasons, the author of the mood, a gas suicide. This shows, negative emotions can cause serious consequences. Not good at the control their emotions, not constraint words and deeds, capricious and indulgence, and often emotional. this People, often for a little thing and classmates quarrel, and sometimes even a bidding war, and students make not unity; Sometimes for such a trifle and against teachers and parents; What's more, some classmates by turns the feelings often dry out in some ridiculous and stupid things, some have ended in tragedy. To have such a classmate, summer vacation to help her father see water, suddenly father and a farmer's field of adjacent to the waters of quarrel and the last two people twist into a ball, the students not appealed to go up, but by emotional, to the farmer lifted the hoe...... Consequences are very miserably, this classmate judged by was sentenced to three years in prison. This is by affection, work by turns to bring disaster, not only waste the school, but became the convict of the people, the lesson is profound. And the positive and healthy emotion can sublimation of human feelings. Often can keep the body healthy emotion life strong, the mental state is good, and good mental state the most easy to find the beauty of life, the emotional poetic flavor. Cultivate your own health mood, first of all be reasonable to yourself's needs and desires, such as the need to understand how they must comply with the social, political, economic, and material civilization development requirements and moral standards. Normal mood, should be rationally outbursts and not too much depressed. Bad mood, through to reason, transfer, masturbation or control and other ways to control. To pay attention to cultivating their own sense of humor and various interest. As humor often can make tense easy, make a distress scene in the laughter disappeared, that anger, unease ease. Learn from bright side to look at things, because for any thing, if from different point of view to see can reach different impression and experience, such as many from look like a surface are angry or sad things, such as from another to see, often can find some positive significance. Second, according to its own characteristics, hobbies, adjust their own direction, give play to one's own advantage As the saying goes: "the public is different, each have their side." The world may not have exactly the same people, everyone has his own personality characteristics, psychological characteristics, intelligence and their respective characteristics interests and hobbies. In feel ability, some people in the observation, the perception is comprehensive, its characteristic is the perception of things abound generality and integrity, but analysis is weaker, the details of the perception is not clear; Some other people consciousness belong to analysis model, its characteristic is strong analytical skills, the perception of things details clearly, and fresh
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