

2011-12-08 50页 doc 77KB 56阅读




Rhino命令手册——中文34View Toggle between 3-viewport and 4-viewport display 在3视图与4视图格局中切换 3DfaceDraw a 3-D polygon mesh face 画三维多边形网格面 3View Three-viewport layout 3视图窗口布局 4View Four-viewport layout 4视图窗口布局 A AddNextU Add the next control point in the u-direction to the...
34View Toggle between 3-viewport and 4-viewport display 在3视图与4视图格局中切换 3DfaceDraw a 3-D polygon mesh face 画三维多边形网格面 3View Three-viewport layout 3视图窗口布局 4View Four-viewport layout 4视图窗口布局 A AddNextU Add the next control point in the u-direction to the selection 在U方向上增加下一个控制点 AddNextV Add the next control point in the v-direction to the selection 在V方向上增加下一个控制点 AddPrevU Add the previous control point in the u-direction to the selection 在U向上增加前一个控制点 AddPrevV Add the previous control point in the v-direction to the selection 在V向上增加前一个控制点 AlignBackgroundBitmap Align a background bitmap 定位调准背景图 AlignProfiles Align two curves 定位调准两条曲线 AllCPlanesThroughPt Move all construction planes through a point 移动所有基准面通过一点 AllLayersOn Turn all layers on 打开所有的层 Along Track along a line 沿着一条线的轨迹移动 Angle Measure the angle between two lines 测量两条线间的夹角 ApplyCrv Apply a curve to a surface 将曲线投影到面上 ApplyMesh Apply a mesh to surface 将网格投射到面上 Arc Draw an arc 画弧线 Arc3Pt Draw an arc through three points 通过三点画一弧线 ArcDir Draw an arc by end points and direction 通过未端点及方向画一弧线 ArcSER Draw an arc by beginning point, end point, and radius 通过起始点、端点及半径画一弧线 ArcTTR Draw an arc tangent to two curves 画一条弧线与两曲线相切 Area Calculate the area of a surface or polysurface 计算曲面与多边形面的面积 AreaCentroid Calculate the area centroid of a surface or polysurface 找出曲面与多边形表面的中心点 AreaMoments Calculate the area moments of a surface or polysurface计算曲面与多边形表面的几何面(积)矩 Array Array objects 制作物体的矩形阵列 ArrayCrv Array objects along a curve 沿一条曲线阵列物体 ArrayPolar Array objects around a pole 沿一中心点制作物体的圆形阵列 ArraySrf Array objects on a surface 在模型表面阵列物体 Arrow Create annotation arrow 画标注箭头线 Arrowhead Create annotation arrowhead 画标注箭头 Autosave Autosave 自动存盘 Back Set to world back view 设为世界坐标后视图 Baseball Draw a baseball sphere 画棒球式圆球体 BaseballEllipsoid Draw a baseball ellipsoid 画棒球式椭圆球体 Bend Bend objects 使物体弯曲 Bisector Draw a line that bisects two lines 画一条等分另两条线的直线 Blend Blend between two curves 粘合两条曲线 BlendSrf Blend two surfaces 粘合两个表面 BooleanDifference Boolean difference 布尔运算---差集 BooleanIntersection Boolean intersection 布尔运算---交集 BooleanUnion Boolean union 布尔运算棗合集 Bottom Set to world bottom view 转为世界世标底视图 BoundingBox Create a bounding box of curves 生成曲线的边界框 Box Draw a box 画一矩形物体 Box3Pt Draw a box with three points 通过三点画一矩形物体 BringViewportToTop Bring a viewport to the top 将一视图窗拉到窗口最顶层 Cap Cap open planar holes in a polysurface 封闭多边形物体的平面缺口 Cen Snap to the center of a circle 捕捉圆的中心点 Chamfer Chamfer two curves 对两条相交曲线作倒角 ChamferSrf Chamfer two surfaces 对两个相交的面作倒角 ChangeDegree Change the degree of a curve 改变曲线的精细度(分段数) ChangeDegreeSrf Change the degree of a surface 改变面的精细度(分段数) ChangeLayer Change the object's layer 改变物体的层定义 ChangeToCurrentLayer Change the object's layer to the current layer 将物体所在层定义为当前层 Check Check objects 检验物体 Circle Draw a circle 画圆 Circle3Pt Draw a circle through three points 通过三点画圆 CircleD Draw a circle by its diameter 设定直径画一圆 CircleTTR Draw a circle tangent to two curves 画一个圆与两条线相切 CircleTTT Draw a circle tangent to three curves 画一个圆与三条线相切 ClearMesh Command name changed to RefreshShade. 此命令现改为RefreshShade,清除网格Shade视图 ClearAllMeshes Clear all render meshes 清除所有render meshes ClearUndo Clear undo buffer 清空释放undo命令缓冲区 CloseDisplayWindow Close the render window 关闭渲染(render)窗口 Delete Delete selected objects 删除选择的物体 DeleteAll Delete all objects in the model 删除模型中的所有物体 DetachTrim Detach the trimming boundary from a surface 从物体表面上剥离出修整边界线 Dig Start a 3-D digitizer 开始3-D数字化转换 DigCalibrate Calibrate a 3-D digitizer 校准3-D数字化转换 DigClick Pick a point with a 3-D digitizer 用3-D数字转换器拾取一点 DigDisconnect Disconnect a 3-D digitizer 断开与3-D数字转换器的联接 DigPause Pause a 3-D digitizer 中止3-D数字转换 DigScale Set 3-D digitizer scale 设定3-D数字转换的比例 DigSection Create sections with a 3-D digitizer 利用 EdgeSrf Draw a surface by edge curves 通过边线生成一曲面 EditPtOn Show edit points 显示可编辑控制点 EditDim Edit dimension text 编辑标注文本 EditText Edit two-dimensional annotation text blocks 编辑二维注解文本 Ellipse Draw an ellipse 画椭圆 EllipseD Draw an ellipse through its major axes 通过确定几根主轴线画椭圆 Ellipsoid Draw an ellipsoid 画椭圆体 Emap Use environment mapping for analysis 使用环境贴图对物体模型进行分析 End Snap to the end of a curve 捕捉曲线的端点 EndBulge Adjust the end bulge of a curve 调节曲线的 Fair Fair a curve 修整曲线使其平滑(流线形化) Faro Start digitizing with a Faro arm 利用法罗臂进行数字化 Fillet Fillet two curves 对两条相交线倒圆角 FilletEdge Fillet the edge of a polysurface 对多边形表面边缘倒圆角 FilletSrf Fillet two surfaces 对两个面进行倒角 FitCrv Fit a curve to an existing curve 使一曲线与另一曲线(控制点数)相匹配 FlatShade Shade with flat polygon mesh faces in one viewport 在一视图窗显示物体的多边形平面曲格式Shade示图 FlatShade1 Shade with flat polygon mesh faces in one viewport plus display grid 在一个视图窗显示物体的多边形平面曲格shade示图,并显示栅格线 FlatShadeAll Shade with flat polygon mesh faces in all viewports 对所有视窗中的进行多边形平面网格式Shade渲染 Flip Flip the direction of a curve or surface 翻转曲线或曲面的法线方向 Flow Flow objects along a curve 使物体外形沿着曲线形状进行扭曲 From Snap from a point 从某一个点开始捕捉 Gcon Measure geometric continuity of two curves 测量两条曲线的几何学连续性 Grid Toggle the display of the grid 打开/关闭栅格显示 GridAxes Toggle the display of the grid axes 打开/关闭栅格坐标轴显示 GridOptions Change the grid options 修改栅格参数选项 GridSections Set the distance between gridlines 设定栅格线间隔 GridSize Set the extents of the grid 设定栅格的范围大小 GridThick Set the number of thin gridlines between each thick gridline 设定粗栅格线间的细栅格的数目 HBar Edit a curve or surface with handlebars 利用控制点调节手柄编辑曲线或面 Heightfield Create a surface by color values of a bitmap 根据图片的颜色值生成曲面 Helix Draw a helix 画螺旋线 Help Help. Run this command in the middle of another command to get help on any command. 运行其他命令的过程中敲入进命令,将显示命令的帮助信息 Hide Hide objects 隐藏(消隐)物体 HideBackgroundBitmap Hide a background bitmap 隐藏(消隐)背景图 HideOsnap Hide the Osnap toolbar 隐藏Osnap(点捕捉)工具条 HidePt Hide control points and edit points 隐藏控制顶点及编辑点 HideSwap Swap hidden and visible objects to work on objects previously hidden 显示隐藏(消隐)的物体,以便对其进行编辑 HideToolbar Hide a toolbar 隐藏工具条 Hotspot Set the spotlight hotspot 设定聚光灯的热点或热区 Hydrostatics Display hydrostatic values for surfaces and polysurfaces. 显示曲面或多边形表面的流体静力学值 Import Import models 导入模型 ImportCommandAliases Import command aliases from a text file 从文本文件中导入命令文本 Improve Improve (reparameterize) a curve, surface, or polysurface 重新调整、优化曲线、面或多边形表面的参数 InsertEditPoint Insert edit points in a curve 在曲线上增加编辑点 InsertKink Insert kinks in a curve 在曲线上加入纽结 InsertKnot Insert knots in a curve or surface 在曲线或面上插入结点 InsertLineIntoCrv Flatten a section of a curve 平整化曲线的部分线段 Int Snap to the intersection of two curves 捕捉两条线的交点 InterpCrv Draw a curve by interpolating points 通过插入控制点绘制曲线 InterpCrvOnSrf Interpolate a curve on a surface 在曲面上插入一条曲线 InterpPolyline Interpolate a curve through a polyline 穿过一条多叉线插入一条曲线 Intersect Intersect two objects 生成两个物体的相交点/线 Inverti Invert the selection 反选 Join Join objects together 将两个物体(曲线、曲面、多边形表面)接合在一起 JoinEdge Join the edges of two surfaces that are out of tolerance 接合两个面偏离表面公差的边线 JoinMesh Join polygon meshes 接合多边形网格面 JoinSrf Join selected surfaces 接合定的面 Knot Snap to a knot 捕捉纽结点 Lasso Select points with a lasso 用套索工具框选点 Layer Manage layers 管理图层 LayerLock Lock a layer 锁定图层 LayerOff Turn a layer off 关闭一个图层 LayerOn Turn a layer on 打开一个图层 Leader Draw an arrow leader 画标注箭头线 Left Set to world left view 设定当前视图为世界坐标左视图 Length Measure the length of a curve 测量曲线的长度 Line Draw a line 画线 Line4Pt Draw a line from four points 通过四点画一条线 LineAngle Draw a line at a specified angle from another line 在距另一条线一定角度处,画一条线 LinearizeTrims Linearize trimming boundaries of surfaces 将曲面的修剪边界线转化为多叉线 LinePerp Draw a line perpendicular from a curve 垂直于曲线画一条线 LinePP Draw a line perpendicular to two curves 垂直于两条曲线画一条线 Lines Draw multiple lines 画多重线 LineTan Draw a line tangent from a curve 画一条线与另一曲线相切 LineTT Draw a line tangent to two curves 画一条线与另两条曲线相切 LineV Draw a vertical line 画垂直线 List List data structure of an object 列出物体的数据结构 Lock Lock objects 锁定物体 Make2d Make a 2-D drawing 进行二维平面绘图 MakeCrvPeriodic Make a curve periodic 使曲线成为周期曲线(编辑其控制点时,仍能保持平滑性的封闭式曲线,称作:周期曲线) MakeSrfNonPeriodic Make a surface non-periodic 使曲面非周期性 MakeSrfPeriodic Make a surface periodic 使曲面周期性 Match Match two curves 匹配接合两条曲线 MatchLayer Match the layer of one object to another 匹配接合物体的两个图层 MatchSrf Match two surfaces 匹配焊合曲面 Maximize Maximize Rhino 最大化显示Rhino视窗界面 MaxViewport Maximize a viewport 最大化视图 Menu Toggle the display of the menu bar 打开/关闭菜单条的显示 MergeEdge Merge two adjacent edges of a surface 合并曲面相邻的两条边 MergeSrf Merge two untrimmed surfaces 合并两个未经修整的面 Mesh Create a mesh from NURBS objects 从NURBS曲线物体生成Mesh网格物体 MeshBox Draw a polygon mesh box 画多边形网格立方体 MeshCone Draw a polygon mesh cone 画多边形网格锥体 MeshCylinder Draw a polygon mesh cylinder 画多边形网格柱体 MeshDensity Change density for polygon mesh primitives 修改网格稀密度参数 MeshPlane Draw a polygon mesh plane 画多边形网格平面 MeshPolyline Create a mesh from a closed polyline 利用封闭的多叉线生成Mesh网格面 MeshSphere Draw a polygon mesh sphere 画多边形网格球体 MeshToNurb Convert each polygon in a polygon mesh into a NURBS surface 将多边形网格物体的每个多边形的面转变为NURBS曲面 Mid Snap to the midpoint of a curve 捕捉曲线的中点 Minimize Minimize Rhino 最小化Rhino视窗界面 Mirror Mirror objects 镜像物体 Moldex Export a DXF file for Moldex 输出DXF格式的文件 Move Move objects 移动物体 MoveBackgroundBitmap Move a background bitmap 移动背景贴图 Mscribe Start digitizing with a MicroScribe arm 利用MicroScribe arm(直译:微讲录臂)开始数字化转换 NamedCPlane Edit named construction planes 编辑已命名的造模基准面 NamedView Edit named views 编辑已命名的视图 Near Snap near a curve 捕捉曲线最近的一点 NetworkSrf Create a surface from a network of curves 利用一组网格形曲线生成曲面 New Create a new file 打开一个新文件 NewViewport Create a new viewport 建立新视点 NextOrthoViewport Make the next viewport with orthogonal projection active 激活下一个视图的直角投射选项 NextPerspectiveViewport Make the next viewport with perspective projection active 激活下一个视图的透视投射选项 NextU Select the next control point in the u-direction 选定U向上的下一个控制点 NextV Select the next control point in the v-direction 选定V向上的下一个控制点 NextViewport Make the next viewport active 激活下一个视图 NextViewportToTop Bring the next viewport to the top 将下一个视图拉到视窗的最顶层 Normal Draw a line normal to a surface 画条直线垂直于另一个面 NoElev Turn off elevator mode 关闭垂直升降式绘图方式 NoSnap Turn object snaps off 关闭物体捕捉 Notes Add notes to your model 给模型写注解 Offset Offset a curve 平行位移镜像 OffsetSrf Offset a surface 平行位移镜像曲面 OneLayerOn Turn one layer on and the rest off 打开一个图层并关闭其它的图层 OneLayerOff Turn off a layer by selecting an object on the layer 选择图层中的物体以关闭该图层 OnSrf Snap to a surface 捕捉曲面上最接近的一点 Open Open an existing file 打开文件 OpenWorkspace Open workspace 打开绘图工作区 Options Rhino options Rhino参数选项 Orient Orient objects 定位物体 Orient3Pt Orient objects by three points 通过三点定位物体 OrientOnSrf Orient objects on a surface 在曲面上定位物体 OrientPerpToCrv Align a planar object to a curve. 使一平面物体与曲线对齐 Ortho Toggle ortho mode 打开/关闭正交绘图模式 OrthoAngle Set the ortho angle 设定正交(ortho)角度 Osnap Set a persistent object snap from the command line 在命令行设定固定的Osnap物体捕捉 Pan Pan the view 平移视图 PanDown Pan the view down 向下平移 PanLeft Pan the view left 向左平移视图 PanRight Pan the view right 向右平移视图 PanUp Pan the view up 向上平移视图 Paste Paste objects from the clipboard 从剪贴板中贴入物体 Patch Fit a surface through curves and point objects 利用点与曲线生成曲面(patch面片) Perp Snap perpendicular to a curve 从曲线外的一点捕捉曲线上的一点使其形成一条与曲线垂直的直线 PerpFrom Track along a line perpendicular to a curve 从曲线上的一点捕捉垂直于此曲线的直线方向上的点 Perspective Set to perspective view 设定当前视图为透视视图 PerspectiveAngle Set the perspective angle 设定透视的角度 PictureFrame%Ind0.xg5n Create a picture frame 生成图片框(作贴图用) Pipe Draw a pipe 画圆管物体 PlaceBackgroundBitmap Place a background bitmap 放置背景图 PlaceCameraTarget Place the camera location and target location 定位摄像机与焦点位置 PlaceTarget Place the target location 设定摄像机目标的位置 Plan Set to plan view of construction plane 将绘图基准面设为顶视平行角度 Planar Toggle planar mode 打开/关闭平面绘图模式 PlanarSrf Create a planar surface through planar curves 通过平面曲线生成平面 Plane Draw a plane 画平面 Plane3Pt Draw a plane through three points 通过三点绘制平面 PlaneThroughPt Fit a plane through point objects 通过三点定位一平面 PlaneV Draw a vertical plane 画一垂直的平面 Point Draw a point object 画点物体 PointDeviation Measure the deviation of points and curves from a surface 测量点与曲线/曲面间的位置偏移 PointGrid Create a grid of point objects 生成由点组成的栅格 Points Draw multiple point objects 画制多点物体 PointsAtNakedEdges Create point objects at endpoints of naked edges 在独立面的边线(Naked edges)上生成点物体 PointsFromUV Create points by entering UV coordinates 通过输入UV坐标绘制点 Polygon Draw a polygon 画多边形 PolygonEdge Draw a polygon by its edge 通过定义边长绘制多边形 Polyline Draw a polyline 画多叉(义)线 PolylineOnMesh Draw polylines on polygon mesh objects 在多边形网格物体上画多义线 PolylineThroughPt Create a polyline through a group of point objects 通过一组点来绘制多义线 PopupToolbar Pops a toolbar that you name at the cursor location 在光标的位置处展开工具栏 PopupMenu Pops a menu at the cursor location with your favorites and the most recently used commands 在光标处展开下拉命令菜单 PrevU Select the previous control point in the u-direction 选择U方向上上一个控制点 PrevV Select the previous control point in the v-direction 选择V方向上上一个控制点 PrevViewport Make the previous viewport active 激活前一视图窗 Print Prints a wireframe view of the current viewport 打印当前视图窗的线框模式 PrintSetup Print setup 打印机设置 Project Project a curve to a surface 将曲线投射到面上 Projection Toggle the viewport projection between parallel and perspective 在平行与透视视点间切换 ProjectOsnap Project object snaps to the construction plane 运用投射方式捕捉造模基准面上的一点 ProjectToCPlane Project objects to construction plane 将物体投射到基准面上 Properties Edit object properties 编辑物体属性 Pt Snap to a point 点捕捉 PtOff Turn off control and edit points 关闭控制点及编辑点的显示 PtOffSelected Turn off control and edit points on selected curves 关闭选定曲线上控制点及编辑的显示 PtOn Show control points 显示控制点 Pull Pull a curve back to a surface 将曲线“拉”回到曲表上 Quad Snap to a quadrant of a circle or ellipse 捕捉圆或椭圆的四分之一点 Radius Measure the radius of a circle 测量圆的半径 RailRevolve Revolve a curve along a rail 沿某一轴线旋转曲线 ReadCommandFile Read commands from a text file 从文本文件中读取Rhino命令 ReadNamedCPlanesFromFile Read named construction planes from a 3DM file 读取3DM格式文件中的基准面 ReadNamedViewsFromFile Read named views from a 3DM file 打开3DM格式文件定义的视图 ReadViewportsFromFile Read viewport layout from a 3DM file 打开3DM文件的视窗排列格局 Rebuild Rebuild a curve 重建一曲线(重新定义其精细度) RebuildEdges Rebuild the edges of surfaces and polysurfaces 重建曲面及多边形表面的边 RebuildSrf Rebuild a surface 重建面 Rectangle Draw a rectangle 画矩形 Rectangle3Pt Draw a rectangle through three points 通过三点画一矩形 RectangleCen Draw a rectangle by center 通过定义中心点与角点绘制矩形 RectangleV Draw a vertical rectangle 画一垂直的矩形 Redo Redo the last undone command 重新执行刚才UNDO的命令 RedoMultiple Provides a list of commands you can redo. 列出可执行redo的命令 ReduceMesh Decreases the number of mesh faces. 减少Mesh网格面的数量 RefreshShade Clear render mesh from selected objects so the shading refreshes 清除shade渲染视图中的Mesh网格 RemapCPlane Remap objects to a new construction plane 将做好的物体贴入到新的基准面上 RemoveBackgroundBitmap Remove a background bitmap 清除背景贴图 RemoveFlippedNormals Remove flipped normals from NURBS surfaces 清除NURBS曲面上反转的法线 RemoveKnot Remove knots from a curve or surface 清除曲线或面上的纽结 RemoveWallpaper Remove wallpaper 清除墙壁帖图 Render Render the current viewport 渲染当前视图 RenderAGEdges Toggle rendering of edges of polygon meshes 打开/关闭多边形网格物体边线的渲染 RenderCrv Toggle rendering of curves 打开/关闭曲线的渲染 RenderEdges Toggle rendering of edges 打开/关闭边线的渲染 RenderOptions Edit render options 修改渲染选项 RenderPreview Displays a dynamically movable preview of the rendered model inside the viewport. 预览渲染(可在视图内移动物体观看渲染效果) RenderPreviewAll Displays a dynamically movable preview of the rendered model inside all viewports 在所有视图窗中进行预览渲染 RenderPreviewSelected Displays a dynamically movable preview of the selected objects 显示所选择物体的预览渲染视图 RenderPreviewSelectedAll Displays a dynamically movable preview of the selected objects inside all viewports 在所有视图窗中显示被选择物体的预览渲染 ReparameterizeSrf Reparameterize a surface 重新设定曲面参数 Restore Restore Rhino from being minimized 恢复Rhino工作视窗 RestoreCPlane Restore a named construction plane 恢复已命名的基准面 RestoreView Restore a name view 恢复某一视图 Revolve Revolve a curve 旋转曲线 RevU Reverse the u-direction of a surface 反转曲面U轴向 RevV Reverse the v-direction of a surface 反转曲面V轴向 Ribbon Extrude by offsetting a curve 位移曲线形成Extrude拉伸效果 Right Set to world right view 设定为世界坐标右视图 Rotate Rotate objects 旋转物体 Rotate3D Rotate objects about an axis 沿三维轴向旋转物体 RotateCPlane Rotate a construction plane 旋转建模基准面 RotateDown Rotate the view down 向下旋转视图 RotateLeft Rotate the view left 向左旋转视图 RotateRight Rotate the view right 向右旋转视图 RotateUp Rotate the view up 向上旋转视图 RotateView Rotate the view 旋转当前视图 Run Run another application from Rhino 运行Rhino外挂程序 Save Save your model 保存 SaveAs Save your model under a different name 另存为 SaveAsTemplate Save a template 保存为模板 SaveCPlane Save a named construction plane 保存建模基准面 SaveDisplayWindowAs Save the image in the render window 保存渲染视窗中的图片 SaveSmall SaveView Save a named view 保存已命名的视图 SaveWorkspace Save workspace 保存当前工作面板 SaveWorkspaceAs Save workspace under a different name 将当前工作面板另存为 Scale Scale objects 放缩物体 Scale1D Scale objects in one dimension 沿一个轴向放缩物体 Scale2D Scale objects in two dimensions 沿两个轴向放缩物体 ScaleBackgroundBitmap Scale a background bitmap 放大/缩小背景图片 ScaleNU Scale objects non-uniformly 非对称性放缩物体 ScreenCaptureToClipboard Capture a viewport to the clipboard 捕捉当前视图到剪贴板上 ScreenCaptureToFile Capture a viewport and save it as a bitmap file 捕捉当前视图,另存为BMP文件 ScreenCaptureToFile256 Capture a viewport and save it as a 256 color bitmap file 捕捉当前视图另存为256色BMP图片文件 Section Create sections through a surface or polysurface 生成曲面或多边形表面物体的截面 SelAll Select all objects 选定所有物 SelBadObjects Select bad objects 选择有问的物体 SelConnected Select adjacent control points 选择邻近的控制点 SelCrossing Select with a crossing window 利用框选窗选择物体 SelCrv Select all curves 选择所有的曲线 SelDim Select all dimensions 选择所有的尺寸标注 SelDup Select all duplicate objects 选择所有的拷贝(复制)物体 SelLayer Select all objects on a layer 选定某一图层上的所有物体 SelLayerNumber Select objects by layer number 通过图层编号选择物体 SelLight Select all spotlights 选择所有的聚光灯 SelMesh Select all mesh objects 选择所有Mesh网格物体 SelNakedMeshEdgePt Select unwelded polygon mesh edges 选择未焊接多边形mesh网格边线 SelName Select object by name. 通过名字选择物体 SelNone Deselect all objects 取消选择所有物体 SelPolyline Select all polylines 选择所有的多义(叉)线 SelPolysrf Select all polysurfaces 选择所有的多边形表面 SelPt Select all point objects 选择所有的点物体 SelSrf Select all surfaces 选择所有曲面 SelU Select all control points in the u-direction 选择U向上的所有控制点 SelUV Select all control points in the u- and v- directions选择U向及V向上的所有控制点 SelV Select all control points in the v-direction 选择V向上的所有控制点 SelWindow Select with a window 利用窗口选择物体 SetActiveViewport Set the active viewport by name 通过名字选择当前激活视图 SetGLShade Toggles shaded mode between OpenGL shade and monochrome shade. 在OpenGl与单色shade渲染图间切换 S
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