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绝望主妇第一季第二集中英文台词-GABRIELLE: if Mary Alice was having some sort of crisis, we’d have known. some sort of: 某种 crisis: 危机 如果Mary alice有什么不对劲,我们应该会知道的。 She lives 50 feet away, for God’s sakes. for God’s sakes: 【天晓得】看在上帝的面上 天晓得,她住的离我们不过50英尺。 -SUSAN: Gabby, the woman killed hersel...
-GABRIELLE: if Mary Alice was having some sort of crisis, we’d have known. some sort of: 某种 crisis: 危机 如果Mary alice有什么不对劲,我们应该会知道的。 She lives 50 feet away, for God’s sakes. for God’s sakes: 【天晓得】看在上帝的面上 天晓得,她住的离我们不过50英尺。 -SUSAN: Gabby, the woman killed herself. Something must’ve been going on. go on: 发生 Gabby,她结束了自己的生命,肯定有事情发生。 -GABRIELLE: Every time I’m around that man, he tries to grab my ass! around: 在……周围 try to: 设法 grab: 抓握 ass: 屁股 我每次遇见他,他都想摸我的屁股。 -CARLOS: I made over $200,000 doing business with him last year. If he wants to grab your ass, you let him. business:生意 do business with: 与某人做生意 去年我和他做了超过20万美元的生意。如果他想摸你就让他摸吧 -JOHN: Why aren’t you happy? 你为什么不开心? -GABRIELLE: Turns out I wanted all the wrong things. turn out: 证明是 结果证明我所要的东西都没用。 -GABRIELLE: What’s that? 这是什么? -BREE: It’s a letter, addressed to Mary Alice. address: 写信给 一封写给Mary Alice的信。 -SUSAN: Oh Mary Alice, what did you do? 哦,Mary Alice,你究竟干了什么? -NARRATOR: An odd thing happens when we die. Our senses vanish. odd: 奇怪 sense: 感觉 vanish: 消失 我们死去以后就会有奇怪的事情发生,我们没有感觉。 Taste, touch, smell and sound become a distant memory. distant: 遥远的 memory: 记忆 味觉、触觉、嗅觉和听觉成为遥远的回忆。 But our sight, ah, our sight expands. And we can suddenly see the world we’ve left behind so clearly. sight: 视野 expand: 扩展 suddenly: 突然 leave behind: 丢在后面 但是我们的视觉,啊,我们的视野开阔了。我们能把被我们扔在身后的这个世界看清楚。 Of course, most of what’s visible to the dead can also be seen by the living, if they only take the time to look. visible: 能看见的 the living: 活人,活着的人们,生者 take the time to: 花时间去做 当然,死人能看见的世界活人也能看清楚,他们只是不愿意花时间去看而已。 -NARRATOR: Like my friend Gabrielle. I should’ve seen how unhappy she was. But I didn’t. unhappy: 不高兴 就像我的朋友Gabrielle。我过去应该看出来她有多么不开心,但是我没有 I only saw her clothes from Paris; 我只看见了她的法国时装, And her platinum jewellery; platinum: 白金 jewellery: 珠宝 她的白金首饰, And her brand new diamond watch. brand: 崭新的 diamond: 钻石的 和她崭新的钻石手。 -NARRATOR: Had I looked closer, I’d’ve seen that Gabrielle was a drowning woman, desperately in search of a life raft. drowning: 溺水,溺死 desperately: 绝望地 in search of: 寻找 raft: 木筏 如果我看得更仔细,我就会看出Gabrielle是个快溺毙的女人,绝望的在寻找生命的木筏 Luckily for her, she found one. 幸运的是,她找到了。 -NARRATOR: Of course, Gabrielle only saw her young gardener as a way to infuse her life with a little excitement. gardener: 园丁 infuse with: 注入 excitement: 兴奋,激动 当然,Gabrielle只是找到了她年轻的园丁给她的生活中注入新鲜血液, But now, she was about to discover just how exciting her life could get. be about to: 将要,正打算 discover: 发现 get: 变得 但是现在她想尝试一下究竟她的生活可以有多精彩。 -GABRIELLE: Damn it! Come on. damn: 该死的 come on: 拜托 该死! -JOHN: Whoa! whoa: 惊叹声 哇! -GABRIELLE: Come on, come on, hurry! Let’s go, let’s go! come on:快点 hurry: 赶快 快点,快点,快点!赶紧!快走! -JOHN: Where’re the rest of my clothes? rest: 剩余 我还有衣服呢? -GABRIELLE: I’ll find them, just get out! get out: 出去 我会找到的,赶快出去。 -JOHN: Where? 去哪? -GABRIELLE: Out the window. 窗户外面。 -JOHN: What? 什么? -GABRIELLE: Go, go! 快走,快走! -GABRIELLE: Hi honey, you’re home early! 你好,亲爱的,你回来得真早。 -CARLOS: My meeting got cancelled. cancel: 取消 我的会议取消了。 You just took a shower this morning. shower:洗澡 你今天早上不是已经洗过澡了吗? -GABRIELLE: I, uh, I just finished a workout. finish: 完成 workout: 健身 我,呃,我刚刚锻炼完身体。 -CARLOS: Mmm. Where’s John? John在哪里? --GABRIELLE: John? John? -CARLOS: Yeah. That’s his truck out front. truck: 除草机 是啊,外面有他的除草机。 -NARRATOR: Gabrielle was panicked. panicked: 惊慌的 Gabrielle惊慌失措。 She knew if her husband discovered her secret, she would feel the full force of his wrath. force: 力量 wrath: 愤怒 她知道如果他丈夫发现了她的秘密,她将在他的震怒中万劫不复。 -JOHN: Hey Mr. Solis. 你好,Solis 先生 --CARLOS: Hey, John, did you take care of that ficus yet? take care of: 处理 ficus: 无花果属 你好,John, 那棵树弄好了吗? --JOHN: I’ll get to it as soon as I’m done here. get to: 开始 as soon as: 一…就… 我一忙完这个就去照料。 -CARLOS: Alright. We need to talk about the hedges later. talk about: 谈论 hedge: 篱笆 好吧。我们一会需要聊聊那个篱笆。 -NARRATOR: But she was quickly reminded that what Carlos couldn’t see, couldn’t hurt her. quickly: 快 remind: 想起 hurt: 伤害 但是她很快来……Carlos看不见的地方……影响不了她。 -JOHN: Yeah, sure, no problem. 好的,当然没问题。 -NARRATOR: The peaceful fa?ade of Wisteria Lane had recently been shattered. peaceful: 宁静的 fa?ade: 外观模式 recently: 最近 shattered: 破碎的 最近Wisteria Lane看似生活被打破了。 First by my suicide, and then by the discovery of a note among my belongings that suggested a suspicious reason for my desperate act. suicide: 自杀 discovery: 发现 belonging: 所有物 note: 纸条 suggest: 暗示 suspicious: 可疑的 desperate: 绝望的 首先是我的自杀,然后是发现了遗物中的一个纸条暗示了我自杀的一个可能的原因。 My friends gathered to discuss its implications gather: 聚集 discuss: 讨论 implication: 含义,暗示 我的朋友们聚在一起讨论它暗含的意义。 -SUSAN: I think we should give it to Paul. 我认为我们应该把它交给Paul。 -GABRIELLE: He’s still mourning, Susan, he’ll probably freak out. mourning: 悲痛 probably: 可能 freak out: 失去理智,大发脾气;崩溃 Susan,他仍然沉浸在悲痛中,他很有失去理智。 -SUSAN: It doesn’t matter, she was his wife. He deserves to have all the facts. matter: 要紧 deserve: 应得 没有关系,她是他的老婆,他理应知道所有的事实真相。 -BREE: Well, we could do it gently. We could tell him about it over coffee and pastry. gently: 温柔地 tell about: 把某事告诉某人 pastry: 点心 hand: 递 我们可以做得巧妙一点,我们可以在闲聊的时候告诉他。 -LYNETTE: That would be fun. fun: 乐趣 那会很有意思。 Paul, we have proof your wife killed herself over some deep dark secret. Another “?”? proof: 证据 deep: 深的 dark: 暗处的 secret: 秘密 “Paul,我们有证据证明你妻子的自杀是因为一些幕后的秘密。又一个晴天霹雳?” -GABRIELLE: We could always call the police. call the police: 报警 我们也许可以报警。 -LYNETTE: Maybe it’s just some sort of sick joke. some sort of: 某种 sick: 恶心的 joke: 玩笑 sick joke: 一个残酷的玩笑 也许这只是捉弄人的。 -BREE: Well if it was a joke, it was in very poor taste. poor: 低劣的; 次等的 taste: 欣赏 如果这是个玩笑,那也太没水平了。 -SUSAN: No, this was serious, I know it was. serious: 严肃的 不,这应该不是玩笑,我知道的。 We gotta find out what was going on. gotta(=have got to): 必须 find out: 找出 我们要去找到事实真相。 -LYNETTE: Let’s say we do. There’s a chance we’re not gonna like what we find. gonna(=going to): 将要 看看我们该怎么办,有可能真相并不那么令人开心。 -SUSAN: Well, isn’t it worse to be in the dark, imagining she did all these horrible things? worse: 更坏的 in the dark: 不为人知;在黑暗中 imagine: 想象 horrible: 恐怖的 但是,那也比藏在地下要好呀?我是说,如果她真的做了这些恐怖的事情。 -BREE: It’s the usual question, isn’t it? (SUSAN looks up at BREE.) usual: 常见的 这是个老掉牙的问题,不是吗? How much do we really wanna know about our neighbours? wanna(=want to): 想要 know about: 知道,了解 neighbour: 邻居 我们到底希望多么深入的去了解我们的邻居? -NARRATOR: My friends were right to be concerned. concerned: 关心的 朋友们的话是值得考虑的, They knew that every family has its secrets. 他们知道每个家庭都有自己的秘密。 And as my son and husband could’ve told them, you need to think carefully before digging them up. carefully: 小心地 dig up: 发现,揭露出 正如我的儿子和丈夫可能会警戒她们的那样,在你把真相挖掘出来之前一定要想清楚。 -NARRATOR: After talking for hours, my friends still hadn’t agreed on what to do with the note. agree on: 商定〔同意〕某事 talk about: 谈论 讨论了几个小时之后,朋友们仍然没有对如何处治这个纸条达成一致。 So, they decided to talk about it in the morning after a good night’s rest. decide to: 决定做… talk about: 谈论 rest: 休息,睡眠 因此她们决定先好好睡一觉,明天早上再讨论。 But no one could fall asleep that night. fall asleep: 入睡 但是晚上她们谁也没有睡好, They each kept thinking of my suicide, and how terribly alone I must’ve felt. think of: 考虑,想 suicide: 自杀 terribly: 非常地 alone: 孤独 每个人都在想我的事情,在想我肯定是觉得非常的孤独。 You see, lonely was something my friend’s understood all too well. lonely: 孤独的 all too: 实在太 看见了吗,孤独是我的朋友们感受最深的。 -REX: Its okay, I’m up up: 成直立姿势; 起床 好了,我醒了。 -BREE: Good. I have a question for you. 好,我有个问题。 -REX: Okay. 问吧。 -BREE: Do you remember when you proposed? propose: 求婚 你还记得你向我求婚时的情景吗? -REX: For god’s sake. 看在上帝的份上…… -BREE: We sat on Skyline Drive and drank a bottle of apple wine. Skyline Drive: 国家公园的地平线公路 a bottle of: 一瓶 wine: 酒 我们驱车沿着海边喝了一瓶苹果香槟 And when we finished it, you turned to me and you said, If you marry me, Bree Mason, I promise to love you for the rest of my life. turn to: 转向 promise: 发誓 the rest of: 其余 当我们喝完的时候,你转向我,对我说“Bree Mason,如果你嫁给我,我会今生今世永远爱你”。 And even though I was engaged to Ty Grant, and even though my father didn’t like you, I said yes. even though: 尽管 be engaged to: 订婚 尽管我已经和Ty Grant订婚,尽管我爸爸不喜欢你,我还是答应嫁给你。 -REX: That was a long time ago. a long time ago: 很久以前 那是很久以前的事了。 -BREE: You’re gonna cancel the meeting with that divorce lawyer, and we’re gonna find ourselves a marriage counsellor. gonna(=going to): 将要 cancel: 取消 divorce: 离婚 lawyer: marriage: 婚姻 counselor: 顾问 你要去取消和律师的会面,然后去找一个顾问。 -REX: Bree, I… 我… -BREE: You promised. 你承诺过的。 -REX: Alright. alright=all right: 好 好的。 -BREE: Good, I’m gonna go make myself some, uh, warm milk. gonna(=going to): 将要 好,我要去给自己准备一杯热牛奶。 Would you like something to drink? 你想要点什么饮料吗? -REX: Anything but apple wine. 只要不是苹果香槟就行 -NARRATOR: Susan awoke that night alone and parched. awake: 醒来 parch: 使(某人)极口渴 那天晚上Susan独自醒来,饥渴万分。 And as she gazed out her window, she saw the tall drink of water she needed to quench her thirst. gaze: 注视 gaze out: 向外注视 drink: 一杯 quench: 解渴 thirst: 口渴 当她朝窗外看的时候,她看到了可以解渴的一大杯水。 -JULIE: Dear Diary, Mike doesn’t even know I’m alive. even: 甚至 alive: 活着 “亲爱的Diary,Mike 甚至不知道我还存在着” 。 -SUSAN: Shut up. 闭嘴 -JULIE: If you wanna date him, you’re gonna have to ask him out. wanna(=want to): 想要 date: 约会 ask out: 请(某人)外出 如果你想和他约会,就要喊他出来。 -SUSAN: I keep hoping he’ll ask me out. 我一直希望他采取主动。 -JULIE: How’s that going? 结果呢? -SUSAN: Shouldn’t you be making brownies for your nerdy friends? brownies: 巧克力糕饼 nerdy: 讨厌鬼 你怎么还不为你的狐朋狗友们准备巧克力蛋糕? -JULIE: I can’t find the measuring cup. Have you seen it? measuring cup: 量杯 我找不到量杯了,你有看到吗? -SUSAN: The measuring cup? 量杯? -JULIE: Yeah. 是啊。 -SUSAN: Hm. Uh, well it’s gotta be here somewhere. Just keep looking. gotta(=have got to): 必须 我,哦,原来一直放这的,再找找看。 -CARLOS: I know you’re awake. awake: 醒着的 我知道你没睡。 -GABRIELLE: I know you’re a jerk. jerk: 粗蠢之人 我知道你是个杂碎。 -CARLOS: Dinner with Tanaka ran long, I’m sorry. run: 进行 和Tanaka吃晚饭时间长了点,对不起。 -GABRIELLE: You know, Carlos, I didn’t marry you so I could have dinner by myself 6 nights a week. dinner: 晚餐 by myself: 单独 Carlos, 你知道,我嫁给你,并不是为了一周有六天都独自吃晚饭。 You know how bored I was today? I came this close to actually cleaning the house. bored: 无聊的 actually: 竟然 come close to: 接近,几乎 你知道今天我有多闷?我闷到居然彻彻底底的打扫了一次房子。 -CARLOS: Don’t be that way. I got you a gift. gift: 礼物 别这样,我给你买了份礼物。 -GABRIELLE: Nope. No, no, no, no. you’re not gonna buy your way outta this one. gonna(=going to): 想要 outta=out of 不行,不行。你别指望这就把我给打发了。 -CARLOS: It’s a good gift. 很棒的礼物 -GABRIELLE: Is that white gold? white gold: 白金 是白金的吗? -CARLOS: Yeah. Put it on. And then make love to me. put on: 穿上,戴上 make love to: 表示爱情,与…做爱 是的,戴上它……然后和我做爱。 -GABRIELLE: I’m not in the mood. But, we could stay up and talk. in the mood: 好心情 stay up: 熬夜 我没心情。我们可以不睡觉,聊聊天。 -CARLOS: When a man buys a woman expensive jewellery, there are many things he may want in return. expensive: 昂贵的 jewellery: 首饰 in return: 作为回报 当一个男人给女人买了非常昂贵的首饰,他希望得到很多回报, For future reference, conversation ain’t one of ‘em. future: 未来的 reference: 参考 conversation: 谈话 但不是聊天。 -CARLOS: Hey, that was a joke. 嗨,只是开个玩笑。 -GABRIELLE: Yeah, right. 是,没错。 -CARLOS: What the hell’s wrong with you? hell: 训斥, 咒骂(用以加强语气) 你到底吃错什么药了? -GABRIELLE: Let go of me. let go of: 放开 放开我。 -CARLOS: You’ve been acting like a nightmare for a month. What’s wrong act like: 表现得像 nightmare: 噩梦 嗨,这一个月来你简直像个恶魔,怎么回事? -GABRIELLE: Stop. 住口。 -CARLOS: I can’t fix it unless you tell me. fix: [口]惩罚; 收拾 unless: 除非 如果你不告诉我,我是不会放过你的。 -GABRIELLE: It’s not exciting anymore, Carlos. exciting: 令人兴废的 not anymore: 不再 Carlos,生活不再那么有意思了。 -CARLOS: So what am I supposed to do? be supposed to: 被期望 你想让我怎么做? -GABRIELLE: I don’t know. Be the way you used to be, surprise me, take my breath away. used to be: 过去经常 surprise: 使感到意外 take one’s breath away: 使大吃一惊 breath: 呼吸 我不知道,和过去的你一样,给我惊喜,让我出乎意料。 -CARLOS: Okay. Okay. 好吧。 -MIKE: Hey Susan. 你好,Susan。 -SUSAN: Mike! Mike! -MIKE: What’s wrong? 怎么了? -SUSAN: I didn’t realize anyone was gonna be out here, I just sorta rolled outta bed. realize: 意识到 gonna(=going to): 将要 sorta: 有点 roll: 卷 outta: out of 我想可能没人会在这,所以只裹了条毛毯。 -MIKE: I’m sure you look fine. 你看起来很好。 -SUSAN: Oooh. 哦。 -MIKE: Ooh, Bongo, Bongo! Shh.. Sorry, uh, he scares easy. shh: 嘘,安静一点 scare: 惊吓 哦,Bongo,别叫了。对不起,呃,它很容易被吓倒。 -SUSAN: No, it’s fine, I get it. get it: 理解 没,没关系,知道了, -MIKE: I didn’t mean to disturb you. I’ll see you later. mean to: 打算,故意 disturb: 打扰 我没想要打扰你,再见。 -SUSAN: D—do you wanna have dinner with me? wanna(=want to): 想要 你想和我一起吃晚饭吗? -MIKE: Just the two of us? 就我们俩? -SUSAN: Heh, well, and Julie. heh: (表示惊异、质问)嗨! 呃,还有Julie。 Uh, it’s a thing we do when somebody new moves into the neighbourhood, we invite them over for a home-cooked meal. Sort of a tradition. neighbourhood: 邻里 invite: 邀请 invite over:请(某人)过来 home-cooked meal: 家常菜 sort of: 有几分 tradition: 传统 当有新邻居搬来时,我们会邀请他们来家里吃一顿晚餐,是老传统。 -MIKE: You said you were a lousy cook. lousy: 差劲的 cook: 厨师 我记得你说过你厨艺不精。 -SUSAN: Well. I order takeout. order: 订购 takeout: 外卖 那么,我叫外卖。 -MIKE: Oh, you invite them over for a home-cooked meal and you order takeout. 哦,你邀请别人来家里吃饭,然后叫外卖。 -SUSAN: Yeah, it’s sort of a new tradition. I’m working out the kinks. work out: 出, 作出 kinks: 操作指南 是的,这,这是一种新的习俗。我突发奇想。 -MIKE: I’ll tell you what. How ‘bout I cook? And you guys come over to my place. guy: 人 come over: 过来 这样吧,我来做饭。你们来我家吃饭,怎么样? -SUSAN: Oh. Great. 好极了。 -MIKE: Friday night at six? 星期五晚上六点? -SUSAN: I’ll be there. 我会准时到的。 -MIKE: Alright. 好的,走吧。 -SUSAN: Bye, Bongo. 再见,Bongo。 -SUSAN: Julie? Mike Delfino just invited us to dinner Friday night. Julie! Mike Delfino刚刚邀请了我们星期五晚上去吃晚饭。 -JULIE: He did? Cool. 是吗?太酷了。 -SUSAN: But only I’m going. 但我要一个人去。 Because you’re gonna come down with something semi-serious that requires bed-rest and fluids. gonna(=going to): 将要 come down with: 染上(病) semi-: 部分的 require: 需要 bed-rest: 卧床休息 fluid: 液体【这里指输液】 因为你得了比较严重的病,需要好好休息和打吊针。 -NARRATOR: Julie was glad Susan was rekindling her love life. rekindle: 重新激起 Julie 很高兴Susan重新开始了她的爱情生活。 Of course, she was unaware of her mother’s recent track record with fire. unaware of: 没有意识到 recent: 最近 track: 踪迹 record: 记录 当然,她她妈妈纵火的劣迹。 EDIE: It’s all gone. Everything my ex-husband’s worked for all those years. Gone. ex-husband: 前夫 都过去了……我的前夫这些年的辛苦都白费了。 -MRS HUBER: Don’t worry about clothing, I already started a collection from people in the neighbourhood. worry about: 担心 clothing: 衣服 already: 已经 collection: 搜集 neighbourhood: 邻里 好了,别担心衣服了,我已经开始去邻里搜集一些衣服了。 -EDIE: What? I don’t wanna wear other people’s old crap. wanna(=want to): 想要 crap: 垃圾 什么?我可不想穿别人的旧衣服。 -MRS HUBER: Edie, you can be homeless or you can be ungracious. homeless: 无家可归 ungracious: 没有吸引力的 Edie,你可以无家可归,也可以穿着寒碜。 You really can’t afford to be both. afford: 负担得起 如果两样兼备可够你受的。 -EDIE: That reminds me. My insurance cheque still hasn’t come yet. remind: 提醒 insurance: 保险 cheque: 支票 yet: 还 这提醒了我,我的保险支票还没到呢。 Can I stay with you for a few more weeks? stay with: 在…家里作客 我能在这多住几个星期吗? -MRS HUBER: Of course. What kind of Christian would I be if I denied shelter to a friend in need? Christian: 基督徒 deny: 拒绝 shelter: 庇护所 in need: 有需要的 当然,如果我帮助处在困境中的朋友,还算什么基督徒呢? Oh look, here’s something we can salvage, your measuring cup. salvage: 抢修 measuring cup: 量杯 哦,看这个,我们可以变废为宝。 We can just scrape off the burnt part and it’ll look good as new. scrape off: 刮掉 我们将烧坏的部分刮掉,就会和新的一样了。 -EDIE: That’s not my cup. Mine was plastic. plastic: 塑料的 那不是我的杯子,我的是塑料制的。 -MRS HUBER: Well, how did it get in here? 那它是怎么到这来的? -EDIE: I don’t know. Who cares? care: 在意 我不知道。这有什么大不了的? Now would you put that down and start looking for jewellery? put down: 发下 look for: 寻找 jewellery: 首饰 现在你能把那玩意放下,然后开始找珠宝了吗? -NARRATOR: Doctor Albert Goldfine was the most accomplished marriage counsellor in the city. accomplished: 精通的 marriage: 婚姻 counselor: 顾问 Albert Goldfein医生是城里最有经验的婚姻顾问。 He had dealt with problems ranging from substance abuse, to infidelity, to domestic violence. deal with: 处理过 problem: 问题 range from: 从…到… substance: 物质 abuse: 滥用 infidelity: 不忠实 domestic: 家庭的 violence: 暴力 他处理过无数的婚姻,从吸毒、到婚外情、到家庭暴力。 Yes, Dr. Goldfine thought he had seen it all. And then, he met the Van De Kamp’s. 是的,Albert Goldfein医生以为他了解了婚姻百态,直到他遇见了Van de Kamps。 -BREE: Hi, I’m Bree, and this is my husband Rex. And I brought you some homemade pot pourri. homemade: 自制的 pot pourri: 扑扑莉 你好,我是Bree,这是我丈夫Rex……我给你带了一些自制的香花。 -REX: The answer is yes, you’re about to make a fortune off us. be about to: 将要,正打算 fortune: 财产 make a fortune: 赚大钱 你猜得没错,你又要从我们身上赚大钱了。 -LYNETTE: Boys, guys, I’m begging you, sit in your seats. beg: 请求 家伙们,我非常……坐到座位上去。 I’m not gonna tell you again! Buckle up! gonna(=going to): 将要 buckle up: 扣上安全带 我不想再说一遍了,扣上安全带! I mean it, so help me, I…Oh .. crap! crap: 废话 我很认真,拜托,我要……,该死! 该死! -OFFICER: License and registration please. license: 驾照 registration: 登记 请出示驾照和登记证。 Ma’am, you know why I pulled you over? pull over: 靠向路边 夫人,你知道我为什么拦你吗? -LYNETTE: I have a theory. theory: 看法 愿闻其详。 -OFFICER: Your kids are jumping up and down; they should be sitting, wearing a seatbelt. jump: 跳动 up and down: 上上下下 seatbelt: 安全带 这些小家伙爬上爬下,他们应该坐好,并系上安全带。 -LYNETTE: I yelled at them. They never listen to me, it’s very frustrating. yell at: 对…吼叫 frustrating: 使人沮丧的,令人泄气的 我让他们别这样,他们根本不听,真没。 -OFFICER: Well, you’re gonna hafta find a way to control them. After all, that’s your job. gonna(=going to): 将要 hafta<主美口>=have to control: 控制 你要想办法制住他们。不过,那是你的工作。 -NARRATOR: Though he’d been a policeman for 6 years, Officer Hayes had never found himself in a truly dangerous situation. policeman: 警察 truly: 真实的 dangerous: 危险的 situation: 处境 尽管他已经干了六年的警察,Hayes发现他这次的处境才真正很危险。 Then again, he had never before told a woman how to raise her children. raise: 养育 他以前从没告诉过一个女人,该怎样去管教孩子。 -LYNETTE: You saying I’m a bad mother? 你是说我是个失败的母亲? -OFFICER: Ma’am, you need to get back in your car please. get back: 回到 夫人,请回到车里。 -LYNETTE: I have no help, my husband’s always away on business. on business: 因公 没有人帮我,我丈夫总是在外忙生意。 -OFFICER: I’m gonna hafta ask you to step back now. step back: 退后 我必须警告你立刻回到车上。 -LYNETTE: My babysitter joined the witness relocation program. babysitter: 临时保姆 join: 加入 witness: 证人 relocation: 重新定位 program: 项目 我的管家换工作了, I haven’t slept through the night in 6 years. 六年来我晚上从没好好睡过觉。 -OFFICER: Ma’am..? 女士? -LYNETTE: And for you to stand there, and judge me. judge: 评价 而你却站在这儿,对我评头论足。 -OFFICER: Okay. I’m not gonna give you a ticket. I’m just gonna let you off with a warning. gonna(=going to): 将要 let off: 放掉〔过〕; 免除 warning: 警告 我不给你开罚单了,只是给你个警告。 -LYNETTE: I accept your apology. accept: 接受 apology: 道歉 我接受你的道歉。 -OFFICER: Buckle up! 系好安全带! -JOHN: Mrs. Solis! Solis 夫人! -GABRIELLE: Hello Jonathan. 你好, Jonathan。 -JOHN: Well, this is my room. Sorry about the mess. mess: 混乱 嗯,这是我的房间,很抱歉,这一团糟。 -GABRIELLE: Oh, well, don’t... …worry about it. worry about: 担心 啊,没关系。 -JOHN: You just missed my mom. On Friday she coaches my little sister’s soccer team. coach: 训练 soccer: 英式足球 我妈妈刚刚来过,星期五她要给我妹妹的足球队担任教练。 -GABRIELLE: Oh, yes, I heard that. 哦,是的,我听你说过了。 Uh, John, we need to talk about what happened the other day. the other day: 前几天 呃,John,我们要谈谈前几天发生的事。 -JOHN: Mr. Solis isn’t starting to catch on, is he? catch on:〈非正〉理解 Solis先生开始怀疑你了,是吗? -GABRIELLE: No, no, he doesn’t have a clue, God love him. clue: 线索 不,没有,上帝保佑,他没什么证据。 It’s just, I was thinking, that when you come over to garden, you might actually have to garden. come over: 过来 garden: 花园;从事园艺 actually: 实际上 只是当你去花园时,你应该真的是在干园艺活。 -JOHN: Great, you’re breaking up with me. In my own bedroom. break up: 分手 好极了,你想和我分手。在我的卧室里。 -GABRIELLE: No, no, no, I’m not dumping you. dump: 抛弃
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