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汽车侧滑检测仪汽车侧滑检测仪 GPCH型 Model GPCH 汽 车 侧 滑 检 测 仪 (智能化仪表) The Car Sideslip Tester (The Intelligent Meter) Operation Book G&P International Machinery Co., Ltd. 地址:珠海市唐家湾镇金沙路105号 Address: No.105, Jinsha Road, Tangjiawan Town, Zhuhai, China 电话:(0756)3399282 3396796 Tel...
汽车侧滑检测仪 GPCH型 Model GPCH 汽 车 侧 滑 检 测 仪 (智能化仪表) The Car Sideslip Tester (The Intelligent Meter) Operation Book G&P International Machinery Co., Ltd. 地址:珠海市唐家湾镇金沙路105号 Address: No.105, Jinsha Road, Tangjiawan Town, Zhuhai, China 电话:(0756)3399282 3396796 Tel: (0756)3399282 3396796 传真:(0756)3399283 Fax: (0756)3399283 邮编:519085 Post Code: 519085 GPCH汽车侧滑检测仪 GPCH Car Sideslip Tester 使用说明书 Operation Book GPCH型汽车侧滑检测仪是为了配合《机动车运行安全技术条件》 GB7258-2004的实施而研制的新型智能化控制系统,具有自动控制、自动检测左 右轮的侧滑量并自动计算侧滑综合值等项目检测的功能。 Model GPCH Car Sideslip Tester is manufactured as a new intelligent control system for befitting the execution of GB7258-2004 Motor Vehicle Operation Safety Technology Rules, which has the function of automatically controlling and testing the left and right sideslip number and calculating the sideslip all-around performance and other test scopes. 一、主要技术参数 Main Specifications 1)使用环境 1) Using Condition A、大气压力:0.07Mpa—0.106Mpa B、相对湿度:20%—85% A.atmospheric pressure:0.07Mpa—0.106Mpa B、relative humidity: 20%—85% C、电源电压:AC220V?10% D、电源频率:50HZ?1% C、power voltage:AC220V?10% D、power frequency:50HZ?1% 2):不大于?0.2m/km, 测量范围:?15m/km The error of show value for sideslip: less than ?0.2m/km. The measure scope: ?15m/km 二、操作步骤 operation step 1 正常开机后,仪表显示“--------” The meter will show “--------” after the machine is normally running 1) 按一下“切换”键就进入手动检测模式。 Press “switch”key and to the mode of manual test 2)按一下“清零”键可以清除侧滑的零点,和清除检测状态,从而使检测数 据更加的准确。 Press “reset”key and that can delete the zero point and maintain the state of cleanup test, so the test data is more accurate 3)按一下“检测” 键后可将被检车以3至5公里每小时的速度驶过侧 滑检测台,侧滑检测台就会将其检测结果显示出来。 After press the“test” key, the inspected car can be driven to the sideslip tester and the tester will display the test result 4)前车检测完毕,后车检测时重复上述步骤2)、3)开始检测即可。 After the former car finishes the test, the later one can repeat the second and third step and then be tested. 标定的操作: Caliberation operation: 1)首先按下“切换” 不放的情况下,按一下“清零”,使仪表处于“标定” 状态,这时候“标定”灯亮,仪表上所有的按键全部变成第二功能。 Press “Switch key” keep it, click the the “reset”, then the meter being the “Caliberation style” , and this time the “Caliberation” light on. 2)按“切换”可以切换左右侧滑值,对于联动式侧滑检测台,可不用操作。 Press “Switch key” can switch read right and left sideslip number. Toward the 3)按“+”使标定结果增大。 Press the “+” key and makes the caliberation result large 4)按“-”使标定结果减小。 Press the “-” key and makes the caliberation result small 2 5)按下“清零” 不放的情况下,按一下“切换”,使仪表退出“标定”状态, 完成数据存盘。结束标定过程。 Press “Switch key” keep it, click the the “reset”, then the meter is out of the “Caliberation style” and the data is kept. The caliberation process is over. (1) 如果用户配置电脑系统(即用工业控制计算机控制),该检测仪表可在计算 机的控制下进行全自动检测。 If the computer system (controlled by the industrial controlling computer) is set by the user, the meter can be fully automatic tested under the computer. (2) 如果电脑系统已经进入数据标定状态,要让工位机进入手动方式,否则将 影响系统数据标定(主要表现为检测设备标定数据在LED灯牌上的显示全 部为“0”且固定不会变化)。 If the computer system is in the data caliberation state and makes the machines in service positions to be the manual state, or it will influence on the system data caliberation. ( it mainly behaves that the inspecting equipment caliberation data all will show “0” and eternally not change in the LED lamp brand) 三、工作方式介绍 The Working Instruction 总共有两种工作方式:1.全自动方式 2.手动方式 Two working modes in total: 1.Fully automatic mode 2.Manual mode 开机默认为全自动方式,按“清零”键进入手动方式,在此方式下还可以接 收上位机(工业控制计算机)的命令进行全自动检测。 It will be in fully automatic mode once the machine starts to run. Press the “reset” key and to the manual mode. In this mode, the order of the upper machine (the industrial controlling computer) can be received and carries on the fully automatic test. 3 在手动方式状态下,按“切换”键进入全自动方式。 Under the manual mode, press the “switch” key and then to the fully automatic mode. 在全自动方式中各按键的作用: The function of each key in fully automatic mode: (1) 按“切换”键,可将一次半自动的检测结果切换给用户看。(可分 别显示左轮侧滑量、右轮侧滑量和综合侧滑量三组检测数据)。 Press the “switch” key and it can shift one semi-automatic test result and show them to the user. (three groups of test data can respectively showed: left wheel sideslip number, right wheel sideslip number and all-around sideslip number) (3) 按“清零”键,进入手动检测。 Press the “reset” key and to the manual test. (4) 按“检测”键,可自动完成一个单轴的检测过程。 Press the “test” key and the test process of a single axle can automatically be finished. (5)“打印”,如配置计算机和打印机,可将检测数据打印。 “print”, if the computer and the printer are set, the test data can be printed out. 在手动方式中各按键的作用: The Function of each key in manual mode: (1) 按“切换”键,进入全自动检测。 Press the “switch” key and to the fully automatic test. (2)“清零” 键,清除传感器因零点飘移而产生的零位误差。 Press the “reset” key and deletes the zero position error caused by the shift of the zero point in the sensor. (5) 按“检测”键,可自动完成一个整车的检测过程。 Press the “test” key and the test process of a whole car can automatically be finished. (6)“打印” 键,无效。 Press the “print” key and it’s ineffective. 4 四、常见故障及处理方法 The Usual Problems and the Ways for Revising 任何一个系统出现故障是在所难免的,关键是出了故障后能够尽快找到问 所在,迅速排除故障。以下列出了部分故障的现象及原因和一般处理方法。 It’s inevitable to have some problems in any system. It’s the key that the problems can be found and solved as soon as possible. The phenomena and reasons of some problems and the common settle ways are showed as following: A、 仪表不能开电启动:首先检查“电源”指示灯是否亮,不亮则电源 未加入。如果亮,而听不到仪器正常启动的“啲啲啲…”则可能仪 器的开关电源损坏。 The meter cannot be powered: check if the ―power‖ light is on at first. If not, the power doesn’t start. Although the light is on, the sound ―DiDiDi…‖ can not be heard when the machine is normally powered, maybe the power in the machine is damaged. B、 仪表不工作,内有轰鸣声,传感器信号线断或按键坏。 If the meter doesn’t work and there is the roar sound, the signal line or the key of the sensor is destroyed. C、 检测数据不正常:由于侧滑传感器时间长接线端可能会因振动有所 松动,所以这种情况一般检查传感器是否松动,如无松动,再更换 传感器。 Abnormal test data: due to the sideslip sensor is used long time, the connector may be loose caused by the vibration, so usually we can check if the sensor is not loose, the sensor should be changed. 五、 参数设置和AOI模块的接线图说明 The parameter setup and the connecting diagram instruction on A01 Module 按键操作: The key opteration: 注意:您在短接时,例如: Remark: when you are short-connecting, for example: 您要进行参数设置,那么你把第一个脚和第三个脚接在一起,还要与第10脚(为GND) 5 接在一起.这样一开机就会进入参数设置中去,然后再不要短接,设置操作时,只需要把当前 要短接的脚与地(GND第10脚)短接一下就相当于按了一次按钮 When you want to set the parameter, you can connect the first end to the third end and the tenth end (as GND). Then it will come into the parameter setup state when the machine is started. And then leaves the short- connecting state. You just need to connect the end that want to be short-connected to the earth(GND the tenth end), which is equivalent to press the button one time. 一、参数设置(出厂时已设置好,用户不必设置): The parameter setup (it’s set before leaving the factory, the user doesn’t need to set it) 仪表开机时,按下“第1个键”和“第3个键”不放,并打开仪表上的电源开关,系统 自动进入内部参数设置状态。 Press the ― Number one key‖ and ― Number three key‖ and keep it when the meter is powered. And switch the meter power, the system will automatically be in the interior parameter setup state. 在参数设置状态下: Under the parameter setup state: 1、“切换”(第一个键),通道切换功能, ―switch‖ key (the first key) has the function of channel shift 2、“+”(第三个键)为通道内容+1 “+”(the third key) is the channel content +1 3、“-”(第四个键)为通道内容-1 “-”(the forth key) is the channel content -1 4、按下“第二个键”不放,并再按一下“切换”(第一个键)自动退出参数设置装态并将所设置的参数存盘 Press the ―Number two key‖ and keep it, and then press the ―switch‖ (the first key) and automatically exit the parameter setup state and keep the parameter in file. 通道 说明 The instruction for the channel 00 显示时间(设置为:00FF),暂时无用; 00 display time (set as 00FF), temporarily be of no use 01 等待时间(设置为:01FF),暂时无用; 01 waiting for time(set as 01FF),temporarily be of no use; 02 0车速传感器类型(0=200,1=60,2=20,默认60),当用户配在车速台时有效,如:默认 60,设置为:0201; 02 0 the car speed sensor model (0=200,1=60,2=20,normal as 60),it is effective when the user sets it to the speed tester,e.g. normal as 60,set as 0201; 03 0侧滑板类型(0--信号扩大一倍0.6m板,1--正常1M板),如:信号扩大一倍0.6m 板,设置为:0300; 03 0 sideslip plate model(0—the signal enlarges one time 0.6m plate,1—normal 1M plate), e.g. he signal enlarges one time 0.6m plate,set as 0300; 04 0双传感器还是单传感器(0=双板,1=单板),如:双板,设置为:0400; 04 0 double or single sensor (0=two plates,1=single plate),e.g. two plates, set as 0400; 6 05 0模块状态(0=送RAM区时不清零,车速不处理,定位不处理, 1=送RAM区时,清零,制动、轴重、定位、车速)如:1,设置为:0501; 05 0 module state (0=not deleting the zero point when to RAM area and not handling the speed and the orientation. 1=deleting the zero point, brake, axle load, orientation and speed), e.g. 1, set as 0501; 06 ff工位类型(1--车速工位,2--侧滑工位,3--制动工位)如:制动,设置为:0603; 06 ff service positions model (1--the speed service position,2—sideslip service position,3—brake service position) e.g. brake, set as 0603; 07 1制动是否带举升(1--代,0不带)如:不带举升,设置为:0710; 07 1 if the brake is with lift (1--代,0不带) e.g. without lift, set as 0710; 08 0称重台类型(1--轮重,0--轴重)如:轮重,设置为:0801; 08 0 weighing tester (1—wheel load,0--axle load) e.g. wheel load, set as 0801; 09 0轴重是否判红外(0--不判,1--判) 如:不判断红外,设置为:0900; 参数设置完毕后,按下“第二个键”不放,并再按一下“切换”(第一个键)自动退出参 数设置装态并保存参数。 09 0轴重是否判红外(0--不判,1--判) 如:不判断红外,设置为:0900; After the parameter is finished, press the ―Number two key‖ and keep it, then press the ―switch‖ key (the first key) and automatically exiting the parameter setup state and keep the parameter. 二、在正常工作状态,开机后自动进入全自动联机状态,只有在联机状态下,上位机PC才 能控制各机械设备。 When it is in the normal working state, the machine will automatically be on line state. Only under the online state, the PC of the upper machine can control each machine. 三、在联机状态下,按任意键就进入手动状态。 When the machine is on line, press any key and to the manual state. 四、AD通道: AD Channel AD0-------0通道为左制动 AD0-------0 channel is the left brake AD1-------1通道为右制动 AD1-------1 channel is the right brake AD2-------2通道为左轴重 AD2-------2 channel is the left axle load AD3-------3通道为右轴重 AD3-------3 channel is the right axle load 7 AD4-------4通道为左轮侧滑 AD4-------4 channel is the left wheel sideslip AD5-------5通道为右轮侧滑 AD5-------5 channel is the right wheel sideslip AD6-------6通道为声级 AD6-------6 channel is the level of the sound AD7-------7 五、控制接口 Controlling connector 1--制动电机,2--制动举升,3--制动反转,4--左悬挂电机, 1—brake electrical machine,2—brake lift,3—brake reversal,4—left suspension electrical machine, 5--右悬挂电机, 6--车速举升,7--车速升,8--车速降 5—right suspension electrical machine, 6—speed lift,7—speed up,8—speed down 六、红外输入接口: The infrared input connector: 1--侧滑,2--轴重,3--制动,4--车速,5--烟度,6、7--大灯 1--sideslip,2--axle load,3--brake,4--speed,5--smoke degree,6、7--headlight 8 二、AOI模块接口说明 The instruction on AOI module connector COM1:第一讯口,一般联PC机1—GND,2—RXD, 3—TXD,4—GND COM1:the first message entrance, usually connecting to the PC 1—GND,2—RXD,3—TXD,4—GND 红外接口: 第9脚为+5V,第10脚为GND,第11~20 红 外信号 The infrared connector: the ninth end is +5V, the tenth end is GND, Number 11~20 the infrared signal COM2:第二通讯口,一般联LED灯牌 1-GND,2-RXD ,3-TXD,4-GND COM2:the second message entrance,usually connecting to the LED lamp brand 1-GND,2-RXD ,3-TXD,4-GND 9 LOAD:软件下载接口 AOI 电脑MOX RS232接口 LOAD: software download connector 3,RXD 2,TXD 2,TXD 3,RXD 键盘:仪表按键 4,GND 7,GND Keyboard: the meter key AD接口:接AD板 AD connector: Connecting to AD plate 电源和车速: 1--+12V,2--+5V,3--车速信号,4—GND The power and speed: 1--+12V,2--+5V,3—speed signal,4—GND 显示器接口:联接高亮度LED数码显示管 1—DIN,2—CP,3--ST The display connector: Connecting to the high bright LED number display tube 注: 表示1脚 输出控制口: 1~10为输出控制口1,11~20脚为控制2口 10 Output controlling entrance: 1~10 is No.1 output controlling entrance,11~20 is No.2 entrance 打印(仪表配置计算机和打印机时,才有其打印功能、与计算机。). Print (there is the function of print when the meter is set with a computer and a printer) The Installation of connection 6.1设备地基及仪表安装位置的选定。 The Choice of the Groundsill for Equipment and the Place of the Meter 按设备地基图对用户地基进行检查,选定仪表按放位置的原则是: Check the user’s groundsill according to the map of the groundsill for equipment. The principle for the place of the meter is: 1、在满足引车员能观察到仪表指挥信息的前提下,仪表安装位置要求离 检测台体线路越短越好。(位置选定可听取用户意见,不合理的要解 释) The distant of the place of installing the meter from the tester is as shorter as better under the condition of the sight of guide messages of the meter by the guide. ( the user’s advice can be received for the choice of the place, but the explain should be given if it’s unreasonable. 2、仪表安装位置不要选在有强干扰源旁(如空气压缩机,设备电控柜, 室内总进线配电柜),物理距离(实际尺寸)和电气距离(联线长度) 都要大于10米以上。 The installation place of the meter is not chosen near the disturb origin (such as air compressor, electricity controlled cupboard 11 and ), the distant of physic(actual size) and electric (connector length) should be longer than 10m. 3、注意各种穿线护管是否符合要求。 To see if all kinds of tubes are befit to the requirement or not. 1、本设备必需具备独立地线,其接地电阻要小于4欧,切不可将水管或建筑 物钢筋作地线。(用户也可自制地极:原则是,选潮湿的地方,挖下深2~3 米(视潮湿程度)的坑后用4条1~2米长的镀锌钢管打入地下然后将它用 焊接的方法连接在一起,再用铜辩联接到地面,并上好压线锣丝。在填土 之前尽量放一些木碳、食盐。 The equipment should be provided with independent earth line and its resistance to the earth should be less than 4 ohm. The water pump or the reinforcing steel bars cannot be as the earth line. ( the user himself produce and the principle is to choose the wet place and place four 1~2m zincification steel tubes into the earth after digging down a 2~3m long hole (depends on the damp degree), then using the jointing way to connect it, put some carbon and salt before filling the earth. 2.供给设备的电源线从供电箱取出后直接进入仪表,不可在其上并如其他设备。与设备动力电源要分开走线。 Pick the power line for the equipment from the electric supply box and directly put it into the meter. It cannot be over the meter or other equipment. 3.设备动力电源线尽量短。 The drive power line for equipment should be as shorter as better. 12 1、铺设线槽时要将动力线和信号线分开,且保持物理距离30CM以上。 The drive line and the signal line should be apart when laying the line groove and keep the physical distant more than 30cm. 2、从仪表到侧滑台的线是一条4芯双屏蔽的线。不能同电源线布到一起。 The line from the meter to the sideslip tester is a line which is four-core covert twin one and not contacting with the power line. 3、从仪表到电机控制柜的线可以同电源线布到一起。 The line from the meter to the electric controlled cupboard can contact with the power line. 4、凡是到设备台体上的线不能用线槽或管保护的地方一定要用金属软管保 护。不可有线露在外面。 The place of any line in the device platform that cannot be protected with the line groove or tube should be protected with metal soft tube. Make sure that the line is not exposed. The Connecting and Distribution of line 1、电源线的接法一般是:红色对应火线,兰色对应零线,黄或黑色对应地线, 在通电只前,千万要确保零线和地线不要接混了,否则会损坏设备。 The usual way for connecting the total power line is: the red is for the live wire, the blue for the zero line, the yellow or black for the earth line. Make sure not mixing the zero line and the earth line before the power is started, or the equipment will be destroyed. 2、接线时若要对线路加长,请必需用焊接的方法,保正联接可靠。 Using the jointing way to keep the connecting safe if the line needs to be lengthened. 13 黑色--地线 兰色--零线 红色--火线 black--Earth line blue --zero line red—live wire 3、’ 14 接FX81/?15型位移传感器信号线( XH1 XH2 GND +5V) Connecting to model FX81/?15 displacement sensor’s signal line ( XH1 XH2 GND +5V) 接线名称Connection’s Name 采用线型 linetype 侧滑检测仪到侧滑台信号线 the sideslip tester to the signal 四芯屛蔽线 four –core covert line of the sideslip platform line 传感器接线方法: 红色线:+5V 白色,绿色线(加长段:黄绿色): 0V 蓝色线:XH1或XH2 (当侧滑为单板侧滑时接XH1,当为双板侧滑时接XH1 和XH2) the way for sensor’s connection: red line: +5V white, green line (lengthened part: Kelly): 0V blue line:XH1 or XH2 (connecting XH1 if it’s the single -plate sideslip, while it’s the double- plate sideslip is to XH1 and XH2) 15 16
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