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辽宁石油化工大学应用化学专业英语 应用化学专业英语 主编 李琪 辽宁石油化工大学石油化工学院 本教材由 20段课文、20段辅助读物及作业组成,中英文对照,此外还有难 点注释、常见玻璃仪器名、化学化工缩略语、常见化合物的词头和词尾、常用化 学分子式、方程式及数学式的读法等附录。可供化学和应用化学专业的本科生作 为专业英语教材。 Text 1 CHEMISTRY AND CHEMIST 2 NOMENCLAT...
应用化学专业英语 主编 李琪 辽宁石油化工大学石油化工学院 本教材由 20段课文、20段辅助读物及作业组成,中英文对照,此外还有难 点注释、常见玻璃仪器名、化学化工缩略语、常见化合物的词头和词尾、常用化 学分子式、方程式及数学式的读法等附录。可供化学和应用化学专业的本科生作 为专业英语教材。 Text 1 CHEMISTRY AND CHEMIST 2 NOMENCLATURE OF INORGANIC COMPOUNDS 3 NOMENCLATURE OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS 4 INTRODUCTION TO CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT OF FLORIDA UNIVERSITY 5 ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION 6 ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENT MARKET 7 DETERMINATION OF BLOOD ALCOHOL WITH GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY 8 POLYMERS AND THEIR ADDITIVES 9 BIOCHEMISTRY AND ENZYME 10 PROCESS OF PREPARING A TEA PRODUCT (A PATENT) 11 FOOD IRRADIATION 12 CHEMISORPTION OF NITROGEN ON ZSM-5 ZEOLITE (A PAPER) 13 PREPARATION OF LEAD DIOXIDE ELECTRODE (A REVIEW) 14 COORDINATION CHEMISTRY 15 PRODUCTION OF COKE 16 FIRST CIRCULAR OF CONFERENCE AND CALL FOR PAPERS 17 INTERNET CHEMISTRY RESOURCES 18 SOME EXAMPLES OF CA 19 ADVERTISEMENT 20 A CONTRACT TO SELL ZINC FURTHER READINGS 01-20 APPENDIX 1-6 1 CHEMISTRY AND CHEMIST Without chemistry our lives would be unrecognisable, for chemistry is at work all around us. Think what life would be like without chemistry - there would be no plastics, no electricity and no protective paints for our homes. There would be no synthetic fibres to clothe us and no fertilisers to help us produce enough food. We wouldn’t be able to travel because there would be no metal, rubber or fuel for cars, ships and aeroplane. Our lives would be changed considerably without telephones, radio, television or computers, all of which depend on chemistry for the manufacture of their parts. Life expectancy would be much lower, too, as there would be no drugs to fight disease. Chemistry is at the forefront of scientific adventure, and you could make your own contribution to the rapidly expanding technology we are enjoying. Take some of the recent academic research: computer graphics allow us to predict whether small molecules will fit into or react with larger ones - this could lead to a whole new generation of drugs to control disease; chemists are also studying the use of chemicals to trap the sun’s energy and to purify sea water; they are also investigating the possibility of using new ceramic materials to replace metals which can corrode. Biotechnology is helping us to develop new sources of food and new ways of producing fuel, as well as producing new remedies for the sick. As the computer helps us to predict and interpret results from the test tube, the speed, accuracy and quality of results is rapidly increasing - all to the benefit of product development. It is the job of chemists to provide us with new materials to take us into the next century, and by pursuing the subject, you could make your positive contribution to society. Here are some good reasons for choosing chemistry as a career. Firstly, if you have an interest in the chemical sciences, you can probably imagine taking some responsibility for the development of new technology. New ideas and materials are constantly being used in technology to improve the society in which we live. You could work in a field where research and innovation are of primary importance to standards of living, so you could see the practical results of your work in every day use. Secondly, chemistry offers many career opportunities, whether working in a public service such as a water treatment plant, or high level research and development in industry. Your chemistry-based skills and experience can be used, not only in many different areas within the chemical industry, but also as the basis for a more general career in business. 1 As a qualification, chemistry is highly regarded as a sound basis for employment. You should remember that, as the society we live in becomes more technically advanced, the need for suitably qualified chemists will increase. Although chemistry stands as a subject in its own right, it acts as the bond between physics and biology. Thus, by entering the world of chemistry you will be equipping yourself to play a leading role in the complex world of tomorrow. Chemistry gives you an excellent training for many jobs, both scientific and non-scientific. To be successful in the subject you need to be able to think logically, and be creative, numerate, and analytical. These skills are much sought after in many walks of life, and would enable you to pursue a career in, say, computing and finance, as well as careers which use your chemistry directly. Here is a brief outline of some of the fields chemists work in: Many are employed in the wealth-creating manufacturing industries - not just oil, chemical and mining companies, but also in ceramics, electronics and fibres. Many others are in consumer based industries such as food, paper and brewing; or in service industries such as transport, health and water treatment. In manufacturing and service industries, chemists work in Research and Development to improve and develop new products, or in Quality Control, where they make sure that the public receives products of a consistently high standard. Chemists in the public sector deal with matters of public concern such as food preservation, pollution control, defence, and nuclear energy. The National Health Service also needs chemists, as do the teaching profession and the Government’s research and advisory establishments. Nowadays, chemists are also found in such diverse areas as finance, law and politics, retailing, computing and purchasing. Chemists make good managers, and they can put their specialist knowledge to work as consultants or technical authors. Agricultural scientist, conservationist, doctor, geologist, meteorologist, pharmacist, vet ... the list of jobs where a qualification in chemistry is considered essential is endless. So even if you are unsure about what career you want to follow eventually, you can still study chemistry and know that you’re keeping your options open. What Do Chemistry Graduates Do? Demand for chemists is high, and over the last decade opportunities for chemistry graduates have been increasing. This is a trend that is likely to continue. Chemistry graduates are increasingly sought after to work in pharmaceutical, oil, chemical, engineering, textile and metal companies, but the range of opportunities also spans the food industry, nuclear fuels, glass and ceramics, optical and photographic industries, hospitals and the automotive industry. Many graduates begin in scientific research, development and design, but over the years, about half change, into fields such as sales, quality control, management, or consultancy. Within the commercial world it is recognised that, because of the general training implicit in a chemistry course, chemistry graduates are particularly adaptable and analytical - making them attractive to a very broad spectrum of employers. There has been a growth of opportunity for good chemistry graduates to move into the financial world, particularly in accountancy, retail stores, and computer software houses. Homework Write a composition (300-400 words) titled "Chemistry around Us". 2 NOMENCLATURE OF INORGANIC COMPOUNDS Naming elements The term element refers to a pure substance with atoms all of a single kind. At present 107 chemical elements are known. For most elements the symbol is simply the abbreviated form of the English name consisting of one or two letters, for example: oxygen = O nitrogen = N magnesium = Mg Some elements, which have been known for a long time, have symbols based on their Latin names, for example: iron = Fe (ferrum) copper = Cu (cuprum) lead = Pb (Plumbum) A few elements have symbols based on the Latin name of one of their compounds, the elements themselves having been discovered only in relatively recent times 1 , for example: sodium = Na (natrium = sodium carbonate) potassium = K (kalium = potassium carbonate) A listing of some common elements may be found in Table 1. Table 1 Names of Some Common Elements Symb ol Name Symbol Name Symbol Name Ag Silver Co Cobalt Ni Nickel Al Aluminium Cr Chromium O Oxygen As Arsenic Cu Copper P Phosphorus Au gold F Fluorine Pb Lead B boron Fe Iron Pd Palladium Ba Barium H Hydrogen Pt Platinum Bi Bismuth Hg Mercury S Sulfur Br Bromine I Iiodine Se Selenium C Carbon K Potassium Si Silicon Ca Calcium Mg Magnesium Sn Tin Cd Cadmium Mn Manganese Ti Titanium Ce Cerium N Nitrogen U Uranium Cl Chlorine Na Sodium Zn Zinc Naming Metal Oxides, Bases and Salts A compound is a combination of positive and negative ions in the proper ratio to give a balanced charge and the name of the compound follows from names of the ions, for example, NaCl, is sodium chloride; Al(OH)3 is aluminium hydroxide; FeBr2 is iron (II) bromide or ferrous bromide; Ca(OAc)2 is calcium acetate; Cr2(SO4)3 is chromium (III) sulphate or chromic sulphate, and so on. Table 3 gives some examples of the naming of metal compounds. The name of the negative ion will need to be obtained from Table 2. Table 2 Some Common Negative Ions Name Symbol Name Symbol Nitrate NO3 - Nitrite NO2 - Carbonate CO3 2- Sulphite SO3 2- Sulphate SO4 2- Phosphite PO3 3- Phosphate PO4 3- Arsenite AsO3 3- Hydrogen sulphate HSO4 - Hydrogen sulphite HSO3 - Hydrogen carbonate HCO3 - Hypo-chlorite ClO - Arsenate AsO4 3- Cyanide CN - Iodate IO3 - Iodide I - Chlorate ClO3 - Fluoride F - Chromate CrO4 - Chloride Cl - Dichromate Cr2O7 2- Bromide Br - Perchlorate ClO4 - Sulphide S 2- Permanganate MnO4 - Oxide O 2- Acetate OAc - Hydride H - Oxalate C2O4 2- Hydroxide OH - Negative ions, anions, may be monatomic or polyatomic. All monatomic anions have names ending with -ide. Two polyatomic anions which also have names ending with -ide are the hydroxide ion, OH - , and the cyanide ion, CN - . Many polyatomic anions contain oxygen in addition to another element. The number of oxygen atoms in such oxyanions is denoted by the use of the suffixes -ite and -ate, meaning fewer and more oxygen atoms, respectively. In cases where it is necessary to denote more than two oxyanions of the same element, the prefixes hypo- and per-, meaning still fewer and still more oxygen atoms, respectively, may be used, for example, Naming Nonmetal Oxides The older system of naming and one still widely used employs Greek prefixes for both the number of oxygen atoms and that of the other element in the compound 2 . The prefixes used are (1) mono-, sometimes reduced to mon-, (2) di-, (3) tri-, (4) tetra-, (5) penta-, (6) hexa-, (7) hepta-, (8) octa-, (9) nona- and (10) deca-. Generally the letter a is omitted from the prefix (from tetra on ) when naming a nonmetal oxide and often mono- is omitted from the name altogether. hypochlorite ClO - Chlorite ClO2 - chlorate ClO3 - perchlorate ClO4 - Table 3 Names of Some Metal Oxides, Bases and Salts Formula Name FeO iron(II) oxide ferrous oxide Fe2O3 iron(III) oxide ferric oxide Sn(OH)2 tin(II) hydroxide Stannous hydroxide Sn(OH)4 tin(IV) hydroxide stannic hydroxide Hg2SO4 mercury(I) sulphate Mercurous sulphate HgSO4 mercury(II) sulphate Mercuric sulphate NaClO sodium hypochlorite K2Cr2O7 Potassium dichromate Cu3(AsO4)2 copper(II) arsenate cupric arsenate Cr(OAc)3 Chromium(III) acetate Chromic acetate The Stock system is also used with nonmetal oxides. Here the Roman numeral refers to the oxidation state of the element other than oxygen. Table 4 Names of Some Nonmetal Oxides Formula Name CO carbon(II) oxide Carbon monoxide CO2 carbon(IV) oxide Carbon dioxide SO3 sulphur(VI) oxide Sulphur trioxide N2O3 nitrogen(III) oxide Dinitrogen trioxide P2O5 Phosphorus(V) oxide Diphosphorus pentoxide Cl2O7 chlorine(VII) oxide Dichlorine heptoxide In either system, the element other than oxygen is named first, the full name being used, followed by oxide 3 . Table 4 shows some examples. Naming Acids Acid names may be obtained directly from a knowledge of Table 2 by changing the name of the acid ion (negative ion ) in the Table as follows: Ion in Table 2 Corresponding Acid* -ate -ic -ite -ous -ide -ic Examples are: Acid Ion Acid acetate acetic acid perchlorate perchloric acid bromide hydrobromic acid cyanide hydrocyanic acid *There are a few cases where name of the acid is changed slightly from that of the acid radical; for example, H2SO4 is sulphuric acid rather than sulphic. Similarly, H3PO4 is phosphoric acid rather than Phosphic. Naming Acid and Basic Salt and Mixed Salts A salt containing acidic hydrogen is termed an acid salt. A way of naming these salts is to call Na2HPO4 disodium hydrogen phosphate and NaH2PO4 sodium dihydrogen phosphate. Historically, the prefix bi- has been used in naming some acid salts; in industry, for example, NaHCO3 is called sodium bicarbonate and Ca(HSO3)2 calcium bisulphite. Bi(OH)2NO3, a basic salt, would be called bismuth dihydroxynitrate. NaKSO4, a mixed salt, would be called sodium potassium sulphate. Homework Write the English names of the following chemicals Formula English name Formula English name NaOH HCl KOH H2SO4 Ca(OH)2 HOAc HgCO3 HClO (NH3)2SO4 FeSO4 AgCl P2O5 MnO NaSH H3PO4 Cu(NO3)2 Cr(NO3)3 3 NOMENCLATURE OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS A complete discussion of definitive rules of organic nomenclature would require more space than can be allotted in this text. We will survey some of the more common nomenclature rules, both IUPAC and trivial. Alkanes The names for the first twenty continuous-chain alkanes are listed in Table 1. Table 1 NAMES OF CONTINUOUS-CHAIN ALKANES CH4 Methane C11H24 undecane C2H6 Ethane C12H26 dodecane C3H8 Propane C13H28 tridecane C4H10 Butane C14H30 tetradecane C5H12 Pentane C15H32 pentadecane C6H14 Hexane C16H34 hexadecane C7H16 Heptane C17H36 Heptadecane C8H18 Octane C18H38 Octadecane C9H20 Nonane C19H40 Nonadecane C10H22 Decane C20H42 Eicosane Alkenes and Alkynes Unbranched hydrocarbons having one double bond are named in the IUPAC system by replacing the ending -ane of the alkane name with -ene. If there are two or more double bonds, the ending is -adiene, -atriene, etc. Unbranched hydrocarbons having one triple bond are named by replacing the ending -ane of the alkanename with -yne. If there are two or more triple bonds, the ending is -adiyne, -atriyne etc. Table 2 shows names for some alkyl groups, alkanes, alkenes and alkynes. Table 2 Some Alkanes, Alkyl, Alkenes, Alkynes Alkanes Alkyls Alkenes alkynes IUPAC Common Methane Methyl Acetylene Ethane Ethyl Ethene Ethylene Propane Propyl Propene Propylene Propyne Butane Butyl Butene Butylene Butyne Pentane Pentyl (amyl) Pentene Pentylene Pentyne Hexane Hexyl Heptane Heptyl Octane Octyl Nonane Nonyl Decane Decyl -ane -yl -ene -ene -yne The Prefixes In the IUPAC system, alkyl and aryl substituents and many functional groups are named as prefixes on the parent (for example, iodomethane). Some common functional groups named as prefixes are listed in Table 3. In simple compounds, the prefixes di-, tri-, tetra-, penta-, hexa-, etc. are used to indicate the number of times a substituent is found in the structure: e.g., dimethylamine for (CH3)2NH or dichloromethane for CH2Cl2. In complex structures, the prefixes bis-, tris-, and tetrakis- are used: bis- means two of a kind; tris-, three of a kind; and tetrakis-, four of a kind. [(CH3)2N]2 is bis(dimethylamino) and not di(dimethylamino). Table 3 Some Functional Groups Named as Prefixes Structure Name -OR Alkoxy- * -NH2 Amino- -N=N- Azo- -Br Bromo- -Cl Chloro- -F Fluoro- -H Hydro- -I Iodo- -NO2 Nitro- -NO Nitroso- * methoxy-, ethoxy-, etc., depending upon the R group Nomenclature Priority of Functional Groups In naming a compound, the longest chain containing principal functional group is considered the parent. The parent is numbered from the principal functional group to the other end, the direction being chosen to give the lowest numbers to the substituents. The entire name of the structure is then composed of (1) the numbers of the positions of the substituts (and of the principal functional group, if necessary); (2) the names of the substituts; (3) the name of the parent. The various functional groups are ranked in priority as to which receives the suffix name and the lowest position number 1 . A list of these priorities is given in Table 4. Ketones In the systematic names for ketones, the -e of the parent alkane name is dropped and -one is added. A prefix number is used if necessary. In a complex structure, a ketone group my be named in IUPAC system with the prefix oxo-. (The prefix keto- is also sometimes encountered.) Table 4 Nomenclature Priority * Structure Name -N(CH3)3 + (as one example) Onium ion -CO2H Carboxylic acid -SO3H Sulfonic acid -COX Acid halide -CONR2 Amide -CN Nitrile -CHO Aldehyde -CO- Ketone ROH Alcohol ArOH Phenol -SH Thiol -NR2 Amine -O-O- Peroxide -MgX (as one example) Organometallic > C=C< alkene -Cº C- alkyne R-, X-, etc. other substituents * Highest priority is at top. Alcohols The names of alcohols may be: (1) IUPAC; (2) trivial; or, occasionally, (3) conjunctive. IUPAC names are taken from the name of the alkane with the final -e changed to -ol. In the case of polyols, the prefix di-, tri- etc. is placed just before -ol, with the position numbers placed at the start of the name, if possible, such as, 1,4-cyclohexandiol. Names for some alkyl halides, ketones and alcohols are listed in Table 5. Table 5 Some Alkyl halides, Ketones and Alcohols Alkyl halides, Halides Ketones Alcohols IUPAC COMMON Chloromethane Methyl chloride Methanol Bromoethane Ethyl bromide Ethanol Fluropropane Propyl fluoride Acetone Propanol Iodobutane Butyl iodide Butanone Butanol Pentanone Pentanol -one -ol Table 6 Names for Some Ethers and Amines Ethers Amines COMMON IUPAC COMMON IUPAC Dimethyl ether 1-methoxy-propane Methylamine Aminomethane Methyl ethyl ether 2-ethoxy-pentane Diethyl amine 2-amino-butane Ethoxy-cyclo-Hexane Ethyl-methyl amine Dimethyl aminoethane Ethers Ethers are usually named by using the names of attached alkyl or aryl groups followed by the word ether. (These are trivial names.) For example, diethyl ether. In more complex ethers, an alkoxy- prefix may be used. This is the IUPAC preference, such as 3-methoxyhexane. Sometimes the prefix- oxa- is used. Amines Amines are named in two principal ways: with -amine as the ending and with amino- as a prefix. Names for some ethers and amines can be found in Table 6. Carboxylic Acids There are four principal types of names for carboxylic acids: (1) IUPAC; (2)trivial; (3)carboxylic acid; and (4)conjunctive. Trivial names are commonly used. Aldehydes Aldehydes may be named by the IUPAC system or by trivial aldehyde names. In the IUPAC system, the -oic acid ending of
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