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8级话题·1 迷信 见鬼? The supernatural 如果见到鬼怕不怕? 相信么? 为什么? 北山占卜 a supernatural reality 同事婚姻等占卜,可知道现在依旧单身。 · I don't believe in supernatural because more and more Supernaturality can be explained by scientific theories today. Eg. A’s...
·1 迷信 见鬼? The supernatural 如果见到鬼怕不怕? 相信么? 为什么? 北山占卜 a supernatural reality 同事婚姻等占卜,可知道现在依旧单身。 · I don't believe in supernatural because more and more Supernaturality can be explained by scientific theories today. Eg. A’strology . It comes from a time when the growth of human knowledge was slower than at present. As another example, the Aristo’telian Mechanics were considered valid for more than a thousand years. · Humans are capable of having delusions that cannot be recognized. · The supernatural : He goes to heaven or hell when they die. Lucky number future-teller ghost spells and curses, divination, the belief that there is an afterlife for the dead, and innumerable others. S 2 工作环境 SALARY 满意么? No , I am not satisfied . The cost of living now is very high . I want to have a car , I wanna travel around the world. 工作多少年了?almost ten years 如果换工作,还想做什么? 为什么? 最理想的职业是什么? 为什么? Tour guide : make more friends all of the world See the world Enjoy the nature Let more people know China more More chance to open my mind , improve myself , Enrich myself More time for myself 3 公众人物 最看中的公众人物是谁?周恩来 为什么? CHOUenlai is the man in the world I adore most.  · He was the most popular leader (领导) in China during the 20th century. · Zhou Enlai was the first prime minister and foreign minister of People's Republic of China. His sophisticated diplomatic skill brought a lot of profit to China. · He always chose the positive (积极) over the negative, and called on the people to unite and cooperate. · Enlai contributed to China's modernization (现代化) and internationalization. He exercised his diplomatic (外交的) skill to open China rather than isolate it from the rest of the world. In turn, he brought China into a period of stable economic vitality (活力). · He held prominent (卓越的) military and political posts in the Communist party, and he had political toughness (韧性) and understood western power, he was a sole leader in reforming China. · He had been improving himself all his life , even in the hospital . He could speak 6 languages . · He devoted all his life to our country , never thought of himself . · China is a country with long history and countless treasures ,but he has no any deposit . China has one quarter of the world’s population , but he has no any child . · His wife cant give a birth to a child . but he is still faithful to his love , to his wife . they adopted 17 orphans of the martyrs , including LIPENG, another famous leader in China ,too . · All this had him respected by the whole world . · On the day of his funeral, flags were (flown) at half-mast everywhere,even the United Nations. · Many people mourned his death, as they lost not only a leader, but also a brother, and a symbolic father. He looks to have left nothing for us. But...he have hundreds millions of children and grandchildren (孙子), and all the land of China is grave for him". · He is the pride of China, All of the Chinese people worship him ,adore him . · He is the great leader to China , great husband to his wife , great father to these orphans ,great example to the next generations . 4 社会生活 吉林20年什么样 (楼, 车) 男人,女人 社会地位 现在样子 提高或降低? · People’s standard of living has gone up . such as real income per person is higher year by year . Now TV , stereo , DVD, refreigerator , elctric cooker and so on has gone into each home . and poverty rate has gone down . · Quality of health care becomes better and better , nearly every neighbourhood has its own clinic ,even in the country . · More and more children have more chances and right to be educated . · Women also have the same right to do everything ,not only stay at home to take care of her husband and children . · With the development of living standard, people are able to satisfy their wants .They spend more time on various recreational activities. People can do sports, singing karaoke, go dancing, go to the movies, play video games or online games, or surf the Internet. · Recreational activities are good to people’s health, both physically and mentally. Sports and dancing can keep people fit. Singing karaoke, playing video games or online games can satisfy people’s imagination. Surfing the Internet can bring people a lot of information and knowledge. Therefore, people will benefit from recreational activities only if they take part in them properly. 5 环境 POllUTION. 如果我是市长 吉林环境问题 谈谈地区污染 EG 野鸭子 Environment pollution With the development of the society,our life become better and better , but our enriroment becomes worse and worse . Enviroment pollution becomes more and more serious , 。water pollution(kill fish and make water unsafe for drinking) , 。air pollution(air becomes dirty and harmful ) , 。sea pollution , 。noise pollution 。white pollution ( plastic pollution ) . harm 。the air becomes dirty and harmful. 。animals and plants are endangered. 。people's health is greatly affected. 。drink the polluted water. It can cause us to be ill and even to die. 。fishes die from serious pollution. 。environment pollution' does great harm to living things and human.     。Where the forests disappear, dust storms will occur occasionally. The weather will get hot and dry. The whole earth will become a big desert. A lot of plants and animals will disappear.Crops will not grow anywhere. Life will be difficult for everyone. The human beings will be punished for their forest-destroying activities. 。cut trees down in large numbers without a plan,which makes the soil washed away. They don't know where there no trees, the rain washed away the surface of the soil and this causes floods. 。Once it rains, the soil will be washed away. When it winds, the earth will be blown away. And then, the farmlands are turned into deserts. Lots of plants and animals cannot live in such a place; many fishes have died and are dying because of water pollution; the climate of our earth is changing... The world is crying… reason · the huge population.(the population explosion) leads to the production of garbage directly. · people's weak consciousness about the environmental protection the useless water and gas from the industry seriously pollute the environment. reduce polution--- solve the problem, 。laws to prevent the enviroment from being pollution. to limit the standard of the useless gas and water's pollution from the factory. 。Scientists are working hard to find ways to keep the earth clean. 。Education of people so that everyone will show his concern about environmental protection. 。We can do it from ourselves. Realize it and be active in protecting environment.No matter it is big or small.eg: no litter to reduce the waste. 。Don't pour dust or dirty things factory material into the water. 。 Protecting the Forests. realize the importance of forests. We should do our best to keep our mountains green,the water clean, and the sky blue. We ought to plant trees each year and carefully look after new trees Only' in this way can we make the forest serve man forever.    Where the forests disappear, dust storms will occur occasionally. The weather will get hot and dry. The whole earth will become a big desert. A lot of plants and animals will disappear.Crops will not grow anywhere. Life will be difficult for everyone. The human beings will be punished for their forest-destroying activities. trees provide us with wood and other products; their roots can allow the rain to sink in and keep the soil, so they help to prevent droughts and floods. Trees can clean air and beautiful life. cut trees down in large numbers without a plan,which makes the soil washed away. They don't know where there no trees, the rain washed away the surface of the soil and this causes floods. · prevent rubbish from polluting the environment:(In our life, a lot of rubbish , such as waste paper, plastic bottles ,batteries and so on , is produced every day .It is very important to deal with the rubbish in cities. For one thing, rubbish may cause a lot of pollution. It may pollute the air, the water and the places we live in. For another, it may do harm to people's health. So in our city, rubbish is well dealt with. · classify rubbish:waste paper ;plastics and Coke cans ;batteries it is sorted. Then old newspapers and glass are recycled. The harmful wastes are buried and the waste water is cleaned before it goes into the river. The government has already made laws against pollution caused by rubbish. · If every tourist uses less plastic bags, how much white pollution would disappear; if everyone tries to reach one place of interest on foot, how much clearer the sky would be; if no guest asks the hotel to change towels every day, how much less detergent would be drained. It’s just as simple as the famous slogan, “Please take away nothing but your smile, and leave behind nothing but your footprint.” I believe that we all love our earth. So,now let’s turn our passion in to action. If not us, who? If not now, when? 。stop using plastic lunch boxes,shopping bags and other unrecyclable plastic products 。plant trees and grow grass; 。whenever we see some rubbishes on the street, we should pick them up and throw them into the dustbins; 。we could also learn how to make the rubbish recycled again and how to purify our dirty water… All the things are easy but important for us. hope 。 I hold that the air will become fresher and the sky will become brighter the environment will become more beautiful if we can pay more attention to the environmental problem. 6 PERSON VALUE 你觉得你个人价值表现在哪?Realise one's own value contribute... to... 母亲, 老师, 儿女, 妻子 言谈,举止,衣着,打扮。简而言之就是以貌取之~ 按我说,一个人不可能十全十美,但人只有活着,那么他就有他自己的价值,或许还没被挖掘,或许没得到想要肯定的人的肯定,但一个人存在的价值是无法被忽略的。 而一个人要别人肯定自己的价值,首先就要做到肯定自己,自己认定自己的价值,要善于经营自己的长处 我认为人的价值在于让身边的人开心,你爱的人和爱你的人可以从你那里得到幸福 朋友失利时你是他的安慰剂,快乐时是可以分享的人 不要渴望从他人那里得到什么,要时刻想着怎么为他人奉献 当你领到工资的时候 当你受到别人祝贺的时候 当你听到别人说声谢谢的时候 当父母夸你长大了懂事了的时候 当你的另一半和孩子需要你的时候 ... 虽然生命短暂,但是我们却可以让有限的生命体现出无限的价值。” 这些时候都能证明你的价值所在. contribute... to... what I am trying to do is to make great contributions to education . As a teacher , I devote myself to my coreer , give my love to the children I try my best to be my students’ friend as well as to be the teacher . In class , make great effort to make my class vivid and interesting .and do my best to answer questions, look after everyone . I take great trouble in correcting papers , and I am very strict in giving marks because I know hao sensitive their feeling are. . After class , I become their friend .keep in touch with not only them bu their families .; chat with them ,play with them , comfort them , help them out of trouble . I always set a good example myself so as to influence my students . As a daughter , I am important to my dad and mom. As a mother , As a wife , As a woman , As a citizen , be positive to our society , be kind to everyone , smile on my face , bring sunshine to 保护环境 To myself : Alive with pleasure 不断反省 cherish my time , enjoy my life , Make your way through the crowd With this new look I'm ready for my new role" My own natural color's come back. Only better, much better我们要时刻学习,不断进步,努力工作,用创造知识大量财富,为社会主义建设贡献一份力量,这样我们就能体现体现出个人价值。我们要时刻学习,不断进步,努力工作,把全部精力,全部生命都投入到为人民服务,为社会主义建设的忘我的工作中去,这样我们就成为一个有价值的伟大的快乐的人。 I love my life , my friends , my family , everything . An active me ,with great love is my value ⑴为爱而生。 ⑵做自己的心灵捕手。善用感觉,热情行动,活出真正的自己。 ⑶别为小事抓狂。你为什么生气?塞车、买票插队、同学争执……生气之前,思考哪些才是真正值得生气的情况。比较之下,就可以知道这些事是多不值得生气。 ⑷让快乐贴身相随。 ⑸年轻不老心。 ⑹笑纹比皱纹重要。 ⑺适当的“自私”。你有权主导自己的生活,你有权对别人的要求说不,你有权对批评你或贬低你的人表示意见。 ⑻向自然学习。从四季的交替中,学会从悲伤中复元。 ⑼活出热情。 ⑽可以不完美。没个人天生不同,接受自己,也同样接受别人。 ⑾勇闯生命难关。 ⑿再试一下。当你相信自己能、而能面对事情时,这已是一个好的开端,一切的多虑都将消失。 ⒀命运操之在我。一块钱、一句好话、一件善事、一点知识、一些方便、一个笑容,都可以改变自己的命运。 ⒁为生命加油。你是害怕应该表达的心意来不及表达,还是害怕心愿不能实现?把今天当作最后一天来活。 ⒂和自己赛跑。学习和自己比,忘记曾经拥有的分数,现在要关注的是,如何让今天过得比昨天好。 ⒃换个角度,心中一片天。换个角度,别人也许是对的。 ⒄乐观。乐观的人可以发明飞机,悲观的人就只能发明降落伞。 ⒅我真的很不错。成功在于唤醒心中的巨人,开发自己的宝藏。 Real beauty comes from learning, growing, and loving in the ways of life. That is the Art of Life.  真正的美丽源于生命里的学习、成长和热爱。这就是生命的艺术。 Everyone seeks value. Everyone wants to become more valuable, and yet we go about it in many different ways. The one common thread in most of this seeking of value is that we look outside of ourselves to find it. As you will see, this is not the place to look. What is personal value? I'm not talking about your value system. That refers to the intangible qualities such as goodness, truth and beauty that you hold so dear. No, that is what you value, but it has very little to do with your own personal value. Many people look to their possessions to give themselves value. The money in the bank, the nice home, the fancy car, even the clothes they wear. Again, this has nothing to do with personal value. Physical objects do not have the power to convey value, even though everything you have in this world is based upon your personal value. Others look to their accomplishments. What they have done, and what they plan on doing in the future. While it is true that everything you accomplish in this world is based upon how you value yourself, the reverse is not true. Your accomplishments do not make you valuable; rather they give you a way to express the value you already have. Some look to struggle. Many people look to 'struggle' to give their lives meaning and significance. "If I struggle, somehow that will make me more valuable." Hardship only creates more hardship, and it can never increase your value. Value is created internally. There is nothing 'in the world' you can do to make yourself more valuable. You can't buy it. You can't steal it. You can't manipulate it out of others. Personal value is not an item of exchange. It's your birthright! And it is only created inside of you. On the most fundamental level, value comes from knowing you are loved by your Creator. Knowing you are loved creates value. The more you allow yourself to be loved, the more value you feel. Personal value is also based upon seven different and very unique qualities. By understanding and working with each one separately, you will be laying the foundation for greater personal value. Seize Your Self-Awareness Claim Your Self-Worth Demand Your Self-Esteem Embrace Your Self-Love Empower Your Self-Confidence Own Your Self-Respect Enjoy Your Self-Realization In addition to reading about your personal value, it's also important to understand the underlying energy beneath it. I almost feel guilty because my life has become so enjoyable and so easy. Especially since I remember how miserable I used to be. Basically it comes down to making one slight shift in what you do everyday, and you can watch in amazement as your life slowly begins to start working out in almost every way. It's such an important change that I've written a complete e-book about it. And I'd like to give you a copy for free. All you have to do is write your first name and primary email address into the space below, and you'll be receiving a link to download the e-book right away.
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