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王力宏语录 王力宏语录     「我有很多身居荧光幕后的音乐人朋友,他们总是说他们很羡慕我。」,他表示,「别人家的草地总是比较绿,换个角度想,我已经是个很幸运的人。」 A lot of my friends who are behind the scenes in the music business always say they envy me. The grass is always greener on the other side. Come to think of it, I'm already a very ...
王力宏语录     「我有很多身居荧光幕后的音乐人朋友,他们总是说他们很羡慕我。」,他表示,「别人家的草地总是比较绿,换个角度想,我已经是个很幸运的人。」 A lot of my friends who are behind the scenes in the music business always say they envy me. The grass is always greener on the other side. Come to think of it, I'm already a very lucky person. - translated by whitemocha   「我尽量不要谈到自己的感情或私人生活,因为我尊重对方,不希望对方成为八卦新闻的头条。我也不是那种利用私生活或绯闻来博宣传的艺人。如果一些艺人认为能够以这样的伎俩在演艺圈内混,那是他们的决定。如果他们只能靠这样的伎俩,在演艺圈中也不能长久生存。」 I try not to discuss my relationships or personal life because I respect the other person. I don't want her to become the headline of some gossip news. I'm not the kind of artist who uses his personal life to promote himself. If some people think they can survive in the industry by utilizing these tactics, that's their decision. If it's the only thing they've got, they won't be able to last long in the business.  - translated by whitemocha   「我喜欢音乐,与我的家庭背景完完全全沾不上边。爸爸是个医生,哥哥也是医生,他们希望我也是个医生,不过嘛,我为甚么会喜欢音乐?我想,没有甚么为甚么,没有甚么原因,喜欢的就是喜欢。」 The fact that I like music is completely out of sync with my family background. My dad is a doctor. My older brother is a doctor. They hoped I would become a doctor too. But why do I like music? I guess there is no real “why,” no particular reason. I like it because I like it. - translated by whitemocha   「在流行音乐文化面,坦白的说,我没有任何期望,『流行文化』不是听音乐的地方,是真的。」   「What is my expectation?我想,是自由。创作的自由。我明白到曲高自然会和寡,但是我也不希望我的歌只在卡拉OK播放,要取得一个平衡点。我不是一个歌手,我是一个音乐人,作曲、监制,给自己也给其它人。在我的音乐里面,注入了许多不同元素,这些东西在一般的pop music内是找不到的。我不愿看到有一天,有个人叫我唱这首歌我就要唱;我要唱的,是我自己的歌。」 What is my expectation? I think it's freedom. Creative freedom. I understand that it's difficult for music that's too idealistic to find an audience. But on the other hand, I don't want my songs to be solely played in karaoke. There should be a balance. I'm not a just a singer. I'm a musician who composes and produces, for myself and others. I have introduced many different elements to my music that is not found in standard pop music. I don't want to sing a song when someone tells me to sing it. What I want to sing – is my own song. - translated by whitemocha   「九一一以后,我对事物的观感出现了改变,看东西总会看得远一点。不知为什么,自那时起脑海內想到很多关于环保、animals和反战的东西。所以去年应National Geographic频道邀请,去看中华白海豚,觉得特别有意义。」 After September 11, my attitude towards things started to change. I started seeing things farther into the future. I'm not sure why, but at the time I thought a lot about the environment, animals, and anti-war issues. So when I was invited by National Geographic last year to see the white dolphins, it felt especially meaningful. - translated by whitemocha   在理想中,你觉得甚么是与情人相处最享受的时光?「没有虚伪,可以作自己,可以被爱。」 Q: Ideally what do you consider the most enjoyable time to spend with your lover? “No pretence. I can be myself and be loved.” - translated by whitemocha   网友:成为公众人物之后,在风光的后面也有很多苦涩,进入演艺圈得到最多的是什么?失去最多的是什么? 王力宏:「得到最多就是很多的耳朵在听我的歌,听我的音乐,这对我来讲是最重要的,因为我做音乐是要跟别人分享的。失去的是时间,因为这份工作在时间上要求很多。所以,我都是在旅行当中,就比较少有自己的时间或有时间看到亲朋好友。」Q: After becoming a public figure, there must be some unpleasantness behind all the glory. What is the most you have gained and lost after entering the industry? “The most I gained is that there are lots of ears listening to my songs, my music. This is the most important to me because I make music to share with others. What I lost is time. There is a high demand of time for this job. So I'm always traveling, so there is less time for myself or to see my family and friends.” - translated by whitemocha   音乐对于我,就像蜜蜂看到花蜜般,有强大的吸引力。父母从小培养我学乐器,许多亲朋好友也都爱音乐,对他们来说,音乐确实可以当一辈子的兴趣。可是我要的不只是这样,我希望专攻音乐,不想念医科。 华人在美国社会里,受到的待遇并不平等,必须比他们强两倍,才有竞争机会,加上观念传统,很多华人子弟心里知道自己想做什么,却不敢明说,怕对父母没法交代,最后选择的不见得是自己想做的。 高中快毕业时,我就面临这样的挣扎,哥哥学医,我的成绩也够资格申请医学院,「为什么不念?」妈妈这样问我,并告诉我做音乐是多么的不实际。 我顺从了,选读医科,但仍选修爵士钢琴。 大一成绩OK,心里却觉得很勉强,这不是我想做的,我也知道只要下决心念,绝对可以把医学院读完,只是我会少了很多快乐。 那年刚好有机会回台湾出专辑,父母也不反对,当我是打工,一再提醒我「不要抱太大希望」。不过我做音乐的念头愈来愈强烈,尤其发行第二张专辑,我写了八首歌,参与编曲,兴奋的心情就像鱼刚回到水里的感觉。 大二要确定专攻科目,我鼓起勇气跟父母表白,想转念音乐系,继续做音乐,我告诉他们,即使将来没有饭吃,找不到工作,我都愿意承受,至少我快乐。这么重要的决定,父母当然没有马上答应,他们慎重其事的找表叔李建复详谈,李建复说了很多,最重要他提到一点,「台湾流行音乐圈,不像美国嗑药嗑得那么严重」,让父母安心不少,总算同意。 拿到大学毕业证书后,妈妈有天突然对我说:「我终于不用再担心你了。」她看到我已经掌握到我要的,也小有成绩,我听了觉得如释重负,毕竟她为我付出那么多。 我也庆幸自己做了对的决定,所以人还是要有梦想,就算眼前没办法达成,也不要放弃或接受了现实的安排。 To me, music is like when a bee sees honey – there is a remarkable attraction. My parents supported me to learn instruments as a child. Lots of my relatives and friends also love music. For them, music can be a lifelong hobby. However that is not all I want. I want to specialize in music instead of medicine. For Chinese in the American society, there is not always fair treatment. We need to be twice as strong as they are to be competitive. With the traditional value in mind, many young Chinese-Americans knew what they wanted to do, yet were afraid of letting their parents down. In the end they may not end up with a career of their choice. Before my high school graduation, I faced such a struggle. My older brother studied medicine, and my grades were good enough to apply for medicine as well. “Why not?” My mom asked. She told me studying music is so unrealistic. I gave in and chose to major in medicine, while still electing courses in jazz piano. My grades were ok in my freshmen year, but I felt forced. This is not what I wanted to do. I know if I put my mind to it, I can definitely finish these studies. But in the process I would have lost my happiness. That year I had the chance to release an album in Taiwan . My parents were not against it. They looked at it as a part-time job and told me “not to have high expectations.” But my desire for music grew stronger and stronger. For my second album, I wrote 8 songs and participated in the arrangement. I felt excited like a fish back in the water. In my sophomore year while confirming a major, I built the courage and told my parents I wanted to study music. I told them even if I cannot find a job and have no money in the future, I will accept it because I will be happy. Of course my parents did not immediately agree to such an important decision. They consulted uncle Lee Chen-Fu in detail. Uncle Lee said a lot. In particular he mentioned that “unlike the US , there is no big drug problem among the Taiwan music industry.” My parents felt less concerned and finally agreed. After receiving my college degree, one day mom said to me, “I can finally stop worrying about you.” She saw that I had found what I wanted, and had some success. I felt relieved since she had done so much for me. I'm glad that I made the right choice. People must have dreams. Even if it's not close within reach, do not give up or settle with reality. - translated by whitemocha     「大家真的越来越懂得欣赏我的音乐了,对了,我不应该再叫你们歌迷了,应该是friends才对了。还有我记得内地歌迷的网站叫做“our-home”,感觉真的很好啊,虽然我并不care有多少人欣赏我的音乐,但是如果我的音乐能给大家一个home的话,真的更让我开心!」 People have become more and more appreciative of my music. That's right, I shouldn't call you all fans anymore; it should be friends. And I remember the mainland China fan club is called “Our Home.” It feels great. Although I don't care how many people appreciate my music, if my music can provide everyone a home, it makes me feel really happy. - translated by whitemocha   「当我觉得走音乐这条路时,真是担心能否找到工作。也就是说,我成长的地方,有一所很有名的叫Eastman School of Music的音乐学校,专业的音乐家,教授有很多。靠音乐谋生真是一件很辛苦的事情,很辛苦的人和最终无所作为的人都有 ,他们也都是很有才华的。看到这种现实,父母和我都感到了生活的残酷。所以,现在我能以音乐人的身份工作,真是感到自己很幸运,也很感谢上天的风格。」   「大部份时间当我在作音乐时,因为我作曲、编曲、制作,也自己录音自己筹划,所以我大多都自己来.. 我喜欢这样,因为我可以,也许更可以保留创意,但我想有时候会变得很寂寞,我可以就迷失在音乐世界里,不跟人交流,也许好几个月都不出门。」   「我尤其喜欢绕着国父纪念馆外面跑步,通常是半夜三点,因为那个时候夜猫子都睡了、而且晨起的阿公阿妈也还没起床,路上只有我,可以想很多事情。」   「大陆最多盗版碟,有fans将盗版碟给我签名,我见到很难过,不能签,又看到歌迷很失望,我宁愿签一张白纸 。 」   力宏毕业于美国麻州威廉斯镇的威廉斯学院。他带着迷人的微笑说道:「那是一个桃花源!」 他的学校坐落在一个几乎没有任何车辆的山谷中央。 在那里他享受、珍惜着恒久的友谊。 他表示:「那里没有任何歧视。」 「男同志、女同志、黑人、亚洲人、白人,大家都可以是很好的朋友。」 「那里地方很小,所以大家彼此都认识。」 相较于他目前所处的地方,那简直是天堂。 力宏说:「我现在的生活很靠近地狱!」   「最音乐的人,绝不希望别人有先入为主的期许,我希望日子是开心,自然地随生活去改变,做不同的尝试,当spotlight打在我身上的时候,不要强求下一步应该是怎样怎样。相信喜欢我的歌迷也会希望我尽量去发挥,不要掉在一个框框中,那样太累。」   不得不残酷地问:介不介意不懂音乐的歌迷用看偶像的角度来崇拜你? 「人家喜欢你是一种抬举,我从来会说:可是你不懂我的音乐,没有资格。这种话,喜欢你的某一个条件也是属于你的,不要轻易地拒绝。我倒不一定会希望他们了解我的音乐。」   「虽然音乐对大部份人来说是娱乐而非理想,但试想你的歌曲可能陪着当代孩子成长,它可能会拥有足以跨越时代的力量,再过十年,还会有人回忆中再哼上一遍。」   「大概是有点金牛座的择善固执吧!总觉得以前为了商业市场妥协了太多,问题是妥协了也没讨好大多数的市场,知名度和销售成绩未成正比,那时我就下定了决心,既然如此何不做自己喜欢的音乐?这次和我一起工作的人都很辛苦,因为我在音乐的想法比较固执,像当初选公转自转,有些同事们反对,认为那新闻点不够,名字又不够简明易懂,但我觉得那是最适合的名字,也最适合当主打歌,开会时也有人表达我的东西可能太深奥或是距以前转变太大,但这些东西都是我想坚持的。」   「形象只是用来迎合这个讲求包装的世界,我只是随着世界向前走。别人说我转型,但我却不认同,喜欢我的歌迷就是会喜欢我,他们从我的歌曲里总会明白我,不论我留长胡子也好,长发披肩亦好,我就是我,从来都是王力宏。」   「当发现别的歌手在某些方面比你唱得好,当发现别的音乐人能写出你无法想到的旋律,这时我就会觉得非常自卑。」   「只有寂寞才可以让人成长,我享受一个人的孤独。」   「音乐人都是寂寞的,而且也是自虐的,太好的环境作不出好音乐。」   「我什么也没有,只有音乐。」   「音乐是我的生命,谢谢你们肯定我的生命。」   就是说关于抄袭的敏感话题 力宏说 「所有音乐元素用放大镜看都是雷同的。」   聊到目前沸沸扬扬的包养八卦争论,Lee Hom清楚的表示:「作为一个职业歌手,我不允许这种明显诬蔑的话来损害公司利益,所以该走的程序还得做,我和公司商量,已经发出了律师函,要求讨个说法。因为这样对我的歌迷也是负责的态度,我知道他们喜欢我,都是发自内心的,这些报道伤害不了我,但是会伤害他们!」   「你攻击我什么都没关系,但是你攻击我的音乐我就火大了。」   「我狂爱录音设备,我什么都没买,我没买房子,没买车子,没买电视阿,什么的……我把所有的钱都用来买这些了。」   「荣誉让我感到欣慰,而挫折才真正使我进步。」   「我从来都没有玩造型,除非是演唱会这类特殊的场合,对我而言永远是音乐走在前面,对改变造型迎合潮流,我不感兴趣。」   「在音乐里面,我可以畅所欲言,自由自在。」   「离开了音乐,我觉得我好像变笨了。」   「我以前比较被动,但完成这张专辑(《心中的日月》)后,我对女孩会比较主动,认识朋友也会有新的办法。以前太内敛,错失很多机会,以后一定要把握住!」   「现在我已经开拓了新的里程碑,眺望远方,我了解前方还有多少尚无人踏越的路程--请大家拭目以待。」 「我不希望2008年外国人看奥运的时候听到的是中国的Britney Spears,华人的音乐也应该像拉丁音乐那样具有比较明显的音乐身份。」   「我做音乐的原则就是大方、开放。哪里有喜欢我的音乐的人,我就去。我喜欢拿音乐和全世界的人沟通,我相信音乐的力量,能够改变人的生活,改变整个世界。」   「华语流行音乐并没有一个够强烈的听觉身份,除了创作卡拉OK曲、除了翻唱或模仿其他国家的流行歌曲外,我们可以把焦点放在发展我们自己的声音,试着从中华文化的丰富资源中去探求。」   「我想带给大家很有意义的感觉,尤其是从一个创作歌手的立场来讲,如何把他的灵感实现是一件很重要的事。」   「你们永远都不会看到生活中的王力宏是什么样子,我不在乎别人怎么看我,真的不在乎,也没有必要在乎.如果不唱歌,我就会去路边卖便当,我一直是这样子.是你们把我想的太好了而已。」
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