
《小 树 快 长 高》教学设计,说课

2017-11-28 9页 doc 29KB 44阅读




《小 树 快 长 高》教学设计,说课《小 树 快 长 高》教学设计,说课 小 树 快 长 高 [教 材] 少儿版《唱游》一年级第一学期第三单元——快快长 [年 级] 一年级 [教 时] 一课时 [教 具] 多媒体课件 音响资料 [教学目标] 1(听赏乐曲《小芽快快长》,感受乐曲的不同情绪,并用简单的肢体语言来模仿小芽芽生长的过程。 2(学生能用亲切、饱满的情绪学唱《小树快长高》,以跳跃、富有弹性的声音表现出小朋友祝愿小树快快长高的心情。 3(鼓励学生够积极、大胆地参与音乐活动,并从中感受音乐的乐趣。 [教学重点及难点] 1(教学重点:感受乐曲的...
《小 树 快 长 高》教学设计,说课
《小 树 快 长 高》教学设计,说课 小 树 快 长 高 [教 材] 少儿版《唱游》一年级第一学期第三单元——快快长 [年 级] 一年级 [教 时] 一课时 [教 具] 多媒体课件 音响资料 [教学目标] 1(听赏乐曲《小芽快快长》,感受乐曲的不同情绪,并用简单的肢体语言来模仿小芽芽生长的过程。 2(学生能用亲切、饱满的情绪学唱《小树快长高》,以跳跃、富有弹性的声音表现出小朋友祝愿小树快快长高的心情。 3(鼓励学生够积极、大胆地参与音乐活动,并从中感受音乐的乐趣。 [教学重点及难点] 1(教学重点:感受乐曲的不同情绪;学会用跳跃、富有弹性的声音和亲切、饱满的情绪演唱歌曲《小树快长高》。 2(教学难点:通过肢体语言来表现音乐形象;弱拍起的歌曲节奏。 [教学过程] 一、 组织教学 开火车律动(音伴《小树快长高》) 过渡语:小朋友,让我们坐上音乐列车,一起去郊外游玩好不好,音乐列车出发啦~ Tools and personnel required: tools: large drills, turban 12.5 bit, wrenches, wooden hammer. People: three people in each group. 5. Management Essentials: the vertical box to select models, specifications are correct. bolted to avoid dead ends, to keep the bolt holes can be adjusted. choose the proper installation order. attention to material safety injury prevention, loss preventionsecond vertical box will end at the first core set at the top of the vertical box on the second vertical, leaving 20mm expansion joint, and hanging wire or to install the upper end of the beam, and so on to install. (7) the vertical installation, control process measurement on line, the three dimensions are floral, maintaining error <1mm until after installation to do full justification in the next step 说明 在欢快的音乐声中教师带领学生律动进教室,营造和谐、欢愉的课堂氛围。通过多媒体出示音乐列车开动的画面,创设学习情境。学生随音乐做开火车律动,初听歌曲旋律,感受歌曲情绪。 二、 欣赏《小芽快快长》 过渡语:师:呜——火车到站啦~看,音乐列车把我们带到了哪儿,生:美丽的大森林里,师:你看见了什么,大森林里有大树、小花小草等等,真漂亮呀~让我们在这么美丽的地方休息一下好不好,小朋友,让我给你们放点音乐听听怎么样,听完之后请你告诉老师,你觉得音乐和这其中的哪一幅图片最相配。 1(欣赏乐曲第一段(片段) 学生用语言表达感受。 说明 乐曲二段体结构,全曲比较长,根据一年级学生特点,由浅入深,逐段欣赏。 2(欣赏乐曲第二段(片段) 过渡语:小朋友,你们都有自己的想法,说的都很不错,其实,这段优美抒情的旋律,描绘了种子宝宝在春雨的滋润下慢慢醒来的景象。再仔细听听,音乐有怎样的变化,种子宝宝又在做什么呢, 听辩出音乐的情绪变化?启发学生用肢体动作来表达音乐情绪。 说明 师生共同创编简单的舞蹈动作,用手的动作来表现小芽长出地面后的情形。 3(欣赏全曲 Tools and personnel required: tools: large drills, turban 12.5 bit, wrenches, wooden hammer. People: three people in each group. 5. Management Essentials: the vertical box to select models, specifications are correct. bolted to avoid dead ends, to keep the bolt holes can be adjusted. choose the proper installation order. attention to material safety injury prevention, loss preventionsecond vertical box will end at the first core set at the top of the vertical box on the second vertical, leaving 20mm expansion joint, and hanging wire or to install the upper end of the beam, and so on to install. (7) the vertical installation, control process measurement on line, the three dimensions are floral, maintaining error <1mm until after installation to do full justification in the next step 过渡语:原来种子宝宝成长是这么有趣的过程,我们知道,每种植物是不一样的,有的种子会长成大树,有的会成为小花,有的会成为小草等等。小朋友,如果你是一颗种子宝宝,你会长成什么植物呢,让我们随着音乐,来演一演小种子发芽长大的过程,好不好,我来演春雨姐姐,小朋友来扮演小种子,春雨下到哪儿,哪儿的小种子就慢慢长大,然后在音乐的最后摆一个美丽的造型,让我来猜猜你表演的是什么种子。 师生律动:用肢体表现乐曲前段舒展和后段热烈的不同情绪,简单表现小芽生长的过程。 四、学习歌曲《小树快长高》 1(故事导入(音伴《小树快长高》) 过渡语:你表演的是什么,„„真不错,请坐。(学生入座)小朋友,刚才 我们一起体验了种子宝宝的成长过程,现在,让我们坐上音乐列车继续前进 好不好,音乐列车出发啦~ 说明 用童话吸引学生学习注意力,激起学生学习兴趣,复听歌曲旋律,加深印象。 2(难点学习 过渡语:小朋友快看,谁来啦,(多媒体出示动物)动物朋友们正在欢迎我们呢~快跟它们打声招呼吧~小朋友,让我们和小动物来玩个超级模仿秀的游戏好不好,我来宣布游戏规则: 游戏《超级模仿秀》 师:超级模仿秀 生:我来秀一秀~ 游戏规则:由小动物出,出示歌中出现的节奏的叫声,学生模仿。 Tools and personnel required: tools: large drills, turban 12.5 bit, wrenches, wooden hammer. People: three people in each group. 5. Management Essentials: the vertical box to select models, specifications are correct. bolted to avoid dead ends, to keep the bolt holes can be adjusted. choose the proper installation order. attention to material safety injury prevention, loss preventionsecond vertical box will end at the first core set at the top of the vertical box on the second vertical, leaving 20mm expansion joint, and hanging wire or to install the upper end of the beam, and so on to install. (7) the vertical installation, control process measurement on line, the three dimensions are floral, maintaining error <1mm until after installation to do full justification in the next step 说明 一年级学生对于弱起节奏的学习是难点,应先从模仿为主,通过做模仿的游戏来达到学习目的,使难点在有趣的活动中得到解决,符合他们的认知规律。 3(初听歌曲 过渡语:小朋友你们太棒啦~敢不敢来些有难度的,好~生:想,我们请出歌声最动听的小夜莺,(画面转换至森林场景,)大家掌声欢迎它吧~它还给我们带来一首好听的歌曲呢。让我们一起听听。 听、看结合,感受歌曲情绪。 说明 学生边听,边欣赏用课件创设的童话般的情境,吸引学生注意力,使学生产生兴趣。 4(复听歌曲,理解歌词 过渡语:你觉得歌曲的情绪是怎样的, 原来小夜莺要我们模仿的是这首 活泼欢快的歌曲。让我们再仔细听听,歌中唱了些什么。 学生回答,多媒体出示歌词。 5(朗读歌词 过渡语:小朋友,让我们先来模仿小夜莺朗读歌词好不好,我们先一句一句地来。 学生有节奏、轻声地朗读歌词。 说明 让学生跟着课件中“夜莺”念出的节奏来朗读,1、3乐句做到声断气连,2、4乐句做到亲切、连贯。 Tools and personnel required: tools: large drills, turban 12.5 bit, wrenches, wooden hammer. People: three people in each group. 5. Management Essentials: the vertical box to select models, specifications are correct. bolted to avoid dead ends, to keep the bolt holes can be adjusted. choose the proper installation order. attention to material safety injury prevention, loss preventionsecond vertical box will end at the first core set at the top of the vertical box on the second vertical, leaving 20mm expansion joint, and hanging wire or to install the upper end of the beam, and so on to install. (7) the vertical installation, control process measurement on line, the three dimensions are floral, maintaining error <1mm until after installation to do full justification in the next step 6(学唱歌曲 过渡语:我已经学会这首歌曲了,想不想听我唱一唱, a(教师范唱 过渡语:你们想不想试着唱一唱,请你跟着老师的琴声一起唱唱好吗, b(学生跟钢琴学唱 过渡语:真不错,如果在„„地方唱的„„就更好了,如果再有点表情就会更好。让我们再唱一次。 你最喜欢哪一句,唱给大家听听。(唱完后老师给予评价,鼓励和提更高要求) 小朋友学的真快。快唱给小夜莺听听。 c(学生跟伴奏音乐演唱。 过渡语:我们来听听小夜莺的评价。(小夜莺说:小朋友,你们唱的可真 不错) 小朋友,你们说说怎样才能把歌曲唱的更动听, 让我们来 听听小夜莺是怎么说的。生: 先(然后再放小夜莺的声音) 。 你 们同意小夜莺说的吗,让小夜莺带领我们唱一唱吧~ d(指导学生唱好歌曲 过渡语:小朋友,你们的歌声真是太美了,现在,让我们开动脑筋,为歌 曲编一些动作,来表达我们盼望小树快快长高的心情。 e.歌表演 五、 小结下课 Tools and personnel required: tools: large drills, turban 12.5 bit, wrenches, wooden hammer. People: three people in each group. 5. Management Essentials: the vertical box to select models, specifications are correct. bolted to avoid dead ends, to keep the bolt holes can be adjusted. choose the proper installation order. attention to material safety injury prevention, loss preventionsecond vertical box will end at the first core set at the top of the vertical box on the second vertical, leaving 20mm expansion joint, and hanging wire or to install the upper end of the beam, and so on to install. (7) the vertical installation, control process measurement on line, the three dimensions are floral, maintaining error <1mm until after installation to do full justification in the next step 过渡语:小朋友,小树长大了不仅可以去拥抱它的朋友,还能为我们带来很多好处怬你能说说都有哪些好处吗? 1(师生情感交流,由“我们盼望小树长高”,想到“老师盼望小朋友快快长大”,鼓励和引导学生从小树立努力学习、为建设祖国出一份力的思想。 是啊,小树长大了就能为我们遮阳避雨,还能净化空气,美化环境.其实你们也是一棵棵可爱的小苗,我们也盼望着你们快快长大,为祖国的建设出一份力.最后,让我们跟美丽的森林和可爱的动物朋友们说声再见,结束我们今天的音乐之旅吧! 2(开火车律动出教室。 说 课: 《小树快长高》这是一年级第一学期的一课,这节课我以开火车去郊外旅游为主线贯穿整堂课,把几个教学内容串起来,这比较符合低年级学生的心理,他们很容易接受,也非常感兴趣。 一、听觉领先动觉切入。我以《小树快长高》伴奏音乐让学生开火车律动进教室。在教学过程中,多次采用有意无意听歌曲的方法来熟悉歌曲旋律,为学好歌曲作好铺垫。 二、 媒体辅助。在表演《小芽快快长》前,通过优美而有趣的flash欣赏,激发学生的表演欲望,也为学生提供表演创造素材,为后面的《小树快长高》歌曲表演作铺垫。 Tools and personnel required: tools: large drills, turban 12.5 bit, wrenches, wooden hammer. People: three people in each group. 5. Management Essentials: the vertical box to select models, specifications are correct. bolted to avoid dead ends, to keep the bolt holes can be adjusted. choose the proper installation order. attention to material safety injury prevention, loss preventionsecond vertical box will end at the first core set at the top of the vertical box on the second vertical, leaving 20mm expansion joint, and hanging wire or to install the upper end of the beam, and so on to install. (7) the vertical installation, control process measurement on line, the three dimensions are floral, maintaining error <1mm until after installation to do full justification in the next step 三、难点突破。这节课最主要的难点是歌曲节奏的掌握,由于低年级学生还没 有接触到节奏节拍,而这首歌的休止符节奏演唱更加困难。仔细斟酌后我决定用 《超级模仿秀》的节目,让学生来模仿他们感兴趣的动物叫声,以有趣的动物叫 声简化了歌曲节奏的难点,学生很容易掌握了歌曲节奏,通过后面的歌词朗读, 学生学唱歌曲就水到渠成了。 Tools and personnel required: tools: large drills, turban 12.5 bit, wrenches, wooden hammer. People: three people in each group. 5. Management Essentials: the vertical box to select models, specifications are correct. bolted to avoid dead ends, to keep the bolt holes can be adjusted. choose the proper installation order. attention to material safety injury prevention, loss preventionsecond vertical box will end at the first core set at the top of the vertical box on the second vertical, leaving 20mm expansion joint, and hanging wire or to install the upper end of the beam, and so on to install. (7) the vertical installation, control process measurement on line, the three dimensions are floral, maintaining error <1mm until after installation to do full justification in the next step
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