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英语不定式动名词与不定式的区别  动名词表达的是: 状态,性质,心境,抽象,经常性,已发生的  不定式表达的是: 目的,结果,原因,具体,一次性,将发生的 一.作主语 一般情况下,不定式与动名词作主语可以互换,也常常可以用it充当形式主语,而把不定式和动名词放在句子的后半部分。但二者也有区别,不定式常常指某次具体的、将要发生的行为;而动名词则表示一般的、抽象的行为。例如: To save money now is not easy. 现在攒钱不容易。 Saving money is a good habit. 攒钱是个好习惯。  ...
动名词与不定式的区别  动名词达的是: 状态,性质,心境,抽象,经常性,已发生的  不定式表达的是: 目的,结果,原因,具体,一次性,将发生的 一.作主语 一般情况下,不定式与动名词作主语可以互换,也常常可以用it充当形式主语,而把不定式和动名词放在句子的后半部分。但二者也有区别,不定式常常指某次具体的、将要发生的行为;而动名词则表示一般的、抽象的行为。例如: To save money now is not easy. 现在攒钱不容易。 Saving money is a good habit. 攒钱是个好习惯。   二、作宾语 有些动词后只能跟不定式作宾语,不能跟动名词作宾语;有些动词后常跟动名词作宾语,不能跟不定式作宾语;有些动词后跟不定式和动名词作宾语皆可,但意思不同。 另外还要熟记下面几点:  1)下列短语中的to是介词,其后跟动名词,不跟不定式。 be(get) used to习惯于;look forward to盼望;pay attention to注意;get down to开始认真做;lead to通向、导致;prefer doing ... to doing ...宁愿做......而不愿做......;stick to坚持;devote one\s life(time, oneself) to献身于、致力于;object to反对;in addition to ...除......之外;on the way to ...在去......的路上、正要成为......;等等。  2)不定式除可用在except, but, besides等后作宾语之外,一般不用作介词宾语。此时,不定式能否省略to,取决于其前是否有行为动词do或其相应形式。有则省略,无则不能省略。例如: She did nothing but wash some clothes that day. 那天她除了洗一些衣服之外什么也没做。 We had no choice except to walk home. 除了走着回家我们别无选择。  3) 动名词除了其一般式doing,还有完成式having done以及一般式的被动形式being done和完成式的被动形式having been done;动名词前可以加上逻辑主语,构成动名词的复合结构:sb.\s doing。例如: I\m sorry for not having kept my promise.非常抱歉,我没能遵守诺言。(not having kept my promise发生在am sorry之前) Do you mind Mary being left alone at home?你介意玛丽被单独一个人留在家里吗?  4) 不定式的完成式to have done表示在谓语动词之前已经发生的动作,而不定式的一般式to do表示动作将要发生。不定式还有其被动形式:to be done(表示将来的被动动作)和to have been done(表示过去的被动动作)。 三、作表语 不定式与动名词作表语时的区别与作主语时相同。例如: My job is teaching English. 我的工作是教。(泛指,多次性抽象行为) Your task is to go and help the farmers.你的工作是去帮助那些农民。(特指,一次性具体行为)  四、作定语 不定式多为后置定语,动名词多为前置定语;不定式多表示将来的动作,动名词只能表示事物的属性、用途等。例如: He is looking for a room to live in.他正在找一间房子去住。 Take these sleeping pills and you\ll sleep better. 吃了这种安眠药,你会睡得更好。 注意:不定式作定语时通常与其前的名词(代词)构成动宾关系。如果作定语的不定式是不及物动词,其后通常要加上相应的介词。例如: Please give me a knife with which to cut.  加减乘除、小数、分数、百分数及数量的英语表示法 一、加减乘除表示法  1. “加”用plus,and或add表示;“等于”用is,make,equal等词表示。  2+3=? 可表示为: How much is two plus three?  2+3=5  Two plus three is five.  Two and three is equal to five.  Two and three make five.  Two added to three equals five.  If we add two to/and three, we get five.  二加三等于五  2. “减”用 minus或 take from表示  10-6=?How much is ten minus six?  10-6=4  Ten minus six is four.  Take six from ten and the remainder is four.  Six (taken) from ten is four.  十减去六等于四  3. “乘”用time(动词)或multiply表示  3X4=? How much is three times four?  3X4=12  Three times four is/are twelve.  Multiply three by four,we get twelve.  Three multiplied by four makes twelve.  三乘以四等于十二  4. “除”用divide的过去分词形式表示  16÷4=? How much is sixteen divided by four?  16÷4=4  Sixteen divided by four is four.  Sixteen divided by four equals/gives/makes four.  十六除以四等于四。  二、分数表示法  1. 分数是由基数词和序数词一起来表示的。基数词作分子,序数词作分母,除了分子是“1”以外,其它情况下序数词都要用复数形式。  3/4 three fourths或 three quarters  1/3 one third或a third  24/25 twenty-four twenty-fifths  3 1/4 three and one fourth或 three and one quarter  1/2 a half  1/4 one quarter或a quarter  1 1/2 one and a half  1 1/4 one and a quarter  2. 当分数后面接名词时,如果分数表示的值大于1,名词用复数;小于1,名词用单数。  1 1/2 hours 一个半小时(读作 one and a half hours)  2 3/4 meters 二又四分之三米(读作two and three-fourths meters)  4/5 meter 五分之四米  5/6 inch 六分之五英寸  3. 表示“n次方”的说法:指数用序数词,底数用基数词。  10的7次方 the seventh power of ten(ten to the seventh power)  6的10次方 the tenth power of six(six to the tenth power)  三 、小数表示法  1. 小数用基数词来表示,以小数点为界,小数点左首的数字为一个单位,表示整数,数字合起来读;小数点右首的数字为一个单位,表示小数,数字分开来读;小数点读作 point,o读作 zero或o[ou],整数部分为零时,可以省略不读。  0.4 zero point four或point four 零点四  10.23 ten point two three 十点二三  25.67 twenty-five point six seven 二十五点六七  l.03 one point o three 一点零三  2. 当数字值大于1时,小数后面的名词用复数,数字值小于1时,小数后面的名词用单数。  1.03 meters 一点零三米 0.49 ton 零点四九吨  l.5 tons 一点五吨  四、百分数表示法  百分数用基数+percent表示  50% fifty percent百分之五十  3% three percent百分之三  0.12% zero point one two percent 百分之零点一二  这里的percent前半部per表示“每一”,cent这一后半部分表示“百”,所以百分之几中percent不用复数形式。  五、数量表示法  1. 表示长、宽、高、面积等,用基数词+单位词(meter,foot,inch,kilogram等)+ 形容词(long,wide,high等)表示,或者用基数词+单位词 + in + 名词(length, width, height, weight等)表示。  two meters long或 two meters in length 2米长  three feet high或 three feet in height 3英尺高  four inches wide或 four inches in width 4英寸宽  This box is 2 kilograms in weight.  这个盒子有两千克重。  The city wall of Xi'an is 12 meters wide and 12 meters high.  西安城墙是12米宽,12米高。  2. 表示时间、距离时,使用含数词的名词所有格形式作定语。  five minutes' walk  步行五分钟(的距离)  It's an hour's ride from my hometown to our university.  从我的家乡到我们大学是乘车一小时的路程。  或:从我的家乡到我们大学需要乘车一小时。  It's three kilometers' distance from our campus to the Bell Tower.  从我们校园到钟楼有三公里远。  3. 表示温度时,用below zero表示零下温度,温度用基数词+degree(s)+单位词(centigrade摄氏或Fahrenheit华氏)表示。  thirty-six degrees centigrade或 36℃ 摄氏 36度  four degrees below zero centigrade或 -4℃ 摄氏零下4度  Water freezes at thirty-two degrees Fahrenheit.  水在华氏三十二度时结冰。  Water boils at one hundred degrees centigrade.  水在摄氏一百度时沸腾。  这里的单位词在人们都很清楚是什么度量时,可以省略。  You are 37℃.(读作 thirty-seven degrees)  你是三十七度。(摄氏)  It's seven degrees below zero.  今天是零下七度。(摄氏)  4. 由数词和其他名词构成的名词性短语作定语时,其中的名词用单数形式,名词性短语中各部分间要用连字符“-”来连接。  It's a five-minute walk from the library to the playground.  从图书馆到操场需要走五分钟。  She's a sixteen-year-old girl.  她是个十六岁的女孩。  5. 表示“比?6?1?6?1?6?1大(或)几倍”的说法。  This room is two times bigger than that one.  这个房间比那个(房间)大两倍。  The dictionary is four times thicker than that book.  这本词典比那本书厚四倍。  My age is two times older than his.  我的年龄比他大两倍。 爱因斯坦十大名言  Albert Einstein's theory about how fast the universe is expanding has been proved correct by British scientists who praised his "incredible accuracy". He was known for words and phrases and here are 10 of his best quotes. 爱因斯坦关于宇宙飞速扩展的理论已经得到了英国科学家的证实,他那“不可思议的准确”令人赞叹。让我们一起看看这位人类历史上最伟大的科学家给我们留下的十大经典名言吧。  1. A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. 一个从不犯错误的人,一定从来没有尝试过任何新鲜事物。  2. Intellectuals solve problems; geniuses prevent them. 智者解决问题,天才预防问题。  3. Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one's living at it. 科学是个美妙的东西——如果无须靠它维生的话。  4. The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax. 世界上最让人难以理解的东西就是个人所得税。  5. I am convinced that He (God) does not play dice. 我确信上帝不玩赌博游戏。  6. Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. 现实不过是幻象,尽管这幻象挥之不去。  7. I never think of the future. It comes soon enough. 生活不是杯子 而是咖啡 A group of graduates got together to visit their old university professor. 一群毕业生,各自在事业上都已有所建树,相约一起去看望他们年老的大学教授。 The conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life. Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and a variety of cups—porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain-looking, some expensive, some exquisite—telling them to help themselves to the coffee. 谈话一会儿就变成了各自对工作和生活压力的抱怨。在用咖啡招待这些客人时,教授去厨房端来一大壶咖啡,并拿出各式各样的咖啡杯——陶瓷的、塑料的、玻璃的、水晶的,有看上去普通的、有价值不菲的、有做工精细的——让他们自己倒咖啡喝。 When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said, 当所有学生手中都端了一杯咖啡后,教授发话了: "If you have noticed, all the nice-looking expensive cups have been taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress. " “如果你们注意一下,就会发现所有好看的昂贵的杯子都被挑走了,剩下的只是那些普通的和便宜的。当然,每个人都只想拥有最好的,这很正常,但这也是你们的问题和压力的根源所在。” "Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In most cases it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink. " “可以肯定的是,杯子本身与咖啡质量毫无关系。在很多时候,杯子让咖啡更昂贵,某些时候,甚至让我们看不清我们要喝的是什么。” "What all of you really want is coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best cups... And then you began eyeing each other's cups. “其实你们真正想要的是咖啡,而不是杯子,但你们却又都下意识去挑选最好的杯子,并观察别人拿到的杯子。” "Now consider this: Life is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain life, and the type of cup we have does not define, nor change the quality of life we live. Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee. Savor the coffee, not the cups! Don't let the cups drive you ... enjoy the coffee instead." “现在设想一下:如果生活是杯中的咖啡,工作、财富和社会地位就是那些杯子。他们只是维持生活的工具而已,并不改变生活质量。有时候,我们在过于关注杯子的同时却忘记了去品味上帝赐予的咖啡。所以,不要成为杯子的奴隶……好好品味杯中的咖啡 be to do, be going to do, be about to do辨析 1) be to do:  (1)表示事先商定、安排或准备要做的事情。如: The students are to meet at the school gate tomorrow. 明天学生们将在学校大门口集会。 2)表示可能性,必要、责任、义务、禁止等。如: Her necklace was not to(couldn't)be found. 她的项链找不到了。 2) be going to do:  1) 表示将要发生的事情或打算最近要进行的动作。如: It is going to rain soon. 快要下雨了。 2) 在含有条件状语从句的主从复合句中,主句一般不用be going to,而常用will(第一人称用shall)。如: The football match will be put off if it rains tomorrow. 如果明天下雨,足球赛将被推迟举行。 3) be about to do:  1) 表示即将发生的动作,在时间上指最近的将来。如: We are about to start. 我们就要出发了。 The new school year is about to begin. 新学年开学在即。 2) 在含有be about to do的句子中,不能再加时间状语。如: Wrong: The medical team is about to start immediately.  Right: The medical team is about to start. 医疗队就要出发了。 附:be to do 用法的详细讲解: 一般说来,“be to do” 这个结构有两种语法意义,其一是连系动词be+动词不定式做表语,其二是be to是一个独立词汇单位,具有情态含义,可以把它叫做情态习语(modal idiom)。   一、be +动词不定式, 不定式做表语,表示主语和表语在概念上是等同的。如:   The problem is to find a solution.   His plan is to clean the room.   My wish is to be a doctor.   二、be to +动词不定式中的be to用作情态习语, 这时的be to do表示: “”、“安排”、“义务”、“应该”、“可能”、“命运”等。(have to, ought to)。如:   He is to have a holiday. (表示将来)   The committee is to meet today. (表示计划、安排)   You are to go to the hotel where rooms have already been booked for you.   1. 表示 “将”、“计划”、“安排”。(意思接近于be going to) 如:   Their daughter is to get married soon.   Who is to question him?   It was the last film at the cinema,which was to close next day.   After dinner they were to go to a movie.   was/ were to do 表示过去曾经计划要做的事,或者过去应当做的事,而且从现在的角度来看已经实现了。如:   I felt nervous because I was soon to leave home for the first time.   I was to play Juliet.   The expedition was to start in a week’s time.   was/ were to have done, 表示 “本打算”、“本计划”或“本应当” 做的事而没有做成或没有发生。如:   I was to have seen him last Wednesday, but he didn’t come.   We were to have been married last year.   2. 表示 “义务”、“应该” 。(意思接近于should, must, ought to, have to) 如:   No one is to leave the building. 谁也不得离开这楼房。   You are not to smoke in this room.=You are not supposed to smoke in this room.   You are to be back by 10 o’clock. 你必须十点以前回来。   3. 表示可能性, 相当于can, may 如:   Such books are to be found in the library. 这样的书在图书馆里就能找到。   Not a single sound was to be heard. 一点儿声音也听不到。   Not a soul was to be seen. 看不到一个人影。   She was nowhere to be found. 哪儿也找不到她。   She was never to see his wife and family again.   5. 表示 “命运”, 将来必然要发生的事, 译作 “注定……”。如:   He came to power, but he was to play dearly for it: soon he was assassinated.   The worst is still to come.   They said goodbye, little knowing they were never to meet again.   6. 用于“if…were to do”,表示虚拟语气。如:   If it were to rain tomorrow, the sports meeting would be put off. 如果明天下雨, 运动会就会延期。   Exercises:   1.This film _____ this Sunday.   A. is going to show B. is showing C. is to be show D. will have been show   2.The students were told that they ____ at the school gate at 2:00 the following afternoon.   A. met B. will meet C. were to meet D. were met   3. The house ______ ready today but as there has been a builders’ strike it is still only half finished.   A. is B. was to be C. was D. was to have been   4.In such dry weather, the flowers will have to be watered if they _________.   A. have survived B. are to survive C. would survive D. will survive   5.How _______ I ______ what has become of him?   A. am; to know B. am; knowing C. was; to know D. will; know   6. ______ he ________ tomorrow, I would go to meet him at the station.   A. Were; to come B. Was; coming C. Did; come D. Would; come  英语语法分词及独立主格的用法 1.分词的时态和语态 1)分词分为现在分词和过去分词,其否定形式为not + 分词。现在分词有一般式和完成式。一般式用来指和谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生的行为;完成式(having + 过去分词)用来指在谓语动词所表示的动作之前发生的动作。如: Being a student,  he was interested in books.  Having studied in university for 3 years,  he knows the way very well.  2)现在分词有一般式和完成式,且有主动语态和被动语态。当句子的主语是分词动作的承受者时,分词用被动语态;如果强调分词的动作先于谓语的动作,就用分词完成式的被动形式。如: The question being discussed is important.  Having been criticized by the teacher,  Li Ming gave up smoking.  2.分词的用法 1)作定语 分词短语作定语时,放在被修饰的名词之后;单个分词作定语时,放在被修饰的名词之前。如: The man standing by the windows is our teacher.  The excited people rushed into the building.  注意:现在分词作定语时表示动作正在进行或与谓语动词所表示的动作几乎同时发生。如果两个动作有先有后,一般不能用现在分词作定语,而要用定语从句。如: The teacher criticized the student who had broken the window.  ①现在分词作定语 A.现在分词作定前置时静感强,而后置的现在分词动感强。如: The working people are the wisest.  The farmers working here are very busy.  能前置的现在分词为数不太多,常见的大都是已被形容词化了的现在分词,前常有程度副词,有些现在分词甚至还有比较等级。如: I have brought very exciting news to you.  This is the most exciting story that I have ever read.  B.有些现在分词作定语时表示正在发生的动作,这些现在分词若改为定语从句宜用进行时态。如: Did you tell the children playing there not to make any noise ? Did you tell the children who were playing there not to make any noise ? The American president visiting China now will return on Saturday.  The American president who is visiting China now will return on Saturday.  有些现在分词作定语时表示经常性动作或现在(或当时)的状态。此类现在人词若改为定语从句宜用一般时态,而不宜用进行时态。如:They stayed at a hotel standing (which stood) by the lake.  The temple standing (that stood) on top of the hill was built in the Ming Dynasty.  C.从形式来看,前置现在分词多为单个分词,而后置现在分词多为短语。但也不能绝对如此,要视情况而定。要是强调动感,即使是单个分词也应后置。如: Look! The girl singing is Alice and one dancing is Mary.  从内容来讲,前置现在分词多为不及物动词,一般没有自己的宾语或状语。后置现在分词可带宾语状语。如: Barking dogs seldom bite.  The person translating the songs can speak seven languages.  注意:现在分词的完成式与被动式一般都不能用作前置定语,而用作后置定语。 We must keep a secret of the things being discussed here.  ②过去分词作定语 过去分词表示的动作或是在谓语所表示增添的动作之前发生,或是没有一定的时间性。如: This is a book written by a famous Chinese writer.  He is a man loved by all.  如果指的动作现在正在发生或是与谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生,可用现在分词的被动形式作定语。如: We must keep a secret of the things being discussed here.  如果指的是一个未来动作,可用不定式的被动形式作定语。如: You are invited to a party to be given at our institute at 6: 00 next Sunday evening.  2)作状语 分词或分词短语作状语时,可以表示时间、原因、行为方式、伴随状况等。如: Being a student,  I must study hard. (原因) While reading the book,  he nodded from time to time. (时间) The teacher stood there,  surrounded by the students. (方式) 分词短语作状语时,其逻辑主语必须与句子的主语一致。如果分词与句子的主语是主动关系,用doing表示与谓语动词同时发生或进行的动作,用having done表示在谓语动词之前发生的动作。如果分词与句子的主语是被动关系,则用done强调在谓语动词之前发生的动作,也可用having been done.  表示时间关系的分词短语有时可由连接词while或when引出。 有时“with(without) + 名词(或代词宾语) + 分词”的结构,表示伴随状况。如: He lay half dead,  with all his ribs broken.  当分词的逻辑主语与主句的主语不同时,分词前必须加上自己的主语,此结构被称为独立主格结构。如: Time permitting,  I will finish another lesson.  3)作表语。如: The news is inspiring. The glass is broken.  4)作宾语补足语。如: We saw the teacher making the experiment.  注意:在see,hear,watch,fell,observe,have,notice等动词后,既可以用现在分词构成复合宾语,也可以用不定式构成复合宾语,但两者的含义是有区别的,用现在分词,表示动作正在发生(即处于发生的过程中,还没有结束),用不定式表示动作发生了(即动作全过程结束了)。如: I saw the girl getting on the bus.  I saw the girl get into the car and drive off.  注意:“have + 宾语 + 现在分词”表示主体使客体处于某状态或干什么事;“have + 宾语 + 过去分词”表示动作是别人做的或与主体意志无关。如: He had his clothes washed. (他叫别人洗了衣服。) We had the fire burning all day. (我们使火燃烧了一整天。) 独立主格结构 (一)独立主格结构的构成 独立主格结构的构成方式为:名词普通格或代词主格 + 现在分词/过去分词/不定式/名词/形容词/副词/介词短语等。 使用独立主格结构是因为出现了与句子主语不一致的情况。 1.名词(或代词) + 现在分词 现在分词表示前面的名词或代词主动进行的动作或状态。如: The man lay there,  his hands trembling.  有时,现在分词being或having been在独立主格结构中可以省略。如: The weather(being)fine,  we decided to go on an outing.  2.名词(或代词) + 过去分词 过去分词表示前面的名词或代词被动完成的动作。如: The girls lay on her back,  her hands crossed under her head.  3.名词(或代词) + 形容词(短语) 形容词(短语)在独立主格结构中说明前面名词或代词的性质、状态等。如: The floor wet,  we had to stay outside for a while.  4.名词(或代词) + 副词 副词在独立主格结构中也多是说明名词或代词的状态。如: The meeting over,  we all went home.  5.名词(或代词) + 介词短语 The teacher came in,  a book in his hand.  6.名词(或代词) + 不定式(短语) 不定式表示将来的动作。如: He suggested going for a picnic,  Mary to provide the food.  有时独立主格结构中名词前的定语可以省略。如: The boy sat quietly in the office,  (his) eyes closed/(a) book in (his) hand.  (二)独立主格结构的作用 1.作状语 1)表示时间 His homework done(=After his homework was done),Mary decided to go shopping.  2)表示原因 There being no buses(=Because there were no buses),we had to walk home.  3)表示条件 Weather permitting(=If weather permits),we’ll go to play basketball.  4)表示方式或伴随 He sat at the table,  head down.  2.作同位语 Many people joined in the work,  some of them women and children.  3.作定语 Close to the bank,  we saw deep pools,  the water blue like the sky.  (三)有时用with/without引导的复合结构作状语,在句中可作定语或状语。如: Do you know the girl with a basket on her back ? 动词-ing(动名词)形式的句法功能 1.作主语 Seeing is believing. Reading is learning. 重要句型It’s no use/ no good/ a waste of time/ worthwhile/ worth + doing  It’s no good talking to him. It is useless telephoning him. He is not willing to come. It’s worth making an effort. There is no saying when it will stop raining. 无法断定这场雨什么时候会停 There is no joking about such matters.这种事开不得玩笑。 2.作表语 Her job is looking after the children. Her hobby is collecting stamps. What she is doing is teaching them to type. 3.介词之后接动名词作宾语 She went home without saying goodbye. How about seeing the film tonight? Be devoted to/ look forward to/ be used to/ object to/ be addicted to/pay attention to/ object to/ insist on/ prevent sb. from doing/ have trouble in doing 4.以下动词只能接ing作宾语 m---mind  miss  mention u(w)—be worth/be busy in c—consider  can’t help  can’t stand a—avoid  appreciate  admit f—finish  fancy  forgive r—risk  resist(抵抗) e—enjoy  escape  excuse i—imagine  include         d—dislike  delay  deny(否认,否定) s—suggest       p—practice  put off     k—keep on     give up   feel like    5.动词ing形式作定语 说明被修饰词的用途和性能 前至定语 a reading room=a room fro reading   阅览室 running shoes=shoes fro running    跑鞋 a working method=a method of working   工作 a drawing board   画板          a sewing machine 缝纫机 a swimming pool 游泳池         a waiting room   候车室 a dining car 餐车                a driving permit  驾驶许可证 a singing competition 歌咏比赛    a walking stick  手杖 动词-ing 形式的复合结构 Do you mind my smoking here? Your going there will help a lot. I remember Tom’s going there. I don’t mind Mike(him) coming here. Mr. Smith’s going will not be of much help. 动词-ing 形式的否定形式 动词-ing 形式的否定形式由not 加动词-ing形式构成 His not coming made everyone present very disappointed. 动词-ing 形式的句法功能 表示动作正在进行 a sleeping child        falling leaves developing countries     working people 形容词化的-ing形式 an interesting book       a moving story a surprising result        shocking news 后至定语 1.We live in the house facing the south. ----We live in the house which faced the south. 2.The factory being built will offer many jobs. ---The factory which is being built will offer many jobs. 3.Tom, arriving late, was not permitted to enter the classroom. ---Tom, who arrived late, was not permitted to enter the classroom. 6.宾语补足语 When I enter the room, he saw him watching TV. I found a wallet lying on the ground. We heard someone singing in the next room. They kept me waiting for a long time. 常用-ing形式作宾语补足语的动词有:see, watch, hear, feel, get, keep, notice, have, observe等。另外, see, watch, hear, feel,notice,observe等动词既可以跟-ing形式也可以跟不定式作宾补,两者有区别。 7.-ing形式作状语 -ing形式作状语,表示原因,时间,方式,条件,伴随情况或结果等。不表示目的。 Ⅰ原因,相当于原因状语从句。 Being ill, she couldn’t go to school.  --As she was ill, she couldn’t go to school.  Seeing nobody at home, I decided to come again. Not knowing her telephone number, I couldn’t ring her up. Ⅱ相当于时间状语从句 Hearing the news, he jumped with joy. ---When he heard the news, he jumped with joy. Walking in the street, I met one ofmyfriend. Opening the door, I found nobody in. Be careful when crossing the street. While waiting for the train, I had a long talk with Tom. Having finished his work, he went home. Ⅲ相当于条件状语从句 Working hard, you will succeed. ---If you work hard, you will succeed. Having time, I must help you. Ⅳ表示伴随情况。 He sat at the table reading China Daily. Laughing and talking, they went into the room. Ⅴ表示结果 Her mother died in 1989, leaving her with four younger brothers and sisters. He fell, his head striking against the door.
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