首页 > 盐酸多西环素


2012-05-17 4页 pdf 145KB 65阅读




盐酸多西环素 盐酸多西环素 主要成分:由土霉素经 6α-位上脱氧而得到的一种半合成四环素类抗生素,制品为 盐酸盐半乙醇合半水合物。 性状:常用其盐酸盐,为淡黄色或黄色结晶性粉末;臭,味苦。在水中或甲醇中易 溶,在乙醇或丙酮中微溶,在氯仿中不溶。 功能主治:抗菌谱与四环素、土霉素基本相同,体内、外抗菌力均较四环素为强。 微生物对本品与四环素、土霉素等有密切的交叉耐药性。口服吸收良好。主要用于敏感的革 兰阳性菌和革兰阴性杆菌所致的上呼吸道感染、扁条体炎、胆道感染、淋巴结炎、蜂窝组炎、 老年慢性支气管炎等,也用于治疗斑疹伤寒、羌虫病、支原体...
盐酸多西环素 主要成分:由土霉素经 6α-位上脱氧而得到的一种半合成四环素类抗生素,制品为 盐酸盐半乙醇合半水合物。 性状:常用其盐酸盐,为淡黄色或黄色结晶性粉末;臭,味苦。在水中或甲醇中易 溶,在乙醇或丙酮中微溶,在氯仿中不溶。 功能主治:抗菌谱与四环素、土霉素基本相同,体内、外抗菌力均较四环素为强。 微生物对本品与四环素、土霉素等有密切的交叉耐药性。口服吸收良好。主要用于敏感的革 兰阳性菌和革兰阴性杆菌所致的上呼吸道感染、扁条体炎、胆道感染、淋巴结炎、蜂窝组炎、 老年慢性支气管炎等,也用于治疗斑疹伤寒、羌虫病、支原体肺炎等。尚可用于治疗霍乱, 也可用于预防恶性疟疾和钩端螺旋体感染。主要用于敏感的革兰阳性球菌和革兰阴性桿菌所 致的上呼吸道感染、扁桃体炎、胆道感染、淋巴结炎、蜂窝组织炎、老年慢性支气管炎等, 也用于斑疹伤寒、恙虫病、支原体肺炎等。尚可用于治疗霍乱,也可用于预防恶性疟疾和勾 端螺旋体感染。 用法及用量:口服:1次 0.1g,1日2次。必要时首剂可加倍。8岁以上儿童:首 剂每千克体重4mg;以后,每次每千克体重2mg,1日2次。一般疗程为3~7日。预 防恶性疟:每周 0.1g;预防勾端螺旋体病:每周2次,每次 0.1g。 不良反应和注意:1.胃肠道反应多见(约20%),如恶心、呕吐、腹泻等,饭后 服药可减轻。2.其他不良反应参见四环素。3.用法应为1日2次,如每日应用 0.1g1次,不 足以维持有效血药浓度。4.在肝、肾功能轻度不全者,本药的半衰期与在正常者无显著区别, 但对肝、肾功能重度不全者则应注意慎用。5.对8岁以下小儿及孕妇、哺乳妇女一般应禁用。 规格:片剂:每片 0.1g。 生产厂家: 是否医保用药:医保 是否非处方药:处方 盐酸多西环素 【别名】长效土霉素;多西环素;强力霉素;去氧土霉素;伟霸霉素薄膜片;盐酸多西霉 素 ,盐酸多西环素 【外文名】Doxycycline ,Doxitard, Gibidox, Liomycin 【药理作用】 抗菌谱与四环素、土霉素基本相同,体内、外抗菌力均较四环素为 强。微生物对本品与四环素、土霉素等有密切的交叉耐药性。口服吸收良好。主要用于敏感 的革兰阳性菌和革兰阴性杆菌所致的上呼吸道感染、扁条体炎、胆道感染、淋巴结炎、蜂窝 组炎、老年慢性支气管炎等,也用于治疗斑疹伤寒、羌虫病、支原体肺炎等。尚可用于治疗 霍乱,也可用于预防恶性疟疾和钩端螺旋体感染。 【适应症】 主要用于敏感的革兰阳性球菌和革兰阴性桿菌所致的上呼吸道感染、 扁桃体炎、胆道感染、淋巴结炎、蜂窝组织炎、老年慢性支气管炎等,也用于斑疹伤寒、恙 虫病、支原体肺炎等。尚可用于治疗霍乱,也可用于预防恶性疟疾和勾端螺旋体感染。 【用量用法】 口服:1次0.1g,1日2次。必要时首剂可加倍。8岁以上儿 童:首剂每千克体重4mg;以后,每次每千克体重2mg,1日2次。一般疗程为3~7 日。预防恶性疟:每周0.1g;预防勾端螺旋体病:每周2次,每次0.1g。 【注意事项】 1.胃肠道反应多见(约20%),如恶心、呕吐、腹泻等,饭后服药 可减轻。 2.其他不良反应参见四环素。 3.用法应为1日2次,如每日应用0.1g1次, 不足以维持有效血药浓度。 4.在肝、肾功能轻度不全者,本药的半衰期与在正常者无显著 区别,但对肝、肾功能重度不全者则应注意慎用。 5.对8岁以下小儿及孕妇、哺乳妇女一 般应禁用。 【规格】 片剂:每片0.1g。 Doxycycline Major components: from oxytetracycline by deoxy-6α-spaces have been on a semi-synthetic tetracycline class of antibiot ics, semi-products for ethanol combined hydrochloride hemihydrate. Characters: Common its hydrochloride salt, as light yellow or yellow crystalline powder; foul, bitter taste. In water or methanol, soluble in ethanol or slightly soluble in acetone, insoluble in chloroform. Attending functions: antibacterial spectrum and tetracycline, oxytetracycline is basically the same body, outside the anti-bacterial ability was stronger than those of tetracycline. Microorganisms on the materials with tetracycline, oxytetracycline, etc. there is a close cross- resistance. Good oral absorption. Mainly used for sensitive gram-positive bacteria and gram- negative bacteria-induced upper respiratory tract infection, Article flat body inflammation, biliary tract infection, lymphadenitis, inflammation of cellular group, elderly patients with chronic bronchitis, but also for the treatment of typhus, Qiang disease, Mycoplasma pneumonia and so on. Can be used to treat cholera, can also be used for the prevention of falciparum malaria and leptospirosis infection. Mainly used for sensitive gram-positive cocci and gram-negative bacteria- induced upper respiratory tract infection, tonsillitis, biliary tract infection, lymphadenitis, cellulitis, elderly patients with chronic bronchitis, but also for typhus, scrub typhus, Mycoplasma pneumonia. Can be used to treat cholera, can also be used for the prevention of falciparum malaria and tick-side burgdorferi infection. Usage and Dosage: Oral: 1 0.1g, 1 day 2 times. First dose, if necessary, may redouble. Children over 8 years of age: first-dose per kilogram body weight 4mg; after each per kg body weight 2mg, 1 day 2 times. General treatment for 3 ~ 7 day. Theprevention of falciparum malaria: a week 0.1g; the prevention of tick-side spiral body disease: 2 times per week, each 0.1g. Adverse reactions and attention: 1. Mostly gastrointestinal reaction (about 20%), such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and so on, reduce medication after a meal. 2. And other adverse reactions, see tetracycline. 3. Usage for one day 2 times, such as daily application 0.1g1 times, not enough to maintain an effective plasma concentration. 4. In the liver, mild renal insufficiency, the half-life of the drug at normal and no signif icant difference between, but the liver and severe renal insufficiency who care should be taken to be used with caution. 5. For children 8 years of age and pregnant women, lactating women should generally be banned. Specifications: tablet: Each tablet 0.1g. Manufacturer: Whether the Medicare drug: Medicare Whether non-prescription drugs: Prescription Doxycycline 【Alias】 long-acting oxytetracycline; doxycycline; doxycycline; deoxy oxytetracycline; Wei PaADM film; many West adriamycin hydrochloride, doxycycline hyclate 【Name】 foreign Doxycycline, Doxitard, Gibidox, Liomycin 【】 Antibacterial spectrum of pharmacological effects with tetracycline, oxytetracycline is basically the same body, outside the anti-bacterial ability was stronger than those of tetracycline. Microorganisms on the materials with tetracycline, oxytetracycline, etc. there is a close cross- resistance. Good oral absorption. Mainly used for sensitive gram-positive bacteria and gram- negative bacteria-induced upper respiratory tract infection, Article flat body inflammation, biliary tract infection, lymphadenitis, inflammation of cellular group, elderly patients with chronic bronchitis, but also for the treatment of typhus, Qiang disease, Mycoplasma pneumonia and so on. Can be used to treat cholera, can also be used for the prevention of falciparum malaria and leptospirosis infection. 【Indications】 mainly used for sensitive gram-positive cocci and gram-negative bacteria- induced upper respiratory tract infection, tonsillitis, biliary tract infection, lymphadenitis, cellulitis, elderly patients with chronic bronchitis, but also for typhus , tsutsugamushi disease, Mycoplasma pneumonia and so on. Can be used to treat cholera, can also be used for the prevention of falciparum malaria and tick-side burgdorferi infection. 【Usage consumption】 Oral: 1 0.1g, 1 day 2 times. First dose, if necessary, may redouble. Children over 8 years of age: first-dose per kilogram body weight 4mg; after each per kg body weight 2mg, 1 day 2 times. General treatment for 3 ~ 7 day. The prevention of falciparum malaria: a week 0.1g; the prevention of tick-side spiral body disease: 2 times per week, each 0.1g. 【Note】 1. Mostly gastrointestinal reaction (about 20%), such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and so on, reduce medication after a meal. 2. And other adverse reactions, see tetracycline. 3. Usage for one day 2 times, such as daily application 0.1g1 times, not enough to maintain an effective plasma concentration. 4. In the liver, mild renal insufficiency, the half-life of the drug at normal and no signif icant difference between, but the liver and severe renal insufficiency who care should be taken to be used with caution. 5. For children 8 years of age and pregnant women, lactating women should generally be banned. 【Specification】 tablets: Each tablet 0.1g. Featured medicine information 阿维菌素 伊维菌素 痢菌净 甲硝唑 牛磺酸 土霉素 强力霉素 盐酸强力 霉 多西环素 盐酸多西 环素 新霉素 硫酸新霉 素 链霉素 硫酸链霉 素 庆大霉素 硫酸庆大 霉素 安乃近 阿奇霉素 氨苄西林 氨苄西林 钠 黄霉素 泰乐菌素 酒石酸泰 乐菌素 磷酸泰乐 菌素 阿莫西林 喹乙醇 利巴韦林 甲维盐 金刚烷胺 盐酸金刚 烷胺 甲氨基阿 维菌素苯 甲酸盐 病毒灵 啶虫眯 25 磷霉素钙 新霉素 硫酸新霉 素 青霉素 青霉素 G 钾 青霉素 G 钠 青霉素工 业盐 喹烯酮 球虫酯 乙氧酰胺 苯甲酯 氨丙啉 吡虫啉 扑热息痛 氨茶碱 维生素 VC 环丙沙星 盐酸环丙 沙星 诺氟沙星 氟哌酸 氯苯胍 盐酸氯苯 胍 恩诺沙星 盐酸恩诺 沙星 左氧氟沙 星 盐酸左氧 氟沙星 头孢噻呋 钠 丙硫咪唑 阿苯达唑 地克珠利 氨基比林 安替比林 乳酸 TMP 甲氧苄氨 嘧啶 磺胺甲恶 唑 磺胺间甲 氧嘧啶 磺胺二甲 氧嘧啶 磺胺氯吡 嗪钠 病毒唑 吡喹酮 吗啉胍 盐酸吗啉 胍 洁霉素 林可霉素 盐酸林可 霉素 功夫 扑尔敏 高效氯氰 菊酯
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