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朱莉与茱莉亚 中英字幕

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朱莉与茱莉亚 中英字幕 朱莉与茱莉亚 中英字幕 1[00:48.00]Repeat after me, okay? 跟着我念,好吗? [01:06.68]Oh, Paul, leave me alone. 哦,Paul,你放过我吧 [01:14.64]片名:朱莉与朱莉娅/美味关系 根据真实事件改编 [01:27.24]- Bon app閠it. - Bon app閠it. - 祝你好胃口(法语) - 祝你好胃口 [01:40.44]Butter. 黄油 [01:48.92]Oh, my goodness. 噢,我的老天 [01:53.96]Y...
朱莉与茱莉亚  中英字幕
朱莉与茱莉亚 中英字幕 1[00:48.00]Repeat after me, okay? 跟着我念,好吗? [01:06.68]Oh, Paul, leave me alone. 哦,Paul,你放过我吧 [01:14.64]片名:朱莉与朱莉娅/美味关系 根据真实事件改编 [01:27.24]- Bon app閠it. - Bon app閠it. - 祝你好胃口(法语) - 祝你好胃口 [01:40.44]Butter. 黄油 [01:48.92]Oh, my goodness. 噢,我的老天 [01:53.96]You have to taste this. 你一定要尝尝这个 [01:57.64]Here. 来 [02:06.40]I mean... It’s... 我是说...这简直... [02:09.16]- I know. - But I’m... - 我知道 - 只是我... [02:11.48]I know. I know. I know. 我懂,我懂,我懂 [02:16.56]Look at that! Oh, Paul, it’s so beautiful! 快看那个!哦,Pual,太美了 [02:28.84]Slow down. 慢点儿 [02:30.64]Sorry. 对不起了 [02:42.00]This is it. Look, right... Just stop. 就是这儿了,看,对...停车吧 [02:46.16]I can’t believe we get to live here. 真不敢相信我们要在这儿住下了 [02:53.20]Paul! Paul! [03:19.64]Is this a mistake? Should we have stayed in Brooklyn? 这是个错误码? 我们难道应该呆在布鲁克林? [03:22.56]We’re gonna love Queens. Queens is beautiful. 我们会喜欢皇后区的 皇后区很美 [04:10.88]Moving truck’s here. 搬家公司的车到了 [00:00.00]by: 更多电影原声MP3尽在∮人∮人∮听∮力∮网∮ http://www.rrting.com/English/movie_mp3/ [04:24.08]You okay? 你没事吧? [04:27.24]- Everything is falling down. - Hey. - 东西都掉下来了 - 嘿 [04:30.44]Repeat after me. 跟着我说 [04:30.92]What are we doing here? 我们搬来这儿干嘛? [04:34.12]- Nine hundred square feet. - Nine hundred square feet. - 九百平方英尺 - 九百平方英尺 [04:40.20]Plus, it’s close to my office, but we don’t have to move. 是,这儿是离我的公司很近 但是我们不是非得搬家 [04:40.36]Plus, it’s close to your office. 而且,这儿离你上班的地方很近 [04:43.88]We could renege on the lease, repack everything and live in the Jeep. 我们可以毁了租约 重新收好所有的东西,再住进吉普车里 [04:50.80]You’re right. You’re right. 你是对的,你是对的 [04:55.16]- Eric, what is that noise? - What noise? - Eric,那是什么声音? - 什么声音? [05:00.44]Is it going to be like this every night? 每天晚上都会这么吵吗? 200:07.60]Maybe. 也许会 [00:15.68]Jule? Jule? [00:18.36]It’s Versailles. 这儿简直就是凡尔赛宫了 [00:21.40]I’m so happy you like it, darling. 亲爱的,真高兴你喜欢这儿 [01:42.96]Good morning, Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, 早上好 曼哈顿下城发展公司 [01:47.52]LMDC. LMDC(公司名称缩写) [01:47.92]Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, Julie Powell. 曼哈顿下城发展公司 我是Jule Powell [01:50.10]- My son died in the second tower. - I’m sorry. -我的儿子死在双子塔(指911事件) -我很遗憾 [02:00.72]I’m so sorry. 我真的感到很遗憾 [02:02.00]Are you the person to speak to if I don’t like the plan for the memorial 如果我想参加今天上午的悼念仪式, 是应该找你吗? [02:06.00]- that was in this morning’s Times? - You can speak to me. 你可以对我说 [02:07.40]- Do you have any power? - No. - 是你管事吗? - 不是 [02:11.16]I wanna speak to someone with power. I don’t like the plan. 那我要和掌权的人说话 我不喜欢这样的安排 [02:14.88]I don’t like the plan either. 我也不喜欢这样的安排 [00:00.00]by: 更多电影原声MP3尽在∮人∮人∮听∮力∮网∮ http://www.rrting.com/English/movie_mp3/ [02:16.84]You people are a bunch of heartless bureaucratic goons. 你们这些人简直都是一群没心没肺的官僚 [02:21.04]I am not a heartless bureaucratic goon. 我可不是没心没肺的官僚 [02:21.72]I am just a person in a cubicle, and I am doing the best I can, ma’am. 女士,我只是个小隔间里上班族 而且我也尽力做到最好了 [02:25.80]This is my sixth phone call and the only thing anyone ever tells me is 这是我打的第六通电话了 所有人都只会说 [02:28.68]I have to fill out a form to get in line for an insurance payment. 如果我想得到保险的话就要填一份格 [02:31.84]And you do. But, I mean, if you don’t wanna fill out a form I will fill one out for you, 你的确需要填,不过,如果你实在不想填的话 我可以帮你填一份 [02:36.00]but you’re still going to have to come in and sign it. 但还是要你过来签一下名 [02:38.52]- To your cubicle? - Yes. - 去你的小隔间吗? - 对 [02:42.92]I feel terrible about what you’re going through, Mr. Diamond, but... 我很同情你正在经历的一切,Dimoun先生,但是... [02:44.48]You have no idea what I’m going through, Ms. Powell. You have no idea. 你根本就不知道我正经历些什么 Powell小姐,你根本什么都不知道 [02:48.28]- Please don’t yell at me. - This whole thing is completely inefficient. - 请别对我嚷嚷了 - 这整件事简直是太蠢了 [02:51.32]- My 3-year-old is more capable of helping. - I am your friend. - 我三岁大的孩子也比你们有用 - 我是你的朋友 [02:57.68]And now the doctor says there’s fiberglass in his lungs. 现在医生说他的肺都纤维化了 [03:00.36]He coughs. He never stops coughing. I don’t know what to do. 他一直在咳嗽,咳个不停 我不知道该怎么办才好了 [03:05.88]His wife says there’s so much crap in his lungs he can’t breathe, 他的妻子说他的肺里有很多有害物质 现在他都呼吸困难了 [03:06.52]and now his insurance is refusing to pay for this drug that might really work. 现在他的保险公司不想支付药费 那些药很重要 [03:10.84]- Tell her to call the Health Department. - That’s an answering machine. - 让她打电话到卫生部门 - 没有人接电话 [03:15.72]Andrea Gomez in the mayor’s office. 去市长办公室找Aehree Dames [03:18.68]Thank you. Thank you. 谢谢,太感谢了 [03:32.60]Chocolate cream pie. 奶油巧克力派 [03:38.96]- You know what I love about cooking? - What’s that? - 知道我为什么喜欢烹饪吗? - 为什么? [03:42.12]I love that after a day when nothing is sure, 过完了什么都没准的一天 [03:43.12]and when I say "nothing" I mean nothing, you can come home and absolutely know 我说什么都没准,所有的事 你能回到家来,完全有把握 [03:50.48]that if you add egg yolks to chocolate and sugar and milk, 当把鸡蛋加到巧克力,牛奶和糖里面搅拌 [03:54.24]it will get thick. It’s such a comfort. 它会变得很稠,这真是莫大的安慰啊 [04:00.52]Bad day? 今天过的很糟糕吗? [04:02.28]When will this pie be ready? 这个派什么时候能做好? [04:04.28]Soon, but I have to make the whipped cream first and let it set. 很快,但是我得先把奶油打好 [04:06.20]I’ll be here. It’s a masterpiece. 我得在这儿等着,这简直是杰作 [04:12.32]Ritual Cobb salad lunch tomorrow. 明天中午又要照例在Cobb餐厅吃沙拉大餐了 [04:16.24]Dreading, dreading, dreading. 可怕,可怕,太可怕了 [04:20.08]Subway. 我坐地铁来的 [04:21.48]- Hi. - Hi. - 嗨 - 嗨 [04:24.60]How are you? 你好吗? [04:25.96]What can I get for you ladies? 女士们你们要什么? [04:27.04]I will have a Cobb salad, no bleu cheese. 我要Cobb沙拉,不加芦柑 [04:29.56]- Cobb salad, no beets. - Cobb salad, no bacon. - Cobb沙拉,不加甜菜 - Cobb沙拉,不加咸肉 [04:32.32]- Cobb salad, no eggs. - Okay, tell them... - Cobb沙拉,不加鸡蛋 - 好了,告诉他们 [04:35.40]Are you listening carefully, Tracy? Tell them to take the offer up to 185. 你在听我说话吗? 告诉他们把价码加到185 [04:40.68]- Here she goes. - Repeat after me, Tracy. 重复我说的,Tracy [04:43.68]- 1-8-5. - What’s going on? - 185 - 怎么回事? [04:46.68]And call me the second you hear back. 一有消息就打电话给我 [04:47.24]My assistant. It’s almost not worth having one. 是我的助手 不要这么个没用的助手还好点 [04:51.64]I know. Yesterday I said to Allison, 我就知道,昨天我对Allison说 [04:53.28]"Go to the pharmacy, get me a pair of black pantyhose." 去药店给我买些黑药丸 [04:56.32]She came back and said, "They didn’t have any." 他居然回来跟我说他们那儿没有那个卖 [04:58.20]I said, "Did you try another pharmacy?" I mean, really. 我问他:“你有没有去另一家药店问问?” 我是说真的 [05:00.96]Or Bloomingdale’s. What’s wrong with trying Bloomingdale’s? 或者去Blaamiaghala(一家便利店)问问 去Blaamiaghala问问到底会怎么样啊? 3[00:03.84]Yeah, I don’t get it. If only I could be my own assistant. 对啊,我就不懂了,要是我能做自己的助手就好了 [00:08.32]Fire your assistant and don’t hire a replacement. 炒了你的助手,别再雇新的助手 [00:08.92]You can be. 你可以的 [00:13.88]No, that’s not what I mean, Julie. 不,Jule,我不是那个意思 [00:14.08]Excuse me. Oh... 抱歉,噢... [00:18.36]- Oh, those are cute. - Oh, thanks. Thanks. - 哦,这个好好看啊 - 哦,谢谢 [00:20.72]Okay, tell them 190, 1-9-0. Great. 好的,告诉他们190,190,好的 [00:25.40]"1-9-0." What? What are you up to? 190,你在说什么呢? [00:29.92]$190 million. We’re assembling a parcel at Midtown. 一亿九千万美元,我们在市中心建一群东西 [00:33.96]Oh, wow. Oh, oh, that is so great, Cassie. 哦,哇,太棒了,Coasia [00:35.76]A parcel of what? 建一群什么? [00:38.12]Buildings. 房子 [00:40.32]We’re gonna tear them all down and put up a high-rise. 我们要把老房子全都拆了,再建新的更高的房子 [00:42.40]- To your parcel. - Thank you. - 为你的房地产干杯 - 谢谢 [00:48.20]And enough about you, here’s to me. 你说够了,该说说我了 [00:00.00]by: 更多电影原声MP3尽在∮人∮人∮听∮力∮网∮ http://www.rrting.com/English/movie_mp3/ [00:49.24]As of yesterday, I am the senior vice president in charge of corporate publicity. 昨天,我成了公司宣传部的副主席 [00:54.92]- No. - Which means I get a raise - 不是吧 - 也就是说我升职了 [00:58.60]and I can borrow half a million dollars at 2% if I want to. 如果我愿意,我能以2%的利息贷50万美元的款了 [01:02.60]- Great. - If you want to? - 太棒了 - 只要你愿意吗? [01:05.20]- So how’s your job, Julie? - Oh, it’s... - Julie,你的工作怎么样了? - 噢,很... [01:07.68]- I can only imagine. Heartbreaking. - So sad. - 我能猜到,让人心碎 - 太可怜了 [01:10.36]- Painful. - Not in a bad way. - 太痛苦了 - 我们没有恶意 [01:12.12]- Excuse me. Oh, God, I forgot. - Excuse me. - 抱歉,哦,天哪,我忘了 - 抱歉 [01:16.00]- Hello? - Hello? - 喂? - 喂? [01:17.28]- Hi. - Hi. - 嗨 - 嗨 [01:18.80]Hey, Jules? I have got to interview you for this piece that I’m writing. 嘿,Jules,为了写这篇文章我要采访你了 [01:22.96]Sure, Annabelle, great. I’d be honored. 当然,Annabelle,没问题,我很荣幸 [01:26.44]Find out about dry cleaning. Find out before dinner on Thursday. 找个干洗店 安排星期五的晚餐 [01:29.64]Saturday party. 星期四的派对 [01:33.72]No. 别吃这个 [01:35.12]I cannot computer-coach you every day while I’m with my girlfriends. 我不能每天都用电脑联系你 [01:39.76]What is it about? The article? 这篇文章是关于什么的? [01:41.04]It’s about our generation turning 30. 是关于我们这代人的 [01:45.12]People turning 30. Oh, my life, I am so busy. 关于奔三十的这帮人的 哦,我的人生哪,我太忙了 [01:51.88]I don’t know when I can fit you in. 我不知道什么时候能有时间采访你 [01:56.28]May I remind you, I don’t want to see you, you want to see me? 我得提醒一下,不是我要见你,是你要见我 [01:59.76]Yeah. Would a breakfast work? 是,早餐时间采访成吗? [02:06.04]I believed her. What kind of idiot am I? 我居然相信她了,我是个怎样的傻瓜啊? [02:07.92]She said, "It’s about our generation turning 30." 她说是关于奔三的这代人的 [02:10.20]What’d you expect? Annabelle was always a liar. 你想怎样?Annebelle本来就是个骗子 [02:12.04]"Julie Powell, once the editor of the Amherst literary magazine, Julie Powell,曾经是一位美国文学杂志的编辑 [02:16.24]"the one we all knew would be ’The One,’ 是所有人都看好,特殊的一个 [02:18.44]"temped for eight years before giving up on her novel, 她尝试了六年,但最终不得不放弃她的小说 [02:23.20]"and now works in a cubicle as a mid-level bureaucrat, 现在在一个小隔间里上班,成了一位中产官僚 [02:27.16]"attempting to deal with the aftereffects of 9l11." 天天忙于处理911事件的灾后效应 [02:28.76]Oh, God, you memorized it? How pathetic. 噢,天哪,你还背下来了吗?太可悲了 [02:33.04]She left so much out. 她漏掉了那么多其它的 [02:38.04]Anyway, the picture was good. 不管怎么说,照片拍的不错 [02:39.12]- I looked fat. - Just your face. - 我看上去肥死了 - 你的脸本来就这样 [02:45.04]I forgot to tell you. Do you know what Annabelle’s doing now? 我忘了告诉你了,你知道Annebelle现在在干嘛吗? [02:50.32]- Sarah told me. A blog. - Of what? - Cera告诉我说她在写博客 - 什么的博客? [02:53.32]What do you mean "of what"? A blog of Annabelle. 你是什么意思?当然是关于Annebelle的博客了 [02:56.60]Of every thought that passes through her brain. 写每个闪过她的脑子的想法 [02:58.80]Her stupid, vapid, insipid... 闪过她那个愚蠢,空虚,乏味的脑子的想法... [03:05.36]I have thoughts. 我有思想 [03:05.56]I could write a blog. 我可以写博客 [03:07.84]And you’re a writer, which is more than I can say for Annabelle. 而且你是个作家,我敢说Annebelle可不能和你比 [03:11.00]- If only that were true. - You wrote a novel. - 你说的要是真的就好了 - 你写了部小说 [03:14.72]Half a novel. And no one wanted to publish it. 是半部,而且没人想出版 [03:18.88]You’re not a writer unless someone publishes you. 除非有人出版你的,不然就算不上是作家 [03:21.88]See, that’s what’s so great about blogs. You don’t have to be published. 那就是博客的好处了,你写的东西不一定要出版 [03:25.12]You can just go online, press enter and there it is, out there. 你只要上上网,按按回车键,全世界都能看到了 [03:29.68]What would I write a blog about? 那我能在博客上写什么呢? [03:31.68]You’re an editor, tell me. 你是编辑,告诉我该写什么 [03:32.10]Why don’t you write about how much you love Queens? 你为什么不试试写你有多爱皇后区 [03:40.56]A short blog. 那可写不了两句 [03:42.04]You could write about your job. 你可以写写你的工作 [03:49.20]If I wrote a blog about my job and anyone at work ever read it... 如果我的博客是写我的工作,那些有工作的人看了 [03:51.40]- I mean, hello. - This is good. - 我说,算了吧 - 这太好吃了 [03:55.48]This is really good. 真的太好吃啦 [03:56.04]On top of which, the whole idea of writing a blog is to get away from what I do all day. 最重要的是,写博客和我成天做的事情完全风马牛不相及 [04:00.04]The way that cooking is a way that I get away from what I do all day. 烹饪是我逃避每天烦心事的途径 [04:02.72]So write a blog about cooking. 那你就写关于烹饪的博客 [04:09.00]I’m not a real cook, like Julia Child or Mario Batali. 我可不是像Julia Child或者Mario Batali那样真正的大厨 [04:12.24]Julia Child wasn’t always Julia Child. Julia Child也不是一开始就是大厨 [04:20.68]If I really wanted to learn to cook, 如果我真的想学烹饪 [04:23.28]I could just cook my way through Julia Child’s cookbook. 那我就照着Julia Child的烹饪书一路自学 [04:25.44]I could blog about that. 我能写学烹饪的博客 [04:28.48]I have a copy. I stole it from my mother last time I was in Texas. 我有一本她的书,上一回在德克萨斯的时候,我从我妈那偷的 [04:34.52]When I was eight, my father’s boss came to dinner and it was a really big deal, 我八岁时,我爸的老板来家里吃饭,那真的是件大事啊 [04:38.88]and my mother made boeuf bourguignon. 我妈做了红葡萄酒烩牛肉 [04:41.36]But it wasn’t just boeuf bourguignon. It was Julia’s boeuf bourguignon. 但这不仅仅是简单的红葡萄酒烩牛肉 那可是Julia的红葡萄酒烩牛肉 [04:46.52]And it was like she was there, like Julia was there in the room, 那就像Julia在场一样 [04:52.04]on our side like some great big good fairy. 就像童话里一样,在我们的家里 [04:59.28]And everything was going to be all right. 所有的一切都会好起来的 4[00:06.64]I’m gonna try to flip this thing over now, 我现在要把它翻个个儿了 [00:08.60]which is a rather daring thing to do. 这个活儿可要点胆量 [00:13.60]Before her, it was frozen food and can openers and marshmallows. 在她之前,只有冷冻食物和棉花糖 [00:14.28]She changed everything. 她改变了一切 [00:18.68]Don’t knock marshmallows. 你可别攻击棉花糖啊 [00:21.16]When you flip anything, 当你要翻东西时 [00:23.72]you’ve just got to have the courage of your convictions. 你必须得有勇气相信自己 [00:27.00]Especially if it’s a loose sort of mass like... 尤其要翻的东西是这么蓬松的一大坨 [00:33.20]That didn’t go very well. 进展的不是很顺利哪 [00:34.44]But, you see, when I flipped it, 但是,你看,但我翻个的时候 [00:37.04]- I didn’t have the courage I needed... - She’s so adorable. - 我没有足够的勇气 - 她实在太可爱了 [00:41.72]... the way I should’ve. 我本该多些勇气的 [00:00.00]by: 更多电影原声MP3尽在∮人∮人∮听∮力∮网∮ http://www.rrting.com/English/movie_mp3/ [00:44.32]But you can always put it together. 不过你总是能把东西再放到一块儿 [00:47.88]And you’re alone in the kitchen. Who’s to see? 只有你自己在厨房,神不知鬼不觉 [00:53.52]Pearls. The woman is wearing pearls in the kitchen. 珍珠,这个女人在厨房里也戴着珍珠项链 [00:56.16]... you’ve just got to practice, like the piano. 这个就是要勤加练习,就像弹钢琴 [01:00.84]I’m Julia Child. 我是Julia Child [01:01.48]Bon app閠it. 祝你有好胃口 [01:02.28]- Bon app閠it. - Bon app閠it. - 祝你有好胃口 - 祝你有好胃口 [01:06.08]Bon app閠it. 祝你有好胃口 [01:09.68]Julia Child is coauthor of the book Mastering the Art of French Cooking. Julia Child是《掌握法式料理的艺术》这本书的作者之一 [01:23.96]Bon app閠it. 祝你有好胃口 [01:25.64]"For the servantless American cook." That’s me, all right. “献给没有佣人的美国厨师”好了,就是我了 [01:35.60]Okay, here’s a problem. I’ve never eaten an egg. 好了,问题来了,我从不吃鸡蛋 [01:36.36]And I have a hyperacidic stomach. We’ll deal. 我胃酸过多,我们是一对 [01:41.96]So I’ll cook my way through the Julia Child cookbook 那我要照着Julia Child的烹饪书学烹饪 [01:44.16]and write a blog about it. 还要写个博客追踪报道 [01:48.24]- But I’ll probably need a deadline. - Why? - 但我可能得定个最后期限 - 为什么? [01:49.08]Because otherwise it’ll be like everything else I do. 因为不定期限的话,那下场会和我做的其他事情一样有头无尾 [01:52.92]’Cause let’s face it, I never finish anything. 诚实一点吧,我从没做成过任何事 [01:53.60]- Hey. - Well, it’s true. - 嘿 - 这是事实 [01:58.56]You know why I think it is? 你知道我为什么这么想吗? [01:59.32]- ADD. - You have ADD? - 因为我有注意缺陷障碍 - 你有注意缺陷障碍 [02:01.84]Yes. That’s why I’m so bad at housework. 不错,所以我不会做家务 [02:04.80]Oh, is that it? 哦,原来是这样啊 [02:07.72]I’m just saying, a deadline would be good. 我就说定个最后期限比较好 [02:08.52]So a deadline. "I love deadlines. 那就定一个,我喜欢期限 [02:11.80]"I love the sound they make as they go whooshing past." 我喜欢有个声音提醒自己时间呼呼地飞逝了 [02:13.96]- Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. - I mean it. - 一下子就消失在银河系了 - 我是认真的 [02:16.92]- Okay, so a year, or so. - A year? - 好吧,那就定个一年吧 - 一年? [02:21.64]This thing weighs like two pounds. 这家伙可有两磅重 [02:25.68]I have a full-time job. Sometimes I don’t get home until 8:00 or 9:00 and... 我有份全职工作,有时候晚上八九点都回不了家 [02:30.64]It’s crazy. It’s crazy. 这是妄想,是妄想 [02:32.56]- Is it crazy? - Yes. Yes. - 这是妄想吗? - 是,是妄想 [02:35.80]- Okay, you want to do Blog Z? - Yes. - 好了,你想写博客Z吗? - 对 [02:39.32]Blog Z it is. 那就博客Z吧 [02:44.08]Nobody here 这里没有别人 [02:47.48]but us servantless American cooks. 只有我们这些没佣人的美国厨师 [02:48.16]"Servantless American cooks." 没佣人的美国厨师 [02:53.32]- What do you think? - Love it. - 你觉得怎么样? - 我很喜欢 [02:58.68]"Start blogging." 开始写博客吧 [03:01.96]"The Julie/Julia Project." Julie/Julia工程 [03:02.08]The Book, Mastering the Art of French Cooking. 烹饪书《掌握法式料理的艺术》 [03:05.24]First edition, 1961 by Simone Beck, Louisette Bertholle, 第一版,于1961年由 Simon Beck Louisette Bertholle [03:11.80]and, of course, Julia Child, the woman who taught America to cook and to eat. 当然还有Julia Child编写出版 她教会了美国人烹饪和品尝食物 [03:16.28]It’s 40 years later and no one can touch her. 四十年已经过去了,至今仍没有一个人能和她比肩 [03:20.88]The Challenge, 365 days, 524 recipes. 挑战是:365天内照食谱做出524种菜肴 [03:27.20]The Contender, Julie Powell. 挑战者: Julie Powell [03:28.04]Government employee by day, renegade foodie by night. 白天是公务员,晚上是叛逆的美食家 [03:33.12]Risking her marriage, her job, and her cat’s well-being, 她置自己的婚姻,工作,还有猫的幸福于不顾 [03:35.16]she has signed on for a deranged assignment. 在一项让人精神错乱的任务书上签了字 [03:38.56]How far it will go, no one can say. 这到底能坚持多久呢,没人知道 [04:08.00]Dear Charlie, we’re settled in finally, and Julia loves it here. 亲爱的Charlie,我们终于在这儿安定下来了 Julie爱极了这儿 [04:10.64]She wants to stay forever. 她想永远呆在这儿 [04:15.16]You know how famously grouchy the French can be, dear brother. 亲爱的哥哥,你知道法国人的傲慢有多处名 [04:19.04]Everyone here is so delightful. 这真是太让人开心了 [04:21.60]But Julia brings out the best in a polecat. 但是 Julia能在这些臭屁猫身上发现优点 [04:23.16]So charming. 真迷人啊 [04:25.60]So she thinks they’re the most wonderful people in the world. 所以她觉得他们是世界上最好的人了 [04:29.96]I feel that I am French. 我觉得自己就是个法国人 [04:34.32]I just must be. 我肯定是 [04:40.68]Well, you might be. 好吧,你可能是吧 [04:44.16]As for staying here forever, I have to say, I wouldn’t mind it myself. 至于说要在这儿呆上一辈子 我得说我自己完全不介意 [04:51.00]And I’m so glad that you came, 你能来真是太好了 [04:53.08]- Thanks for coming. - I enjoyed it. - 谢谢你能来 - 我很喜欢 [04:53.84]- I can’t tell you. - It was a very nice show. - 我可以告诉你 - 这个展览真不错 [04:55.08]- Paul, congratulations. Excellent exhibit. - Thanks so much, Jack. - Paul,祝贺你,这是个很棒的展览 - 谢谢了,Jack [05:00.84]Jack Donovan, this is my wife, Julia. Jack Easacas,这是我的妻子, Julia 5[00:04.24]- It was such a wonderful exhibition, Paul. - Thank you. Thank you. - Paul,这个展览真的是太棒了 - 谢谢,谢谢 [00:10.40]- I am so proud of you. - Oh, good. - 我为你感到骄傲 - 哦,太好了 [00:14.96]French people eat French food! 法国人就得吃法国菜 [00:17.88]- Every single day! I can’t get over it. - They do. - 我每天都吃不腻 - 你的确不会腻 [00:25.32]You know I love you so much, I’m gonna let you take the first bite. 知道我有多爱你了吧,第一口都让给你了 [00:27.80]- That’s so good. - Before I even had... It’s good, is it? - 太好吃了 - 很好吃吧 [00:37.56]What should I do, do you think? 你觉得我该干点什么呢? [00:40.40]About what? 做什么? [00:42.88]I don’t really want to go back into government work. 我还真不太想回政府部门工作 [00:48.68]You know, but I... Shouldn’t I find something to do? 你觉得,我是不是该找点什么事做做? [00:53.68]These wives don’t do anything here. 这儿的妻子们什么都不做 [00:55.92]- That’s not me. It’s just not me. - I know. - 我可不能这样,我不是这种人 - 我知道 [01:01.60]I saw a notice on the bulletin board at the embassy 我在公告板上看到了一个广告 [01:03.28]for hat-making lessons. 是学做帽子的课程 [01:10.44]You like hats. 你的确喜欢帽子 [01:12.24]I do, I do. 我是喜欢 [00:00.00]by: 更多电影原声MP3尽在∮人∮人∮听∮力∮网∮ http://www.rrting.com/English/movie_mp3/ [01:15.44]I do. 我喜欢的 [01:21.40]What is it that you really like to do? 那你真正喜欢做什么呢? [01:25.56]Eat. 吃 [01:29.84]- It’s what I like to do. - I know, I know. I know. I know. - 我还真就喜欢吃了 - 我知道,知道 [01:32.04]- And you are so good at it. Look at you! - I am good at it. - 而且你还这么会吃,看看你自己 - 我是懂吃 [01:36.32]- Now. How good you are. - I’m growing in front of you. - 看看你现在气色多好 - 我在你眼皮底下就长壮了 [01:51.88]I was thinking of taking bridge lessons. 我在考虑上桥牌课 [01:55.16]- You like bridge. - I do. I like the idea of bridge. - 你是喜欢桥牌 - 我喜欢,我喜欢打桥牌的想法 [02:01.96]Four points for an ace, three points for a king, A得四分,K得三分 [02:03.84]two points for a queen, one point for a jack. Q得两分,J得一分 [02:06.28]And breast your cards. 再把你的牌贴在胸口 [02:10.60]Do you have any French cookbooks in English? 这儿有英文版的法式料理书卖吗? [02:15.56]- I’m afraid not. - Gosh. - 恐怕没有 - 天哪 [02:34.36]The salesperson. She... 售货员,她... [02:40.68]Had no idea... Because, you see, there is no French cookbook in English. 不懂我的话...因为你知道的 这儿没有英文版的法式料理书卖 [02:44.00]And all I have is this Joy of Cooking by Irma Rombauer, 我对Irma Romdeeer的烹饪乐趣着了迷 [02:49.16]which is an excellent, excellent cookbook, but it’s not French. 这真是本好书,非常棒的书,但不是法语的 [02:53.64]So I did ask my friend Avis De Voto 所以我的确问了我的朋友Avis De Vito [02:55.44]to look around in the United States to see if she could find... 在美国帮我找找看,有没有... [03:03.08]Right. Right. 好的,好的 [03:06.16]Gosh, I thought I was spea
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