

2012-04-07 50页 ppt 149KB 13阅读




销售核心技能与渠道管理nullSales core competency and Channel management 销售核心技能与渠道管理Sales core competency and Channel management 销售核心技能与渠道管理Learning Organization 学习型组织Learning Organization 学习型组织If you sow an idea, you reap an action If you sow an action, you reap a habit If you sow a hab...
nullSales core competency and Channel management 销售核心技能与渠道管理Sales core competency and Channel management 销售核心技能与渠道管理Learning Organization 学习型组织Learning Organization 学习型组织If you sow an idea, you reap an action If you sow an action, you reap a habit If you sow a habit, you reap a character If you sow a character, you reap destiny 思想-行动-习惯-性格-命运Training & Coaching 培训与训练Training & Coaching 培训与训练Training: make sure some people can do something。 Coaching:make sure somebody be good at something。 Amateurs & Professionals How to be a successful sales 成功销售人员的三个境界How to be a successful sales 成功销售人员的三个境界8 Sales Core Competency 八大核心基本销售技能 8 What Count Factors 八大核心成功要素 Subconscious and Psychological integration 潜意识与精神层面的融会贯通 Sales Core Competency 销售核心技能 Sales Core Competency 销售核心技能 Sales Core Competency: 1 Basic Visiting Procedures(基本拜访步骤) 2 Persuasive Selling Format(劝说性销售) 3 Communication Skill(沟通技巧) 4 Account Penetration(客户渗透)Sales Core Competency 销售核心技能 Sales Core Competency 销售核心技能 5 Handle Objection(处理放对意见) 6 Time Management(时间管理) 7 Negotiation Skill(谈判技巧) Making business plan(制订生意计划) 8 Conceptual Selling(概念性销售)Sales Core Competency 销售核心技能 Sales Core Competency 销售核心技能 Sales Core Competency Record and Report(记录与) Four Fundamentals (销售四项基本原则) Common Sense (销售常识)I. Basic Visiting Procedures (基本拜访步骤) I. Basic Visiting Procedures (基本拜访步骤) 1 preview plan(预习) 2 checking distribution(检查分销) 3 persuasive selling (劝说销售) 4 collection(收款) 5 merchandizing (助销) 6 record and reports(记录与报告) 7 review and planing(回顾与计划)II:Persuasive Selling Format 劝说性销售II:Persuasive Selling Format 劝说性销售 Sole selling general rules(销售铁律)customer only buy what they need and want 消费者只买他们需要的东西 A: Selling principle I(销售原则一) What’s customer real need and want by Communication skill and Account Penetration Persuasive Selling Format 劝说性销售Persuasive Selling Format 劝说性销售B: Selling principle II(销售原则二) Prove your proposal can satisfy customer needs and wants ( key part of selling) by Persuasive Selling Format, Conceptual Selling, Handling objection and Negotiation Skill Persuasive Selling Format 劝说性销售Persuasive Selling Format 劝说性销售1 Summarize the situation (背景介绍) 1) Good understand customer needs, wants (明确客户需求) A: Just meet B: Almost meet but not specific C: Must find customer needs and wantsPersuasive Selling Format 劝说性销售Persuasive Selling Format 劝说性销售2) Introduce one real benefit (介绍一真正利益) A: General B: Specific Fishing examplePersuasive Selling Format 劝说性销售Persuasive Selling Format 劝说性销售2 State your Idea(陈述主意) 3 Explain How your idea works (解释主意) 1) Numbers 数字化 2) Logic 逻辑化Persuasive Selling Format 劝说性销售Persuasive Selling Format 劝说性销售4 Stress the key benefit:(强调关键利益) 1)Help customer make decision (帮助客户决策) 2)Test your idea (重新测试你的主意)Persuasive Selling Format 劝说性销售Persuasive Selling Format 劝说性销售5 Suggest an easy next step(建议容易进行的下一步) 1) Different with other step, it can be done any time(独立性) 2) Confidence to encourage customer make a wise decision(自信心) 3) Ending types(结尾方式)III.Communication 沟通能力 III.Communication 沟通能力 Key is Openness (开放是关键) No Value statement(消除价值判断) Oral communication(口头沟通) 7 communication skill and body language (七大口头沟通及身体语言沟通) Writing communication(书面沟通) 6 principles(书面沟通六大原则)IV.How to make business plan (如何制定生意计划)IV.How to make business plan (如何制定生意计划)OGSM: 1 Objective: What in literal(目的) 2 Goals: What in quantity(数量目标) 3 Strategy: How to achieve OG in literal (文字策略) 4 Measures: How to achieve G in numbers(数据衡量)IV.How to make business plan (如何指定生意计划)IV.How to make business plan (如何指定生意计划)STAR principle(星则) 1 Steps(步骤) 2 Timing(时间分配) 3 Assistance(相关资源) 4 Responsibility(明确职责) V:How to Handle Objection 处理放对意见V:How to Handle Objection 处理放对意见What is Objection(定义) How to reduce objection (如何减少反对意见) Customers Plan,objective,Behavior (客户计划,目标,行为方式) Customer Intimacy(客户关系) Unreasonable benefit (客户利益的真实性) KDM(关键决策人物) How to reduce objection -CRM(如何减少异议)How to reduce objection -CRM(如何减少异议)Customer relationship (客户关系种类) -contraction relationship (交易型关系) -consistent forecasting (持续型购买预测) How to reduce objection -CRM(如何减少异议)How to reduce objection -CRM(如何减少异议)Service level(服务层次) Firstly, No dynamic relationship, but provide efficient service in polite way (第一层次:无动态关系,但能以礼貌的方式提供有效率的服务)How to reduce objection -CRM(如何减少异议)How to reduce objection -CRM(如何减少异议)Service level(服务层次) Secondly, Provide selected info to selected customer, optimize every contact opportunity (第二层次: 特定的信息给特定的客户,充分利用与客户的每一次接触) How to reach the second service level (如何达到深层次服务水平) How to reach the second service level (如何达到深层次服务水平) 1 Use targeted and focused marketing remember the “80/20 rule” (细分客户市场,瞄准重点客户) Expect 80% of your sales from 20% of your market.How to reach the second service level (如何达到深层次服务)How to reach the second service level (如何达到深层次服务) 2, Develop a unique selling proposition (Macdonald, FedEx, Marlboros) (建立独特的销售主张)How to reach the second service level (如何达到深层次服务)How to reach the second service level (如何达到深层次服务)3,Calculate the lifetime value of a customer(计算客户终身价值) Year 0-1 600 Year 2-3 200 Year 4-5 200 Year 6-7 3,200 Year 8-9 3,200 Total value 16,400How to reach the second service level (如何达到深层次服务)How to reach the second service level (如何达到深层次服务) 4, Always test pricing, guarantee and discounts(测试,测试,测试) 5, Always database your customers and prospects(永远数据化跟踪客户信息)How to reach the second service level (如何达到深层次服务)How to reach the second service level (如何达到深层次服务) 6, Market emotionally as well as cognitively(benefits & features) (情感诉求和理性诉求)How to reach the second service level (如何达到深层次服务)How to reach the second service level (如何达到深层次服务) 7, Organize Your business and integrate total functions to to ensure total success (客户服务乃公司所有部门人员之天职) How to Handle Objection 处理放对意见How to Handle Objection 处理放对意见Real objection(真正的反对意见) From the point of buyer’s view (客户角度定义) Consistent Probe (持续地刺探) Communication skill, Open talk, mastery (沟通技巧,开放环境,内行)How to Handle Objection 处理放对意见How to Handle Objection 处理放对意见False objection(虚假的反对意见) Definition(明确概念) Hard to defend(难于捍卫) Turn into real objection(易变真性)How to Handle Objection 处理放对意见How to Handle Objection 处理放对意见HO process(基本步骤) Identify the real objection (发现真正的反对意见) Understanding the real objection (理解真正的反对意见) Verifying the real objection transform it into a question can be solved (确认真正的反对意见,把它转变为一个可解决的问) Handle objection(处理反对意见) How to Handle Objection 处理放对意见How to Handle Objection 处理放对意见 Question and Answer (问题解答) 1 Why objection emerge (为何会出现反对意见) 2 How to Handle Objection (如何处理反对意见)VI: Time management 时间管理VI: Time management 时间管理Time is money, time is life(时间本质) Work, family, society, entertainment Main Principles(主要原则) 1 introspection 2 objective setting 3 importance & urgency 4 specific proceduresVII.Account Penetration 客户渗透VII.Account Penetration 客户渗透1 Why(原因) 1) get trust from customers 2) enjoy your own work 2 types(类型) 1) OGSM(objective,goals,strategy,measures) 2) Database 3) Relations 4) System/structure 5) Culture VIII Conceptual SellingVIII Conceptual Selling Difficulty: Skill level Return on time销售渠道管理销售渠道管理一、销售渠道的定义一、销售渠道的定义 销售渠道是促使产品或服务顺利地被使用或消费的一整套相互依存的组织 ---------------------- 斯特恩及艾尔-安塞利 (维系生产者与消费者之间的价值、情感与文化交换、沟通的媒介。)二、选择渠道模式二、选择渠道模式1,经销商(分销商) 1)财力资源 2)更大的主营业务回报率 3)专业化分工 2,直销 国外公司的借鉴null三、选择经销商四项基本原则 1 人 A人品:讲道理,讲信用,无不良嗜好; B理念:现代管理理念并认同公司的文化 C眼光:愿长期合作,不过分追求短期利益 D能力:个人能力与团队能力null 财:有足够的“钱”,但不是越多越好 物:车辆情况,仓库面积等 网关: A 分销网点范围,数量及与顾客的关系 B 必要的社会关系四、经销商的激励、支持与管理四、经销商的激励、支持与管理1、经销商的激励 物资奖励: 返利、奖金、奖品 返利挂钩指标: 总量、总额指标,目标达成率指标,市场指标,增长率指标,网点建设指标。null促销及精神鼓励: 折扣、赠品、保仓、评比表彰、 培训交流、补贴 激励原则: 以奖为主、以罚为辅,物资奖励与精神鼓励相结合,营造一种比、学、赶、超的良好融洽气氛。null2、对经销商的支持 产品支持 培训与辅导 价格支持 管理支持 促销支持 服务支持 人员支持 情感投资 信息支持 资金支持null3、经销商管理,内容: 信用管理 存货监控 推广督导 信息反馈 网络建设督导 冲突处理 交易额管理 投诉处理 市场规范监督 联络与沟通 财务监控null管理原则: 沟通服务为主、监督控制为辅五、渠道培训五、渠道培训1、渠道培训的作用与重要性 满足经销商提升和发展的渴望; 利用“师生”效应树立培训组织者的权威、 领导地位(leader and manager) 提高经销商队伍的素质和“作战能力”; 通过培训加强经销商对市场政策、营销战略战术的支持与配合; 通过培训吸引、留住的客户一般都是优质的客户。 null2、渠道培训的内容 1)企业文化与品牌文化 2)产品、质量知识 3)行业与竞争知识 4)营销知识与营销技能 5)财务与管理知识 6)管理技能null7)消费心理与导购知识 8)营销策略及执行技巧 9)市场政策、null3、渠道培训的方式 集中授课 评比交流 现场示范指导 影音资料(VCD等) 手册及其他印刷材料 六、渠道中流淌的是什么 ------管理与疏导六、渠道中流淌的是什么 ------管理与疏导1、物流管理。物:商品、促销品、赠品、样品、宣传品等 。措施举例: 加强物流计划; 从终端搜集物流信息; 经销商存货监控; 无情的窜货与价格管制。 null2、现金流的管理。主要措施: 谨慎选择经销商与赊销对象; 严格做好经销商的信用管理与赊销管理; 严格的货款、现金管理。 null3、信息流的管理。 纵向信息流的管理; 横向信息流的管理。 4、文化流的管理。 5、服务流的管理。 6、培训流的管理。七、终端营销七、终端营销1、终端成员的评价选择 2、终端选址:位置、面积、环境、商圈 3、合理布点、控制终端的合适密度 4、视觉形象规范 5、抢占货架空间 6、终端价格、服务规范 7、终端培训与终端支持null8、终端巡查、铺货,补货、理货、 沟通 9、终端促销 10、直控终端与示范、模范终端的建设 11、终端延伸 12、自有终端的建设 13、终端信息功能的建设null 渠道领导的变化导致 将来商战主战场 ----渠道终端 营销管理的基本功 -----渠道建设营销管理的基本功 -----渠道建设 渠道建设的关键 ----------------在座的诸位销售经理Training Principles (培训下属原则)Training Principles (培训下属原则)1 Preview the job to be learned (预习培训内容) 2 Break down the job into teachable parts (化整为零) 3 Associate new ideas with old (温故知新)Training Principles (培训下属原则)Training Principles (培训下属原则)4 Make first impressions good impressions (做好第一次印象) 5 Make strong impressions (强化印象) 6 Repeat impressions often (不断重复印象) 7 Make use of recent impressions (利用最近印象)Training Principles (培训下属原则)Training Principles (培训下属原则)8 Recognize training results (认可培训成果) 9 Follow up and smooth out handling of the job (持续跟进与及时校正) 10 Rebuild parts into a complete unit (化零为整)Training Cycles (培训周期)Training Cycles (培训周期)Explanation(解释) Demonstration(演示) Application(应用) Correction(校正) Training Memo (培训备忘)Training Memo (培训备忘)1 Training Subject(训题) 2 Field training Objective(实地培训目标) 3 Results VS Objectives(对比) 4 Key learning(主要收获) 5 Next step(下一步) 6 Signature of Trainer and Trainee(签名) 7 Copy to HR. trainer and trainee(存档)Learning Organization 学习型组织Learning Organization 学习型组织If you sow an idea, you reap an action If you sow an action, you reap a habit If you sow a habit, you reap a character If you sow a character, you reap destiny 思想-行动-习惯-性格-命运Thank you very much (谢谢大家!)Thank you very much (谢谢大家!)
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