

2011-12-23 10页 doc 58KB 29阅读




雅思考试 雅思考试分4个部分,一般需要两天时间举行。第一天的上午,全体考生都要参加相继进行的听力、阅读、写作三项考试;第一天的下午和第二天上午陆续举行口语考试。许多人都觉得一般外地考生会被优先安排在第一天下午,实际上这种观念是错误的,口语考试的安排是随机的,和本地外地考生无关。 笔试开始时,考官会发给考生一张答题卡,正面和反面分别用来回答听力和阅读的题目。先发放听力卷子,听力完成后卷收回,再发放阅读卷子,阅读完成后,卷子与最早发放的答题卡一并收回。最后发放写作卷子与答题卡,这里请注意写作部分Task1和Task2的答题位置,避免写...
雅思考试分4个部分,一般需要两天时间举行。第一天的上午,全体考生都要参加相继进行的听力、阅读、写作三项考试;第一天的下午和第二天上午陆续举行口语考试。许多人都觉得一般外地考生会被优先安排在第一天下午,实际上这种观念是错误的,口语考试的安排是随机的,和本地外地考生无关。 笔试开始时,考官会发给考生一张答卡,正面和反面分别用来回答听力和阅读的题目。先发放听力卷子,听力完成后卷收回,再发放阅读卷子,阅读完成后,卷子与最早发放的答题卡一并收回。最后发放写作卷子与答题卡,这里请注意写作部分Task1和Task2的答题位置,避免写颠倒,这在雅思考试中十分常见。 听力考试   首先进行的听力考试时间40分钟(含10分钟誊写答案的时间),题目分四个部分。第一个部分是日常生活中会发生的对话(通常为二人),第二个部分是生活相关的独白;第三个部分是学术性的对话(通常二人以上),第四个部分为学术演讲,难度依次增加(亦为了再筛选精英,有时有些会带重口音或地道词语)。你将只听到一次语音,不会重复(边听边作答)此部分。所以学生作答时,千万别等待语音结束才作答(不要回头作答),考生可把答案先写在试卷上,30分钟会话结束后,利用额外10分钟,再誊写在答案纸上。   四段语音前二段中,内容以一般生活及社会状态、人际关系不同情况模拟为主,后二段则以较教育性的、学术性、世界性的主题探讨。全部录音放完需时30分钟,剩余10分钟供考生将答案从试卷填写到答题卡上。时间到了之后考官会把试卷收上来,并要求考生将答题卡翻过来。 阅读考试 听力考试之后是阅读考试,时间60分钟,题目分三个部分。每个passage大约1200-1500字,大约13-14道题,总共40道题,时间到后考官会把答题卡和试卷都收上来。Academic类与General training类的考题都以"三大段"的文章为基本结构,大约1500-3000字之间,内容多样,甚至有时以图表、表格的方式出现,学生答题的方式亦有多种答题形式,共40题.   阅读部分的主题并不是为了考察学生对学术的专业度或认知度,所以学生千万别因对主题的陌生而紧张起来。 A类与G类内容相同之处在于A类除生活化范畴之外,加入考生在学业上、学术上的探讨与了解,而G类较着重于社会上的、生活化的、工作训练等的主题。 写作考试 写作包括两篇作文题目,Task 1和Task 2,前一篇150字,后一篇250字。原则上建议考生前一篇作文用20分钟,后一篇用40分钟,因为后一篇文章分值更高。请注意写作部分Task1和Task2的答题位置,避免写颠倒,这在雅思考试中十分常见。   A类写作部分,全部1小时时间,分2大单元(Task 1&Task 2);   (Task 1)通常考题以图片、表格坐标、曲线图为基本形式,考生根据所给的资料,写出150个字以上的文章来叙述主题,组织并探讨主题,提出比较支持的论点。   G类的(Task 1)考生多以写一封信来应对考题中所给予的模拟状况或问题。   (Task 2) A类与G类非常类似,考生就考题的主题,用250字详加发表意见,通常考生被要求用几种方式之一来做为解决问题、表达自己的意见、支持或争辩考题所给予的讯息。 口语考试 11-14分钟的一对一谈话(考生与主考官)。对谈主题非常口语化、生活化,轻松但也有一定程序,对谈大致上分三小段(不是明显的区分,中间并无间断);   第一段:会面,寒暄一番,主考官会鼓励(引导考生)多谈谈一般话题(生活作息上、文化习惯上、个人兴趣等等),考生应勇敢发言(约4-5分钟)。   第二段:主考官抽出一张题卡,卡上写明某话题,考生有一分钟准备时间,之后须根据要求对该话题进行2分钟个人观点阐述(约3-4分钟,包括1分钟准备时间)。   第三段:考官就第二部分所提及的话题与考生进行更深入的双向讨论,或者考官就其他话题与考生进行双向讨论。此阶段讨论内容灵活各异,视情况而定(约4-5分钟)。 写作部分(一) 专家盘点雅思写作学习方法1 使用同义词的好处在于首先可以向考官展示考生词汇量的丰富,其次也可以使文章富有变化。因此,同义词的运用是衡量雅思考生英语水平的一个很有力的,考官认同你的同时,自然也会给你高分。请看下面的例子:   School teachers used to be the source of information. However,some people argue that teachers are not as important as before because there is an increasing variety of information resources. What is your opinion- (08年4月24日考题) 专家盘点雅思写作学习方法2 使用各种形式的同根词进行替换   英语里面有很多同根词,专家分析认为,通过单词的变换来吸引阅卷者眼球并获得高分是一个很好的办法。一些单词通过添加前缀或者后缀的方式可以衍生出很多新的词汇。而使用这些词汇可以避免重复原文当中的词条,也可以向阅卷者展示你变化词汇的技巧。   比如雅思写作中我们经常会用到“知道”这个概念,我们可以用know这个词以及它的其他形式和它们的同义词来表示“知道”这个意思。 专家盘点雅思写作学习方法3 使用短语进行替换   雅思写作中同样可以拥有丰富的短语,使用它们,可以准确传达原文中的信息。在一些特殊情况下,短语也可以作为增加字数的方法。以下我们来看另外一个例子:   Some say that building more roads will help reduce the traffic congestion in big cities. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this. Do you support or oppose this statement- 专家盘点雅思写作学习方法4 综合使用各种方法进行替换   经过了上述几种方法的讨论,我们可以进行综合的运用,切勿只拘泥于一种方法。比如我们要表达利益和好处这个意思时,我们一般可以使用benefit这个词,我们也可以使用其他不同的形式来表达利益和好处这个意思。   用同义词对于原句进行替换后,再把原句的结构进行适当的变换,最终呈现在阅卷者面前的句子和原来就截然不同,但是意思基本一致的。又比如: 英特网对我们的日常生活带来很大的影响。这句话我们可以写出不同的搭配。 写作部分(二) 写完之后修改注意:(内容方面尽量不要修改) · 1、字母大小写 · 2、怪符号 · 3、单词拼写 · 4、主谓一致 · 5、动词时态 · 6、名词单复数 写作部分(三) 一、2010年雅思写作考试回顾   Task21、“话题”继续保持多样化的特点。我们在课上讲的十大类话题都有考到。包括学生生活、家庭生活、现代科技、媒体、动物、环境资源交通、传统与发展变化、政府、男女平等和社会问题。其中,“学生生活”考得最多。   2、“命题形式” 继续保持多样化的特点。我们在课上讲的三大类型都有考到。包括辩论型题目、解释型题目和其他型题目。其中,“辩论型题目”考得最多,比例约为50%,但比2009年的70%有所下降。“解释型题目”和“其他型题目”分别由2009年的20%和10%上升到35%和15%. 3.有的题目比较难写,有的题目比较简单,难题和简单题的比例基本为1:1. Task1 2010年非统计数据类图表(流程图和地图题)明显增多,而且无规律。截至到11月4日,共有如下6次。   1/23地图题 5/15 流程图 5/20 流程图 5/29地图题 6/26地图题 10/14类似地图题而,2009年全年只考了3次流程图,分别在3月底, 6月底和9月底。不仅少,而且很有规律。 二、如何备考2011年雅思写作考试   Task 21、“话题”会继续保持多样化的特点,而且准确预测越来越难。所以,希望考生全面复习我们课堂上讲的20个典型题目。在考试时,注意把考试题目与20个典型题目联系起来,这样才能做到“以不变应万变”。   2.、“命题形式”会继续保持多样化的特点。尤其要重视“解释型题目”和“其他型题目”,它们考试的比例有所上升。   Task 1我们预计,非统计数据类图表(流程图和地图题)会继续增多,而且无规律。也请考生全面复习。 写作部分(四) 2009年11月-2010年11月雅思G类作文TASK 1书信考题汇总 考试日期:2009.11.07书信种类  道歉信 You are going to hold a party and your friend has lent you something, but you broke it. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, you should: 1. Apologize to your friend 2. Explain what happened 3. Tell your friend what you will do to replace it. 考试日期:2009.11.21书信种类  抱怨信 Some items were damaged by the remover company during the move. Write a letter to the remover company and in your letter you should: 1. Describe the details about the items you moved 2. Describe the damaged made 3. Explain what you want the remover company to do with the damages. 考试日期:2009.12.05书信种类  询问信 You are going to visit an English-speaking country. Write a letter to a friend there. In your letter, you should write information including: 1. What places you would like to visit 2. Questions about accommodation 3. An activity that you can do together 考试日期:2009.12.12书信种类  抱怨信 Write a letter to the landlord and complain about the repair work. In your letter, you should include: 1. The details of last repair 2. What the problem is. 3. Give suggestions to landlord on how to repair it 考试日期:2010.01.23书信种类        抱怨信 The telephone company has mailed the telephone bill to the wrong address. Write to the telephone company, you should: 1. Tell them how you find the problem out. 2. What problems caused you by not receiving the phone bill? 3. Tell them what you want them to do 考试日期:2010.02.11书信种类        友情信 You will leave the country you are living now and go back to your home country soon. Write a letter to your sports centre team mates to say goodbye. In your letter, you should say: 1. Why you have to go back to your home country; 2. What you enjoyed with them in sports centre; 3. When and how will you meet them again? 考试日期:2010.02.20书信种类        道歉信 Your English teacher who taught you several years ago have invited you to have a meal at his house but you cannot go. 1. Explain the reason that you cannot go 2. Suggest next arrangement 3. Tell him about yourself and your improvement in English learning 考试日期:2010.03.06书信种类        求职信 You would like to work overseas, write a letter to a job agent company, and tell it: 1. What job you would like to apply 2. What companies are you looking for? 3. Why do you want to work overseas? 考试日期:2010.03.20书信种类        抱怨信 You have just finished a trip booked from a travel agency, but you are not satisfied with it. Write a letter to the travel agent. In your letter, you should say: 1. Why you felt so unhappy; 2. What happened? 3. Make some recommendations about what the travel agent should do about it. 考试日期:2010.04.10书信种类        说明信 You will hold regular social meetings for people of different nationalities in your area, so write a letter to the editor in your local newspaper, describe 1. Why you hold the meetings 2. Possible activities 3. When and where it will be held and when the first meeting will be 考试日期:2010.04.17书信种类        抱怨信 You have rented an apartment recently, but some of the furniture in it is found not at work. Write a letter to landlord: 1. Describe the details of the problem; 2. What problems do this cause to your family? 3. Ask for possible solutions. 考试日期:2010.05.08书信种类        建议信 You have finished a training course, and write a letter with feedback to the organizer. In your letter, you should include: 1. The detail of the course; 2. What you enjoyed from the course; 3. Suggestion about what can be improved. 考试日期:2010.05.20书信种类        邀请回复信 Your friend invited you go to her or his country to travel. Please write back to say 1. What was your feeling when first received the letter 2. When you can go 3. What activities you plan to do in her or his country. 考试日期:2010.06.05书信种类        抱怨信 You went to see a good film but you cannot enjoy it because some problems in the cinema. Write a letter to the cinema manager. You should say: 1. What and when you watch 2. What problem you experienced in the cinema 3. Tell the manage what should do 考试日期:2010.06.26书信种类        感谢信 You have just finished a short-term course in an English speaking country, write a letter to the teacher to thank her, tell her: 1. Why you want to thank her 2. What is your plan next? 考试日期:2010.07.17书信种类        请求信 You were sent by your company to study abroad but lost the certificate. Write a letter to the headmaster 1. Explaining how you lost it 2. Why you need it now. 3. Tell him/her what you want him/her to do about it. 考试日期:2010.07.31书信种类        申请信 A computer company is holding a competition and offers a computer as a prize. Write a letter to the company and express: 1. What is your situation? 2. Why you want this computer? 3. What you use for if you win this computer 考试日期:2010.08.05书信种类        请求信 A US university invites you to make a speech about your country. Write a letter to the university. In your letter: 1. Accept the invitation; 2. Make some suggestions; 3. Prerequisite for the equipments. 考试日期:2010.08.21书信种类        抱怨信 You invited your family to have a special celebrate dinner in a well-known restaurant, but you are unsatisfied with the meal. You are writing to make a complaint. In your letter, you have to say: 1. What the situation is; 2. What the problem is; 3. What you want them to do. 考试日期:2010.09.11书信种类        请求信 You will write a letter to ask your friend to take care of your house during your absence. You should tell your friend 1. What should take care of? 2. What other things should pay attention to? 考试日期:2010.09.25书信种类        建议信 The school in your neighborhood wants to improve their buildings and the play area. Write a letter to give some suggestions and state: 1. What kind of help you can offer; 2. When you are available for help. 考试日期:2010.10.09书信种类        抱怨信 You are a college student in an English-speaking country. You are unhappy with your rented accommodation so you have to request college accommodation. 1. Introduce yourself. 2. Say why you are unhappy with rented accommodation 3. Say why you believe college accommodation is better for you. 考试日期:2010.10.30书信种类        请求信 You rented an apartment for a holiday last year and you are happy with it although there is a problem with it. You want to rent it again this year, write a letter about: 1. Why you are happy with it 2. What the problem is 3. Give information of the details and dates you required. 考试日期:2010.11.04书信种类        抱怨信 You are a passenger of an airline company and during the flight you feel extremely unsatisfactory to the service. Please write a Letter of Complaint to the company. In your letter, you should 1. Say how you are ignored 2. Give some suggestions to fix the problem 3. Tell the owner further action will be taken if this problem remains unsolved. 2010.11.20 电视台准备一个weekly的节目但是时间不合适 写封信能不能改到个suitable的时间? 1.叙述什么节目 2.为什么喜欢 3.为什么改 说明原因 写作部分(五) 雅思写作八分经典范文:环境、资源与交通问题   The fast increase in the number of cars have brought along many related problems which are well worth our greatest attention.   First of all, urban traffic is getting from bad to worse. I’d like to cite my own experience as an example. Five years ago, it took me about 30 minutes to drive from home to office. One year later, I needed to spend about 40 minutes on the way. Then two years later, I had to start out from home at least 1 hour earlier in order to get to my office on good time for work. And then, since last year, it has just been too normal for me to spend about one and half hours to make it. The traffic just moves like a worm!   Second, with the ever growing number of cars, air quality in urban areas is deteriorating with each passing day. We used to see clear blue sky and breathe fresh air, but now this would be a real luxury. Car exhaust has seriously polluted the air and people’s health is greatly endangered. It seems certain that we human beings have already made a fatal mistake that could only be remedied by bringing down the number of cars hugely.   Sure, we can not deny the fact that cars have brought us speed, comfort and greater mobility. However, these have already been history. We are suffering much more from cars than benefiting from them. Our health conditions are going down rapidly both due to the polluted air that we have to breathe every second and our lack of exercise as a result of the ever increasing amount of time we have to spend behind the wheel!   What can we do? From the foregoing discussion, I’m sure we have already found a solution: to discourage people to use cars! I know very well that science and technology are also developing very fast and there might be better solutions coming up in the future, but, before that, let’s first salvage ourselves in such a passive way!
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