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中性笔摔后断水问题 关于中性笔掉落后断墨问题分析 About neutral pen fall off ink problem analysis 土木工程(岩土工程与地下建筑方向) 200900522 陈骥 关于中性笔掉落后断墨问题分析 200900522 陈骥 摘要 相信此时此刻每个人书桌上都有一根中性笔,随着中性笔的普及,中性笔为人们的生活带来极大便利的同时,也带来了烦恼。只要你用过中...
关于中性笔掉落后断墨问题分析 About neutral pen fall off ink problem analysis 土木工程(岩土工程与地下建筑方向) 200900522 陈骥 关于中性笔掉落后断墨问题分析 200900522 陈骥 摘要 相信此时此刻每个人书桌上都有一根中性笔,随着中性笔的普及,中性笔为人们的生活带来极大便利的同时,也带来了烦恼。只要你用过中性笔,也许你就数不清自己曾摔坏过多少支。一支摔坏的中性笔有时候足以令人感到郁闷。现在我们来分析研究下生活中中性笔掉落头部着地导致断墨甚至报废的原因。 关键词:中性笔 笔头 笔芯 油墨 掉落 引言 如今,随着人们生活水平的提高,各式各样的笔也层出不穷。钢笔,铅笔已不再是人们的唯一选择,在这“百家争鸣”的时刻,中性笔适时出现,凭借其书写顺滑,出水均匀流畅,字迹清晰持久等优点迅速占领大众市场,在短短十年间迅猛发展。 然而,既然中性笔有如此多优点,是否它就没有任何不足之处了呢?是否定的。 正文 当我们开始习惯中性时,就会渐渐发现它有一个烦人的问题——每当我们一不小心把笔摔到地上,再用时便感觉出水已不如原先流畅,某个方向的笔划变得断断续续,纵使在纸上拼命乱划,情况也不见好转,最终只得抛弃这支笔。有时候才刚用的笔芯就遭遇“夭折”,难免让人心疼;若是用“大鲨鱼”或“大赤兔”时遇到这种情况,想必使用者必郁闷不已。也许有人不在乎买笔这几块钱的小钱,坏了就换了呗,有什么麻烦的。但是从大方面来看,全世界因此损失的中性笔就是一个天文数字了。 那么,是什么问题导致了中性笔断墨呢? 首先我们来了解下中性笔的工作原理: 圆珠笔一般由笔杆、笔套、笔芯和有关传动装置的零件等所组成,其中笔芯是决定圆珠笔书写质量的关键部件。笔芯是由球珠、球座体、油管、油墨和浮塞所组成(如图一), 图一 球珠装在球座体的顶端能圆滑转动,且不易脱落。油管和笔头后端密接,构造上须不发生油墨倒流现象。 中性笔芯尾部的油状物叫中性笔尾油锂基酯,其作用如下: 1、保持良好的保湿密封,防止墨水蒸发或倒流溢出。 2、在中性笔书写时,锂基脂能象活塞一样随时跟进,利用大气压以及重力作用将墨水往下压,保持中性笔书写流畅,直至墨水书写完。 圆珠笔的初写性能、出墨量、冒油迹、书写性能、球珠固着度等技术项日要求球珠和球座体的匹配恰到好处,因为球珠位于圆珠笔芯的顶端,书写时,它与书写面接触时所产生摩擦力,而使它在球座体内自由滚动带出油墨形成字迹。球座体就是位于圆珠笔芯头部,用来按装球珠和油墨通道的部件,一般由铜(铅黄铜或镍白铜)或不锈钢制成。在球座体内部,除有通油墨的中孔和小孔外,还加工有球座和直槽、环槽。所以圆珠笔芯的出墨系统由球座体内的小孔、球座体内的油槽、环槽、球座与球珠的间隙碗口边与球珠的间隙等组成。油墨从油管流入球座体的中孔和小孔,小孔最小且最长,油槽与中孔不贯通,球珠与球座的匹配间隙最小,结构及加工精度对出墨量影响的因素非常多,其中最关键的是环槽大小的设计与加工,以及球珠与球座的匹配间隙大小的控制等。环槽是出墨系统中储存油墨的主要地方,对于控制出墨量的稳定和快速书写时的出墨连续性起到十分关键的作用。环槽是一个由球座钻加工后形成的横截面为三角形的圆环空间,在球座钻直径不变的情况下,影响环槽大小的是球座钻的角度,以及球珠压珠的深度。角度越大则环槽越大,但是球座与球珠的接触面积就越小,这个接触面是球座支承球珠的主要受力面,接触面积越小,则意味着越容易磨损,相反,压珠深度越深,接触面积就越大,但是环槽就越小。由于间隙小,收口紧,出墨量小,内部润滑性差,球座,油糟和环糟等的磨损就比较大,随着因磨损而间隙增大,出墨量也逐步变大。 因此为保证圆珠笔芯的正常书写,必须满足三个条件,当然这三个条件都需要一个合理的临界值。一、球珠与书写面的摩擦力大于球珠与球座内表面的摩擦力:二、油墨对书写面的湿润性大于油墨对球珠的湿润性,球珠的湿润性大于油墨对球座的湿润性;三、供墨系统的流量大于出墨系统的流量。做好匹配工作的最终目的是要以最佳的组合来达到最佳的书写质量。 下面我们来分析下实际生活中笔掉落的情况: 我们来模拟下场景(如图二), 图二 生活中的笔基本上都是在桌子上受水平力滚落的。由于笔套及笔头是用金属制成,中性笔的重心在笔头处。因此会在笔头处产生力矩M,使得笔头绕尾端向地旋转,使笔头呈一定夹角甚至垂直落地。 为了方便研究,现假设笔头着地时笔为竖直状态,只受重力作用,以最为普遍的“子弹头”笔芯为研究对象。 假设笔落地后产生形变,但是这种形变是极为微小的,因为笔头的设计是极为精密的且为坚硬的金属,而一般笔头钢珠直径为0.7mm、0.5mm、0.25mm,取平均值0.5mm为研究对象。一般情况下我们的教室地板为水泥材质,故假设其笔头形变d=0.5mm,A为钢珠投影面积。 根据机械能守恒定律,假设笔头着地过程中受力均匀不变 , 。 =392N, =2000MPa。 因此会使笔头的钢珠或者球座发生变形,但是实际生活中,笔掉落后不是竖直着地,而是呈一定角度这就会导致笔的一侧断墨,即我们通常看见书写时出现断断续续现象的原因,如果是完全竖直着地则可能使笔完全断墨报废。 综合以上分析结果,由于钢珠的变形是不可逆且为精密装置,因此为防止中性笔掉落断墨问题,提出以下预防措施:1、尽量养成使用完后盖笔套的习惯;2、书写时将笔头套在笔的尾端,使得头尾质量相当,即使笔掉落也是水平落地,不会产生断墨现象。若出现断墨现象可以将之前用完的笔头换取坏损笔头。 参考文献: 1. 《关于中性笔笔芯的研究》 check run 2. 《中性笔的革命-可擦中性笔》 allan 3. 《中性笔》维基百科 4. 《大学生物理基础》 吴百诗 5. 《理论力学》 哈尔滨工业大学理论力学教研组 About neutral pen fall off ink problem analysis Summary I believe at this moment that everyone has a gel pen on the desk, along with the popularity of gel ink pen, gel pen to bring great convenience to people's lives, but also brought trouble. As long as you used the gel pen, maybe you can count how many teams have been broken. Sometimes a break of gel pen enough people feel depressed. Now we live in Gel analysis of the head falling off the ink with lead or scrap reason. Keywords: Gel ink refill drop written Introduction Today, as people's living standards, a variety of pen are endless. Pen, pencil is no longer the only option for people in this "contending" moment, gel pens appear in due course, with its writing smooth, uniform and smooth water, the advantages of writing clear and lasting mass market quickly, in just decade of rapid development.However, since the gel pens are so many advantages, if it does not have any shortcomings it? The answer is no. Text When we got used to the neutral, they will gradually find it annoying to have a problem - every time we accidentally put pen fell to the ground, and then when they feel the water is not as good as the original fluid, the direction of the strokes to become a off, even if the plan on paper hard chaos, the situation did not improve, eventually had to abandon the pen. Sometimes, just use the cartridge to suffer "die", it is inevitable people feel bad; if using the "big sharks" or "Big Red Rabbit," when this happens, presumably users will grouchy. Maybe some people do not care about a few dollars to buy pen this little money, bad for the chanting to have any trouble. But the big point of view, the world so the loss of a gel pen is an astronomical figure. So, what is the problem led to the gel pen ink off it? First, we know next to gel pen works: Ballpoint pen generally, pen loops, refill, and the gear parts, etc., of which the cartridge is to determine the quality of ball-point pen to write the key components. Refill by beads, tee body, tubing, consisting of ink and floating plug (Figure1), Figure I Beads mounted on the top of the tee body rotation can be smooth, and easy to fall off. Tubing and written back Tightlock, shall be constructed ink reflux does not occur. Gel core tail end of the oily gel pen called lithium ester oil, and its role as follows: 1, to maintain a good moisture seal to prevent evaporation of ink overflow or back. 2, the gel pen to write, the lithium grease to the piston as readily as the follow-up, the use of atmospheric pressure and gravity down the ink pressure, to maintain smooth writing gel pen, ink writing until the end. Ball-point pen to write the initial performance of the ink, to take traces of oil, writing performance, fixing beads degree requirements and other technical items on beads and matching tee body just right, because the beads at the top of ball-point pen, writing when it writing surface friction produced by contact, and it blocks the ball rolling out of ink in vivo formation of free writing. Tee body is located in the head, ball-point pen, to press the ball beads and the ink channel unit, generally made of copper (brass or nickel-lead-copper-nickel alloy) or stainless steel. Block the ball inside the body, in addition to through-hole and the hole in the ink, but also processing a tee and straight groove, ring groove. Therefore, the core of a ball-point pen ink system consists of holes tee body, the body of the tank tee, ring groove, the ball seat and ball-sized beads of the gap the gap edge with beads and other components. Ink from the tubing into the ball socket hole and the hole in the body, the smallest and the longest hole, the hole in the tank and not through the ball and ball seat beads match the smallest gap, structural design and the precision of the factors affecting the amount of ink very large, one of the most critical is the size of the ring groove design and processing, as well as beads and tee ball match the size of the control gap. Ring out the ink tank is ink stored in the system the main place to control the amount of stable and fast ink when writing out the continuity of ink play a very crucial role. Ring groove ball drill is a processed form of triangular cross-section of the ring space, the ball drill in the case of constant diameter, affecting the size of the ring groove ball drill point, and beads pressed beads depth. Ring groove is greater the greater the angle, but the tee ball beads with smaller contact area, the contact surface is the tee ball bead bearing surface of the main force, the smaller the contact area, the more likely it means that wear and tear, on the contrary , the deeper the pressure beads, the greater the contact area, but the smaller the ring groove. As the gap is small, shut tight, a small amount of ink, poor internal lubrication, ball seat, oil and other bad and worse the wear ring is relatively large, as a result of wear and the gap increases, the ink amount gradually become larger. Therefore, in order to ensure the normal ball-point pen to write, three conditions must be met, of course, three conditions need a reasonable threshold. First, beads and writing surface friction is greater than the beads and the inner surface of the friction tee: Second, the ink on the writing surface wettability than ink wetting the ball beads, beads of moisture greater than ink wetting of the ball seat; Third, the flow of ink supply system is greater than the flow of the ink system. The ultimate goal of matching work to do to the best combination to achieve the best quality of writing. Here we analyze the real-life pen fall under the case: We simulate the next scene (Figure 2), Figure II Life of the pen on the table are basically the level of force by the rolling. As the pen and nib is made of metal, gel pen at the center of gravity in written. Therefore produced in written form at the moment M, making the written around the end of the gravitropic rotation, so that was written a certain angle or vertical landing. To facilitate the study, is assumed when the pen is written vertical ground state, subject only to gravity, to the most common "bullet" cartridge for the study. Assuming pen fall to the ground deformation produced, but this deformation is very small, because the ability to write is extremely sophisticated design and is a hard metal, and general writing skill ball diameter 0.7mm, 0.5mm, 0.25mm, 0.5mm averaged for the study. Under normal circumstances our classroom materials for the cement floor, so assuming its written deformation d = 0.5mm, A projected area for the ball. According to the law of conservation of mechanical energy is assumed to process written a uniform force constant. , 。 =392N, =2000MPa。Therefore, the ball will make written or tee deformed, but in real life, the pen is not vertical ground after falling, but at an angle which will lead off the side of the pen ink, which we usually see when writing off phenomenon reason, if it is completely vertical ground can make the pen ink off completely scrapped. Based on the above analysis, due to ball deformation is irreversible and is precision device, so as to prevent falling off the gel pen ink problem, the following preventive measures: 1, try to develop the habit of pen cap after use; 2, when writing sets will be written in pen at the end, making the end to end quality equivalent to the level ground even if pen is falling, will not produce the ink off phenomenon. If there is broken before the ink runs out of the phenomenon can be written for corrupted written. References: 1. "Gel pen refill on the study" check run 2. "Gel revolution - erasable gel pen" allan 3. "Gel" Wikipedia 4. "University physics-based" Wu one hundred poems 5. "Theoretical mechanics" Theoretical Mechanics, Harbin Institute of Technology teaching and research _1384619551.unknown _1384624169.dwg _1384624170.unknown _1384622830.dwg _1383293593.unknown _1383293610.unknown _1383293734.unknown _1383293394.unknown
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