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比较见高低nullnull比较见高低 Good or BetterSee Textbook Chapter 15null学生课堂演示 Warm-up Exercises 比较见高低 课堂作业 课后作业CONTENTSnull学生课后作业展示 Students’ Presentation(For 30minutes)null Students’ Presentation 3-6 students For 30 MinutesnullAnalysis of Homework After Presentationnull 庐山初识,匆匆五...
nullnull比较见高低 Good or BetterSee Textbook Chapter 15null学生课堂演示 Warm-up Exercises 比较见高低 课堂作业 课后作业CONTENTSnull学生课后作业展示 Students’ Presentation(For 30minutes)null Students’ Presentation 3-6 students For 30 MinutesnullAnalysis of Homework After Presentationnull 庐山初识,匆匆五十年矣。山城之聚,金陵之晤,犹历历如昨。别后音讯阔绝四十余年,诚属憾事。幸友谊尚存,两心相通。每遇客从远方来,道及夫人起居,更引起怀旧之情。近闻夫人健粒如常,颇感欣慰。 Two score and ten years have elapsed since our acquaintance at Mt. Lushan. Our gathering in Chongqing, the Mountain City and our meeting in Nanjing, the Stone City are still fresh in my mind as if they were occurrences only of yesterday. Much to our regret, we had been out of correspondence for forty odd years. Yet it is a comfort to us that we still retain friendship and mutual understanding. Every time a friend comes afar and mentions your daily life, I cannot refrain from recalling our old associations. It is a supreme comfort to me when I am informed that you are as healthy as ever.null令姐孙夫人生前,极为思念夫人。每每言及夫人爱国情切,必将致大力于中国之统一。孙夫人手足情深,亟盼生前能与夫人一晤;曾亲笔致函夫人,然未能如愿,终成遗憾。 Your honorable sister Madame Soong missed you intensely during her life-time. She, on many occasions, reiterated your ardent (热情的) patriotism and utter devotion to the reunification of China. Madame Soong always cherished a sisterly affection for you and retained a strong aspiration to have a reunion with you, for which she wrote you a letter. Yet she failed to fulfill her wish, which is a matter for regret. null尝读夫人之《我将再起》,思感殊多。回首当年,国难方殷,夫人致力全民抗战,促成国内团结,争取国际援助,弘扬抗日民气,救助难童伤病,厥功至伟。 I have had the honor to peruse细读 your work I Shall Rise Again , which provoked abundant reflections in me. In retrospect, when national calamities plagued China, you made commendable contributions by dedicating yourself to the war of Resistance Against Japan and the unity of all forces in China, by striving for the international assistance and enhancing the morale of the Chinese people in fighting against the Japanese aggressors and by helping to succor救助 the refugee children and wounded soldiers. null今人年事虽高,犹时时关心国家之强盛,民族之再起,于海峡两岸关系之缓和,亦多所推动。夫人谋国之忠,诚如令姐孙夫人所言,我极为钦佩! (摘自《邓颖超致宋美龄的信》1988年5月)Despite the fact that you are getting on in years, you still bear the prosperity of our country and the renaissance of our nation in mind, which promotes the alleviation缓和 of the relationship between the two sides across the Taiwan Strait .Your utter allegiance to our country is just as what your honorable sister Madame Soong had described ,which really and truly commands my admiration. (From Feng Qinghua A Practial Coursebook on Translation)Warm-up ExercisesWarm-up Exercisesnull春节又到,有钱飞机,没钱站票,望长城内外,大包小包。 2.人最精彩的不是实现梦想的瞬间,而是坚持梦想的过程。 3.爱一个人很难,恨一个人更难,又爱又恨的人最难。 4.世界上永远不可调和的矛盾有两种,一种是阶级矛盾,一种是婆媳矛盾。nullThe Spring Festival is arriving. The rich take plane while the poor just stand in the crammed compartment. The whole nation is moving with bags after bags. 2. The most splendid part for a person is not the instant to realize his dream, but the whole process to stick to his dream. 3. It is hard to love, and harder to hate, but the hardest to love and hate at the same time. 4. In this world, the two irreconcilable conflicts are the class conflict and that between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. 比较见高低 Good or Better比较见高低 Good or Betternull1.分析过滤 提高译文质量 2.比较中提高翻译水平CONTENTSnull原文译文 A 译文 B 译文 C ……译者最终满意的译文过滤剔除部分分析过滤 提高译文质量null 从上图看,比较多种不同的译本,有个过滤的过程。这个过程分为:理解、达和修辞三个层次。任何一篇文字的译文只有经过上述几个过滤过程后,才能看出译文的好坏。试比较:英译汉 Good or Better试比较:英译汉 Good or Betternull【例 1】What’s more, the female’s friends’ perceptions of the couple’s commitment and closeness also significantly predicted whether or not the pair would break up. 【译文A】而且,女方的朋友对双方的坦诚程度的评价极大程度上神料这对恋人是否会断交。 【译文B】另外,女方朋友对两人的互相爱慕程度和亲密程度的感受也能料定双方终将决裂。 【译文C】此外,女方朋友从情侣间互相倾情和亲密程度的感受,也能预料这对恋人终将分手。 试比较:英译汉 判断一段文字翻译的优劣,主要通过译文所用词语、语法、逻辑、修辞等几个方面考虑。上面三个译文中,通过用词对比,可以看出,【译文C】用词更准确贴切。null【例 2】 Because the process of cloning an adult animal is technically very complex and undertaken in highly sophisticated academic and commercial environments, it is a lay person(外行)to gain a practical grasp of what is involved in cloning what a clone is and how quickly the experts feel clones of adult mammals will be commercially routine. 【译文A】因为克隆一成年动物的过程从技术上说非常复杂,并且是在极为周密的学术和商业环境中进行的,局外人很难真正了解克隆的流程、克隆的含义以及专家们预计到底还要多久成年哺乳动物的克隆才可具商业价值。 null【译文B】因为克隆一成体动物的过程从技术上来说非常复杂,而且是在高度发达的学术和商业环境中运作的,局外人很难真实了解克隆的流程、克隆的内涵以及专家们认为还要多长时间克隆成年哺乳动物才能进入市场流通领域。 【译文C】因为从技术角度,克隆成体动物的过程非常复杂,并且是在高尖端的学术和商业环境下进行,局外人难以实际了解克隆的过程、克隆的真正意义,以及专家们认为把克隆成年哺乳动物转化商业价值的时间。 从句法结构,逻辑性、选词等角度比对后,【译文C】应当是较为准确的翻译。试比较:汉译英 Good or Better试比较:汉译英 Good or Betternull【例 1】探虚实 【译文A】Go and see what he’s doing now and keep me informed. 【译文B】 Now go to him again and bring me back news. 【译文C】 Go and see what he’s up to now. 试比较 上面的【译文A】和【译文B】都还可以,但短语“be up to”更强调 “搞鬼”之意, 所以【译文C】则更好。null【例 2】别有妙用 【译文A】I shall make good use of them. 【译文B】 I have good use for them. 【译文C】I shall use them for special purpose. 上面的【译文C】中的 “use them for special purpose” 作为“别有妙用”应当讲是确切生动。而【译文A】和【译文B】则没有确切表达汉语“别有妙用” 含义来。 null【例 3】弄出事来 【译文A】I’m in trouble. 【译文B】 He actually pulled this trick on me. 【译文C】He actually put me in trouble today. 上面的【译文A】译文呆板;【译文B】相对较好;【译文C】使用了put me in trouble 动态短语,同时,也符合汉语的语义,所以【译文C】则更好。null【例4】我们所做的每件事,都是朝某个方向迈出的一步。即便是失败,其实质也算是一种成就 --- 前进或后退。磁针负极和正极的运动同样真实。拒绝即是接受 --- 只是换一种选择罢了。 【译文A】 Everything that we do is a step in one direction or another. Even the failure to do something is in itself a deed, It sets us forward or backward. The action of the negative pole of a magnetic needle is just as real as the action of the positive pole. To decline is to accept --- the other alternative. 【译文B】 Everything that we do is a step to some direction. Even if we fail to do something, it is still an achievement, which sets us forward or backward. The moving of the negative pole of a magnetic needle is just as real as that of the positive pole. To decline is to accept --- it is just another choice.null 根据英语重形合和名词化的特征,我们可以看到,上面的【译文A】显得更加纯正和地道, 【译文B】则有点汉化,带有较明显的翻译痕迹,所以需要修改过滤。 null【例 5】 相比昨天,今天的你是否离港湾更近一些了呢?是的,—— 你一定离某个港湾更近了;因为,自从你驶入人生的海洋,你的航船便没有片刻的停歇;海洋是如此地深不可测,你根本无法找到抛锚停泊之处;因此,在驶入港湾之前,你是无法停下脚步。 【译文A】 Are you nearer to your port today than you were yesterday? Yes, — you must be a little nearer to some port or other; for since your trip was first launched upon the sea of life, you have never been still for a single moment; the sea is too deep, you could not find an anchorage if you would; there can be no pause until you come into port. null【译文B】 Are you closer to your port today than yesterday? Yes, — you must be a bit closer to a port; because since you started your voyage on the sea of life, you have never stopped for any moment; the sea is so deep that you could not find an point to anchor; therefore, you can not pause until you pull into a port. 首先,英语表示路途近时,near要比close更准确;另,“今天你是否离港湾更近一些”,是指“你”近了,而非today 和 yesterday这两个时间的对比;“because”语气太强,for 进行解释更准确。总之【译文A】明显要比【译文B】更完美。 比较中提高翻译水平 Compare & Improve比较中提高翻译水平 Compare & Improvenull 比较的最终目的在于学到有关翻译的真知灼见。因此,比较什么、如何比较以及比较之后得到了什么才是我们所要了解的主题。比较中提高翻译水平null 在比较两部或多部译作的时候,最好比较同一篇文章(小说、诗歌等)(如莎翁剧本,学习英译汉时,有比较吗?) 通过比照原文,反复推敲哪种译文表达准确、选词精彩、结构完美、修辞恰当、语言纯正,从而使自己从中悟出翻译的技巧、选词的技巧、组句的技巧,进而提高自身的语言技能。 null 德国大诗人歌德:鉴赏力不是靠观赏中等作品而是要靠观赏最好的作品才能培养成的。所以我之让你看最好的作品,等你在阅读最好的作品中打下牢固的基础后,你就掌握了衡量其他作品的标准。你的估价不至于过高,而是恰如其分。” null朱自清《荷塘月色》 沿着荷塘,是一条曲折的小煤屑路。这是一条幽僻的路;白天也少人走,夜晚更加寂寞。荷塘四面,长着许多树,蓊蓊(wěng)郁郁的。路的一旁,是些杨柳,和一些不知道名字的树。没有月光的晚上,这路上阴森森的,有些怕人。今晚却很好,虽然月光也还是淡淡的。 比较举例 01null朱纯深译文: Alongside the Lotus Pond runs a small cinder footpath. It is peaceful and secluded here, a place not frequented by pedestrians even in the daytime; now at night, it looks more solitary, in a lush, shady ambience of trees all around the pond. On the side where the path is, there are willows, interlaced with some others whose names I do not know. The foliage, which, in the moonless night, would loom somewhat frighteningly dark, looks very nice tonight, although the moonlight is not more than thin, grayish veil.null王椒升译文: A path paved with coal-dust zigzags along the lotus pond, so secluded as to be little frequented in the daytime, to say nothing of its loneliness at night. Around the pond grows a profusion of luxuriant trees. On one side of the path are some willows and other plants whose names are unknown to me. On moonless nights, the place has a gloomy, somewhat forbidding appearance. But on this particular evening, it had a cheerful outlook, though the moon was pale. null 文中“阴森森的”指上文中的“路的一旁,是些杨柳,和一些不知道名字的树”。盛夏时节,枝繁叶茂,在朦胧的月色中,这些树显得“阴森可怖‘,所以,王译的 “the place has a gloomy, somewhat forbidding appearance” 就显得不够准确,因为“forbidding appearance”意思是“严峻的面孔”,不如朱先生“The foliage, which, in the moonless night, would loom somewhat frighteningly dark” 的更能传达原意。因为,“foliage” 一词添加得很好,更能突现盛夏时节树木枝繁叶茂的情景;另外,loom somewhat dark也很传神,尤其是dark一词更是恰到好处。 比较分析 null 据说在公元八百年的时候,女皇武则天因百花中唯有牡丹未按她的旨意在雪天开放,因而龙颜大怒,将其逐出长安,流放到洛阳。 比较举例 02 【译文1】 It is said that in AD 800 the peonies, unlike the other flowers, disobeyed Empress Wu Zetian’s compand to bloom in the snow. In a rage she banished them from the imperial capital Chang’an to Luoyang.null 据说在公元八百年的时候,女皇武则天因百花中唯有牡丹未按她的旨意在雪天开放,因而龙颜大怒,将其逐出长安,流放到洛阳。 【译文2】 It is said that in AD 800 the peonies, unlike the other flowers, disobeyed Empress Wu Zetian’s compand to bloom in the snow, driving her into such a rage that she banished them from the imperial capital Chang’an to Luoyang.null 据说在公元八百年的时候,女皇武则天因百花中唯有牡丹未按她的旨意在雪天开放,因而龙颜大怒,将其逐出长安,流放到洛阳。 【译文3】 As the story goes, in AD 800 Empress Wu Zetian enraged that the peonies, unlike the other flowers, failed to bloom in the snow as she had decreed, banished them from the imperial capital Chang’an to Luoyang.null 据说在公元八百年的时候,女皇武则天因百花中唯有牡丹未按她的旨意在雪天开放,因而龙颜大怒,将其逐出长安,流放到洛阳。 【译文4】 In the year 800, as the story goes, of all the flowers ordered by Wu Zetian to bloom in the snow, peonies alone disobeyed and were therefore banished by the enraged empress from the imperial capital Chang’an to Luoyang.null 【原文】 There are basically three types of fits, namely, clearance fit, transition fit, and interference fit. In all cases of clearance fit, the upper limit of the shaft is always smaller than the lower limit of the mating hole. This is not the case in interference fit, where the lower limit of the shaft is always larger than the upper limit of the hole. The transition fit, as the name suggests, is an intermediate fit. According to ISO, the internal enveloped part is always referred to as the shaft, whereas the surrounding surface is referred to as the hole. From the fit point of view, a key is referred to as the shaft and keyway as the hole. 比较举例 03null 【07级学生01译文】基本上来说有3种模型,即间距装置、传送装置和阻碍装置。在所有的间距中,轴的上限往往比孔的下限要小。这在干扰装置中并不适用,它的轴下限往往比孔的上限要大。传送装置,正如其名,是一种中型装置。根据ISO,其内部常被称为轴,而外表面称为孔。从模型的角度看,关键部分被称为轴,而次要部分称为孔。null 【07级学生02译文】有3种基本的安置:间隙安置和介入安置。在间隙安置中,轴的下公差总是比孔的上公差要小。这不适合于介入式安置,在这种情况下,轴的下公差总是比孔的上公差要大。在过渡安置中就如名字一样,是一种两者之间的安置,根据ISO,撞到内部的部分一般称为轴。环绕着轴的则称为孔。从适合安装这个角度看,可以将轴比作是钥匙,空就是锁孔。 null 【张的译文】有三种基本的配合类型,即间隙配合、过渡配合和过盈配合(或称紧配合)。在所有的配合中,轴的上限总是比配合孔的下限小。过盈配合的情况完全相反,轴的下限总是大于配合孔的上限。而过渡配合,顾名思义是一种介于两者之间的配合。按照ISO的标准,安装在内部的被环抱的零件被称为轴,而环抱的面则被称为孔。从配合的角度来说,键可以称为轴,而键槽可以被称作孔。 null 【原文】Various types of gearing have been developed fro different purposes. If the shafts are parallel, any of three types of may be used: spur, helical, of herringbone. 比较举例 04【07学生01译文】不同的用途衍生发展出了各种各样的齿轮,若轴是平行的,直齿轮、斜齿轮和人字齿轮这三种均可用。【张的译文】已经开发出各种齿轮装置以适应不同的用途。如果两根轴相互平行,可以采用下列三种齿轮中的任何一种:直齿轮、斜齿轮和人字齿轮。 null 【原文】那僧便念咒书符,大展幻术,将一块大石登时变成一块鲜明莹洁的美玉,且又缩成扇坠大小的可佩可拿。那僧托于掌上,笑道:"形体倒也是个宝物了!还只没有实在的好处,须得再镌上数字,使人一见便知是奇物方妙。然后好携你到那昌明隆盛之邦、诗礼簪缨之族、花柳繁华地、温柔富贵乡去安身乐业。"比较举例 05null 【杨译文】 When they saw the pure translucent 半透明的 Stone which had shrunk to the size of a fan-pendant (装在项链等上的)垂饰, 坠儿, the monk took it up on the palm of his hand and said to it with a smile: “You look like a precious object, but you still lack real value. I must engrave some characters on you so that people can see at a glance that you’re something special. Then we can take you to some civilized and prosperous realm, to a cultured family of official status, a place where flowers and willows flourish, the home of pleasure and luxury where you can settle down in comfort.” null 【霍译文】 The monk, catching sight of a lustrous, translucent stone—it was in fact the rejected building block which had now shrunk itself to the size of a fan-pendant and looked very attractive in its new shape—took it up on the palm of his hand and addressed it with a smile: ‘Ha, I see you have magical properties! But nothing to recommend you. I shall have to cut a few words on you so that anyone seeing you will know at once that you are something special. After that I shall take you to a certain brilliant 灿烂的, 闪耀的, 有才气的 successful poetical 诗的, 理想化的 cultivated 耕耘的, 有教养的 aristocratic 贵族的, 贵族化的 elegant 文雅的, 端庄的, 雅致的 delectable 使人愉快的 luxurious 奢侈的, 豪华的 opulent 富裕的, 丰富的, 丰饶的, locality on a little trip.’null 【分析】由于上文中有一大段杨、霍二人均未翻译 (是何故?昔人以去,无从考究。是否二人有默契?或是相互借鉴了对方的译文),所以在翻译“那僧便念咒书符,大展幻术,将一块大石登时变成一块鲜明莹洁的美玉,且又缩成扇坠大小的可佩可拿。”这一句时,二人似乎都采用了同一手法,即:改译,将原文内容进行了修改后翻译。直接翻译成二人“看见”而非“将它变成”“鲜明莹洁的美玉”。两人在该译文中的唯一差别便是:霍在译文中增加了“it was in fact the rejected building block”这一补充解释,而杨没有增加。 即: null【杨译】When they saw the pure translucent 半透明的 Stone which had shrunk to the size of a fan-pendant 【霍译】The monk, catching sight of a lustrous, translucent stone—it was in fact the rejected building block which had now shrunk itself to the size of a fan-pendant.null杨译(整句话):When they saw the pure translucent 半透明的 Stone which had shrunk to the size of a fan-pendant (装在项链等上的)垂饰, 坠儿, the monk took it up on the palm of his hand and said to it with a smile 霍译(整句话):The monk, catching sight of a lustrous, translucent stone—it was in fact the rejected building block which had now shrunk itself to the size of a fan-pendant and looked very attractive in its new shape—took it up on the palm of his hand and addressed it with a smile.null 按照一般的翻译原则,我们翻译时应当尊重原文,不可过于显现译者而忽略原文作者。因此,“那僧便念咒书符,大展幻术,将一块大石登时变成一块鲜明莹洁的美玉,且又缩成扇坠大小的可佩可拿。那僧托于掌上,笑道”可以翻译为: chanting and scribbling some magic figures, the monk showed his magic power to change the stone into a pure translucent Stone, and then made it shrink to the size of a fan-pendant, after which he took it up on the palm of his hand and said to it with a smile / addressed it with a smile: 而就二人的翻译本身来讲,杨采用了复合句翻译,而霍则采用相对松散的结构,采用分词短语,并且对石头进行了补充说明和交代,指明该石就是被遗弃未用的那块具有灵性的石头。null 对于原文中"形体倒也是个宝物了!还只没有实在的好处,须得再镌上数字,使人一见便知是奇物方妙。"的翻译: 【杨译】“You look like a precious object, but you still lack real value. I must engrave some characters on you so that people can see at a glance that you’re something special. 【霍译】‘Ha, I see you have magical properties! But nothing to recommend you. I shall have to cut a few words on you so that anyone seeing you will know at once that you are something special.null 对比杨和霍就此句的翻译,我们可以看出杨采用了直译的方法,翻译得更准确,更贴切地在英语中再现了原文;而霍的翻译“I see you have magical properties”(我看到了你有魔法)似乎与原文不相符;同时,用意译法翻译“还只没有实在的好处”(But nothing to recommend you),表达也不甚明了。null 对于原文“然后好携你到那昌明隆盛之邦、诗礼簪缨之族、花柳繁华地、温柔富贵乡去安身乐业。”的翻译: 【杨译】Then we can take you to some civilized and prosperous realm, to a cultured family of official status, a place where flowers and willows flourish, the home of pleasure and luxury where you can settle down in comfort.” 【分析】原文中“昌明隆盛之邦、诗礼簪缨之族、花柳繁华地、温柔富贵乡”是并列的几个部分,但石头或许只能被带往一地,所以说如果在some civilized …realm, to a cultured …, a place …, the home of pleasure之间分别加上并列连词 “or”也许会更符合原文的语义。null 【霍译】After that I shall take you to a certain brilliant successful poetical cultivated aristocratic elegant delectable luxurious opulent locality on a little trip.’ 霍对于此句的翻译,则完全失去了章法,也许是对上述几个并列的词语不甚明白,而采用了word for word 的死译方法。这自然不是好的翻译。类似的西方汉学家对中国古典典籍的翻译错误也是非常常见。如:null 试比较英国汉学家理雅各(James Legge)和亚瑟·韦利(Arthur Waley)的《论语》翻译。如: 子曰:“巧言、令色、足恭,左丘明耻之,丘亦耻之……。”(《论语》公冶长第五) 【理雅各译】The Master said, “fine words, an insinuating appearance, and excessive respect; —— Zuo Qiuming was ashamed of them, I am also ashamed of them…” 【韦利译】 The Master said, “Clever talk, a pretentious manner and a reverence that is only of the feet ——Tso Ch'iu Ming Qiuming was incapable of stooping to them, and I too could never stoop to them…”null 根据张燕婴译注并由中华书局出版的《论语》,“巧言、令色、足恭”的现代汉语含义是“花言巧语、容貌伪善、十足地恭敬”。 对比理雅各和韦利对这一句的翻译,二人对“巧言”的翻译分别用“fine words”和“clever talk”,应该说无大的区别,基本上都是字对字的直译;对于“令色”的翻译,理雅各的“insinuating appearance”属于逐字对字的翻译,而韦利的“pretentious manner”则属于意译,总体上,二者都反映了汉语的原意。但是,在翻译“足恭”时,理雅各用了“excessive respect”,其中的“excessive”在LONGMAN Dictionary of contemporary English词典中解释的含义是“much more than is reasonable or necessary.”可见其正好符合汉语中“十足地”的含义,非常准确,且字对字,结构工整,独具匠心;而韦利的翻译“a reverence that is only of the feet”(唯一的对足的恭敬)则不着边际了,这主要是因为他对中文“足”字在这一特定语境下所展现的表层含义与深层含义的不统一缺乏了解,从而采用逐字翻译造成的。 null 所以,我们比较译文,就是要比照原文,反复推敲译文: 1.表达是否准确(从文化、专业等方面考证) 2.选词是否精彩 3.结构是否完美 4.修辞是否恰当 5.语言是否纯正 通过比较,从中提高语言素质、扩大专业知识、悟出翻译技巧、把握选词技巧、领悟组句技巧,进而提高翻译技能。 null课堂作业 Exercises in Classnull【练习1】绿草萋萋,白云飘飘,彩蝶翩翩,这日子是如此清新可爱;蜜蜂无言,春花不语,海波声歇,大地音寂,这日子是如此安静。然而并非安静,因为万物各以其特有的节奏,或动,或摇,或振,或起,或伏。 It was the day as fresh as grass growing and clouds going over and butterflies coming down can make it. It was the day compounded from silences of bee and flower and ocean and land, which were not silences at all, but motions, stirs, flutters, risings, fallings, each in its own time and matchless rhythm. null【练习2】中国将一如既往,与其他国家合作,为保护我们的生存环境,为人类的幸福和繁荣,为造福下一代而奋斗。 China will, as it always did, cooperate with other countries of the world and strive for the protection of the environment for human survival, for the happiness and prosperity of humanity, and for the benefits of our children.null【练习3】哈佛大学,不管他如何自命不凡,终究还是个学府胜地,在那里把问题看错了,无非丢脸而已,总不至于完蛋。 Harvard, despite its own estimate of itself, was ultimately an academic heaven where an error of interpretation could result only in a loss of face, not in extinction.null【练习4】小女孩的外婆送给她一顶红帽子,她走到哪儿都带着它,于是人们就叫她小红帽。 Then little girl’s grandmother sent her a red hat, which she wore wherever she went. Hence, she was called Little Red Hat. null【练习5】必须采取措施,改善投资环境,切实制止对企业乱摊乱排、乱收费的错误做法。 Measures to improve investment environment must be taken, and, above all, to check improper practices, such as burdening enterprises with extra expenses and collecting unreasonable fees from them. null【练习6】所有的美国人都被谆谆教导长大后要向“金钱与权力”看齐,而我却舍弃了明明是通往此的一步,这使他大为不解 He was puzzled that I did not want what was obviously a step toward what all Americans are taught to want when they grow up: money and power.null【练习7】她坐在那儿注视着,觉得眼前的景象,既是始终如一,又是变化多端,既是光彩夺目,又是朦胧黑暗,既是庄严肃穆,又是轻松愉快。 Sh
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