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绝望的主妇1对白Desperate Housewives Season 1 Episode 1 绝望的主妇 第一季 第一集 来自[但是的blog] http://blog.sina.com.cn/aishangzuoan My name is Mary Alice Young. 我是MaryAliceYoung When you read this morning's paper, you may come across an article 当你浏览今天的晨报, 可能会读到一篇文章 about the unusual d...
Desperate Housewives Season 1 Episode 1 绝望的主妇 第一季 第一集 来自[但是的blog] http://blog.sina.com.cn/aishangzuoan My name is Mary Alice Young. 我是MaryAliceYoung When you read this morning's paper, you may come across an article 当你浏览今天的晨报, 可能会读到一篇文章 about the unusual day I had last week. 关于上个星期 我所渡过的不平常的一天 Normally, there's never anything newsworth y about my life, 通常,我的生活里是没有 什么有新闻报道价值的 but that all changed last thursday. 但是上个星期四一切都改变了 Of course, everything seemed quite normal at first. 当然,起初,一切看起来都很平常 I made breakfast for my family. 我给一家人做好早餐 I performed my chores. 做家务 I completed my projects. 完成我的手工作品 I ran my errands. 完成我的使命 In truth, I spent the day as I spent everyother day 事实上,和平时没什么不同-- quietly polishing the routine of my life until it gleamed with perfection. 一切都和往常一样, 直到一件不寻常的事情的发生 That's wh y it was so astonishing when I decided to go to my hallway closet 这就是为什么一切令人震惊, 当我决定走向走廊的壁橱 and retrieve a revolver that had never been used. 拿起一把从没用过的左轮手枪 My body was disco vered by my neighbor mrs. Martha H uber, 我的尸体是被我的 邻居MarthaHuber发现的 who had been startled by a strange popping sound. 她被一声奇怪的声音吓了一跳 Her curiosity aroused, 她觉得很好奇 mrs. H uber tried to think of a reason for dropping in on me unannounced. Huber太太想了一个 来不请自来的理由 After some initial hesitation, 在犹豫了一会之后 she decided to return the blender she had borrowed from me six months before. 她决定来归还她6个月前 从我这里借去搅拌器 I t's my neighbor. I think she's been shot. 我的邻居,我觉得她被枪击了 There's blood everywhere. 到处都是血 Yes. You've got to send an ambulance. You've got to send one righ t now. 是的,赶紧派救护车,叫救护车 And for a moment, 过了一会之后 mrs. H uber stood motionless in her kitchen, Huber太太呆呆地站在厨房里 grief stricken by this senseless tragedy... 因为这件事情而感动极度悲伤… But only for a moment. 但是只有那么一会 If there was one thing mrs. H uber was known for, 如果说Huber最大的特点 it was her ability to look on the brigh t side. 就是她总能把事情往好的方面想 I was laid to rest on a monday. 星期一人们把我安葬了 After the funeral, all the residents of wisteria lane came to pay their respects. 葬礼之后,所有住在 wisterialane人都来 表示他们对我的怀念和尊敬 And, as people do in these situations, they brough t food. 就像人们在这种情况下 通常会做的,他们送来点吃的 Lynette Scavo brough t fried chicken. LynetteScavo带了炸鸡 Lynette had a great family recipe for fried chicken. Lynette有一个大家庭, 大家都喜欢炸鸡 Of course, she didn't cook much while she was mo ving up the corporate ladder. 当然,当她还是个职业女性的时候, 她很少做饭 She didn't have the time. 她没有时间 But when her doctor announced Lynette was pregnant, 但是当她的医生 告诉她怀孕了的时候 her husband Tom had an idea. 他的丈夫Tom想了个 ''Wh y not quit your job? “为什么不辞职呢”? ''Kids do better with stay at home moms. I t would be so much less stressful. '' “妈妈待在家里带出来的孩子 会比较好,而且这样压力也比较小.” But this was not the case. 但是事实并非如此 In fact, Lynette's life had become so hectic, 事实上,Lynette的生活 变得如此兴奋 she was now forced to get her fried chicken from a fast food restaurant. 她不得不去快餐店买一只炸鸡 Lynette would have a ppreciated the irony if she stopped to think about it, Lynette如果仔细想想, 可能会明白这是反话 but she couldn't. She didn't have the time. 但是她不能,她没有时间 Stop it ! But, mom! -住手! -但是,妈妈! No, 不 you are going to behave today. 你们今天乖一点 I am not going to be humiliated in front of the entire neighborhood. 我不想在大家面前丢脸 And just so you know how serious I am... 我是认真的… what's that? 这是什么? Santa's cell phone number. Santa的电话号码r H ow'd you get that? 你怎么知道的? I know someone who knows someone who knows an elf, 我认识个朋友, 她的朋友里有人认识一个小恶魔 and if anyof you acts up, so help me, I will call Santa, 所以,今天如果你们谁捣蛋, 我马上打电话给Santa and I will tell himyou want socks for Christmas. 我会告诉他, 你们圣诞节只要短袜就可以了 You willing to risk that? 想试试么? Okay. Let's get this o ver with. 好,那么我们把这个收起来 Gabrielle Solis, who lives down the block, GabrielleSolis, 住在街区的后面 brough t a spicy paella. 带了辣肉菜饭 Since her modeling days in New York, 自从她开始在纽约当模特以来 Gabrielle had developed a taste for rich food... 她对食物的品味渐渐提高… and rich men. 还有那些有钱的男人 Carlos, who worked in mergersnd acquisitions, proposed on their third date. 在他们第三次约会的 时候跟她求婚 Gabrielle was touched when tears welled up in his eyes, 当Gabrielle看见他眼眶中的 泪水时,被感动了 but she soon disco vered this happened 但是她很快发现 every time Carlos closed the big deal. 每当Carlos成功靠近一些 大人物时都会这样 Gabrielle liled her paella piping hot. Gabrielle喜欢她 那些新鲜的肉菜饭 H owever, her relationship with her husband was considerably cooler. 但是她和她丈夫的关系很冷淡 If you talk to Al Mason at this thing, 如果今天早上 你跟AlMason交谈 I want you to casually mention how much I paid for your necklace. 我希望你能装着很随意的提起 我花了多少钱给你买这条项链 H e let me know how much he paid for his wife's new convertible. 他上次告诉我他为他妻子的 新造型花了多少 Wh y don't I just pin the receipt to my chest? 我干脆在胸前贴一个价目条好了? Look, just work it into the conversation. 看,只要在聊天的时候 插入就可以了 There's no way I can just work that in, Carlos. 我怎么插得进去嘛,Carlos Wh y not? 为什么? At the Donoghue party, everyone was talking mutual funds, Donoghue聚会上,每个人都在 谈论那些什么共有基金 and you found a way to mention you slept with half the Yankee outfield. 你却说什么你和那些农场里一半 以上的美国佬睡过 I'm telling you, it came up in the context of the conversation. 我告诉过你了,当时他们在说这些 H ey, people are starting to stare. Can you keep your voice down, please? 喂,大家都在看,轻点,好么? Absolutely. We wouldn't want them to think we're not happy. 当然, 我可不希望他们认为我们不和 Bree van de Kamp, who lives next door, BreevandeDamp,住在隔壁 brough t baskets of muffins she baked from scratch. 带了两篮她烤的松饼 Bree was known for her cooking, Bree擅长做饭 and for making her own clothes, 会自己做衣服 and for doing her own gardening, 会园艺 and for reupholstering her own furniture. 甚至会给她的沙发装椅面 Yes, Bree's many talents were known throughout the neighborhood, 是的, Bree的很多才能大家都知道 and everyone on Wisteria lane though t of Bree as the perfect wife and mother. 所有住在Wisterialane的人都 认为Bree是个完美的妻子和母亲 Everyone, that is, except her own family. 每个人,事实上,除了她的家人 Paul. Zachary. Paul.Zachary H ello, mrs. Van De Kamp. 你好,VanDeDamp太太 Bree, you shouldn't have gone to all this trouble. Bree,不好意思这么麻烦你 I t was no trouble at all. 一点也不麻烦 Now, the basket with the red ribbon is filled with desserts for your guests, 这个扎红带子的篮子里装了 一些甜点, 餐后你可以拿给客人们享用 but the one with the blue ribbon is just for you and Zachary. 但是这个扎蓝色带子的篮子里装 的东西是给你和Zachary I t's got rolls, muffins, breakfast type things. 有松饼,各种各样的 可以装在篮子里的吃的 Thank you. 谢谢 Well, the least I could do is 嗯,至少这是我能做的 make sure you boys had a decent meal to look forward to in the morning. 这样孩子们明天早上 至少能吃顿好的 I know you're out of your minds with grief. 我知道你已经悲痛欲绝了 Yes, we are. 是的 Of course, I will need the baskets back once you're done. 当然, 吃完东西记得把篮子还给我 Of course. 当然 Susan Mayer, who lives across the street, SusanMayer,住在街对面 brough t macaroni and cheese. 带来了通心粉和奶酪 Her husband Carl always teased her about her macaroni, 她的丈夫Carl总是笑她 做的通心粉 saying it was the only thing she knew how to cook, 说这是她唯一会做的东西 and she rarely made it well. 而且她还做不好 I t was too salty the nigh t she and Carl mo ved into their house. 她和Carl搬来那天晚上做的,太咸 I t was too watery the nigh t she found lipstick on Carl's shirt. 当她发现Carl的衬衫上有唇印 的那天晚上做的通心粉又太松软 She burned it the nigh t carl told her he was leaving her for his secretary. carl告诉她要离开她去他的秘 那里的那天晚上,她把通心粉倒了 A year had passed since the divorce. 她已经离婚一年了 Susan had started to think how nice it would be to have a man in her life, Susan开始觉得生活中有个男人 是件美好的事情 even one who would make fun of her cooking. 就算是一个只会嘲弄 她的厨艺的男人 Mom... wh y would someone kill themselves? 妈妈…为什么有人要自杀? Well... sometimes people are so unhappy, 嗯…因为他们太不快乐了 they think that's the only way they can solve their problems. 他们觉得这是他们解决 问题的唯一方法 But mrs. Young always seemed happy. 但是,Young太太看起来 一直很开心啊 Yeah, sometimes people pretend to be one wayon the outside when they're totally different on the inside. 嗯,是的,有时候有些人在外人 面前的表现和 实际上是样的 Oh, you mean lile how dad's girlfriend always smiling and says nice things, 哦,你是说爸爸的女朋友 总是表面上看起来很好 but deep down, you just know she's a bitch? 但是实际上,她只是个婧子? I don't lile that word, Julie. 我不喜欢这个字眼,Julie But, yeah, that's a great example. 但是,是的,这个例子棒极了 H ey, what's going on? Sorry I'm late. 嗨,怎么了,抱歉我来迟了 Hi, susan. 嗨,susan H ey. So, what did Carl say when you confronted him? 嗨,那么,当你反对的时候, Carl怎么说? You'll lo ve this. H e said... 你会喜欢这个的,他说… ''it doesn't mean anything. I t was just sex. '' “这不代表什么,只是性.” Ah, yes, page one of the philanderer's handbook. 哦是的,这是那些花花公子手册上 第一页所写的 Yeah, and then he got this zen look on his face, and he said, ''you know, Susan, 是的,然后他摆出一脸无辜的 表情,说,你知道的,Susan most men live lives of quiet desperation. '' 大部分男人都在平静的 绝望中过着他们的生活 Please tell me you punched him. 请告诉我说你踹了他 No, I said, ''really? And what do most women lead 没有,我说,是么, 那么大部分女人 lives of noisy fulfillment?'' 每天所过的吵吵闹闹的 日子有是什么呢? Hmm. Good for you. 嗯,说得好 I mean, of all people, did he have to bang his secretary? I had that woman o ver for brunch. 我不明白,那么多人,干嘛和他的 秘书搞在一起? 大概她的早餐做 I t's lile my grandmother always said an erect penis doesn't have a conscience. 就像我祖母说的-- 男人勃起的时候毫无道德可言 Even the limp ones aren't that ethical. 就算没勃起的时候也 是没什么道德的 This is half the reason I joined the NRA. 这是半个我加入NRA的原因 Well, when Rex started going to those medical conferences, 嗯,当Rex开始参加 这些医学会议时 I wanted it in the back of his mind that he had a lo ving wife at home 我希望他记得还有个爱他的妻子 在家里等他 with a loaded Smith & Wesson. 还有一群孩子 Lynnie, Tom's always awayon business. Do you ever worry he migh t? Lynnie,Tom总是在外面公干, 难道你不担心么? Oh, please, the man's gotten me pregnant three times in four years. 哦,拜托, 这个男人让我在4年内怀了3次孕 I wish he was having sex with someone else. 我希望他去和别人做爱 So, Susan, is he going to stop seeing that woman? 那么,Susan, 他决定不再见那个女人了么? I don't know. 我不知道 I'm sorry, you guys. I just... 我很抱歉,我只是… I just don't know how I'm going to survive this. 我只是不知道该如何渡过这一切 Listen to me. 听我说 We all have moments of desperation. 我们都有过绝望的时候 But if we can face them head on, that's when we find out just how strong we really are. 但是当我们勇于面对这些并继续 前进,我们就会发现 自己是多么坚强 Susan. I was just saying Paul wants us to go o ver on friday. Susan.我刚说Paul 让我们周五过去 H e needs us to go through Mary Alice's closetand help pack up her things. 他想让我们帮忙收拾MaryAlice 的衣橱和其他的东西 H e said he can't face doing it by himself. 他说他一个人无法面对这一切 Sure. That's fine. 好的,没有问题 Are you okay? 你还好吧? Yeah. 当然 I'm just so angry. 我只是有点生气 If Mary Alice was having problems,she should have come to us. 如果MaryAlice有什么困难, 应该来找我们 She should have let us help her. 她应该找我们帮忙 What kind of problems could she have had? 她到底有什么问题? She was health y, had a great home, a nice family. 她很健康,有个温暖的家 Her life was... Our life. -她的生活… -我们的生活 No, if Mary Alice was having some sort of crisis, we'd have known. 不,如果MaryAlice遇到什么 危机,我们应该知道 She lives 50 feet away, for god's sakes. 她就住在50英尺外 Gabby, the woman killed herself. Gabby,她自杀了 Something must have been going on. 一定发生了什么 I wouldn't eat that if I were you. 如果我是你,我一定不会吃 Wh y? 为什么? I made it. Trust me. 这是我做的,相信我 H ey, hey, do you do you have a death wish? 嗨,嗨,你有什么遗愿么? No, I just refuse to believe that anybody cans crew up macaroni and cheese. 不,我只是不相信有人 会做不好通心粉和奶酪 Oh, my god. 哦,上帝 H ow did you it tastes lile it's burned and undercooked. 你怎么----感觉像烧焦了, 又像没煮熟 Yeah, I get that a lot. Here you go. 嗯,我说过了 Ha ha. Thanks. 哈哈,谢谢 I'm Mile Delfino. I just started renting the simms house next door. 我是MikeDelfino.我刚 开始租SIMM的房子,就在隔壁 Susan Mayer. I live across the street. SusanMayer.我住在对街 Oh, yeah, mrs. H uber told me about you. 哦,是的,Huber太太跟我提起过你 Said you illustrate children's books. 说你给孩子们的书画插图 Yeah, I'm very big with the under 5 set. 是啊,那些给5岁以下孩子们看的 What do you do? Plumber. -你呢? -水管工 So if you ever have a clog... 如果你的水管被堵了… or something. 或是其他什么 Now that everybody's seen that I brough t something, 现在,大家都看到我带来什么了 I should probably just throw this out. 我最好还是扔了它们 Ease up, you little vampire. 放轻松 Lynette, I've been looking all o ver for you. Lynette,我正到处找你 Are you aware of what your sons are doing? 你知道你的儿子们在干嘛么? What are you doing? We are at a wake. 你们在干嘛?我们是来守夜的 When we got here, you said we could go in the pool. 我们来的时候, 你说过我们可以在水池里玩的 I said you could go by the pool. 我说你们可以在水池边玩 Do you have your swimsuits on? 你们穿游泳裤了? Yeah, we put them under our clothes before we left. 是的,我们来的时候就穿好了 You three planned this? All righ t. That's it. Get out! 你们早就好了, 我明白了,出来! No! No? -不! -不? I amyour mother. You have to do what I say. Come on. 我是你们老妈,要听我的话,快点 We want to swim, and you can't stop us! 我们想游泳,你不可以阻止我们! Get out, or I will get in this pool and just grab you. Get out! 出来,否则我就进去抓你们了, 出来! Get o ver here. 过来 Get get o ver here! 过来! All righ t, give me your arm. Get back 好,把你的胳膊给我,回去-- Mo ve it! That's righ t! Get o ver here! 很好,过来! Paul, we have to leave now. Paul,我们得走了 Once again, I am so sorry for your loss. 我很遗憾 Go. 走 Lynette shouldn't have been so concerned about my husband. Lynette没必要这么在意我的丈夫 H e had other things on his mind 他脑袋里在想别的事情-- things below the surface. 一些被掩盖的事情 The morning after my funeral, 我葬礼的第二天早上 my friends and neighbors quietly went back to their busy, busy lives. 我的朋友和邻居们又回到了他们 从前忙碌的生活 While some did their cooking... 有些人在做饭… and some did their cleaning... 有的人在打扫… and some did their yoga... 有的做瑜珈… others did their homework. 有人在做家庭作业 Hi. 嗨 I'm Julie. I kicked my soccer ball into your backyard. 我是Julie. 我的球不小心踢进你的后院了 Oh, okay. Well, let's go around and get it. 哦,没关系,我们去拿回来 Stay. 待在这儿 His wife died a year ago. 他妻子一年前死了 H e wanted to stay in L.A., but there were too many memories. 他想待在L.A., 但是那有太多的回忆 H e's renting for tax purposes, but he hopes to buy a place real soon. 他租了那里, 但是想尽快买个房子 I can't believe you went o ver there. 真不敢相信你跑去那里了 H ey, I saw you both flirting at the wake. 嗨,那天我看见你们在互相调情 You're obviously into each other. 你们互相吸引 Now that you know he's single, you can ask him out. 现在你知道他是单身, 就可以约他出来 Julie, I lile mr. Delfino, I do. Julie,我的确喜欢Delfino先生 I just, uh, I don't even know if I'm ready to start dating yet. 我只是,我还不知道自己 是否准备好要开始约会了 Oh, you need to get back out there. 哦,你需要从这里走出去 Come on. H ow long has it been since you've had sex? 去吧,你有多久没做爱了? Are you mad that I asked you that? 我问这个会不会让你生气? No, I'm just trying to remember. 不,我只是在想 I don't want to talk to you about my lo ve life anymore. I t weirds me out. 我不想和你谈我的感情生活, 这很奇怪 I wouldn't have said anything. I t's just... 我不会说什么了,只是… What? 什么? I heard dad's girlfriend ask if you'd dated anyone since the divorce, 我听说老爸的女朋友问你离婚 后有没有什么约会 and dad said he doubted it. 老爸说他很怀疑 And then they both laughed. 然后他们都笑了 Susan. Hi, Mile. -Susan. -你好,Mike I brough t you a little housewarming gift. 我带了点小礼物, 欢迎你来这里住 I probably should have brough t something by earlier, but... 我应该早点来的,但是… actually, you're the first in the neighborhood to stop by. 事实上,你是第一个来拜访我的人 Really? 真的么? Susan knews he was lucky. Susan知道她很幸运 An eligible bachelor had mo ved onto wisteria lane, 一个条件不错的单身汉 搬来wisterialane住 and she was the first to find out, 她是第一个发现的人 but she also knew that good news... 但是她也知道好消息… Travels quickly. 传得很快 Edie Britt was the most predatory divorcee in a 5 block radius. EdieBritt是附近 最风骚的离婚女人 Her conquests were numerous... 她的群下之臣无数… varied... 各种各样… and legendary. 简直就像小说 Hi, Susan. I hope I'm not interrupting. 嗨,Susan.希望没有打扰到你们 You must be Mile Delfino. Hi, I'm Edie. Britt. 你一定就是MikeDelfino.嗨, 我是Edie.Britt I live o ver there. 我住那边 Welcome to Wisteria lane. 欢迎你来Wisterialane Susan had met the enemy, and she was a slut. Susan遇到了敌人,而且还是个荡妇 Thank you. Ha ha. What's this? 谢谢,哈哈,这是什么? Sausage putanesca. I t's just something I threw together. 一些腊肠之类的东西. 我把他们混合了一下 Well, thanks, Edie. Ha ha. That's great. 哦,谢谢,Edie.哈哈,很棒 I'd invite you both in, but I was sort of in the middle of something. 我应该邀请你们进来, 但是屋子很乱 And just lile that, the race for Mile Delfino had begun. 就这样, 对于MikeDelfino的竞争开始了 For a moment, Susan wondered if her rivalry with Edie would remain friendly. 有那么一会儿,Susan很怀疑 她和Edie能否友好竞争 Oh, Mile. I heard you're a plumber? 哦,Mike.听说你是个水管工? But she was reminded that when it came to men... 但是她想起,当男人… do you think you could stop by later tonigh t and take a look at my pipes? 今天晚上有没有空帮我 看看我家的水管? Women don't figh t fair. Sure. -女人不会打架. -当然 Thanks. 谢谢 Bye, Susan. 再见,Susan You can't order me around lile I'm a child. 你不要老是把我当成 小孩子来命令我 Gabrielle. No. No, no, no. I'm not going. -Gabrielle. -不,不,不,不,我不去 I t's business. Tanaka expects everyone to bring their wives. 这是工作.Tanaka希望 每个人都待妻子来 Every time I'm around that man, he tries to grab my ass. 每次在他旁边的时候, 他总想摸我的屁股 Ha ha. I made o ver $200,000 doing business with him last year. 哈哈.去年,我跟他做了一宗 $200,000的生意 If he wants to grab your ass, you let him. 如果她想摸的屁股, 那就让她摸吧 Mr. Solis. You scared me. Mr.Solis.你吓到我了 Wh y is that bush still there? You were supposed to dig it up last week. 这个矮树丛怎么还在这里, 上个星期你就应该把他们弄掉了 I didn't have time last week. 上个星期我没空 I don't want to hear your excuses. J ust take care of it. 我不要听你的解释, 你只要给我做好就可以了 I really hate the way you talk to me. 我实在很讨厌你跟我说话的态度 And I really hate that I spend $1 5,000 我也很讨厌我花了$15,000 on your diamond necklace that you couldn't live without, 给你买了那条你没有 就不能活的钻石项链 but I'm learning to deal with it. 但是我试着搞定了 So can I tell Tanaka we'll be there tomorrow nigh t? 那么我可以告诉Tanaka 明晚我们都会去? John. We have bandage stop shelf in the kitchen. John.厨房的架子上有创口贴 Thanks, mrs. Solis. 谢谢,Solis太太 Fine. I'll go. 很好,我走了 But I'm keeping my back pressed against the wall the entire time. 但是我会一整晚都靠在墙上的 See? Now this is what a marriage is all about compromise. 看到了吧?这就是婚姻---妥协 Is your finger okay? 你的手指还好么? Yeah, yeah, it's just a small cut. 哦,是的,只是个小伤口 Let me see. 让我看看 Hmm. You know, mrs. Solis, 嗯,你知道的,Solis太太 U m, I really lile it when we hook up, 嗯,当我们交缠的时候会很棒的 but, um, well, you know, I I got to get my work done, 但是,嗯,我得干活 and I can't afford to lose this job. 我不能失去这份工作 This table is hand carved. 这张桌子是手工刻的 Carlos had it imported from I taly. Carlos从意大利买回来的 I t cost him $23,000. 花了他$23,000 You want to do it on the table this time? 你想在这张桌子上做? Absolutely. 当然 Wh y can't we ever have normal soup? 我们为什么不能喝普通一点的汤? Danielle, there is nothing abnormal about basil puree. Danielle, 罗勒汤没什么不正常的啊 J ust once, couldn't we have a soup that people have heard of? 只要一次就好,难到我们不能喝点 大家都知道的汤? Lile french onion or navy bean. 就像法国洋葱或者是菜豆 First of all, your father can't eat onions. H e's deathly allergic. 首先,你们的父亲不能吃洋葱, 他对这个极度过敏 And I won't even dignify your navy bean suggestion. 还有,你那个关于菜豆的建议 我是不会考虑的 So... how's the osso buco? 那么…炖小牛胫怎么样? I t's okay. 可以 I t's okay? 可以? Andrew, I spent three hours cooking this meal. Andrew,我花了3个小时准备晚餐 H ow do you think it makes me feel when you say ''it's okay'' in that sullen tone? 你觉得如果我听到有人用那种 闷闷的口气跟我说“可以” 我是什么感觉? Who asked you to spend three hours on dinner? 没人让你花3个小时做晚餐? Excuse me? 什么? Tim Harper's mom gets home from work, TimHarper的妈妈下班后才回家 pops open a can of pork and beans, 开一罐猪肉大豆罐头 and boom, they're eating. Everyone's happy. 他们就这么吃. 每个人都吃得很开心 You'd rather I serve pork and beans? 你情愿我给你们做大豆或是猪肉? Apologize now. I am begging. 现在给我道歉 I'm saying, do you always have to serve cuisine? 我是说,你干嘛总要弄这些 来显示你的厨艺呢? Can't we ever just have food? 难道我们不能就是吃饭而已? Are you doing drugs? 你磕药了么? What? 什么? Change in behavior is one of the warning signs, 怪异的行为是一种信号 and you have been as fresh as paint for the last six months. 之前半年都很正常 That certainly would explain wh y you're always locked in the bathroom. 这个就是你总是把自己关在 浴室里的原因么 Trust me, that is not what he is doing. Shut up. -相信我,他绝对没有那么做. -闭嘴 Mom, I'm n
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