
灵书妙探 castle第三季24集 剧本

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灵书妙探 castle第三季24集 剧本Castle 第三季24集 《灵书妙探》前情提要 Previously on Castle 说说我母亲的谋杀案 Tell me what I don't know 还有什么我不知道 拉格兰警探 about my mom's murder, Detective Raglan. 19年前 我 我犯了一个大错 19 years ago, I... I made a bad mistake, 之后就如多尼诺骨牌一般 一错再错 and that started the dominos falling, 其中...
灵书妙探 castle第三季24集 剧本
Castle 第三季24集 《灵妙探》前情提要 Previously on Castle 说说我母亲的谋杀案 Tell me what I don't know 还有什么我不知道 拉格兰警探 about my mom's murder, Detective Raglan. 19年前 我 我犯了一个大错 19 years ago, I... I made a bad mistake, 之后就如多尼诺骨牌一般 一错再错 and that started the dominos falling, 其中一个就是你妈妈 and one of 'em was your mom. 你把恶魔唤醒了 You woke the dragon, 这事比你想象得要严重得多 and this is so much bigger than you realize. 我们要找到那个枪手 We gotta find that shooter. 枪手是哈尔·洛克伍德 Our shooter is Hal Lockwood. 我需要知道你们对我和我的雇主 I need to know exactly what you know about me 到底有多少了解 and my employer. 我会每个礼拜都到这来 I will be back here week after week 问你到底是谁雇了你 to ask you who hired you. 伙计们 帮把手啊 Hey, guys, I could use a hand. 谢谢 谢谢了 真好笑 Thank you. Thanks. That's very funny. 就这态度 你们甭想得到有我亲笔签名的 Just for that, you will not be getting an autographed copy 新漫画小说 of my new graphic novel. - You wrote a graphic novel? - Not technically, 但是 是取材于我创作的最伟大的人物之一 but it is based on one of the greatest characters I ever created. 你瞧 金刚狼 蝙蝠侠 贝蒂 美眉校探 You see, Wolverine, Batman, Betty, Veronica... 是啊 他们当年也曾风靡一时 Sure, they were fine for their day. 不过 现在新的英雄形象上架了 But there is a new sheriff on the Spinner Rack, 名字就是 and his name is... 德里克·斯道姆 Derrick Storm. 《致命风暴》的升级版 Advance art for "A deadly Storm", 新的漫画小说 the new graphic novel. - It's pretty cool. - It's epic cool is what it is. 贝克特呢 我想给她看这个 Where's Beckett? I want to show her this. 去监狱找洛克伍德做每周例行访问了 Making her weekly pilgrimage out to the prison to interview Lockwood. 对噢 Right. - Thank you. - You're welcome. 欢迎回来 贝克特探长 Welcome back, Detective Beckett. 莱克警官 Officer Ryker. 我们今天的"特色菜"是连续纵火犯 Our special today is serial arsonist. 不了 谢谢 No, thank you. 那你愿尝试一下持械抢劫犯 Perhaps I can interest you in an armed robber 他一身的帮派刺青 还说自己是清白的 covered in gang tats and protesting his innocence? 不用了 我还是点我的老口味吧 Uh, you know, I think I'll just take the usual... - Hal Lockwood. - That's an excellent choice, madam. - I'll have someone bring him down. - Thank you. 我是莱克 有人探监洛克伍德 It's Ryker. I've got a visitor for Lockwood. 行政隔离区34617号 Ad-Seg 3-4-6-1-7. 是的 Yeah. 你什么意思 What do you mean? 洛克伍德已经不在行政隔离区了 Lockwood's no longer in administrative segregation. 把他关在行政隔离区是有原因的 He was in Ad-Seg for a reason. 你得马上把他弄出来 You gotta get him outta there. Now. 怎么了 有什么大不了的 Why? What's the big deal? 洛克伍德 洛克伍德 洛克伍德 Lockwood! Lockwood! Lockwood! 普通囚区有个犯人 盖瑞·麦卡利斯特 There is a prisoner in the general population, Gary McCallister. 洛克伍德一有机会就会下手杀了他 Lockwood is going to kill him the first chance he gets. 洛克伍德 洛克伍德 Lockwood! Lockwood! 我还琢磨他什么时候会找上我呢 You know, I was wondering when he was gonna get around to me. 我可以让你再多活一会儿 It's okay if you want a minute. 闪开 闪开 别挡路 Move! Move! Get out of the way! 下手利落点 好吗 Don't make a mess of it, okay? 向来一击毙命 I never do. 上 Go. 他是怎么被转去普通囚区的 How did he even get into the general population? 埃斯波西托在查呢 Esposito's running it down now, 但我觉得这绝不是巧合 but I'm guessing it wasn't an accident. 我很难过 I'm sorry. 为什么 For what? 洛克伍德杀了拉格兰 又捅死了麦卡利斯特 Well, Lockwood kills Raglan, then he shanks McCallister, 两个人以前都是警察 both of them ex-cops 都跟你母亲的谋杀案有关 who had something to do with your mother's murder. 他把你调查的路都堵死了 He's cutting off all avenues of your investigation. 卡塞尔 他没堵上 他给我指了条新路 Castle, he's not cutting them off. He's giving me new ones. 我一直去那所监狱找他 I've been going to that prison 过去四个月里每周一次 every week for the last four months 就像是跟魔鬼比瞪眼 to have a staring contest with the devil, 而魔鬼刚刚眨眼了 and the devil just blinked. 我等得就是这个 This is exactly what I've been looking for. 劳教部门 Hey, department of corrections 说转移指令上的签名是伪造的 says the signature used on the transfer order was forged. 监狱里唯一能对那些文件动手脚的人就是 And the only people with access to those documents at the prison 狱警和有权限的文职人员 are correctional officers and authorized clerical staff. 那不是贿赂就是敲诈 Which means bribe or blackmail. 我要那所监狱所有雇员的财务状况报告 I want a full financial workup of every employee 狱警和文职都要 in that prison, sworn and civilian. 我要知道是谁拖欠还贷了 I want to know who was late on their mortgage, 谁付不起抚养费了 who was behind on their child support. 为了让洛克伍德转移 有人冒了大险 Somebody took a hell of a risk cutting Lockwood this transfer, 去洛克伍德的提讯 To Lockwood's arraignment. 看能不能激怒他 套出些线索 I want to see if we can rattle his cage. 洛克伍德老奸巨猾 不会轻易动怒的 Lockwood doesn't seem like the rattling type. 不是冲着洛克伍德 是他背后的黑手 Not Lockwood. Whoever's holding his leash. 先杀拉格兰 再毙卡利斯特 First Raglan and now McCallister. 你想干嘛 把相关人员全灭口吗 What are you doing, collecting the whole set? 你真是个混蛋 洛克伍德 You're a real badass, Lockwood, 把一个老头子捅死在他床铺上 shanking an old man in his bunk. 我不知道你以为自己完成了多么伟大的任务 I don't know what you think you accomplished, 但这什么都没改变 but this doesn't change a thing. 你听到了吗 You hear me? 不管你的雇主是谁 Whoever hired you... 都逃不出我的手掌 he can't hide from me. 不对 甜心 No, sweetheart. 你弄反了 You got it ass backwards. 是你逃不出他的手掌 You can't hide from him. 请坐 小姐 Please take your seat, ma'am. 全体肃立 All rise. 现在开庭 The court's in session. 请就坐 Be seated. 二十七号案件 Matter number 27 on the list, 原告为纽约州检察院 the people of the state of New York 被告为无名氏 曾用名哈罗德·洛克伍德 Vs. John Doe, A.K.A. Harold Lockwood. 现在开始提讯 The matter is on for arraignment. 律师 请报上你和你委托人的姓名 以作庭审 Counsel, for the record and who you represent, please. 艾福瑞·苏斯曼代哈罗德·洛克伍德 法官大人 Avery Zussman for Harold Lockwood, Your Honor. 关于本次纽约州公诉案... On the matter of the people of the state of New York... 怎么了 What is it? 起诉案件号 2011460 Indictment number 2-0-1-1-4-6-0, 被控故意杀人罪 the charge is premeditated murder... 我不知道 I don't know. 进行特例诉讼 With a special circumstances allegation. 洛克伍德先生 您是否要求当庭宣读诉状 Mr. Lockwood, do you waive a formal reading of this indictment? 是的 I do. 他们佩戴的是铬质领花 They're wearing chrome collar pins. 纽约警局是铜的 NYPD's are brass. 你如何为自己辩护 And how do you plead? 动手 Now. 卡塞尔 趴下 Castle, down! 你没事吧 Are you okay?! 没事 没事 Yeah, yeah. 在哪 在哪 Where? Where? 下楼了 Downstairs. 快点 快走 快点 走走 Come on. Keep moving. Come on. Let's go. Go. 她怎么样了 How's she doing? 洛克伍德逃之夭夭 有关她母亲案件的 Lockwood's in the wind. Everything about her mom's case 线索也随之消失了 你认为她会好吗 just went to hell in a handbasket. How ya think? 对洛克伍德的同伙了解多少 Where are we on Lockwood's known associates? 法院保安人员习惯了 Courthouse security personnel were so used 警察进进出出 没人注意到他们 to seeing cops come and go, nobody gave 'em a second look. 他不在乎有人看到他们的长相 He didn't care about anybody seeing their faces. 联邦调查局有没有对他们进行面部识别 Did FBI run'em through facial recognition? 联邦航空管理局说他们低于1000英尺雷达探测限度 FAA says that they flew below the 1,000-foot radar ceiling. 他们一定知道纽约警局 They had to know NYPD 会利用直升机寻找他们 would have helicopters searching for 'em, 所以他们会尽快迫降直升机 so they'd want to ditch their chopper as soon as they could. 我们已发动各地警力 We got locals on the ground 搜寻各处小型机场 checking every small airfield in the tristate area. 看一下你收件箱 Check your in-box. 从监狱打出的电话都会被录音 So phone calls from the prison are recorded, 且每个囚犯只能打由对方付费的电话 and every inmate has to make collect calls. 显然 洛克伍德每周都会打给同一个号码 Apparently, Lockwood made weekly calls to the same number, 但是一周又一周 对方都拒绝 but week after week, the person at the end of the call 支付电话费用 refused to accept the charges, 直到四天前 until four days ago. 好的 我们来听听 Okay, here it is. - How's the family? - Same. How are Charlie and Mike? 很好 Good. 好吧 查一下有没有叫查理或麦克的同伙 All right, check known associates named Charlie or Mike. 他们不是在说人 They're not talking about people. 那代表音标 军队隐语 That's the phonetic alphabet, military jargon. 查理和麦克意思是继续任务 Charlie and Mike means continue mission. 反正任务不会是杀害麦卡利斯特 Well, we know the mission wasn't McCallister. 杀掉他只是为了越狱 He was just a means to escape. 他们本可以收买 They could've paid off anyone 任何犯人去杀麦卡利斯特 in the general population to kill McCallister, 但必须由洛克伍德下手 but it had to be Lockwood because 因为他们要把他救出监狱 they needed to get him out. - Which means Lockwood was after somebody else. - Who's left? - Me. - Lockwood could've killed you in the courtroom. 你对他构不成威胁 你什么也不知道 You're not a threat. You don't know anything. 我想我知道他目标是谁了 I think I know who he's after. 我们知道你母亲被杀 We know that your mom was killed 是因为她试图替一个帮派分子洗清罪名 because she was working to free a mobster 他被陷害谋杀 who was wrongfully convicted of the murder 一名卧底联邦警官 鲍勃·阿门 of an undercover federal officer--Bob Armen. 我们知道真正的凶手是黑手警察 We know that the real killers were renegade cops 他们以自己的方式追求所谓的"街头正义" who were practicing their own form of street justice 也就是通过绑架黑道分子而索得赎金 by kidnapping mobsters for ransom. 这些人同时效力于某个人 These guys were also working for somebody-- 某个大人物 某个会不惜一切代价 somebody big, somebody who will stop at nothing 让自己身份保密的人 to keep his identity a secret. 也就是说还有一个潜在威胁 Which means there's still one loose thread out there. 第三个警察 The third cop. 也就是鲍勃·阿门被杀那晚 乔·布伽地在巷子看到的 The man that Joe Pulgatti saw in the alley with John Raglan 和约翰·拉格兰以及盖瑞·麦卡利斯特在一起的人 and Gary McCallister the night that Bob Armen was killed. 不管这家伙是谁 只要他还在 Whoever this guy is, if he's still around, 他一定知道谁在背后操纵一切 he knows who's behind this whole thing. 这就使得他成为洛克伍德的下一个目标 Which makes him Lockwood's next target. 但是我们看遍了资料 But we looked through the reports. 没有提到第三个警察 There's no mention of any third cop. 他没有出现在报告中 Just because he's not mentioned in it 不代表他不存在 抱歉 doesn't mean he wasn't there. Excuse me. - She's not gonna like that. - You don't have to tell her. 如果洛克伍德要追杀第三个警察 那他一定在市里 If Lockwood's going after this third cop, he's still in town. 你们都知道他的能力 You both know what he's capable of. 如果你们有机会放倒他 千万别犹豫 If you get a chance to put him down, do not hesitate. 不能让那个混蛋再走正规司法程序了 That son of a bitch doesn't need to see the inside of another courtroom. 泽西州警局打来的 That was the Jersey state police. 他们发现了直升机 They found the chopper. 你开的枪 Yours? 是的 Yeah. 那个味道 那是 That smell-- is that, uh-- 驾驶舱中的漂白剂 匪徒以此清除DNA证据 Bleach in the cabin. They were destroying DNA evidence. 机械师说直升机一定是被偷走的 Mechanic says the chopper must have been stolen and returned 在主人发现前又还了回来 before anyone knew it was missing. 他说如果不是看到了弹孔 He says he wouldn't even have known anybody had used it 他都不知道有人使用过 if it weren't for the bullet holes. 这辆直升机属于谁 Who does the helicopter belong to? 正和他家人在加勒比海航行呢 Sailing in the Caribbean with his family. 好的 查一下他和机械师的背景 All right, check his background and the mechanic's, 还有这里所有的员工 and anybody else who works here. 好的 Right. 为什么是现在 Why now? 洛克伍德在监狱待了几个月了 Lockwood was in prison for months. 为什么要现在行动 Why would he make a move now? 先是将他转移到普通囚区 Well, they had him transferred, 然后将他从法庭上带走 and then they broke him out of a courtroom. 所有行动都需要时间 资源的安排 That takes time, planning, resources. 如果是其他事情呢 What if it was something else? 如果是有其他原因呢 What if there's another reason? 比如 Like what? 你知道 You know, um... 我刚刚看到大楼外面好像有监控摄像头 I think I saw a surveillance camera outside the building. 我们调出监控录像 We pull the surveillance, 查一下他们的车 也许可以发布全面通缉 look for a vehicle, maybe get an APB. 你没事吧 You okay? 没事 Yeah. 贝克特的妈妈 Beckett's mom? 是的 Yeah. 我无法想象对她来说是什么感觉 I can't imagine what it must be like for her 整天执法破案 帮受害者家人讨回公道 Solving murders and bringing closure to all those families, 却永远帮不了自己 but never to herself. 在我的小说里就简单多了 It's easier in my books. 结局都是惩恶扬善 The just are rewarded, the wicked are punished. 不幸的是 现实生活没那么简单 Unfortunately, real life isn't that easy. 有什么能帮你吗 Can I help you? 希望有 我叫吉姆·贝克特 凯特的父亲 I hope so. I'm Jim Beckett, Kate's father. 感觉与你是故交老友一样 里奇 I feel like I already know you, Rick. 凯特说了很多关于你的事情 I've heard a lot of great things about you from Katie. 真的吗 Really? 真的 Really. 那么 她还挺得住吗 So... How's she holding up? 你知道 外人很难看出来的 Well, it's kind of tough to tell with her, you know? 她总一副无所畏惧的样子 She doesn't flinch. 我知道 她小的时候 I know. She wouldn't accept a night-light 睡觉就不肯留夜灯 When she was a little girl. 并非她不怕黑 Not that she wasn't afraid of the dark, 而是她因在心理上战胜恐惧 but I think she just felt it was a point of pride to, 而感到自豪 you know, stare it down. 她在追捕的那个人 This... man she's chasing. 有多危险 How dangerous is he? 他是个职业杀手 He's a trained killer. 她找到他后会怎么样 What happens when she finds him? 这事已经害我失去了妻子 I've already lost my wife over this. 我已经失去了... I've already lost... 听着 虽然花了很多年 Now look, I... It took me years, 但我已经接受现实了 but I've made my peace with that. 但是凯特呢 But Katie? 她不听我的 不肯就此罢休 She won't listen to me and she won't back down. 除非有人能让她相信 Not unless someone can convince her 她的生比她母亲的死更为重要 that her life is worth more than her mother's death. 她在乎你 里克 Look, she cares about you, Rick. 除非你真的愚不可及 不懂感情 And unless you're a lot dumber than you look, 我能看出来你也在乎她 I know you care about her. 别让她为此搭上一条命 Don't let her throw her life away. 睡得好吗 How'd you sleep? - I didn't. - Yeah. Me neither. - Thank you. - Listen, I was wondering-- 我们查了跟监狱相关的所有人的财务状况 So we ran financials on everyone associated with the prison-- 守卫 普通员工 guards, civilian employees, 他的房贷已资不抵债 信用卡也透支了 He's underwater in his mortgage, he maxed out his credit cards, 他的公寓快被收了 and he was about to lose his condo. 莱克 我认识他 Ryker? I know Ryker. 你知人知面不知心 You only thought you knew Ryker. 在洛克伍德被转入 The day before Lockwood 普通牢房的前一天 was transferred to general population, 莱克收到一笔五万美金的汇款 Ryker received a $50,000 wire transfer. 而且你猜今天谁没来上班 And guess who didn't show up for work today. 警察 警察 NYPD! NYPD! 警察 不许动 举起手来 莱克 NYPD! Do not move! Show us your hands, Ryker! 上 让我看到你的手 Let's go! Let me see your hands! 把你的手伸出来 let's see those hands! 上 Go. 子弹从后脑进入 The bullet entered through the back of the head, 穿过前额 落在柜子上 exited through the front, and landed in the cabinet. 估计死亡时间是昨晚九点左右 I'm making the time of death around 9:00 last night. 莱克打了四通电话 Ryker made four phone calls 与洛克伍德在监狱里打出的那个号码一致 to the same burner cell that Lockwood called from prison. 他在讨价还价 He was negotiating prices. 莱克不知道自己是在跟谁打交道 Ryker had no idea who he was dealing with. 司法部来消息说 That was the D.O.J. 那笔五万美金的汇款 The $50,000 wire transfer 在汇入莱克的帐户前 bounced through the United Arab Emirates 在阿联酋被银行拒付了 before it ended up in Ryker's account. 那笔钱汇自瑞士银行迪拜分行 It came from the Dubai Branch of a Swiss Bank. - Who the hell are these guys? - Well, whoever they are, 他们的行动一直抢在我们前面 they've been two steps ahead of us this whole time. 谁会为了掩盖几个坏警察 You don't go through this kind of trouble to cover up a couple 在漆黑的小巷绑架歹徒的事这么大费周章 of rogue cops kidnapping mobsters in some back alley. 不 背后一定另有其因 更大的阴谋 No, this is about something else, something bigger. 如果我们想抓住这些混蛋 If we want to catch these sons of bitches, 就得主动出击 we're gonna have to bring the fight to them. 通知莱克的近亲 Notify Ryker's next of kin. 再跟他的邻居谈谈 Let's talk to his neighbors again, 他在监狱的同事熟人 anybody else that knew him at the prison. 看他最近是否交了什么新朋友 I want to see if he made any new friends lately. 你认识莱克多久了 哈斯克尔长官 How long did you know Ryker, officer Haskell? 从他来监狱工作就认识了 Since he came to the prison-- almost, uh, 我想差不多十年了 almost ten years, I guess. 他在监狱里跟谁有过节吗 Was he having trouble with anyone at the prison? 莱克像个天使 所有的管教都喜欢他 Ryker was stainless. All the other corrections officers liked him, 甚至最坏的罪犯都尊敬他 and even the worst cons respected him, 因为莱克对他们予以尊重 'cause Ryker treated them with respect. 他最近有新结识什么人吗 比如女朋友 Was there anyone new in his life, maybe a girlfriend? 没有 Uh, no one. 实际上 几周来他一直在试图鼓起勇气 In fact, he'd been working up the nerve for weeks 想约你出去 探长 to ask you out, detective. 你知道莱克有经济困难吗 Uh, did you know, uh, Ryker was having financial problems? 不知道 他从没对我说过 No. He never said a word to me. 我算跟他最熟的了 And I was probably closer to him than anyone. 我们问过的每个人都说 We're getting the same thing from everyone we talk to. 莱克为人正直 Ryker was a stand-up guy. 没有一个朋友知道他有经济困难 None of his friends even knew he had financial trouble. 除了打给那个临时号码的电话 And other than calls to that burner phone, 他的通话记录也显示 There's nothing in his phone records 没有任何新增的联系人 to indicate any new contacts in his life. 刚从机场的监控录像得知 We just got word on the security footage from the airport. 摄像头确实拍到 Cameras did pick up 一辆蓝色新款雪佛兰迈锐宝驶离那里 a blue late-model Malibu leaving the area, 但它的车牌被遮住了 but its license plate was blacked out. 那我们可以说是一无所获 So basically, we've got nothing still, right? 净是些死胡同 Just a bunch of dead ends. 查的任何线索 都是死路一条 Everywhere I look, it's just a bunch of dead ends. 不管谁策划了洛克伍德的越狱行动 You know, whoever planned this escape for Lockwood 他必须有内应 knew they would need someone on the inside. 如果莱克果真如此正直 If Ryker was such a straight arrow, 他们为什么还要找他 why would they approach him? 他有经济困难 所以好下手 He was a soft target because of his financial troubles. 他们怎么知道 How would they know that? 用跟我们一样的方法 查财务状况 They found him the same way we did--financial records. 他们查了监狱里每一个人的财务状况 They ran financials on everybody in that prison. 谁有这样的职权 Who would have that kind of authority? 警察 或者曾是警察的人 A cop or someone who was a cop. 所以这第三个警察不是洛克伍德的目标 So this third cop wasn't Lockwood's target. 这第三个警察是洛克伍德的操控者 This third cop was the one who was holding Lockwood's leash. 他是这整件事情的幕后黑手 He's the one who's behind this whole thing. 我们要过一遍 Okay, I want us to pull reports 所有与拉格兰和麦卡斯利特相关的档案 with Raglan and Mccallister's name on it. 我们全都查过了 We did all that already. 一个月前查过 什么都没有 Months ago. There's nothing. 不 不 我不是说逮捕报告 No, no, no, I'm not talking about arrest reports. 我是说工作能力评估 I'm talking about performance evaluations 我们全都查过了 We went through everything. 我们查过了所有可能 We looked at every cop we could find 跟他们合作过的警察 who could've worked with them. 没有一个是我们要找的家伙 None of 'em are our third guy. 那么 再查一遍 Well, then check it again. 查完以后 再查一次 And when you're done with that, check it again. 贝克特 我们跟你一样想逮捕他 Beckett, we want him as bad as you. 跟真的似的 没人像我那么想抓住他 The hell you do. Nobody wants him as bad as I do, okay? 没人 所以 再查一次 Nobody. So check it again. 查到什么了吗 Find anything? 我打赌根本没有第三个警察 Hell, I bet there wasn't even a third cop. 我是说 真的假的 迪拜 警方背景 I mean, seriously, Dubai, paramilitary extraction 一名警察 How does a cop 怎么会发起这样的行动 even begin to mount an operation like this? 那些人绑架黑帮成员的行动持续好几个月 These guys were kidnapping mobsters for months, 甚至在出事前几年就开始了 maybe even years before things went sideways. 他们可能累积了几百万的赎金 They could've made millions in ransom. 意味着第三名警察有大把钞票去雇用 That would mean this third cop would have plenty of cash 像迪克·库南和哈尔·洛克伍德那样的职业杀手 to hire professionals like Dick Coonan and Hal Lockwood 去收拾他的烂摊子 to clean up his mess. 继续查 Keep checking. 长官 Sir. 我知道我们还在值班时间 但是 Uh... I know we're still officially on duty, but-- 特许了 Authorized. 窖藏啤酒 Lager. 干的好 Nice work. 真的非常冰 Those are really cold. 没错 我们将它放在证物冷藏库 Yeah, we keep 'em in evidence refrigerated storage. -Isn't that where you keep the... -Don't worry about it. 她怎么样了 How is she? 她不回电话给我 She hasn't returned my calls. 她拿了那些文件就离开了 She just grabbed those case files and ran outta here. 她正在迷失 She's getting lost. 再走一步她就踏入未知世界了 She's an inch away from the rabbit hole. 她会好起来的 她总是这样 She'll be fine. She always is. 要是我们什么都查不到呢 What if we come up empty? 谁是纳波利塔诺 Who's Napolitano? 噢 他跟拉格兰在几次缉毒行动中合作过 Oh, he worked with Raglan on a couple of drug busts, 但鲍勃·阿门被杀的那天晚上 But he was at his daughter's wedding 他正参加女儿的婚礼 The night Bob Armen was shot, - so he's not our third cop. - Where is he now? 他在1993年就因心脏衰竭去世了 He died of heart failure back in 1993. 你为什么问起纳波利塔诺来 Why are you asking about Napolitano? 这份报告上将他和拉格兰 Uh, he and Raglan are listed 列作负责逮捕的警员 as the arresting officers on this report, 但这是被涂改过的 but this has been altered. 因为我了解打字机 Because I know typewriters. 老式打字机用的是布色带 Older typewriters use cloth ribbon. 要是你仔细看 If you look closely, 你会在字体上看见光条纹 you can see the striations in the typeface. 新式打字机用薄膜打字机带 Newer typewriters used film ribbon. 有人涂去了 Somebody whited out... 这报告上的逮捕警员 the assisting officer's name on this report, 复印了它 再打上纳波利塔诺的名字 photocopied it, and then typed in Napolitano's name. 这是欲盖"名"彰
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