

2012-02-25 12页 doc 584KB 564阅读




麦当劳加盟申请表 为确保申请流程的准确与效率,请在正式填写申请表前回答以下问题: 是 否 1、您了解目前特许经营方式是转让一家已在营运中的成熟麦当劳餐厅,不需要您自己选地址。 是 否 2、您了解申请流程中必须接受9-10个月的全职训练(或更长时间的兼职训练)和评估,而且必须是您本人参加训练。 是 否 3、您是否愿意将麦当劳作为唯一的事业,并在经营期内全职对餐厅的日常工作全力以赴。 是 否 4、个人拥有至少200万现金或等同现金的股票,债券、房屋等可以变现的资产。 是 否 5、你了解我们可以申请特许经营的城市有:无锡、宜兴、苏州、吴江、常...
为确保申请流程的准确与效率,请在正式填写申请表前回答以下问: 是 否 1、您了解目前特许经营方式是转让一家已在营运中的成熟麦当劳餐厅,不需要您自己选地址。 是 否 2、您了解申请流程中必须接受9-10个月的全职训练(或更长时间的兼职训练)和评估,而且必须是您本人参加训练。 是 否 3、您是否愿意将麦当劳作为唯一的事业,并在经营期内全职对餐厅的日常工作全力以赴。 是 否 4、个人拥有至少200万现金或等同现金的股票,债券、房屋等可以变现的资产。 是 否 5、你了解我们可以申请特许经营的城市有:无锡、宜兴、苏州、吴江、常熟、常州、张家港、昆山和南京。 1. Personal Information (个人信息)  * 表示必填信息 English Name 英文姓名 * Chinese Name 中文姓名 Maiden Name or any Alternate Names Used 婚前名或曾用名 * Place of Birth 出生地点 * Date of Birth 出生年月 * Sex 性别 男   女  Passport No 护照号码 * I.D. Card No. 身份证号码 * Home Tel. No. (with area code) 住宅电话号码 (包括区号) * Personal Mobile 个人移动电话号码 * Personal Email address : 个人电子邮件地址: * Current home address:   目前的家庭住址: Previous home address:   前家庭住址: * Nationality (including any dual nationality): 国籍(包括任何双重国籍): Former Nationality (if any): 之前国籍(如有的话): Marital Status (select one) 婚姻状况 (选一个) Single/Never Married 未婚 Separated 分居 Married 已婚 Divorced 离婚 Widowed 丧偶 Spouse 配偶   English Name 英文姓名 Chinese Name 中文姓名 Place of Birth 出生地点 Date of Birth 出生年月 I.D. Card No. 身份证号码 Occupation (if not working, last occupation) 职业 (如目前无工作, 请列出最后的职业) Employer (if not working, last employer) 雇主 (如目前无工作,请列出最后的工作单位) Present Residential Address 目前居住地址 Child 儿女  + English Name Chinese Name 中文姓名 Place of Birth 出生地点 Date of Birth I.D. Card No. 身份证号码 Occupation (if not working, last occupation) 职业 (如目前无工作,请列出最后的职业) Employer (if not working, last employer) 雇主 (如目前无工作,请列出最后的工作单位) 2. Education ( 教育背景)  Type of School 学校  Name, address and phone number of school/university 学校名称,电话号码和地址  Subject 专业  From -To 起止时间  Degree? Y / N 是/否有学位? (请列出)  Certificate # 证书编号  Secondary School 中学 Y   N  Vocational School 职校/技校 Y   N  University 大学 Y   N Other Courses  + 其他进修课程 Y   N HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Hidden.1 Scholarship obtained  + 所获奖学金 Y   N HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Hidden.1 Other Professional Qualifications  + 其他专业资质 Y   N HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Hidden.1 3. Business Experience(商业) Present occupation目前职业状况: * Position职位: * Dates employed起始日期: * Company公司名称: * Address地址: * Telephone number电话: Fax number传真: Website address网址: Describe duties, number of employees supervised 描述工作职责及所管理的员工数量: Previous business experience (List most recent first.) 过去的商业经验(从最近的开始) * Have you ever owned your own business or franchise? If so, explain. 是否曾拥有自己的生意或特许经营店? 如是,请介绍: * Have you ever had a business failure? If so, explain 是否曾经历生意经营失败? 如是,请介绍: 4. Miscellaneous Information(其他) * The flexibility to relocate may be required。 To which general geographic area(s)would you be willing to relocate for a restaurant opportunity 可以前往特许经营之县市/省 (请依个人意愿依先后顺序填写) List any hobbies, community activities, special interests or other pertinent information 列出您的嗜好、常参加的小区活动、特别兴趣或其它相关的信息 * Are you related by blood or marriage to any officer of McDonald‘s China是否有亲戚在麦当劳任职? 是 否 * Have you ever worked in a McDonald‘s restaurant?If so, where and when?您曾在麦当劳餐厅工作过吗?如果是,何时?在哪家餐厅? * Have you ever applied for a McDonald‘s franchise? If so, where and when?您曾经申请参加麦当劳特许经营吗?如果是,何时? 5. Please list at least 2 references. We may contact them for further information regarding your information (请列出至少两位最能评估您过去的表现与实力的人士。本公司在必要时可能会与他们联络,以进一步了解您的情况) * 姓名 Name * 单位 Company * 职位 Position * 关系 Relationship * 联系电话 Telephone 6. PERSONAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT/个人资产状况 (Significant Property Holdings and Business Interests.(所拥有的较大价值的财产以及从事的其他商业活动)  INCOME STATEMENT FOR 12 MONTH PERIOD ENDING 截至 年 月,12个月期间的收入状况  Salary, wages, bonus, commissions 工资、奖金、佣金 RMB $  Dividends, interest 股息、利息  Other income - specify source, e.g., business profits (self-employed), trust, etc. 其他收入,列出具体来源,如自有生意的利润、信托投资收益等 * TOTAL 总额 RMB $ Please provide details on the following asset verification schedules schedule numbers in parentheses) 请提供以下资产清单 . Assets/资产 RMB $ Liabilities/负债 RMB $  Cash on hand and in banks 现金及银行存款总额 RMB $  Loans/notes/accounts payable 借款/票据/应付款 RMB $  Vested profit sharing 分得的利润 RMB $  Real estate mortgages 不动产抵押 RMB $  Securities, Bonds/debentures 证券和债券 RMB $  Other debts or obligations 其他负债或义务 RMB $  Notes, accounts and mortgages receivable 票据、应收款 RMB $      Real estate-current market value 不动产-市场现值 RMB $      Net value of business interests 自有生意的净值 RMB $      Other-automobiles and other personal property, etc. 其他-汽车和其他动产 RMB $ * Total liabilities/总负债 RMB $ * Total assets/总资产 RMB $  Net Worth/净资产 RMB $ 7. Please answer the following (请回答以下问题) 7.1 CIVIL/CRIMINAL LITIGATION AND REGULATORY MATTERS/民事诉讼刑事诉讼和其他法律事项 * Have you, your spouse, or any business concern you ever controlled, were employed by, served as an officer or director of, or had an ownership interest in, ever been arrested or charged with any crime or offense (other than minor traffic violations)? If yes, provide the following information with regard to any indictment, information, accusation, summons, complaint, arrest or conviction below. /您、您的配偶或您曾控制、受雇、任董事或高级管理职位或持有所有人权益的任何商业组织是否曾被捕、被控刑事犯罪或违法(轻微之交通违章事件除外) * Have you, your spouse, or any business concern you ever controlled, were employed by, served as an officer or director of, or had an ownership interest in, been a plaintiff or defendant in any civil matter in a court of law (including debt collection matters or bankruptcy proceedings) or been the subject of a judgment? If yes, provide the details below. / 您、您的配偶或您曾控制、受雇、任董事或高级管理职位或持有所有人权益的任何商业组织是否曾作为任何民事审判(包括债务追偿和破产程序)的原告或被告或者是一项判决的被执行方? * Has a bankruptcy petition ever been filed for you, your spouse, or any business concern you ever controlled, were employed by, served as an officer or director of, or had an ownership interest in? If yes, provide the details below, including the name of the petitioner, the date of the petition and where that petition (jurisdiction) was filed/是否曾发生针对/您、您的配偶或您曾控制、受雇、任董事或高级管理职位或持有所有人权益的任何商业组织的破产申请?如果是,请提供细节,包括申请人、申请时间和地点(管辖地)。 * Have you ever been involved with non-routine governmental inquiries, investigations, criminal proceedings, regulatory or enforcement actions in any country? If so, please explain in detail, providing all relevant dates and a description of the reason(s) for the investigation or proceeding, the conduct alleged, the names and addresses of the persons involved, the name and nationality of the investigating or law enforcement entity, the result of the investigation or proceeding, including any penalties imposed, any ongoing legal disabilities imposed, and any other relevant information (use additional sheets as necessary)/您是否在任何国家曾受到非常规的政府询问、调查、刑事程序,监管或强制措施?.如是,请详细解释,提供所有有关的日期和关于该等调查或措施的原因、受质疑的行为、涉及人员的名字和地址、调查或执法机关的名称和所属国、调查或措施的结果,包括给予的处罚、持续有效的法律限制,以及如何其他有关信息(如有需要请使用额外的纸张)。 7.2 U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and Local Anti-Corruption Laws/美国海外反腐败法和当地反腐败法律 * Are you aware of the requirements of the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and international or local anti-bribery laws? /您是否了解美国海外反腐败法和国际或国内的反贿赂法律? * Have you ever offered, promised, or received requests for payments of any kind, gifts, or unreasonable entertainment of or from government officials or employees? If yes, please describe the circumstances of the offer, promise or request and how you responded to it/您是否曾提出或承诺或被要求对政府官员或雇员给予任何形式的给付、礼物或不合理的招待?如是,请描述提出或承诺或被要求的情形以及你如何回应该等要求。 * Have you ever been involved in a violation (either alleged, charged, investigated or indicted) of the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, any national anti-bribery law or been investigated and/or debarred by the World Bank or government entity? If yes, explain/您是否曾涉及违反美国海外反腐败法或任何国家的反贿赂法或受到世界银行或政府机构调查和/或禁制?如是,请解释. * Please indicate if you or any of your immediate family can be categorized as one or more of the following (“Immediate family” means parents, brothers, sisters, children and each of their spouses): a current or former official or employee of a national, provincial or local government or government entity; a current or former official of a political party; a current or former candidate for public office; a current or former employee, director or manager of any state-controlled or state-owned enterprise. (State-controlled and state-owned enterprises include any business that is owned or controlled by any national, provincial or local government.); a current or former employee or official of a public international organization, such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations, the Asian Development Bank and the European Union; or a current or former official with any consulting, ceremonial or titular positions for any government entity. If yes, please provide the name of the person holding the position and dates and position held/请陈述您或您的任何直接家庭成员(指父母、兄弟、姐妹、子女及其各自的配偶),以及是否可归类为:国家、省或地方政府或政府部门的现任或前官员或雇员;政党的现任或前官员;公职的现在或前候选人;国有或国家控制的企业的现任或前雇员、董事或经理 (国有或国家控制的企业包括国家、省或地方政府拥有或控制的任何商业组织);公共国际组织如世界银行、国际货币基金组织、联合国、亚洲开发银行和欧盟的现任或前雇员或官员;或任何政府机构的顾问性、名誉或名义职位的现任或前官员。若是,请提供任职者的名字和任职的日期和职位。 * Have you, any business concern you ever controlled, or directors/shareholders of any business concerns you controlled contributed to the campaign of a political candidate? If so, please name the candidate, the amount contributed and the dates of all contributions made within the past 10 years/您或您所控制的商业组织或其董事或股东是否曾经向任何政治候选人捐款?如是,请列出该候选人的名字、过去十年内所有捐款的金额和日期。 * Please list any other background information that might indicate a relationship with or connection (present and past) to a government or state owned entity, political entity or international organization about which you feel we should be aware/请列出其他您认为我们应该了解的、任何可能涉及与政府或国有机构、政治组 织或国际组织的关系或联系的背景资料。 _1379456027.unknown _1379456060.unknown _1379456076.unknown _1379456084.unknown _1379456088.unknown _1379456090.unknown _1379456091.unknown _1379456089.unknown _1379456086.unknown _1379456087.unknown _1379456085.unknown _1379456080.unknown _1379456082.unknown _1379456083.unknown _1379456081.unknown _1379456078.unknown _1379456079.unknown _1379456077.unknown _1379456068.unknown _1379456072.unknown _1379456074.unknown _1379456075.unknown _1379456073.unknown _1379456070.unknown _1379456071.unknown _1379456069.unknown _1379456064.unknown _1379456066.unknown _1379456067.unknown _1379456065.unknown _1379456062.unknown _1379456063.unknown _1379456061.unknown _1379456044.unknown _1379456052.unknown _1379456056.unknown _1379456058.unknown _1379456059.unknown _1379456057.unknown _1379456054.unknown _1379456055.unknown _1379456053.unknown _1379456048.unknown _1379456050.unknown _1379456051.unknown _1379456049.unknown _1379456046.unknown _1379456047.unknown _1379456045.unknown _1379456036.unknown _1379456040.unknown _1379456042.unknown _1379456043.unknown _1379456041.unknown _1379456038.unknown _1379456039.unknown _1379456037.unknown _1379456031.unknown _1379456033.unknown _1379456034.unknown _1379456032.unknown _1379456029.unknown _1379456030.unknown _1379456028.unknown _1379455995.unknown _1379456011.unknown _1379456019.unknown _1379456023.unknown _1379456025.unknown _1379456026.unknown _1379456024.unknown _1379456021.unknown _1379456022.unknown _1379456020.unknown _1379456015.unknown _1379456017.unknown _1379456018.unknown _1379456016.unknown _1379456013.unknown _1379456014.unknown _1379456012.unknown _1379456003.unknown _1379456007.unknown _1379456009.unknown _1379456010.unknown _1379456008.unknown _1379456005.unknown _1379456006.unknown _1379456004.unknown _1379455999.unknown _1379456001.unknown _1379456002.unknown _1379456000.unknown _1379455997.unknown _1379455998.unknown _1379455996.unknown _1379455979.unknown _1379455987.unknown _1379455991.unknown _1379455993.unknown _1379455994.unknown _1379455992.unknown _1379455989.unknown _1379455990.unknown _1379455988.unknown _1379455983.unknown _1379455985.unknown _1379455986.unknown _1379455984.unknown _1379455981.unknown _1379455982.unknown _1379455980.unknown _1379455971.unknown _1379455975.unknown _1379455977.unknown _1379455978.unknown _1379455976.unknown _1379455973.unknown _1379455974.unknown _1379455972.unknown _1379455963.unknown _1379455967.unknown _1379455969.unknown _1379455970.unknown _1379455968.unknown _1379455965.unknown _1379455966.unknown _1379455964.unknown _1379455489.unknown _1379455959.unknown _1379455961.unknown _1379455962.unknown _1379455960.unknown _1379455492.unknown _1379455493.unknown _1379455958.unknown _1379455491.unknown _1379455487.unknown _1379455488.unknown _1379455485.unknown _1379455486.unknown _1379455484.unknown _1379455482.unknown
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