

2012-05-08 26页 doc 91KB 222阅读




医学用语I would like to make an appointment to see a doctor           我想约见医生 When’s the earliest available appointment? 最早可预约到什么时间? When’s the next available appointment?       最早可预约到什么时间? When’s the earliest I can see a doctor?         最早可预约到什么时间? I’m afraid all our docto...
I would like to make an appointment to see a doctor           我想约见医生 When’s the earliest available appointment? 最早可预约到什么时间? When’s the next available appointment?       最早可预约到什么时间? When’s the earliest I can see a doctor?         最早可预约到什么时间? I’m afraid all our doctors are fully booked until Thursday.   非常道歉,这里的医生都到周四前都约满了。 Sorry but we don’t have any appointments available ‘til Thursday 非常道歉,这里的医生都到周四前都约满了。 Are you sure you can’t squeeze me in, it’s quite urgent        你确定没空理我吗?这事真的很急!” You could wait in the waiting room and see if someone cancels.     您可以先在候诊室里等候一下,看有没有人会取消预约。 You could go to the drop-in clinic on Wednesday.     您可以去星期三的那种无须预约的诊所。 We are closed on weekends   我们周末不开门。 I would prefer to see a female doctor           我要看一位女医生 I would prefer to see a male doctor   我要看一位男医生 Do you have any doctors who can speak Chinese?    这里有没有能说中文的医生? 别说“Chinese Doctor”因为他们会以为你要看一个中医大夫   What are your symptoms?     您哪里不舒服? Why do you want to see me today?   您哪里不舒服? What’s troubling you  您哪里不舒服? How can I assist you today?    您哪里不舒服?               1          一般病情:  (连接去视频) I have a headache, nausea and vomiting.      我觉得头痛、恶心和想吐。 I feel under the weather.        我不舒服/ 我生病了。 (两者选一) I'm not feeling well.    我觉得不舒服。 I feel unusually tired. 我感到异常的疲倦。  (反常不用来形容疲倦, 反常的天气。) I feel light-headed.     我觉得头晕。 I have been sick for a few days.         我生病在家有几天了。   (有 示持续) My head is pounding.             我头痛。 My symptoms include; a loss of appetite, weight loss, excessive fatigue, fever and chills.             我的症状有 (不用包括, 显得很生硬) 没有食欲、体重减轻、非常疲倦、发烧和发冷。 I feel exhausted and fatigued most of the time.        我大部份时间都觉得非常疲倦。 I find it hard to get out of bed.           我都不想起床/ 我都起不来床。 I don’t have much energy       我感到很乏力。 I feel drowsy, dizzy and nauseated.    我觉得昏昏欲睡,头晕目眩和想吐。 I feel as though everything around me is spinning.   我感到周围的东西都在打转。 I have noticed some loss of hearing. 我感觉听不清。 I have some pain and itching around my eyes.          我眼睛又痛又痒。             2          伤风感冒: I have been coughing up greenish-yellow phlegm.    我咳嗽带有绿黄色的痰。 My eyes feel itchy and I have been sneezing a lot.    我眼睛发痒,而且一直在打喷嚏。 I have a fever, aching muscles and a hacking cough.            我发烧,肌肉酸痛还有常常咳嗽。 I have a cold with a deep hacking cough.      我伤风咳嗽。 I have a headache, aching limbs and joints. 我头痛,骨头痛、关节也痛。 I have a persistent cough.       我不停地在咳。 I have bouts of uncontrollable coughing.       我忍不住一阵阵的咳嗽。 I have hoarse throat and sometimes I find it difficult to speak.        我声音嘶哑,有时还失声。 I have a sore throat and a stuffy nose.           我嗓子疼痛而且鼻子不通。 My breathing is harsh and wheezy.    我呼吸不畅, 还伴随着呼噜呼噜的声音。 I have a stabbing pain that comes on suddenly in one or both temples.       有时突然间太阳穴刺痛。 I have a runny nose, sneezing and a scratchy throat.            我流鼻水,打喷嚏还喉咙沙哑。             3          女性疾病:12 I have noticed a lump on my breast. 我发觉乳房里有个肿块。 There is a hard, swollen lump on my right breast.    我右乳房里有肿块。 My left breast is painful and swollen.            我左乳房疼痛且肿大。 I have heavy bleeding with my periods.         我月经来的很多。 My vaginal discharge is white or greenish-yellow and it smells really bad.         我阴道分泌物带白色或绿黄色,而且有异味。 I have noticed occasional spotting of blood between periods.          我例假有时来的不干净。(或者不彻底) I have some bleeding after intercourse.        性交后有出血。 My vagina itches.        我感到阴部发痒。 I have painful periods and abnormal secretions from my vagina.    我痛经,而且阴道有异常的分泌物。             4          手脚疾病:13 My hands and feet ache all over.       我四肢都很酸痛。 The soles of my feet are painful.        我脚底很痛。 There is a wart-like lump on the sole of my right foot.         我右脚底有个像肉疣般的硬块。 The pain in my left foot is accompanied by redness and swelling.   左脚酸痛,并伴有红肿。 The joints near my fingernails and knuckles look swollen.    指头和指节旁边的关节好像有点肿。 I have pins and needles in my hands and fingers.      我的手和手指头感到麻木和刺痛。 After strenuous exercise, my legs hurt          剧烈运动后,我的腿就痛。 My knee is disfigured and incapable of movement. 我的膝盖有点畸形,并且也不能动。 There is a swelling in my armpit.       我的腋窝肿大。 I have painful muscles and joints.      我的肌肉和关节都痛。 My back and shoulders are painful.   我的后背和肩膀都痛。 My knee has been bothering me for quite some time.         我的膝盖不舒服,已有一段时间了。             5          睡眠不好:   I am sleeping poorly.  我睡不好 I have difficulty in sleeping, and I find it hard to concentrate.          我不易入睡,也难集中精神。 It is usually hard for me to fall asleep            我晚上几乎睡不着。 I wake up in the middle of the night and find it hard to get back to sleep    我半夜醒来, 就很难睡回去了 I have been having nightmares.         我有时做噩梦。 I have insomnia           我失眠了             6          男性疾病:18 I urinate more frequently than usual.            我尿频。 I have difficulty controlling my bladder.        我很难控制小便。    bladder:膀胱 There are some lumps on my testicles.         我的睪丸里有些硬块。 I have a burning pain when I urinate.            我小便时感到发烫和疼痛。 I pass less urine than usual.    我小便比平时少。 My scrotum is swollen, but there’s no pain   我的阴囊有不痛的肿大。 I have no interest in sex.         我性冷淡。 I have urinary hesitantcy.       我尿路不畅。 My urine stream is very weak.           我小便流动得很慢很弱。 I dribble a little urine after I have finished urinating.             我尿不净。 I have had some discharge from my penis.   我的阴茎流脓。 My urine is cloudy and it smells strong.         我的小便混浊,而且有异味。 I have a dull heavy ache in the crotch.           我的胯部感到隐痛。 I leak urine when I cough or sneeze.  我咳嗽或打喷嚏时,就会有点泄尿。 I have trouble urinating.         我小便有困难。             7          呼吸方面:19 I’m finding it increasingly difficult to breathe.          我呼吸越来越困难。 I have to breathe through my mouth.            我要用口呼吸。 I get breathless for no reason.           我喘气;即使不运动,我也是上气不接下气。 My cough is more like wheezing.       我的咳嗽有呼哧呼哧的响声。 My cough is dry, producing no phlegm.         我是干咳,没有痰。 I have coughed up blood.        我咳嗽有血。 My nose gets stuffed up when I had a cold.   我一感冒鼻子就不通。 I regularly cough up a lot of phlegm. 我经常咳浓痰。 I have a feeling of tightness in the chest, it feels like I am suffocating.    我胸部觉得闷闷的,好象透不过气来。             8口腔毛病:21 I have pain in my teeth and jaw.        我的牙齿和下巴疼痛。 There’s a problem with my teeth.      我牙齿有问题。 The tooth hurts only when I bite things.         只有我咬东西时,牙齿才会痛。 My gums are red and swollen.           我的牙床红肿。 My tongue is red and sore all over.   我的舌头到处红和痛。 My breath smells bad and I have a foul taste in my mouth.             我口臭。 My gums bleed.          我牙龈出血。 I have some sores on my gum and jaw.         我的牙床和下巴肿痛。 I have sores on and around my lips.   我的嘴唇和周围都很痛。 There are some discolored areas on my tongue.      我舌头里边有些地方颜色怪怪的。             9          肠胃毛病:23 I have a bloated, uncomfortable feeling after eating.           我饭后觉得肚子胀胀的,很不舒服。 I have bouts of abdominal pain.         我有一阵阵的肚痛。 I feel bloated in my abdomen.           我感到胀气的。                    注:胀胀的,像「puff up」,但不是真正的肿「swell up」。 The pain is mainly in the lower part of the abdomen.           我小肚子疼。 I have nausea and vomiting.   我有恶心和呕吐。 It is difficult and painful for me to swallow. 我吞下食物时会痛。 I have passed more gas than usual.   我排气比平常多。 I have been constipated for a few days.         我便秘了好几天。 My bowel movements are painful.    我大便时很痛。 I have some bleeding from my rectum.         我的肛门出血。 I have noticed some blood comes out when I poop   我发觉大便时有些血。 My bowel movements are pale, greasy and foul smelling.   我大便呈灰白色,含油脂的恶臭。 My bowel movements are grey or black in color.     我的大便呈灰白色。 I’ve been having diarrhea.      我拉肚子。             10        血压&感官: My blood pressure is really high.       我的血压很高。 I have noticed an increase in my need to urinate, increased thirst and an unexplainabletireness.             我尿频,经常口渴和莫名疲倦。 I have a chest pain that gets worse when I bend over or lie down.   我弯腰或躺下时,胸部更痛。 I sweat excessively and I get tired very easily.          我过量出汗 还 老累。 I have a sharp pain in one part of my spine. 我的脊椎某部位刺痛。 I have pain in other joints including hip, knee and ankle.      其它关节 包括臀部、膝盖和脚踝都疼。 My eyes seem to be bulging. 我的眼睛觉得有点肿胀。 I have double vision.   我的视线有双重影子。 It feels like there is a film over my eyes.       我觉得眼里有种薄膜似的东西,挡住了视线。 My vision in the right eye is blurred.             我右眼模糊不清。 I’ve been having earaches.     我近来耳朵有点痛。 I have a repeated buzzing sound in my ears.             我耳朵常有嗡嗡的声音。 Tests 31 I’ll take your temperature            我来量体温 We need to check your…我来量。。。                        Heart rate           心率 Pulse     脉搏率 Blood pressure 血压 Temperature     体温 Balance                                平衡能力 Eyesight               视力   You need a Blood test           验血 Cholesterol test                                胆固醇检查 X-ray     X光扫描图 CAT scan              电脑断层扫描图  33 What could it be?    可能是什么病呢? Diagnosis   诊断 I think you need to sit down for this     请坐,这个消息很严重 these are all symptoms of…   这些都是。。。的症状 You have…  你得了。。。  34 headache            头痛 lung cancer         肺癌 acute gastritis    急性胃炎 AIDS(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)  爱滋病 HIV(Human Immunodeficiency virus)                              免疫缺陷病毒 AIDS和HIV有什么区别?AIDS是由HIV引起的一个疾病   appendicitis        阑尾炎 anallergy to…     对。。。过敏 arteriosclerosis 动脉硬化 anemia 贫血 angina   心绞痛 appendicitis        阑尾炎 arthritis                关节炎 36 bird flu/avian influenza 禽流感 brain fever/meningitis   脑膜炎 bronchitis            支气管炎 bubonic plague (the black death)             黑死病 cancer   癌症 stomach cancer                胃癌 cataract                白内障 chickenpox         水痘 chronic 慢性的病 cholera 霍乱 cold        感冒 concussion          脑震荡 coronary heart disease  冠心病 cough    咳嗽 cystitis  膀胱炎 37 depression         抑郁病 diabetes              糖尿病 diphtheria           白喉 dyslexia                                诵读困难 dyspraxia             运用障碍 eczema                湿疹 epilepsy               癫痫 emphysema       肺气肿 erysipelia             丹毒 38 fever     发烧 gastritis                胃炎 gastroenteritis  胃肠炎 german measles               风疹      (你也会到听rubella) gingivitis               牙龈炎 gout       通风 headache            头疼 hemiplegia          半身不遂            (你也会听到paralysis on the left/right side of your body) migraine              偏头疼 heart disease     心脏病 heart attack        心肌梗塞     暗语:myocardial infarction hepatitis              肝炎 cirrhosis               肝硬化 hives     荨麻疹 39 indigestion          消化不良 influenza             流感 inflammation     发炎 leukaemia           白血病 liver cancer         肝癌 mad cow disease(CJD)   疯牛病 malaria 疟疾 malnutrition       营养不良 mastitis                乳腺炎 mumps 腮腺炎 paralysis               麻痹 peritonitis           腹膜炎 pharyngitis          咽炎 pneumonia         肺炎 pulmonary tuberculosis                肺结核 40 rabies    狂犬病 rheumatism       风湿病 rickets   佝偻病 SARS(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)         非典 scabies 疥疮      (你也会听welts) scarlet fever       猩红热 sciatica  坐骨神经痛 septicaemia        白血病 sinus infection   窦炎 smallpox              天花 swine flu              猪流感 stomach trouble               胃病 stroke   中风 sunstroke            中暑      (你也会听到heatstroke) syphilis 梅毒   tetanus                破伤风 testicular cancer               睾丸癌症 thrombosis         血栓形成 trachitis                气管炎 tuberculosis       结核病 tumour 肿瘤 typhus  斑疹伤寒 whooping cough              百日咳 yellow fever       黄热病 shingles                带状疮疹  48 You are pregnant             你怀孕了 You’re a hypochondriac!               你抑郁了 All you need is a good rest           你就需要好好休息 Modifiers 49 Acute    急性的 Aggressive          迅速性的 contagious          流行性的 mild       轻微 early-stage         早期的 terminal               晚期的  52 Treatments        治疗 lotion    洗剂 paste     糊剂 tonic      补药 inhalation            吸入剂 lozenge                糖锭 ointment             药膏 liniment               搽剂 suppository        栓剂 pill          药片 tablet    药片 pill和tablet没有区别 capsule 胶囊   antiinflamatory 消炎药 antibiotic             抗生素 antipyretic退热药 pain-killer止痛片 aspirin   阿司匹林 morphine            吗啡 sedative               镇静药 antidepressant 抑郁药 happy pills           抑郁药 insulin   胰岛素 glucose 葡萄糖 anaesthetic        麻醉剂 sleeping pill        安眠药 oral contraceptive           服避孕药 contraceptive pill             口服避孕药  59 Are you allergic to any type of medication?          你会不会对某些药品过敏? I'm allergic to ...                我对。。。过敏? I'm allergic to penicilin    我对盘尼西宁严重过敏 I'm sensitive to penicilin                我对盘尼西宁严重过敏 The instructions on the box tell you how exactly to take it, please follow them very carefully       上盒面的说明告诉你怎么服用,一定得看仔细了。 I'll give you an injection 我给你打针 I'll give you surgery         我给你手术 prescription        处方 I'll give you a prescription             我开给你一张处方 61 Take two of these tablets three times a day.       这些药片每日三次,每次两片。 on a full stomach              饭后服用 shake the bottle well before use              服用前摇匀 be taken at bed-time     睡前服用 be taken when necessary            必要时服用 on an empty stomach    空腹服用 for external use only      仅限外用 for oral administration   仅限内服  63 你会问医生这些问题 What should I do?           我该怎么办? Should I stay in the hospital?      我需要住院吗? Will it go away by itself?                它能自然痊愈吗? When shall I come back?              我什么时候再来? What should I do if I'm not better in a few weeks?           如果我二三周都不见好,应该怎么办 Will there be a recurrence?         这病会复发吗? Does this medicine have any side-effects?           这药有副作用吗? What kind of food should I eat? Should I have a special diet?    我应该吃什么样的饮食,我需要遵循特别的饮食吗? Will surgery be necessary?          需要做手术吗? Will it take long to recover?         很久才能恢复吗? Is it okay to move around and exercise?                可以在地上走走,锻炼锻炼吗? Is it serious?       情况严重吗? Is there any danger?      有危险吗? What could be causing it?             可能是什么原因呢? What should I do if I have another episode?        我若是再犯,该怎么办呢? Isn't there any good medicine for it?       没有什么好药吗? What kind of medicine is this?    这是一种什么药呢? I hate injections, Can I take the medicine orally?               我不喜欢打针,能吃些口服药吗? How long do I have to take the drugs before they take effect?   我得吃多长时间的药才有效果? How long do the drugs take to have an effect?  我吃药后得等多久才有效果? Can it be cured?               能治好么? Will it get worse?             会变糟吗? What do you think?        你认为怎样? Can anything be done for the pain?         对于这种疼痛,有没有办法呢? Yes,I can prescribe you some painkillers            镇痛药 Whatever you say.          听从你的意见。 Is it contagious?                这病传染吗? _1376832836.bin _1376832837.bin _1376832834.bin _1376832835.bin _1376832833.bin
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