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中山大学岭南学院2010全日制MBA就业报告 Career Report of 2008 FT MBA Graduates 2010  0 Career Report of 2008 FT MBA Graduates 2010  Career Report of MBA Graduates 2010 2010 届全日...
Career Report of 2008 FT MBA Graduates 2010  0 Career Report of 2008 FT MBA Graduates 2010  Career Report of MBA Graduates 2010 2010 届全日制 MBA 毕业生就业概况 There were 88 MBA students graduated in June, 2010 from the full-time MBA class in 2008. In order to determine the students’ job preferences and industry types for their career search, a survey was conducted by the Career Development Center (CDC) in November, 2010. The survey received 48 responses, excluding a number of international students and graduates who do not seek employment because of various reasons. The career report highlights the major features of MBA graduates employment in 2010. 中山大学岭南学院 2008 级全日制毕业生共有 88 名(其中包括 11 名国际学生),于 2010 年 6 月底毕业。本中的所有信息基于 CDC 截止至 2010 年 11 月收到的 48 份有效问卷(有 就业需求学生共 70 名),本报告反映了我院 2010 届全日制 MBA 毕业生的就业情况。 Work Experience 52% 30% 8% 10% 3-<5 years 6-<8 years 9-<11 years >11 years Undergraduate Major 7% 45% 9% 39% Engineering Business Science Arts Employment Profile of Class 2008F 班就业总体情况 Number Percentage Status 人数 百分比 Employed and Responded 已就业并回复 48 52% Employed and Not Responded 已就业未回复 20 25% International Student 国际学生 11 14% Starting Own Business 创业 3 3% Employed by Former Employer 回原单位就业 1 1% Declined Employment for personal reasons 个人原因无需就业 3 3% Changing Jobs 正在转换工作 2 2% Total Graduates 所有毕业生 88 100% Comparing the past data, 08F MBA graduates working in financial service industries increased significantly by 40%. This shows financial service is the most-desired industries to enter by MBA students. Some graduates have successfully changed their industries after graduated from the Lingnan MBA program, and 32% of students entering the job markets have chosen private-owned 1 Career Report of 2008 FT MBA Graduates 2010  enterprises 与以往的就业情况相比,在金融服务业就业的比例明显增加,有 40%的 MBA 同学进入到金融 行业工作,是目前 MBA 群体中最热门的就业行业。部分毕业生实现了所期望的行业转换。而 另外一点与以往不同的是,有 32%的 MBA 学生选择了去国有企业就业。 2 Company Ownership 29% 31% 29% 4% 7% 0% 0% 32% 25% 25% 9% 2% 2% 5% te-own Enterprise Foreign Ventures Private Stock Corporations Government Non-Profit Others Pre-Lingnan Employment Sta Industry 16% 23% 0% 16% 7% 7% 0% 5% 2% 2% 2% 20% 40% 12% 9% 9% 7% 2% 2% 2% 0% 0% 0% 16% Financial Service(金融服务业) Manufacturing(制造) Consulting(咨询) IT&Telecomy(信息通讯) Pre-Lingnan Employment Consumer Products(快速消费 品) Real Estate(房地产) Energy/Utilities(能源) Government/Military(政府/军队) edia/Advertising(媒体/广告) Healthcare/Medical(保健/医疗) Nonprofit(非赢利组织) M Others Job Function 29% 9% 18% 0% 2% 0% 2% 0% 7% 4% 7% 7% 4% 2% 9% 32% 19% 19% 11% 11% 11% 8% 5% 5% 5% 3% 3% 0% 0% 0% ales/ Marketing(销售 /市场营销) inance / Accounting (财务 /会计) Project Management() Consulting (咨询) Business Development(业务拓展) Investment Management(投资管理) Management Trainee(管理培训生) Strategy(战略) Supply Chain Management/Logistics(供应链 管理 /物流) Others General Management(综合管理) Operations / Production(运营 /生产) Human Resources /(人力资源 /) Information Technology(技术信息) Engineering(工程师) Pre-Lingnan Employment S F Career Report of 2008 FT MBA Graduates 2010  Job Position 39% 24% 20% 15% 5% 2% 5% Manager(经理) Supervisor(主管) Assistant Manager Below Self-evaluation of Career Change 51% 49% 46% 27% 17% 10% 5% Changed Industry I've changed,but still have long way to go Changed Job Function I've changed very successfully Changed Location I still want to change in coming 3-5 years No Change (助理经理或以下) Professional(专业人士) Director(总监) Management Trainee(管理 培训生) Other The average annual salary of Lingnan 2008 Full-time MBA graduates is RMB 131,000, while the median value is RMB125,000. 2008 级全日制毕业生的平均年薪为 13.1 万,中值为 12.5 万。 Average Annual Total Compensation (,000 RMB) 平均年薪 RMB¥131,000 Median Annual Total Compensation (,000 RMB) 年薪中值 RMB¥125,000 Range of Annual Total Compensation (,000 RMB) 年薪范围 RMB¥80,000--26,0000 Salary Distribution 11% 2% 0% 0% 29% 7% 7% 2% 7% 22% 20% 18% 20% 31% 0% 0% 11% 13% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% <¥40,000 ¥40,000 - <¥60,000 ¥60,000 - <¥80,000 ¥80,000 - <¥100,000 ¥100,000 - <¥120,000 ¥120,000 - <¥150,000 ¥150,000 - <¥200,000 ¥200,000 - <¥250,000 >¥250,000 Pre-Lingnan Employment Graduates’ Views on their Experience on Changing Industry for Job 转行寄语 步入金融——Matthew Qiu (Nothing is impossible for a willing heart !) 今天的我,如愿进入了三年前职业规划中的金融行业,走着属于自己的梦想之路。的确,人 生要有梦,筑梦要踏实。回想当初入读岭南MBA,心怀改变人生轨迹的憧憬,激情洋溢。 正是这份激情,驱使我去寻找实现梦想的路。幸运的是,我没有浪费太多时间去徘徊,也没 3 Career Report of 2008 FT MBA Graduates 2010  有考虑太多“是否与如果”,坚定的信念一直没有动摇。两年下来,预备专业知识,熟悉行 业职能,争取相关职位实习都是在自己中一步一步地走过来。同样是心怀改变,也许我 比别人早预备了一点点,多了解了一点点,多积累了一点点,最后凭借这一点又一点的经历, 塑造了我的核心竞争力,从而成功转型。 Walking through a long way of life experience, I am so delighted to say that today; I have been successfully set my feet on a brand new career as planned three years ago. Everyone has his dreams. And if one wants them to be realized, he’d better work steadfastly and tirelessly. In retrospect, it was the passion of life that inspired me to start a new journey which directs me to my dream. It is fortunate that I haven’t spared too much time on hesitating, thinking about “what if”, which might shake my faith. And it is fortunate also, that I have walked along the journey through preparing the professional knowledge, familiarizing the industry functions, and aggressively seeking internship opportunities. I did all these much earlier and exerted more efforts than others. These ‘extras’ bear fruits and propel me to a new professional career with high expectation to perform well and excel in my organization. 转行咨询——Brian Guo 借着岭南提供的平台,我成功的从制造行业转行,进入了梦寐以求的咨询行业。回想整个过 程,我认为成功转行的关键因素有以下三个: 1. 坚定的信念 想转行的同学一定要先想好自己想要什么,自己愿意付出的又是什么。你追求的是学习机 会?工作生活之间的平衡?挑战和成就感?还是高薪?为此而需要付出的精力、时间或是经 济方面的成本,你做好准备了吗?如果答案是肯定的,那么就认准这个行业,不要被路上的 其他风景所迷惑,向着目标勇敢前进。 2. 细致的准备 要转到一个全新的行业,一定要对目标行业有一定的认识。许多公司愿意给新人学习的机会, 但是没有公司有足够的时间和耐性等你从零开始学起。要准备的东西有许多,包括业内的主 要公司、他们各自的特点、看重哪些经验、要做的职位需要哪些知识、面经学习、与业内人 士交流……总之,准备工作永远不会太多。 3. 寻找并抓住机会 本行业每年进行招聘的高峰期是一定要清楚的。不但要多上CDC查阅工作机会,自己更要 主动上目标公司网站寻找工作机会,随时留意目标公司的最新动向。需要强调的一点是:抓 住实习机会,对最终获得工作非常有利。 最后,祝有转行意愿的同学成功转行! Thanks for the opportunities Lingnan provided; I have successfully switched from manufacturing to consulting Industry. There are 3 factors that make me successful: 1. Faith Before change your career, you have to make it clear that what you want, and what are you willing to pay. Are you pursuing growth, balancing work-life, facing challenges, or seeking salary and monetary reward? Are you ready for the energy, time or economic opportunity cost? If the answer is yes, then make ‘progress’ as your daily theme towards achieving your goal. 2. Preparation 4 Career Report of 2008 FT MBA Graduates 2010  Try your best to know more about your target industry. Companies are willing to give you opportunities to learn, but none of them are willing to wait for your learning from scratch. Who are the major players in this industry, what are their characteristics, what experiences they value for, what knowledge you have to acquire, interview ability and process, and other perquisites. These are the questions you have to find out the answers yourselves. The more you prepare in details, the better will be. Don’t underestimate your target industry demands and requirement. 3. Opportunities Pay close attention to job opportunities. You should not only go to CDC website to check, but also browse through websites of your dream companies to see what’s new and updates on job markets. They are there, but always on look-out for opportunities as they don’t wait for you. To begin, an internship can help you to get a better job. Best wishes for those who want to change their careers! Employers of Lingnan 2008 Full-time MBA Graduates 岭南学院 2008 全日制毕业生部分就业公司名单 *安达屋集团全球采购广州采购中心 Adeo Services Guangzhou *牛奶公司集团 Dairy Farm *兴业银行 Industrial Bank *正略均策管理咨询有限公司 Adfaith Management Consulting *中国移动通信集团广东有限公司 China Mobile *中国平安保险(集团)股份有限公司 China Ping An Insurance 北京机械工业自动化研究所 Beijing Institute of Machinery Industry Automation 北京乾元嘉和投资有限公司 Beijing Qian Yuan Jia He Investment 橙天嘉禾娱乐有限公司 Orange Sky Golden Harvest Entertainment 德国物流研究院 Institut Materialfluss und Logistik 东风汽车有限公司东风日产乘用车公司 Dongfeng Nissan Passenger Vehicle Company 佛山兴奇金属有限公司 XiQi Group 佛山正大机电 Foshan Zhengda Electrical 戈顿投资有限公司 Gorton Investment 广东珠江投资股份有限公司 Guangdong Pearl River Investmen 广州高澜节能技术有限公司 Guangzhou Goaland Energy Conservation Tech 广州市泽富投资咨询有限公司 Guangzhou ZeFu Investment Consulting 广州同方堂生物科技发展有限公司 Guangzhou TongFangTang 广州证券有限责任公司 Guangzhou Securities 国际商业机器(中国)有限公司 IBM 恒信金融租赁有限公司 Unitrust Finace&Leasing Corporation 华西证券有限责任公司 HuaXi Securities 5 Career Report of 2008 FT MBA Graduates 2010  嘉实基金管理有限公司 Harvest Fund Management 金蝶软件(中国)有限公司 Kingdee Software (China) 金瑞期货 JinRui Futures 马田工业(珠海)有限公司 Martin Industries (Zhuhai) 南方医科大学 Southern Medical University 上汽通用汽车金融有限责任公司 GMAC-SAIC Automotive Finance Company Limited 深圳高新技术投资担保有限公司 Shenzhen High-Tech Investment Guarantee 深圳盛弘电气有限公司 ShenZhen ShengHong Electric 顺德市政府 ShunDe government 天威新能源控股有限公司 Tianwei New Energy Holdings 瓦克化学贸易(上海)有限公司 Wacker Chemicals Trading (Shanghai) 万联证劵有限责任公司 Wanglian Securities 武汉信用风险管理有限公司 Wuhan Credit Risk Management 宜家贸易有限公司 IKEA Trade 远东国际租赁有限公司 International Far Eastern Leasing 中国工商银行股份有限公司 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China 中国农业银行股份有限公司 Agricultural Bank of China 中国邮政储蓄银行有限责任公司广东省分行 China Postal Savings Bank 中山大学岭南学院中美EMBA Chemba 中兴通讯股份有限公司 ZTE 中原证券股份有限公司 Central China Securities *Hired 2 students or more. 招收 2 名以上毕业生的公司。 MBA Center, Lingnan College, Sun Yat-sen University 中山大学岭南学院 MBA 教育中心 www.lnimba.com 6
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