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LVD低电压指令 LVD低电压指令 Low Voltage Electrical Products   低电压指令 (Low Voltage pirective, 73/23/EEC) 制订于1973年,为新方案 (New Approach) 指令制订前20年,并且被认为是新方案概念的前身。   LVD 的目标为确保低电压设备在使用时的安全性。低电压设备的定义为额定电压为交流电时50到1000伏特间,直流电时75到1500伏特间的电气设备。广义而言,低电压设备包含消费性产品及设计为在此电压范围内运作的设备。包含家用电器、手工具、照明设备、...
LVD低电压指令 Low Voltage Electrical Products   低电压指令 (Low Voltage pirective, 73/23/EEC) 制订于1973年,为新 (New Approach) 指令制订前20年,并且被认为是新方案概念的前身。   LVD 的目标为确保低电压设备在使用时的安全性。低电压设备的定义为额定电压为交流电时50到1000伏特间,直流电时75到1500伏特间的电气设备。广义而言,低电压设备包含消费性产品及为在此电压范围内运作的设备。包含家用电器、手工具、照明设备、电线、电缆及管线,以及配线设备等。此指令包含此设备的所有安全规则,包括防护因机械原因造成的危险。   LVD指定欧盟会员国必须采取适当的方法,确保在国内市场中销售的电气设备不致危害人民安全,也不会危及国内动物或财产。因此必须做到: 设备必须依照安全守则,以良好方式进行设计 设备必须正确装设及维护 设备必须依设计目的使用   如果设备符合所有会员国认可的特定安全规定,亦即符合这些条款。在不影响其它形式下,可藉由参考规定良好设计方式的协同标准,证明其符合性。LVD制订的时间早于CE标志成立时间。CE标志即为近几年由欧盟草拟的这些新方案指令。指令 93/68/EEC 修改了LVD,以符合现今的需求。   根据指令 93/68/EEC,制造厂商或欧盟内的授权代表可拟定一份符合性宣告,在产品上附加CE标志,标示其符合LVD及相关规定。   由产品上市时开始,制造厂商必须将技术文件保留10年,供相关单位进行检验之用。 符合性宣告的内容   「符合性宣告」的一般内容可在指令的附录3(B) 查得。详细说来,此项宣告必须包含: 制造厂商或欧盟内授权代表的名称及地址 电气设备说明 协同标准参考 必要时,必须包含制造厂商或其在欧盟内之授权代表宣告符合性时,所根据的详细说明参考文件 授权委托之签署者的身份证明 产品(首次)获得CE标志年份的最后两位数字 符合性宣告必须以至少一种欧盟官方语言撰写。 技术文件的内容   技术文件必须包含电气设备的设计、制造及运作等详细数据,用以评估此电气设备是否符合指令规定。 因此,文件必须包含: 产品的一般说明 设计及制造图,以及组件、子组件、线路等的图解。 解说前述图面及图解,以及此电气设备运作的说明文件 全部或部分使用的标准清单,以及在标准尚未规定的部分,用以符合安全要求的解决方案。 设计计算及进行检查等工作的结果 测试 (由制造厂商或第三单位提出之测试报告) 保管技术文件的单位及地点?   制造厂商或其在欧盟的授权代表,由此产品最后制造之日起,必须保管此文件至少10年,供政府有关单位随时进行检验之用。技术文件亦可以电子方式保存,但前提是必须容易进行检验。如制造厂商在欧盟并无据点且无授权代表,此项责任则属于进口厂商或在欧盟市场销售之负责人。 何谓低电压指令LVD 简而言之,以电力作动力的设备,除了机械指令及电磁兼容指令外,还有一个一定要符合的指令一[特定电压范围内 电气设备指令(73/23/EEC)]一般简称[低电压指令(LVD)],其强制实施日期为1997年1月1日。 低电压指令产品范围 什么设备需要符合低电压指令? 这里所谓的[低电压]非指3伏、5伏、或12伏。依指令开宗明义第一条的说明:[本指令所称之“电气设备”,系指设计使用在交流电压50V~1,500V,及直充电75V~1,500V之间的所有产品]。例如:家电产品(EN60335)、灯具产品(EN60598)、视听产品(EN60065),信息产品(EN60950)、电性机械(EN60204)、量测仪器(EN61010)。 ※ 何种产品不属于低电压指令之范围? 有些设备虽然使用电力之电压在上述范围内,惟LDV之附件二列出了一些排除条款,这些设备另有专属之指令或法规,以下为本指令范围外之产品及情况: ·使用于易爆炸环境内的电气设备 ·为放射线及医疗目的使用的电气产品 ·货物、乘客信降机的电气零件 ·电表 ·家用之插头及插座 ·电网控制器 ·无线电电气干扰船只、飞机或铁路使用的特殊电气设备,符合有会员国参与的国际组织所制定的安全法规者 ※ 工业机械产品须符合的低电压指令相关标准 一般来说,当考虑工业机械之电性部分安全时,都是以EN 60204-1为评估标准。 LVD技术文件的要求 LVD 的 CE 体制与 EMC 指令类似,所有在适用范围内的产品都必须有 CE 标志,而且必须有制造商的代表或进口商所签署的符合声明书。 简单的自我宣告并不足以确定产品是安全的 ( 〝安全〞被定义成不会造成人员或家畜的死伤及财务的损害 ) ,基于这个原因, LVD 的声明需要有技术文件档案的支持来证明。 技术证明文件须包含 : 1. 机设备的一般性描述 2. 概念上的设计及制造图样 3. 了解这些图样所必须的描述和说明 4. 列出全部或部份适用的标准,及描述为满足指令安全观点所采行的对策 5. 设计的推算结果,执行过程的检查 6. 测试报告 制造商须用各种必要的方法以确保制造过程符合技术文件所述,档案的内容应清楚的证明产品在设计观点上,是安全的,而且能确定在制造过程中一直都符合。 建立安全设计较好的方法是,先表示符合所列出的调和标准,而以测试报告为证据。调和标准会定期地发表在 EC 的官方公报 (Official Journal) 。使用已受认可的文件 ( 如 EN 规格说明 ) 可以确定准备档案的这个人考虑了在其工业领域的最佳信息,而不只是他们自己的经验。无论如何,此宣告必须考虑 LVD 的必要安全规范,而此规范可能超越调和标准的要求。大体而言,如果产品很明显地在某 EN 标准的规范范围内,则此 EN 标准就已足够。 为确保符合的持续性,制造品质系统要有相对于可评量安全的对应参数。首先,是对每个样品在运送之前所做的下线测试 ( 包括接地连续性、抗电绝缘强度、绝缘电阻 ) ,其次,是要能够从测试的结果中搜集到与产品安全相关之关键组件与材料 (critical components and materials) ( 如保险丝、隔离变压器、可燃的塑料 ) ,依据 EN 标准做测试可以找出关键组件。 As non-European LV Equipment Low Voltage Electrical Equipment is "Any equipment designed for use with a voltage rating of between 50 and 1000 v for alternating current and between 75 and 1500 v for direct current." 73/23/EEC The European Commission does not publish a list of products to which their laws apply. Rather, they require the Manufacturer to determine the applicability of Directives to their product. The European Standards that are presumed by the European Commission to provide technical definition for demonstrating conformance to the "essential requirements" in the Directives are published in the "Official Journal of the European Community". While other national, regional or International standards can be used as well, European Standards are preferred since they are presumed by the European Commission to address the "essential requirements" contained in the Directives. You should test your product, determine its conformance to the appropriate legal requirements and construct a corresponding Technical File that should be located in Europe with your "Authorized Representative". You need to affix the required "CE Marking" Logo to your product before shipment to Europe. In many cases, you can self-certify that your products meet the legal requirements contained in the Directives. In most instances, such a self-certification requires the use of European Standards. There are some products, such as Medical Devices or dangerous machines, which require third party review or assessment by a laboratory in your country that is designated by the Europeans as a "Competent Laboratory". The "Department of Commerce" in your State or Country maintains a list of Companies which provide services related to obtaining the CE Marking. We would suggest to you to use such "Competent Laboratory" to prepare your "Declaration of Conformity" whether your products do or not require a third party review or assessment by a "Competent laboratory". The "Declaration of Conformity" must be prepared and must contain the following information: · the manufacturer's name and full address, Telephone, Fax numbers and E-Mail · The European Directive complied with · Products identification · Standards used to verify compliance with the Directives · Name of "Notifying Body" and its identification Number The The " Authorized Representative 's" name and full address, Telephone, Fax number and E-Mail name and full address, Telephone, Fax number and E-Mail. The "Declaration of Conformity" and the "Technical Files" need only be written in "English". However, Instruction Manuals need to be in the local language of the end user It is important when reviewing the Directives to address all the possible "essential requirements" having applicability to the product and its foreseeable use. If there is or isn't any doubt as to whether a CE Marking we advise you to undertake an evaluation of the product by a "Competent Laboratory" against legislative requirements. This should be done prior to export rather than experience the higher costs associated with delayed entry of the product into the European Market because of a possible challenge by Customs officials or some competitor in an EU nation. As non-European LV Equipment Low Voltage Electrical Equipment is "Any equipment designed for use with a voltage rating of between 50 and 1000 v for alternating current and between 75 and 1500 v for direct current." 73/23/EEC The European Commission does not publish a list of products to which their laws apply. Rather, they require the Manufacturer to determine the applicability of Directives to their product. The European Standards that are presumed by the European Commission to provide technical definition for demonstrating conformance to the "essential requirements" in the Directives are published in the "Official Journal of the European Community". While other national, regional or International standards can be used as well, European Standards are preferred since they are presumed by the European Commission to address the "essential requirements" contained in the Directives. You should test your product, determine its conformance to the appropriate legal requirements and construct a corresponding Technical File that should be located in Europe with your "Authorized Representative". You need to affix the required "CE Marking" Logo to your product before shipment to Europe. In many cases, you can self-certify that your products meet the legal requirements contained in the Directives. In most instances, such a self-certification requires the use of European Standards. There are some products, such as Medical Devices or dangerous machines, which require third party review or assessment by a laboratory in your country that is designated by the Europeans as a "Competent Laboratory". The "Department of Commerce" in your State or Country maintains a list of Companies which provide services related to obtaining the CE Marking. We would suggest to you to use such "Competent Laboratory" to prepare your "Declaration of Conformity" whether your products do or not require a third party review or assessment by a "Competent laboratory". The "Declaration of Conformity" must be prepared and must contain the following information: · the manufacturer's name and full address, Telephone, Fax numbers and E-Mail · The European Directive complied with · Products identification · Standards used to verify compliance with the Directives · Name of "Notifying Body" and its identification Number The The " Authorized Representative 's" name and full address, Telephone, Fax number and E-Mail name and full address, Telephone, Fax number and E-Mail. The "Declaration of Conformity" and the "Technical Files" need only be written in "English". However, Instruction Manuals need to be in the local language of the end user It is important when reviewing the Directives to address all the possible "essential requirements" having applicability to the product and its foreseeable use. If there is or isn't any doubt as to whether a CE Marking we advise you to undertake an evaluation of the product by a "Competent Laboratory" against legislative requirements. This should be done prior to export rather than experience the higher costs associated with delayed entry of the product into the European Market because of a possible challenge by Customs officials or some competitor in an EU nation. As non-European LV Equipment Low Voltage Electrical Equipment is "Any equipment designed for use with a voltage rating of between 50 and 1000 v for alternating current and between 75 and 1500 v for direct current." 73/23/EEC The European Commission does not publish a list of products to which their laws apply. Rather, they require the Manufacturer to determine the applicability of Directives to their product. The European Standards that are presumed by the European Commission to provide technical definition for demonstrating conformance to the "essential requirements" in the Directives are published in the "Official Journal of the European Community". While other national, regional or International standards can be used as well, European Standards are preferred since they are presumed by the European Commission to address the "essential requirements" contained in the Directives. You should test your product, determine its conformance to the appropriate legal requirements and construct a corresponding Technical File that should be located in Europe with your "Authorized Representative". You need to affix the required "CE Marking" Logo to your product before shipment to Europe. In many cases, you can self-certify that your products meet the legal requirements contained in the Directives. In most instances, such a self-certification requires the use of European Standards. There are some products, such as Medical Devices or dangerous machines, which require third party review or assessment by a laboratory in your country that is designated by the Europeans as a "Competent Laboratory". The "Department of Commerce" in your State or Country maintains a list of Companies which provide services related to obtaining the CE Marking. We would suggest to you to use such "Competent Laboratory" to prepare your "Declaration of Conformity" whether your products do or not require a third party review or assessment by a "Competent laboratory". The "Declaration of Conformity" must be prepared and must contain the following information: · the manufacturer's name and full address, Telephone, Fax numbers and E-Mail · The European Directive complied with · Products identification · Standards used to verify compliance with the Directives · Name of "Notifying Body" and its identification Number The The " Authorized Representative 's" name and full address, Telephone, Fax number and E-Mail name and full address, Telephone, Fax number and E-Mail. The "Declaration of Conformity" and the "Technical Files" need only be written in "English". However, Instruction Manuals need to be in the local language of the end user It is important when reviewing the Directives to address all the possible "essential requirements" having applicability to the product and its foreseeable use. If there is or isn't any doubt as to whether a CE Marking we advise you to undertake an evaluation of the product by a "Competent Laboratory" against legislative requirements. This should be done prior to export rather than experience the higher costs associated with delayed entry of the product into the European Market because of a possible challenge by Customs officials or some competitor in an EU nation. EN61547(抗扰度) EN61547介绍灯具类抗扰度: 标 准 试验项目 参数和规定 EN61000-4-2 静电放电 4KV(CON)/8KV(AIR) EN61000-4-4 快速脉冲 0.5KV(输出.信号端)1.0KV(电源端)5/50ns 5KHz EN61000-4-6 注入电流 0.15-80MHZ 1V或3V(未调制) 150ohm阻抗 80%AM(1KHZ) 0.15-80MHZ 1V或3V 150ohm阻抗 80%AM(1KHZ) EN61000-4-3 射频电磁场 80-1000MHZ 3V未调制 80%AM(1KHZ) EN61000-4-5 浪涌雷击 1KV/2KV 1.2/50us EN61000-4-8 工频磁场 50/60HZ 3A/M EN61000-4-11 短时中断 0% 0.5P 电压暂降 70% 10P EN61547(抗扰度) EN61547介绍灯具类抗扰度: 标 准 试验项目 参数和规定 EN61000-4-2 静电放电 4KV(CON)/8KV(AIR) EN61000-4-4 快速脉冲 0.5KV(输出.信号端)1.0KV(电源端)5/50ns 5KHz EN61000-4-6 注入电流 0.15-80MHZ 1V或3V(未调制) 150ohm阻抗 80%AM(1KHZ) 0.15-80MHZ 1V或3V 150ohm阻抗 80%AM(1KHZ) EN61000-4-3 射频电磁场 80-1000MHZ 3V未调制 80%AM(1KHZ) EN61000-4-5 浪涌雷击 1KV/2KV 1.2/50us EN61000-4-8 工频磁场 50/60HZ 3A/M EN61000-4-11 短时中断 0% 0.5P 电压暂降 70% 10P EN55015(骚扰度)   EN55015介绍灯具类骚扰度:   谐波一般用CLASS A;但调光器(卤素灯.白帜灯等)用CLASSD;小于25W的节能灯用CLASS D。 磁场辐射极限值随着天线直径的不同而不同: 频率范围MHZ 不同直径环形天线的限值dBuV 2m 3m 4m 0.007--0.07 88 81 75 0.07--0.15 88--58 81--51 75--45 0.15--2.2 58--26 51--22 45--16 2.2--3.0 58 51 45 3.0--30 22 15--16 9--12 传导骚扰限值: 频率范围MHZ 电源端子dBuV 负载端子dBuV QP AV QP AV 0.009-0.05 110 ----- ----- ---- 0.05-0.15 90-80 ----- ----- ---- 0.15-0.5 66-56 56-46 80 70 0.5-2.51 56 46 74 64 2.51-3.0 73 63 74 64 3.0-5.0 56 46 74 64 5.0-30 60 50 74 EN55015(骚扰度)   EN55015介绍灯具类骚扰度:   谐波一般用CLASS A;但调光器(卤素灯.白帜灯等)用CLASSD;小于25W的节能灯用CLASS D。 磁场辐射极限值随着天线直径的不同而不同: 频率范围MHZ 不同直径环形天线的限值dBuV 2m 3m 4m 0.007--0.07 88 81 75 0.07--0.15 88--58 81--51 75--45 0.15--2.2 58--26 51--22 45--16 2.2--3.0 58 51 45 3.0--30 22 15--16 9--12 传导骚扰限值: 频率范围MHZ 电源端子dBuV 负载端子dBuV QP AV QP AV 0.009-0.05 110 ----- ----- ---- 0.05-0.15 90-80 ----- ----- ---- 0.15-0.5 66-56 56-46 80 70 0.5-2.51 56 46 74 64 2.51-3.0 73 63 74 64 3.0-5.0 56 46 74 64 5.0-30 60 50 74
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