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Ugly Betty第一季13集

2012-03-16 32页 doc 201KB 39阅读




Ugly Betty第一季13集看 Ugly Betty 学英语第一季 13集: Previously on "ugly betty"... previously: 以前(预先) “丑女贝蒂”前情提要… -Daniel: Hello? 喂? -Betty: Hi, Daniel. It's Betty. Look, I need to talk to you about Sofia. 嗨,Daniel。我是Betty。听着,我要跟你谈谈关于Sofia的事。 -Daniel: Perfect timing. I just proposed. ...
Ugly Betty第一季13集
看 Ugly Betty 学英语第一季 13集: Previously on "ugly betty"... previously: 以前(预先) “丑女贝蒂”前情提要… -Daniel: Hello? 喂? -Betty: Hi, Daniel. It's Betty. Look, I need to talk to you about Sofia. 嗨,Daniel。我是Betty。听着,我要跟你谈谈关于Sofia的事。 -Daniel: Perfect timing. I just proposed. perfect: 完美的 timing: 时机 propose: 求婚 真巧,我刚向她求婚。 -Betty: Christina, it was all a lie! lie: 谎言 Christina,一切都是谎言! -Christina:What are you talking about? talk about: 谈论,讲 你在说什么? -Betty: Sofia set him up from the beginning. She used Daniel to get her cover story. set up: 建立,安排,准备 from the beginning: 从一开始 cover: 封面 Sofia从一开始就对他设下了圈套,她利用Daniel来促成她的封面故事! -Sofia: From fling to ring in 60 days. Thank you for being such a good sport. fling: 结露水情缘,短暂的欢好 a good sport: 堂堂正正的好人,讨人喜欢的人 60天从陌路到婚姻。谢谢你,你真是个好“搭档”。 -Alex: I fully intend to take over the company sooner rather than later. fully: 完全地 intend to: 打算 take over: 接管 rather than: 与其…倒不如… 我打定主意接管公司,而且是越快越好。 -Betty: You manipulated me and you lied to my face about Daniel. I quit.Where's Daniel? manipulate: 利用 to one’s face: 当面 quit: 辞职 你欺骗了我,当着我的面对Daniel的事情撒了谎。我不干了!Daniel在哪儿? -Marc: He disappeared. disappear: 消失 他消失了。 -Ignacio: Look, mija , I know you're upset about leaving that big New York job, But you have to eat something. mija: 【亲爱的,宝贝】 upset: 不高兴的,心烦的 have to: 必须,不得不 亲爱的,听着,我知道你因为离开纽约的好工作很伤心,但是你总得吃点什么。 -Betty: I never should have taken that stupid position at Sofia’s magazine. I should've just stayed at "mode". stupid: 愚蠢的 position: 职位,职务 mode: 风尚,流行 我不该接受Sofia杂志社那个愚蠢的职位。我应该一直留在《风尚》。 -Justin: Yeah, Aunt Betty. I miss the swag. aunt: 姨妈 swag: 赃物 是的,Betty姨妈。我想念那些“黑货”。 -Hilda: Okay. Is there a sign on my forehead that says, "crap here"? sign: 标志,标记 forehead: 前额 crap: 废物 好吧,我的额头上有写着“废物”两个字吗? -Ignacio: What's the matter with you? 你怎么啦? -Hilda: There's been an HerbaLux recall. They're pulling all the products just 'cause some housewives in Secaucus lost all their hair. recall: 召回 product: 产品 ‘cause: =because,因为 housewife: 主妇 有一批HerbaLux草本产品要召回。就因为在Secaucus一些主妇头发掉光了,他们要召回所有的产品。 -Ignacio: Why don't they just change what they put in their shampoo? shampoo: 洗发水 为什么他们不更换香波里的成分? -Hilda: They were using the hand cream. The F.D.A. Is recalling the whole line. I don't have a job anymore! hand cream: 护手霜 F.D.A.: Food and Drug Administration,美国食品药品管理局anymore: (不)再 也用在护手霜里了。食品药品管理局要召回所有产品。我失业了! -Betty: Are you serious? serious: 认真的 你说真的? -Justin: Maybe Oprah can adopt us. adopt: 收养 也许Oprah(著名主持人)可以收养我们。 -Ignacio: Wait a minute. I use that hand cream. 等等,我也在用那种护手霜。 -Hilda: Ay, what am I going to do? I have bills, car payments... These nails… they don't just happen. bill: 账单 payment: 付款 nail: 指甲 happen: 发生 唉,我该怎么办?我要付账单,车费…还有这些指甲…这些可都是要花钱的。 -Betty: I know how you feel. When I left "mode"… mode: 风尚,流行 我知道你的感受。我离开《风尚》的时候… -Hilda: Ay, Betty! Please. Enough with the "when I left 'mode'"! Okay? This is totally different. HerbalLux was all I had. enough: 足够的,充足的 totally: 完全地 嘿,Betty!求你了。别再提“我离开《风尚》的时候”了!知道吗?这根本不是一回事。 HerbaLux是我的一切。 You…you already have another job. already: 已经 你…你已经有了另一份工作。 -Boss: Betty, that 4-top wants chips. Now. chip: 薯片 Betty,四号桌要薯片。快去。 -Betty: You're right. Sometimes I forget how lucky I am. forget: 忘记 lucky: 幸运的 你说得对有时候,我都忘了自己有多么的幸运。 -Man: I’ve got e-mails, voice mails, phone records and the location of the wrecked car… e-mail: 电子邮件 voice mail: 语音邮件 record: 记录,录音 location: 位置 wreck: 失事,毁坏的 我找到了电子邮件,语音邮件,电话记录,还有损毁的车的下落。 Everything you'd need to put Bradford away for Fey Sommers' death. $1 million. death: 死亡 所有你可以用来将Fey Sommers的死栽赃到Bradford头上的资料。我要一百万。 -Alex: Do I look like I’m made of money? look like: 看起来像 make of: 由…做成 我长得像是印钞票的吗? -Man: Frankly, lady, I don't know what you look like, but that figure's nonnegotiable. Oh, and you got 24 hours. frankly: 坦白地(说) lady: 女士,小姐 nonnegotiable: 没商量,不可谈判的 说实话,女士,我不知道你长什么样,但价钱没得商量,哦,你有24小时的时间去准备。 -Alex:Leaves a bit of a stench, doesn't he? stench: 臭气 他满身都是铜臭味儿,不是吗? -Wilhelmina: He still has what we've been looking for. look for: 寻找,希望得到 但是他还是有我们想要的东西。 -Alex:You do realize that once I hand over the money, we need to be ready for an immediate takeover. realize: 了解 hand over: 交出,交付 ready for: 准备好做某事 immediate: 即刻的 takeover: 接管 你应该明白,一旦我交了钱,我们就得准备好马上接管公司。 You could be editor in chief of "mode" as soon as Monday. editor in chief: 主编,总编辑 editor: 编辑 chief: 主要的 mode: 风尚,流行 到了周一,你就能当上《时尚》的主编。 If there's anybody at that magazine you can't trust, it's time to fumigate. trust: 相信 fumigate: 以烟熏消毒 如果杂志社有你无法信任的人,是时候让他们消失了。 -TV: I only used it once, and I woke up looking like this! I’m getting married on Saturday. wake up: 醒来 get married: 结婚 我只用了一次,醒来就成了这个样子!周六我就要结婚了。 -Hilda: Hey, he's still marrying you with that nose. Bald is not going to make that much of a difference. bald: 秃头的 difference: 差别,差异 嗨,尽管你鼻子长成这样,他还是要娶你。秃头不会有什么不同的。 -Betty: I’m not sure you need another one of these. 我怀疑你是真的还要一份这个。 -Hilda: I’m done. I’m done. Let's just go home. Can you help me fake a resume? fake: 假的 resume: 简历 我吃饱了,饱了,咱们回家吧。你能帮我编个简历吗? -Betty: Well, I would, but I was planning on going into the city. Daniel's coming home from Rio tomorrow, plan: 好吧,但我打算进城一趟。Daniel明天要从里约热内卢回来了, and I thought the least I could do was stock his fridge and pick up his dry cleaning. least: 至少 stock: 采购 fridge: 冰箱 pick up: 安排接取【拿取】 dry cleaning: 干洗 我想至少我可以去填满他的冰箱,去拿他干洗的衣服。 -Hilda: Why? You're not his assistant anymore. assistant: 助理 anymore: (不)再 为什么?你不再是他的助理了。 -Betty: I know. I just... None of this would've happened if it wasn't for me. I’m the one who pushed him to propose to Sofia. propose: 求婚 我知道。如果不是因为我的话一切都不会发生。是我导致他向Sofia求婚的。 I just want to make coming home a little easier for him. 我只想让他回家会省事些。 -Hilda: Betty, you're such a good person. You have a chip in your hair. person: 人 chip: 薯片 Betty,你真是个好人。你头发上有片薯片。 -Marc: Mm, thank you. Very nice. Very nice. Very nice. Oh, Scotty! Scotty: 苏格兰的一种野狗,苏格兰人 嗯,谢谢你。很好。很好,很好。哦,苏格兰佬! -Christina: What are you doing, you paisley-wearing worm? paisley: 佩斯利旋涡纹图案 wearing: 穿着的 worm: 虫,蠕虫 你干嘛呢?你这个穿着佩斯利呢子的小混混? -Marc: Yearbook committee. yearbook: 年鉴 committee: 委员会 年鉴委员会。 -Marc: Robyn in styles? style: 风格,样式,设计 设计部的Robyn? -Wilhelmina: Oh, she's got a good eye for vintage. I need her for the layouts. She stays. vintage: 酒 layout: 安排 哦,她对葡萄酒的年份很有研究。我需要她排版,她得留下了。 -Marc: By the way, when you move into Daniel’s office, I am not sitting in Betty's old chair. This bum don't slum. by the way: 顺便说 bum: 屁股 slum: 屈就,过贫民生活 顺便提一句,你搬去Daniel办公室的时候,我不要坐在Betty旧椅子上。我的屁股可不愿意屈就。 -Wilhelmina: Hmm. That's not what I heard. Next. 我听到的可不是这样。下一个。 -Marc: Christina. Christina。 -Wilhelmina: I will need a talented seamstress. talented: 有才能的 seamstress: 裁缝 我需要一个有才能的女裁缝师。 -Marc: Her work is impeccable. impeccable: 无瑕疵的 她的工作是无可挑剔的。 -Wilhelmina: I can't understand a word she's saying. understand: 明白,理解 可她说的话我一个字都听不懂。 -Marc: 'Ave a crumpet , guv'nor. So annoying. ‘Ave: 万福玛利亚 crumpet: 一种松脆的圆饼 guv’nor: 【(苏格兰方言)老板】 annoying: 讨厌的,恼人的 老伴(板),来个送病(松饼)吧。(苏格兰方言)真是烦人。 -Wilhelmina: But then again, she's the only one on the planet who knows my real measurements. then again: 而且,其次,还有 planet: 行星 measurement: 尺寸 还有,她是地球上唯一一个知道我真实尺寸的人。 -Marc: So... 那么… -Wilhelmina: Question mark. question mark: 问号 question: 问题 mark: 标记 待定吧。 -Marc: And next... 下一个… -Wilhelmina: Afuwiedersehen, Amanda. afuwiedersehen: 【(苏格兰方言)再见】 再见,Amanda。 -Marc: Of course. Unless... of course: 当然 unless: 除非 当然,除非… -Wilhelmina: She's Daniel’s girl. What has she ever done for me? She leaves when he leaves. leave: 离开 他是Daniel的女人。她有为我干过什么吗?他走人时,她也得走。 -Marc: Right, but she could… 是的,但是她可以… -Wilhelmina: You're going to miss your little beard. How cute. No. Next. beard: 胡须 cute: 可爱的 你会想念你的朋友。真可爱。不行。下一个。 -Marc: Willie... Daniel broke her heart. She's not loyal to him. She's just working her way up the ladder. break one’s heart: 【伤某人的心】 loyal : 忠心的 ladder: 梯子 Willie…Daniel伤了她的心。她不再对他忠诚了。她只是在干好自己的工作。 -Wilhelmina: But until she proves her loyalty to me, she's out. prove: 证明 loyalty: 忠心 除非她能证明对我的忠心…不然她出局了。 -Reporter: And speaking of disasters, it’s time for our daily dose of Daniel. Still no sign of recently dumped playboy Daniel Meade. speak of: 谈到,提到 disaster: 灾难 daily: 每日的 sign: 迹象 recently: 最近,近来 dump: 丢弃 playboy: 花花公子,纨绔子弟 说到灾难,又到了每日必提的Daniel时间了。还是没有这个刚刚被甩的花花公子Daniel Meade的消息。 Rumor has it he's in Brazil, licking his wounds... and anything else that walks by. Meanwhile his ex Sofia Reyes was seen… rumor: 传言 lick: 舔 wound: 创伤 walk by: 从…旁边经过,走过 meanwhile: 同时 ex: 前女友 有传言说他在巴西舔他的伤口…还有他经历的一切。同时他的前女友Sofia Reyes被看见… -Betty: God , what died in here? Aah! Daniel! 天哪,有什么东西死在里面了吗?啊…Daniel! -Daniel: Hey. 嗨。 -Betty: So... How's Rio? 那么…里约热内卢怎么样? -Daniel: Un, it’s Buenos. 呃,是布宜诺斯。 -Betty: I can't believe you never went to Rio. You sent me a postcard, like, every other day. believe: 相信 postcard: 明信片 every other day: 每隔一天 我简直不敢相信,你根本没去里约热内卢。你每隔一天就寄我一封明信片。 "Weather’s beautiful. I’m doing great. Hey, gotta go. It's lambada time. " weather: 天气 beautiful:极好的,很好的,美丽的 gotta: =got to,have to lambada: 兰巴达(巴西一种贴身舞) “天气很好。我也很好。我得走了。要去跳兰巴达了(巴西一种贴身舞)。” -Daniel: What did you want me to write? "I’m hiding underneath bed, curled up in the fetal position. Wish you were here?" underneath: 在下面 curl: 卷曲 fetal:胎儿 position: 姿势 那你希望我写什么?“我躲在床底下,像个孩子一样缩成一团,多希望你能在这里?” -Betty: Ugh, Daniel, please. Nobody cares what happened. Look, I know you're in pain, okay? care: 注意,在乎 pain: 痛苦 呃,别这样,Daniel。没人在意发生了什么。听着,我知道你现在很痛苦,好吗? But you can't hide from the world forever. Next week is fashion week, and the magazine needs you. hide: 藏匿 forever: 永远 fashion: 时尚 magazine: 杂志 但是你不能永远躲起来不见人。下周是时装周,杂志社需要你。 -Daniel: Look at you. 看看你。 -Betty: What? 什么? -Daniel: Fashion week. Five months ago, you thought Cavalli was a kind of pasta. pasta: 面团,意大利面食 时装周。五个月之前,你还以为Cavalli是一种意大利面。 -Betty: Yeah, so did you. 是的,你那时也一样。 -Daniel: We've both come a long way, huh? How are things at "M. Y. W. "? You learning a lot from... her? come a long way: 远道而来【经历很多困难】 我们两个人都经历了很多,对吧?你在M.Y.W.过得如何?跟…她学到了很多东西? -Betty: Yeah, well, I couldn't work for her after what she did to you, so... I quit. quit: 辞职 好吧,她那样对你所以我不能为她工作,我辞职了。 -Daniel: You did? Well, would it be really childish of me to high-five you right now? childish: 幼稚的 high-five: 举手击掌 right now: 立刻,马上 你辞职了?如果我现在想和你击掌欢呼,会显得我很小孩子气吗? Yeah. You know, Betty, if I ever go back to "mode," maybe... You… I don't know… maybe you could come back with me? go back to: 回去 mode: 风尚,流行 真好。Betty,如果我回到《风尚》杂志…也许…也许你可以和我一起回去? -Betty: you serious? Yeah. Wait, but you already have an assistant. serious: 严肃的,认真的 already: 已经 assistant: 助理 你说真的吗?等等,你已经有一个助理了。 -Daniel: No, you let me handle Amanda. I’m still the editor in chief. I can have two assistants. Right? handle: 解决 editor in chief: 主编,总编辑 editor: 编辑 chief: 主要的 不,我来解决Amanda的事。至少我还是总编。我可以有两个助理。对吗? -Betty: You're really into this high-five thing, aren't you? be into: 对…深感兴趣,喜欢 你真的很喜欢击掌欢呼,对吧? -Daniel: Yeah. 好极了。 -Betty: Good morning! 早上好! -Justin: Good morning. 早上好。 -Ignacio: Good morning. 早上好。 -Betty: Ooh, your famous cupcakes. famous: 著名的 cupcake: 纸杯蛋糕 哦,你著名的纸托蛋糕。 -Justin: Here are for my teacher. 是给我老师的。 -Ignacio: Kid's getting a "D" in math. Time to kiss butt. math: 数学 kiss ass: 拍马屁 kiss: 亲吻 butt: 屁股 他数学考试拿了个“D”。是时候拍拍老师的马屁了。 -Justin: Thank you. Mom! Are you driving me, or what? 谢谢你。妈妈!你开车送我么? -Hilda: Okay, I got four different interviews today. Which one? interview: 面试 好了,我今天有四个不同的面试该穿那一套? -Justin: I think I’m taking the bus. 我想我还是坐公车吧。 -Hilda: Fine. Bye. Okay, you guys. What do you think? 好,再见。好吧,伙计们,哪个好? -Betty: Well, they're both very nice. 它们都不错。 -Ignacio: Sweetheart, you have intelligence , ambition. You don't need to resort to this. sweetheart: 亲爱的人,甜心 intelligence: 智力 ambition: 抱负,雄心 resort to: 采取,诉诸于 亲爱的,你很聪明,又有上进心。你不需要靠这个。 -Hilda: Look at my resume? resume: 简历 看看我的简历。 -Both: the purple one. purple: 紫色的 紫色的。 -Hilda: Thank you. 谢谢你们。 -Ignacio: Hey! Father in the room. Father in the room. 嘿!老爸还在屋里,老爸还在呢。 -Hilda: Hey, have they filled that position at burrito king yet? fill: 填补,充任 position: 职位 burrito: 面卷饼,玉米卷饼,玉米馅饼 嗨,墨西哥煎饼店的工作有人了吗? -Betty: Hilda, trust me. You are way too good to be the chip chick. trust: 相信 chip: 薯片 chick: 年轻女子,少妇 Hilda,相信我。你有能力,不需要去当薯片女郎。 -Hilda: I bet you're excited to go back to "mode" huh? bet: 断言,肯定 excited: 兴奋的,激动的 go back to: 回去 mode: 风尚,流行 我敢说回到《风尚》你很激动,对吗? -Betty: Yes! I missed it so much the excitement, the people. Well, some of the people. A few of the people. Okay, Christina. miss: 想念 excitement: 兴奋,激动 是的!我很想念那里,那种兴奋感,还有那些人。好吧,一部分人。那么几个人。好吧,只有Christina。 -Hilda: And that Henry guy? 还有那个叫Henry的那个人? -Betty: Yeah, we haven't even spoken since the Christmas party. Christmas: 圣诞节 圣诞派对后,我们就没有说过话了。 -Hilda: It's probably for the best. I bet you he's one of those Wall Street types… $100 haircuts, dating 10 girls at once. probably: 也许,大概,很可能的 Wall Street: 华尔街 type: 类型 haircut: 理发 date: 约会 也许这样最好。我敢说,他是那种华尔街有钱人类型的…一百美元剪个头发,一次约会十个女人。 -Betty: No. That's not Henry 不,Henry不是那种人。 -Hilda: But Walter? Now he's a guy you could settle down with. settle down: 过安定生活,使平静下来 但是Walter呢?现在,他是那种可以让你安定下来的人。 -Betty: So how do I know if I’m settling down, or if I’m just settling? Hilda... Nipple. nipple: 乳头 那我怎么知道我是正在安定下来,或者不过是想得过且过?Hilda…乳突。 -Hilda: I know. 我知道。 -Old lady: I’m so sorry. 我替你难过。 -Betty: Okay, boss. Ready to... Oh, no. 好了,老板。该去…噢,不。 -Daniel: I don't think I can do this. I mean, what if I run into her at work? We're in the same building, Betty. what if: 如果…会怎么样 run into: 偶然遇见 at work: 在工作中 building: 建筑物,楼房 我觉得我办不到。如果我在工作中碰到她怎么办?Betty,我们在同一幢大楼。 -Betty: So you run into her, and it sucks, and it's weird, and you keep going, and I’ll be there if you need me. Come on. suck: [俚语]令人厌恶,极为讨厌,糟糕的 weird: 古怪的,怪异的 come on: 来吧 如果你碰到她,是很倒霉,很尴尬,你就继续前进,如果你需要我,我就在你身边,来吧。 Now can we discuss this cheek to tan? discuss: 讨论 cheek: 脸 tan: 晒成棕褐色 跟我讲讲,你的脸怎么弄黑的? -Daniel: What? I was supposed to be in Rio for two weeks. be supposed to: 应该 怎么啦?我可是应该在里约热内卢呆了两周。 -Betty: You look like an Oompa Loompa. 你看起来像Oompa Loompa。(电影《查理和巧克力工厂》里制作巧克力的小人) -Betty: Okay, what floor are we on now? 好吧,我们到几楼了? -Daniel: Uh, 3rd. Only 25 to go. 三楼了,只剩二十五层要爬了。 -Betty: Daniel, come on. This is crazy! You're not going to run into Sofia on the elevator. come on: 别这样 crazy: 疯狂的 run into: 偶然遇见 elevator: 电梯 Daniel 得了吧,这太疯狂了。你不会在电梯里遇到Sofia的。 -Daniel: This isn't about Sofia. It's about getting your heart pumping. You can do it. pump: 抽水,打气 这与Sofia无关,这是为了强壮心脏,你能做到的。 -Betty: Just go. Save yourself. save: 拯救 你走吧,悠着点。 -Amanda: You do know he's coming back, right? 你知道他要回来了,是吗? -Wilhelmina: It's been two weeks, and nothing. If there's going to be a new issue on the stand next month, issue: 期刊号 stand: 收货处,摊 已经两周了,什么消息也没有。如果下个月还要发新的一期杂志, someone's gotta be editor in chief around here. gotta: =got to,have to,必须 editor in chief: 主编,总编辑 editor: 编辑 chief: 主要的 那就得有人在这里做主编。 -Marc: Ca-caw! Ca-caw! Ca-caw. 呜哇!(乌鸦叫声)呜哇!呜哇。 -Wilhelmina: What are you squawking about? squawk: [俚语]大声抱怨,大发牢骚 你在怪叫什么? -Marc: It's our secret bird code. secret: 秘密 code: 密码 这是我们的秘密鸟语密码。 -Wilhelmina: What secret bird code? 什么秘密鸟语密码? -Marc: Oh, wait. I’m doing that with someone else. Daniel's back! 噢,等等,这是我跟别人的密码。Daniel回来了! -Both: What?! 什么?! -Daniel: Hey, everyone. 嗨,各位。 -All: Daniel! Daniel! -Amanda: you look good! It’s been forever, huh? forever: 极长的一段时间 你看起来真棒!你去了好久,对吧? -Marc: Wow, I can't believe it! believe: 相信 哇,真不敢相信! -Amanda: I can't believe it's been so long. 真不敢相信已经过了那么久。 -Wilhelmina: Uh, fabulous tan! fabulous: [口语]极好的,极妙的 tan: 晒成棕褐色 嗯,漂亮的古铜色! -Marc: Did you get something done? 已经没事了吗? -Amanda: What'd you bring us back from Brazil? 你从巴西给我们带礼物了么? -Betty: Surprise! surprise: 惊奇,令人吃惊的事物 惊喜! -Marc: We should hit it with a bat, see if candy falls out. bat: 球棒,棒子 candy: 糖果 咱们应该拿个棒子敲敲,看会不会有糖果掉出来。(嘲笑Betty是墨西哥人庆祝生日时用的pinata) -Daniel: I have two assistants now, actually assistant: 助理 actually: 实际上,事实上 基本上说,我现在会有两个助理。 -Amanda: But I’m in charge, right? in charge: 主管,负责 但是我是主管的,对吗? -Daniel: It's more of a partnership, really. partnership: 合作 更确切的说,应该是合作。 -Amanda: Exactly... I’m in charge. exactly: 完全的,确实的 当然了…我是主管的人。 -Daniel: When one of you is busy, the other one can just pick up the slack. It’ll be great. pick up: 拿起 slack: 放松,偷懒 一个人忙的时候,另一个可以放松一下。不是很好吗。 -Amanda: Totally get it. In charge. So do you want to go over your messages? totally: 完全地 go over: (仔细)检查,浏览 message: 留言 完全明白。我主管。那么,你要处理一下你的留言吗? -Daniel: Uh, sure. Five minutes? Actually, I’d love a coffee and a bagel. Thanks a whole bunch. bagel: 百吉饼,硬面包圈 bunch: 群,伙 嗯,当然好,五分钟后?事实上我想要杯咖啡和一个甜面包圈,非常感谢。 -Amanda: He'd love a coffee and a bagel. Thanks a whole bunch. 他想要杯咖啡和一个甜面包圈,非常感谢。 -Hilda: Well, if anything does open up, I’m always available. Okay, well, keep me in mind. I’m a very fast learner and a… open up: 打开 available: 可用的 keep in mind: 记住 learner: 学习者,初学者 如果你们需要人,我随时待命。好吧,记住我吧,我学东西很快而且… The position's already been filled? position: 职位,职务 already: 已经 fill: 填充 空缺已经有人了? -Boss: In two hours. Everyone wants to be chip chick. chip: 薯片 chick: 年轻女子,少妇 两小时之内就有了。每个人都想当薯片女郎。 -Machine beeps: Yeah, Ms. Suarez... We looked at your resume and unfortunately…Hi, Hilda. This is Mrs. Simmons from P. S. 350. resume: 简历 unfortunately: 不幸地 Suarez小姐,我们看了你的简历,非常遗憾…嗨,Hilda。我是P.S.350的Simmons女士。 Thank you again for those cupcakes. Tell your father they're amazing. I’d pay money for them. cupcake: 纸杯蛋糕 amazing: 令人惊奇的【极好的】 再次谢谢你的纸托蛋糕。请转告你的父亲,它们真好吃。我会付钱的。 -Amanda: So I’ve sorted your mail according to three categories…people who are kissing your ass, sort: 分类 mail: 邮件 according to: 根据,按照 category: 种类 kiss ass: 拍马屁kiss: 亲吻 ass: 屁股 我将你的邮件分为三类…拍你马屁的人, people whose asses you should be kissing and people whose asses are, like , huge. huge: 巨大的 你该讨好的人,还有你的仰慕者们(美女)。 Oh, and here are your periodicals... Oh! Uh, no. Not this one. Uh, not this one either. Uh... I’m going to go fire the mail room. periodical: 期刊 fire: 解职,解雇 mail room: 邮件收发室 这是你的杂志…噢,这本不是。这本也不是。呃…我要炒了收发室那家伙。 -Betty: One onion bagel, slightly toasted, light cream cheese. onion: 洋葱 bagel: 百吉饼,硬面包圈 slightly: 轻微的 toast: 烤面包 cream: 奶油 cheese: 奶酪 一个洋葱甜面圈,稍微烤了下,低脂奶酪。 I don't know if you know this, but the space underneath your desk is very good for hiding in the fetal position. space: 空间 underneath: 在下面 hide: 躲藏 fetal: 胎儿的 position: 姿态,姿势 我不清楚你是否知道,但是你的桌底下的空间,可以让你像婴儿一样藏起来。 I can stand guard if you want to give it a try. guard: 保卫 如果你想试试,我可以帮你放哨。 -Daniel: I’m…I’m fine, Betty. 我…我没事,Betty。 -Betty: Okay, then…There is a swimsuit casting session at 10:00. I’m assuming you want to go. swimsuit: 泳衣 session: 会议,活动 assume: 认为 好吧,那么…十点有个泳衣展示会,我想你会愿意去。 -Daniel: Wilhelmina can take that. Wilhelmina会负责的。 -Betty: What? Daniel, no. You love casting sessions. Hot… Big boobs. cast: 安排 hot: 身材好的,性感的 boob:(俚)女性的乳房 什么?不,Daniel。你喜欢展示会。性感女人…大胸部。 -Daniel: Please don't ever say "boobs" again. I’ve just…I’ve been gone for a few weeks. I… you know, got a lot to catch up on. I’m fine, really. catch up: 弥补,赶上 请别再说“大胸部”了。我…离开了几个星期。我有许多事要弥补,我真的没事。 -Betty: Okay, but eat something... 好吧,但你得吃点东西… -Betty: God, he's in so much pain. pain: 痛苦 天哪,他很痛苦。 -Amanda: Oh, he's fine. 噢,他没事。 -Betty: No, he's not. He turned down going to a modeling session. We gotta get him back on the horse. turn down: 拒绝 modeling: 模特的 session: 会议,活动 gotta: =got to,have to,必须 不,他不好。他居然拒绝去试衣展示会。我们得让重新成为自信的骑手。 -Amanda: Trust me. He spent the last two weeks riding every horse in Rio. trust: 相信 相信我。过去的两周他在里约热内卢已经骑遍马子了。 -Betty: I’m talking about building up his confidence again. build up: 逐步建立,增强 confidence: 信心 我在说重塑他的信心。 -Amanda: He doesn't have a confidence problem. Well, there was this one time, but he was really drunk… problem: 问题 drunk: 喝醉 他的信心没有问题。倒是有一次,他完全喝醉了… -Betty: Okay, stop. 8:00 p. M. Tonight…
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