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新六西格玛-摩托罗拉大学nullnull新六西格玛刘建勇博士 Dr. Jim Liunull挑战 挑战Challenge快!快!快!Be quick!null 取胜法宝Keys to Success美国国家品质奖null 不同的法则Different PhilosophiesMotorola’s PerspectiveMotorola’s Perspective2003 Digital Six Sigma2002 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award摩托罗拉公司与六西格码摩托罗拉公司与六西格码1987...
nullnull新六西格玛刘建勇博士 Dr. Jim Liunull挑战 挑战Challenge快!快!快!Be quick!null 取胜法宝Keys to Success美国国家品质奖null 不同的法则Different PhilosophiesMotorola’s PerspectiveMotorola’s Perspective2003 Digital Six Sigma2002 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award摩托罗拉公司与六西格码摩托罗拉公司与六西格码1987 制定1992 应达到的西格玛目标以往与现在1988 马称科姆·鲍德里奇全美质量大奖1990 在全公司开展“顾客完全满意小组过程”和“黑带”1992 每两年减少缺陷十倍,每五年一个周期。1997 五个“9”:系统可用性。1999 公司革新 2000 行为准则,优秀业绩和平衡的记分牌2001 “黑带”创意加速2002 第二次鲍德里奇全美质量大奖2003 数字化的六西格码摩托罗拉年度营业额 Annual revenues by year摩托罗拉年度营业额 Annual revenues by year淨營收 (十億美元)14%24%16%14%4%18%28%31%22%9%B US$null西格玛 (Sigma)null西格玛级别(Sigma Level)西格玛水平与改进后的完好度水平有关。要达到“三西格玛”水平,我们在一百万次机会中只能允许 66,811 个缺陷。而在“五西格玛”水平中,我们只允许 233 个缺陷。 不同西格玛水平之间的差异并不是简单地对半削减缺陷数量。西格玛水平每升高一级,缺陷数量都指数级地减少。 Measurement and MethodologyMeasurement and Methodology“Sigma” is a measurement scale upon which improvements can be gauged. “Six Sigma” is an overall methodology that drives business improvement.null六西格玛定义 Definition of Six Sigma Whatever we do, The maximum error number which is allowed to make should not go beyond 3.4 times among 1,000,000 opportunities. 无论做什么,在1百万次出错机会中,所允许出现的错误为3.4 次null六西格玛与每百万机遇3.4个缺陷(DPMO)相对应。正态分布居中1.5Sigma偏移null六西格玛: 目标 Six Sigma: Goal Sigma dpmo Defect Rate 缺陷率 2s 308,538 1 in 3 3s 66,000 1 in 15 4s 6,210 1 in 160 5s 233 1 in 4,300 6s 3 1 in 300,000dpmo: defects per million opportunities 每百万次中的缺陷数10,000Xnull   一个术语, 两种意义                                                                                                                                                                                     null今天的六西格玛 Six Sigma TodayA comprehensive, flexible system for achieving & maximizing business success through thoroughly understanding customer needs, a disciplined use of facts & data, and diligent attention to improving and re-inventing processes. Cost reduction Improved productivity Market-share growth Customer retention Cycle-time reduction Defect reduction/elimination Culture change Product/service developmentBusiness Success Factors 成功因素成本下降 生产率提高 市场占有率增长 顾客维持 周期缩短 缺陷减少/消除 文化变革 产品/服务开拓是一个全面的柔性系统,通过充分理解客户需求,严谨地使用事实和数据,勤奋地注意改进和重新创造程序,来最大程度的达成生意的成功。null六西格玛的革新Renovation of Six sigma数码六西格玛 (Digital Six Sigma) 是对摩托罗拉经典业务改进方法的一次重大革新。数码六西格玛是一次巨大的改进,因为它可以一劳永逸地杜绝酿成缺陷的变因。通过实施可重复使用的网络化改进,数码六西格玛 彻底消灭了缺陷。 A key innovation to Motorola's classic business improvement method is Digital Six Sigma. Digital Six Sigma is a dramatic improvement, because it permanently eliminates targeted sources of variation that cause defects. By implementing reusable web-enabled improvements, Digital Six Sigma eradicates defects from the face of the earth.null数字化 Digitalization 摩托罗拉的数字化改进工作带来一整套新的更好方法、工具和技巧。这方面的工作包括: 由于有了上述改进,今天“六西格玛” (Six Sigma) 比以往任何时间都更加功能强大,更加适用于当今动荡的业界环境。 e-Training:在短短几个月而不是几年时间里,培训和测试数以千计员工的能力。 e-Processes: 随时处于掌控之中的数字化改进措施。 e-Tools: 网上调查、模拟程序及各种归纳工具可以对“六西格玛”过程的众多阶段进行改进。 e-Tracking: 监督所有重要业务度量及其附属改进项目的能力。 e-Visibility/Control: 监督所有重要业务度量及促成如此结果之部门和职能的能力,其中包括正反两个方面。nullCp 0.67 1.0 1.33 1.67 2.0 Cpk 0.17 0.5 0.83 1.17 1.5)DPMO(Defects Per Million Error Opportunities业界标杆一般公司baggage handling: 3.5 sigma 行李传送国内航班为什么要推行六西格玛 Why Six Sigma?null 持续进步及竞争的需要 The requirement of CI and completion 建立共同语言 Setup command language 数据驱动进步 Data driven为什么要推行六西格玛 Why Six Sigma? 解决问题的方法与思路 The methodology of problem solving 掌握通用工具40多个 Command the tools 客户导向 Customer focusnullThe Current Situation 目前状况Cycle Time运转周期Customer Satisfaction 顾客满意 (Phone Rings Again)Continuous Improvement 持续改进Gamba Kaizen5sTPMCOQTCM为什么要推行六西格玛 Why Six Sigma?nullSky Tower on Tomorrow 明天的大厦Customer Satisfaction 顾客满意 (Phone Rings Again)Cost 费用Service 服务System 系统Management 管理Delivery 交付Quality 质量Continuous Improvement 持续改进Cycle Time 运转 周期 6 Sigma 6西 格玛Management team’s Commitment & consensus 管理层的承诺与一致全体管理团队的共识订货铃不 断响起为什么要推行六西格玛 Why Six Sigma?null持续进步的路标 Roadmap of CI我们的经验教训 What We’ve Learned …我们的经验教训 What We’ve Learned …It’s all aboutdelivering business results!Achieving sustainable business improvement requires integrated team efforts linked to business priorities.通过团队对重大的问题进行快速的解决,得到持续的财务结果!null 六西格玛领导方针“六西格玛领导方针”包括以下内容: The Six Sigma Leadership Principles include the following: Align ( 结合) Mobilize (动员) Accelerate (催化) Govern (治理) THE SIX SIGMA LEADERSHIP PRINCIPLESThe People Who Make it Happen:The People Who Make it Happen:Master Black BeltsBlack BeltsSix Sigma Project VPGreen BeltsAll EmployeesSponsor六西格玛项目参与人员null绿/黑带的作用与等级 Role and level of GB/BBnull领导层所面临的挑战 – 将重点聚焦在巨大的“Y”上YCore Six Sigma Business Improvement Campaign PrincipleCore Six Sigma Business Improvement Campaign PrincipleWhat do you want to improve? What actions will get you there the fastest?Y= f (x1 , x2 , x3 ... )null平衡記分卡是Six Sigma業務改進運動的基石 平衡記分卡是Six Sigma業務改進運動的基石 戰略與目標本年度創意戰略方向願景: 我們的首要目的——我們如何向顧客提供價值。 使命: 我們為誰服務,我們提供哪些服務,我們如何實現競爭優勢。 戰略目標: 為實現願景我們必須完成的目標。 提出或突破創意為在今天獲得成功,我們需要採取哪些行動。 超越創意: 為在未來取得成功我們需要採取哪些行動。 績效衡量業務過程業務成果顧客與市場培訓與發展内部業務財務為建立實現我們戰略目標所需的能力,我們需要採取哪些行動 The Cornerstone of a Six Sigma Business Improvement Campaign is a Balanced Scorecard The Cornerstone of a Six Sigma Business Improvement Campaign is a Balanced Scorecard nullBe the market leader in providing superior wireless products and solutions … Lead Internet to wireless. Drive success by exceeding the expectations of customers, consumers, shareholders and co-workersCustomer, consumer & share holder driven employees winning through the 4Es +1; Recognizing & celebrating successes. One Motorola / One PCSCULTURE:Fully link the Front End experience and planning processDevelop a measurement and ensure differential investment for Most Effective Talent Ensure Most Effective Talent occupy Most Leveraged Positions PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENTBusiness ProcessesBusiness Results2002 PERFORMANCE EXCELLENCE SCORECARD PCS Rev 2.7Strategic ObjectivesCurrent Year InitiativesSTRATEGIC DIRECTIONVISION:MISSION: FINANCIAL Deliver strong financial results CUSTOMER & MARKET Delight customers and become the coveted supplier by all top 25 customers OPERATIONAL & PEOPLE Transform the organization to Performance Excellence Motivate employees and create a positive work environment Build active community involvementFINANCIAL Improve Total Cost Competitiveness of products Improve overall ability to deliver End-to-End solutions, content and applications CUSTOMER/CONSUMER & MARKET Define and develop Compelling Products and Signature Experiences Improve customer relationships through operator partnering and customization Drive and sustain consumer demand and pull-through programs and increase the effectiveness of co-marketing with operators and distributors Substantially enhance the value and impact of the Motorola Brand Invest in innovation to leverage technology advancements and architecture to improve market/customer responsiveness OPERATIONAL & PEOPLE Make the matrix organization work Make Six Sigma “The Way We Work” in everything we do Dramatically improve software capability & qualitySTRATEGIC PLANNINGCUSTOMER & MKT FOCUSHUMAN RESOURCE FOCUSPROCESS MGMTLEADERSHIPINFORMATION/ANALYSISImprove End-to-End selling capabilities on Account Teams Improve S&OP Process Drive development and differential investments in human assets, by implementing the Organization Vitality ProcessInstitutionalize M-Gates across all projects Implement YEAR 1 Next Generation Supply Chain projects Deploy Time Tracking System (Primavera) across PCSFINANCIAL Make The Numbers PBT Sales: Device & Non-device Cash Flow CUSTOMER/CONSUMER & MARKET Increase Market Share 20% movement in Customer Satisfaction - Top 2 Boxes Improve consumer & POS equity by 11.5% in top 11 countries OPERATIONAL 30% complexity reduction by YE & all 2003 NPI's achieve complexity index of <1.0 0% slippage on new product introduction launches 90% On-time Delivery Performance (CRSD) Achieve SEI level-3 & 75% improvement in software defects 25% Reduction in Cost of Poor Quality Achieve top 1 or 2 supplier satisfaction status PEOPLE 15% movement in employee satisfaction - Top 2 boxes score Community Service – 100,000 hoursImplement key IT tools and systems to support the business PE ASSESSMENT20% Improvement over 2000 PerformanceFebruary 18, 2002LANAPCS AsiaEMEATPRGWWSCCSSPLMOther Support FunctionsMotorola Internal Use OnlyFINALnull联系目标及业绩评估公司 计分卡业务部 计分卡第2列项目 (当前主要业务)第3列项目 (建立能力)ScorecardSTRATEGIC DIRECTIONPERFORMANCE MEASUREMENTStrategies & ObjectivesCurrent-Year InitiativesBusiness ProcessesBusiness Results完 整 的 考 察 流 程项目选择方法项目选择方法作用显著的项目nullnull团队名称   TEAM NAMES摩托罗拉公司六西格玛 方法的独道之处之一是针对性团队策略。摩托罗拉对业务改进机遇的类型进行分析,同时指定一个相应的团队。根据项目的类型,摩托罗拉使用以下某种团队: One of the unique aspects of Motorola's Six Sigma methodology is the "appropriate team" approach. Motorola looks at the type of business improvement opportunity and assigns an appropriate team. Depending on the type of project, Motorola employs one of the following teams: Black Belt (黑带) Green Belt (黑带) Breakthrough (突破) Blitz (突击) Black Belt: Black Belt teams are led by a Black Belt, and may have Green Belts and functional experts assigned to complex, high-impact process improvement projects or designing new products, services, or complex processes.Green Belt: Comprised of functional process experts and typically led by a Green Belt, Green Belt teams tackle less complex, high-impact process improvement projects.Breakthrough: Breakthrough teams are typically used to define low-complexity, new processes.Blitz: Blitz teams are put in place to quickly execute improvements produced by other projects. These teams can also implement DMADDD as required.Matching Teams, Projects and Team ProcessesMatching Teams, Projects and Team ProcessesTeams must organize their work around the most effective methodology for the task.团队、项目和团队过程的匹配团队、项目和团队过程的匹配团队必须围绕完成该任务最为有效的方法来安排自己的工作。 影 响null团队作用 TEAM ROLES"六西格玛" (6 Sigma) 中内含许多角色。 "Black Belt (黑带)" 是内部的六西格玛从业者,具备应用于多种统计学方法的技能。 "Green Belt (绿带)" 担负着许多与 "Black Belt (黑带)" 相同的作用,但是他们的工作不需要那么复杂的分析。  Within Six Sigma, many roles exist. Black Belts are internal Six Sigma practitioners, skilled in the application of rigorous statistical methodologies. Green Belts perform many of the same functions as Black Belts, but their work requires less complex analysis. Green Belts and Black Belts work together, along with additional support, on Six Sigma improvement projects. Within the typical Six Sigma project, four roles exist: Sponsor (发起人) Champion (负责人) Team Leader (团队领队) Team Member (团队成员) 全面业务评审中的职责全面业务评审中的职责重点在于影响大的变革目标。 进行持续不懈的严谨评审。 努力按期执行。 每月项目评审摩托罗拉记分牌战略与目标本年度创意业务过程业务成果战略方向业绩衡量D M A I C记分牌度量度量null信息采集分析系统 Information (Data) Collection System 测量设备的精准性 Measurement system accuracy and precision 统计过程控制 Statistical Process Control 全面预防维护 Total Prevention Maintenance 六西格玛推进策略 Six Sigma Implementation Strategy制造过程特征化 Process Characterization 制造过程优化 Process Optimization 供应链管理 Supplier Management by the six Sigma methodologynullMeasure Everything That Results In Customer Satisfaction“METRICS” “指标”数据驱动进步 Data Driven描述 记数型 计量型null“突破” 工具箱 ‘Breakthrough’ Toolbox每个项目用同样的工具 Every Project: same method & toolsnull六西格玛培训 Six-Sigma TrainingTeamingProject ManagementSoftwareLeanStatisticsDOESPC建立团队项目管理软件统计试验设计统计过程控制纤细化化六西格玛培训核心内容 Key Contents of Six Sigma Trainingnull 统计知识的层次 (针对一制程) Level of Statistical Knowledge仅有经验-没有数據 Experience Only - No Date 数據采集-看看数據 Collect Data - Read Data 整合数據-图, Analyze Data-Chart, Graph 描述统计-平均值, 方差 Statistical Description - Mean, Variation 特征统计-Cp/Cpk, 曲/直线拟合 Statistical Characteristic -- Cp/Cpk 控制统计-SPC控制图 Statistical Control -- SPC Control Chart 预示统计-变量分析,实验设计线性或多元回归 Statistical Prevention – Variation Analysis, DOE null成套分析工具 ANALYTIC TOOL SETS nullDMAIC nullContinuous Improvement Roadmapnull持续进步的路径null如何实现六西格玛 How to Achieve Six Sigma?Knowing the root cause is the key, If you know it, you will control it 关键是了解根因 (主要因子)Eliminate abnormal failure due to special reason. By: Kaizen, TCM, TPM消除不正常缺陷分散和趋中的影响 The Impact from Spread and Location分散和趋中的影响 The Impact from Spread and Location分析及改进 Analysis and Improvement 分析及改进 Analysis and Improvement Cp=Cpk(1-k)null 黑带的发展持续进步的路径(续)Continuous Improvement Roadmap(Cont’d)六西格玛持续改进课程表 Six sigma CI Curriculum六西格玛持续改进课程表 Six sigma CI CurriculumStatistical Approach to Six Sigma (CIC1141 & 1142)Foundations of Six Sigma & the DMAIC Model (CIC1157)Green Belt ProgramBlack Belt ProgramBenchmarking (CIC540)Teaming (TBD)Cycle Time Reduction & Map. Workshop (CIC850)Quality Function Deployment (CIC1070, 1071)Business Skills (TBD)Building Organization-Wide CapabilityBuilding Organization-Wide Capability. . . to support a Six Sigma Campaign提高整个组织的实力提高整个组织的实力支持六西格玛运动六西格玛绿带学习班大纲 Six Sigma Green Belt Action Learning Plan 六西格玛绿带学习班大纲 Six Sigma Green Belt Action Learning Plan 六西格玛基础 (Fundamental to Six Sigma) 界定机遇(Define) 1.1 找出、排序并选择改进机遇。 1.2 制定项目团队宪章 1.3 组建有效的团队 1.4 明确顾客及顾客需求 1.5 界定待改进的过程并绘图 衡量业绩(Measure) 2.1 确定衡量的内容 2.2 对衡量进行管理 2.3 认识波动 2.4 评估衡量系统 2.5 确定过程业绩表现 分析机遇(Analyze) 3.1 找出潜在的根本原因 3.2 进行失败模式及效果分析 (FMEA) 3.3 实施对比法 3.4 进行波动源(SOV)研究 3.5 进行相关性分析 改进业绩(Improve) 4.1 提出解决 4.2 解决方案的排序与选择 控制业绩(Control) 5.1 制订控制计划 5.2 实施过程控制系统Six Sigma Black Belt Action Learning Plan Six Sigma Black Belt Action Learning Plan Week 1Core Content DMAIC Methodology Identifying Business Opportunities Customer Requirements Mapping Processes Effective Teams Critical Measures Measurement Systems Analysis Process Performance MINITAB SoftwareWeek 2Core Content Root Cause Analysis Process Stratification Validation of Root Causes Comparative Methods Sources of Variation Failure Mode & Effects Analysis Week 4Core Content Response Surface Methodology Recommendations and Change Plans Statistical Process Control Process Capability Implementation Planning Process IntegrationWeek 3Key Deliverables Data Analyses (Cont’d) Validated Root Causes Potential Solutions Selected Solutions Communication Plan Key Deliverables Project Charter Action Plans Process Maps Key Process Indicators Data Collection Plan Measurement Analysis Baseline PerformanceCoaching / Project WorkKey Deliverables Collected Data Data Analyses Sources of Variation FMEA Study Core Content Correlation & Regression Analysis Design of Experiments Idea Generation Solution Evaluation and Selection Key Deliverables Pilot Plan Control Plan Training Plans Implementation PlansCoaching / Project WorkCoaching / Project WorkCoaching / Project Worknull六西格玛黑带行动教学计划 第1周核心内容 DMAIC方法 找出业务机遇 顾客需求 绘制过程图 有效的团队 主要衡量项 衡量系统分析 过程业绩 MINITAB 软件第2周核心内容 根本原因分析 过程整理 根本原因认证 比较法 波动源 失败模式与效果分析 第4周核心内容 反应表面法 建议与变革计划 统计过程控制 过程能力 实施规划 过程集成 第3周可实现的主要内容 数据分析(续) 经认证的根本原因 可能的解决方案 选中的解决方案 交流计划 可实现的主要内容 项目宪章 行动计划 过程图 主要过程指标 数据收集计划 衡量分析 基准业绩 辅导/项目工作可实现的主要内容 收集到的数据 数据分析 波动源 FMEA研究 核心内容 相关分析与回归分析 实验设计 构思 方案评估与选择 可实现的主要内容 示范计划 控制计划 实施计划辅导/项目工作辅导/项目工作辅导/项目工作nullKey to Six Sigma Success成功的秘匙null Strategies fail when culture doesn’t adapt. 由于没有文化的支撑, 才导致战略的失败没有魔术药丸nullnullnullnullnullnullnullnull画虎画皮难画骨(学精神与学皮毛)? 已经过了ISO9000nullnull
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