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数学符号的英文读法--免费 Ôn‰ÆÚEâ¥~^êÆÎÒ Version 3.141 Colin Haginile The High School Affiliated to Fudan University 2005c 11ff 18F Á ‡ fl©�Ñ Ôn‰Æ!ó§EâÚk'ff�Æ¥˜„~^ffêÆÎÒ¶Lu;€ffêÆÎҙ�\" fl©UìI[IO GB 3102.11òISIO ISO 31-11:19925þÚü  1›˜Ü©µÔn‰ÆÚEâ ¥¦^ffêÆI«†ÎÒ6¡ [1]§ò�I[IO GB 789–655êÆÎÒ£Á1úY...
Ôn‰ÆÚEâ¥~^êÆÎÒ Version 3.141 Colin Haginile The High School Affiliated to Fudan University 2005c 11ff 18F Á ‡ fl©�Ñ Ôn‰Æ!ó§EâÚk'ff�Æ¥˜„~^ffêÆÎÒ¶Lu;€ffêÆÎҙ�\" fl©UìI[IO GB 3102.11òISIO ISO 31-11:19925þÚü  1›˜Ü©µÔn‰ÆÚEâ ¥¦^ffêÆI«†ÎÒ6¡ [1]§ò�I[IO GB 789–655êÆÎÒ£Á1úY¤6¡ [2]" 1 8 ¹ 1 ÎÒff¦^Ú/ parallelogram 2.1-7 � � circle 2.1-8 ⊥ R† is perpendicular to 2.1-9 �, ‖ ²1 is parallel to = ‖ LuL«²1…ƒ� 2.1-10 V ƒq is similar to 2.1-10 T fi� is congruent to 2.2 8ÜØÎÒ ‘Ò ÎÒ A^ ¿Â½Ö{ �59«~ 2.2-1 ∈ x ∈ A x áu A¶x ´8Ü A ff˜‡� ÖƒØ x belongs to A; x is an element of the set A 8Ü AŒ{¡8 A 2.2-2 /∈ y /∈ A y Øáu A¶y Ø´8Ü A ff˜ ‡�ÖƒØ y does not belong to A; y is not an element of the set A Œ^ ∈ 2.2-3 3 A 3 x 8 A¹Ö�Øx the set A contains x (as ele- ment) ISOÑ, A 3 x† x ∈ A¿Â ƒÓ 2.2-4 63 A 63 y 8 A؝¹Ö�Øy the set A does not contain y (as element) Œ^ 3 ISO Ñ, A 63 y † y /∈ A ¿Â ƒÓ 2.2-5 {, . . . , } {x1, x2, . . . , xn} Ã�ƒ x1, x2, x3, . . . , xn �¤ff 8 set with elements x1, x2, . . . , xn Œ^ {xi : i ∈ I}, ùpff I L «I8£a set of indices¤ 2.2-6 { | } {x ∈ A | p(x) } ¦·K p(x) ýff A ¥Ã� փ؃8 set of those elements of A for which the proposition p(x) is true ~µ {x ∈ R | x ≤ 5 } XJlc�'X5w, 8 A ®é ²(, KŒ¦^ {x | p(x) }5L«" ~Xµ{x | x ≤ 5 } {x ∈ A | p(x) } kžŒ� ¤ {x ∈ A : p(x) } ½ {x ∈ A; p(x) } Go on to the next page 4 Continued from previous page ‘Ò ÎÒ A^ ¿Â½Ö{ �59«~ 2.2-7 card card(A) A¥Ã�ƒffê8¶Aff³£½Ä ê¤ number of elements in A; cardi- nal of A 2.2-8 ∅ ˜8 the empty set 2.2-9 N, N šK�ê8¶g,ê8 the set of positive integers and zero; the set of natural numbers N = {0, 1, 2, 3, . . .} g 2.2-9 – 2.2-13 8SüØ 0 ff 8,AþI(Ò½eI+Ò,~X N∗ ½ N+¶ Nk = {0, 1, . . . , k − 1} 2.2-10 Z, Z �ê8 the set of integers Z = {. . . ,−2,−1, 0, 1, 2, . . .} ë„ 2.2-9�5 2.2-11 Q, Q knê8 the set of rational numbers ë„ 2.2-9�5 2.2-12 R, R ¢ê8 the set of real numbers ë„ 2.2-9�5 2.2-13 C, C Eê8 the set of complex numbers ë„ 2.2-9�5 2.2-14 [ , ] [a, b] R¥d a� bff4«m closed interval in R from a (in- cluded) to b (included) [a, b] = {x ∈ R | a ≤ x ≤ b } 2.2-15 ] , ] ( , ] ]a, b] (a, b] R¥d a� b£¹uS¤ff†Œm «m left half-open interval in R from a (excluded) to b (included) ]a, b] = {x ∈ R | a < x ≤ b } 2.2-16 [ , [ [ , ) [a, b[ [a, b) R¥d a£¹uS¤� bffmŒm «m right half-open interval in R from a (included) to b (ex- cluded) [a, b[= {x ∈ R | a ≤ x < b} 2.2-17 ] , [ ( , ) ]a, b[ (a, b) R¥d a� bffm«m open interval in R from a (ex- cluded) to b (excluded) ]a, b[= {x ∈ R | a < x < b} 2.2-18 ⊆ B ⊆ A B ¹u A¶B ´ Afff8 B is included in A; B is subset of A B ffz˜�þáu A¶Œ±^ ⊂ 2.2-19 $ B $ A B ý¹u A¶B ´ Affýf8 B is properly included in A; B is a proper subset of A B ffz˜�þáu A, � B Ø� u A 2.2-20 * C * A C ؝¹u A¶C Ø´ Afff8 C is not included in A; C is not a subset of A Œ^ 6⊂ ISOÑ, ÎÒ *Ú 6⊂Œ¦^ 2.2-21 ⊇ A ⊇ B A¹ BÖŁf8Ø A includes B (as subset) A¹ Bffz˜�,Œ^⊃" A ⊇† B ⊆ Aff¹ÂƒÓ Go on to the next page 5 Continued from previous page ‘Ò ÎÒ A^ ¿Â½Ö{ �59«~ 2.2-22 % A % B Aý¹ B A includes B properly A¹ Bffz˜�, � AØ� u B" A % B † B $ Aff¹ÂƒÓ 2.2-23 + A + C A؝¹ CÖŁf8Ø A does not include C (as a sub- set) Œ^ 6⊃" A 6⊇ C † C 6⊆ Aff¹ÂƒÓ" 2.2-24 ∪ A ∪B A† B ff¿8 union of A and B áuA½áuB½áuüöff¤ k�ff8" A ∪B = {x | x ∈ A ∨ x ∈ B} 2.2-25 S n S i=1 Ai Ã8 A1, . . . , An ff¿8 union of a collection of sets A1, . . . , An n S i=1 Ai = A1∪A2∪· · ·∪An,–� áuÃ8A1, . . . , An ƒ˜ff¤k �ff8"Œ^ Sn i=1 Ai! S i∈I † S i∈I , Ù¥ I L«I8 2.2-26 ∩ A ∩B A† B ff�8 intersection of A and B ¤kQáu A qáu B ff�ff 8" A ∩B = {x | x ∈ A ∧ x ∈ B} ë„ 2.3-1 2.2-27 T n T i=1 Ai Ã8 A1, . . . , An ff�8 intersection of a collection of sets A1, . . . , An n T i=1 Ai = A1∩A2∩· · ·∩An,–� áuÃ8A1, . . . , An ƒ˜ff¤k �ff8"Œ^ Tn i=1 Ai! T i∈I † T i∈I , Ù¥ I L«I8 2.2-28 \ A \B A† B ƒ�¶A~ B difference of A and B; A minus B ¤káu A �Øáu B ff�ff 8" A \B = {x | x ∈ A ∧ x /∈ B} Ø^ A−B 2.2-29 { {AB A¥f8 B ffÖ8½{8 complement of subset B of A A ¥Øáuf8 B ff¤k�ff 8" {AB = {x | x ∈ A ∧ x /∈ B} XJ1©¥8 A ®é²(, K~ ŒŽ�ÎÒ A" Œ�¤ {AB = A \B 2.2-30 ( , ) (a, b) kSó a!b¶ó a!b ordered pair a, b; couple a, b (a, b) = (c, d)�…=� a = cÚ b = d ؆٦ÎÒ· ž, Œ^ 〈a, b〉 2.2-31 (, . . . , ) (a1, a2, . . . , an) kS n�| ordered n-tuplet Œ^ 〈a1, a2, . . . , an〉 2.2-32 × A×B A† B ff(k�È cartesian product of A and B ¤kd a ∈ A† b ∈ B Ł¤ffk Só (a, b)ff8" A×B = {(a, b) | a ∈ A∧ b ∈ B} A × A × · · · × A P¤ An, Ù¥ n¦È¥ffÏfê£number of factors¤ Go on to the next page 6 Continued from previous page ‘Ò ÎÒ A^ ¿Â½Ö{ �59«~ 2.2-33 ∆ ∆A A × A ¥:é (x, x) ff8, Ù¥ x ∈ A¶A×Affé�8 set of pairs (x, x) of A×A, where x ∈ A; diagonal of the set A×A ∆A = {(x, x) | x ∈ A} Œ^ idA 2.3 ênÜ6ÎÒ ‘Ò ÎÒ A^ ÎÒ¶¡ ¿Â!Ö{9�5 2.3-1 ∧ p ∧ q Ü�ÎÒ conjunction sign pÚ q 2.3-2 ∨ p ∨ q Û�ÎÒ disjunction sign p½ q 2.3-3 ¬ ¬p ĽÎÒ negation sign p ffĽ¶Ø´ p¶š p 2.3-4 ⇒ p⇒ q íäÎÒ implication sign e pK q¶p%¹ q Œ� q ⇐ p kž^→ 2.3-5 ⇔ p⇔ q �dÎÒ equivalence sign p⇒ q… q ⇐ p¶p�du q kž^↔ 2.3-6 ∀ ∀x ∈ A p(x) fi¡þc universal quantifier ·K p(x)éuz˜‡áuAff x ý" �Äff8Ü Alþe©wé² xž, Œ^PÒ ∀x p(x) 2.3-7 ∃ ∃x ∈ A p(x) 3þc existential quantifier 3 A¥ff� x¦ p(x)ý" �Äff8Ü Alþe©wé² xž, Œ^PÒ ∃x p(x)" ∃!½ 1∃^5L«3˜‡…k ˜‡�ƒ¦ p(x)ý 2.4 ,aÎÒ ‘Ò ÎÒ A^ ¿Â½Ö{ �59«~ 2.4-1 = a = b a�u b a is equal to b ≡^5rNù˜�ª´êÆþff ð�ÖªØ 2.4-2 6= a 6= b aØ�u b a is not equal to b 2.4-3 def= a def = b U½Â a�u b½ a± b½Â a is definition equal to b ~µp def = mv, ª¥ p Äþ, m Ÿþ, v„Ý Œ^ d = 2.4-4 ∧ = a ∧ = b aƒ�u b a corresponds to b ~X3/ãþ� 1 cm ƒ�u 10 km ž, Œ�Ł 1 cm ∧ = 10 km 2.4-5 ≈ a ≈ b a��u b a is approximately equal to b ÎÒ ' �^u/ìC�u0¶ë „ 2.6-11 ØA¦^ a . = b½ a ∼ b Go on to the next page 7 Continued from previous page ‘Ò ÎÒ A^ ¿Â½Ö{ �59«~ 2.4-6 ∝ a ∝ b a† b¤�' a is proportional to b 2.4-7 : a : b a' b ratio of a to b 2.4-8 < a < b a�u b a is less than b 2.4-9 > a > b aŒu b a is greater than b 2.4-10 6 a 6 b a�u½�u b a is less than or equal to b Ø^ 5 2.4-11 > b > a bŒu½�u a b is greater than or equal to a Ø^ = 2.4-12 � a� b a��u b a is much less than b 2.4-13 � b� a b�Œu a b is much greater than a 2.4-14 ∞ Ã¡ÖŒØ½ÃÖŒØ infinity 2.4-15 ∼ a ∼ b êi‰Œ the range of numbers ùpff a Ú b ØÓff¢ê, ~ X 5 ∼ 10L«d 5– 10" 2.4-16 . 13.59 �ê: decimal point �êÚ�êƒm^?ue ˜ ff�ê:/.0©m" 2.4-17 ˙ ˙ 3.123˙ 82˙ ̂�ê circulator =µ3.123 823 82 · · · 2.4-18 % 5% ∼ 10% z©Ç percent ∼cff%ØAŽÑ 2.4-19 ( ) �)Ò parentheses 2.4-20 [ ] )Ò square brackets 2.4-21 { } s)Ò braces 2.4-22 〈 〉 �)Ò angle brackets 2.4-23 ± �½K positive or negative 2.4-24 ∓ K½� negative or positive 2.4-25 max Œ maximum 2.4-26 min � minimum 8 2.5 $ŽÎÒ ‘Ò ÎÒ!A^ ¿Â½Ö{ �59«~ 2.5-1 a+ b a\ b a plus b 2.5-2 a− b a~ b a minus b 2.5-3 a± b a\~ b a plus or minus b 2.5-4 a∓ b a~\ b a minus or plus b 2.5-5 ab, a · b, a× b a¦± b a multiplied by b ë„ 2.2-32, 2.12-69 2.12-7" êff¦Ò^�£×¤½þeØ¥ff� :£·¤"XÑy�ê:ÎҞ, êffƒ ¦U^�" 2.5-6 a b , a/b, ab−1 aر b½ a� bØ a divided by b 2.5-7 n P i=1 ai a1 + a2 + · · ·+ an ŒP Pn i=1 ai, P i ai, P i ai, P ai ∞ P i=1 ai = a1 + a2 + · · ·+ an + · · · 2.5-8 n Q i=1 ai a1 · a2 · · · · · an ŒP Qn i=1 ai, Q i ai, Q i ai, Q ai ∞ Q i=1 ai = a1 · a2 · · · · · an · · · · 2.5-9 ap aff pg½ aff pg˜ a to the power p 2.5-10 a1/2, a 1 2 , √ a, √ a aff�©ƒ˜g¶aff²Ł a to the power 1/2; square root of a ë„ 2.5-11 2.5-11 a1/n, a 1 n , n √ a, n √ a aff n©ƒ˜g¶aff ngŁ a to the power 1/n; nth root of a 3¦^ÎÒ √ ½ n √ ž,  ;·  , Aæ^)Òr�mffE,ª) å5 2.5-12 |a| affý飶afffi absolute value of a; magnitude of a; modulus of a Œ^ abs a 2.5-13 sgn a affÎÒ¼ê signum a éu¢ê aµ sgn a = 8 > < > : 1 � a > 0 0 � a = 0 −1 � a < 0 éuEê, ë„ 2.9-7 2.5-14 a¯, 〈a〉 aff²þŁ mean value of a XJ²þŁff¦{3©¥Ø² , K AÑÙ/¤ff{"XJ a¯N´† affE�Ý·ôž, Ò^ 〈a〉 2.5-15 n! nffffi¦ factorial n n ≥ 1ž, n! = n Q k=1 k = 1 × 2 × 3 × · · · × n n = 0ž, n! = 1 Go on to the next page 9 Continued from previous page ‘Ò ÎÒ!A^ ¿Â½Ö{ �59«~ 2.5-16 � n p � , Cpn �‘ªXê¶|Üê binomial coefficient n, p � n p � = n! p!(n− p)! 2.5-17 ent a, E(a) �u½�u affŒ�궫5 a the greatest integer less than or equal to a; characteristic of a ~µent 2.4 = 2, ent(−2.4) = −3 kž^ [a] 2.6 ¼êÎÒ ‘Ò ÎÒ!A^ ¿Â½Ö{ �59«~ 2.6-1 f ¼ê f function f Œ±L« x 7→ f(x) 2.6-2 f(x), f(x, y, . . .) ¼ê f ©O3 x½3 (x, y, . . .)ffŁ value of the function f at x or at (x, y, . . .) respectively L«± x, y, . . .gCþff¼ê f 2.6-3 f(x)|ba, [f(x)]ba f(b)− f(a) ù«L«{̇^u½È©OŽ 2.6-4 g ◦ f f † gffܤ¼ê½Eܼê the composite function of f and g, read as g circle f (g ◦ f)(x) = g € f(x) Ł 2.6-5 x→ a xªu a x tends to a ^ xn → aL«S� {xn}ff4 a 2.6-6 lim x→a f(x) limx→a f(x) xªu až f(x)ff4 limit of f(x) as x tends to a limx→a f(x) = bŒ±{�µ f(x)→ b � x→ a m49†4Œ©OL«µ limx→a+ f(x)Ú limx→a− f(x) 2.6-7 lim þ4 superior limit 2.6-8 lim e4 inferior limit 2.6-9 sup þ(. supremum 2.6-10 inf e(. infimum 2.6-11 ' ìC�u is asymptotically equal to ~µ 1 sin(x− a) ' 1 x− 1 � x→ a 2.6-12 O(g(x)) f(x) = O(g(x))ff¹Â |f(x)/g(x)| 31©¤ãff4¥k þ. |f(x)/g(x)| is bounded above in the limit implied by the context; f is of the order of g � f/g† g/f Ñk.ž, ¡ f † g´ Óffiff 2.6-13 o(g(x)) f(x) = o(g(x))L«31©¤ãff4 ¥ f(x)/g(x)→ 0 f(x)/g(x) → 0 in the limit implied by the context; f is of lower order than g Go on to the next page 10 Continued from previous page ‘Ò ÎÒ!A^ ¿Â½Ö{ �59«~ 2.6-14 ∆x xffÖkØOþ (finite) increment of x 2.6-15 df dx , df/dx, f ′ üCþ¼ê f ff�Ö¼Ø꽇û derivative of the function f of one variable Œ^ Df" =µ df(x) dx , df(x)/dx, f ′(x), Df(x) XgCþžm t, Œ^ f L« df/dt 2.6-16 � df dx � x=a (df/dx)x=a f ′(a) ¼ê f ff�Ö¼Øê3 affŁ value at a of the derivative of the function f Œ^ df dx � � � x=a ½ Df(a) 2.6-17 dnf dxn dnf/dxn f (n) üCþ¼ê f ff nffi�¼ê nth derivative of the function f of one variable Œ^ Dnf" � n = 2, 3ž, Œ^ f ′′!f ′′′ 5“ O f (n)"XgCþ´žm t,Œ^ f 5 “O d2f dt2 2.6-18 ∂f ∂x , ∂f/∂x, ∂xf õCþ x, y . . .ff¼ê f éu xff  ‡û½ �ê partial derivative of the function f of several variables x, y, . . . with re- spect to x =µ ∂f(x, y, . . .) ∂x , ∂f(x, y, . . .)/∂x, ∂xf(x, y, . . .)" Œ^ fx ½ � ∂f ∂x � y··· Dx = 1 i ∂x ~^u FourierC† 2.6-19 ∂m+nf ∂xn∂ym ¼ê f ké y¦mg ‡û, 2é x ¦ ng ‡û¶·Ü �ê nth partial derivative of the func- tion ∂nf/∂ym of several variables x, y, . . . with respect to x; mixed partial derivative 2.6-20 ∂(u, v, w) ∂(x, y, z) u, v, wé x, y, z ff¼ê1�ª Jacobian; functional determinant of the functions u, v, w with respect to x, y, z =µ � � � � � � � ∂u ∂x ∂u ∂y ∂u ∂z ∂v ∂x ∂v ∂y ∂v ∂z ∂w ∂x ∂w ∂y ∂w ∂z � � � � � � � 2.6-21 df ¼ê f fffi‡© total differential of the function y df(x, y, . . .) = ∂f ∂x dx+ ∂f ∂y dy + · · · 2.6-22 δf ¼ê f ff£Ã¡�¤C© (infinitesimal) variation of the func- tion f 2.6-23 Z f(x) dx ¼ê f ffؽȩ an indefinite integral of the function f 2.6-24 b Z a f(x) dx Z b a f(x) dx ¼ê f d a– bff½È© definite integral of the function f from a to b Go on to the next page 11 Continued from previous page ‘Ò ÎÒ!A^ ¿Â½Ö{ �59«~ 2.6-25 ZZ A f(x, y) dA ¼ê f(x, y)38Ü Aþff�­È© the double integral of function f(x, y) over set A R C , R S , R V , H ©O^u÷­‚C,÷ ­¡ S, ÷NÈ V ±9÷4­‚½4 ­¡ffÈ© 2.6-26 δik ŽÛSŽ δÎÒ Kronecker delta symbol δik = ¨ 1 � i = k 0 � i 6= k ª¥ i† k þ �ê 2.6-27 εijk V‘-ꑩÎÒ Levi-Civita symbol ε = ( 1 X ijk 1, 2, 3ffóü� −1 X ijk 1, 2, 3ffÛü� 0 X ijk 1, 2, 3ffý­Eü� 2.6-28 δ(x) ).Ž δ©ÙÖ¼êØ +∞ Z −∞ f(x) δ(x) dx = f(0) 2.6-29 ε(x) ü ffi�¼ê¶°‘m¼ê unit step function; Heaviside func- tion ε(x) = ¨ 1 � x > 0 0 � x < 0 Œ^ H(x) ϑ(t)^užmffü ffi�¼ê 2.6-30 f ∗ g f † gffòÈ convolution of f and g (f ∗ g)(x) = +∞ Z −∞ f(y) g(x− y) dy 2.7 ê¼êÚéê¼êÎÒ ‘Ò ÎÒ!Lˆª ¿Â½Ö{ �59«~ 2.7-1 ax Ö± a.ffØxffê¼ê exponential function (to the base a) of x '� 2.5-9 2.7-2 e g,éêff. base of natural logarithms e = lim n→∞ � 1 + 1 n �n = 2.718 281 8 · · · 2.7-3 ex, expx Ö± e.ffØxffê¼ê exponential function (to the base e) of x Ә|Ü¥, ^Ù¥˜«ÎÒ 2.7-4 loga x ± a.ff xfféê logarithm to the base a of x �.êØ7Ñž, ~^ log xL« 2.7-5 lnx lnx = loge x xffg,éê natural logarithm of x log xØU^5“O lnx, lg x, lbx½ loge x, log10 x, log2 x 2.7-6 lg x lg x = log10 x xff~^éê common (decimal) logarithm of x 2.7-7 lbx lbx = log2 x xff± 2.fféê binary logarithm of x 2.8 n�¼êÚV­¼êÎÒ ‘Ò ÎÒ!Lˆª ¿Â½Ö{ �59«~ Go on to the next page 12 Continued from previous page ‘Ò ÎÒ!Lˆª ¿Â½Ö{ �59«~ 2.8-1 sinx xff�u sine of x 2.8-2 cosx xff{u cosine of x 2.8-3 tanx xff�ƒ tangent of x Œ^ tgx 2.8-4 cotx xff{ƒ cotangent of x cotx = 1/ tanx 2.8-5 secx xff� secant of x secx = 1/ cosx 2.8-6 cscx xff{ cosecant of x Œ^ cosecx cscx = 1/ sinx 2.8-7 sinm x sinxffmg sinx to the power m Ù¦n�¼êÚV­¼êff m g ffL«{aq 2.8-8 arcsinx xff‡�u arc sin of x y = arcsinx⇔ x = sin y,−pi/2 ≤ y ≤ pi/2 ‡�u¼ê´�u¼ê3þせe ff‡¼ê" ë„ 2.8-13�5" 2.8-9 arccosx xff‡{u arc cosine of x y = arccosx ⇔ x = cos y, 0 ≤ y ≤ pi/2 ‡{u¼ê´{u¼ê3þせe ff‡¼ê" ë„ 2.8-13�5" 2.8-10 arctanx xff‡�ƒ arc tangent of x Œ^ arctgx y = arctanx⇔ x = tan y,−pi/2 < y < pi/2 ‡�ƒ¼ê´�ƒ¼ê3þせe ff‡¼ê" ë„ 2.8-13�5" 2.8-11 arccotx xff‡{ƒ arc cotangent of x y = arccotx ⇔ x = cot y, 0 < y < pi ‡{ƒ¼ê´{ƒ¼ê3þせe ff‡¼ê" ë„ 2.8-13�5" 2.8-12 arcsecx xff‡� arc secant of x y = arcsecx⇔ x = sec y, 0 ≤ y ≤ pi ‡�¼ê´�¼ê3þせe ff‡¼ê" ë„ 2.8-13�5" Go on to the next page 13 Continued from previous page ‘Ò ÎÒ!Lˆª ¿Â½Ö{ �59«~ 2.8-13 arccsex xff‡{ arc cosecant of x Œ^ arccosecx y = arccscx⇔ x = csc y,−pi/2 ≤ y ≤ pi/2 ‡{¼ê´{¼ê3þせe ff‡¼ê" éu 2.8-8 ∼ 2.8-13 ˆ‘ØAæ^ sin−1 x, cos−1 x�ÎÒ, ϏŒU¬ �Ø) (sinx)−1, (cosx)−1 �" 2.8-14 sinhx xffV­�u hyperbolic sine of x Œ^ shx 2.8-15 coshx xffV­{u hyperbolic cosine of x Œ^ chx 2.8-16 tanhx xffV­�ƒ hyperbolic tangent of x Œ^ thx 2.8-17 cothx xffV­{ƒ hyperbolic cotangent of x cothx = 1/ tanhx 2.8-18 sechx xffV­� hyperbolic secant of x sechx = 1/ coshx 2.8-19 cschx xffV­{ hyperbolic cosecant of x Œ^ cosechx cschx = 1/ sinhx 2.8-20 arsinhx xff‡V­�u inverse hyperbolic sine of x Œ^ arshx£U ISO, „Œ¦^ argshx" y = arsinhx⇔ x = sinh y ‡V­�u¼ê´V­�u¼êff‡ ¼ê ë„ 2.8-25�5 2.8-21 arcoshx xff‡V­{u inverse hyperbolic cosine of x Œ^ archx£U ISO, „Œ¦^ argchx" y = arcoshx⇔ x = cosh y, y ≥ 0 ‡V­{u¼ê´V­{u¼êff‡ ¼ê ë„ 2.8-25�5 2.8-22 artanhx xff‡V­�ƒ inverse hyperbolic tangent of x Œ^ arthx£U ISO, „Œ¦^ argthx" y = artanhx⇔ x = tanh y ‡V­�ƒ¼ê´V­�ƒ¼êff‡ ¼ê ë„ 2.8-25�5 2.8-23 arcothx xff‡V­{ƒ inverse hyperbolic cotangent of x Œ^ arcothx£U ISO, „Œ¦^ argcothx" y = arcothx⇔ x = coth y, y 6= 0 ‡V­{ƒ¼ê´V­{ƒ¼êff‡ ¼ê ë„ 2.8-25�5 Go on to the next page 14 Continued from previous page ‘Ò ÎÒ!Lˆª ¿Â½Ö{ �59«~ 2.8-24 arsechx xff‡V­� inverse hyperbolic secant of x y = arsechx⇔ x = sech y, y ≥ 0 ‡V­�¼ê´V­�¼êff‡ ¼ê ë„ 2.8-25�5 2.8-25 arcschx xff‡V­{ inverse hyperbolic cosecant of x Œ^ arcosechx" y = arcschx⇔ x = csch y, y 6= 0 ‡V­{¼ê´V­{¼êff‡ ¼ê éu 2.8-20 ∼ 2.8-25 ffˆ‘, ØAæ^ sinh−1 x, cosh−1 x �Î Ò, ϏŒU¬�Ø) (sinhx)−1, (coshx)−1 � 2.9 EêÎÒ ‘Ò ÎÒ!Lˆª ¿Â½Ö{ �59«~ 2.9-1 i, j Jêü i2 = −1 imaginary unit 3>óEâ¥~^ j 2.9-2 Re z z ff¢ê real part of z 2.9-3 Im z z ffJÜ imaginary part of z z = x+ iy Ù¥ x = Re z, y = Im z 2.9-4 |z| z ffý飶z fffi absolute value of z; modulus of z Œ^mod z 2.9-5 arg z z ffË�¶z ffƒ argument of z; phase of z z = reiϕ Ù¥ r = |z|, ϕ = arg z, = Re z = r cos z, Im z = r sinϕ 2.9-6 z∗ z ffÖEØ�Ý (complex) conjugate of z kž^ z¯ “O z∗ 2.9-7 sgn z z ffü fi¼ê signum z � z 6= 0 ž, sgn z = z/ |z| = exp(i arg z)¶� z = 0ž, sgn z = 0 2.10 Ý ÎÒ ‘Ò ÎÒ!Lˆª ¿Â½Ö{ �59«~ 2.10-1 A „ A11 · · · A1n . . . . . . Am1 · · · Amn Ž m× n.ffÝ A matrix A of type m by n Œ^ A = (Aij), Aij ´Ý Aff �ƒ¶m1ê, n�ê"�m = n ž, A¡Ö�ؐ "Ý �Œ^� �i1L«" Œ^)ғOÝ L«¥ff�) Ò 2.10-2 AB Ý A†B ffÈ product of matrices A and B (AB)ik = P j AijBjk ª¥Aff�ê7L�uB ff1ê 2.10-3 E, I ü Ý unit matrix  ff�ƒ Eik = δik, ë„ 2.6-26 Go on to the next page 15 Continued from previous page ‘Ò ÎÒ!Lˆª ¿Â½Ö{ �59«~ 2.10-4 A−1  Aff_ inverse of the square matrix A AA−1 = A−1A = E 2.10-5 AT, A˜ Aff=˜Ý transpose matrix of A � AT � ik = Aki Œ^ A′ 2.10-6 A∗ AffE�ÝÝ complex conjugate matrix of A (A∗ik) = (Aik) ∗ = A∗ik 3êÆ¥~^ A¯ 2.10-7 AH, A† Aff�’A�ÝÝ Hermitian conjugate matrix of A (AH)ik = (Aki) ∗ = A∗ki 3êÆ¥~^A∗ 2.10-8 detA � � � � � �
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