

2012-04-02 10页 doc 64KB 28阅读




某十层高层点式住宅毕业设计某十层高层点式住宅毕业设计 内容简介 该10层高层住宅楼,点式住宅,又称塔式住宅。主体十层,一梯八户,总建筑面积9109.8m2,采用现浇钢筋混凝土剪力墙结构、墙下条形桩基,标准层建筑平面布置如图所示,主体结构高度为29.6m,层高2.8m,突出屋面电梯机房层高3.0m,结构主体总高度32.6m ... 内容简介 该10层高层楼,点式,又称塔式住宅。主体十层,一梯八户,总建筑面积9109.8m2,采用现浇钢筋混凝土剪力墙结构、墙下条形桩基,标准层建筑平面布置如图所示,主体结构高度为29.6m,层高2...
某十层高层点式住宅毕业设计 内容简介 该10层高层住宅楼,点式住宅,又称塔式住宅。主体十层,一梯八户,总建筑面积9109.8m2,采用现浇钢筋混凝土剪力墙结构、墙下条形桩基,层建筑平面布置如图所示,主体结构高度为29.6m,层高2.8m,突出屋面电梯机房层高3.0m,结构主体总高度32.6m ...


该10层高层楼,点式,又称塔式住宅。主体十层,一梯八户,总建筑面积9109.8m2,采用现浇钢筋混凝土剪力墙结构、墙下条形桩基,标准层建筑平面布置如图所示,主体结构高度为29.6m,层高2.8m,突出屋面电梯机房层高3.0m,结构主体总高度32.6m。 该工程抗震设防烈度为8度,场地类别为Ⅱ类,设计地震分组为二组,基本风压0.55kN/㎡,地面粗糙度为B类,基本雪压为0.3kN/㎡;该房屋为丙类建筑。


第1章 建筑设计 1
1.1高层住宅特点 1
1.2总体布局 2
1.3平面交通 2
1.4竖向交通 2
1.5建筑物的朝向 2
1.6户型设计 3
第2章 结构计算 7
2.1 概述 7
2.2 荷载计算 17
2.3水平地震作用计算 20
2.4风荷载作用下结构内力的计算 29
2.5剪力墙截面的设计 43
2.6板的计算 51
2.7桩基础的设计 55
2.8楼梯的设计 60
结 论 64
参考文献 65
致 谢 66


摘  要:通过对消费者接受网络游戏内置广告的影响因素进行问卷调查,本文根据网络游戏内置广告及消费者的特征,研究分析消费者的选择行为,得出结论,即在一定程度上网络游戏内置广告及消费者的自身特征会影响消费者接受。最后,针对目前网络游戏内置广告出现的误区和问


Analysis of Influencing Factors on Consumer Accepting In-Game Advertising
Abstract:Through the survey of influencing factors on consumer accepting In-Game Advertising, according to the characteristics of the network in-game advertising and the consumer, this  article will research and analyze consumers’ choosing behavior, to some extent,drawing the conclusions that  the characteristics of the network in-game advertising and the consumer could influence consumers’acceptance,.At last ,for the current the wrong region and problems occured in  in-game advertising ,we put forward strategies and suggestions.      Key words:Consumer; In-Game Advertising,; Factors

目    录        字
参考文献 14


Theory knowledge sharing in the application of network enterprise
Abstract:Knowledge is the important strategic resources, enterprises more and more network enterprise concerned about their own knowledge accumulation and update, to adapt to the pace of changing times. Therefore, the study on the application of knowledge sharing, it's very valuable. Enterprise Through the way of knowledge sharing and patterns, as well as the present knowledge sharing obstacles encountered were analyzed. Put forward some network enterprises implement knowledge sharing some of the method.
Key words:Knowledge; Knowledge sharing; Knowledge sharing mode; Knowledge sharing obstacles; Knowledge sharing application;



The brief analysis of China iron and steel industry
Iron and steel industry is very important position and role. It should be said that the steel industry is an important basic industry of the national economy, industrial chain length, degree correlation, correlation is high. Some data from the iron and steel industry, the country's industrial added value accounted for about 4% of GDP, its total assets, operating income, total profits in general has a market share of the overall national industrial 8% to 9%. Therefore, the status and role of its role in the national economy is very important.
     However, the Chinese iron and steel industry since the 2008 global financial crisis in the most affected industries. Since October 2008 the iron and steel industry faces large-scale production enterprises, industry-wide losses, a significant increase in inventory, cost and prices, such as difficulties in inversion, large and medium-sized steel enterprises has reached 59.15 percent loss, and stable development of the steel industry is faced with unprecedented challenges, it should be see that, iron and steel industry has undergone extensive expansion of long-term, is bound to be a big adjustment, the Chinese steel industry through the adjustment of their own to deal with the financial crisis has become a pressing issue. Based on the status of China's steel industry and its impact on their own analysis of the factors that currently exist in the steel industry many problems to deal with these problems, the reform bill, the measures to deal with, and based on this forecast the future pattern of China's iron and steel and the trend for investment in the steel industry to provide some reference.

摘  要
此设计是根据我国近几年来房地产业地蓬勃发展和老百姓私家车地急剧增多,私家车数量地急剧增加与车库设置严重滞后地矛盾应运而生地自动化车库。地下升降式自动化立体车库,是充分利用小区地下空间设置地新型车库,该型号为单层2个车位。车库下降后可完全居于地面之下,车库表面能与周边完全融为一体。并且每个车库均属独立空间,升降自如,停(取)车极为方便,快捷,是充分利用地下空间改造或兴建地安全、新型、便捷式车库。该车库设计新颖、独特、巧妙,实用性强,可以大大缓解小区车库严重不足地矛盾。 本说明书共分五章,着重设计计算了钢丝绳及滑轮组机构、载车板、升降机构、横移入库机构以及库架等主要系统地设计计算。

关键词:载车板; 升降系统; 横移机构。

The design is based on the development according to our country in the last few years real estate industry vigorous development and the common people private vehicle, the private vehicle quantity sharp growth and the vehicle the storehouse establishment serious lag contradiction arises at the historic moment automated garage. The underground elevating automation three-dimensional garage, is the full use plot underground space establishment new garage, its model for single-layer 2 berth. After the garage drops may reside in under completely the ground, the garage surface energy and peripheral merges into one organic whole completely. And each garage is the space-independent, the fluctuation freely, stops (takes) the vehicle to be extremely convenient, quick, is the full use underground space transformation or the constructing security, new, the convenient -like garage. This garage design novel, is unique, is ingenious, usable, may alleviate the plot garage greatly the serious insufficient contradiction. This instruction booklet altogether divides five chapters, the emphatically design calculation steel wire and the block and tackle organization, carried the template, the elevating mechanism, move horizontally the warehousing organization as well as storehouse and so on the main system design calculation.

Keywords: carries; jacking system; moves horizontally; organization.


目    录    字
第1章  绪论..1
第2章  车库的总体设计方案 2
第3章 车库的零件选择和结构设计.3
3.1载车板的结构和尺寸设计    3
3.2升降系统各零部件的结构设计和尺寸确定    4
3.2.1 升降台结构地初步设计    4
3.2.2 钢丝绳地设计计算    5
3.2.3 钢丝绳夹地选择    8
3.2.4 滑轮及其组件地设计计算    8
3.2.5 卷筒地设计计算和尺寸确定    13
3.2.6 升降链及链轮地选择    18
3.2.7 升降用电动机及变速器地设计计算及型号选择    20
3.2.8 升降电动传动链及连轮地连轮地设计计算    21
3.3横移机构结构的设计和零件的设计    24
3.3.1轨道和导轮地设计计算    24
3.3.2横移电动机地设计计算及型号选择     27
3.3.3带及带轮地选择    29
3.3.4联轴器地选择    32
3.4 库钢架结构地设计    33
3.5 钢材地选用    34
第4章  车库电控系统    .38

4.1 控制系统组成    38
4.2 控制系统地运行方式    39
4.3控制系统地故障    39
第5章   车库安全系统的设计40
5.1 安全系统    40
5.2 照明    41
5.3 通风    41
5.4 排水    41
5.5 消防    42
总 结    43
参考文献    44
附录1 外文原文    45
附录2 外文译文    55
致 谢    61

电子商务  诚信体系  网络企业 
along with electronic commerce of fast development, the trustworthiness crisis of electronic commerce also the beginning is pay attention to by people.This text introduction the our country electronic commerce trustworthiness the problem of present condition and existence of the system, and corresponded to put forward to strengthen trustworthiness system construction of some suggestion.
the system network of the electronic commerce trustworthiness business enterprise

[摘要] 1
[Summary] 1
[Keyword] 1
背景 3
第一、我国电子商务中信用体系的现状 3
1.1电子商务信用体系的概念 4
1.2电子商务信用体系的特点 5
1.1.1、全球性特点 5
1.1.2、网络技术特点 6
1.3电子工业子商务信用体系的内容 7
第二、突破电子商务瓶颈,加强诚信体系建设 8
2.1.企业必须先行 8
2.2.加强消费者安全与诚信意识 9
2.3.营造诚信环境 9
第三、我过电子商务体信用体系模式建设模式 10
3.1信用体系大象无形 11
3.2四种信用模式的利与弊 12
3.3信用体系是法律的辅助环节 13
3.4电子商务是信用体系在中国发展最快的领域 14
第四、结束语 15
[参考文献] 17


摘 要:本次实验选用健康的体重为18~22g 的SPF级昆明系小白鼠(雌雄各半) 共150只,接种对猪具有致病性的粪肠球菌,分别进行半数致死量测定、临床症状观察。感染小鼠表现出明显的神经症状,小鼠感染粪肠球菌与病猪自然感染症状相似。测定粪肠球菌OD600值与CFU的关系,并根据OD600值与CFU的关系作出曲线,根据OD600值与CFU的关系计算出粪肠球菌对小鼠的LD50为5.75×109。本次实验的结果与羊源粪肠球菌感染小鼠的人工模型的结果基本一致,为进一步探究粪肠球菌在小鼠体内的感染机、制毒力因子及免疫应答奠定了基础。
关键词: 粪肠球菌; 人工感染; 半数致死量

Dung Enterococcus on Mice Determination of the LD50
Abstract:This experiment chooses a healthy weight for 18 ~ 22g SPF Kunming is male mice (150 evenly), inoculation only for the lamb has the dung enterococcus, highly respectively half lethal dose of determination, clinical symptom observation. Infected mice showed obvious neurologic symptoms, the mice infected with a dung enterococcus natural infection symptoms similar. Determination OD600 value and dung enterococcus CFU relationship, and according to the relationship OD600 value with the CFU made, according to OD600 value and curve CFU relationship to calculate the dung enterococcus 5.75 x for the LD50 mice 109. The experimental results and sheep dung enterococcus infected mice source of the artificial model results are basically the same for further inquiry dung enterococcus in mice infected machine, manufacturing force factor and the immune response to lay the foundation.
Key words: Enterococcus faecalis; artificially infected; median lethal dose
2 实验材料
2.1 实验动物
小白鼠为体重18~22g 的SPF级昆明系小白鼠(雌雄各半) 共150只, 购于湖南斯莱克景达实验动物有限公司,常规饲养。
胰蛋白胨大豆肉汤(TSB)为Sigma产品,琼脂粉(日本分装)、十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)、三羟甲基氨基甲烷(Tris)(Genview分装)均购自北京鼎国生物技术有限责任公司,新生牛血清为杭州四季青生物工程有限公司产品,Taq DNA Polymerasea 、dNTP(2.5mM)、 5000 DNA Marker购自天根生物工程公司,伊红、苏木素及多聚赖氨酸购自北京中杉金桥有限公司,蛋白酶K为Roche产品,其它常规试剂均为国产分析纯级产品。

目   录    6000字
1  前 言    2
2 实验材料    3
2.1 实验动物    3
2.2实验菌株    3
2.3主要试剂和材料    3
2.4主要试剂的配制    3
2.5主要仪器    4
3 主要方法    4
3.1 粪肠球菌OD600与CFU关系的测定    4
3.1.1 菌液的平板计数    4
3.1.2 菌液的OD600值测定    5
3.2 粪肠球菌对小白鼠LD50的测定    6
3.2.1 细菌培养    6
3.2.2预实验    6
3.2.3 正式实验    6
3.2.4 LD50的计算    6
4 实验结果    7
4.1 接种菌液后小鼠的临床表现    7
4.2 LD50的计算结果    7
5 讨论    8
6 结论    8
参考文献    9
致    谢    10

摘  要:赫尔曼•梅尔维尔不仅是美国文学史上伟大的浪漫主义者。也是世界上最具有影响的作家之一。发表于一八五一年的《白鲸》是他的代表作,小说中的主人公埃哈伯是一个极具宗教色彩和双重性性格的人,他对白鲸进行疯狂的报复,勇于征服自然。本文通过对埃哈伯这一人物形象进行分析,揭示了这部小说的艺术魅力。


On the Image of Ahab in Moby Dick
Abstract: Herman Melville is not only a great Romanticist in the American literary history, but also an influential figure in the world. Moby Dick, which was published in 1851, is his representative work. Ahab who is a man with religious color and the dual nature of personality, is the hero of this novel. He has the courage to conquer the nature and is mad for killing the white whale for revenge. This paper attempts to reveal the charm of this novel by analyzing the image of Ahab.

Key words: Moby Dick;Herman Melville ; Ahab;Image

摘  要:移动电子商务是电子商务现代化建设的核心问题和关键环节,也是当前新型电子商务发展的重点和难点。阐述了移动电子商务所能提供的服务包括银行业务、交易、订票、购物、娱乐等,分析了移动电子商务的现状;指出了移动电子商务的使用人群,解释了商家为什么大量涌入移动互联网领域和传统的电子商务企业为什么要转移到移动平台,说明了移动电子商务在应用程序上有哪些竞争优势。提出了移动电子商务所要面对的问题,传统商家的意识需要培养、种类繁多的手机操作系统这些都是移动电子商务向前发展的瓶颈。移动电子商务还存在大量安全威胁,比如无限网络通信方面、移动终端方面、软件病毒等,给出了一些具有建设性的解决这些问题的策略。最后分析了移动电子商务领域的未来发展趋势

Abstract: Modernization of mobile e-commerce e-commerce issues and key aspects of the core is the current focus of e-commerce development of new and difficult. Describes the services offered by mobile e-commerce, including banking, trading, ticketing, shopping, entertainment, analyzed the status of mobile e-commerce; that the use of mobile e-commerce crowd, explaining why the influx of mobile Internet businesses areas and why the traditional e-commerce businesses transferred to the mobile platform to illustrate the application of mobile commerce on which competitive advantage. Mobile e-commerce made to face the problem, the traditional business sense of need to develop, a wide variety of mobile operating systems which are the bottleneck of mobile e-commerce forward. There are a large number of mobile e-commerce security threats, such as wireless network communications, mobile terminal, software, virus, given some constructive strategies to address these issues. Finally the future of mobile e-commerce trends
Keywords: mobile commerce;3G; payment security

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